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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard welcomes the big picture.
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of the capitol and i'm laura mr. peters to believe the option of. testing nobody seems to know. that never appropriate to face quite hard the argument that they're being overly dramatic. the u.s. economy. he is in rough shape unemployment now stands at eight point six percent
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everyone and i do mean everyone is looking for new ways to make a buck especially banks like they need anymore but they are trying to find a way to make extra money aside from fees in your checking account your checks your debit cards your transfers you get the picture well now there is some indication that banks want something even more precious than those and lists five dollar fees they want your personal information we've spoken endlessly on the show about the habits of tech companies like google and facebook to encourage users to post as much personal information as possible through emails and social media and then turn it around and sell it to advertisers well they've created a business model out of it now other industries want the huffington post reported that alley l a financial a major bank now wants to know where their customers are and not everyone is totally cool with that they're requesting to track customers locations when they go to allies find a.t.m. page on the internet so far the first major bank to do so makes america chase
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citibank and of those banks have made the move yet now it seems harmless enough for now but privacy advocates are not exactly thrilled amber you a spokesperson for privacy rights clearinghouse told the huffington post quote one day it's collected locations for the nearest a.t.m. but tomorrow it might be selling that location data to a third party advertiser for profit of course denies any such intentions and says they're just trying to help customers to find a.t.m.'s more easily but the most troubling part of the story is not that one bank has decided to track you when you log on to their website but that the move from companies to collect as much personal data as possible about consumers is not just a one off thing this is a business model and it's not just tech giants and banks who want to profit off your personal information just recently we told you about two models who were tracking their customers through their cell phone signals and both horizon and apple have admitted to tracking users locations horizon informed users last month that it will be tracking the location to. sell it to website websites and
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advertisers apple has amassed vertical goldmine of user information now if you notice one thing in common with all of these companies it's that they seem to want one key piece of information from you your location and that's because it's worth money and lots of it so as more and more companies start gunning for this information it's more important than ever for consumers to take notice and stand up for their rights because of the toothless f.t.c. settlement wasn't with facebook over privacy violations that we told you about earlier in the week is any indication the government won't be. what has been a lot of talk lately about beefing up our national security going to new extremes in terms of civil liberties in the name of keeping our country safe there's a bill in congress right now that has a proposal to be able to arrest this is the one we told you about just passed to be able to detain and hold u.s. citizens without charge citizens believed to possibly be affiliated with terrorism
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and it looks like it did it passed the senate and let's not forget what some of those who claim they want to run this country say about racial profiling at airports. so just to be precise is that the train some wing religious profiling who would be profiled well the folks who are most likely to be committing these crimes if you look at i mean obviously it was people obviously muslims would be would be someone you'd look at absolutely does are the folks who are the radical muslims or the people that are committing these crimes as we've by and large as well as younger males i mean these are things that not exclusively but these are things that you profile to to find your best the most likely candidate. well guess what it turns out when it comes to love and loyalty of this country above religion muslims are not the ones we have to worry about a gallup poll released this summer showed that ninety three percent of muslim americans believe the muslim community in the u.s. is loyal to america and according to a recently released pew research poll that's in stark contrast to evangelicals in
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the united states seventy percent see themselves first as christians rather than americans twenty two percent say they're primarily american that is quite a number joining me now to discuss this is david sirota a talk radio host and author of back to our future how the one nine hundred eighty s. explain the world that we live in and david i want to talk to about all of this but let me just start with the simple question what defines evangelical evangelicals. well that's a fair question i mean i think it's more self the five than anything else it's a it's a denomination within christianity it's a it's a particular form of christianity i think my guess is that pollsters probably when they when they asked this question they asked what form of christianity do you subscribe to and do you subscribe to evangelism born again the born again idea i think that's probably how they classified it so if these polls are
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reflective of the society at large at all why should people be concerned about muslims posing a security risk to this country why not start tracking and profiling those evangelicals. well i think the key point here is that if you're going to start getting into saying that one religious group shows an affinity to its religion over our country and that's what represents a national security threat to our country then i think it's fair to look at every religion and asked well which religious groups are most publically expressive of the fact that they are more loyal to their religion than to their country and the polling data is very clear on this that evangelical christians fundamentalist christians say they are overwhelmingly more loyal to their religion than their country not want to be clear i don't think that means the they are unpatriotic any more than i think it means a muslim who says they're more loyal to their religion or guided by their religion
