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tv   [untitled]    December 3, 2011 4:00am-4:30am EST

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result to be the parliamentary elections first and that likely to be revealed later today off to a historically high turnout for the nonce. in just a few moments. russia votes against it as the u.n. human rights council passes a motion condemning violence in syria saying there aboard those not give the full picture and is unbalanced and politicized. no way out germany's angela merkel admits you were upstairs crisis here to stay as leaders and their hopes on get another a last minute deal to stave off financial meltdown. and that legal loophole in the u.k. allows thousands of foreign criminals to stay in the country convicted rapists
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murderers and you know piles use it to escape just punishment and deportation. what you want to live from moscow one pm here gyptian officials say turnout for the opening round of parliamentary elections has been the highest ever in the country quote since the faroes the announcement follows a two day delay in publishing the outcome and no clear winner is likely with the vast majority of candidates now set to go into a runoff but as our disposal your reports even these figures may be put into question. well we're going for the military council beth the results will be announced today saturday but this is the third time that such an announcement has been made those effects from adults with first exposed to be given on the way in state we also know hearing from the commission that the voter turnout they gave
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that stood at sixty two percent which suggested that more than eight million people turned out that that figure is under the view off to some questions were raised about irregularities and the way that represented of sixty two was actually reached so we might actually hear later today that the voter turnout is significantly lower we haven't yet heard the result of the political parties who scored in these elections but there has been a lot of talk a lot of initial exit polls and a lot of rumors that has been bandied about it does seem as if the muslim brotherhood's political party the freedom and justice party will come first with a standing of between forty to fifty five percent and not in second position is likely to be the ultra conservative some leftist and the latest figures we have put that at some thirty to thirty five percent now this is a group that has said that it will push for stricter controls in the parliament there and of course how much power the parliament at the end of the day is given this is in line with the trend we've been witnessing across more faster care that
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in recent months has seen islamic parties coming to the fore now what is significant about these results in particular is that the voting at this stage was done mostly in urban areas particularly men in cairo and alexandria so when islamic parties have such a strong showing in urban cities it does set the stage in the next two phases of these voting the islamists will maybe continue to do as well because their hold and the popularity in those kind of areas is much higher it also sets the stage for a coalition to be formed with a significant majority in parliament who come for me is the longest parties not the next week we'll see the second phase of voting the fiscal. you know what house of parliament the third phase will be in january and then there will be voting hold for the house of parliament well certainly there is a significant number of you took some gains to these elections most of them have been taken to the streets of the past two weeks and months earlier this year they
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say that these votes all illegal they say that they did not change real reality on the ground and the writing course in the square does remain the same and that is for the military to step down immediately the concern amongst these egyptians is that it doesn't really matter whether you hold elections or whether you change the face of the government it is still the military who are pulling the strings behind the scenes now today saturday we do expect the announcement of the new cabinet that is being formed by the new prime minister come out all guns will be he has already named some of the cabinet at least a dozen ministers all of whom are actually ministers from the previous regime in the same portfolio this includes the same foreign minister at includes the same information minister and while they will be new veins who will be forming part of this government the fact that such a significant majority remain part of the previous government is just merely more ammunition for protesters in tahrir square who say that nothing is changing. your reporting there from cairo now the un human rights council has passed
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a resolution condemning gross violations in syria the decision is based on a recent report detailing abuses during the government crackdown on protesters and urges the broader un to take appropriate action a special investigator has also been appointed to monitor how the government copes with the unrest in the country russia and china were among those who voted against the resolution moscow says the u.n. report which led to the vote was and for the objective and the international community is hearing only biased accounts of what's happening in the country. what don't understand is why if that can be done in yemen that cannot apply to cd c.d.'s imo from the outset the message which has been set up from some quarters capitals is that no way to help those who go into dialogue they should stop it immediately that there is no future in the arab league initiative we believe that this is something very counterproductive and this is something which has
