tv [untitled] November 30, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EST
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to start off south of crucial some afghanistan's future next week as nato is recent deadly strike deals a blow to a strained islam about washington times. the live pictures for you right here on our t.v. is pretty dry and to all hold public sector workers begin walking out of a pensions of the country's biggest strike for a generation i'm going to live pictures here of central london for you on our. an estimated. one strike in the u.k. today schools are closed and hospitals i can fill in much and see only for me in london in just a moment. and
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a record number of egyptians turn up to cost their vote in parliamentary elections but surreal square demonstrators say the poll is meaningless powerless parliament is ruled by the military. and business with our will look at the possible investment starvation for russia they cannot ministry expects the country to see a six percent growth in investment in two thousand and eleven journey for a full business. because i could have you with us on this wednesday you watching r.t. live from moscow works now at just after five pm pakistan has dealt a fresh blow to the u.s. by deciding to a boycott a key security conference on afghanistan next week the already tense relations between the two new low after a recent nato airstrike on army checkpoints killed twenty four pakistani soldiers
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the decision to stop the conference is the latest step by islam about to cut back on its cooperation with washington d.c. it's more important interest. relationships are never easy but when it comes to the partnership between america and pakistan the sugardaddy of this geo political alliance has turned out to be islamic most dangerous friend in a post nine eleven world how christiane joined forces with the u.s. in the war on terror receiving roughly eighteen billion dollars in return over the past ten years yet hundreds of civilians have been killed in view us drone strikes targeting terrorist most recently nato had to admit it killed two dozen pakistani soldiers. this said protestors onto the streets of islamabad torquing an effigy of president barack obama burning american flags and
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demanding an immediate divorce from its american partner this is hardly the first time the pakistani sovereignty has been infringed by the united states is not the first time the pakistani citizens have been killed probably not the states and its allies it seems to be the case now the united states regards pakistan as a kind of free fire zone in which. two. countries. with no need for poetry or redress need know has called the incident tragic and an intended promising to investigate the killings the pakistani government has demanded the u.s. became an air base used for drone attacks it's also closed a vital u.s. military supply route to afghanistan a third to one half of all supplies that go to the nato forces go through pakistan so this is going to have a major impact there's no question about it the biggest rift between the two
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countries came six months ago when the u.s. violated pakistani sovereignty to assassinate osama bin laden with lost respect because people no fear. the united states because we're like a drunken person will go to war anywhere if you threaten us but now obviously his prime minister has come out and said there would be no more business as usual with washington there are clear choices produce. and all part of the problem is not going to be. good with war and i want we want everyone pakistan has been on there because main ally in the region for decades but constant abuse of the partnership by the us has driven a wedge between the two men he believes that pakistan's case highlights that a u.s. bearing gifts well later stop at nothing to get what it wants marina for nile r.t.
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new york it is now a five minutes past the hour here in the russian capital you without saying a two million of public sector workers all over britain taking part in a strike over pensions union say it's likely to be the biggest walkout in decades thousands of schools and offices are closed hospitals are badly affected an hour then forced to focus only on emergency care and let's get more now from lower smith standing by for us live in london at the heart of where many of the demonstrators are showing up laura good to see you you've been speaking to many of the people out there on the streets just how angry are they with these pension measures. and very angry i think the fact that two million workers are estimated to turned out to strike today displays the level of the i'm about that cuts to public sector workers pensions this is the biggest strike for around about thirty years as a rally here in the center of london but these marches that you can see behind me
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are going down to west mississippi parliament to show you just how close they are and they're also individual pickets outside places hospitals schools lost numbers schools are closed today we've got teachers. nurses doctors on strike we will sit up with people who've never been on strike a fool like a nice assistant radiologist radiographer is also civil servants and diplomats believe it or not civil servants particularly problematic because the poster controls other untrained people had to be drafted to check it was possible that heathrow airport for example a lot of public sex workers interesting lee are women and i'm joined by two of them here this is pretty and stim rich thanks very much for talking to us and your piece teaches pretty does this start with you as a female worker what will these changes to your pensions mean to you well. you have to work until in my late sixty's early seventy's i can't imagine being in
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a close and i'm thirty five year old a seventy year old woman i hear a teacher p.v.t. is a pharmacy teacher and doing my job as best as i am able to do now and also the cuts and the contributions being cut or pensions as well i won't be able to afford. to afford you know holidays and things are not able to do now as my career is starting out and the slogan that you all operating on stays the pension schemes will make you pay more and work longer and get less at the end of a similar has come to you and ask you the government's constantly saying there is no money in and that's the reason these pension changes having to be may but at the same time they're bailing out countries in the euro zone when a person isn't even a member of the here is a what's your feeling about that i mean anything it's all well and good helping out other countries at the end if they need to sort out your own country and i think it's unfair to the public sector and say and justified are we can take money from the pensions when there's so many other ways that they could to you and and and
