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tv   [untitled]    November 29, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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from russia to love an alleged spy is allowed to stay in the united kingdom of for tribunals decides her affair with her politician boss who is genuine. the call rejects m i five claims cathy is that was a honeytrap with her lawyers say the case against her was based entirely on speculation and conjecture and prejudice join me for the full details in just a moment. stone isn't petrol bombs hurled at the british embassy in terror as protesters lash out against london's decision to slap more sanctions on iran over nuclear suspicions live comment on just. and russia's new radar
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keeps watch on the country's western most border with strike force is planned if nato fails to guarantee its european missile shield isn't day begins moscow. hello this is r.t. it's midnight here now my name is kevin owen live in moscow for you and our top story a case based on prejudice and conjecture that lawyers for a russian woman suspected of spying have lashed out of britain security service for a panel over ruled a deportation order and said catches it to live at it can stay in britain she was accused of trying to siphon information during an affair with a british m.p. she worked for over bennett's been following the case in london. the cotton panel of three judges including a former head of the british security service ruled the balance of probability she
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was not and is not a russian spy is not certainly not we need her to reach this point she was arrested twelve months ago back in december last year on suspicion of being a spy and since then according to her lawyer she's been living a cash guest nightmare and she's been living under scary strict bail conditions the home secretary after her arrest a year ago said that she should be deported she was given the chance to contest that ruling but during that those whole proceedings she was never actually allowed to see or hear the evidence against her that the m i five said it had the m i five security service said it was too too sensitive in terms of national security for it to be made public cording to catch is that to me it is law is the m i five case against her was indeed based more on speculation than fact that christ was built entirely on speculation. and conjecture it with amateur poorly with tragedy we hope that the government would correct very carefully on today's judgement which
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must raise serious confounds as to the standards of professionalism and competent stay within the security staff if she was accused of being used as a honeytrap by the russians intelligence services tapped up from the time in some petersburg where she studied international relations and specifically targeted british member of parliament in order to gain access to top secret documents how the man in question was my can call a member of parliament and also he who had a seat on the parliamentary select committee for defense and also russia that we do know also that they had an affair for four years and also we do know that she was working for him as his research in poland so potentially had access to these documents but that's about all we know so in terms of concrete proof and concrete evidence that's about all we heard so her defense the bulk of it throughout the hearing was to try and show that her relationship with my can call was indeed a genuine one. even though he was three times her age and actually the court in its ruling did actually say that it decided that relationship with him was in june and
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genuine on both sides and of course those three judges who did hear the evidence behind closed doors they also said that we have seen nothing which satisfies us that she was recruited as an agent always task acted as one and very much convinced on balance that she wasn't a spy and therefore has been allowed to remain in britain and will not be deported protest as the iranian capital of storm the u.k. embassy compound during a ninety british demonstration militant students clashed with police and threw stones and petrol bombs at the windows there also said to have taken down the british flag burned it replaced it with the iranian one iran resolved to reduce diplomatic relations with the u.k. following its decision to impose further sanctions on turandot discuss the situation now let's go live to the university over there and. joining us from tehran good to see you tonight how volatile if you think about this one first is the situation right now as you see it. it seems pretty clear that
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iranians are very angry that. england has continued to take a hostile stance towards the country and the real. problem in the eyes of iranians is that what the british government is trying to do is that is trying to make ordinary iranians suffer the sanctions that have been imposed upon the iranians through the government wish government the british government are directed at ordinary iranians the banking system and therefore imports and exports so it is basically very much directed at ordinary people and this itself is angered iranians and since iranians are sophisticated people they don't rely on the b.b.c. or c.n.n. they know that the recent statement by the i a has no new evidence whatsoever that it's based upon forged information
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a laptop that was presented. what the americans say that they have which they never allowed i inspect and so the iranians feel that all of this pressure and the problems that the british government are trying to impose on the people. are based upon. animosity towards the iranian people more than anything else while you're talking i was looking over your shoulder at those pictures today and we thought we were just going to get will put up in a second of what was happening there at the embassy i guess these western sanctions to squeeze iran was seen by some as a way to undermine its leadership but in the people against it so i wonder whether looking at those things today the reaction is going to surprise countries like britain. well i don't think that the british and the americans really understand the situation and that's partially because of the western media i mean at the end of the day for example. and you see that in your previous reports of the
