tv [untitled] November 29, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to conjure reports. they can go where people will still forty three thousand dollars all they want necessary ok sugar free but what about on the war. from the bottom of the money is literally hemorrhaging out of iraq money that was meant to help rebuild the nation after a decade of war why is nothing being done to stop the corruption that that's costing u.s. taxpayers billions. in thirty one the statement of the already did thing does the blood of american citizens and it designates the world as the battlefield including the homeland from the war zone to your home the u.s. senate is looking to redefine the battle lines and extend their military might both of broad and on the home front all in the pursuit of national security so whatever
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happened to civil liberties. and from counting money in iraq to counting votes in egypt millions head to the polls to cast their vote in what many towns as the first fair election in decades others are boycotting the ballot box and taking a tough year square r.t. is there with the latest on the egyptian elections. it is tuesday november twenty ninth five pm in washington d.c. i'm christine you're watching our team. starting off as our vice president joe biden just arrived in baghdad for a surprise visit to mark the end of the war in iraq as u.s. troops there prepare for withdrawal nearly all their forces by the end of this year but they're not leaving the country as they found it not by any stretch and new
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questions are emerging about what may have been taken from the country in terms of money with reports surfacing and even arrests being made in the cases of soldiers trying to make some cash on the side are going to take on looks into this and her report. not everyone leaves the war zone empty handed the number of people indicted and convicted by the us for bribery fraud and theft in iraq and afghanistan has never been so high among those a marine in iraq who sent home forty three thousand dollars in stolen cash by hiding it in a foot locker among american flags a soldier who shipped thousands more concealed in a toy stuffed animal they can go after people to steal forty three thousand dollars all they want necessary ok they should go after them but what about on a larger scale in two thousand and six michael o'brien was tasked with helping build the iraqi military he says those who have pocketed millions enjoyed complete impunity they rebuilt an iraqi army base and i'm telling you the condition of this
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space and this is just one example so deplorable it was so pathetic and when i asked the american construction project manager well what did this cost how much money went into this i really thought he was going to say three million or five million was one hundred sixteen million dollars my jaw dropped the commission on wartime contracting estimated that between thirty one to sixty billion dollars has been lost to waste and fraud in iraq and afghanistan the figures seem even more staggering considering the overall amount the u.s. has committed to rebuilding iraq roughly sixty two billion dollars we did get around viewer and was the head of an iraqi reconstruction team working for the u.s. they department the squandering of resources occurred at very small levels of thousand dollars a couple thousand dollars here and there and all the way up into hundreds of
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millions of dollars that were spent on hospitals that never opened or prisons that never took any prisoners in the commission on wartime contracting is out of business now after congress cut its funding. the details of their probe see. until two thousand and thirty one they don't want certain people in high places. to come under scrutiny that the u.s. congress wants to put the debacle of our iraq invasion behind it the scope of the waste and fraud is enormous the u.s. justice system goes after individuals was stolen a few thousand dollars here and there but not after the big players the big contractors that have really made a killing on the wars i'm going to check on reporting from washington r.t. . all right so when it comes to waste and fraud certainly iraq is not the only country where this goes on but it is a country the u.s. military promised to help rebuild in some ways they have done so but as you just
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saw there are other ways in which the u.s. military personnel have destroyed the land as well as the trust of the u.s. iraq relationship. is a blogger and iraqi american political activist and joins us to talk more about this first question is a simple one for you right how does this money just disappear these large sums of money and nobody is held accountable doesn't the money does not disappear but someone is thinking that you know these tens of billions of dollars that were spent by the iraqi government and by the u.s. government they did not vanish in the years they were taken by someone and this someone. dropped a public official or a corrupt contractor we were talking about hundreds of billions of dollars that were spent by the u.s. government and other hundreds of billions of dollars that were spent by the iraqi government and there are until today has no electricity has no water streets. so you can't really see were the money has been spent in the country i know it's so
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interesting when you see where the money was supposed to go several million dollars was supposed to go to a school that never opened or several million was supposed to go to a prison that's not even holding anyone what's going on with you know the bookkeeping here isn't there anyone responsible for this i think the u.s. occupation of iraq created a new culture a culture of corruption and no accountability and that is from the u.s. from the iraqi side. no this is one of the most corrupt countries in the world it's actually the fourth most corrupt country in the world according to transparency international the situation is that even mr big when i go there you can feel the level of corruption. in three different every transaction. you know transactions with small organisations with small companies with the government itself everything described there is no accountability and unfortunately
