tv [untitled] December 4, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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brushed away the people with the ruling united russia party appearing to be clear winners in the country's parliamentary elections as counting continues but so thoughtful and short of an overall majority after a big drop it's about and we've got the latest results and analysis as the country decides. also later this hour iran's military sources say they have shot down an unmanned u.s. drone in the east of the country according to a state news agency. also in a roundup of the week's top headlines one human rights commissioner calls for international intervention in syria but russia and china to gaze the resolution
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saying foreign meddling with only cause more bloodshed. is to examine moscow you're watching live from the russian capital with me you national holiday thanks for joining us. so straight to our extensive coverage of russia's parliamentary elections here on all she and now over to my colleague and he said now in our special citizen the studio with all the races developments and figures for you any set. thank you you really are votes of course all over russia are being counted as we speak the
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preliminary results so that united russia is leading with the vote at fifty one percent so far in what appears to be a significant drop in fact in popularity it is however gaining as more ballots are being counted the central election committee is publishing all the latest figures by an r.t.s. you considering a grouch over is there for us to katherine to bring us up to date on the most recent numbers but he says of two am most go time over sixty one percent of the votes have been counted and the results are the following the united russia is leading the not russia's party is number one with fifty point one percent of the vote slightly less than what you mentioned the communists are in second with just short of twenty percent coming next star for a party would a little less than thirteen percent there ahead of the liberal democrats which have won around twelve percent now according to the polls the other three parties haven't broken the seven percent threshold while russia uses
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a party at least proportional representation system in the duma elections four hundred fifty seats are at stake and to be eligible for any seats at all a party must take at least seven percent of the vote and if a party breaks the better it gets the number of seats in the lower house of the russian parliament proportionate to the number of votes of one of those there's only one exception to that these time if a party gets between five and six percent of the vote it gets one seat or one mandate in the state duma and if it gets between six and seven percent it gets two seats in the duma as of now as of two am again only four parties have secured seats in the newly elected state duma but of course both sides being counted and also it's important to mention that this time around the newly elected parliament will. i'll be in charge of the country's politics for five years unlike it was in
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previous years when deputies were elected for four years only anisa votes are being counted and of course we'll be bringing you the latest as we're getting it here at the headquarters of the central election committee. that's right indeed of course russia an enormous country it's expected that counting will go on throughout the night thank you very much for that update you catherine a great job of live from the central election committee well joining me now a special guest for us this evening constantine because i chose chairman of the foreign affairs foreign affairs committee of the outgoing state two months you can still be still in office so especially a pleasure to have you come analyze the results so far we just have this fifty one percent it was not clear for a while whether they would go over that fifty percent mind they have but still not as popular as in two thousand and seven is united russia going be able to get the numbers to get stuff done in the next parliament differently years because. any key
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to get. own majority in the coming parliament more than fifty percent no doubt about that and more than fifty percent is enough to get through most of the decisions to be taken by the state duma we need the so-called constitutional majority two thirds just to the so-called constitutional laws which are quite few and for them believe we will be able to create coalitions i don't know which board to but that's not that difficult in any case the most important outcome of this election for me is that we keep the. code you nation between the branches of the parliamentary braincell the executive power of the parliament of the governed. and the president you continue to work and this is very good for russia because russia has gone through the latest economic crisis
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much better than many other countries and they believe that this is the reason why the united russia party still enjoys the support by the majority of russian voters and still of course a clear leader obviously by these results that we're getting at but what do you think is behind the drop in numbers well it's absolutely clear that number one united russia is in the majority position for the last most ten years and for many people it's too much people are fed up so to say with just one part to being in power and for many of these situations beach does not change is the reason the do not solve their problems which are frankly speaking not related to the store it is to the ruling powers your kid is not behaving will your parents
