tv [untitled] December 5, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EST
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welcome to the ilona show where you get the real headlines with none of the mersey can be live in washington d.c. now tonight it seems like the mainstream media has finally realized that hey there's a go over war being waged against iran from death of nuclear scientists to bombings of missile facilities to now a u.s. drone being brought down over iranian airspace we're going to talk about whether any of this is really a secret and under what authority it's even happening then yesterday thirty one people were arrested at the occupy d.c. camp after a wooden structure was set up which park police said was unsafe now once again we
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saw the police trying to tell the media to go away so our own jenny churchill was there and she's going to give us all the details that a new investigation by pro publica has revealed that when it comes to the presidential pardon system race money and who you know tend to have a big sway on the outcome so it's another example of our justice system not working fairly for us all how do we actually fix it or have all that and more if you tonight getting a dose of happy hour but first let's take a look at the mainstream media has decided to miss. her and i'm pretty sure that all of you out there are well acquainted with our mainstream media here in the u.s. and aside from their many failings that i point out a daily basis also you're acquainted with their annoying obsession with covering not important campaign and election stories as if the future of the world depends on them i mean really pursue a little less than a year away from the next presidential election but starting months ago already
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it's been all that they want to talk about day and night during their twenty four hour news cycle every he said she said between the candidates every non-candidate that is clearly out there just for media attention like donald trump and sarah palin they still wait with bated breath for their every step now meanwhile of course they don't talk about the important and difficult questions of candidates when it comes to debates or don't ask the important questions and they also fall way short on the analysis of the substance of what was said in those debates which these days unfortunately isn't all that much. substance that is it's mostly just warmongering blame the poor psycho talk with the exceptions of ron paul or jon huntsman that dare every now and then to insert some logic into the discussion but the point is that despite spending nearly all of their time doing domestic election coverage the mainstream media still sucks at it it's all mind numbingly shallow partisan based chatter that fails to address the larger problems or changes that are going on in our country so if they're still that it talking about what's going
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on right here at home i sometimes wonder why they even bother with what's going on in other countries where their tunnel vision becomes much much more apparent case number one let's go to egypt four thousand candidates are running for parliament for more than forty political parties the turnout was very. good expressed their opinion the freedom and justice party. was a rather good group will do very well while the only take on egypt's election results indicate an islamic sweep the muslim brotherhood once banned by a former president hosni mubarak has emerged as the dominant force capturing at least forty percent of the vote. now don't forget before the elections we saw the mainstream media immediately begin cheering the egyptian revolution completely forgetting that was us who propped up mubarak for decades all the talk was about democracy freedom how evil and scary the muslim brotherhood was now the muslim brotherhood won the elections all the evils been forgotten everybody's moved on
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forget analyzing what that means if gyptian want are if what egyptians want are islamist parties forget bring in the fact of all the muslim brotherhood won over thirty six percent of the vote and are now considered the moderates salafi nor party got over twenty four percent of the vote that's a hard core a very conservative anti progress is a must party now it's not for any of us here to judge it's what the people in egypt voted for so it's worth examining both sides we're asking what that means for the future but of course we don't really see any of that so now let's move on to case number two russia where elections were held yesterday and russia is startling election setback for prime minister vladimir putin the russian election commission says and yesterday's vote putin's party barely clung to a slim majority in parliament watch what is happening right now in russia we have some breaking news on the elections that are going on there prime minister vladimir putin's party barely hanging on to their majority in the parliament. now every news