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than loyal to their country means that muslims in the united states are unpatriotic the point here is that once we start getting into racial and ethnic and religious profiling the standards that we applied to one group can be quite easily applied to another group another group perhaps that isn't used to being having those standards applied to them as we're talking about them evangelical christians i want to just talk about sort of the political power that they have in this country want to get your take on how much power you. they have when it comes to things like changing lives to elections and so forth but a huge amount of power the evangelical christian movement has become a powerhouse particularly in the republican party the base of the republican party when we talk about the christian fundamentalists base in the republican party we're talking about political christianity and political christianity tends to be evangelical christianity now i don't think that means that it's all rank and file
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christians in america we're talking about a political machine a small part of the larger christian religion in the united states but a small part of it has become very politically active and frankly i think a lot of rank and file christians are all that happy with fundamentalist political christianity representing or purporting to represent the political wishes of all of american christianity i think it's important to separate out those two those two kinds of groups let's talk specifics here in terms of the evangelical christians and their power you say there's a lot of it let's talk specifically about some of the issues of course abortion is one i can think of right off the top of my head in terms of the immense power they have in shaping the debate and how you see that sort of translating into what we see going on here in this country and country in the next few years well horsham is obviously one i think obviously gay issues issues of sexuality
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any issue that is that we conventionally define as a social issue an issue where the culture is making a value judgment i think the liberals progressives would say that the government shouldn't be making value judgments that there should be equal protection under the law but i think that you see a political debate in the united states where we're one of the only remaining industrialized countries in the world where it's supposedly controversial for gay people to get married that's because of these reports of the power of evangelical. political christian over the republican party and frankly optics what needs to change david i mean we've seen herman cain for example one time front runner in the republican the g.o.p. field who knows how much longer he'll be around but what we saw him just recently is expressing concern about putting a muslim person on his cabinet essentially questioning their loyal to their loyalty to the united states you look at you know the polls that we just showed and that
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seems to go against that but what needs to change in order for these views to no longer be acceptable especially on a national stage like a debate. well i think when we heard rick santorum in that clip you played him he said that muslim men are a particular threat to the united states what's written out of the story of course is the incessant terrorist attacks that have happened upon this country by white men were primarily christian over the last two three four years the bombing of the i.r.s. building there were terrorist attacks in the northwest white supremacist attacks not all of these were done in the name of christianity but these were not muslims so why did you bring that up is to say we need to broaden our definition of what terrorism is terrorism doesn't come from one group terrorism is a threat to the united states and but it's a threat that comes from many groups once we say that terrorism only equates to muslim behavior we actually make ourselves less say by pretending there is an other
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there are other threats out there from other groups i think it's a really important point i know that without was brought up at the debate a little bit on one of the g.o.p. debates how timothy mcveigh is not muslim and he said certainly be considered a terrorist as some of these other people are my last question for you on that we spoke earlier today about a bill that just passed the senate this is a defense bill in the national defense authorization act. and one of the provisions in it actually gives the military authority to hold citizens including u.s. citizens who are suspected of being affiliated with terrorism there they're able to hold them without charge in a military court or military jail basically i want to get your take on this it's frightening look it's absolutely frightening and it's passed or pressed under the idea that we need to as aggressively as possible fight a war on terrorism the problem is that what are we the two problems really start ask yourself what are we fighting for if we're fighting for our freedoms aren't
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civil liberties one of our freedoms our isn't due process the right to due process one of our freedoms the second problem with this is is that it will it will in never. be inforced in a selective way that because we have such a selective definition of terrorism we know that this kind of abrogation of our civil liberties will be disproportionately felt by minorities in this country by in particular muslims so when we trample our civil liberties in the name of fighting a war on terror we're actually i believe allowing the terrorists win and i want to be one other point here it's not like our laws and our justice system and traditional justice have been too lenient on criminals on perpetrators against this country we have the highest level of incarceration industry wise world so simply. researching that they are short circuiting justice and i got problems that just
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this but short circuiting it in a way that they're tramples our civil liberties that they move the idea that justice is a harsh and not is crazy now and i think it's an important point a lot of people say that this is exactly what osama bin laden wanted in the first place important points there author and talk radio host david sirota. but coming up next new gingrich keeps harping on that killing the child labor law details coming up in our tool time segment and on tap into night happy hour play about one group that still stands by herman cain and high school student takes on another g.o.p. candidate when it comes to gay marriage will be right back. into an american military mechanisms to do the work to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i
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pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you. are welcome is a big if. if .