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young woman who's been under arrest for about a year we had three americans in iran held when they illegally entered the country through a very rough to a military border very dangerous border where terrorists are base and where the americans were also frequented where they also frequented and the western media basically was outraged by the fact that the iranians held them. they be present of a one sided history of events and the same for example is true with syria western countries in. dictatorial regimes in the middle east that are probably western they are imposing sanctions basically upon the syrian people to dissuade the syrian people from supporting the syrian government so the idea of the western idea of democracy is basically that you either agree with us you abide by our rules or you suffer the
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consequences just like the people of gaza. people are is a strong country is a powerful country in the iranian simply won't bow down to the americans or europeans down to brass tacks what reaction are you expecting from britain what we've seen today in your country. well obviously the british government will condemn it the united states will condemn it they'll take it probably to the security council and condemn it but i think these young iranians are also sending a very strong message that. the british regime is. violating human rights by trying to make ordinary iranians suffer and basically more or less iranians. are not really interested anymore in having relations with the united states in the europeans if they continue with this sort of irrational behavior and trying to make and try to make ordinary iranians suffer they'll take
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their business elsewhere they'll go and do trade with india with china with brazil with the brics countries and other independent countries the world is changing and the iranians realize that western europe and the united states their economies are declining they're not in a strong position and they're the regimes that the dictatorships the saudi dictatorship and other dictatorships in the region that are aligned to them are growing weaker as time goes by. the iranians are trying to show that i think ordinary iranians are trying to show the british that they can treat iran as a professor of science your thoughts for fred thompson but against this now but professor mohammad marandi from tehran university good of in the program. had for you and i see a record turnout in egypt's poll in the wake of violent protests but thousands nonetheless the boycotting the vote. the second day of the egyptian parliamentary election wraps up with questions over the data mystery of the vote that official
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results coming in only at the end of the week joining us now in cairo for more details. greece's bailout finally gets e.u. approval but it's italy that's now on the brink with the region struggling to find cash. russia can i keep a close europe in the atlantic area with a new radar it is western most region in the baltic territory of kaliningrad between lithuania and poland flicking the all new switch prism a very small just a response to nato missile shield in europe the telly never covers got the story. what signal russia is trying to send is pretty clear russia sees this radio location system here as an adequate response to nato as plans to deploy an anti-missile defense shield in europe which russia sees as a threat to its national security and nato has been saying that. the reason for its of the deployment of the a.m.d. to europe is in fact to be able to do fans from potential nuclear threats coming
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from iran and north korea however the m.v. shields will be covering a large part of russian territory so russia does see it as a threat and what marshall wants right now is for nato to present its legal written down proves that the entire missile defense shield is not posing a threat to its national security. fortunately willing him all spoken assurances are not enough when we hear that european missile defense is not against you i want to say friends that the radar that came online today is also not against you but it is for you to tackle the issues we're facing today but if your signal is not heard we will deploy other defense systems including tough countermeasures deploying strike systems wanted further measures could include russia deploying strike systems school is scanned along the russian border if nature fails to hear russia's position and the worst case scenario would be of course for russia to pull out from
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the strategic arms reduction treaty that it signed with the united states this would seriously damage the reset of relations between russia and the u.s. that's the treaty symbolized when it was signed this is not the kind of scenario that's present be good if wants to pursue he says that russia is still open for negotiations with nato and that's this particular radio location system could be used both for the benefit of russia and nato if the two come to an agreement. two days into egypt collections which is. his minions cost the vote for the country's few chips but protesters on tahrir square are boycotting the polls what you see is unfair fearing the military rulers replace president mubarak will stay in power a godless this is now he's following the ballot in cairo many fewer people out on the streets almost no lines at polling stations on this second day a lot different than what we saw on monday a lot of people excited to go out and vote however some people back here on top
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here and around cairo that we spoke to actually took a stand to boycott the vote saying that they wouldn't take part in the elections that were actually legitimate they were that were being controlled by the supreme council of the armed forces or scouse other people that we spoke to it seems the council really split into two sections where the people that felt that they had to vote even though that they expected there would be irregularities and that it would exactly be the most legitimate if they felt that if they just stood by and let this vote pass without having their say and then all those months of coming out here on to talk would go to nothing there's been examples of parties campaigning up into the last minute even today we saw cars with megaphones campaigning right from the polling stations we heard rumors in fact about children being told to take pamphlets and go to these polling stations and hand out as people were entering the booths the muslim brotherhood is known to have set up laptops right outside polling stations and help people because we're hearing that the actual system that was created is very confusing