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the us presence did not make it any better it actually made it worse what do you mean when you say when you visit iraq you can actually feel the corruption i mean here in the us for the most part you know we go to the store we buy something based on how much we see the cost we give the money we get the item that's it i mean is that what you mean in terms of you know just marketplaces and even even on that scale in iraq i think the corruption that i see when i go to iraq i see it on two different levels one of them is the corruption of the people who want to take commission for example which is very common in. people who are taking kickbacks from government spending or private spending it's extremely common to actually becoming a new norm in the country or that is a corruption of no accountability people who are spending u.s. taxpayers money or iraqi money have not accountability this spend tens of thousands
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of dollars on issues that are completely inappropriate whether it was about the u.s. diplomatic presence it or organizations affiliated with the u.s. diplomatic presence whether it was the iraqi government itself or contractors affiliated with the iraqi government unfortunately there is no accountability on how much money they have been spending in iraq so you go there and you see the amounts of money that are being spent are unbelievable and there is no one who ask any questions from the iraqi side or from the u.s. so let's talk about this problem because this is multilayered and i think it's really important that you say because i know there's been a lot of finger pointing oh it's all the iraqi people that are taking it all the u.s. people are taking i mean i think everyone seems to sort of have their hand in the cookie jar on the one hand you have these multibillion. dollar corporations these contractors that are literally in iraq they're supposed to be rebuilding infrastructure building you know major buildings money on a large scale it is appearing on that and then you have as guy in charge in her
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report you have soldiers who are sending you know several thousand dollars forty three thousand dollars home you know in a teddy bear because they come across that and then you know you also have iraqis either you know iraqi bankers or iraq is working with the u.s. that are also taking the money how does. any of you you've mentioned a few times there's no accountability but how can there be any accountability in the future when i think as long as the u.s. occupied iraq there was no possibility that iraq would become a transparent and accountable country now with the u.s. departure at least the military to foster i think that is more hope that iraqis will manage to create better governance system that has more legitimacy and has more accountability and can account to where the money is being spent so it is something that must come from within many people for the accountability and of
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course the option to come from abroad from the u.s. the u.s. invasion unfortunately that's made the situation was a lot of money actually belongs to the iraqi people as we say and there's talk right now that some of the people in iraq plan to file lawsuits to recover it how they go about doing that considering that there's very little evidence you can't fill out the paperwork that says you know this infantry division was given x. amount of dollars and then you get i mean there seems to be no paperwork even so how do these lawsuits actually bring forth any action that although she did i know of many lawsuits. being considered by the u.s. courts asking the doc you suing the u.s. army the u.s. army corps of engineers or other u.s. institutions because of disputes and i think there are some limits to how much money can be stored in without evidence but more importantly than that. i think iraq and iraqis seem to be taking some steps towards requesting compensation for
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the destruction that happened in the country and this does have a lot of precedence i think iraq is involved. in a compensation system iraq is being five percent of its revenue to kuwait as compensation to the iraqi invasion of kuwait in one thousand nine hundred eighty one and this is we're talking about hundreds of billions of dollars worth of compensation to those iraqis who were killed or injured displaced or to iraq as a nation that has been destroyed because of the twenty years war with the united states so it's a huge issue i think how does this issue though right affect the relationship between the u.s. and the iraqi people certainly i can't imagine that relationship is anywhere near good right now considering as you say you know before the u.s. came to occupy the country back in two thousand and three there was electricity there was infrastructure
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a lot of that's now been destroyed and has not been rebuilt but how does this stories like this which aren't really being reported on the mainstream media but are are out there nonetheless how do stories like this a fact that relationship does the fact that in many ways i think the u.s. image in iraq has been destroyed not only because iraqis saw the u.s. as a foreign invader not only because of the images of delusion of the group but also because of the saudis of course the option. of the u.s. and iraqi authorities to provide archy's with with services i think you know the size of the story is so enormous and without having a strong national government in iraq that can actually hold all of the people who have stored and money accountable we'll never know the size of the court option or the size of the crazy thing too that the investigations that have been done on the u.s. side of it the findings will be sealed until twenty thirty one crazy that kind of stuff can still happen rage or are blogger and iraqi american political activist
