tv [untitled] November 30, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EST
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headlines tune into. a new low in relation following a nato air strike which killed more than twenty of its soldiers bloodied. and a key international building a secure afghanistan. the u.k. orders the evacuation embassy in iraq and warns of serious consequences protesters stormed the facility following a decision to impose more sanctions. cost over egypt's parliamentary elections as protesters continue their demand for the military rulers to step down as a record number of. change in the country. with
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putting up roadblocks along a disputed border nato forces clamping down with tear gas and rubber bullets all in the course of a confrontation some. european stocks. because the ratings of twenty banks russia is still steaming ahead find out why in twenty minutes time on business. just after three pm here in moscow you're watching with me rule received shy a furious pakistan is making its abundantly clear this over the recent nato air strike which killed twenty four of its soldiers it's now pulled completely out of a key security conference on afghanistan's future next week it also promised to permanently close the alliances key military supply route through its territory.
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marina portnoy has details relationships are never easy but when it comes to the partnership between america and pakistan the sugardaddy of this geo political alliance has turned out to be islamic most dangerous friend in a post nine eleven world pakistan joined forces with the u.s. in the war on terror receiving roughly eighteen billion dollars in return over the past ten years you have hundreds of pakistani civilians have been killed in u.s. drone strikes targeting terrorists most recently nato had to admit it killed two dozen pakistani soldiers. this said protestors onto the streets of islam abad torching an effigy of president barack obama burning american flags and demanding an immediate divorce from its american partner this is hardly the first time the pakistani sovereignty has been infringed
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by the united states is not the first time that pakistani citizens have been killed by the united states and its allies it seems to be the case now that you know its case regards pakistan as a kind of free fire zone in which it's a liberty to abuse the country's sovereignty with no need for apology or redress nato has called the incident tragic and an intended promising to investigate the killings the pakistani government has demanded the u.s. vacate an air base used for drone attacks it's also closed a vital u.s. military supply route to afghanistan a third to a half of all supplies that go to the nato forces go through pakistan so this is going to have a major impact there's no question about it the biggest rift between the two countries came six months ago when the u.s. violated pakistani sovereignty to assassinate osama bin laden with lost respect.
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because people now fear the united states because we're like a drunken person will go to war anywhere if you threaten us live now talk a stance prime minister has come out and said there would be no more business as usual with washington there are clear choices today of what america has totally speak either to expand the war and coming to bog point of approach is not going to be it can trigger the third world war and i want you and want everyone pakistan has been america's main ally in the region for decades but constant abuse of the partnership by the us has driven a wedge between the two many believe that pakistan's case highlights that a u.s. bearing gifts while later stop at nothing to get what it wants marina for nile r.t. new york. now or five minutes past the hour here in moscow britain is withdrawing its diplomatic star from iran and its war on terror and of serious consequences
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after the storming of the u.k. embassy compound militant students clashed with police and threw stones and petrol bombs at windows of the complex protesters also brought down the british flag burned it and then raised the iranian one the demonstrations followed a vote in iran's parliament to reduce diplomatic ties with london in retaliation for imposing further sanctions over its nuclear program iran's foreign ministry meantime has expressed regret for the incidents political analyst chris bambery believes the new british sanctions provoked tehran which is actually something the west has been trying to achieve. as the. sanctions against iran and there is talk of some restraint against the run over this you could program we should remember that nationalism runs very deep in people memories of when for instance britain and america in one thousand nine hundred eighty three to overthrow a democratically elected government which had nationalized british american oil
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interests and installed the shah of iran and the nationalism is runs very deep in. enthusiasm present. many of the mood around against any notion of sanctions against iran or indeed a british american need to straight against iran also the hypocrisy of america and britain who between them have enough weapons to destroy the world many times over in iran they're both nuclear weapons it does not have. iran and the americans and the british do have plans for eventual military strike is whether or not the kind of and i think those people who are committed to peace and don't want to see you know war should be concerned about this and should pressure in washington london paris to stop any talk of for the sanctions or any talk of a military strike against iran and of course as usual that we are always curious what you think about this today where. asking you what the consequences of the attack on the u.k. embassy will be if you log on to our website r.t.
