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tv   [untitled]    November 30, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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welcome to the lone shell of the real headlines with none of the marcy coming live out of washington d.c. now tonight we're going to take a close look at the response by central banks including the federal reserve to solve the euro zone's crisis is increasing liquidity really could help anything david dayen is going to join us and is one occupy camp after another gets evicted around the country we've heard similar concerns about the homeless being endangered by camping out by mares and other city officials but what do they actually doing to combat homelessness or should i ask those that are talk to us about their mixed up
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priorities and a two week long climate change summit is underway in south africa as we speak a year before the kyoto protocol expires so will this conference be a failure like the last few and if so whose fault is that be we have all that and more feet and i couldn't get out of happy hour but first take a look at the mainstream media has decided to miss. our so today i'm disappointed after congratulating the city of los angeles for not really messing with violate protestors after handing them an addiction notice over the weekend all looks like they had a bit of a change of heart last night the city unleashed over fourteen hundred police officers to clear out the camp. for two months prior character los angeles has shut down l.a. police moved in just after midnight so close that dozens of protesters were arrested and they arrested about two hundred protesters los angeles police department said that there were only three incidents where they had to use force
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last night which is really pretty incredible when you consider the manpower that they brought in the number of people thousands of people who were camped out here about four hundred police officers moved in just after midnight to set down the camp on the ball of city hall police say the operation for peace for the most part was a pretty cooperative crowd and very non violence or happy about that. all right well i still stand by the fact that i find it to be a positive thing that los angeles at least transit used tear gas and flash grenades and other chemical agents and overly oppressive tactics to get the protesters out completely the opposite of what we saw in oakland new york and elsewhere and i still wish they would have let them stay but if they're going to go ahead with the eviction and if they show that it can be done in a less militarized and violent manner although why on earth they would need fourteen hundred police officers to do it that's completely beyond me let's move on to what i think is the even bigger issue here that you notice in those clips that
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we just played for you that they all came from just one network only c.n.n. well there's a reason for that because last night sandra's decided to step on the first amendment right to the freedom of the press and limited the media access to this eviction wasn't a full blackout oh no they planned it just carefully enough so that somebody could be there just only a couple of somebodies to get this thirty pm last night the l.a.p.d. announced that there would be stringent rules for the press but only a small hole of media outlets would be allowed inside this eviction and interested parties would have to attend a meeting at seven fifteen so you want to know the grand total of that small pool of media outlets that would be allowed to cover the eviction of what until last night was the largest occupy camp left in the country and what is perhaps the largest popular popular movement that we've seen in years when those three reporters reports august first for television outlets and three radio outlets everybody else and tough luck now the rules didn't stop there the l.a.p.d.
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also told media outlets that they would be notified an hour before the police drove in and they wouldn't be allowed to in l.a. weeklies words phone home with their juice until the of the action was over one radio reporter told l.a. weekly that she was told that they were embargoed from tweeting while it was all going on and they also had to agree not to expose the police tactics and of course a couple of media outlets snuck in got around a few of the rules but overall this is completely. outrageous first we saw this in new york with the vision is in part why the police there didn't have as well thought out of a plan of how to block media access they still try their best and in the meantime got to rough up a few journalists now we have the city of los angeles that's trying to build some good p.r. for itself by proving peacefully they can if they can occupy can encampment but they're completely blowing it by blocking the freedom of the press now of course c.n.n. was allowed in but notice in none of their coverage they even mention these very stringent media rules and every else the rest of the mainstream media. well once
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again no outrage whatsoever about the fact of the press is being shut out from doing its job but herman cain wasn't allowing them in so where you know the mainstream media would throw a fit of being blocked from covering the a vision of a social movement that is highlighting the inequality in our country that part they choose to me. looks like the eurozone crisis is scared of central banks around the world and not to take action say the federal reserve the european central bank the bank of japan the bank of canada and the swish swiss national bank announced a court made an effort to ensure liquidity for the global banking system of this essentially means of the fed is going to make it much cheaper for european banks to borrow dollars as at the moment now they're going to short on cash and markets were loving this news today and saw a major surge but also analysts would agree that increasing liquidity is only a short term fix for a much larger institutional problem within the eurozone so how do we look at it is