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thanks so much. well from the stench of corruption in iraq to something u.s. lawmakers are cooking up as we speak it's a bill in the u.n. the u.s. senate called the national defense authorization act and may be voted on soon as tomorrow and as with most bills it's chock full of flowery language about protecting the homeland and giving the military the tools they need to do their job but the bill also does something unprecedented it gives the president this one and the next one's the authority to indefinitely imprison people without charge or trial both in other countries and here in the united states but don't take my word for it take a look here's the text of the bill senate bill eight hundred sixty seven says congress affirms that the authority of the president to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the authorization for use of military force includes the authority of the of the armed services of the united states to detain covered persons pending disposition under the law of war all right i know this is not
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exactly simple language so why don't i play something for you that one of the bill's backers senator lindsey graham from south carolina said on the senate floor is it ok to hold an american citizen who's suspected of helping al qaeda under military control you better believe it's ok. all right senator lindsey graham out was from today he says it's ok to hold an american citizen he also said a few days ago that right here in your home in mind suspects suspects should they be held and detained that they can be held and detained without charge he also said that the u.s. is the new battlefield all of this in the name of information gathering it seems. we're simply saying you have the option to make sure that you could put intelligence gathering at the top priority intelligence gathering as the top
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priority she goes on to say she thinks this bill doesn't go far enough but listen it's not just republicans the bill sponsors are republican senator john mccain and democratic senator carl levin who brings up a situation in which a member of al qaeda makes it on to u.s. soil and attacks a military base senator levin wants to make sure that person would be able to be detained by the military in that situation that's the reason now i should mention president obama has threatened to veto the bill if the indefinite detention without charge or trial provisions are not removed but an amendment by senators mark udall and jim webb to strip those provisions from the bill just failed on the senate floor about an hour ago so what is going on here and all that talk about sticking to the constitution the question radio host alex jones is asking i spoke to him a little earlier about it and asked him a pretty simple question to start off asked him what he makes of this and what it could mean for the u.s. take a listen. well christine there's
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a story inside of this story i have for sixteen years or more have been pointing out that there is a open plan to start using the u.s. military on the streets of america and in the my ak and homeland security reports that law enforcement gave me over three years ago it states none of this has to do with al qaida it's all about returning vets gun owners libertarians conservatives and you or activist who are listed as terrorist in these databases so that's in the news today so the bill itself is incredibly a grievous but it just expands upon the military commissions act and other things where they now kill u.s. citizens abroad and say they'll kill him domestically so they're setting that precedent always claiming well it's for al qaeda because they're so scary but when you get to the meat potatoes they want to use this against the american people and just a few years ago they'd say it's preposterous we don't want to use the army and marines against the american people why that's cherami that's a third world country you know that's martial law now they're like well yes we want
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to keep you safe from al-qaeda but it's in the london telegraph and all of the news that al qaeda under nato control has been given libya is now being sent to syria was used course in the eighty's against the russians used against the serbs in the ninety's i mean this is a joke al qaeda is the bogeyman they used to do this but the whole thing is pointed at the american people but here's the key when we started reporting this last week when they brought this bill up it has a section saying americans are exempt but that has another section saying unless we say so so it's got the fine print. and then i had noticed all these ip addresses hitting our article within minutes of it going up which they don't even hide it goes back to military bases of p.r. firms they were ready saying i was a liar and force dot com was lying using the lying section and in fact it was in the grand rapids press congressman justin amash said quote it's carefully crafted to mislead the public they had all the war mongering neo cons and others come out
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in the last week and say it's not in there it's not true it doesn't affect citizens a few things out of the things that you want that you mentioned as you brought up a lot of good points here one thing is that you said a few years ago people would find something like this outrageous preposterous it is surprising on one level today but this treatment being detained and held without charge even tortured has already happened to an american citizen on american soil private first class bradley manning accused of leaking those classified documents to the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks so if this is already being done what's the point of having congress vote on it. well they want to say it's the law like hitler passed laws saying you can round up groups they wanted we had laws in this country saying blacks weren't human beings doesn't mean it's right tyrants always want to say they have along their side but as marbury vs madison supreme court case states anything that supports the common law the constitution or organic law is now in void they can pass