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dot com you can participate right now here's how you're voting at the moment this hour forty two percent of you think it will eventually lead to a western invasion of iran by the opinion that the attack was political theater but will have few serious consequences that comes in second with thirteen percent of you predict more sanctions against iran and its further isolation or the minority believes the u.k. and other western countries will cut diplomatic ties with iran go online have your say r c dot com. and the u.k. has plenty of unrest to deal with back at home as well around two million people are expected to stage the biggest public sector walkout in a generation in the u.k. schools hospitals and transport services will all be disrupted with over a thousand protests planned all across the country but the demonstrations are organized by unions demanding better pension conditions for their members by the move comes three weeks after thousands of british students took to the streets
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against a tripling of their tuition fees. and in some other world news for you today here on r.t. police in riot gear have begun forcing occupied los angeles protesters from their sites two days after they ignored and a vixen notice from the city's mayor at least three of been arrested so far as officers began tearing down the tents and many demonstrators are wearing gas masks in preparation for pepper spray or tear gas the los angeles occupy movement is one of the largest on the west coast and aligned with the larger worldwide protest against corporate. former ivory coast president laurent gbagbo has been charged with four counts of crimes against humanity he's been taken into custody by the international criminal court over allegations of murder rape persecution and inhuman acts other crimes occurred after last year's elections when backbone refused to accept defeat and almost letters country into a civil war he's the first of former head of state charged by the court since it
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was established in two thousand and two. egypt is basking in post-election glory after holding its first parliamentary vote since the fall of president mubarak a preliminary results are due to be announced later on wednesday but many still fear that regardless of the result army generals will be reluctant to hand over power correspond to a nice and now way is there she met one protester who boycotted the ballot to emphasize that the old tactics are still running rampant in the country. signs of a real democracy mile long lines at polls vote stained fingers and palpable joy of participating in egypt's future but do the signs stop it that. election excitement and dreams of democracy could be overshadowing a harsh reality there is little doubt egyptian enthusiasm for this whole is genuine they're excited to be voting in a real election for real candidates but for
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a heart of a man that will have no power and does that make this part of a real transition than from the old regime the problem is you know what or that she going to produce in parliament to appoint ministers that kind of appoint a government. whose constitution whatever it turns out to be is going to be guided by the army some wonder stamp this boycott at the polls like some your brow a protester that knows all too well old tactics are still rampant a virginity task was performed on her and other women that protested don't talk we're long after mubarak fell out of it only let me the woman told me to lie down for the man to examine me and then came in and and then to examine the i was naked it was like a shoe with people watching over those over the stairs and soldiers. she was too upset to tell me details of her ordeal but did say this about the vote because i
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think the main reason for holding the elections is for the military to hide their corruption and crimes instead of voting a group of protesters marched to call for justice and show solidarity for jinnah detests victims there were few cameras and no objection press it remains the fact that both before during and after this election the ruler of egypt is an unelected man called field marshal muhammad ali and as long as he's on the elected this is not a democracy but the west was quick to praise the election as a great step toward. change although the americans are beginning to say well no the army must go back to barracks deep down they'll be perfectly happy to keep the army where it is in egypt and if you give one point three billion dollars a year to the egyptian army which the americans do you assume you're expected to do what it wants which leaves little room for the people to get what they want and egypt might be waking up for more of a nightmare than the sweet dream of democracy once election
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a ration settles and he said now a r t cairo. are now at twelve minutes past the hour here in moscow still to come your way in the program here on out see. the problem some believe the quickest way to bring down nationalism and extremism is to put the battling sides face to face to see where the dialogue gets the. turkey is freezing the assets of the syrian regime and severing links with the country's central bank and this comes after damascus branded similar sanctions by the arab league as quote a declaration of economic war meanwhile russia which wants to see dialogue between the government and the opposition has said it's time to stop dealing and ultimatums and get back to the negotiation table the u.n. released a report stating the government forces had committed crimes against humanity in their brutal treatment of anti government demonstrators according to some estimates almost four thousand people have been killed since the beginning of the uprising in
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march. and what it says it's ordinary citizens that bear the brunt of sanctions and not the elite. some of the neighbors. syria are saying that they are going to maintain. relations with. the. economies would be affected lebanon for example. did not agree to the sanctions. but that's not going to include sanctions are some questions. about jordan what jordan's role did agree to the sanctions number of jordan extensively also on syria water food group products etc so that is something that. what we know so far is that sanctions is a blunt instrument which ultimately have the population more done that are facts.
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what we have seen so far is that increasingly the country may be some. kind of civil war because the protests apparently the peaceful protests have not had the kind of impact. the organizers had hoped for syria's opposition is receiving reinforcement from other countries experienced in the matter of ousting political leaders you can read a report online at r.t. dot com the new government report released hundreds of its troops to syria to join local militants and show them just how you bring down a regime. and jail term for a medical mission a mass murderer. has ruled mentally ill and therefore not accountable for killing seventy seven people back in july.
