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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2011 4:00am-4:30am EST

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getting the vote thousands of march in moscow and st petersburg with the rallies both for and against the outcome of russia's parliamentary elections. planned to washington's quick. question the choices made by the russian people. in the russian capital. after tuesday's slump the russian markets moving between gains and losses more market analysis and business in about twenty minutes. treaty install europe's power play as a plot to change the fabric of the e.u.
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battered national leaders get ready for a fight as they prepare for a last chance summit. on air and online twenty four hours a day you're watching on t.v. . now thousands of people marched in key russian cities on tuesday as both government supporters and protesters voiced their reaction to sunday's parliamentary elections in central moscow opposition protesters complained of alleged voting fraud and faced off with supporters of the majority united russia party let's cross live not talk or spawn itself but for more on this story sara take us through how these rallies turned out in the end. well we saw another night where thousands of protesters take to the streets pro-government protesters and opposition protestors and the clashes with the place the opposition voice concerns
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of what they call violations in the election system i know is still a large number of arrests made around six hundred amongst days well known opposition figures including members of the opposition parties some criticisms over what some people have seen as having handed tactics by the riot police it was an unsanctioned rally held last night and not just in most go we saw other key cities being hit with these social movements as well st petersburg also saying protest action and a number of arrests that as well no waiting into the post-election debates we've seen hillary clinton criticized heavily by most day for her comments yesterday that the elections in russia were neither free nor but now she made these comments see meeting in vilnius and russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov who also in
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attendance at that meeting now he's responded today by expressing his regret that the embassy was used as a platform to courses a subject that isn't directly related to the security council's work and saying that it was done with the media attention knows he said the christensen's also into the u.s. you heard the foreign minister saying that the u.s. should focus first and foremost on its own electoral system and that russia's future is going to be for the russian people to decide and we can hear the president made vegas response to some of these persons as well. as you have both the sufficiency of fish and sea of parties is an area of responsibility for the russian authorities not for international organizations to monitor the quality of elections and violations. it's one thing but the issue of the country's political system is none of their business. to write the constitution good is going to come
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he said the president. said that all the claims and allegations of violations of food are going to be fully investigated so the makeup of the new duma russia's lower house of parliament is a pretty clear now isn't it to give us the details of that if you count. the very last the votes are still being counted in the final results are expected in a couple of days it's pretty clear what the final outcome is going to be there were no surprises that united russia came out in the lives of the communist party coming second at their russian and the liberal democratic party for now they said no surprises the united russia with us but there was a surprise that they failed to break through that psychological percentage barrier if fifty percent is proportional representation in the state duma so in terms of how that translates it looks like united russia going to hold around two hundred and thirty eight of the. constitution majority are already there talk about the
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compromises that again to have to be made in the future to a united russia and the opposition parties as well certainly that drop in public support and the protest movements with thing over the last couple of days have been seen as a why do reflection of the shift in political mood among states in the country. ok thanks that sara first reporting from moscow that. well political analysts and i was under a son of an elf sanctioned protest is the only legal option to demonstrate against an election that's leaving the ruling party charge. well they don't want to break a little they shouldn't do it and if they won't get their methods from them and they also repeat they have to being thankful you see examples of why. we set out to do when i was free and i can get a fairly down the road from an actor there is no me only not while fifty four many
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polish jews we all the politicians. with very few they already have a season. they have no three the whole constitutional maturity for which years they will need to fix dissent but still have enough leverage to little right now and i think. these d.-ma. actions will be quality and dominated by do not get rough. and of course we're closely following the aftermath of sunday's elections and the protests that have been taking place in russia's capital for you cheap channel has lined up the latest videos of what's going on also find updates on our web site dot com and while you're there you can tell us what you think about the protests and bashing. so heartless our third of you see it as a warm up to bigger protest something next britain's presidential election saw the future of you say the rally is nothing more than just
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a few dissatisfied people and twenty one percent put it down to being the nature of the developing civil society the rest say it's a politician is no mean for attention when you tell us how you see it going to r.t. dot com to have your say. america in the anti corporate occupy protesters are being allowed back into new orleans park or to getting permission from a federal judge although maker has already called for an investigation into claims of police misconduct in dealing with activists the movement shows no sign of dying down across america with thousands demonstrating that a three months after the first protests in new york the heavy police presence isn't being scaled back either as more important reports. when the very people employed to protect americans. leave thousands with bruised bodies. burned i. locked behind bars tasting their own blood.
