tv [untitled] November 30, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EST
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internally. you know just. i have a right to know what my government would want to know why i think taxes. what i would characterize the obama as they care is now a version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then glimpse something else here see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok you don't understand. the.
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i guys it's time for you said it i read it take time to respond to my brilliance engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you too and you've got something to say i listen and first i want to respond to the viewer to a viewer who watched our interview with knowing prince yesterday on the true size of the fed loans and the misconduct of hank paulson rather alpha comments on you tube and i asked how is this not illegal good lord the whole system needs to be flushed out now not exactly sure if you're referring to the fact the fed lowered almost a trillion dollars to banks or below market rates without telling congress and those banks that went on to make thirty billion dollars off of them or the revelation that hank paulson sat down with some of his old buddies of goldman sachs and told him that the u.s. government was going to put fannie and freddie a conservatorship weeks before the public got such knowledge because both of those things are pretty messed up so it turns out that under current law the fed doesn't
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have to report to congress whatsoever the one and only time they've had to open up their books is during the first ever government accountability office audit this past year and in fact the only reason we know about the fed lending is due to a freedom of information act. and i asked for hank paulson disclosing on public information to his friends barely that's totally kosher because there's no direct evidence that that information was traded on which seems absolutely insane to me so yes i would agree if this is the way things are going to work around here a total overhaul the system is exactly what's needed next i want to respond to a viewer who watched my interview with marcy wheeler on the amendment to the defense authorization bill which would give the military control over the detention of suspected terrorists in the united states no less by five six seven due to our own i think we lost we lost that comment there are going to and move on to the next but let me respond to our last comment here was from brian ross who tweeted out this at the ilona show lauren lyster and some innate are really enjoying your work
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and. forward to reading seeing hearing more nice add to the evening and s n b c line up i'm glad to hear that you're enjoying the show lord knows you won't find anything like happy hour on m.s.n. p.c.'s or maybe just replace you know us with them on your life just getting to thanks for watching anyway that's my rant today and i'll be back with more as usual next week. now nine hundred ninety seven history was made when thirty seven nations committed themselves to the only binding climate agreement to date kyoto protocol and december twenty two of that agreement is going to expire so beginning this monday representatives from one hundred ninety five countries began gathering in south africa for the two week german climate change conference and yes they did also gather and coo last year with just very little results copenhagen before that with even fewer results so could this conference with time running out for an extension or a completely new and binding global agreement be any different at issue here is not only where the money's going to come from to help developing countries and how the rules have be applied but perhaps not importantly if anybody actually wants to play
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by any rules u.s. never ratified kyoto and is apprehensive through agreeing to a new set of regulations because they're saying that there are any regulations or rules drawn up yet russia canada japan and possibly australia they don't want a second agreement and they back ideas for voluntary targets and pleasures pleasures and the world's fastest developing economies and new top polluters china india and brazil all they're willing to play but only if everybody else does too so what happens if this becomes yet another massive failure and should the biggest polluters bear more responsibility than the rest are discussed with me is william demon associate director for the center for energy and environment at the competitive enterprise institute and ryan fitzpatrick senior policy adviser for the clean energy program thirdly or gentlemen thank you so much for joining me tonight and so i guess before we get into the nitty gritty let's just see what your predictions are is is the kyoto protocol going to run out without an extension and that's it is going to a massive global failure. almost assuredly we've got pretty much let's see the
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european union will not sign on one of those united states china brazil these developing countries also do so we've got the developing countries that you mentioned rapidly growing ones trying to brazil india. unconditionally saying what's going on in the united states it would require the senate or the congress to act in two weeks notice to in essence ratify a treaty a legally binding treaty to reduce emissions which is highly unlikely so given that no one wants to play ball it's on its own actually it's who do you think is was most at fault right name to name a couple of different factors everybody has their own reasons but what do you think would be the number one problem here as to you what would be holding up pretty. the global economy is probably the biggest impediment to moving forward with an agreement you have a group of nations coming together that actually believe the same thing the
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foundation of this is there that there is a problem of climate change we have the tools to fix it and we should use that. that's a that's a pretty big step and it's different from what we've had in years past but in order to get through to actual action on those those ideals you would have to first bypass one of the most pressing economic downturns that we've had in several decades people are trying to focus more on what's going on domestically and in public opinion you see that nothing trumps economic issues it doesn't matter if it's the actual end of the world as we know it based on climate change you know immediate economic pain from politicians i think are the problem here is that when you say that we have the tools to fix it we really have the tools to fix it work nobody can afford it because let's not forget that they also like to be one hundred billion dollars here to help developing countries and nobody knows where that money is going to come from and nobody's really stepping up to the plate and i don't know should the u.s.