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are do not feel well and so on and so forth but the ruling authority is responsible just for everything you can many people just start voting against this ruling power because they are disappointed but by what is happening in their real reason number two is the recent economic crisis two or three very difficult years for russia and for many people that was a change to the worse and of course the only one political force in the country to be blamed for there is still united russia still i am very happy to see the result we get now and this result is frankly speaking i may confess now is a bow above our expectations of course during the campaign we were declaring much higher expectations but this is a very good result for the native and very realistic in against the big round of the current state of affairs in the russian federation and both president
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medvedev and prime minister putin have talked about reforms that are needed within the party how do you think we'll see that in the new parliament. well number one we have already a storage of this internal reform in united russia and the way we have built up or lists for the parliament using the procedure of primaries using these very open competition between different forces political forces inside of the party is a first step towards the modernization of the party i believe that we will continue to to to to to to have internal discussion within the so-called political clubs within the poor to be a liberal. party they have a socially no social about social club and this will continue to work and they believe that will just encourage further internal discussion in the party for the simple reason the competition outside of the united russia party is still rather
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weak and the full story about that as a russian citizen but very the competition is weak not because the united russia presses down this competition but the reason is that our competitors are there for three or four political parties who participated in this election who are more or less left wing they they they represent the same ideology they are one right wing party but many of the liberal party is outside of this process and for them i believe the only way to to be competitive and to chase united russia is to get united but this is the case for the next election really just briefly the president talked about possible alliances that we could see what party could you see united russia perhaps forming a coalition even when we get our own simple majority we will not. have
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to build any formal coalition with anybody. our coalitions in the future will be technical they will be done. keys by keys for their belief we can. reach agreements with different political parties and that will depend on the substance of a certain situation certain peace certain law to be passed by the constitutional majority and they do not exclude any option in the coalition is possible but they do not believe that any political the in the coming of the duma will be the permanent coalition porker for united russia scene because the term chairman of the committee for foreign affairs in the state duma thank you very much for joining us so late so early i should say really on a monday morning here important for russia it is indeed and also for here up here with us we continue our extensive coverage of the elections like we've been reporting united russia party has so far received over fifty percent of the vote
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our correspondent daniel bushell is at the party's headquarters and now joins us live with an update daniel counting of course is still underway what's the mood among the party members considering the current figures we're seeing. yes so you know to roger has got over fifty percent of the vote but it's still the two thirds majority required to get laws through russia's parliament on its own so people here party officials are disappointed they're down not just because the vote is much lower than they saw in the elections four years ago but also because it's lower than many of the predictions for this election and nevertheless this surprise is seen as another confirmation that the elections have been transparent and fair. has spoken of the voting ended here muted the party will have to govern in coalition he said that the economic crisis the world economic situation has made some people's lives difficult more difficult and that has reflected itself in some of the anger
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that we've seen coming into the polls have said that he warned russia does not does not need to address the needs of powerful goulding party which is able to govern russia effectively we can now listen to exactly what he had to say results. but the party has i thought well the party represents almost fifty percent of the population and this is the result of the democratic process the taking into account the militant links make up the parliament will have to form a coalition with other parties of the various issues and this is what power means and democracies all abound and the leaders of other parties said that they're ready for that which in store now we have a clip showing some of the party's agenda as well as a little bit of the criticism that united russia has faced coming into this election which i think we can watch now. as russians pick for parliament who are the main contenders in the race for a do list seats. swap seats with dmitri medvedev in two thousand and
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eight and may do so again in twenty twelve after midday to propose putin for the presidency current campaign slogan future is with us priorities modernization toggling inequality fighting corruption maximizing russia's impact in international affairs criticized as a monolith that's too slow to react to social change the rules for being home to the tons of law and dmitri medvedev nine hundred russia election two thousand eleven party. now. prime minister vladimir putin have promised russia reforms in the post with the russians all sending a message to the ruling party that they want to see those reforms carried out much more quickly. all right artie's dana bash reporting live there from
