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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EST

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says once again flared up. these are the images girls world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are the day. vote counting is almost over and russia's parliamentary election the united russia party is in the lead winning the majority of seats in the know house but still losing a big share of the previous popular supporters. as mobile players meet to decide the future of afghanistan bulger's done his role in kenya stability in the region boycotts of the event even a change since deadly air raid on one of its border paves. egyptians are back in polling stations the second round of the country's parliamentary election after an opening stage which saw an overwhelming win of by the is.
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a very warm welcome to you this is r.c. live from moscow with me alice habits now russians have had their say and who they want to see in parliament with almost all ballots counted after sunday's election four parties have made it into the country's lower house the state where the ruling united russia party remains by far the largest group but has been dealt a significant setback with a sharp fall for the last detail of this is that from moscow with all the latest on this for us a piece with the vote counting almost complete and what is the make up the parliament look like now. all the sort of few ballots left to be counted but we can get a fairly clear picture of what the deal will look like for the next couple of years next few years no united russia taking the majority of the vote the communists
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coming in second and third place affair russia with the liberal democrats stood by the rest of the parties that i haven't named they failed to get the required three point five percent of the vote in. in order to take a place in the duma now the seats that they would have won would be spread out between the four parties that did pass that threshold and this is where it gets a bit interesting united russia currently around forty nine percent of the vote they don't have and passed the all important fifty percent mark that's a psychological barrier to say that half of the country is on side with them now even though they haven't passed us mark due to the seats from the parties that failed to meet the threshold of two point five percent they were distributed between those four parties united russia actually have over fifty percent of the seats that make said see that's great now what this means is they can. now or they
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now have a majority and they can pass just about any law which they want to skits to me without having to form a coalition with one of the other parties so they don't need to form a coalition before we're hearing from united russia party leadership is that they are willing to form coalitions during this duma they've said that it will depend on the individual issue at hand as well as the political party but they're looking to create more of a discourse and get more discussion on the go in the duma and more work more work being done between the parties to try and push through issues on policy. be to the serb been reports of violations said during the vote what more do we know about this. will all parties are making accusations of vote rigging intellectual fraud in this poll these range from people voting more than once to the use of invisible ink on some ballot papers and what we're hearing from international observers is
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that i think it pardon me what we have seen as well as we've seen protests and rallies on election day around the country though they were in cities like moscow and st petersburg we saw the biggest of these these rallies were suddenly in me were warned to take you. a political party or another others not just against political parties but also against the election as a whole no during these rallies in st petersburg and moscow what we we saw around several several hundreds of arrests now the international observers who are looking at the election. some have suggested that they were violations when it comes to the fairness of the election other international observers have said that those accusations aren't particularly well founded. betty oversea has a long record of highly politicized election observations and of making politically inflammatory statements it would be very interesting to ask leo as he when
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throughout the draft report on the election did it as it usually goes draw up a draft report before the election even took place because that is the usual practice in other words at least this statement that we have now on monday morning may not therefore be based on actual observations by its observers. so with regard to the transparency of the transparency of all of these elections we're hearing pretty mixed messages from the international observers one thing we do know for certain is president dmitri medvedev has said that any obligations and all allegations of electoral fraud will be investigated by russian law enforcement and anybody found guilty of infringements will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law katie said many thanks but i ask you to all of their reporting for us a mosque a. well guess an international perspective on this newly elected emad had to the u.s. where we're joined live from new york by journalist don many thanks for joining us
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on our see here mr de bar so how easy do you think it will be for western countries to work with russia given the new makeup of the parliament well first of all the west is used to dealing with the president more than parliament so. so i think that not much will change in that particular area there are of course both many areas of accommodation and partnership and also some areas of severe attention particularly the so-called missile defense that the u.s. and nato keep threatening to construct and the fact that there may be opposing forces facing off u.s. and russian naval forces around syria over the next week outside of those generally the relations between the two countries are very the two countries are very good with the western europe also i don't expect that to change at least until there's a presidential election and probably not even after that and with the routing policy having been widely credited with steering the country through do we think
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maybe a financial crisis that western countries traditionally about composition and why do you think that. the united states has a tradition of making mischief elsewhere there or is the national endowment for democracy as it's called that intervenes in the political process all over the country all over the world rather and there's all kinds of soft money that finds its way from say wall street for example that like to see it's interesting expressed globally into all kinds of electoral contests that you know as far as the now discussion of irregularities there for example those are normal everywhere in the united states historically these things that have been sometimes the complaints are true sometimes they're dealt with sometimes not and very often they're just you know one forty that didn't do so well complaining and that goes away and everybody goes back to work after the election season is over they call it the silly season
