tv [untitled] December 4, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EST
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going to draw. a lecture in two thousand eleven parties. if they heated political campaigning and if they get a chance to have that say is part of it shared action day here in russia and so people have been fighting some interesting ways to make it to the polling stations because they know the full the latest information from the halls of the capital. the war of words between iran and the west turns into an inferno as washington and the e.u. infuriated by iran's unphased reaction just threats him backed by choking off oil revenues. the e.u. human rights commissioner calls for military intervention in syria sanctions
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continue to pile on damascus over alleged villian abuses by forces loyal to president bush on a loss of. an islamic parties claim to have one of egypt's first post revolution election and made frustration in the streets as many believe their voices are not heard. it is not i am of the russian capital you're watching r t with me marina joshie our it's a big day for voting in the world's biggest country with people deciding on a fresh board of lawmakers for the lower house of parliament. well the main entry rests in the ruling united russia party and whether it retains
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its overwhelming support among the population as its rivals pledge to offer up tough competition for more knowledge across to our team sara firth who is here in central moscow following a story for us so sara good morning now the whole country as we know is great by the voting frenzy so what more can you tell us about this. but the ballot costing began of course russia's time zones at eight am local time so already well underway in some of russia's far eastern regions according to russia's election committee says hoffa million observers from competing parties and nearly seven hundred international observers are going to be on hand today to make sure they're in a violations with the emphasis is also on transparency thousands of the polling be sick going to be equipped with automatic ballot counting machines and they're also going to be some people who are going to be with the calls and vote using
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electronic devices now from the innovative to the imaginative of course some of russia's harder to reach areas people have had to be a little bit more imaginative in coming up with how they've reached these probably be some people arriving already did and if the polling based one able to be reached by the people they've been delivered by means such a telescope to snow the veil to people such as tiger explorers and sailors he won't be able to make it at today's base so it's an interesting ways to make sure of course that the all important all costs and they'll be counted later on this evening literally resplendent eight pm local time full hundred fifty seats in the state. seven political parties but i sling it out to when they see the threshold of proportional representation in the party seven percent there will be seats available for some of the parties he managed to get slightly less five to six percent my colleague has also this been taking
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a closer look at the line of the some of the main political policies. this right here is the state duma the lower chamber of the russian parliament where laws are adopted and all bills are first reviewed and the term comes from the russian dumont meaning to think it was founded in one thousand nine hundred six but does survive the one nine hundred seventeen revolution however it did bounce back in one thousand nine hundred three when a new constitution was introduced and the upcoming election and the makeup of the six duma since one thousand nine hundred three. or four hundred fifty seats up for grabs in the duma and the elected deputies will serve for five years well as it stands to stay do must be divided between four political parties. currently has three hundred fifteen seats is the biggest party in the duma
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it's followed by the communists with fifty seven seats the liberal democrats forty seats and a fair russia has thirty eight. let's look at those parties in detail now the ruling united russia party has a constitutional majority in the current parliament and is led by prime minister vladimir putin and with the upcoming election of president dmitry medvedev will be at the top of the party's list of candidates for the party's representation in the duma is not only made up of career politicians but celebrities as well such as one of the most decorated gymnasts of two time olympic medalist. former n.h.l. star the salt as well as the first man to walk in space alexei now the party's platform essentially revolves around modernizing the economy uprooting corruption and add to radicalism however united russia is also often criticized as bureaucratic inefficient and to some extent blame for political and economic stagnation. of the second in the number of seats is the
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communist party headed by its own child. the communists are the biggest opposition force in the country constantly in second place and one of the most prominent deputies in this sector of federal funds a nobel laureate in physics in two thousand and the communist party promises a not for the first on the nationalization of key industries they're often criticized for sticking to a platform that caters to an elderly constituency that still dreams of returning to the glory days of the soviet union. well another old timer of the russian a state. he's a leader of the liberal democratic party of russia now it's often called a one man party is widely considered to be a show man and this is over as eccentric behavior and sometimes shocking political views for example he advocated forcibly retaking alaska from the u.s. and openly expressed his hatred of certain ethnic groups from that is that in the last years often turned his words into action on
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a lighter note since resting trappin i'm excited to read it was elected as a united russia deputy there's been no more poles in the state. fair russia is headed by he said again and as the name implies its platform is based on the principles of fairness freedom a solitary calling for the proper functioning of a well first. this is the usual working place of the deputy no bells and whistles just a mike and a device with which to vote but not all deputies are interested in the daily debates over bills last year a huge scandal emerge when it came to light that some deputies consistently missed sessions and simply asked their party called the vote in their absence now only after public criticism from the president they returned to work despite the shortcomings of russia's politicians there are still hopes of the country will be able to put together the kind of polling that it needs to address its people's demands and navigate russia's future so who exactly will be filling these four
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hundred fifty seats of the state duma who won't be long now to find. there's are still reporting there for us now the big decision day is in sharp focus here on r t and we'll be bringing you detailed coverage of russia's parliamentary election all the way through to the end and our reporters of course will broadcast live from the central election committees office and from major party headquarters later in the day so stay with us for the results we action and in-depth analysis. closes. the people prepare to speak. to do election. coverage of has won the hearts and minds of the russian people party. still coming up in today's review of the week's news all ties strained to the limit . pulls out of crucial u.s.