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a united russia headquarters thank you very much danielle for that update let's check in at the liberal democrats headquarters artie's peter all of us standing by there for us and now joins us peter how are the party members reacting to the emerging results that worth seeing. well get to the results in just a moment one thing they're certainly reacting to we heard your guest mention and daniel mention coalition's no i was talking to the heads of the liberal democratic party's national headquarters here in moscow and he told me that under no circumstances would the liberal democrats enter into a coalition with any other party now and he also told me that under no circumstances would united russia finish below aceh russia and i can tell you the results are telling saying something completely different right now a fair russia having jumped just above the united russia party the liberal democrats the lib dems currently just under twelve percent of the voters what
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they've got now twelve percent is an increase on two thousand and seven and two thousand and seven they picked up eight percent turning them forty seats in the duma they look set to increase that number of do miss seats but it may be at the expense of being russia's party they appear to be slightly edged out at the moment by a fair russia now the leader of the liberal democrats vladimir zhirinovsky was here just a few hours ago he said he expected the liberal democrats to take between twenty and thirty percent seems a little bit optimistic right now it certainly seems they will take around the ten percent that they usually field in these elections probably picking up a few more percentage points as i said just under twelve percent right now and picking up a few more duma seats as well but they campaigned very strongly on social issues such as alcoholism and drug abuse they also come pain strongly on immigration the liberal democrats very strongly want to impose limits on immigration into russia this is something that their campaign rhetoric did echo quite strongly now we can
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hear what the liberal democrats are all about. as russians pick for parliament who are the main contenders in the race for duma seats the party's ever present love to see by far russia's most boisterous and controversial bully politician current campaign slogan we are for russians priorities food housing transport and science because success here in north keep post third in russia's first presidential election critics cry over racist remarks personal violence and populist slogans. for putting them out britain says poison dogs underneath you need go on the party list and ensure his parliamentary protection. the liberal democratic party of russia election two thousand to eleven on r.t. . well we had lot of nation and also he there referred to as
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a confrontational and occasionally controversial politician he wasn't letting anybody down this evening when he was speaking to journalists he pointed a finger squarely at a fair russia and called them the most corrupt policy in the country so always good for a quote you know he certainly never fails to entertain in one way or another peter all over a mile from the liberal democrats headquarters on election night here thanks pete for that update well over a hundred people were arrested in moscow as political organizations both pro-government and opposition tried to stage rallies on election day parties jacob griefs has been monitoring events in the city center. but as you said i see these opposition protests as we saw what grounds this radical nature throughout the course of the day there will be more individuals than say. a movement as such the less the less drugs were detained that's just. the credible zoners square
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a few of the numbers to tell you by police this is a police tactic we've seen used throughout the whole day number of the. across the width over there and making sure we're really having them in funneling these protesters towards the area that they want them mainly metro station this is after nine o'clock at night in the course of the end of the day or science is not alone for electioneering or protests to take place but here it is then this because the poll stations have no close around russia. to have a perfect. well let's take a look at the latest preliminary results as we have them for now sixty percent of those votes have been counted at the moment they show that united russia is leading with just over fifty percent of the vote the communist are coming in second with around twenty percent and the liberal democrats in fair russia both have around twelve percent now according to the data the other three parties that took part
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haven't broken the seven percent threshold to get seats in the state duma well that's it for me and nice and now on our special live coverage of this election night here from moscow r.t. will continue to bring you all the latest figures and developments on the parliamentary vote so stay stay with us throughout monday and the week for in-depth coverage thanks for being with us. thank you very much a nice career now let's turn to some other news that shaped the past seven days in our weekly update and the latest top stories from around the world but of course we'll also be bringing you all the latest on the elections as soon as we get it. now it rainy and forces say they've shut down an american unmanned drone in the
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east of the country. for spying was recovered on the ground largely undamaged and journalist afshin rattansi says the u.s. has broken international law by sending the drone to iran there's an r.q. one seventy advanced stealth reconnaissance drone which what i'm hearing is they lost it over afghanistan last week others are saying iranians must be busily looking at this drone and what a great way of. creating technology transfer this is an incredibly serious event and it's of course against international law the united states yet again breaking international law with these dreams it's interesting that even some neo conservatives are criticizing obama saying well we're talking about nuclear facilities iran is thinking about a much bigger game and this is really about influence within the region egypt is a big loss to the united states after the fall of the u.s.