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here and now and how big a role do you feel and indeed. the united response is likely to play in in. country in the us and while not as large a role just in governing as they did before they went from sixty four percent there . almost two thirds to about half that you know when the final comes in whether it's above or below fifty percent very close to fifty percent the interesting aspect is the large again in the left parties because the fourteen percent roughly that was lost by united russia was more or less divided between the communist party and the depending on the translation just russia warfare russia the social democratic party and i think the voice that was expressed by voters over the issues around those two parties and like congress went from eleven to twenty percent roughly and likewise on you know another fifty percent gain more or less for the just or fair russia party in terms of the parliamentary activity i think
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you'll see some change in direction or at least a tug in the direction towards the left but certainly the left parties to the extent they exist in the west would be happy with the situation in russia for you know as it pertains to workers the economy there is not suffer of the vast losses that the u.s. and western europe have so you know if anything the situation may from a worker standpoint get even better but it's been pretty good as compared to you know not absolute terms but as compared to the situation in the u.s. and western europe ok mr dunne jenna's many times be good to us live from new york thank you very much. well we're helping you keep your finger on the pulse the developments is counting continues in the russian parliament she and action and later in the day we expect the announcement official preliminary results on comment from international observers you know who trying to make is because yourself on a website that's called.
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now russia's foreign ministry has downgraded relations with qatar following an incident in which the russian ambassador to the country was assaulted by border security guards then boys to leave the country seeing thomas has the details. down graded relations with qatar this comes after an incident in the doha airport on the twenty ninth of november when the ambassador with two of his colleagues were trying to pass through security with a parcel of diplomatic mail now that parcel is expected to go through without any problems but they tried to x. rated which is against diplomatic normalcy the security forces tried to take this package of way from the diplomats which caused harm to the diplomats the ambassador
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and two of the people traveling with him now the ambassador is in hospital and is expected to make it back to here and soon as he has recovered from the attack it is no secret that moscow is not happy with what they believe are actions in instigating and in antagonizing efforts in the arab spring in fact if you go back a tool libya it is along been the position of sergei lavrov the foreign minister here in russia saying that could tahrir is responsible in helping to arm the rebels in libya which is antagonize that situation further you know currently in syria it's along in the position of russia that if there are going to be diplomatic sanctions that they have to be across the board to both the government and the rebels and so there's been a long tension between russia and qatar this latest development is just furthering those tensions. when i discuss what's behind this diplomatic scandal with james
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quote the head of the independent news website called but reports many that the thing with us here on. the basing of the diplomatic is against international conventions that's not how like it said it was done intentionally. well i think it it must have been done intentionally there is no way that something something like that could not have taken place without the people involved having known exactly what they were doing and it really is an egregious affront to all diplomatic relations so one has to imagine that this is eat meat. your diplomatic incident not one that will be smoothed over a very easily now as you were just hearing there from our correspondent there comes just as tensions grow around syria why would his home want to make relations with russia even worse. it's an interesting question and one would have to posit that it has something to do with the qataris close relations to the united states and the u.s. interests in the region of course sixty to seventy billion dollars worth of u.s.
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investments being in the energy industry which i think speaks to the longstanding close diplomatic and business relations between of course the u.s. and britain as well of course being a former british protectorate so one sees in the recent recent events especially over the last several months as qatar has become the head the rotational head of the arab league one has seen them taking on a much more prominent role in the region one that speaks power that seems at odds with its relatively small population but but it's certainly wielding that power to the maximum and as as we've heard recently in that report absolutely they were they were instrumental apparently in getting syria. kicked out of the arab league and just as they were instrumental in getting libya kicked out shortly before the arab league decided that humanitarian intervention was on order for libya so it is it seems like. qatar has been coming into its own recently and taking on more of an
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aggressive stance in general and i think we can see this is an extension of general policy so what is interesting though that they have specifically in cracking up pressure on syria. well i think once again qatar is is playing a sort of divide that's happening right now in the arab league and it really is becoming very much a force to be reckoned with in the arab league as a whole which traditionally has been seen as nothing more than really a type of ineffective talking shop but has really started to become quite a powerful entity and in its own right and i think it qatar sees its its chance to to actually wield some diplomatic pressure and power it at this particular moment and as i say i think it has to be seen in the light of being beholden to two american anglo-american interests as as represented not only by their close economic and develop. but by the fact that for example the head of department of homeland security janet napolitano was just in doha just this past weekend that i'm signing in new bilateral travel an agreement between the u.s.