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help the eurozone if that's what they want to do and also they want to decide to be ended i just think it's a bit unfair way of to go about every precinct very briefly what next if the government doesn't sit up and take. it is the which can't have to carry on until they do this if we just carry on just lie down and take it as it were. we're going to give them the opportunity then to carry on in the future to make cuts and change go back on a contract as they are all right to public sector teachers that thanks very much for talking to us now we'll be here all day as they said that more strikes are promised if the government doesn't listen to what these people are saying which we ting at our to london pier you can follow us that. these are lorimer that live in central london many thanks. well still ahead for you this hour here on our team that ever growing pressure here now is economic sanctions against its former allies syria including a halt to weapons deliveries as ankara says assad's government has reached the end
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of the road. mastermind all victim russian investigators say britain's prime a suspect in the two thousand and six radioactive poisoning of x. k.g.b. agent alexander litvinenko was himself poisoned by. just outside in ten minutes past the hour here in moscow britain is pulling some diplomats out of iran after militants students stormed the u.k. embassy compounds in the capital tehran hundreds of hardline protesters massed outside the building before pelting the gates and windows with petrol bombs burning british flags and an embassy vehicle the attack came after iran resolved to reduce the people about it relations with the u.k. following is just to impose further sanctions on iran political analyst chris bambery believes provoking the islamic state was always britain's got. as the right subsections against the right talk of some restraint against iran over this you could program we should remember that nationalism runs very deep in people's
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memories of when for instance britain and america wants the coup in one thousand nine hundred three to overthrew a democratically elected government which had nationalized british american oil interests and installed the shah of iran and the nationalism is runs very deep really enthusiasm present in religion and many of the mood around here against any notion of sanctions against the run of british american need to strafe against the right to see all of america. between them have enough weapons to destroy the world many times over make sure. it does not have. iran the americans and the bruce to have plans for eventually. and there were two strikers whether or not the kind of and i think those people who are committed to peace and don't want to see you know war should be concerned about this actually pressure in washington london paris to stall any talk of for the sanctions or any
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talk of a military strike against iran we are also curious as to what you think about the consequences of the u.k. embassy siege in tehran you can actually cast your vote right now at r.t. dot com bring up the numbers right now here's how you voting this hour the majority think it will eventually end up with a western style intervention on iranian soil the opinion that the attack was just political theater and will have few serious consequences that comes in second almost a quarter of you predict that more sanctions against iran will come and its further isolation thirteen percent believe the u.k. and other western countries will cut diplomatic ties with the exotic state do you have your say at r.t. dot com. we're coming to you live from moscow two men found guilty of bombing the subway in the belorussian capital minsk have been sentenced to death by the explosion in april killed fifteen people now dimitri konovalov was found guilty of committing a terrorist act as he carried out the bombing he built the explosive device in self
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get needing it during rush hour he acted with an accomplice of let us love cavalli off the judge ruled both pose an extreme danger to society and so did deserve her capital punishment they've been sentenced sentenced by highest court which means they cannot but feel the sentence can only be reversed if president look at shanker pardons them as the only country in europe where practices capital punishment. egypt has witnessed unprecedented scenes as millions turned out to vote for their future but to rear a square protesters who boycotted the polls remain skeptical with doubts already over the influence a new parliament will have they're sure the autocratic hand of the military will continue to rule the country he said he said now reports. signs over the fields of marc rich the mile long lines at the polls vote stained fingers and how people joy are participating in egypt's future but do the signs stop that. election
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excitement and dreams of democracy overshadowing a harsh reality there's little doubt egyptian enthusiasm for this whole is genuine they're excited to be voting in a real action for real candidates but for a heart of a man that will have no power does that make as part of a real transition back from the old regime but the problem is you know what of that you're going to produce a parliament that cannot appoint ministers that kind of appoint a government. whose constitution whatever it turns out to be is going to be guarded by the army some who understand this boycott at the polls like some you have a protester that knows all too well old tactics are still rampant virginity tests was performed on her and other women protested don't talk we're long after mubarak fell. the women told me to lie down for so she examined me and the man came in and i had