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past the hour here in moscow and the man wanted as the prime suspect in the u.k. for the murder of former russian agent alexander litvinenko is now being seen by russia as a victim in the case this comes as russia continues with its own investigation into the infamous nuclear. correspondent peter all of our reports. russia's investigation into the murder of alexander live in yankee said the two people who guarded his suspects in the murder by british investigators were actually targets of assassination themselves at the same time these are dimitri coughed a businessman and former f.s.b. agent he was implicated in the in the case after having
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a meeting with alexander litvinenko and on the boy who still remains the main suspect wanted for questioning by british police over the murder which took place in london but he denies all of the allegations that are being made against him by the british police and heat but that britain had asked for him to be extradited to the united kingdom to face questioning this is out of the question actually against russia's constitution has since entered politics and is currently a steep state duma deputy meaning this test extradition cannot take place nico will not under any circumstances be going to london to face questioning in the five years since litvinenko his death we've seen really frosty diplomatic relations between britain and russia mostly due to the britain wanting to see lugovoy extradited now russia has questioned the thoroughness of the british investigation . and said that if they could provide that the british side could provide russia
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with information suggesting that lugovoy was guilty they would look into prosecuting him themselves here in russia but in london right now an inquest into his death is currently ongoing. he's putting all of our reporting right there now serves in a northern cause of over building more roadblocks along the border despite the efforts of nato peacekeepers to take them down and this comes after days of confrontation with troops who have been firing tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse protesters or this left dozens injured and for months now local serbs have been using soil rock and concrete to put up roadblocks all in response to attempts by the column part of an authorities to take control of border checkpoints to impose a ban on serbian goods nato peacekeepers had moved in to patrol the border kosovo unilaterally proclaimed independence back in two thousand and eight it was a move that was never recognized by belgrade or cause of living in the area our
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correspondent now spoke to locals living right there in the conflict zone. for serbia and kosovo the road to independence starts here since july the western backed albanian majority here have tried to impose their customs controls on the air is inhabited by the serbian minority these men saw this as an underhand step to drive them out and set up roadblocks now to keep watch here day and night and more and more are calling for independence from albanian kosovo and from belgrade this checkpoint isn't located on the internationally recognized border and if people behind me aren't professional border guards but the extreme measures they've had to go to this is their only means of survival. in september milan a pair of h. was shot in the leg by nato soldiers who were trying to take down the barricades as he prepares to return there he says that he now realized that the price of the standoff is just too high and says he never wanted independence just the cost of
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a three a night to serbia but he admits the does is unlikely to happen and that a compromise is necessary process. we are isolated now anyways maybe as talking about this will put pressure on belgrade to pay more attention to serbs and cause or to help but you will see those that were there for twelve years since the conflict that divided kosovo the politicians in belgrade have repeated of the area is an integral part of serbia but under the presidency of western oriented but it started joining the european union has become a bigger priority to satisfy eed demands that it has recently called for the barricades to be dismantled and branded their defenders extremists to units that are public and build great has abandoned kosovo and the people of kosovo are fighting for themselves the e.u. keeps making new demands first handing over milosevic then cut out which then mullard it but they will never be satisfied meanwhile the situation for serbs in
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kosovo is getting worse that we have because this is footage of the latest clashes on the barricades which have been happening almost daily recently but despite the toll of simmering violence when we visit the barricades on a quite a night there is all of course where serbs remains firm over because this will because this is our homeland we will not leave it and we will defend it regardless of what anyone else tells us to do. here opinion union most of the leaders in belgrade and albanian cost of us of all brushed off the idea of an independent serbian kosovo but until a compromise of some sort of phone for the serb minority living here a destructive standoff will continue indefinitely either of iraq now of. course of a. twenty minutes past the hour here in the russian capital of the supreme court of south a city has ruled the results of the country's weekend presidential election null and void however one of the two candidates in the runoff face. declared herself the
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winner and rejected the court's decision around three thousand and four supporters are now taking part in a peace march in the capital of skin val demanding her victory is recognized reports also suggest the guards at the building of the central election committee have fired several warning shots into the air to prevent the crowd gaining entry for the local parliament's now picked march twenty fifth next year as the date for a rerun of the election their public is still recovering from a devastating war in georgia that was three years ago now. russia's north caucasus is a melting pot of cultures but unfortunately that means the temperature sometimes boils over continued volatility in the region has now led some to put their heads together in the hope of finally bringing peace he's a really good points. russia's north caucasus a place where there are a petition for volatility even some russians tend to view these republics as separate entities with religious and ethnic differences at the heart of the problem
