tv [untitled] December 2, 2011 4:00am-4:30am EST
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soon which bryson if you move from science to question. starts on t.v. don't come. mounting pressure the u.n. warns that syria is now in a state of civil war footing the day after all it over four thousand as the plans to hold emergency talks on the crisis they are. all eyes are on egypt as other country awaits to see how the people vote with the parliamentary elections despite the fact many doubt it will bring any real change. a record number to depends of course the vote but many continue to mourn that woman if you can do that step down and make way for civilian government move from cairo in just a few moments. thousands of protesters take to the streets of new york to stage a labor union rally demanding jobs and economic justice echoing occupy frustration
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at the gulf between the haves and the have nots. embers of the siemens will launch a new gas turbine manufacturing plant together with its russian partner had a heap of energy do it explains what the companies are teaming up for join you for more and are covered for. what you are going to live from moscow one pm in the russian capital syria is in a state of a civil war and that's the warning from the u.n. which has to made to the death toll in the nine months uprising now tops more than four thousand people and emergency un meeting on syria later today aims to put pressure on the country to hold but bloodshed this comes after the e.u. slapped fresh sanctions on asss regime targeting energy and finance sectors damascus has already dobbed the move and economic war. well here now to talk more
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on syria with foreign affairs analyst richard hey diane who's on the line for us from manila richard thanks very much for being here with us on the program as well as we're hearing the u.n. says we're basically witnessing a civil war in the country could this now make military intervention a possibility. yeah of course the situation in syria is getting extremely severe us and for a lot of analysts and. syria i think the thing to the crunch is on the cost of war but i think it's for a serious industry and the replication of a. military intervention is very difficult because i'm beginning to think that such as russia and china would really oppose any kind of military intervention that's for a serious constraint and more than that for a serious one military capability is concerned i think it creates a lot of peace and sent before any kind of western military intervention in both countries so i think at this point in time what the west wants to do and maybe the international community wants to do you can use force the syrian regime through
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sanchez and we're going to press for into some sort of dialogue or compromise for stealing the bill position forest's concern. well but i was imposing more section sanctions on the country what is the ultimate goal that west is trying to achieve there in your opinion. i think. we know that estate appreciation should begin in the west is not really good after all it is one of the most important islamic republic of iran and we know it's not a couple of here i mean the west is very high and of course what the international you want to do is take away syria from the axis you're not there for the orderly harmony interesting here is a weakening syria or maybe weakness and some sort of regime change in syria but the thing is that i think the west tries to get what the west is trying to do the weakness and sort of smooth transition towards a kind of regime which is more friendly to the heaters of the west but that's not so for their more focus going to pressures and science shows rather than trying to
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find any kind of military intervention but i wouldn't be surprised if there are reports very pliable reports that mediate western countries or even turkey are helping needed her elements will swap effect from security forces such as the free syrian army getting some sort of military help or aid from western forces or nato qantas's just thirty in terms of here at times to strike the security forces of the assad regime well as we can see a lot of countries do not see eye to eye on how to solve this crisis in syria or example russia says that the key to solving the problems there is dialogue between a president bashar loss and the opposition as clearly there are two sides in this conflict but it seems like the position of the west is a bit one sided and yes it definitely i think or when came to leave the united nations for groceries and tonight seventy three there was some element of consensus
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among all the major powers and also nine eleven movements that there should be something going on for sleepy it's history and therefore you have the imposition of the no fly zone but that's for serious windsurfing to be sure it's really getting the west and majority of water quite nice are not only problem but russia or china or iran or causing that kind of nuclear intervention or further pressure i'm sure. but i think if you talk about order breaks going free. south africa and other emerging powers i think all of them want to see something i know because they know that the syrian regime still enjoys a lot of support among us culture and minorities for me just may not and a lot of people actually within the mosque receive all of your major c.d.'s so differently there are two sides of this point and the base where you can read a result needs to come up with a concrete and started guide it between what's a typical fortunate what you see is that the west and also the arab league arab league really trying to say to the opposition forces and some of them are even aiding the free syrian army which is engaging in military operations and sabotage operations against this syrian security forces so at this point in time you want to
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have russia china and some emerging power countries were really calling for some sort of dialogue and i hope that you know in the coming months that kind of stalemate with this i'm sure that russia and china we do not sanction any kind of from her intervention in syria in the foreseeable future or so i said because they feel that the syrian regime. solution is the best we can move forward even to what sides of the coin both sides of the parties enjoy substantial support and how legitimate claims bring forward and talk about use it in a more constructive framework of dialogue. well everything as we know their human rights committee of the u.n. is holding and nother crisis meeting on syria so what further steps in your opinion can we expect from the united nations. we know that it's really. a human rights body to isolate its body but in united nations which is. called one