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a man to examine me i was naked it was like to show all those people watching all of those officers and soldiers she was too upset to tell me details of her ordeal but did say this about the book i guess i thought the main reason for holding the elections is for the military to hide their corruption crimes instead of voting a group of protesters marched to call for justice and show solidarity for genetic tests victims. there were a few cameras and no egyptian press it remains the fact that both before during and after the selection of the ruler of egypt is an elected man called field marshal muhammad ali and as long as he's an elector this is not a democracy but the west was quick to praise the election as a. step towards change although the americans begin to say one of the army must go back to barracks. down will be perfectly free to keep the army where it is in egypt if you give one point three billion dollars
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a year to the egyptian army which the americans to you would you expect it to do what it wants which leaves little room for the people to get what they want in egypt might be waking up for more of a nightmare than the sweet dream of democracy once selection operation settles at least in our way r t cairo. here in moscow from egypt now to syria where a turkey is freezing the assets of the syrian regime and suspending financial dealings with their former ally ankara also announced it would stop the delivery of weapons to damascus. measures that come in the wake of the arab league sanctions move syria dubbed konami warfare earlier the un released a report stating that government forces had committed crimes against humanity in their brutal crackdown on protesters russia believes the rest was triggered by an armed syrian opposition has called on both sides to begin dialogue a middle east expert and when it got to he says it's ordinary citizens who will bear the brunt of the economic pressure. sanctions is
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a blunt instrument which ultimately affects the population more. creasing. the country may be sliding crowds kind of civil war because the protests apparently the peaceful protests have not had the kind of impact the. organizers had hoped for. may be moving more and more towards some kind of armed confrontation nevertheless. these are typically these are also could be double edged sword but i think all those who are best interests of syria and its people should. make a police. maybe more efforts to try to get some kind of dialogue going between the regime in our position the internal as well as the external opposition because
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unless we see that i think that situation is going to be dangerous for everybody involved both within syria and in the region with. the situation so i could have you with us today here on r.t. stories and by catching videos always waiting for your dot com right now a taste of what's online and i think american running is dropping bombs across afghanistan and pakistan are set to get a closer to home as a new legislation could see the robot planes circling right over us soil. and a virus that could decimate the world a scientist in the netherlands creates a deadly strain of bird flu it's sparking around our over the formula's future but more on that and much much more to artsy dot com. a new twist in a long running spy saga the russian businessman who's the u.k.'s prime suspect in the murder of executed the officer alexander litvinenko is now seen by moscow as
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a victim in the case russian investigators say an attempt on his life was also made when litvinenko was killed in two thousand and six another key witness that dimitri kovtun was also a target on his payroll for explains. russia's investigation into the murder of alexander litvinenko said the two people who guarded as suspects in the murder by british investigators were actually targets of assassination themselves at the same time these are dimitri caught a businessman and former agent he was implicated in the case after having a meeting with alexander litvinenko and the little boy who still remains the main suspect wanted for questioning by british police over the murder which took place in london he denies all of the allegations that have been made against him by the british police. that britain had asked for him to be extradited to the united
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kingdom to face questioning this is out of the question actually against russia's constitution since entered politics and is currently a state duma deputy meaning the extradition cannot take place and he will not under any circumstances be going to london to face questioning in the five years since that been yank his death we've seen really frosty diplomatic relations between britain and russia mostly due to the britain wanting to see a little boy extradited the russians question the thoroughness of the british investigation and he said that the british side could provide russia with information suggesting that look of boy was guilty they would look into prosecuting him themselves here in russia but in london right now an inquest into his death is currently ongoing. that is pretty solid reporting there is a little sign of a let up in tensions in northern kosovo by local serbs are erecting more roadblocks along the disputed border despite attempts by nato peacekeepers to clear them and
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this comes just days after violent clashes nato troops fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse serbian protesters leaving dozens injured trouble flared up during the summer when cars of our authorities try to take control of checkpoints to impose a trade ban on serving goods and nato peacekeepers had moved in to patrol the border. there now has the latest on a simmering standoff. for serbia and kosovo the road to independence starts here since july the western backed old me and majority here have tried to impose their customs controls on the air is inhabited by the serbian minority these men saw this as an underground step to drive them out and set up roadblocks now they keep watch here day and night and more and more are calling for independence from all being in kosovo now and from belgrade this checkpoint isn't located in any internationally recognized border and if people behind me aren't professional
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border guards but the extreme measures they've had to go to this is their only means of survival. in september in milan a pair of h. was shot in the leg by nato soldiers who were trying to take down the barricades as he prepares to return there he says that he now realized that the price of the standoff is just too high amounts as he never wanted independence just because they were to reunite a serbia but he admits that this is unlikely to happen and that a compromise is necessary. but we are isolated now anyways maybe as talking about the pressure on belgrade so it will be more attention to serve some causal it was going to help us. see those that were there for twelve years since the conflict that divide of kosovo the politicians and the great have repeated of the area is an integral part of serbia but under the presidency of western oriented but it's heritage joining the european union has become a bigger priority to satisfy either man's heritage has recently called for the barricades to be dismantled and branded bad offenders extremists. that are public
