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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2011 8:30am-9:00am EST

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the surge in infrastructure construction the somali region special economic zone promises exceptional of that unity with the building your business in russia will come to some other regions for more information log on to invest and some are of the you. five thirty pm on friday here in moscow watching r.t. time for your headlines at the un human rights watch told meets to force through a security council resolution on syria this after a report earlier this week claimed four thousand people have been killed since march but russia says the document based on the views of around two hundred witnesses lacks objectivity. germany says there are no rapid solutions to the ongoing e.u. debt crisis and it could take years to revamp the eurozone and save the single
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currency chancellor angela merkel believes the region needs a new financial union with stronger controls and that regulations. and twenty thousand people marched through manhattan angry at a lack of jobs and low wages the protest is organized by labor unions but echoes the mood of the occupy wall street movement. now to kill or not to kill watch our special report on u.s. troops in iraq and a life changing decisions they are forced to take our soldiers of conscience next. reason why they want army. i mean easy for my recruiter i say as why should
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a machine get a job out of a plane set sail right here. i was raised on american pie i was a cradle conservative i was voted most likely to succeed most conservative a nickname among a lot of my friends was a g.i. josh that wanted to the friend my pantry and i tried to listen in marines for it out of high school that hurt playing football so join the national guard and end up going to west point and being a commissioned officer. football in a patriotic son of a gun i love this country it's done some great things for me about some great opportunities both my grandfathers fought in world war one my father far awards who had offered far korea because it was their fault and vietnam their so there's been a family member in the military since thirteen a couple. at
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some point every soldier has to face the question. be able to kill another human being to conduct this film is about killing in war and about some u.s. soldiers who have chosen not to the evidence is that far more soldiers refuse to kill and we might expect in world war two research by the official u.s. army historian brigadier general s.l.a. marshall revealed that among the u.s. soldiers in combat less than twenty five percent actually fired their weapons
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at the enemy. even with their own lives at risk seventy five percent did not try to kill the enemy marshall wrote the average individual still has such an inner resistance toward killing a fellow man that he will not take a life if it is possible turn away from that responsibility at the vital point he becomes a conscientious objector. what
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is your doing as a soldier as a human being or are you going to live what. you have to ask yourself and why situations would kill and be right. it's just not something you can book a high stakes for the you carried in your heart. people are shots by how upsetting it is to kill another human being. it's not that soldiers are somehow different or it's not hard to kill. soldiers to feel. only because they've been trained to do that. for. every. time. i think i.
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heard. the if that's true i never thought i. thought of that i. thought i. meant right right right right here. before. you know when the bullets start flying that about god or country like that about the man right next to you reckon you're right and that's about it but. you don't want to look at what some people do because they're from the other night you know that they don't talk about what they did over there with their wife and probably the only time you get drunk.
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i told my wife what i did over. the course i got drunk. it does happen sometimes you just have to let it out. here. don't want. that money or i'm. going to. leave. well i was over there. maybe i should i had to go shoot a ten year old boy over there. he's going to my squad if you do die grenade it would have been maybe five or six maybe the entire squad either killed or wounded or just one kid and that's
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something that's something that you know that i made a decision because i was a person who tried that and i got no regrets about it but look at back at it though it's like the demons come back. that's why. i'm not saying they were are we are doing the right thing over there. and. people just don't understand what it's like to be your. you know we recruit people to serve their country into kill we train them how to kill we as asters develop the orders for them to kill. given awards or power on the
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back a lot of times or you know credit them for being affected fighters and killers but we never explain to them why it's ok so that when they do what they've been trained so well to do they can be at peace with their consciences for the rest of their life. has anyone heard of s.l. a marshall man against fire that's only a marshal was the army's first real good story he was the head of the history department for world war two and one thing he noticed is that in most units only one in four people try to kill the enemy. most people at the point of looking down in time to pull the trigger became conscientious objectors and there was a lot of once he reported that it was a lot of people coming out saying yeah you know that was my experience i just couldn't kill. so the army decided well that's not good so the army said ok how do
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we help them overcome this. and they said let's condition people so the idea is reflexive fire training or some other torn apart. and just conditioning conditioning conditioning charge to talk. to you sure if that's what you think what you want people to do is they're so trained just. right where is the next target and that's good it becomes muscle memory you don't think about it you can do it and you raise an issue as fast as you can. thank you. so. firing rates when i was like fifty to sixty percent very green war is into this is not a training eighty five to ninety percent. in the vietnam war and i haven't seen any numbers on the current war but i've talked to
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a whole lot of something isn't true leaders and people say. people are more lethal than they've ever imagined. i think. the problem with reflexive fire training is it does bypass their moral decision making process so as in previous wars before we had this kind of training a soldier would look at a target and think through you know thinking through should i shoot this person ok now i'm going to shoot well that takes time that's dangerous. when you train a reflexive lee don't they learn to make those decisions much more quickly but the price of that is they're not thinking through the great moral decision of killing another human being.
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we sleep comfortably in our beds at night because of violent men the violence on our behalf when i first read that i thought to myself i'm the person who allows people to sleep comfortably in their beds at night but i haven't actually gone to the violence yet. i grew up in an evangelical household in evangelical christian household i grew up hearing stories about the nobility of service. war is not fought by or for ideas i just thought by individual persons who possess human will.