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and kinder so i think we see increasing ties going on in that respect which which i think the u.s. is also playing probably its diplomatic angle to try to put pressure on cutter to to wield its power in the in a way that is beneficial to mingle american interests ok we're talking to this interview specifically now cattle will have to officially apologize for this incident with the russian ambassador to restore relations with moscow do you think that's likely to happen. one would have to venture to guess that that's not going to happen very easily or very quickly. in less suppose unless it does happen very quickly it's going to be become a very sticky situation so so it's not something that can be smoothed over very easily as they said it could could not possibly have happened by accident so unless there is some serious actions taken against the officials who were involved specifically in the incident and an immediate attempt is made to to mend relations
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we're going to mention that this might have lasting impact on the relations between the two countries ok heads of the independent news website called it report dot com planking thank you alice now addictions are heading back to the polls for the second round of the revolution part about action islam is have taken an overwhelmingly to the playing round with the muslim brotherhood freedom and justice party reportedly winning forty percent of the vote the future of egypt depends on who the prophet who chooses to align with according to dr dollar and fire from the center for global research in international affairs. the muslim brothers even if they control the parliament together with the salafist whoever they choose to ally with won't be able to impact on foreign policy for a while yet we'll have to wait till the presidential elections which of course do in the summer of next year into two thousand and twelve at that point should the muslim brothers win those elections too should an islamist president come to chip that we could be looking at
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a very new situation with regard to this for it does depend very much on who the muslim brothers who will have the controlling presence in the parliament choose to . if they choose to ally with the. party which of course did unexpectedly well winning around twenty percent of the if they choose to ally with them then i think we secular egyptians that is to say will have a great deal to be concerned about. don't forget our web site is the place to go to see for many more stories now what's lined up for you on the site stadium. thousands of sports fans in the u.s. runs onto the pitch to celebrate victory and trampling crowds and tearing down. world war two more than fix decades after it and did find out about the forty five thousand evacuees from the german city as a work to do. the math there for one point in time british explosive sporle american one. of the future of afghanistan is a stage at
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a conference in germany with delegates from kenya countries attending except one crucial one pakistan is boycotting it and the latest sign of a deepening crisis in its relations with the u.s. it follows the recent deadly nato air raid our pakistani border post which killed twenty four of its soldiers cannot report. some of the key political figures like u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton and russia's foreign minister said you know our world are taking part this is the second such conference being held in germany the first one happened exactly ten years ago back then the delegates were working on the rebuilding of the i understand we storing peace in the country building democratic institutions and so on and unfortunately ten years later some of these issues still remain and probably one of the most troubling ones is still security especially in light of the alliance its plans to start pulling its forces out in
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twenty fourteen it's widely believed that afghanistan on its own can provide security and ganesan in general is still very complicated there is the taliban threat the drug trafficking very poor living conditions for the locals who are also increasingly tired and often even angered by foreign presence by this town is a very important country in the region is the key port of washington or at least it used to be it's also right there next to afghanistan and it's not taking part in this conference after an attack by the allied forces on its military post on the pakistani afghani border for more on the situation here's a report by my colleague. on the. supplies are would keep a war running nato actions have put all operations in afghanistan in danger after attack that killed twenty four pakistani soldiers islamic bot cut off one of the
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alliances major supply routes to afghanistan i would like to extend my most sincere condolences. to pakistan washington's condolences were not enough the repeated incursions by the u.s. military in pakistan really left no choice and also the humiliation that the pakistani military faced in front of its own soldiers and the pakistani people left no choice. before the government this time but you cut off the supply line whose relations between the u.s. and pakistan as unstable as ever in order to keep the warring of ghana's stand running nato relies more on its other major supply route coming from the north. here it is the northern distribution network you see all these blue lines and here is the route that pakistan shut down now the northern supply network was started when russia agreed to provide this territory and air space for transit of not only thought supplies to nato troops in afghanistan it proved to be