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the land of the free adopts an entirely new image of the mob. her. i are you going to war i am i was i in recent months u.s. police officers have made an enemy. of those citizens using their freedom of speech to protest against corporate greed and corrupt politics to. day's breed of american law enforcement is dressed in riot gear and armed with heavy weaponry body armor flash bangs tear gas and lethal projectiles. as tens of thousands of americans assemble cops have been accused of creating confrontation not diffusing it. fair or not. a level of
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police brutality is so bad a former marine sergeant couldn't stay silent when i was packing. a word that are in who survived two tours in iraq was seriously injured by local police officers using flash grenades canisters against occupy protesters but you knew that you know twenty four year old scott olsen was hospitalized with serious head injuries. seattle the oldest victim of the families turned paramilitary was in eighty four activist temporarily blinded by pepper spray the united states which bills itself as the pillar of international law and democratic freedoms has consistently with least itself on the world stage as the self-appointed beacon of moral authority we call on the iranian government to abide by the international obligations that it has to respect the rights of its own people. respect in the
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rights of his own. chose the path of fresh. innocent civilians were imprisoned in some cases be meanwhile at home as dissent in america grows louder many say washington's glasshouse of hypocrisy has shown beautiful symmetry they want people to be able to have freedom of speech but they don't want that freedom to interfere with them in any way to be in any way disruptive or challenging to the. now the line that traditionally separated us soldiers from civilian law enforcement has arguably been the rates placed by what's being the american militarization of police tactics context for nature in the foundation of american principles such as democracy and human rights incidentally the same principles you ask you. all other countries about. arts in
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new york. but on the way in the program a change of power that's yet to hold people's prosperity report on how the ins are trying to piece their lives back together keeping their weapons close to hand and. then years and is facing immense pressure to come up with a decisive rescue plan to its worst ever debt crisis a summit in brussels later this week has considered the chance for europe he leaders are expected to pour over the french and german the this idea to revise the lisbon treaty two thousand and nine agreement which we organized hard time but present sarkozy and chancellor merkel want to time to use and controls and the power to impose cuts on bailed out members greece at the center of the crisis has just approved next year's austerity measures. for courts some it's too little too late. it's crisis time for the euro with a vital e.u. leaders summit on friday in brussels which could determine the feet of the single
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currency there has to be a quick and a solid fix of this instability and political conflict on some kind of a common basis between especially france and germany in the next days or weeks or we're going to see a systemic crisis erupted out of this which would be i think to no one's interest yet more problems with us ratings agency standard and poor's downgrade ing six euro zone member states why the markets are now so alarmed is that the market down me also include the two economic powerhouses germany and france. there isn't real and see the cure to the euro zone's as fiscal union centralizing economic control over sovereign budgets the crisis on a lack of discipline some member states breaking budget rules and running up huge deficits but some critics say this is precisely the wrong approach.
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the members that have become part of the eurozone project are very much different from one another and provide a common homogenous currency space that's what has become so obvious and present situation now they want to resolve the problem by introducing more centralization centralization is the root cause of the problem. up to know the e.u.'s rescue strategy has been based on passion of the weakest economy with bailouts which some see is me a bandaid solution and the wrong medicine to me is the ship. to save the euro zone. thinking ship the fiscal union q is no quick fix and also could open up a new minefield as it needs domestic political approval across the to revise the lisbon treaty blocks effective constitution and rule book london has already warned
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of a veto if its interests are threatened while hostility towards. you citizens suffering austerity measures to be banks and reckless governments could mean stiff opposition as well as anger at losing domestic control over national budgets yet another obstacle for france and germany they know they have already lost the battle so we are in a prison a dilemma the people have taken the wrong decisions from the very beginning. they don't want to get to the public that they are wrong and that they have been wrong because if they admit this they would have to step down right away the fate of the euro has occupied the headlines for most of the year but the failure to stem the mounting difficulties puts friday's summit in a different light the end is nine for good or for bad with most observers saying this crisis is nearing its day of reckoning. r.t.