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a lot of egyptians don't actually get the actual system what they're excited about is actually being able to take part in this election which a lot of analysts are saying is most certainly a real election and it's real kind of that's the problem is is that they're voting for a part of the men that essentially will have no power we heard an announcement from the head of the military just before this vote that the the parliament won't be able to appoint the cabinet it will be able to dismiss the cabinet so the real question now when we take to the go into this third round which will happen sometime next year and then a parliament will go into session in march is what will they be able to do for the new egypt if the power is still in the hands of the military. russia's assessment of the cause of the syrian unrest points the finger of blame firmly at an armed opposition foreign minister sergei lavrov also says it's time to stop dealing in ultimatums and back peace talks now a un investigation earlier stated the syrian forces have committed crimes against humanity in their brutal treatment of anti-government demonstrators almost four
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thousand people have been killed after months of unrest the e.u. is tightening the economic screws on the regime too and is considering an arms embargo now something that moscow strongly opposes and support the middle east consultant peter says the arab league coming to western state. what we have here is the ultimate the the sort of tip of the iceberg on the brink which is over influenced by western infiltrating into syria so when the international court of justice or the un or geneva start pointing fingers at the regime within syria they've got to understand that a lot of that trouble is is flared up from the western side when we know now that the french are training the militia both on the turkish side of the border and also in lebanon so they're very much involved and they're just intimidating the situation you've got to understand the cold war is never finished the crusades have
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never finished and so much for the arab league you talk about the union of the islam movement they're supposed to be brothers and sisters they turned their back. their counterparts in the balkans they turned their backs on the iraq afghanistan in two thousand and six lebanon in garza two thousand and eight and nine and totally turned their back on libya they're doing the same game again you've got to understand that the arab league is a puppet to america a puppet to united nations or being a puppet of the new world order and they are actually playing the cards so it's going to be a one sided game what about the war crimes from the west blasting libya and all these other countries with depleted uranium killing a million people in iraq command where's it going to end. just like you know a lot more stories and no assists on our website our home few stories get a lot of clicks out of interest from you tonight the only daughter of former soviet leader joseph stalin has died find out online from us why she considered herself
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a political prisoner of others legacy of never truly managed to escape the shadow she thought we got a story in mind it's interesting also this is interesting too the russian woman who supersized their lips all appeared to look more like this cartoon idol jessica rabbit did you succeed this is what she looked like. this cover the next stage of bridge three make over success or not you judge at r.t. dot com. will be brief norwegian anders breivik who admitted killing seventy seven people in a massacre in july could escape a prison sentence this after a psychiatric report claimed the mass murderer was mentally ill and therefore not responsible for his actions if the court accepts this. could be detained in psychiatric care the norwegian confessed to the attacks and also land on the island of a toy but not guilty to terrorism. pakistan is to boycott next week's talks
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with the united states on afghanistan's future and key nato supply lines through its territory it comes after an alliance says strike on saturday near the afghan border which killed twenty four pakistani soldiers islamabad says the incident violated its sovereignty and the mandate of international forces in afghanistan. around seven thousand pro get off the prisoners of being held behind bars by former libyan rebels that's according to un report which says the detainees do not have access to a legal process because the local police stations and courts remain closed the findings show the prisoners are accused of working for gadhafi regime and that may have been subjected to torture and portrayed. michael jackson's former doctor conrad murray has been sentenced to the maximum term of four years in prison the judge refused probation saying that he remains dangerous for showing no sense of remorse murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter after administering
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a lethal dose of a powerful anesthetic that killed the pop star in two thousand and nine. canadian hockey players when proved they can be just as tough off the ice don't believe me take a look at this where a few drunken russians at a wedding reception went looking for trouble that's exactly what they found when they came up against a group of men they were in town for some pre-season training with shell side the chairs despite having numbers on the side the russians learned the hard way that they were messing with the wrong guys when talking wouldn't defuse the trouble pow the canadians made light work of florida flags who were left nursing more than a hangover the next day. it's election we can russia which will vote for a new parliament on sunday the long ruling united russia party is the clear favorite but polls suggest it's wings could be clipped as artie's jacob grieves has been hearing is opening up thoughts as to which direction the country is going to take.