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is. going up to the plate should be stepping up to the plate sure they're having financial crises of their own right now but you could say that's also their own fault because of poor institutions and or banking systems and so what the rest of the world the poor world is suffering right now due to climate change and there's droughts going on and what not and it's a life or death situation will quickly like to know that also suffer with climate change policies i mean by definition. greenhouse gases given the close correlation to economic growth where you don't limit greenhouse gases you also limit economic growth which does have an impact in developing countries but also to get an idea of the scope of the problem according to the international energy agency we would have to spend through the world as a whole forty five trillion dollars through two thousand and fifty in order to have a fifty percent chance to limit global warming to two degrees celsius that's the humans you want schools so there's really no precedent in world history people my kids have burden sharing a bed budget too short of what you think of it's not worth it to i think it's not
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worth it because i don't really a lot of money but if this is the future of the planet that we're talking about these are the future of the planet but that's a whole different can of worms i will notice that the policies do indeed have a good serious fact in addition to delegations to fighting global warming catastrophic global warming i'm having a bit of that so you get out you get away those concerns first of all i disagree with williams first statement that this it's not possible to avoid an economic downturn when you are trying to mitigate climate change we had a report from the administration of energy information destruction was wearing. just today that came out that said it had actual policy that would require a certain amount of energy to be generated from clean renewable sources would not have absolute minimal facts on g.d.p. between now and twenty thirty five it is very possible to do it very talked about g.d.p. for our for any given day he participates in what about the developing countries really do need to develop their economy should they have the exact same. no relaxed
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standards that we had i guess you could say lack of standards because we got to do it first two things i would say first of all it is there isn't a responsibility but more important opportunity for developed countries to participate in bringing developing countries along with this and it's not necessarily with cash it can also be with technology transfer solar panels were created here in this country but because of a lack of federal investment or not enough of it that development is going to other countries you know we went through the growing pains ourselves as we were developing as a nation as to be european union nations and we have to watch a show for we develop the technologies that will help mitigate come change we should be transferring those and profit to developing world and there's no reason why we couldn't be doing that but it's going to take dedicated federal support if you think that in a way that we would be telling other countries you're not allowed to go through growing pains if we go back to this idea of can there be some type of agreement when you come up with one policy that's supposed to apply to every country in the world we have really to impose upon the developing world and they've clearly made
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their priorities i'm a parent which is getting people out of poverty because we're into that that is mitigating climate change so at the same time china is investing a lot more in green energy than we are. those numbers i think they're putting us to shame in that sense you could say because the solar panels may have been created here in the united states but what the hell are we doing there not around either and they're not doing it because you know it's strictly because of environmental benefits and china has made a very calculated estimate that this is going to be profitable and it's not difficult for them to write to the station the world knows there's a two point three trillion dollar global economy in clean energy and whoever gets there first whoever can get a big chunk of it is going to reap the rewards right now we're not in first place to get that we're not lining ourselves up to getting the lion's share of that and there's no reason why we should it's not as the number line economy in the world at least still at this point are we basically telling everyone else that nobody has to sign on to any type of global climate treaty or investment in green energy because
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we haven't prioritized it i think our position is more nuanced than that or got a few variations but i think it's a little more than just three where it's like i'm this point is certainly not looking for a legally binding treaty i would like to know one thing with respect to this this idea that competing in this is a competing with us in the supposed market for the green energy twenty five to thirty percent of chinese wind turbines it was forty two thousand and ten gigawatts about twenty five percent when you connect to the grid they're producing no useful power there's no purpose to them so if this is the race that we set out to win what are the fruits of those ways we're used to going to wasted energy wasting time wasted effort. do you construct a building one brick at a time and it's just very important that you have the same foundation for us for the turban talks for china's long term plans on energy which i would love for the united states to have a plan for the long term energy china does but the foundation for both urban talks and china's plan is that understanding that climate change is real we have the
