tv [untitled] December 1, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EST
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richmond's three. three. three. three both on the field for your media project a free media gun to our teeth dot com. hello i'm john martin in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture it's been a tough week for occupy wall street's movement with major least raids in l.a. and philadelphia. but there have also been enough significant victory to make a one percent call in their messaging. and do you think two million people protested in the streets is a damp squid look for the prime minister david cameron so what happens now that the british government is ignoring the largest strike seen in that country in
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a generation and heating costs are on track to rise this winter just as the republicans sure and major cuts to low income household energy subsidies memo to republican lawmakers so let them eat frozen cake just doesn't have the same ring. you need to know this one day after occupy los angeles was evicted the l.a. city council plans to pick up their message next week the city council will be voting on a resolution calling for congress to amend the constitution to end corporate personhood one of the primary demands of the occupy wall street movement voters in boulder colorado in missoula montana have asked similar resolutions this is just the latest victory for the ninety nine percent movement that has managed in just two months to stir debate in america away from deficit reduction or lost their.
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city and toward job creation and wealth inequality so needless to say conservatives and their campaign donors who reside generally comfortably in the one percent are little ward so in their latest effort to silence the voice of occupy wall street or distorted or mangle it they reached out to their favorite word spent right wing pollster frank luntz that's right the guy who brought us death panels and efforts to kill meaningful health care reform and job creators in an effort to keep the bush tax cuts in place for millionaires and billionaires is now targeting occupy wall street as we once attended an event in florida with the republican governors association and admitted that he's his words frightened to death by occupy wall street because it's wote having an impact on what the american people think of capitalism and quote but he also had a plan on how to defeat the movement for the latest on frank's and frank luntz is messaging to the one percenters joined by july for a broader we think progress is
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a always great to have you with us thanks for joining us again tonight and it's great to be here thank you massachusetts attorney general martha coakley survey. just blew this thing out she sued the bank of america j.p. morgan chase citigroup and g.m. a c. for allegedly seizing properties filing fraudulent foreclosure to documents and failing to help struggling borrowers who could've stayed in their homes if they had made lower you know if there had been. the. picks you know there are more shows look a lot of people are mortgage payments isn't this exactly the kind of thing that franklin says clients are terrified of but really fascinating what i heard was when coakley made this announcement she was actually in the courtroom right next to the one where occupy boston got to have their stakes tended over they got their get a court order to resist sort of a police a los angeles a new york style police raid so she was actually right next door when she made this announcement and yeah i think it is exactly what frank luntz is really terrified of
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because you know for those who don't know the story there were about fifty attorneys generals they were going to sort of make a deal with the bank the settlement to get a very small dollar amount from him and now actually bring any sort of criminal penalties against the players in the financial mess and slowly these attorney generals start to peel off you know california has peeled off eric schneiderman in new york's been a big hero and now coakley you know is coming out and saying you know i want to take a lawsuit directly to these people and i'm going to go after them and i think that's exactly what they're terrified of is that the financials like to for once that actually facing some heat from the people who should be holding them accountable and also it was the last we heard there's a federal judge. you know i'm not even going to allow this settlement to go on there needs to be a trial so people can know what's going on here i mean this is this is got i have been quaking in their boots if there's crimes and i think the last guy i noticed for signing a document is called forgery. people go to prison over those people who so will say
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so anyhow what was what was frank nonces advice what was yes so so frank luntz was speaking at their republican governors association and basically he was trying to tell the people who are there with the public and governors and their staffs and a lot of high level republican officials that they should actually be heeding occupy wall street and the ninety nine percent they should actually be trying to talk to them and i was trying to empathize with them i mean one of the things they told them was to tell them that they get it when you see a protest or protest an economic inequality tell them that you get it and that. care about make sure your cigar with right now that i think that it is right in your brain. and they said you know stop talking about how it's going to get people actually want to tax the rich they're talking about taking from the rich and said you know don't talk about government spending sometimes people think that's a good thing talk only about government waste you know all these sort of different ways to talk about a problem this sort of minimize that but the really fascinating to me is that these republicans are getting together to talk about how to actually fix the problems and if they really care about the people they care about the cause they're protesting
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it is to be getting together talking about how to fix the problem rather than talking about how to try to make it go away by talking about it differently well the republicans and frank luntz have always been about about that i mean for example when the. errors secretly initially funded i don't know if you guys are broken somebody's book the story that they have been funding i think was frank luntz somebody to come up with the concept of you know how do you change the word stacks and frank luntz up we came up with the first death tax and you know and they spent millions of dollars getting this in the media you know surreptitiously as it were and the same thing happened with global warming is that he was the consultant if people want to try to kill all sort of urgency to act on global warming talking about climate change talking about you know the earth it's you know it's sort of natural cycles rather than talking about it that they were actually causing a lot of damage to the earth and he was he was the point person for sort of changing the language around global warming so we have a history here frank luntz of the republicans basically being confronted with real
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problems or real demands of the american people and instead of responding to them trying to language their way out of them and having some considerable success actually over the last couple of decades might it be that they're running out of tricks. i think that that i think the really really sort of great thing about the age that we live in is that people are going to communicate with each other in ways that don't just involve watching the cable news shows or involve watching you know political commercials or major newspapers or the traditional outlets of people like once into a language and then people are finding a way around these channels that are talking to each other and exposing these problems using you know social media using our web two point zero tools and really trying to make their mind what the lines in the world are doing i mean occupy wall street and then hold the whole ninety nine percent of protests around the country they are not primarily being communicated by channels if you believe once can really tap into a control there may communicate just by people using whatever tools they can and i think that's what's really undermining the power of people like once and i think it