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and leading some to tackle its consequences the ugly side of nationalism separate we gathered people from all walks of life and took them on a trip to the north caucasus in order to dispel existing myths to show those who live in that region that russian nationalists and football fans are not as evil as they're portrayed and also for us to see that north caucasus is populated by people just like us with similar problems and issues like you which is part of a program called dialogue and those at helm include a member of a nationalist movement a football fan and a youth movement leader their main focus is the younger generation those who grew up after the soviet union was created youth in russia and in the north caucuses have a warped perception of each other that was the starting point for a program a lot of people do not venture outside of their region and base their opinion on the information they find in mass media and on the internet racial tension and football have increasingly gun hand to hand in russia last december football fan
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give you that was killed in a brawl with a group of men from the north caucasus his death sparked riots of football fans in nationalists in central moscow police clashes immerse arrests those involved in the fatal fighting eventually ending up in prison was he who all right knows a strong part of our society which keeps growing since one nine hundred seventeen russian people didn't have a play for the national idea to rally about football fans rally around the country and around the national ideal so far the group's only organized one visit but it's already getting high level and gage meant agree to the willingness of the regional government patisserie page and the dialogue is huge progress for the north caucuses because these issues were never acknowledged by them before and that's why we ended up with the problems we have on our hands with right now what will say i was like this one for. example off the battlefield. with this in turn we did ethnic conflict in fact in russia said terrorists they are nationalist have unfortunately become
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all this thing on and most people like sultan believe they can and will change that by proving that sporting peach which is a have nothing to do with national stadium even to moscow. all right i just ahead for you here on r t we will get the answer to whether a fat tax will actually stop people from munching down of their beloved chocolates and donuts that's in our debate across talk but first though the business with dmitri. thanks for european stocks are snapping a three day rally of the standard and poor's cut the credit ratings of british and american banks their cards had been anticipated they had to market pressure brought about by the debt crisis when i was laid off from a d.x. capital is joining us now from london to discuss the issue and i was very good to see you yet again thanks for being with us so we are seeing s. and p. cuts the ratings of american and british banks although should we be worried more
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about french german and italian banks which seem to be more vulnerable at the moment. i think we need to be worried about the banking sector as a whole and what we're finding with the banking sector across the globe is that this is stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment in that banks are required to lend more. to businesses in order to revive global economies but then they also require to hold more in terms of capital on their balance sheets in case we do have another credit crisis and with a credit rating downgrade the cost of doing business with these banks is going to increase and it could potentially lead to another critic knowledge or i will chinese banks are nowadays seen as more secure than the u.s. rivals what does this say about emerging markets are they the new safe haven or not . well i think the new safe haven although growth seems to be steaming ahead in the emerging markets i think the only safe haven at the moment seems to be the
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greenback the dollar. money seems to be shifting out of a lot of assets in the into the dollar out of gold and into the dollar as well so that seems to be the class of choice at the moment of trade we're really on emerging markets because if there is any sign of slowing down in those markets then those markets could come back down fairly sharply but recently we've seen three previous trading sessions we've seen gains has there been a change in the market sentiment. well that has to a certain extent what we certainly saw last week after a number of sessions where the market continued to close lower it was a lot of the bad news being factored in and traders saying well ok a lot of this news has been discounted and therefore it may be time to start buying but fortunately certainly with regards the eurozone the sovereign debt issues and flagging growth across the globe it is still there bubbling under the surface and
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we've seen a couple of days of rallies and then the markets come back down again i only in the last half hour we've seen the markets push back up on the back of china reduces reserve ratio requirements but any move to the upside could be fairly short lived until the issues within the euro zone resolved now if i find a question to you man i got a lot of stuff going on right now of course of problems in europe and the united states do you think this year we will be seeing a christmas rallies or called which we get in the final weeks of december. i think is quite possible what we tend to see is that really from thanksgiving through to christmas and into the new year as well and this is usually on the back of fun money just coming back into the market and buying stock in order to make the end of year figures look good window dressing so to speak but then going into next year it's likely that g.d.p. numbers will come in weak unemployment is still a major factor and we could find that the first six months of next year could be relatively weak for equities all right thank you so much from easy access capital
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