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tools and we need to use them they are doing it we are not we are stalling and that's our political reality right now and i hope that there's a breakthrough and we think that the benefits that are out there might be what finally brings our. that's the shins and the american public which is already very supportive of clean energy. again just to start up on this point of trying to supposedly have a competing on the global green global research suppose for this global green energy supremacy they're building a thousand megawatts of cold or every three weeks certainly that would appear to be the foundation of their long term energy strategy in this country we just had impermanence groups led by the spirit club celebrate the hundredth hundred having off the record building of a coal fired power plant in this country so if you know the fall of the chinese model then by all means we guess we will start building called china also has a actual limitation on carbon emissions which we do not. say a voluntary or not
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a voluntary mandatory limit so you know they they are setting up the stage for them to have a point of trying to is willing and basically they said as well is that they're willing to have actual rules imposed upon them and everybody agrees to these rules and we. also seem to be on board and i have to wrap it up unfortunate thank you for joining me but by the looks of this it tells me that you know he was going to expire and durban is going to go nowhere and i think that's really unfortunate i wish that was the case thanks so much for joining us. i still have a shell one that says that he has own private army and tell you it is hard to fight a war if i don't have the hour here in paris his body. and i phone siri takes a stance on abortion. into. supreme justice or. i have a right to know what my government would want to know why i think. i
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our guys aside tonight still time awarded rights because two new york city mayor michael bloomberg i don't last couple of months bloomberg is taking a break from outlawing smoking and cracking down on trans fats unleashed the full weight of the n.y.p.d. against the peaceful protesters occupy wall street and so far the n.y.p.d. has arrested hundreds and hundreds of those protesters thank you. thank you thank. you thank you. and also being caught on video becoming violent with the protesters with everything from baton separate spray after all who can forget the original occupy wall street occupy wall street pepper spray incident which came before so many others. i. was. her.
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right. to our eyes. was and most recently the n.y.p.d. isn't responsible for censoring the media during their late night eviction of psychotic park. thing the thing. i'm crossing. you. i spoke. now according to bloomberg that was actually for their own good he was protecting the press not trying to make sure that as a vixen was reported on properly but last night mayor bloomberg and speaking at mit well he just kind of laid out his beliefs about his relationship with n.y.p.d. he said quote i have my own army and then my p.t. which is the seventh biggest army in the world i have my own state department much
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to foggy bottom annoyance we have the united nations in new york and so we have an entry into the diplomatic world that washington does not have. well wow is all i have to say seems to me like bloomberg is getting a little bit too big for his britches it's almost as if he thinks that he runs his own little country and is a blatant disregard for the first amendment seems to reaffirm that view so i've got news for you bloomberg new york city is still a part of the united states freedom of assembly and freedom of the press still apply to you and guess what then why bt is not your personal army it's a police force that is paid for by the taxpayers to protect them the people not carry out your will whatever happens to be that day and looking at how they've been treating people lately seems like maybe your twisted logic and way of looking at the world is actually getting to that king bloomberg says a victim we have picked no matter who gets hurt in the process i dislike the fact that we will these are also the ninety nine percent so mayor bloomberg for thinking at the n.y.p.d. is your own personal army and not meant to be different people protectors of excuse
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me the people of new york protectors you are tonight's to a time where. oh ok ok it's time for happy hour and join me this evening as archie producer jenny churchill and kevin glass managing editor of town hall thanks for joining me guys. we've got quite a few stories today and so first we're going to start with some ads that are coming out in a few communities in the united states and this comes from the yahoo's ministry of immigrant absorption and basically it in hebrew there is going to have to watch it and then we can discuss it after both live audience watch. the.