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for germany but if there's one thing that's been repeatedly called for during the drawn out here crisis it's leadership. from germany's free democratic party says it's time you elitist took full responsibility for their economies on that hair not . in the meantime the credit ratings agencies are taking matters into their own hands by threatening most usa states with a downgrade for economists indecision on friday will need much worse to come not just in europe the alert means is that there's a fifty fifty chance that a downgrade action will be taken in the next ninety days if there isn't some kind of action to ameliorate the problems if we saw anything like a fifteen nation downgrade the downgrades of france and germany that are bundled into that as well as austria we would have an event much larger than lehman brothers that would cascade to the global markets that would push it teetering and very vulnerable european monetary union into true crisis as well as sending very
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damaging shock waves of the global economy and global financial markets the e.c.b. the i.m.f. sovereign policymakers and many of the european countries believed and conducted themselves as though they had more time than they did while the financial markets screamed out as did critics if you don't have more time you don't have more time and they kind of leisurely looked at their watches and tried to do what was good for them domestically politically and acted like they had time that there was every indication did not actually exist. well more updates and analysis online at www dot com has some of what we're covering through there today mission failed american attempts to snoop on iran from the skies on dashed after a cia spy drone was down potential delivering some top secret information to turn around in the process. also online the toxic terror reportedly in the king from japan's stricken nuclear reactor twenty five tons of radioactive water may have
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slipped into the ocean we have expert analysis on team doctor. the new libyan government has vowed to see all all militias out of the capital by the end of the month tripoli has been flooded with former rebels ever since they stormed into a kind of gadhafi in august well since the dictator's killing of libyans are rebuilding their lives but looks on a boycott reports challenges still lie ahead. after months of waking up to gunfire residents of tripoli now have to get used to a new alarm until the city of two million people has an extensive rooster population and the birds have all but three place to rifle chatter as the heralds of the new dawn. there was no exchange of gunfire the situation is ok.
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while the revolutionary rush has spared hardly any wall in tripoli people here are clearly fatigued by eight months of civil war this may be deliberately it's very few wanted to break free from the obligations of the old regime on the surface of things that the normal life in tripoli has been restored a city where many homes didn't have access to face to face the last few months ago already has its fountain running but the new leaf is still facing the danger of running in wrong this shallow waters of national politics much for its assets remain frozen between the government's ability to pay salaries and subsidies it has already become a major part of the revolutionary spirit we first met muhammad in august on the frontlines of bani walid one of the final strongholds of the gadhafi regime a former engineering student who during two of his brothers in what he says was
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a win or die fight for freedom. at the beginning everything was absolutely peaceful there were no guns we want to freedom and fairness but then the dictator used gone far against us and we lost money on rebels three months later mohammad is definitely in the driver's seat revels of the country's new heroes popular with women and the public at large if not with a rifle by his side muhammad would be like a twenty seven year old in any other country cruising around on a saturday night is good yes. and it's not like he was underprivileged under gadhafi regime he certainly leaves in the three hundred square. meter house in the prestigious area of tripoli they see the revolution has brought them along the way to democracy but is yet to translate into concrete benefits we had free education on health care on the gadhafi of course we expected to remain free but it also needs to be improved the new authorities also have to decrease prices and raise
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salaries so that ordinary people can join all the benefits of the revolution. here exactly how the new government can afford to do so in a country a ruling by war and stripped of much of its budgetary income is every bit as good as the forty two years of get his rule had told libyans to rely on government for just about everything and the level of expectations and they knew our storage is very high. i have big plans for my life in a year are sold god willing i want to finish my education get a good job and save enough money to mari it's all become possible for us now. and in national economies i'm not star. i think the fact that they were willing to destabilize a regime that had demonstrably one of the highest living standards in north africa goes to show the fact that they were not so interested in what benefited the people as a whole in the first place they were more interested in forming there their economic ties to the american oil companies yet for the moment the future seems bride not