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exacerbated the situation in syria but what can be a general attitude and principle is that the international community is not there to smell blood and to found confrontation but the international community is there to prevent further blood ship to got to got to this is what the united nations is about this is what the security council is about and while calls for urgent action to protect civilians are getting louder some critics fear this may and with syria becoming the focus of a broader western janda in the region it's an artificial country it's a typical problem to only wish to end colonialists after the first and every hole to gain still to an empire. just like libya. and on the verge of english french colonialism redesigning the region rewriting the map is
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what i try to do the western intent is of course to split of syria completely from any rein in connection as they see it. and. you see or cause this protection of israel or even a zionist expansionist they are protecting our system on behalf of today it's not a nine hundred sixty seven israel more modest. also coming up later in the program for you nailed down to the wall it's two decades since the soviet union collapsed but the pressure on the russian speaking minority to stonier shows no signs of easing unity members say they will never give up the fight for their basic rights. what do you make of the first egyptian election since the revolution. well what do you think is the importance of it. but i do mind that this job. over the global holiday getaway the president asks people to weigh out their
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seasonal thinking shopping or world news. in the u.k. even a murder may not provide enough of a reason to deport a foreign criminal a loophole in the law has turned the country into an asylum for many immigrants who have committed serious offenses artie's or smith explains. their rights to a family life is not an absolute right and it must not be used to drive a coach through our immigration system. at all to call ate an innocuous sounding element in the human rights act but which means having children can stop illegal immigrants being kicked out of britain no matter what they've done pull houston knows what it's like to have your family destroyed his twelve year old daughter amy was killed in a hit and run by an iraqi who was banned from driving across. the
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driver of the car the rumor or. current on the current or on the apollo the car and . she became trapped under the wheels of the car. and. he basically for the scene looked at a guy trapped under the wheels in the water car amy's killer asso mohammed abraham already had a string of minor convictions even before he moved her down and fled but because he subsequently fathered two children by a british woman he still lives in the u.k. it's article eight that keeps him here oddly enough it was one of these that catapulted the issue into the headlines the home secretary seizing on claims that an illegal bolivian was allowed to stay in this country because of the emotional trauma of separating him from his pet not quite true but it got people talking and noticing much more serious cases including a rapist who successfully argued asylum for his social life and
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a killer who lived with his parents in may this year it was revealed that nearly four thousand foreign criminals was set free from detention centers because it was decided they couldn't be deported within a reasonable time among them dozens of rapists murderers and paedophiles separately last year nearly six hundred people used the human rights act to avoid deportation the vast majority citing the right to a private and family life in the case of amy's killer a series of bungles and delays by the authorities meant that by the time eva haim came up for deportation he appeared to have created a family despite flimsy evidence about his parenting intentions he was allowed to stay yet she would rights campaigners argue britain's status as a haven for the persecuted is sacred these are very hard work hundreds of years they're they're embedded in international law you know that we are taught in the
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aftermath of the second world war so make sure that we always know very well. over in society on those principles that we helped here through a grieving father like pull that's missing the point what we have a special we articulate human rights acts we have criminals terrorists murderers rapists drug dealers or using the human rights act as a shield to hide behind and so on to stone contra. problem where new genuine asylum seekers a think anybody has but what we don't want to see is we will see people abuse and not what's wrong and i think that's what needs to be addressed amy was pulls only child he now lives alone spending his time campaigning against article eight and wondering why the rights of his daughters immigrants killer outweigh his own laura smith forty. now don't forget our web site r t dot com where the latest news
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comments and videos are just a click away here's some of what's waiting online for you right here odds are no longer a threat to russia as a launch of the space to fans troops but they are main focus remains on earth with an all seeing eye turn to u.s. missile defense system in europe. and ahead of the coming parliamentary elections in russia we invite you to try your lock in a debate online game your path to power starts here on our t.v. dot com. closes. the people prepare to speak. in duma election and eleven. in-depth coverage of has won the hearts and minds of the russian people want to. the crisis is here to stay and there's no way around it so says german chancellor angela merkel warning that it will take years to solve the blogs debt ridden economic woes her words akko a growing desperation in the e.u.