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a quick fix going to give europe the time that it needs to restructure to stop its crisis from bringing the global economy down or is i just more wishful thinking more band-aids that lead to more bad habits for which lessons are never learned joining me from our studio in los angeles discusses david dayen blogger at firedoglake dot com david thanks so much for joining us tonight and for starters i what do you think about this move coming from the central banks is there anything at all even a little bit that they're going to fix with that. yes i mean the liquidity crisis which you were talking about in the looting to the difficulty for banks in the euro zone to lend to one another and meet their day to day operations that is what this will really attack and i think will at least the rest bad to some degree mainly by giving free money to these banks but the larger problem i mean if it was only a liquidity problem and this would be a fine solution the problem is that there are multiple sort of cascading problems
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with europe right now the biggest being that there's probably an insolvency crisis among the banks not just the liquidity one and also that there's a monetary union which you know doesn't fit all of the different component parts of the union and what's good for germany in terms of monetary policy does not match what's good for say southern europe so there's still a lot of issues to be worked out so that everybody knows that the liquidity crisis is really only one piece of this puzzle that is much much larger and why are the stock markets so excited today and acting like everything in the next. i mean the stock market usually enjoys free money for banks that seems to be there and in some ways it does arrest what was seen as maybe a ten day window of a doomsday of lending or that what they were attacking is very similar to what
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happened with lehman brothers when when they went down and banks suddenly there was a big credit crunch and banks in the united states couldn't couldn't get secure the lending for their day to day operations so by dealing with that at least in the near term it prevents a real catastrophe and so obviously the market is is happy that we've we've at least dodged that bullet for the time being are now getting through what you keep repeating is that this is essentially free money for these banks and they are getting these dollars pretty damn fact i think european banks right now have a better deal than american banks do you know what's in it necessarily for the fact well the fed i think basically wants to keep this at the water's edge i mean they they don't want to see any kind of crisis leak into the united states i don't think that they're going to have that option but by providing this liquidity of it
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it may be prevents for the time being a real meltdown in europe which would have cascading effects all over the globe so by by doing this the fed is really protecting the economy not its states as much as it is dealing with the european issues the problem is that it's only dealing with one aspect of the crisis. and so do you think that this is actually going to provide more time for the eurozone to really figure out what they need to do with they need a centralized treasury if they need to restructure if they need to and finish this monetary union it really doesn't seem to be working out or is this type of move really just allowing certain behavior to continue and kicking the can down the road putting a band-aid on it whatever term you want to use it will provide more time and of course kicking the can down the road and providing more time go hand in hand the real problem is political of course i mean it's the idea of whether you can get
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germany to agree to allow the european central bank to be the lender of last resort for these troubled countries in southern europe it's a balance whether countries in southern europe will essentially a loss of sovereignty to give up some of the fiscal abilities that they have in order to stay in the union it's about a host of these political issues and whether the countries in the euro zone have the will to keep it together or not and i don't know that time really is a factor there it's more political will and whether they think it's right for their country and and that's that's really an open question i think it was one of the things that keeps being brought up as well as the idea of perhaps the i.m.f. helping out and you know lending quite a bit of money to this european bailout fund but that would require probably a lot of political will here in the united states to city think that's just wishful thinking. it's
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a possibility it was it was certainly floated today as an option that the i.m.f. would would step in on the european bailout fund but but the european bailout fund they've basically peddled to every country on earth and of course the i.m.f. is is made up of every country on earth so it's just sort of another person they can try to sell magic beans to i don't know i mean it's such a strange event i've heard the european bailout fund and what they're trying to do with it because they're trying to sort of leverage it because they can't get enough money for enough firepower so they're trying to leverage it into a c.d.o. i've heard it described as not kicking the can down the road but setting the can on fire before kicking it down the road it really causes that perhaps even more of a drastic event if it all went wrong but i'm not sure that the i.m.f. is going to agree to that they'd be have to get signed off not only from the united
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states but from a majority of their nations so it's it the real issue is that the european central bank should be the one that has the muscle so you step in and sort of end the castigating costs for these eurozone nations that are having trouble funding their you know something that's actually not doing now really quickly before we go i want to switch gears and ask you yesterday we were talking about the fact that a federal judge had stepped in rejected the settlement between citi group and as you see because they were basically just letting them get away with a slap on the wrist and today we found out that the chairman of the s.c.c. had written a letter to congress asking them to pass new legislation so that they can hand out stricter fines is really is the problem really is that there's legislation blocking the f.c.c. from handing out straight fines or it is that they don't have the will to usually do that. i you know it's a good question certainly this is a reaction to what judge judge rakoff did and said this is just