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report that i've seen from t.v. to the new york times washington post even the supposedly unbiased new news agencies like reuters and a.p. they've only had one singular perspective when it came to covering the elections in russia yesterday the putin's party suffered a major blow and almost gleeful fashion they reported it because obviously to the us press is the number one bogeyman and then that's about it they stop there i've been hard pressed to find some real analysis by those that are experts and study these affairs in depth there are some really good blog posts out there but if the mainstream cable networks are going to give it a shot then why don't they bring up that while there was a sixteen percent loss united russia still has a majority and the communists doubled their vote to around twenty percent and the liberal democrats and just russia all made gains too there's not just one way to look at this this is what you could also call changes at work changing russia a changing world it's all going to mean something for the reset and relations between russia and the us which all deserves analysis but instead what we get is
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the typical incredibly shallow and one sided view for every single news outlet so i have to ask me i say the mainstream media should just stick with what they know which they think is domestic lections and leave their complete lack of analysis of foreign elections something that they'd rather just miss. now over the week at iran claim to have in its possession an r.q. one seventy cents in a drone that was taken down while flying over its airspace it's still impossible to know exactly what happened whether the shot down or iran managed to jam its controls but they claim that they got it with a little damage done now first i saw it released a statement of the drone to which the iranians are referring may be a u.s. unarmed reconnaissance aircraft that had been flying a mission over western afghanistan late last week but then today fox news start reporting that u.s. military sources confirmed that iran had the drone the add to that explosion three
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weeks ago at a major missile testing site near tehran the stuxnet virus and the disappearance of iranian nuclear scientists and the media is finally asking if the u.s. is engaged in a covert war with iran so what took them so long to pose these questions and why does nobody seem to care about where the all forty for this type of covert war even comes from joining me to discuss it is robert farley sister professor at the university of kentucky and blogger lawyers guns and money robert i want to thank you for joining us tonight and i want to start with with this drone is little hard for us to figure we still don't know exactly what happened if it was shot down if they jam the communications. officials are allegedly claiming that yes iran does have it in this position possession if that's the case then what's the most dangerous thing that could happen you know what's the technology that they now have their hands on. shouldn't she question. the most interesting in terms of what the iranians could do with the drone is to be especially if they brought it on some sort of electronic countermeasure but even if they shut it down through sort of
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more traditional kinetic means like your missile or through. through artillery or something along those lines they know know a lot more about how the drones fly they certainly know a lot more about how the electronic capabilities of the drones perform and so certainly if they were to bring it down on their own through electronic means so through jamming its communications this really increases their capability in the future for doing the same thing it also might increase the capability for other countries to do so when the serbs shot down an f. one seventeen back in the kosovo war the technology from that of one seventeen found its way into chinese and russian hands. and so anything that the iranians are able to learn from this drone probably won't stay with the iranians at all there's a large international market place for knowing more about u.s. military equipment now one of the other things here though is of course the fact that this road was found over iranian air space now i thought planes that it was really just flying over afghanistan and got there by accident but to you if we add
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up all of these pieces of the puzzle right if we talk about stuxnet if you talk about their nuclear scientists disappearing you talk about the blast on this missile testing site is a pretty obvious that yes there are some type of covert actions going on. right i say it would be utterly unsurprising to learn the drones had intentionally violated airspace them if you go back into the history of drones one of the reasons that the united states developed in the first place was to have aircraft that could fly over china and russia without the same political political effect of having a pilot came from having pilot shot down over china and russia and so drones have long been used for this kind of mission for violating the airspace of a countries and i also think you're right to suggest that this is part of a larger covert campaign on the part of the united states to affect certain iranian pro. sort of the most notably nuclear program but also the missile program all right so i want to go back to one of the previous republican g.o.p.