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as weaker economies struggle against an unprecedented credit squeeze earlier the european central bank flooded the blocks financial institutions with extra cash needed to cover for a mass exodus of investors leaders now pinned their hopes on a last minute deal at a eurozone summit next week and the help that germany will put its economy on the line to. berlin however has remained reluctant to risk its pristine economy despite a growing chorus now joined by britain calling on it to take action but some believe the price for such help may be higher than sought. the common was concentrating on the british economy in trying to get the economy moving within the united kingdom and for him to be calling for fiscal union is a great mistake and in the situation in britain there's a great deal of debt in britain and the british government is having to borrow money from the financial markets to lend to other countries that have been. waste of their money and suffering economic harm as a result of the euro if there is
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a fiscal union which will take years to build in the u. that will mean the will be the end of democracy within europe it will mean that countries will be effectively governed by the european central bank and germany cannot make thinking and the interests of very few. european elite based in brussels it's really dangerous i think to centralize power the euro has created a great deal of economic problems to try and then they're going to have you know cap more problems on to that by creating a fiscal union which will mean that government's tax and spend policy will in a sense be run from brussels and frankfurt that is deeply undemocratic and will store up further trouble in the future. the u.s. unemployment rate has reportedly dropped to thirty two month low of eight point six percent giving a major boost to barack obama's election run up republicans were unimpressed saying it's still higher than when obama took office and tran forecaster jarrett's landy
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thinks democrats are just spinning the numbers to their own advantage when you look at the real numbers in who guard their jargons it's. food stamp employees oh there were jobs created in retail you know those wonderful jobs we take people's money and you say have a nice day and there were jobs in hospitality that's another word for cleaning up somebody who's room oh when there were jobs in health care you know working in nursing homes making sixty to fifty a week why that's why i'm after taxes you know so these are real jobs this is a plantation economy and the big law that no one's talking about as they pump up this week number you need one hundred twenty five thousand jobs a month a month just to account for the new people moving in to the economy
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and population growth so that leaves all the people that have lost all these jobs since the great recession hit still out of work. as a global economic crisis rages on artie's financial guru max keiser continues his mission to expose the shadowy figures behind it this week he has a summer inhalations to share on who manipulates the dark matter of fraudulent shares in the u.s. the full program is coming up in fifteen minutes time but here's a preview. paulson is in the news of the quick headline from michelle doc here treasury secretary henry paulson tipped off prominent hedge funds regarding fannie mae while telling the u.s. senate and the general public a different story yes i was right. hank paulson we should honor him when we have a chance when thirty percent of corporate profits the as the case of the u.s. or in britain thirty percent or higher my calculation is closer to sixty percent of
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the corporate profits come from a corrupt banking sector run by capita dicaprio's like hank paulson you're not going to get any progress in jumpstarting your economy like the galaxy in the cosmos itself some speculate that the dark matter and dark energy is greater than the visible world that we live in this is true of the financial frauds on wall street the amount of frauds greater than what we see on a day to day basis hank paulson has got of like the einstein of fraud he's taken the entire concept of breaking the law and multiplied it times a coefficient of his own corrupt soul he's satan time seeking. for their uncompromising policies to banish all signs of a soviet legacy stowing officials are pushing harder and harder on a country still vast russian speaking community the minority that's long been
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threatened with a mother tongue band now plans to fight to the bitter around for a language freedom here's artie's like here chefs. a russian speaking fisherman catches a magic fish it promises to fulfill all his wishes in his own ian but he does not understand the language and he dumps it this social ad urges the russian minority in the stony to learn estonian in a rather amusing fashion the reality is no joke at all. old state officials are obliged to know the estonian language in the course of their work this is written in our language it also applies to people working in the majority of public services. just like other post soviet baltic states estonia has its own language inspection the body which oversees how the language law is being observed at times laying it down quite harshly the language inspection has the legal right
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to conduct spontaneous checks on anyone working in any sphere and should a person fail the language exam the body may then initiate the sacking of this employee human right activists say this has turned the language inspection into a punitive body. it is not that they have nothing to say it's just that they believe their voices are being silenced estonia's three hundred thousand strong russian minority has been protesting at what they describe as the language inquisition some of these people either lost their jobs or are on their threat of doing so because they are forbidden from speaking their native language soon if you're through every so often cursed soviet power never applied in the restrictions of languages the stoniest were free to educate in their language nowadays the authorities have almost banned the russian language from schools besides some russian communities don't have qualified teachers who can teach physics or chemistry in a stone ian in the latest twist five workers at an orphanage were fired for not