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the capital account i'm lauren lyster. still leaves the option of. testing nobody seems to know. that never appropriate to face quite hard the argument that they're being overly dramatic. is time for tonight's tool time award and we're giving it once again to repeat
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winner in this category newt gingrich the g.o.p. presidential candidate was featured just last week for his truly original albeit wrong stance on child labor when he was speaking to you when he was speaking about income inequality at harvard's kennedy school new told us what he thought of child labor laws. it is tragic what we do in the poorest neighborhoods in trapping children in first one child laws which are truly stupid ok you say to somebody you shouldn't go to work before you're what fourteen sixteen years of age five you're totally poor. that's right he declared those laws designated to protect children from essentially slave labor as being stupid what's worse newt then offered up his own suggestion for kids who are in need of a job. most of these schools want to get rid of the unionized janitors have one master janitor and pay local students to take care of the school the kids would actually do work they would have care they'd have pride in the schools they begin
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the process of rising. yes the legitimately offered custodial work for children as a way to fix the income inequality problem in this country and that's when we thought those comments were completely outrageous he went on and one upped himself in iowa new return to the income inequality issue that's plaguing the country and once again called for child labor laws to be repealed but listen to how he classifies kids growing up in four households. really poor joe is really for neighborhoods. not on campus or working and there is nobody around them who works. so we would have them happen short of them i did not have the same although i. do know however that i do this if you change. the laws of eden. newt just knows so much about that i mean talk about the ultimate stereotype according to newt all
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poor kids are lazy and will only end up making money by engaging in illegal activities and i'm not going to stand here and say that that doesn't happen but to classify all children just like that is downright wrong oh and by the way newt there are plenty of children who have overcome impoverished situations and go on to make a name for themselves and you know how they did that by staying in school dedicating themselves to their schoolwork and focusing on their future besides i think newt is missing the point when he says that income inequality comes from the fact that kids are quote lazy what about all the adults out there who do that who do want to do the work but can't find jobs to assume that poor children are going to opt out of education and take up illegal activities in life just makes him look bigoted and frankly out of touch with america and remember this this guy is the current front runner of the g.o.p. crowd so for his downright wrong assumptions and his emphasis on children working rather than getting an education newt gingrich is tonight's tool time winner.
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and joining me for happy hour tonight is andrew blink are two web writer and also alex bytes wild assistant editor for think progress dot org thanks for coming on the show with us i like having a all male happy hour makes me feel special what are you guys let's talk about herman cain there is a big announcement tomorrow who knows what that will be but let's talk about today today the story about herman cain was this new web site that just came out about a new group of people who support him the website is called women for herman cain it's an online online national fellowship of women dedicated to helping elect for mccain as president let me just read you one of the posts here. one of the post said dear mrs kane don't pay attention to all those pathetic husband women who are
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jealous of women like you unhappy long term marriages those vindictive women can't find a husband or keep one there like stalkers who try to latch on to any man who shows a bit of kindness or attention to them when unstable women come out of the woodwork to make accusations about herman just say honey get a life i believe my husband we want you to be our first lady this this came damn straight. what's going on here women for women came. i feel like he knows that he's got like hours left before this and that he just wants to have fun like me he likes me he went into the nearest godfather's pizza and held a staff meeting as like a free cheesy bread if you can post something on this website i know. because he's you know you think it's just just a funny ploy by the cain campaign it's something i mean i like to think there's actual women out there who are supporting him yeah i mean i have to agree that i think the evidence is increasingly mounting that herman cain is a performance art piece but even the women that are supposed to supporting herman
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cain and the women are pictured on his website they kind of drop their support later today when that came out that they were a stock photo of women and then the campaign quickly removed them so even the four women pictured on the website have withdrawn their support for mccain oh really i imagine there's not a lot of photos on that website i mean i'm going to herman cain has a special relationship with with women that are here we'll see what happens next following this a big announcement tomorrow i want to move on to a new study out by the university of british columbia and this is one of the first of its kind this explores the sentiments regarding atheism so it turns out atheists are among the lease trusted people less than christians less than muslims less than gay men even feminists in fact the only group distrusted to a comparable degree were wait for it right this. yeah it's surprising but let me show you this clip this is piers morgan asking ricky gervais. who is also an