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eventually going to make it so that political consultants like him can't control the political language well i would be a wonderful day thanks a lot for a drop of blood if you so it's great to see. all the ninety nine percent is under attack in the united states across the pond in the u.k. the ninety nine percent is fighting back after one day after two million workers order to the streets in the largest strikes britain has seen in generations people are returning to work but there's still an uneasiness the streets as one protester from yesterday run folks of the university and colleges unions this is just the opening round of the battle about what ordinary people have the right to expect from society we need to be prepared to continue the struggle for as long as it takes meanwhile the coalition government of david cameron of the conservatives nick clegg of the liberal democrats is pushing ahead with more planned austerity it's as though yesterday's massive strike had never happened cameron even resorted to
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ridiculing the movement calling it a damp squib it is irresponsible and damaging so where is this headed now for an answer that i want to welcome the city of victoria jones of the talk radio news service very welcome back thank you very much great to see you i always appreciate . your insights on these issues actually i'm pretty much political as a white house reporter and everything else but you have a particular insight into the country in which you were born and whether you are u.s. citizens and so yesterday two million people on the streets of the united kingdom who were day why were they on the streets they were public sector workers of whom nearly two thirds of women many of whom had never struck before we're talking about health workers education workers local government workers civil service workers everybody from garbage people to driving test examiners to teaches to nursery school teaches to the people who would look
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off you if you went to a hospital and you needed something cleaned up everybody everybody was that david cameron's son elwyn is not able to go to school because his school was closed sixty two percent of schools were closed yesterday and fourteen percent more were partially closed this was a massive strike to reconstruct for thirty years. and and as one of the demonstrators said this is just the opening round what's next well what's next is tomorrow there are meetings with the health unions and the government now interestingly today and i think this may be a result of the strike the government got rid of a year and deadline for talks so it's now prepared to talk beyond the year end although there's no money on the table but there are. just the first january first this year and however i don't use hardening within the unions and some who didn't strike yesterday are considering balancing their members we're talking now about
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nurses midwives and doctors they didn't come out yesterday they're thinking of balancing their workers about industrial action teachers may be a little nearer reaching some kind of agreement but they're really furious they were tough. sixty they're being told they have to retire at sixty eight they don't want to and frankly the parents don't want to work until sixty eight i like. is this you know there's there's been in my lifetime it seems one major paradigm shift in the u.k. and that was margaret thatcher coming in and and then and then when labor took over labor kind of went to new labor you know so we were almost a bill clinton kind of version moderate version and it's almost as if that you're never really left is this the beginning of the unraveling of that kind of conservative strain the pushback against the socialism that had pursued it but i think yes possibly when you think about the last election where we now have this
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coalition government that you reference only twenty three percent of the total electorate voted conservative so david cameron does not have a mandate but he acts as though he does and of course he's got the lib dems going along with him for as long as they do and in this is a very tricky situation public workers are very unhappy they are under a pay freeze and they've just been told just been told this week that they're only going to get a one percent pay increase and twenty thirteen and twenty fourteen at the same time they're being told yes we want an increase in your pensions of two point eight billion pounds by twenty fifteen and increasing what you're paying in what your social security exactly this is huge yeah so i think we've not seen the end of that so the political landscape if as best i can figure out the conservatives are sort of like are republicans yes the lib dems are kind of like the clinton version of
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the democratic party they're kind of in the middle socially liberal and yeah fiscally and the labor party used to be called the socialist party it would be more like the dems and senator bernie sanders party and has become. july's as a result of tony blair's association with george bush is that you got even if you're in a position because the labor party is much further left or not democratic used to be called the socialist yeah exactly and tony blair getting so might this be the beginning of the of the renewal the revival of labor and if so is there a leader to bring that back is there a charismatic socialist out there well miller found this quite good he's quite quite charismatic does very well from self in the house of commons particular during prime minister question time really went off to cameron yesterday after that damp squib comment which way he's corrected today of missing when pressed by john list but it was a big strike as a basic that if it's nicer guy drives with exactly went off if he can get his that
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act together miliband if labor can really coalesce around him they are a bit like democrats in that they've got not very good at coalescing around a leader and all following the same mantra if they can do that people that take tough enough it could make a real big difference in the next election would be very interesting and keep us up to take a trip or just you thanks for joining us this is definitely a situation keep an eye on as the backlash against austerity measures in your bubble and with over a half million public sector workers in america laid off thanks to the same sort of austerity it may be just a matter of time before we see similar strikes on the rest of the united states state. it's time for our daily poll your chance to tell us what you think republicans forced why heat a low income house heating assistance program to cut back fifty percent here's the day's question will this force the poor to choose between staying warm or food on
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the table your choices are yes with one in five americans economically insecure they can't afford to pay for the essential to live or no more people will figure out how to get both meat and food right on a time when i come to let us know what you think the poll will be open until tomorrow morning and i'll be debating this very issue with my conservative guest david sullivan after the break. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it through to be made who can you trust no one who is you in view who would have noble mission would see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question morning.