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debates because one of the things the president is obviously gotten a lot of flak for from the candidates here is that he's had the wrong policy on iran and he hasn't been tough enough on them and so let's take a listen to what some of them said they would do. maximum covert operations. to block and disrupt the iranian program including taking out their scientists including breaking up their systems all of that covertly all of a deniable second maximum maximum chord nation with the israelis in a way which allows them to maximize their impact on our right what he should have done to speak out when dissidents took to the streets and say america is with you and work in a covert basis to encourage the dissidents. all right so i guess you could say that all of that is already being done and that was something that we discussed here on our show post-debate but i feel like now the mainstream media did not even the moderators of the debate and decided to jump in and say well hey that's kind of
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already going on so why has it taken so long for everybody to catch up to this right because today because they have they're like ten articles out there saying is covert war already happening against iran. governor romney was sort of self-contradictory there when he talked about openly supporting the demonstrators well at same time covertly supporting demonstrators but anyway i mean i think it has to do with a lot of reporting a lot of defense reporting not all defense reported but a lot of defense reporting has a certain degree of respect for operations that are covert and that's because sources need to be privy protected relationships to to be protected and so forth and so. but i also think that the administration is taking advantage of what speaker gingrich just mentioned which is that these kinds of operations are deniable and so the administration has taken the opportunity as often as it can to deny that it's actually taking vigorous action on these kinds of operations and that leaves the mainstream media without necessarily
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a lot to do on unless they want to do go into some very serious reporting at the same time i think that a lot of people who are watching this relationship for a long time that this is exactly what's going on that there is a covert campaign against iran and it's designed to limit iranian technology so it's not a surprise to a lot of people. so i mean you mention of course of the administration here gets to deny that any of it is going on they could specially if the cia's in charge of it to they get to deny that anything is going on but under what authority is any of this happening do you think that congress has any idea that this is going on or is it just president obama that's making all the decisions. the president's required to consult congress on covert operations like this on a regular basis you know consult communal and things but in general we have some some degree of consultation with the intelligence committees in both the house and the senate. and beyond that you probably don't really need a great deal of direct authorization for in congress for covert operations like
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this i mean there would be at some point you would you would move beyond the what the work hours resolution allow but nobody seems to think that it's what but it also depends on congress really with being willing to assert its responsibilities and congress as we know from libya is really bad about being willing to assert its responsibilities and it's growing because with regard to the executive making war and so that's probably why we don't hear very much about it at all from congress and i guess you could say probably that you know when it comes to certain states or actors out there like iran generally there is a consensus across the field here in washington in congress that they're the bad guy they're the aggressor so whatever you need to do go ahead and do it now lastly you know how far do you think that this might go do you think that it's actually a bridge going to keep seeing these covert operations we're going to hear about an explosion here an assassination are missing scientists there or might this really heat up. my sense is that we're going to keep this going for quite
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a while because it buys the united states you know its own support time with regards to the iranian nuclear program the ballistic missile program i think there's the general hopes that if we buy enough time then something will happen to be running regime stable regime you might have another election you might have the power struggle and if we managed to acquire so five or six years with regards to the missile program or with the nuclear program then the problem might just go away but the current regime might be replaced with one that we can at least tolerate to a greater extent. i'm not sure it's going to heat up to more the us i think it's going really depend on. in the presidency next year why i think that you know depending on some of our actions to we might have to look at that because if anybody was flying a drone over our air space i don't think that we would be all that happy about it robert i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and you know it's these are things that need to be spoken about i guess the president just gets to do
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whatever he wants and nobody in congress or the media cares all that much but it needs to be discussed if it's happening you know in our name to thanks thank you for having me. coming up next and filing for bradley manning's upcoming military hearing teachers a very high profile in the government and we've seen clashes in the occupiers and police across the country but last night that conflict to a head right he sees we're going to figure out what really went down with our own jenny churchill after the break. thank you there still believe the ref you know. what a protester nobody seems to know. that never a pepper sprayed the face but part of the argument that they're being overly
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mr. yesterday the occupy encampment right here in washington d.c. had a showdown with the police like encampments across the country from new york to oakland los angeles do you see it so far made it with out of the threats and without any major clashes with the cops yesterday after protesters set up