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a slap on the rise this is ridiculous and and you're not forcing the entity in this case citi group to even admit wrongdoing for the crime that they committed in this case i think what is going on here is maybe a little bit more insidious that's its effort on the part of the f.c.c. to come up with settlements that are big enough so that judges like rakoff will not question them as much and that allows sort of the same gravy train to keep rolling where nobody admits wrongdoing they pay basically a pittance maybe it's a little larger now and they don't have to get exposed to all of the investors coming up with lawsuits because if if citi group for example in minutes to actually defrauding investors them obviously there's a host of lawsuits and punitive damages that they would be liable for so i think this is a way for the f.c.c.
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to try to minimize the damage to these banks by. having a big enough fine so that they can get it past the judicial process and settlements yanna at the end of the day with another find them right and definitely seems to me david thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you. i saw a concert i after the f.b.i. launched an internal review of the anti muslim rhetoric and its counterterrorism causes the white house has decided not to its own review of the details straight ahead and america los angeles says adopted by famine the city needs to be evacuated for the sake of the children they seem to forget about the thousands of homeless children and students in los angeles that have rebel wasn't directing the attention to the wrong question about the topics and the. internet only because of the no supreme justice or. i have to tell me right to know what my government would want to know why i think
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that's. i would characterize the obama as they care is now a version of american exceptionalism. to. get some closure see a story that seems so silly you think you understand it and then something else here's some other part of it and realize that everything is just killing each other for the.
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welcome to the capital account i'm lauren lyster. i. was the police and it was i like my contest to who nobody seems to know. i never ever sprayed my face but hardly argument that they're being overly dramatic. ok and last month president obama made an official announcement that he would be
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keeping his two thousand and eight promise in americans to end the war in iraq as well as keeping with the bilateral agreement that was signed it between the u.s. and iraq to bring home all troops by the end of two thousand and eleven. i can report that as promised the rest of our troops in iraq will come home by the end of the year after nearly nine years. america's war in iraq will be over. now after lots of back and forth kicking and screaming from the pentagon seemed as if the u.s. in iraq had come to an agreement on where the u.s. basically got kicked out and they had to agree to remove all troops except for one hundred sixty eight who would remain at the u.s. embassy but guess what it wasn't over yet because fast forward to this week when vice president joe biden made a surprise visit to the country to meet with iraqi prime minister nuri al in a leaky now during a press conference between the two leaders there was ample talk of working on the next stage of the u.s. rocky relationship and apparently part of the next stage means bringing back some
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troops to iraq in two thousand and twelve after they leave at the end of two thousand and eleven they're coming back so as of now there are about thirteen thousand troops waiting to depart in the country and in the process they've been turning over command to iraqi forces and shipping out military equipment daily over under this new situation some troops would return to better training the iraqi forces subject was a point of contention between leaders obama and the before the president made his official announcement october when biden spoke about aiding their forces here firm that there would be emphasis on training intelligence and counterterrorism and iraq a prime minister agree that u.s. forces would play a role in that transition not call me crazy but does that sound to me like i don't know the u.s. still has its hands involved in a war scenario when national security council spokesman tommy vietor says no an interview with wired stranger and leader says that any troops returning would not be involved in combat nor special operations forces or rather troops or provide technical advice on counterterrorism and
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a whole joint training exercises so it looks like president obama might have been fibbing when you call this a full transition after all those who have troops on the ground in iraq and let's not forget that even with the official troop withdrawal it will still be cia around one hundred anybody affiliated with al qaida and there's also going to be about five thousand mercenaries to guard u.s. diplomats in the country so when i ask you one more time is this really the end to the war in iraq or is the obama administration attempting to appease americans label the u.s. presence as a non-combat one and pretend as if they're really leaving the country think it's pretty obvious the latter. now back in september we reported on some very questionable counterterrorism training practices happening within the f.b.i. writes danger room broke the story about an f.b.i. training instructor they gave an incredibly offensive and bigoted view on muslims not only did william gother call mohammad a cult leader but he basically thought the concept that all muslims sympathize a jihad and the more religious a muslim is the bigger threat they pose for the u.s.