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atheist talking about god. if you're a believer in god if you're a christian as many tens of millions in america are all. poking fun the religion when someone finds gault i don't find it. all right so there's a lot of people in this country who identify themselves as atheist what's going on here i don't buy i don't even buy this because it came out of canada and i trust canadians less and less mean gay men and atheists you know all of them yeah. i put somewhere between like pirates and carnival parties i guess but yeah comedians and they're always up to no good yeah i mean it's pretty pretty shocking i was really surprised to see this and it's interesting they found that it's not discussed or hatred but it's distrust is the reason people don't like atheists but it seems like rapists have a great opportunity here they should convert to religion not be this and maybe they
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will you know their trust numbers will go up you see have a good opportunity just trying to see the silver lining all right i think and then move on from that are you guys that we seems like it's been a few days we've actually had a break from on these large g.o.p. gatherings debates forums whatever the republican jewish coalition is holding a foreign and guess who they're not inviting or not inviting ron paul now we have a hunch as to why probably because of his stance on israel i want to show you a clip of him saying that israel can take care of itself in a recent debate. israel has two hundred three hundred nuclear missiles and they can take care of themselves why should we commit we don't have a treaty with israel why would why do we have this automatic commitment that we're going to send our kids to send their money and leslie. to israel. all right so. you know i get it the republican jewish coalition doesn't maybe have the same views as ron paul that they invite him to this republican form yeah i mean it's debate
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it's a free exchange of ideas they should invite him and he's the only one who's going to have a different opinion from the rest of the g.o.p. field which is completely in line no light of day between the u.s. and israel but i think this is the wrong way tactically for them to go about this as a jew they should invite him and just guilt trip the heck out of him oh you don't support israel that's fine don't worry about it maybe he'd come around that way so i actually thought ron paul was jewish because every every time he's on any of these the bases he was always talking about like cutting something or. part of it and he saw it let me show you another reason why they should have invited him while they why they shouldn't have exploded and this is what happened in two thousand and eight when ron paul was kicked out of the fox news debate. no you're. wrong oh no right or wrong no the guy who. was. not easy is not easy to tell but that was actually sean hannity
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fox news host so you know he was chased you know. good support base so you know there's another reason for you know let's not just talk about a couple of the candidates also talk about michele bachmann we love to talk about her absolutely she was recently at a town hall meeting in iowa and she's challenged by a high school student on the issue of gay marriage let's play that. we all have the same civil rights. in the line here it seems to me. mary you can hold the same was no one else to marry me if you're a woman or you can marry a woman is there any thank you. leon. but . i mean i know it's not surprising but she's a wacky she finally met her match in a high school student at
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a debate i think that's just about the right level for and you know she rumor has it she might know about marrying a man who marries a woman but maybe you should be marrying a man maybe sort of something that i thought it was interesting that she says will they have the same rights if their game they can marry somebody of the opposite sex and you know from personal experience i thought it was weird that they she spoke at this pizzeria like cain's home turf that would be like. i don't know it wasn't a godfather's pizza i mean now that now that ron paul has this campaign against newt gingrich they'd be like if newt gingrich retaliates and tries to like to be like oh marijuana field or if if ron paul wants to take on newt gingrich going to be like divorce court or something so i think it's kind of a balls and move right on that note i mean i can imagine marijuana field being the place but you know let's think outside the box or somewhere alex lifeson holden's
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or blake friday how if you are gonna love it. well that's it for tonight's show thanks so much for tuning in and make sure to come back on monday alone and we'll be down as the show in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other night you can catch it all on youtube dot com watch the alone a show for not posting interviews as well as the entire so on this night coming up next the thing. to.
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