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a large wooden structure police came in ruled the structure unsafe for occupancy and began removing protesters from it which resulted in the standoff that took hours and even a giant cherry picker being brought in to peel the remaining protesters off the roof so overall thirty one people were arrested fifteen for crossing a police barricade and sixteen others perf using to vacate the structure on the canada largest still there and was not a victim once again we saw what's become a very disturbing trend across the country police telling the media to go away our very own jenny churchill was there yesterday and she's here to give us more details jenny i'm so happy that you were down there yesterday i was travelling so thanks for being our person on the ground tell us how many hours were you there for example with this took a long time yeah i was there for about six hours and it was a random six hours because i hadn't planned on going down there at all i just happened to walk by when the police were shutting down the streets and i thought this might be something we would want to keep an eye on and so how did it really progress would you say would you even know why they put this wooden structure. well
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that was a question that was really hard to get answered the only thing that people would say was that they built this structure in order to protect themselves from the elements and that they believed they had every right to build the structure because it was a temporary structure and not meant to be there permanently i think that the way they were classifying it as a temporary structure was they weren't going to put on a roof they were going to put tarps on top of it they just didn't get that far before the police showed elements being the weather yeah though they said that you know the it was the weather was what was going to keep them from staying there and they were trying to protect themselves from the weather you know i asked how did this happen and they said well we just we built the last night in the middle of the night and i said how on earth did you go. long without anyone noticing that you were doing that and i guess the police came in the morning noticed it was there told them they had until noon or some other deadline to take it down and then when they didn't take it down that's when they closed off the streets and kind of manned the area around the structure yeah tell us more details about exactly what happened
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cops showed up and where they were they in riot gear are they were they just wearing helmets you know how would it look like at first when the cops were protecting them for a murder they were just wearing everyday normal outfits eventually it progressed to them wearing kind of riot type helmets as well as getting pepper spray canisters that were in bags that were then attached to their legs and that's kind of when it got really tense was when everyone started to realize they have pepper spray and if they have it that means they're thinking they might be using it and there were all kinds of calls throughout the entire area you know get bandanas antacid and water and a water bottle everyone get ready and there are actually a couple children running around that were about ten years old and people are saying this isn't somewhere you want to be ok so like i said there are thirty one people that were arrested over all some of them it literally took hours to arrest them to get the cherry picker i just remember reading every. other people's tweets that there was a guy named david that was the last one holding on and then somehow managed to get
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back up the people were chanting his name it was kind of a progression so you had about the first sixteen people that were arrested were people trying to cross the police barrier to get to the structure after they had kind of secured it off then inside the structure you got the people on the ground as well as the people that were sitting on the roof holding on so there was the initial rush of people trying to break the law and then they went in eventually and arrested all the people on the ground and then that's when you saw the cherry picker come in that's when you saw the armored vehicle that came in front that david then jumped on top of and danced on and then got back on that's kind of where all the cheering for him happened ok so that sounds like there was a lot of action going. but you know like i said one of the things that i've been incredibly disappointed with that we've seen in. park in new york we saw it in los angeles is that the police have been trying to block the media access and so what do they do yesterday yesterday it was slightly different they were kind of forcing
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the media out but they did on multiple occasions make announcements that the media needed to go across the street if you're a member of the press please go across the street and the thing is from across the street you couldn't see anything they had all of the streets close surrounding the area except for the part where the actual camp was so you had to be there to see anything and they wanted you to go somewhere where you couldn't see something and actually when they were making these calls the protesters themselves started chanting and actually i think we have a clip of that right to. the. still. so the media stayed right yeah and it was actually really shocking because when they came around i kind of made eye contact with a cop who was saying if you're press you need to go across the street and i turned around and said someone did did he say what i think he just said and they started freaking out and saying please don't leave please don't leave it was very obvious that they wanted people there to witness whatever might happen and i think at that
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point it was starting to get very obvious that any spark could have set off some type of serious confrontation whether it was a spark from the police or from the protesters but in the meantime during those thirty one arrest they were made at the cherry picker incident and all of that that was there any violence you know did the tensions actually come to a boil. violence not so much there were a couple of tense moments one was where a dog got across the barrier was speaking the horses and they were going crazy others were people were throwing things at the people on the structure kind of supplies and when they started throwing things like water bottles those are like projectiles and that got very tense the cops were aggressive in their arrests i'm not saying that they were overly aggressive but people were disturbed by you know people being taken to the ground but. all right i want to talk about to you know the thing about the d.c. camp here is that as we watch the evictions across the country you and i were in zuccotti park together and went to go do the show there and will now it's no longer