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of the all of the statements. and hides again told in syria but as far as the united nations bodies concerned i cannot see so much of. a few months ago we saw how russia and china really draw the line and said. with any kind of pressure or kind of constructive. and best way forward for sanford a secret council resolution against syria it worked so at this point in time we can see some sort of maybe symbolic. nation of what's happening in syria but i think the best thing that the united nations would do is truly call for some sort of humanitarian envoy to go to syria and verify to see this right now we really do not have any independent very flying body in order to really give us that and correct information about what's happening in syria so i think the best way forward is for
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the human rights committee meeting the united nations to talk to the syrian regime and negotiate a possible by human rights group is going to seek to really look at the situation there and aid to syrian regime you know order to make this situation under control because the situation is festering very fast. well let's talk a little bit about how your opinion do you think the situation will pan out of course when you just sat and the decisions by the yanis to remain to be seen in the near future what will happen next but you know western states before have denied interest in a syrian term vention but we are witnessing a similar path taking to leaving intervention dontcha think. unfortunately a trajectory could be done but on the west gets the support of russia and china it's going to be very difficult let's remember in the case of libya you have crossed equally hundreds of billions of dollars in terms of the army just and even as a country which is very rich in there so required under sources and the west was able to recoup its expenses in libya you know getting very favorable or liquid threats
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in the country in the case of syria indicate syria you're not out of the country which is very recent years of hydrocarbon resources so any kind of military intervention by europe way the west which is already facing its own financial crisis and solving the crisis would be highly costly and in my opinion very very improbable so i think we're really trying to focus on sanctions and political pressures and try to avoid military intervention. as much as possible they're willing to carry truck that they can think about a western countries possibly hoping to free syrian army was no forming a coalition with the syrian national council to really engage in some sort of theater operations really weak and the syrian army all right all richard header in foreign affairs analyst thanks very much indeed for sharing your uterus here on r.t. sure thank you very much and. all the increasing sanctions against syria are drawing ever more parallels with the war in libya and fears of my be next
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and firing line for western military intervention as archie's tests are so your reports the evidence behind levy and campaign remains controversial. there is no evidence to justify the humanitarian war in libya that's the conclusion of filmmaker and independent journalists in. the beginning of this story we got some allegation which i mean. who could even say it to the united nations human rights council handles allegations of when they were being verified or check and exist have been used also as a matter your thoughts your i.c.c. case begins today. and march seventeenth the u.n. security council resolution one thousand seventy three was passed imposing a no fly zone over libya. accusations were that gadhafi bombed his own people from air and land use foreign mercenaries ordered the use of rape as
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a weapon and killed by the thousands i can prove that there was no warming. and that there is no evidence of warming and so i told you was a man went to the united nations human rights council the reason i asked him angrier seaman which again was a former secretary general of the libyan league for human rights now the libyan ambassador to burn in switzerland on february twenty five he went to the u.n. human rights council to present his organization's allegations of crimes against it off his government and that session a decision was taken to freeze libya's membership and the council he underly the number of deaths six thousand including three thousand in tripoli alone with julia asked which she gear how these claims can be verified he pointed to the former rebels now libya's government as his source you know where i got that information from the libyan prime minister that mr market of the word from the tribes on the other side of the national transitional council was the one who gave me these
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numbers. yet there are still those who defend the libyan intervention like this former french intelligence officer it is very likely that some crimes. too could have in this conflict were a farce or exaggerated but we had all the record of kind of feel for us in the kind of he was the terrorist was a criminal on june twenty seventh the international criminal court prosecutor luis a compliment and his requests for arrest warrants were moammar gadhafi saif al islam and off his intelligence chief was granted you know was he the pages of the arrest warrant application most of which were redacted from other pages so consider probably were use of articles to support the case one of which was the shittiest every twenty fifth speech the one place and information which you give yourself said you got the empty seat for the weather to answer documents to back the side with numbers. but international law even cheerleaders of the intervention admit
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tends to be sacrificed. their yourself in iraq but they will tell you something which is not all of it if you go it i don't believe so much in n.p.r. national is just a tool used in one round and round for political purposes regardless julius point is simply this with such legal systems in place any claims first and foremost should be farly investigated a point he hopes will be heard before the next humanitarian war is waged tesser still your r t brussels. and coming up shortly in a program reaching boiling point. the force which as you can see it's there should we stop because the people making will make you see. the little we have. of labor union members take to the streets of new york for that matter than take anomic inequality. in egypt results of the first