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check out this metaphor the gothard used to describe islam. is. really. the. best. the. the you know the. the i. mean the earth to be. sure. now since the public learned about these closed door teaching practices the f.b.i. promises they've been working on ways to clean up their training programs are dangerous now reporting at the white house also got involved last month quietly ordering it with widespread review of all counterterrorism training materials and the pentagon memorandum the white house national security staff called on all departments and agencies to share their screening process for counterterrorism trainers same way your ego who oversaw the white house review says the purpose was
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to quote determine the criteria used to establish professional qualifications for teachers and lecturers providing instruction on countering violent islamic extremism with particular focus on military information support operations information operations and military intelligence curriculum now as far as congress goes senators joe lieberman and susan collins have been questioning the qualifications of the trainers for a while however representative sue myrick of north carolina she spoke out against these internal reviews because she thinks they could quote weaken the programs by censoring certain language that is used to objective we identify the asymmetrical threats that are present in today's world thankfully is only one of the only members of congress who opposes its review because rooting out islamophobia in u.s. law enforcement or its local or national is of the utmost importance for counterterrorism efforts despite the fact the white house wanted to keep their involvement quiet overseeing the training process as definitely a step in the right direction and frankly i think it should happen much sooner.
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last night sanjay has joined other cities across the country that have a victim protesters from their occupy encampments and just like other cities claims of being cameras were endangering public safety l.a. mayor antonio joined the chorus except this time around he invoked the needs of the children stating that after he learned that children sometimes present the camp he worried that something awful could happen there's one giant gap between what the mayors know the city officials are saying and what they're actually doing for example mayor of a year ago said that he's worried about the children of the camps in danger but what about the more than thirteen thousand homeless students in the city and the many homeless people that had tacked on to the occupy camp where they can go now and oakland atlanta denver and cortlandt all places where occupy camps were evicted and where city officials so the homeless are being endangered by staying in those camps there are at least two homeless people for every open bed in the shelter system and to put it even more perspective for you around the country job losses and foreclosures helped push more than one hundred seventy thousand families into
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homeless shelters in two thousand and nine which is up nearly thirty percent from two thousand and seven so why are cities spending resources evicting occupy camps rather than devoting them to tackling the crisis of homelessness joining me from our studio in los angeles to discuss is richard as senior fellow at the campaign for america's future richard thanks so much for joining us tonight and let me first start because you're in los angeles i want to get your thoughts on what you thought about this eviction last night i was disappointed because the other day i was commending the city for not really a victim now using any violence which they didn't use last night but fourteen hundred police officers all the middle of the night that sounds like it costs a lot of money a lot of overtime to. oh sure it does absolutely and the money that would be well spent as you were saying in a lot of other ways and you know what we're learning is that there is this is coordinated not i don't think any necessarily in the nine hundred eighty four big brother kind of way but the mayors are talking to one another they're getting
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better at what they see is their assignment which is too big vic these demonstrators instead of addressing the issues that they're bringing to the public's eye or for that matter letting them exercise their rights so since they've taken that on is in the sign i would say the lesson from last night in l.a. and back in pennsylvania is they're getting better at their assignment they're hurting fewer people and so on they're doing it or at the in the dark of night but they still don't get what their real jobbers and so what do you think of this you know mary are going to basically saying that he was concerned about the children and their welfare because there are children that can and you know i think a number of people brought this up this week what if you can parent what if you talked about the fact that there are thousands of kids living in los angeles that don't really have anywhere else to go what about considering homelessness and you know the fact that you need more shelters you need more funding for these things instead of perhaps i mean who god knows how much money it was to send out all those