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back talks on the future of ghana stand further up winding their ripped open by deadly nato airstrike on pakistan's border. and to europe holds its breath as merkel and sarkozy try to brew up a cure for the walks financial agony while the people continue to protest against austerity. has been one of the most hands weeks yet in iran's continuing drama as western nations unleash more sanctions and greater restrictions and even more rhetoric on the middle east nation it all began with britain's decision to levy fresh measures against iran as punishment for what israel and others believed to be a covert nuclear program that sparked outrage among the iranian public anger students stormed the british amnesty into iran u.k.'s reaction was to shut down its diplomatic mission along with other e.u. nations and some twenty four raney and diplomats were expelled from london they returned home as heroes the u.s. is hasn't been quiet on the issue either with washington preparing its own quickly
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sanctions against iran's central bank but political analyst chris bambery believes provoking these lawmakers state would have disastrous consequences german kerry as the way to run some sanctions against iran is talk of some restraint against the run over this you could program we should remember that nationalism runs very deep people won't memories of when for instance britain and america wants to come in one nine hundred sixty three to overthrow democrats we went to government richard nationalized. interested in store of the. nationals was runs very deep and. enthusiasm present. many of the mood around against any notion of sanctions against iran or a brutal need to strike against the rise. of america and britain between them have enough weapons to destroy the world many times over wagering a round of nuclear weapons it does not have. around the americans and the bruce to
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have plans for eventually for a military strike is whether or not the kind of and i think those people who are committed to peace and don't want to see you know war should be concerned about this and should pressure in washington london paris to stop any talk of for the sanctions or any talk of a military strike against iran now these high commissioner for human rights has called for military intervention in syria to bring down the government of president bashar asad his side of the number of civilians allegedly killed by pro-government forces since the civil conflict began the u.n. also can damn acids rule but a resolution that could have paved the way for intervention was blocked by russia and china they believe the u.n. continues to ignore reports of atrocities committed by opposition fighters and warned that foreign meddling may worsen the situation in while sanctions continue to pile on damascus but political activists franklin lamb a strong doubts about how effective they can be. i don't think that the sanctions
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are going to bring down the regime because the regime in training are showing the stick and me and i think the enough of the population that takes underage as this western interference in terms of the sanctions. they were also resists and i think that history going back to iraq and before teachers because sanctions you know are not really affective in changing the behavior of a regime they're dramatic they're for local consumption i know the u.s. congress is thrilled with the sanctions against syria and against iran but in real political terms i don't see the red the fruit of you know of our. efforts. or obviously both sides have got to find another way to defuse these.