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stage of parliamentary elections are due to be announced on friday but the ballot has been boycotted by many protesters who are still demanding an end to the military rule while a record number of people turned out for the country's first free elections since the ousting of president mubarak many doubt it will bring any change our correspondent policy reports from cairo. this was the first of three rounds of voting for the lower house of parliament nine out of twenty seven provinces have voted including cairo and alexandria the remaining provinces will vote the rest of this month and january this entire election process will not be over before large now the muslim brotherhood is showing the largest support base at this stage and this is not in an expected it is the largest the oldest and the most well organized political group in here in egypt despite the fact that it was once there and now there has been some concern that the muslim brotherhood right forming an alliance with the surface owner and the brotherhood has denied this slough is not new it is
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a much more conservative party it has a much stricter interpretation of islam not of this is the first election that is being held since the former egyptian president hosni mubarak was forced to step down back in february and the election results were initially planned for bring this day at that stage there were delayed the announcement was given that it was because the ballots by egyptians living aboard have not here been telling the results of an expected history for the day they were a game delayed their time the reason given was because so many people had simply turned out there was a massive demonstration that is being planned for today friday in turkey a square it has been a tribute to the heroes of mohamed nothing would please this is the street or forty three people were killed and more than a thousand people were injured in recent clashes between the army the police and protesters now there are twenty three political groupings who are the high end of today's demonstration and talking to protesters who are there in tahrir square they
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say that the large turnout at the polls is simply an indonesian people heard that the situation will improve there for as long as the military remains in power nothing in egypt will change until the rallying point among the demonstrators the term here has not changed and that is that the military reads to stick down immediately. the reporting there from cairo in new york around twenty thousand people have staged a march demanding jobs and economic fairness hard after the occupy movement protest it was organized by labor unions who have been demanding change i'll correspond now it was their. this is organized by the new york city labor council that is an umbrella for more than three hundred unions and the reason these people say they're out on the street is that they are frustrated and fed up with the id communists narron even from the rich and poor they see with more than fourteen million americans unemployed at the moment the one percent the richest one percent in america has tripled its wealth in the past thirty years and what this
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shows is that the eyes sense that nothing happened by the occupy wall street movement for over the past two months are now being poisoned by labor unions at a larger scale did see a lever union story in occupy wall street a month or so ago but that turnout was not as large as this one the people taking the spends are walking around with signs that say we are the ninety nine percent meek are the backbone and the working class of the united states that is the making forward looking people in this country and as you can see it's a nationally. because the people who are making the. decisions now it will be little we have. people come out. and make sure that we're so heard. we're caught it be. in that we don't even have to make deals to rub together. looks
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like you're not the only one that there's thousands of people walking the streets and i tell you we're caught every day get up four thirty every morning. to get construction might get to school. that traditionally people finally settle the irony here is that on wednesday u.s. president proper obama was in new york city for three fundraisers for his reelection campaign one of those fundraisers cost more than thirty five thousand dollars per ticket to a time so many here say that. that shows. between the elected officials of the united states and what is being. we are the constituents and they say that if things are not achieved the crowd that you see out here will multiply by an enormous amount in the coming months your green up for ny our party. of last year the entrance to
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a nato military base in afghanistan has reportedly injured more than seventy people mainly civilians and it have occurred just south of the capital kabul a suicide bomber is said to have used a truck packed with explosives the taliban has already claimed responsibility for the bombing this comes at a time of growing concern over stability in the country with foreign combat troops due to leave by the end of two thousand and fourteen however a substantial presence is expected to remain to train local security forces. german chancellor angela merkel says the eurozone needs a new stability union with stronger fiscal controls and dad regulations and a keynote speech addressing the parliament merkel said there will be no quick fix to the crisis this comes after french president nicolas sarkozy said france and germany must join their efforts to guarantee europe's future he said they will seek a new e.u. treaty and pose greater financial discipline sarkozy and merkel are set to meet next week so you propose new measures to ensure the block stability earlier this
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week the e.u. monetary affairs chief warned the eurozone has just ten days to stabilize a single currency and standard crisis meanwhile the european central bank said it's ready to play a bigger role but nations should tie their budgetary policies closer together financial analyst joe hearn a word felt says countries could be sacrificing their sovereignty. the sense of urgency certainly has not only to do with greece's it has to do with what is happening overall in the monetary union there are a lot of countries on the pressure don't forget for example the situation of poor to go the spain problem is also very much on the table and then of course there's the italian problem it's very basic you can't have a functioning monetary union without a political union that's a choice you have to make and you can't have one without the other that has been very much proven now in the last two years of crisis what we do lack is political authority now of course that needs to be build out democratically but we have