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being able to speak a story into the children that's in a town where ninety six percent of the population are ethnic russians. and i don't want to. drood but as long as we leave in this country we have to leave by the lord and i fired those people because they had been warned but did nothing. q when rights activists acknowledge the rule of the law but stress that in the language case it is not applied properly because of the law doesn't put any difference between us and we're almost everyone sees russian as their native language and other parts where most of the people speak a stone and with such disproportion we can talk of direct language discrimination and direct ethnic discrimination because activists in another baltic states love to have been gathering signatures and holding a referendum to make russian the second state language and many say they have a strong chance of pushing it through a stone despite being criticised by amnesty international for its language policy
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is adamant and it sees the russian minority would not care if the magic fish granting their wish anytime soon. let's. see reporting from thailand in a story your. time to take a look at some of the stories from around the world one person has been killed and at least two dozen wounded in clashes between riders and police in southern peru or is demonstrators blocked pan-american highway protesting against expansion of a local prison the violence skirmish flared up one police arrived at the scene to disperse the crowd and clear the way for vehicles it's the country's second violent protest this week twenty were injured and perot's north in a demonstration against a mining project on tuesday. iranian diplomats expelled from the u.k. have arrived back home on early saturday morning they were told to leave the country after aggressive protesters stormed british diplomatic compounds in tehran western officials blame iran's leadership for allegedly sanctioning the attacks
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chanting anti-nature slogans crowds of hard line students gathered at tehran's airport to give the returning diplomats a hero's welcome. under the fair. thousands of southern california residents have been left without electricity after a fierce hurricane strength winds strike the u.s. west coast and extensive cleanup is underway with emergency workers clearing away scores of uprooted trees and toppled power lines the spy the wind subsiding several cities have maintained a state of emergency as authorities warn it could take another two days of to restore power supplies from. now ever wondered what soldiers go through making split second decisions in combat that can never be forgotten or undone a close look at the american soldiers who struggle with the morality of killing in war is coming your way as our t. explores the conscience of war all that's in our special report in the next hour.
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i had to go through ten year old boy. we train him how to kill we use officers develop the orders for them to kill. we never explained to them why it's ok. most people at the point of looking down in time to pull the trigger became conscious objectors. i don't remember squeezing the trigger i don't remember seeing him go down when i remembers that we shot him. on the other side are soldiers too and soldiers do it so they're trying to kill us we're trying to kill them and that's just the ugly face of war just. another normal until. i went to the war zone and i started seeing how
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i need to change. and the only way to do there's not a rival and kill another person that's why i'm applying for concerts and. oh oh. oh. well these days world shaping events can be tracked in every detail through a variety of media from old fashioned print to instant internet but how many people are really interested in looking further than they are near a shopping mall or harshness better known as the president asked of people in the streets of new york even though what's in the news. are people aware of what's going on in the world this holiday season are they only interested in shopping this week let's talk about that what do you make of the first egyptian election since the revolution so no it is about as well what do you
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think is the importance of it. what's on your mind that shopping do you agree with britain's choice to pull out of its embassy in tehran. we don't follow the news these days so i'm not so informed about what do you follow these days. ali trip around the city to how do you think the european union should handle the greek situation but hear me out so that they really don't follow that closely now what are you guys empowering the news. knowledge of. the watches the news i watch the good. what is it h.d. t.v. and the cooking channel did you think nato had a right to pakistan this is getting very political i'm on a five day holiday i'm not going to get to try to political discussion i don't mean the sit down now worldly but i'm being more tension that was having over here there was a bit in another country that is somewhat not affecting us do you think that's what
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most people feel probably what about to you probably whether or not you've crossed everything off your list this holiday the bottom line is you might want to consider taking a break from shopping to find out what's going on in the rest of the world. thanks guys or shows no mercy assessing the world's biggest financial chiefs action stay with our team to find out what he has to say about hank paulson who was in charge of u.s. finances when the economic turmoil broke out and attach for a quick look at the headlines in a couple of minutes. well
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with. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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it's all designed to keep you closed in your own small world as a prison. you know you leave somebody in there for a couple hours like that in a stress position. you have this fear of the unknown and this stress sort of building and. seen interrogations go on ten twelve hours they chose songs i remember from marilyn manson and metallica slayer the two songs would be angel of death and raining blood to kill the enemy going through war coming up here into iraq into baghdad. johnny pulled the bodies to the floor which is the rock n roll band it was fitting for the job we were doing.


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