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dangerous situations. and as the west presses harder on arab nations to listen to protesters demands the approach taken to their own demonstrations from london to new york is markedly different. defining brutal cop tactics and a government crackdown the occupy movement shows no signs of slowing down instead drawing in support new supporters from the most unlikely sources. and minus one as discontent over washington's actions mounts up across the middle asia the new president vows to shut down america's military base and his country. islamic parties have reportedly taken an overwhelming lead in the opening round of egypt's first parliamentary elections since one barak's fall the muslim brotherhood's freedom and justice party gained forty percent of the vote with fundamentalists all newer party clay me around twenty five percent however the results are in finals most parties are set to go through to further election rounds
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over the next two months but as our reports from cairo many of the streets feel their votes will carry little weight in their troubled country. vote. and a record turnout a real sign of political interest in a country of dictatorship. the power of the ballot the face of the candidate smiled on the one for the most you street corner and wanting to persons all excited to be both teams in the real mix and these smiles say maybe hold nothing but hold on. iran to boot. down. there were tens of thousands like this mohammed young unemployed and frustrated they think it doesn't matter who they vote for because the minister was still me all the important decisions but the problem is you know what or that she's going to produce a parliament that appoint ministers
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a counterpoint to government. whose constitution whatever it turns out to be is going to be guarded by the army many in egypt say they will continue to camp out on talking square the center of the revolution and in front of the parliament building youth movement leaders like ahmed dravot are protesting and what they see as an empty vote offering no democratic mandate will be you. think you will not go inside your office to stop you and you have to go now. to make. two more rounds of voting still need to take place but the strong showing of the muslim brotherhood leaves little doubt that the islamic parties will have a significant majority in parliament for what it's worth although claims of a record sixty two percent turnout is already being questioned after a series of irregularities were reported the country's only female candidate for the presidency is not surprised. monitoring the
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election just. mistakes and. we have no way for democracy but the west has been quick to praise the election as an important step towards change although the americans are beginning to say well no the army must go back to barracks deep down they'll be perfectly happy to keep the army where it is illegal if you give one point three billion dollars a year to the egyptian army which the americans to you a spirit specter to do what it wants which leaves little room for the people to get what they want setting the stage for more to turmoil the r.t. . europe is looking forward to another meeting of the german and french leaders set for this monday to propel the euro zone to fiscal union a potential cure offered by angle merkel this week for the financial agony gripping the continent valjean in greece saw a massive strike as people fought against new measures to stop the current financial rollercoaster european central bank has been pumping money into the
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blocks financial institutions to compensate for investors pulling out their funds earlier the e.u. monetary affairs chief war in the euro zone has no more than ten days to contain the crisis though the german chancellor insists that the process will take years but job and that all were valid editor in chief of the trans and now magazine says europe is just not ready for the changes needed to contain the crisis. have a functioning monetary union without a political union that's a choice you have to make and you can't have one without the other that has been very much proven now in the last two years of crisis what we do lack is political authority the member countries of the eurozone will have to give up a large part of their serenity in terms of economic budgetary social and financial policies and it is almost in thinkable if you look at the major countries i'm talking about france i'm talking about germany the two most important countries
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that they are prepared at this moment to accept that a lot of the social economic financial policies of the countries will be decided not in peru or paris or berlin but in brussels you can agree amongst each other i mean for example the seventeen members of the euro zone that certain kind of budgetary powers or even powers with respect to social or financial policies are given to brussels but the big question is if then brussels takes of this for us but it's possibility how much really biting and automatic power will it have to make sure that everybody respects those rules. ten weeks of exhaustive controversial and sometimes even bloody protests the fruits of a movement that was widely expected to fizzle out in days but far from it the occupy wall street campaign is now bigger than ever defining a coordinated government crackdown widespread kob brutality and media ridicule and
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as artie's more important i discovered the movements of message resonates even with those whose job is to silence it. street. occupy wall street has become an undeniable american household name. and police crackdowns against the democratic movement have become something of the norm not so normal is seeing one side endorse the other. retired philadelphia police captain ray lewis became the game changer on nov seventeenth arrested while demonstrating with occupy protesters on the streets of new york city the twenty four year veteran was held in police custody for eleven hours and received one comment from a new york cop nobody to talk to make sure this one individual said that i had the testicles of an elephant although all of america's police force is part of the ninety nine percent captain lewis says cops secretly supporting o.w.m.