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cornered ourselves so much in this euro crisis that we don't have the time left to build up the political union in a normal democratic way so we will have to do it in another way that this through the representatives of the different countries being the heads of governments of the different countries it still leaves a lot of questions with respect to the democratic value of all this on the table but there is no more choice either you do that or you let the euro and the monetary union go down the drain. we have more on the euro crisis on our website r.t. dot com including how italy is dealing with its two trillion euro debt so log on to find out why taxpayers there are hitting the streets to fight against military spending that could cost the impoverished country billions. and big brother expose we leased reveals data on a new global surveillance and interception industry spanning twenty five countries
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are to reports online. also join r.t. on the you were it's large just ice skating rink which has just opened to the center of the russian capital. more world news in brief this friday and to yemen where heavy shelling between the army and tribesmen in the country's second largest city of has left thirteen people dead including civilians dozens more were injured that happened when troops loyal to president ali abdullah saleh tried to storm the town center a hard battle the anti-government protests that have been raging since january over roads leading into use were walked by a fierce fighting that has left outlying districts isolated the yemeni government accuses the main opposition party of being behind the unrest this spike in violence
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comes in the wake of a power transfer deal to an interim government ahead of an early election next year . the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has said there will be no immediate answer to american sanctions on myanmar in a meeting with the country's president clinton urged the nation to continue making reforms in order to have the restrictions lifted included in the list of requests was the release of political prisoners and the promotion of internal peace the clinton said myanmar must prove reforms will last before any action is taken. to trial for a time prime minister silvio berlusconi's dewey open of friday in the land the seventy five year old is accused of paying an under-age prostitute for sex in two thousand and ten is also charged with the abuse of power for getting the moroccan born girl released from custody after she was arrested for theft both now and the accusations after george clooney and soccer star christiano ronaldo are among
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witnesses expected to give testimony during the trial. we are up to date with who is happening business with kareena. welcome to the business up to the south thanks for joining us or goes to the polls on sunday to choose who sits and part of the election season will then be concluded with the presidential votes in early march the week state of the global economy is having affect of a couple of the campaign and it was a like previous years the government has not rounded up public spending ahead of. i think it reflects that we're going to be growing quite strongly on its own it reflects concern about the global environment and the desire for more prudent policy but i think it also means. starting out in a slightly stronger position. than other warnings so i can think to say is that we
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are going to see some increases in spending cuts and tax at the beginning of next year we're going to see a big increase in police by the peak increase in military going to be part and social contribution tax so there is already some increase in spending programs into the budget twenty twelve regardless of the results the election. let's have a look at the markets now or is heading for its first quickly gaining we might run the west has sparked speculation that supply from these lovely public may be at risk like sweet is trading nearly one hundred one dollars of our brand plan is that nearly one hundred ten dollars per barrel the european stock market extend gains of morning trade for the dax again over one and a half percent this our banks and miners are leading the against markets are waiting for us now from payroll data commerzbank are we break beyond the paris bar we have to start out here in russia stocks are headed for their first week in the
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balance of five that's after the price of oil is on the rise markets are also boosted by group step and the debt crisis let's have a look at some individual shovels on the rise of the sour most of the blue chips are recovering from early losses with russia's biggest lenders their bank of almost two percent carmaker after bass is also gaining the company's sales rose over thirty percent in the first eleven months of the year bucking the trend though is retail of money it gets down the company has started secondary public offering at a price lower the mark. siemens will launch a new gas turbine manufacturing plant together whether it's. published. but german industrial giant will hold two thirds of the venture with a total investment of around two hundred seventy five million euros the new venture will be mostly targeting the c.i.s. market where siemens expects two percent annual growth for power generation of the ten years the plant will be located near st petersburg and would have on site
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research and development facilities head of siemens energy unit explains what the companies are teaming up for. if you take the deficiency above the average of gusts as far as here in russia if you would exchange them for the state of the art technology we can save the amounts of gas you are exporting every year which is a third of the whole production and this is the goal which is driving us on the right that that's the way where we see the markets. and ikea russians have posted revenue growth of fourteen percent fourteen percent in two thousand and eleven the company's new general director in the country attributes the success to accuse ideology of offering affordable goods he says the company will have no problem maintaining a double digit growth and future as i think that even though one knows that a lot of the discussion you're rushing off to christmas things will grow you have the election security but i think coming back to the strength of the concept i
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think your concept suits very well in the market the majority of people where things are slowing down when it when people have noticed money in their purse and they say ok let's go to keep buying something more things and have some affordable food i think we have a concept that suits many people and especially. when you have when you have a slowdown in the economy. that's our business for this stay with us for headline news coming up right after this.
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