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who is screwed with this what are the poor according to forecast by the us and. information ministration the price of heating the average on with oil this winter is expected to spike ten percent to twenty five hundred dollars for the whole season that's a forty five percent increase from just two years ago there are more than eight million homes in america that rely on oil for heating purposes roughly one in four in the northeast unrest in the middle east and rampant speculation on wall street
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or blame for the oil price spike that situation is about to get a whole lot worse for those individuals with a deal with the precise because earlier this year thanks to republicans demanding spending cuts the light heap program the low income home energy assistance program so it's budget nearly cut in half this year mean more and more poor people won't be able to stay warm in america during this coming winter so why is it when millionaires and billionaires have quite literally never had a better in america and poor people could be put in danger of freezing to death this way here to answer that question from new york is conservative commentator david sullivan david welcome back thank you for having me on thomas always it's a pleasure please david please mr scrooge mad have a lump of coal why do you hate president poor people. well i got to tell you of the
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bone of contention is not with the poor people it's not with wall street and it's not even with the middle east it's with the obama administration and their attack against charitable giving if they would just relax the rules and make it more attractive for people to make contributions the private sector could take care of this problem and we wouldn't have to look to the government to spend our money on a video and i think contributions are right now because he give we can get we can give money to charities that provide right now and it's one hundred percent tax deductible what. it's not nearly as tract of this that you know if you can get is if you have any got to raise a little i in the the spigots would be wide open and the money would flow right in our women who anybody who is it anybody who is only doing their taxes above the line is a fairly low income tax or i mean if you're if you're in visioning the wealthy i mean when you envision america do you envision
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a nation where people freeze to death go right down the road billionaires leave in masses leave a mess of mansions is that so your credit as well. what i'm trying to describe is this assault by the administration largely on the poor through these back channels meaning the charitable giving i've been calling for a change of these rules on your very show i've brought this up and it would truly help and benefit these people without having to waste the tax payers money you know they say in germany allas comes through on the whole been well designed the government should not step in and help everybody out when the private sector is much more better equipped to do that and that's who we should look to to solve this problem so let's just go through some of these issues fairness for example why should general lecture a nothing in taxes while elderly people in vermont are having to choose between capital medicine and shivering in freezing houses while they're making that choice . good point why on earth did the president allow general electric
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this sweetheart deal never before in history did they get no taxes in till the c.e.o. played a couple rounds of golf with the commander in chief of it you know there are hundreds of very old offical corporations that have not been paying taxes since the reagan and ministry well it's not a loyalty talking to joel like when tom that's why when did we as a nation lose our loyalty to the american dream that if you work hard live your life well played by the rules you'll never have to freeze to death sir we need to not lose the american dream you and i were living it as are many if not all of your viewing audience today now there's a few people that may be falling through the cracks well that's why the churches and the synagogues and these atheist non-profits should be right there to help them not the government not the taxpayer good look is to look we've got to stop the spending tom it's a good start what about sanctity isn't sacred and we're putting people at risk
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a little death by cutting off their heat in the winter. absolutely you know life is very sacred and again at the risk of being redundant i believe that this problem could be solved very quickly by the private sector not the government the government has a terrible history of mismanagement and if we entrust this to them they'll probably louse it out when in the history of this country sometimes you'll admit it what if when in the history of this country is the private sector ever provided for the poor george washington was the first president to sign legislation providing for the poor in the united states i don't recall any ties in our history when we have when the private sector has provided for the word of any country anywhere and you have to give me an example the hook. right here in new york you have privately funded food kitchens you have meals on wheels that got is dealing with it go with all of the programs with all of the needs because there is no government
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involvement please name one country in the world where they're going to arise i outside of the libertarian paradise is somalia where the government provides no social safety net and the all the country all the companies have and rich people have come in and said we'll take care of all the social needs not to worry please name one country let's be clear it's going to live thirty years but we're not talking about all the programs we're just talking about this one the key for the poor and that problem could be solved quite literally overnight yeah give them the . salute lay so we've got to relax these regulations and they get more attractive to its owners tom we don't have need to look to ok present to you a star well let me appeal to the conservative sense of authority this or if social order is important which is one of the conservative maxims why would we risk associated disorder by forcing people out of their houses in
