tv [untitled] December 6, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EST
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mr. our guys it's time for show and tell on tonight's program last time we told you about the on my wall street protesters protesting a democratic country obama fundraiser last week in our city a polo see a fund raiser in washington d.c. so do you think about it's a good move for occupy wall street to be protesting politicians of expressed some
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support for the movement it's got a producer producing a sente to find out what you have to say. i give my wall street movement has again demonstrated their independence from what they consider a dysfunctional political system protesting political fundraisers of not just republicans but both parties though just last week occupy wall street rallied outside an obama fundraiser being held in new york city in washington d.c. a group of protesters from occupy d.c. gathered outside a democratic fundraiser being held to support campaigns of congressman up for election where the democratic congressional campaign committee was charging five thousand a seventy five thousand dollars per plate so is this a good strategy or should the movement be more favorable towards the party that has expressed support for them well gregory smith said support is different than lip service miles said if the democrats want to sympathize with the occupy wall street protesters in more than empty words they should refuse to attend fundraising dinners but don't believe it's not all politicians are bad occupy wall street needs
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the support of people who have the power to make things happen now with regards to obama jason told us the occupiers taking action is a result of the president and the democrats not taking action and we should continue to protest democrats and republicans equally until they start working for us though some of you may be concerned that the protesters are breaking that old rule the never bite the hand that feeds you but judging from what most of you had to say no one really believes that either party has ever tossed a real bone to the occupy wall street movement. only a bunch of empty words. now as always we appreciate your responses and here's our next question for you are in the show we interviewed j.v. for air about the libertarians discontent with who are considered the g.o.p. front runners romney and gingrich so if either romney or gingrich get the g.o.p. nomination do you think ron paul should run on a third party ticket let us know what you think on facebook twitter and you do and who knows your response just might make it on air. well what's there goes another
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privacy breach turns out that a flaw in facebook's security system allowed users of the site to access the supposedly private pictures of other users and ironically that included the man himself mark zuckerberg earlier today the private photos of mark zuckerberg were available for the entire facebook world to see all eight hundred million of them users photos that is now the budget since been fixed but not before some acquiring users found these pictures posted on a photo sharing website through zuckerberg the profile of the pictures aren't really all that exciting just mark hanging out with his girlfriend hanging out with a chicken and of course hanging out with the president and according to the net the glitch was discovered by a bodybuilding form of all things and so here's a little explaining to you how they got to the private pics a you just pick somebody who's photos you want to check out then you report that person's profile photo is inappropriate you give nudity or pornography as the reason for it being inappropriate you check help us take action by selecting additional photos to include with your report and then you right click any other image in the person's profile and open up
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a new tab to view the full image and voila you get access to a whole bunch of other personal pictures and other privacy breaches especially timely considering that facebook just reached a settlement with the f.t.c. on their willful abuse of their users privacy after years of negotiations all they got was a slap on the wrist and a very light one at that response to the settlement mark zuckerberg took to his facebook blog to defend his privacy record saying that while as company had been guilty of quote a bunch of mistakes they have quote always been committed to being transparent about the information that you have stored with us well they're clearly not committed enough and the glitch today is another piece of evidence to that point in response to a security flaw facebook released a statement today saying that earlier today we discovered a bug in one of our reporting flows that allows people to report multiple instances of inappropriate content simultaneously the bug allowed anyone to view a limited number of another user's most recently uploaded photos irrespective of the privacy settings for these photos the privacy of our users data is a top priority for us and we invest significant resources in protecting our site
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and the people who use it. now the bottom line here is that facebook fought tooth and nail against a tough settlement with the f.t.c. they even went so far as to put two former f.t.c. members on the facebook payroll in preparation i want to make clear that the security bug was exactly that it was a bug now willful deceit like so many other violations in two thousand and nine and the end of the day if mark zuckerberg and his personal pictures splashed across the web and so can you. well looks like the electronic frontier foundation is at it again after successfully winning an exemption from the u.s. copyright office in two thousand and nine i phone or other smartphone users have been able to legally jailbreak their phones but the f.s.f. and other groups want to take that even further they've just asked the copyright office to grant a few more exemptions to the digital millennium copyright act something of this office entertains every three years so this time they want to apply not only to smartphones but also to tablets and
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a video game console as well that way people like our former jailbreaking hot might not get sued in the future of the f. f. argues that contrary to what companies like apple sony or microsoft may say jailbreaking is actually brought benefits to their products in the areas of innovation security and privacy let's get the details of exactly how jailbreaking helps rather than hurts businesses because that's definitely not something we're going to hear from the companies themselves joining me to discuss this is trevor tim activists at the electronic frontier foundation are trevor thanks so much for joining us tonight so in two thousand and nine that you have got this one exemption made for i phones this time tablets as well video game console is that seems like kind of a tall order. right so and like you said in two thousand and nine we got it for just smartphones but the problem with this this procedure is that you have to renew it every three years so we had to come back with another application to continue the exemption for smartphones and now we're trying to expand the i pads and other