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you know wonderful. let us see how this fund them bicycle works yeah. i know it's right you. know. unsteady no more appropriate place right now than the duma wants you made frame you can go to sleep this is what actually the form of sent happened to the united russia the party. was set up ten years back and it made a really impressive start and if they put the lights on the wasp like you're wearing off putting but what happened after that they relaxed a bit broken off russian position they prefer to criticize they prefer just to be to be a part of the opposition. but at the same time to every responsibility. to see if it's. going to be honest
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a little bit not good for driving well i think if you can take the lead absolutely this is working a bit better i think oh i think i like about taking a back seat money look at the opposition. worry you tend to leaders of the country think here comes the business community you know i don't think they're actually capable of leading they don't have that leadership that. take over for all you know to russia. the main legacy or united russia will be a political stability and economic rules and a lot of critics have said that actually what you have a president has moved on for stability and it's the danger of turning to stagnation i think that's the case if you know what russia remain is a majority power in the duma i think if you're not rational stayed in power through instability about north stagnation social justice would be number one priority for new. development and as
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a result are seeing united russia will have to change itself to speak in ten years said she noted russia and now sits. on the political. power with a mandate. that's a message. now among voters general consensus we've been hearing more change will be needed in the future regardless of the country. started here's how the still hope for the arab world's future despite the carnage in syria on the turbulent one a selection of our interview coming right up. i'm
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joined by the coal executive director of the transformer center for conflict analysis based in berlin asked me at dr what are we thank you very much for doing talking about egypt. is long gone but the protests are continuing the violence is continuing but at the moment there is still no condemnation from the west whilst there is a very different approach when it comes to syria. first of all the mubarak is gone but the regime still the this explains why the demonstrations and. the. dissatisfaction continue the supreme council of the forces there are very wary of
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elections happening now because they see and alliance that is taking shape between the muslim brotherhood some of the old regime and the supreme council of the armed forces and they are very worried that elections are held now the results of the election would be a victory for this coalition and for that would mean that the revolution would be hijacked the worst i believe understands the complexity of the situation is reactions are very sensitive about any intervention or interference and from abroad and i think the west especially the united states have learned the lesson of not intervening to prematurely taking one side against the mubarak's regime is gone in egypt that is when is gone in the however of president assad's regime is still there in syria despite the melting international pressure there is the arab league now which is imposed this set of sanctions how do you see the situation developing
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there in syria. syria is even more complex than the case of egypt or tunisia or even libya syria sits in a very complex web of alliances in the region. relationship. iran it's almost impossible to envisage the continuation of the regime in syria as it used to i don't think that there can never be a return to the status quo ante in syria after the recent demonstrations how the regime change whether it will be a total collapse of the regime whether it'll be a partial transformation of the regime it's still unclear what is clear to me is that the more the violence continues the more we reach a point of in order to survive as the regime is concerned if the situation in syria
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gets more and more violent more the more bloodshed you spelled i don't see how the regime could survive for much longer but at the same time i don't see exactly the way by which this regime will fall. it's still too early to say but it looks more and more likely that we are heading for a long. possibly violent struggle in syria how big are the chances of military intervention we're still so far away from such a scenario. libya and syria are two completely different stories when it comes to the feasibility of a military intervention as i said. gadhafi had no real friends. syria. we've been serious still has a lot of very powerful friends in the region also the nature of the careens in
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syria and libya are so different in libya talking about a very large country with. population density of the population in libya i think is three or four. person one square kilometer worse in syria it's probably a thousand person per square kilometer military intervention in the way happening in libya would be disastrous as far as civilian casualties are and so iran a very powerful stable player it's not been slapped by the other set of sanctions but. i don't think that iran is strong as the west thinks it is. the legitimacy of the b.g. . is being told that. the sanctions
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it is not clear to me how effective the sanctions will be. probably targeting the top players of the regime. intended to dissuade iran from developing a nuclear weapon but many voices which. maybe we need to accepting the fact that iran will be a nuclear power at one point and we just have to live with it do and i think that the sanctions. will probably not be effective in terms of changing durand's policy in case you're on really has a policy to acquire a nuclear weapon. download the official ante up location to go on the phone oh i pod touch from the i.q.
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exams to. life on the go. video on demand on t.v.'s my old comes an r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the t.v. dot com. wealthy british science. writers.


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