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so basically the grandparents they're asking their granddaughter what hony is it today and she says christmas obviously as you heard and they look really upset and the final title card rates help them return to israel so are they trying to kill the jews when you say i mean this obviously shows me that netanyahu has no idea that christmas is basically no longer a religious holiday in america i mean we've got a man who just has not been a big red suit and says oh it's just a time to buy presents for people and go shopping but he's waging is a little war christmas you know going. to the big one that he literally can't because they totally support him conflict of interest let me do jeffrey goldberg the atlantic group you know why is that yahoo going after these american
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jews when you know the united states is obviously the largest supporter of israel in the world and he came out with this in another ad about. intermarriage between israelis and american jews is kind of stoking a little fires about assimilation into the american culture and. i think that to something it's ridiculous to because everybody knows the hanukkah's cooler anyway it's eight days they have hanukkah harry so many so this is kind of may give them a dollar present case you might get a present every day but it's like this giant but it does last longer well you get a president for eight days. and that's eight nights in a row you have to spend with your family i have to say. i love i love my family. so i think if anybody out there has a new i phone that you've heard of siri or you have syria but you probably heard of her regardless she talks to you you ask her questions and answers here's
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a little demonstration. what is the meaning of life. i. i can't answer that now the piece of time i tried to carry on playing which thing happens. once again what is the meaning of life. try. to guess and try all right so it's been really fun to see what people can come up with in terms of the types of answers that syria would give you but now it turns out that syria may have an actual opinion when it comes to abortion if you ask her in new york city and say a question clinic so this tell you that i didn't find any if you ask here in washington d.c. she won't direct you to planned parenthood but suggest that you pay a visit to the first choice women's health center which is an anti-abortion pregnancy crisis center but she will try to tell you where to find buy agra hospitals where you could see if you have direct or lasting for more than five
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hours places you might be able to score marijuana and where to dump a body. if you like there's a little bit of a silly story kind of making something out of a technical error that apple's overlooked i mean robots are perfect and we're getting a little bit it was a robot is it brainwashed or not tell you where to get to where you were getting a little bit of an over reaction from conservative groups saying this is a great this proves that apple is pro-life or something but apple's not some big evil conservative corporation they're not koch industries this is obviously a programming glitch that you know apple didn't foresee coming and will likely be affected in the next hour why it was something i thought that were the case but then i read somewhere that someone asked their siri siri why are you antiabortion and it responded i just am. who was serious i don't think. i think it's counterintuitive i mean if you've got
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a mind if the rise of the machines is coming you would think it's all about abortion because that means that humans are dying like i mean i think it would be in her benefit for there to be less humans on the planet. believes in life or conception then you know that's something i mean i don't want to get into that and i think i kind of just accidently alluded to something that i don't mean to analyze the point is that we have to laugh about syrian the stuff that she says we can before the policy. let's move on to j. edgar movie here's a little clip of it. it's my belief that one man becomes a part of the zero you know so can go to so as to eliminate even the slightest possibility of criticism as to his comment was told someone like. i want you to be one of. the nine you. ok so there's a lot in this movie alluding to his homosexuality and the f.b.i.
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is really upset about that actually the bill grad and former agent and chairman i don't mean the f.b.i. the j. edgar foundation said i don't know anyone who is not extremely upset it's not only because of our admiration for him it's the fact that it's just not true if it were true would be the worst thing in the world but don't do that to the poor guy couldn't be the worst thing in the world to do that to the poor guy when he's dead and gone and we just get off. their. it's a little i feel a little sympathetic to their argument because you know the washington post had a story on the city noted that major historians can't find any hard evidence of homosexuality this is something that obviously is going to stop them well. you know this really has been rumored. for a long time but never confirmed by anybody he simply i mean not simply but he had a very close relationship with the man who was his number two for most of his life and that led to obviously rumors innuendo and i agree with you to
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a certain point but at the same time there are serious rumors that been floating around for years that he was homosexual so then if you make a movie about his life and you completely leave that out i think that's totally unfair and i'm representative of reality if it could be but you know the point is there's a little bit of a heavy hand in the movie about the insinuation doesn't it i don't know. i guess we could leave you with a clip on that is wait an hour and quick. so there's my knowledge my hope is fine i have an annual physical i should lose weight everybody who knows me told me i should lose weight they're all correct i just find a really hard to lose weight god wanted me to be there not you say oh that's one. of the great to my life i was once a new i see what you're saying there is a term for a large homosexual man we got it looks like are you guys thanks for joining me dr for night so thanks for tuning in make sure they come back tomorrow i'll be alex
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a christmas present alchemy filling in for me and david sirota is going to be on the show to discuss how to help those might be a national security threat meantime become a fan of us on facebook and twitter is going to be wonderful and clear thanks to his moves. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then he glimpse something else hears you some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't have time or. technology innovation all the elements in the realms he's got the future are
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