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face dire consequences by going public tremendous fear of losing their job being disciplined being fired and then what do they do everybody in the ninety nine percent has that fear and police officers also they cannot risk they have children they have one what would they do once you're fired there are no jobs available the nighttime raid on zuccotti park and subsequent arrest of dozens of journalists covering the story are among many reasons captain lewis says he temporarily transplanted to manhattan that's close to a dictatorship when you exclude the media. as with dictators around the world and that is very scary brutal scare tactics such as pepper spray the tons and flash grenades canisters have been used against occupy camps throughout the u.s. oakland california resembles something of an urban war zone this fall leaving a war vet in critical condition and the eyes of an eighty four year old burning from tear gas oakland police officer fred chavez is the only active cop who's gone
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on record with his support like i totally agree with occupy. even to an extent what i can broker i am a part of the ninety nine percent for the most part people are peaceful and i want to see change many believe the biggest change could calm when or if u.s. law enforcement officials stop suppressing the right to assemble and begin supporting it despite his arrest captain lewis is back at zuccotti park showing unwavering support for the occupy movement standing roughly ten or fifteen feet away from him a group of new york city police officers yes they're here securing the area but some are beginning to show little interest for the first time i had an officer break ranks yesterday at the barricade line a white officer named officer and introduced himself and if you question i said do you know the risk you're taking and he was so brave that you said this is still america and until
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a supervisor ordered ordered me back to the line i'm going to talk with you i hope to get mainstream america involved the players involved realizing that we're all victims of corporate america and that corporate america has got to be stopped marina port r.t. new york. well you can follow this and other stories on our website or if you know com and a look at what's in line for you adam on we were exploding out of the i phone proved to be the hottest touchscreen on the market with two cases of something many years to wash and reported within a week. plus antigravity dancing tom brady dan stars battle it out at sea in a hip international contests being held in moscow now we have the video on our dot com. pakistan is ruled out taking part in a u.s. backed conference on the future of ghana stand next week this is it was just one of his lot about reactions to a recent nato air strike that killed twenty four pakistani soldiers they are
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a broad already tense relations between the u.s. and pakistan to a new low nato supply routes through pakistan were shot off at islamabad officials said washington must make amends and went back to the people's trust political scientists now to crawford things the pakistani people will actually benefit from divorcing the country from american support and interest. because the pakistanis receive a significant amount of. cash from the us stand he's never want to lose the u.s. subsidy of pakistan and should act enabled the pakistanis to increase their own military spending quite substantially and also subsidizes that the security services that the secrets of security services and intelligence services that essentially run much of the country the us aid war for some reason. does jack just any people would probably feel more secure sense the pakistani
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military has been engaged in training insurgents in washington and zeerust causing an enormous number of civilian casualties and other sign of washington's rapidly losing trust the middle asia comes from kerry to stand where the newly elected president has called on the us to leave a military base that's operating in the country since two thousand and one and as our team found out the care u.s. government is also paying a little more attention to some of its own people's demands. they call it operation enduring misery several times a day u.s. military planes takeoff from an airport near the characters capital bishkek there and gins generating a lot of anger and mung the locals that's why there's it's so noisy here i can barely sleep back in soviet times the village of brahma in there was famous across kyrgyzstan for his gigantic watermelons but ever since the americans landed here ten years ago locals say the quality of their crops has been steadily declining
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like most of his neighbors further nicholai which is convinced americans a dumping fuel on the field surrounding the base which is commanders deny your version i wish the u.s. planes come and go several times a day i know there should be the noise is disturbing but i sort of got used to what's really bad is that they're killing nature the fields and the crops and people's health is getting worse to the congress airbase represents the shortest and the most efficient route to deliver you supplies and servicemen into afghanistan nicknamed the gateway to how it's the last safe stop on the way to combat but for the residents here getting rid of the base is a battle in its own right but i'm not going to have series we're going to america has so many enemies it's forty wars in afghanistan iraq libya but its enemies want to attack us all in. one form or congress press than sandy americans and the
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victualling notice only to negotiate a three fold lease increase a few months later the following year or commandeered by key was ousted from office on allegations of corruption some related to payments from the us base mistrust and even has still it's between the locals and us troops abroad are hardly anything new many countries are hosting american bases despite sometimes very strong objections of the indigenous population but here in kyrgyzstan they are. so politically charged that it has already shown the power of making or breaking once presidency yet america's presence in the region has its brutal benefits to military gear in accessories have long found their way to bishkek it's bizarre thanks to a shady network of buyers and sellers secondhand u.s. military uniform is held in a very high regard here the owner of this business doesn't want us to share his
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face he usually gets it from american troops on the ground for a couple hundred bucks and he sells it to a wide range of clients many of whom come from all over the former soviet union according to the bases commanders. tried to be nice in addition to sixty million dollars a year for the least use personnel in kyrgyzstan have done volunteer work and raised money to renovate the local school and the locals are appreciative they say they have nothing against the americans per se except that they have long stay there welcome. because the. now stay with us for a review of the top stories coming up in just a few minutes. to
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me devil operation on r.g.p. . as russians pick for parliament who are the main contenders in the race for juma seats party leader gennady zyuganov types the achievements of communism from before his time but he's criticized for his rebel small with the russian orthodox church current campaign slogan. the politics of the majority is made to when we return the motherland stolen from us. free education and housing punishing illegal immigration and introducing ethnicity stamps in passports. success story second presidential elections since the end of the critic u.s.s.r. .
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