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forces. well put it this way you know if you think about the fact that los angeles is a city with a severe financial crisis and the mayor has been telling the public that it can provide the kinds of social services that are so desperately needed and then you take the number of children in the occupy camp and and the amount of money they spend to get rid of them which is millions of dollars you could probably buy each one of those kids on house with that money so it's not like they're looking for the most cost efficient way to help the neediest children in los angeles that's not what this is about obviously it's a cover story they're trying different they don't want to say these demonstrations are an embarrassment to our political agenda or our inability to confront the real causes of our economic problems so instead they'd rather say well we're throwing them out because we're worried about a few kids if you're worried about kids go find the kids who are sleeping in cars
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in los angeles for their parents and the kids who are being affected stop the illegal foreclosures that's how you help kids in the city of los angeles but overall it's you know when you look around the country do you think that being homeless is honest become criminalized to some extent when you have so many city ordinances and you know small local laws that really prevent anybody from sleeping on the ground from trying to camp somewhere is that really something that occupy movement has helped bring more into the spotlight. i think it has brought it more into the spotlight i think there's no question that that homelessness has been criminalized and stigmatized you know there was a time when people in this country thought of a homeless person as somebody that was down on their luck and would say there but for fortune you know i could go and there was a time line and a you know you read these stories of the forty's or whatever when i'm the farm house wife would give the whole bowl i'll go a few jobs to do for a hot meal and and a couple of bucks you know there was
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a time when there wasn't this loading of people who'd fallen on hard times but first you had the cutting back of social services in the evicting of people who had various needs for extra care from medical and other facilities and then you had of course these increasing waves of banker created financial crises and what do you do i mean a if you don't want people's consciences to be moved by there are these difficulties as human sorrows then you start to demonize the victims which is exactly what we've done and i think that occupy has done a great job maybe even accidentally of showing people that yes there are homeless in this country and you know what people now see on the cameras every day and they're not that different from other americans other people and maybe we'll get back to there but for fortune go i and we want to help these people any way we can which in my mind includes fixing a broken economic system. we as i just mentioned in the statistics there the number
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of homeless families has increased thirty percent or almost thirty percent since two thousand and seven so there is more and more of this and you bring up a good point about the stigmatisation suit because so many of these mayors has used . the concept of the fact that homeless people are starting to sleep at the camps as you know as an excuse to say they've become dangerous now united spoken a lot about the occupy movement in general richard i'm just wondering what do you think is it starting to phase out you know is this a bad sign because us and was was the largest encampment still left in the country and one by one there being i think that. you know i'm going to be a little bit of a cheerleader here cheerleader and say it's a bad sign if we let it be a bad sign in other words if people get discouraged because the last of the encampments are being neglected and pack up and go home then sure it's a bad sign but people say you know we've got to change up our game change up our tactics occupations were
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a brilliant idea but they're not the only great idea out there let's come up with a few others and keep those things going i think that is just the end of stage one in the end of stage two and to me are beginning to and to me the beginning of stage two is hey what did we learn from this what did this show the american people it showed them that all you have to do is hold up a mirror to our economic and political system and the system goes crazy that's a great lesson so i would say ok they've admitted everybody out of fear of everything that mirror held up to them so what do we do not. think that's a good question why do they do now richard thank you so much for joining us tonight if you. are coming up next in the responses viewer comments and he said i read it and one hundred ninety five countries are meeting a climate regulations in place of past efforts like this haven't seen much success but of course this is not the only difference is the panel on the issue since it came back.


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