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tablets which are you know essentially the same the same thing as a smartphone in the sense that you can run applications on it and a lot of times apple and other companies lock down these devices so that only apps that are approved by them get to run the device and then for video game consuls like you said these these video game consuls are actually very powerful computers and can be used they can be used as such and don't have to be just used to play video games we want to be able to unlock that potential as well ok so what are the arguments are using here is trying to convince these companies that their actual benefits. from jailbreaking you break them down into innovation security and privacy so maybe let's go through them one by one and you know sell us your case yeah sure so. innovation is a big thing that apple always seems to reject these ideas from the job rating community won't authorize applications and then they end up. supporting the ideas
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later on and incorporating it into their operating system a great example is the first. job where i can community made an app so that. older users of i phone could use video and the same way new users could but apple said no you can't do that and then later on they accepted it. another thing is to connect your keyboard wirelessly to your to your phone apple said no at first the job great community did this and then they system but security and privacy are probably the big reasons for why use its users really need this because a lot of times these phone menu. factories are slow to update and slow to pass security breaches and this allows researchers to develop these patches and users can install them right away and so they will be protected same thing goes of privacy there's a lot of third party apps that are taking in user information that they may not
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know about and there are apps that allow users to see what kind of information that they're sending out to these companies and g.'s these apps that show this information. a lot of times and banned by these manufacturers so we want to allow users to experience all these these gifts essentially that apple and other companies aren't allowed to and all of those reasons seem to make a lot of sense to me but when it comes to the companies or you know it is apple is the example here at least back to two thousand and nine when he was about just jailbreaking i found they were definitely not in support of that movement they said that it was going to hurt their business and at the end of day their companies their bottom line is what's most important to them but is there any proof that actually happened that actually hurt their business at all. yes really funny because. they had claimed that if this was allowed and well actually first it's for important point out this isn't actually about copyright you know you own your own
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your own device and you should be able to use it for whatever you want after you buy it it's yours so this is just about protecting their business model not necessarily about protecting copyright and so they were afraid that once this happened that their business would essentially collapse but that back then their stock was hovering around one hundred dollars now it's at four hundred dollars at an all time high. they had i think there was about a billion apps that have been downloaded three years ago now there's eighteen billion. and apple actually predicts that soon they're going to be downloading a billion bucks so when you look at pretty much every measure for how apple thought that this was just going to destroy their business it hasn't in fact it's helped their business they've a doll. to these technology the innovations that all these researchers have come up with into their new operating system so apple should really be thanking koreans to try to fight it. does apple or so many are microsoft or any of these companies do
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they have a response thus far to this kind of request you guys just put in. not yet we are waiting to see what happens and hopefully they won't. you know they won't try to go so sort of always us here because in the end everybody wins users and manufacturers i'm curious what you think is going to happen with him with his board as i guess you could say that was a big victory in two thousand and nine do you think they're going to side with you you know does that seem like they're leaning in that direction or at least the trends. i mean it was that it's definitely good sign that we got this exemption back when we did and we laid out in probably sixty or seventy pages all of the evidence that kind of shows that this is just improved every possible situation for apple and i think the there's actually a really good argument the video games too because sony used to market their playstation three as an all around computer not just a video game their c.e.o.
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was even quoted as saying as such and these computers are actually have were actually originally bought by the u.s. military and professional researchers and scientists too and clustered together and used as super computers and they were much cheaper and much faster than anything else they could buy and then all of a sudden playstation and sony pulled the rug out from under him and said you can't do this anymore so hopefully. that kind of evidence what will convince the copyright office that this is this is a smart move for consumers and it should be allowed because again it's not actually this obvious to a copyright it just has to do with getting around the firmware that they set up and you know it will market in the end it won't harm their business why i guess i have to you know wait and see what happens but in the meantime it definitely seems like they've been doing everything they can to go after people as i mentioned earlier you know we've interviewed johan our show before he was famous the first caliber of
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the i phone and then it was the the x. box and so anyway after him with everything that they had it legally i get exactly that case is funny because you know they used to allow that like a year before they went after him that was legal and they were actually bragging to their customers that they could do this. as well as now they decide that it's worth spending all their time and resources on trevor i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight thanks for having me. are just ahead of the show. they got into it with a student during a stop on the campaign trail say to find out what he said about health insurance and gay marriage rights prototype that unhappy out of state officially declare the blogger is not have the same right as journalists and austerity is being paid so hard while to. right back. into it all their military mechanisms that do not work to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want
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to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here see some other part of it and realize that everything is. part of the big picture.