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a very reliable route more reliable than pakistan now it accounts for half of nato as non-lethal supplies on trucks railroads and by air supplies travel through russian territory from europe and from russia's far east all the way to afghanistan and the reliance on this route is set to expand in the last three years russia's cooperation on of ganesan is being key to nato operations there. i sit down with professor michael lee hoss who stressed he was speaking in a personal capacity the u.s. has a very tenuous kind of placement. afghanistan and it is highly vulnerable it's highly vulnerable. pakistanis but it's more vulnerable to russia i mean if russia were to withdraw its permission for us to use its rewards we would be in a very difficult position in afghanistan the northern supply now work could now be in danger because of
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a failure in diplomacy moscow says because washington turned down all of its proposals on the missile defense issue russia might have to resort to other arguments including its cooperation with nato on afghanistan. their processes which are critically important for russia which are about russia's national security one of them is nato expansion into russian borders and the fact that washington goes ahead with a robust missile shield program in europe without taking into consideration russia's concerns gives moscow to refuse any leverage it has to be heard by its partner but even the mere possibility that russia could cut off the northern supply route threatens the viability of all western operations in afghanistan nato risks leaving almost one hundred forty thousand of its troops in afghanistan without vital supplies if diplomacy doesn't win the day with pakistan it's about people there being fed up with russia it's about their national security if washington does not seriously address the concerns of its partners even the best partnerships
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can fade i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t. . let's take a look now at what else is making news around the wall this hour and what he found the jury. has won the right to have his case against extradition to sweden heard by the supreme court the high court battle last month to hold his removal for questioning over and the sex offenses a song says his calls his peers motivated and is linked with the release of thousands of classified u.s. embassy cables that was now has a fortnight in which to formally a lot of appeal leaving his state. britain is set up to stretch into the twelve. at least forty five tons of heavily radioactive water half a portion from japan's fukushima nuclear power plant some may have reached the pacific ocean according to the state and operator it's given rise to fresh concern because there isn't still poses an enormous threat to the environment nine months after it was struck by an earthquake and tsunami. like i will of course still ahead
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but next got all the latest business news for you. hello and a very warm welcome to the business program and we continue to be bring you more analysis on that russia's parliamentary election and as we've been reporting united russia will face the opposition in the new parliament this may lead to changes in economic policy as charmed roberson from the nation's capital explains. that depends on how they interpret these results you have the big shift in communist support up to around twenty percent a mere doubling this two ways to interpret that one it's a protest vote it's vote for an opposition party that's always been against the kremlin through the ninety's and the two thousand years. if they interpret it that way then the government should continue reform should be trying to do its best to
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boost growth and money we best spend then by putting it into infrastructure projects for example and reining back some of the huge increases they've already done on pensions and social spending if however they see this is a positive vote for the communist party a positive vote for more social spending than the threat. from the markets perception of the threat will be higher spending by the government will start to raise interest rates for what the government has to pay. that's a look at how the markets are performing this oil is trading high on speculation that tensions in the middle east will corp supplies iran says well could reach two hundred fifty dollars a barrel if it sees more pressure on its nuclear program and european markets on the rise as the italian government to create a new package of budgetary measures and the french and german leaders are set to meet later this week for the debt crisis talks. in russia the markets are posting gains the some of both the more it sits on the r.t.s.
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the high upon point eight percent let's not have a check on some of the individual in the my stocks most oil majors on the rise supported by strong brute gaining one point three percent. one percent. nickel is also gaining about two percent. in economic news. in russia is growing at the fastest pace for five months h.s.b.c. or just and then just index came in at fifty four point eight in the expansion is maybe being driven by new. russia is the largest country in the world and is home to the second biggest railway system after that of the united states thought the lack of high speed trains means the railways is no alternative to flying speaking in france the head of russian railways like to me you couldn't has invited four were away giants to help change the situation. we're going to hold the tender in
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building the country's first high speed rail road next year it's an absolutely new project for russia we foresee a lot of problems and that's why we're interested in cooperating with companies who know how to build and manage high speed rail ways but if we offer opportunities which are not found anywhere in the world we plan to build thousands of kilometers of high speed routes. that's wraps up the business program more business stories in less than one us time for you here on r.t. .
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