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there los angeles was the second largest occupy camp that was left across the country and now it's been evicted and d.c. it really has stood out in the sense that like i said until yesterday until they put up this wooden structure you could say there weren't really a lot of big clashes that it's still been holding strong and it's still there right now they didn't end up evicting them at the end of all this so when you spoke to some of the some of the protesters and you asked them you know how they feel about that why they're still staying you know there are a lot of level so that actually and there were arguments that happened within the occupation itself of people saying is this structure worth losing the entire camp and they were always shouted down but there were people that were seriously raising that question you know the structure is going to go is it worth losing all of these other tents and everything we've built and it was kind of a very divisive topic i think that one reason that they have stayed for so long is because people are making a conscious effort to try to cooperate with the police to do what's right and i think that the structure kind of was something that went off on
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a tangent that was different and the justification i think is that they say you know they keep chanting as long as money is free speach. temporary structures are free speech so i mean i think that the difference with the other occupations is an effort on both sides to make it work but this was kind of a non-negotiable so once again it was one of those things where you see a little bit of a division in zuccotti park it was the drum circle that was the biggest point of division here it's whether you have a wooden structure or not but in the meantime you know it's good to know that the camp is still there that not all of them have completely disappeared around the country jenny thank you so much for happy that you were there yesterday and we'll see you later on the show thanks you. are as we reported to you before p.f.c. bradley manning is set to appear in a military hearing on december sixteenth in fort meade maryland will be the first time he will publicly get to hear the arguments by both the government and the defense and with the trial just eleven days away the defense is requesting quite
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a high profile list of witnesses to appear before the military jury two of which are president barack obama and secretary of state hillary clinton managed to fence attorney david combs just filed a report saying that both obama and clinton could provide evidence that could help manning in this article thirty two hearing which would determine if this case should be referred for a full scale court martial now comes up like the president to appear based on this comment that he made about manning at a fundraiser back in april. we don't give a good. lawyer. now the defense alleges that obama's public comments regarding manning are considered unlawful command influence see the attorneys filing goes on to explain that obama acts as the commander in chief for the armed forces and under the uniform code of military justice any superior officer is prohibited from saying or
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doing anything that could influence any decision by a subordinate and how to handle a military justice matter remember members of the military will ultimately be deciding if this hearing should proceed to a court martial and if president obama's public statements influence their decision so all of that could call the verdict into question comes also says that he wants to find out if obama's made any other public statements about manning's alleged wrongdoing to determine if the army private can rightfully obtain a fair trial after all it's not forget the president outright said it before any trial had been held the manning broke the law so doesn't really make it seem like he's being set up to get fair treatment for hillary clinton comes on to discuss the impact or lack there of the leaked diplomatic cables had on national security and our diplomacy their quest as the defense wants her to confirm that the impact of those cables being leaked to the public is minimal something we mentioned when we determined the attorneys defense strategy last week of the filing on the secretary of state reads clinton will testify that she has raised the issue of the disclosure
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of diplomatic cables with foreign leaders in order to assure our colleagues that it will not in any way interfere with american diplomacy or our commitment to continuing important work that is ongoing as such clinton will testify that although the leaks were embarrassing for the administration that she concurs with the redacted opinion that they did not represent significant consequences to foreign policy and we should note that it is highly unlikely that obama or clinton would actually testify in this he. airing the president and members of his cabinet all have the ability to claim executive privilege and deny the call the testified over does give us some more insight into manning's defense team and their strategy that's only a few weeks away now i should also point out that julian assad is continuing his fight against unusual system in the u.k. and just today was awarded a chance at a final appeal to britain's judicial authority to stop his extradition to sweden that's a move that could possibly prevent a songe from being extradited to the u.s. which is his fear based on the grand jury the u.s. has been pulling together about wiki leaks. still to come tonight north on your
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comments in the senate i read it and pro publica has released an in-depth report on presidential targets and you might be surprised who is more likely to get a free pass in others or maybe for himself a topic as soon as we come back. into the only military mechanisms to do the work to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else some other part of it.
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