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hi guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we're giving it to the g.o.p.'s most ineloquent opponent of gay marriage republican presidential candidate and former pennsylvania senator rick santorum has made his belief that same sex marriage is wrong central to his campaign i support a constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage i think that it marriage should be a consistent thing across the country marriage is the union of one man and one woman it's essential for the family it's essential for the stability of our of our culture to to make sure that children are given the best hope which is a mom and a dad and marriage is what marriage is marriage existed before there was a government like you know handing up this and saying this glass of water is a glass of beer well you can call it a glass of beer but it's not a glass of beer it's a glass of water and water is what water is marriage is what marriage is. i don't quite understand the symbolism between beer and gay marriage but let's move on now
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santorum was speaking at a small christian college and i would a recent graduate decided to grill him about his stance on same sex marriage on the twenty three year old said he didn't understand how it would be a hit to faith and family in america santorum went off he argued that declaring same sex marriages equal would allow it to become part of schools curriculum and that would influence children to have a more accepting view of what marriage means oh no teaching children to be openminded the horror but anyway that we've heard santorum a million times before let's get into what else he said another student fired off a question adam regarding health care and a christian's duty to take care of the poor citing a harvard study that says that fifty to one hundred thousand uninsured americans are dying due to a lack of health care each year all the g.o.p. hopeful wasn't having that question either he mediately or wrote off those statistics as false and said the answer is not what we do to prevent deaths because of a lack of health insurance people die in america because people die in america and
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people make poor decisions with respect to their health and their health care it's not the fault of the government for not providing some sort of universal benefit now rick let me just share some more statistics courtesy of fact checked out or data from a current population study back in two thousand shows that eighteen thousand people between the ages of twenty five to sixty four died because they lacked health insurance that study came from the institute of medicine medicine when harvard researchers updated the data in two thousand and five which show that those who don't have health insurance are forty percent more likely to die prematurely then the urban institute updated that report showing the number of deaths linked to no health insurance in two thousand and six grew to twenty two thousand people and those figures are just scratching the surface so i strongly suggest that this presidential candidate should think twice before he blames a person's death on death or just people's bad decisions and he sure those are factors of people who don't have health insurance are more likely to die because they can't afford access to medicine not just because of that this. so rick are once again proving that you're not only crazy but they also just like to deny facts
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you're tonight's told by winter. ok ok it's time for happy hour and joining me tonight is lauren lyster host of capital account here on r.t. and j.p. for air senior communications strategist with new media strategies thanks for joining me guys. so as we all know austerity is hitting at the u.k. hard and that includes the royals who normally really like to spend a whole lot of money just like they did earlier this year when it came to the royal wedding. it's the right parents who traditionally pay the middletons are sharing the winning family with the tax breaks to the bill street decorations stewarding biggest post b.c. sixteen million dollars to. sixteen million dollars for
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a wedding i think that like brad and jen is waiting for the member that from my younger days but is now no taxpayer subsidy to talking about the queen really quick so the poor queen as part of the austerity measures she's going to will the government plans to raise the funding to her but she still gets to continue to draw fifty million dollars per year in public money for the royal parties and preparing the palace and such if that's out of the feeling of. the fairies i'm here for us today she could pay for three royal weddings with one year's salary from the people that's absurd i mean that's that's a haircut the way a better royal would do a haircut i mean it's just a very expensive haircut yeah i do that all the reports of the talk about how frugal the queen has been to write the economic crisis hit you're still getting fifty million dollars a year and one of the ways that she's going to try to make money is when the olympics come up is there are going to to rent out rooms in the palace i mean and
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you know frankly i mean america is that a really good job in helping the brits with this regard they don't have to take care the colonies anymore i mean this is why we love you know because they were so ridiculous about how they spent money to begin with yeah well i mean i think the thing that's so funny is if you have to run out rooms to corporate fat cats and you need to turn off the lights to save electricity with fifty million dollars i think you need to get somebody help you budget your money better i couldn't agree more that i could but i'm also like that three million dollars a year and have to actually pay for his own kids to cover you know we'll once we know about security. those are kind of about time that most parents actually have to pay for their kids when they're going yeah she's a very large welfare recipient i mean fifty million dollars of the largest welfare check. here right i want that kind of us fairy tale totally all right let's move on . but there is one thing that we've heard very often when it comes to describing this current congress or i guess there are two words technically here's the president talking about it. they need to do something so build the answer the