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living in them are seen were not necessarily in the forefront of my mind i was first told to lock and load my m. sixteen. i was the only person to raise my hands when a convoy commander asked who's never done this before. look me in the eyes and he said. when you meet your selector lever from say the semi you're shooting to kill. i stuck my m. sixteen of the better two ton truck. i was thinking about what's my field of fire. who's on the side of the road. who's that moving on top of a building. i was acting on instinct is usually the mode that soldiers go into when they enter a combat zone. and
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for a kid who grew up in evangelical christianity as much as we might be patriotic and something doesn't quite sit right i was thinking about the stories in sunday school of a gentle jesus in the gospels that says if a man strikes you on the left cheek turn him also your right. has started to ask questions about prevention. what would it look like if that same the termination that's used to defeat the enemy is used to redeem the enemy.
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within the eleven am and. i had to act. i focused on duty. i focused on the job at hand. and. following summer i started training in the art of interrogation. and i was pretty good at. the end. i have never killed anyone but i've talked with a lot of people who have i'm in the profession where that's
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a regular part of business right now and i've decided i really want to understand this better. but one of the things i did then to try to just get new ideas was i put aquarian to army magazine and i wrote and said if you've killed anyone in the war in combat i would be very interested to hear how you justify. the responses they got half or more amen someone has to be talking about this this is great analysis talking about it and the other half or what the hellcat don't have anything more to do how dare you question the morality of what we're doing and we don't talk about it it's a taboo topic soldiers are sort of their inner pain very often that they live with this person who wrote is a vietnam veteran who talked about he said the three fears that were in our twenty year old minds back then in the jungle one will i be able to stand up to combat
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when the bullets fly too will i survive but he mentions a third one and he described this fear as now i've been to the heart of darkness and done things that i supreme we regret well i ever again be the person that i used to like. and he said this turned out to be the hardest question and it may go on and on answered for the rest of our lives. we share the stories this thirty five years after a life changing experience still looking for a way i think to make sense of the experience of killing on behalf of all of us and behalf of this country so. close. are you out there
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in the middle of combat sometimes it is kill you. so people when you get into the first bell. and you actually. kill someone it's messed with here and they start have mixed feelings about being in the situation and they called them the stress to start building up and it was just like shake a partner let's just keep keep building the keep building. that. when i talk to my fam about yes hey i'll be able to look in one life for and you say yes that's the one life would escape the subject. like yeah that's a tragedy but they really don't want to hear. no one really wants to take
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anyone's life sometimes it can be a bit. sometimes you go look it's either me or that person. duty honor country. instead of the support of the from the constitution to me that's exactly what i mean for going to protect the ideals that founded your country
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freedom. i was entering the persian gulf war but i wasn't a ploy to war so i kind of felt like i had fulfilled my obligation so a realist in june of two thousand. in march two thousand and three i was deployed to iraq. this is a dozen different places where i was while i was over there some of them were in a wait before we crossed in iraq and some of them were after we were there. i'm off father who fought in world war two he tried to tell me or not as glamorous as they make it out to be. but i was too stubborn and bullheaded to listen. found out.
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i saw more than i have on the scene. not just. the one on one of them. i don't know that i can describe you know. it's hard it's hard to put it in words. oh don't. come us off guard now we've got to go or stay there cause. you'll. get driven out i'm going to get a letter. just just have
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a secret. i do mind is like you know except. people are not going to tell. me. you're coming back in history. books we've gone down straight they will come back that's what i'm going to sign i'll most likely get back to. you seeing how war affects the civilians that are in the area. you know every house you look as god bombs you know writers and are full of holes in it. and just in general how it affects people. how it makes them put all their humanity aside or be able to survive in a war zone. and then you see
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the did the injured. you stand at the mass graves and you smell the decomposing bodies that are there. you see the young girl that stands along the side of the road with her on third degree burns and you want to help her but you can't do it because you're in the middle of a war and you see all that stuff and you see how it affects you and you see how it affects everyone around you and you just say you know what why are we even doing that anymore. we'll have a conscience we'll have you know a sense between the tells is between right and wrong. when i joined the military i was nineteen and i say ok so if when that going to war it's going to be for good
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cos you know if we end up going to war is going to be to bring freedom to other lands. and we started gearing up to put iraq. it was a war that i opposed politically but not very personally. i went to iraq thinking that i could push my principles aside and then get the world or with put it behind me move on. but. nothing ever burst your for the reality of war. broke up. with go back to. that give it up and push look of. love you got. to get a good. job with jobs. let's go on with what is one of the total of zero zero zero zero zero nothing arab affairs you for
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going to iraq and seen the destruction of an entire nation nothing ever prepares you for. you know the unmeasured killing of civilians. nothing ever prepares you for what the dustiest a human being you know to kill an innocent person. nothing's going to really prepare you for the level of destruction that you bring upon a nation and that you bring yourself from being a part of it. and yet i have i have a conscience you know which goes way beyond any law it goes way beyond any order that i could receive.
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but. i don't care how old you get if you're in this environment firing these weapons it's fun it's to be honest with you. to fifty caliber machine gun it's a very very very effective weapon it's got a range of eight hundred meters. it'll blow holes through walls. personnel wise you don't have a chance if you're hit by a bullet from this weapon there's it's devastating it's pretty gruesome actually. you saw it. yesterday. so. there's no civilian job that compares to a fisherman but you're training not to kill people but. i have absolutely no hesitation about it it's just what i'm with what i do it's my job how do i feel afterwards it's. you know hey i look at it like this the people on the other side
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are soldiers too and soldiers do what soldiers do and they're trying to kill us we're trying to kill them and that's just the ugly face of war. oh. whether it's life in the finest plane along the slow boat to anyone. they shouldn't alongside. actual science and technology to. the diversity of this land it's. going. to take some.
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