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it will grow has abandoned possible and the people of kosovo are fighting for themselves but the e.u. keeps making new demands first handing over milosevic to encourage the nottage but they will never be satisfied meanwhile the situation for serbs in kosovo is getting worse that we have because this is footage of the latest clashes on the barricades which have been happening almost daily recently but despite the toll of simmering violence when we visited barricades on a quite a night it was all of course where serbs remains firm oliver because this was this is our homeland we will not leave it and we will defend it regardless of what anyone else tells us to do with. the european union most of the leaders in belgrade and albanian cause a loss of all brushed off the idea of an independent third in kosovo put into a call who might of some sort of stone for the serb minority living care a destructive standoff will continue indefinitely. eagar of new york city council
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we're. going to get to some other headlines from around the world for you this hour the eurozone ten days to stabilize the single currency and stem the crisis the e.u. monetary affairs chief also said the region needs tighter economic governance and more protection i mean while central banks around the world are promising coordinated action to ease the strain on the global financial system e.u. leaders are set to try and hammer out a fresh solution to the continent crisis next week. in los angeles people say they've arrested the skis with the police have arrested at least two hundred occupy protesters as they try to force them from the camera over a thousand officers in riot gear raided the camp two days after demonstrators ignored a picture notice from the mayor and some protesters threw sticks and water bottles at the police though most of it was peaceful. former president a lot of bibo was being charged with crimes against humanity by the international
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criminal court he was taken into custody at the hague where he's accused of murder rape and persecution the charges they brought to the aftermath of last year's election when bad bo refused to accept defeat and almost caused a civil war you'll be the first former head of state to be tried by the courts since it was set up in two thousand and two. time now for the business with korea. thank you very well and welcome to our business our plate this hour russia may be on the way to investment starvation he cannot make ministry expects the country to see a six percent growth in investment in two thousand and eleven and a slightly higher increase in the coming years almost half of the cash is still coming from the state the canonic ministry says that not enough to finance russia's plans for modernization with no more opportunities to stimulate economic growth with budget spending. meanwhile the government had once again raised its estimates
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for capital outflow from russia this year it's now predicting eighty billion dollars will feed the country rather fifty billion previously estimated analysts say the surging outflow is due to investors shunning wisc in the uncertain global economy. taking a look at the markets now first commodities oil is making a comeback after a slow start right so it is currently trading at one hundred one dollars a barrel well brant is about one hundred eleven dollars a barrel european markets are making a big comeback after a negative start pussy is gaining almost three percent on the dax is up four and a half percent that's after global central banks including the u.s. credit reserve and the european central bank took coordinated action to ease pressures and money markets and in russia stocks extended gains out to that interest rate reduction by the u.s. by the reserve relatively high oil prices are also supporting the market so are speculations on further potential measures from the e.u. to resolve protect crisis most of the blue chips are trading in the black hills are
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no exclusion bank is gaining over five percent after it posted a two fold increase in net profit for the first line months of the year shares of darwin producer al gore also have been blocked from trading due to forty percent growth analysts say the high demand for the asset is due to its recent listing on the biceps. and sirius star is about. the trend jumping ten percent since november two hundred twenty fourth reports say it may spin off its core production assets assets here here's alexander soft or else. these needs to. be considered completely safe if you ride. through the investor program stories in the stock market like oil and gas stocks in particular. the cheap long multiples many of them out of convenience saudi oil and gas sector are strongest will probably be the ones that will not make your
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supplants whole losses not true would be great upside potential. russia's largest lender is a bear bank is seeking it to enter the swiss market as part of its strategy to expand in europe it's in talks to buy a small local bank s.o.b from a russian oil company local commerce a newspaper says its bank is aiming to develop investments and private banking services in switzerland the deal could be worth around sixteen million dollars and versus largest car maker after the us will look at the overseas markets to expand competition at home surges when the country joins the w t o access into the trade body will ensure a gradual decline in car imports tuesdays to thirteen percent from the current twenty five a head of us the gas explains how the company will happily. we're going to support competitiveness which is the increasing efficiency. reducing cost
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big will be there is oh a competitive advantage in russia that is for a start and the next target is as i've said before my serious purpose and the next step we are going to have to developing markets. but it would be the next step we will discuss and couple for you. and that's come all the time being but you can always find more stories if you just log on to a website i got called softs. cutters
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