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back to data were barak so from the atlantic to the indian oceans and of course even greece backing some oil sanctions against syria against iran this is a case of the western media feeding loads of people the idea that these countries are isolated when in fact the world is now changing. syria has reportedly accepted the arab league's plan to send a mission of foreign observers into the country this comes in the wake of sustained foreign pressure on damascus when the un's high commissioner for human rights calling for international intervention and she said four thousand people have been killed since the clashes began almost nine months ago however syria's ambassador to the u.n. responded by warning that the solution to the crisis can't come from abroad a resolution that could have paved the way for military intervention in syria was blocked by russia and china they believe the u.n. continues to ignore reports of atrocities committed by opposition fighters and
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saying that foreign meddling would only make the situation worse political analyst dr gusset questions just who the sanctions that have been imposed are aimed at. these sanctions are meaningless actually i think they're meaningless and on every level on the level on the economic level and on the security lab and it will not stop the violence western powers particularly the united states now to use these sanctions to use the decisions of the arab league for their own purposes to put pressure on syria to put pressure not for the syrian regime to stop the killing as they put it but you know what they want is do we commit syrian regime and to weaken the alliance between syria iran and lebanon i don't think they they. so much for for syrian blood in libya more than one hundred thousand people were killed by nato bombings and the country was devastated that nobody said anyone so
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can't actually believe that. about three thousand syrians when they are not actually worried about more than one hundred thousand libyans it has nothing to do with stopping the violence on the contrary they're feeding the bodies we can't expect the syrian government and the syrian army to end the violence if the other if the gangs do not. atrocities against the city. police have arrested ruled that a dozen occupy protesters in the u.s. of portland the latest in the crackdown on the movement across the country in these violent overnight instead parks what turns have been setup but some oxalis refused to go demonstrate was a key as officers of using violence against a peaceful rally pushing people to the ground with cranes a teenager was hit with a bias on their operation follows a wave of police to dismantle occupy headquarters across the u.s. in the past few weeks but as always he's merino for time reports the movement's
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message is beginning to resonate it with those whose job it is to control and. occupy wall street has become an undeniable american household name. and police crackdowns against the democratic movement have become something of the norm not so normal is seeing one side endorse the other. retired philadelphia police captain bray lewis became the game changer on nov seventeenth arrested while demonstrating with occupy protesters on the streets of new york city the twenty four year veteran was held in police custody for eleven hours and received one comment from a new york cop nobody spoke to me this one individual said that i had the testicles of an elephant although all of america's police force is part of the ninety nine percent captain lewis says cops secretly supporting ws face dire consequences by going public tremendous fear of losing their job being disciplined
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being fired and then what do they do everybody in the ninety nine percent has that fear and police officers also they cannot risk they have children they have won what would they do once so far there are no jobs available the nighttime raid on zuccotti park and subsequent arrest of dozens of journalists covering the story are among men. the reasons captain lewis says he temporarily transplanted to manhattan that's close to dictatorship when you exclude the media. that's what the papers around the world know and that is very scary brutal scare tactics such as pepper spray the tongs and flash grenades canisters have been used against occupy camps throughout the us oakland california resembles something of an urban war zone this fall leaving a war vet in critical condition and the eyes of an eighty four year old burning from tear gas oakland police officer fred chavez is the only active cop who's gone
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on record with his support blackout totally agree with occupy wall street even to understand what i can broker i am a part of the ninety nine percent for the most part people are peaceful and i want to see change many believe the biggest change could calm when or if u.s. law enforcement officials stop suppressing the right to assemble and begin supporting it despite his arrest captain lewis is back at zuccotti park showing on wavering support for the occupy movement standing roughly ten or fifteen feet away from him a group of new york city police officers yes there we are securing the area but some are beginning to show a little interest for the first time i had an officer break ranks yesterday at the barricade line a white officer named officer murray and introduced himself and he started asking if you question i said do you know the risk you're taking and he was so brave they said this is still america and until a supervisor ordered ordered me back to the line i'm going to talk with you i hope
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to get mainstream america involved the players involved realizing that we're all victims of corporate america and that corporate america has got to be stop marina port r.t. new york. this is all so you stay tuned for all the latest figures and developments on the parliamentary elections at the top of the next hour but i'll be back with the headlines.
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officers develop the orders for them to. never explain to them why it's ok. most people at the point of looking down and time to pull the trigger became conscientious objectors. not. i remember squeezing the trigger and i am i don't remember seeing him go down well i remembers that we shot at him. so slim the other side are soldiers too and soldiers do assault and they're trying to kill us we're trying to kill them and that's just the ugly face a war there's. nothing audible until. i went to the war the old.
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