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a cold winter. well i don't believe that's the case is that i know they trotted out this one sad soul and i do feel a great deal of sympathy for this individual but i am sure there are resources available and i don't believe he will be best served by the federal government you think that every government has or. i don't know about that but i know there's a lot of good people many in your audience who might you know relax those purse strings and send them a little something ok so another valued liberty how can you be free if you can't even sleep because your house is so cold. you know i want to tell you something tom about two years ago i had a client's who was in the oil business and he got in trouble with the department of taxation in new york state and i tried to work out a deal with him where he would provide low income families with heating oil for
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a significantly reduced rate if they would just reinstate his license and they were intransigent they didn't give a tinker's damn about these poor families and i don't think the federal government does either are you suggesting we should you know political issue right now are you trying to demonize people like myself who are financially responsible fiscally receipts are you suggesting we should go into our jails and say to people if you help the poor we're going to lunch hour it doesn't make sense to me do you agree with the new time to give me an arm in the wars that scrooge is office. this man wasn't a criminal he just was a realist with his taxes do you agree with newt gingrich the tiny tim should be mopping the floor of scritches office. that's that's a tough road to hoe so i'm going to say no. as far as i recall tiny tim made it he pulled through that cold winter and survived so let's hope that poor family in maine does the same ok it is david sullivan thanks for being with us and. thank you
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tom it's always a pleasure currently one in five americans are economically insecure it's a fancy way of saying it can't afford to pay for the essential oils to live so thanks to republicans this winter twenty percent of the country will have to make a choice to stay warm at home or put food on the table this is a disgraceful reality of the richest nation on the. just. the. it's the good the bad in the very system likely ugly the good senator tom harkin democrat from ohio was telling his fellow members of congress to hold off on making plans for christmas at least until they do something for the millions of unemployed americans and pass an extension of unemployment benefits or an extension of benefits and such to expire at the end of the month harkin said let me just put it
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this way there will be no war no christmas for congress unless there's an extension of the unemployment insurance benefits i hate to inform my republican colleagues but wall street did not build america comes to handing out hundreds of millions of dollars wall street is up front it's time for middle class america to be up for a well set and see if republicans can do the right thing if their vacation depends on. the bad apple earlier this week news broke that apple's newest i phone feature known as siri voice assistant that helps users find information they need appears to have a bias against women finding abortion services often giving women miss information on where the nearest clinics are apple responded to controversy saying the wrong information by siri was not intentional and the kinks are still being worked out the technology but that doesn't explain why siri directs women to write when crisis pregnancy centers instead of actual abortion clinics and why series has a much easier time locating escort services and gun shops and emergency rate
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centers and contraceptive services it appears as though the war on women is going to jail and the very very ugly german clarks clarkson is the host of the b.b.c.'s most popular t.v. show known as top gear a show primarily about cops but yesterday clarkson went out of his area of expertise to talk about the massive labor strike that rocked. u.k. and had some vile words to say about public workers but the company. only went to the most or the execute the men from so their families i mean they go strike when we've got these age pensions that are going to be guaranteed while the rest of us are to work through the course clarkson is a multimillionaire who makes his living driving cars on t.v. not only that he's employed by the b.b.c. meaning he collects his paycheck from the very same british taxpayers who went on strike so maybe he shouldn't be calling for the murder of the people who write his paychecks. it's very.
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crazy or why do you buy a senator who has everything as the question several lawmakers will be asking here in this year's santa secret. santa secret santa so far fifty eight senators have signed up for the gift exchange program created by senator al franken there's a ten dollars gift limit that republicans will likely spend far less claiming that any money spent on a gift for their colleagues needs to be offset somewhere else as for what the best gift is for a senator who gets and was perks maybe lawmakers should ask the same people they ask for advice on every piece of energy legislation the big coal industry. i mean i think that password is keeping people from snooping on what goes on your smartphone. again and this key logger is actually put into the phone before you buy
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. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions come to the breakthrough through to be made who can you trust no one who is in view with a global missionary see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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