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question then is will congress do something if congress does something that i can't run against a do nothing congress if congress does nothing. then it's not a matter of me running against him i think the american people will run them out of town. so the do nothing congress only according to the washington post they can browse and statistics that name couldn't be more true congress has passed its fewer number it's fewest number of bills in at least the last ten non-election years the three hundred twenty six passed by the house is only one third that they passed in two thousand and nine barely a quarter past in two thousand and seven the senate also very low obama's only signed sixty two new laws comparison of after thirty years compared to eighty eight signed by clinton in one thousand nine hundred five it is a do nothing congress but i wonder i think some people j.p. do you think of that's actually a good thing well first i mean you know the follow up on that statement should have
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been there for obama you know he harry reid how does it feel under that bus i mean he has he's got control of one of the houses in congress he had control for two years of both houses of congress he didn't campaign against them at the time but he now is bringing up the do nothing congress argument a point is that he would also support his own congress of his own party early on after you got the health care reform passed because you forced people to sign on to a bill that they didn't want to do didn't want to i had to give that taking one hundred totaling i don't even know if i don't understand why i don't think it can deduce anything from the number i don't think more of those are necessarily a good thing or if you are about as necessarily a good thing and if you look at the needs of the yeah let them know they want fewer they want less government not want fewer bills that want you know less legislation so that's where the debate really happens but it's the congress is actually doing nothing because they're gridlocked i would necessarily say because president obama lost the support of his own party either as he did they decided on the economy but i do remember their sales as a necessarily know anything about the quality i was just talking about before you
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really are in our show and it's the same thing just because g.d.p. is growing or shrinking you don't know the quality of that economic growth or you know the contraction based on just those numbers is the same thing with you how can you do anything about. whether it's good or bad that the builder brought up or down that you really break it down for the point on the do nothing congress portion which is that if it weren't for the legislation that he prioritized he wouldn't have lost the majority in the house and the people that lost were and were unhappy that they had to sign on to these bills i mean look at bart stupak from michigan for instance who was a pro-life or was not going to compromise on obamacare then then got a deal where he could get an executive order to protect the unborn i mean he wasn't happy about that compromise he had to take it and of course he didn't even bother running for office sometimes have to compromise all the time that's true i think i don't think that i know the change here every year that's always there is i want to say ok we're out of here out there with health care but it was the president himself that was the one to decide to start giving things up like public option let's move on to the happy i'm going to tell you how to fix it let's quickly go to
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bloggers a lot of people don't necessarily have the highest opinion of bloggers for example there is something glenn beck has said about them before. this surprise to the hatred for me. i think you are good at pushing the buttons of a certain you know set of bloggers and so i mean they all live in their mom's basement anyway so what the difference does it make. then the old bloggers live in their basement kind of joke but realistically i think the bloggers have been coming up in the world quite a bit since the days where they really maybe were people just living in their mom's basement but let's go to a story in oregon there was a lawsuit filed there it gets complicated because it was about defamation but essentially what the court said is that this blogger couldn't you know use certain protections granted to the press because although the defendant is a self-proclaimed investigative blogger and defines himself as media they said that because there's no record that show that he's affiliated with
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a newspaper or magazine or periodical a book yada yada yada she doesn't count as a member of the media what are your thoughts i think it's absolutely ridiculous i just you can't just a judge this law based on like the smell test of what you decide is there is a need. i mean that it's just a slippery slope i think necessarily i don't have to be signed up with some type of organization in order to get that title and especially for freedom of information requests when you either have to pay or not pay depending on whether or not you're a member of the media i mean that's a huge thing i mean if it's a company that's requesting documents so that way they know how to do contracts in the future so they want to see how their competitors bid on a contract before i mean that's one thing but if you're a reporter or a blogger and you're a private citizen trying to seek information so you can expose it in a public forum that's another thing that's a good thing and people should should be encouraging that but then again government always tries to get out of these things so they try to avoid the accountability that comes with freedom of information so they try to dodge the requests that come from bloggers it's a real shame but you know i mean i would i mean i have to wrap it up guys of course take her out of time but i think that's one of the as we all agree on is you know
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that's a blow that's no good all right thank you for joining me that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in make sure you come back tomorrow marc is the editor of the exiled is going to be on the show because the fan of us on facebook on twitter you can follow everything i can to that complex they want to tell and coming up next. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear sees some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. mission free cretaceous and free transport charges free. range
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