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a law tamara saying all you know children with with black hair have to you know show up at the local government building to become slaves i mean it's a fraud we have a right to resist that and the military industrial complex owned by the big banks has hijacked america i keep explaining this to people and now it doesn't just want to dominate the third world or the middle east or asia or in circle other countries in europe it wants to dominate this country and the military industrial complex is a bunch off for corporations they run the red light cameras they run the federalization local police they're just occupying america through north com they set it all up for this clinton bush obama it's all just continuing and you're right obama is saying he'll veto this is getting attention but he's already gone along with saying they can secretly arrest and torture and it says and here you can be grabbed and no one ever even knows where you go for ever i mean this is
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a literally right out of stalin a stalinist russia maoist china pol pot type stuff this is right out of east germany right out of nazi germany this is one hundred percent naked classical nineteen eighty-four in your face tyranny and they sit there and waddle around up there congress it's come out most of these members who have a nine percent approval rating know the american people are awake to him they say it's legal that they're allowed to insider trade and give government contracts and pass bills for companies their wives and husbands own they set up there most of them. blackmailed criminals and say we're allowed insider trade which is a felony all right alex i mean certainly that was another big story that we talked about here on our really important to talk about but i really want to stick to this especially if you say. the critics who want a military to protect their criminal activity i'm sorry and that's ok i want to talk about this specifically and the coverage of it as we said this is happening
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right now certainly congress and what lawmakers is working on is a priority for much of the mainstream media c.n.n. m.s.n. b.c. fox they have congressional correspondents why haven't we seen this covered. because it's a pentagon run psyop of the american people are the enemy america has been hijacked and they listen we had pentagon department of defense spammers hit our site when this went up within minutes they were waiting with the part of the bill that says you're exempt in that carefully crafted deception that the congressman talked about to mislead the public they were waiting hitting within one hundred twenty seconds ok so first they said it doesn't exist now that it's come out they're saying ok it's good for you because they don't want this debate to go forward they want to be able to go into going to tell the troops the carefully chosen god raise now you're ready to operate america listen they've been operating for twenty years she currently in police uniform i've interviewed the people they've been doing gun
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confiscation drills that i've been to i have literally had if i told you the stories it's it's in my police state films it's like a movie there is a giant secret government program that now wants to unquote it's already here. let's broaden this to alex i want to show you the cover of time magazine this week the first i'm going to show you the cover of time in europe in asia and in south pacific. this basically shows a fighter wearing a gas mask in a village still very much in the midst of chaos and it asks the question i know it's hard to read but it says our free elections on the promise of an arab spring at risk on and under the larger title of revolution redux one i want to show you this week's cover of time here in the u.s. it basically says why anxiety is good for you and hopefully you can see this everywhere else in the world they're talking about the arab spring they're showing a picture of revolution of chaos in the streets and here we have
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a little cartoon guy you know tying a little piece of yarn under the headline why anxiety is good for you let's talk about that in terms of the mainstream media and the coverage of bills that you know things that washington lawmakers are working on right now that are just getting know what tension. well you're right i mean the corporate press to qut new world order media fifty years ago the us was number one in education number one in being informed now we are the least informed of the industrialized world by design and we are spoon fed propaganda we're not told how the rest of the world sees us and they try to keep us in this cocoon and so i praise r.t. for covering this i mean literally this is right out of one nine hundred thirty three germany with hitler you know saying that the rice tag has been attacked i can indefinitely arrested detained whoever i want i mean this is one hundred percent nightmare that they would be openly doing this but they're only able to get away
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with this because as you pointed out foxing in the rest of them won't cover it and the few little mentions are yeah they're going to secretly arrest you to keep you safe i mean my god let's say terrorism was real and not manufactured most of it i'm a thousand times more scared of a big giant military industrial complex with snatch and grab teams that can just disappear people which we know they've been beta testing of the g. twenty in pittsburgh they would have military grabbed folks off the street put them in cars i later learned they were actors but they would do it in front of the media to test it and to see what the public did and i learned in london i learned in toronto i learned in other places the g twenty test this they are it's scientifically studying us and seeing if they can get away with this staging snatch and grabs in front of news cameras and the news is like not even covering it and they're like ok the the media is going to let us pull up and grab peaceful people
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and thrown in black vans let's do it for real this is scientific psyop we're under attack as i've told you it's not a joke mayday mayday i wish people would have done this in germany in the one nine hundred thirty s. we are in a red level crisis the people who have seized our government are preparing to launch world war three. the middle east if they're just balloons are successful alice i just want to to wrap this segment up with one final question about the specific. the bill that's taking place eight hundred sixty seven in congress the national defense authorization act. you said that people in the higher ups in the military and government that they want to try to hide this but the fact is you can't hide a bill that's in congress you go on the internet and you can find the exact text of the bill. how are they going to hide it how do you see this playing out in terms of you can write a couple things church or first thing you get everybody the a.c.l.u. ron paul rand paul with really doesn't do there no though it's it doesn't arrest
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citizens and you know that i mean you know explosion of the military involved a mess to clean now they're not just going to arrest you you're going to disappear they say they could torture you and the accompanying legislation they've already passed the going to a literal black hole and so first they run the silo if it doesn't exist when we force the fact that it exist they just let the alternative media the real media cover it and hope people don't wake up to it so they can slip it through and then incrementally implement and so that's the plan listen from alabama to california i have the local news articles from iowa to tennessee going back at least five years every week they have regular army and marines i have video at checkpoints pulling families out of their cars you pull up with your wife or children and there are state police with marines acting like a terrorist greg out of the car searching you it's all about breaking our will training us to accept this this is already been going on just like bush was spying without warrants for many years before it came out it was illegal they used to pass
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a law saying no more warrants seated in america ready doing this and we will certainly keep our eyes on this but we do appreciate you weighing in and for really being focused in on the story radio host alex jones in austin texas thank you christine. and while the u.s. millet. he tries to seize control from americans egypt is handing power over to the citizens so to speak in the form of elections it's day two of elections in egypt and the first parliamentary elections since the ouster of former president hosni mubarak so far polling stations have seen a decent sized turnout just a few days after an entire week of violent clashes that looked in part of the early days of the revolution in egypt earlier this year where forty people were killed as hundreds demanded the military rulers to hand over power to civilian government the voting is the start to a long process that will not end until march and as r.t. correspondent lisa now reports not everyone is on board with the voting and not everyone is optimistic about what kind of change the future may hold she is in
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cairo with more. many fewer people out on the streets almost no lines at polling stations on the second day a lot different than what we saw on monday a lot of people excited to go out and vote however some people back here on top career and around cairo that we spoke to actually took a stand to boycott the vote saying that they wouldn't take part in the elections that were actually legitimate they were that were being controlled by the supreme council of the armed forces or scouse other people that we spoke to it seems the camps are really split into two sections were the people that felt that they had to vote even though that they expected there would be irregularities and that it would exactly be the most legitimate vote they felt that if they just stood by and let this vote pass without having their say and then all those months of coming out here on to talk would go to nothing there's been examples of parties campaigning up into the last minute even today we saw cars with megaphones campaigning right from the polling stations we heard rumors in fact about children being told to take
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pamphlets and go to these polling stations and hand out hand slips as people were entering the booths the muslim brotherhood is is known to have set up laptops right outside polling stations and help people because we're hearing that the actual system that was created is very confusing a lot of egyptians don't actually get the actual system what they're excited about is actually being able to take part in this election which a lot of analysts are saying is most certainly a real election and it's real kind of that's the problem is is that they're voting for a parliament that essentially will have no power we heard an announcement from the head of the military just before this vote that the the parliament won't be able to appoint the cabinet it will be able to dismiss the cabinet so the real question now when we take the go into the third round which will happen sometime next year and then a parliament will go into session in march is what will they be able to do for the new egypt if the power is still in the hands of the military. that was hard to correspond to anything now on the ground in cairo egypt.
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