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least because it's also very blurred actually got hard to see tripoli. a sunni muslim terrorist group in pakistan has admitted responsibility for the twin suicide bombings that killed sixty people in afghanistan on tuesday is the worst outbreak of sectarian violence in the country since the nato operation began ten years ago victims of the blasts were shiite muslims who are marking a major interest holiday. condemn the violence claims nato orchestrated the attacks to create an excuse to stay in afghanistan the u.s. led a large says do you see its true presence. head of a chevy would pull out like twenty four right now it faces a supply crisis. that's going to. kill dozens of its troops. the british pakistani author tariq ali thanks yes strike was deliberate but poorly calculated. the knew it was
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a pakistani trick because they had been given the maps they knew it wasn't a mistake. it bombed it and it created a complete crisis within the pakistani military and in the concrete deeds stabilising the one usually about a country which has held it together for good or for bad. but that's the pakistani military what they're trying to do trying to instigate a civil war in pakistan trying to direct intervention or not i can't quite believe because it's not going to be easy. it's the. prize by washington or whether it was a local decision i don't know well who did it didn't do the united states any favor . well news now and to the border between israel and the gaza strip when israeli air strike has hit a group of militants leaving one person dead and several injured gaza officials say
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the fighting erupted on tuesday after israeli troops moved into a buffer zone east of gaza city pressed in militants in gauge them in a gun battle which was followed by israeli aircraft firing a missile that then israel's military claims it was targeting insurgents squads who were prepared to fire rockets into the south of the country. yemen's prime minister who is a country on the verge of civil war says an interim government will be formed on wednesday there's been a week of clashes between the military and anti regime protesters resulting in the deaths of more than thirty people in the city of time probably gann ten months ago with opposition backed protests and forcing president saleh to quit he's now signed a deal to handover power to the vice president. egypt's new prime minister says the ruling army will grant him the extra powers as he works to appoint his new cabinet. reappointment new finance minister on tuesday is expected
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to reveal a new interior minister later on wednesday the new powers come after critics accuse a military of not giving the last cabinet enough authority. shortly we step back twenty years when the world changed forever for millions of people as a soviet union formally came to an end first is the business news with. hello and a very warm welcome to the program the russian markets are trading a flight the softer falling the most in two weeks on tuesday analysts say reports of street protests in moscow pushed investors into cash more and of course is that the our stock exchange hello cheeriness so what's going on on the markets right now . well you know it's been the overall a close so ride today markets kicked off the trading session higher then they made a u. turn slipping back into the red and now as you mentioned markets are flats now it's
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important to mention of why this is all happening at all sort of after sunday's parliamentary election when we saw a drop in support for the woman who lied to the russia party and the markets extended their losses even further after prime minister vladimir putin said he would push up the government if we won the presidential elections in march now investors are mainly concerned over the impact any substantial political upheaval could have on major state owned companies well analysts we spoke with to say that if tension continues pushing markets could go by as much as its hand percent but others say that the drop is merely a reflection of fear by international investors rather than the russian ones and of course other factors play him into the volatility that we're seeing on the russian market is of russia's continuing capital flight which it could be taking five billion dollars this year and of course the situation in europe is not helping matters ratings agencies that emperors has warned that it could make
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a blanket downgrade all figures on countries if why this e.u. summit fails to agree on the franco german plan to impose fiscal discipline across the currency block so we have capital flight election jitters and of course the e.u. debt crisis all playing into the volatility that we're seeing on the russian markets . thanks business archies morgan of course reporting from the arch a stock exchange and we cannot have a look at the very latest figures off to a steep decline as we've been reporting the russian market some moving between gains and losses the my sense is gaining just a notch while b.r. chance is point three percent higher. let's have a look at some of the individual share moves in the mice it's lukoil it's flat gas from a shutting half a percent and no nickel is high of though ed in one. seven percent the south. and asia shares were on the rise on wednesday the nikkei gained one point seven percent that sign was one and a half percent higher the sentiment was supported by speculation european leaders
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will step up efforts to fight the debt crisis at the e.u. summit kicking off on thursday fifteen euro nations face the threat of rating downgrade. in europe stock markets open higher after a fortune the financial times that european officials are in talks to potentially double the thought power of the eurozone bailout fund. and finally current crisis slightly higher as investors are staying on the sidelines ahead of the summit of european leaders members of the meeting are expected to discuss plans for tighter fiscal regulations and treaty change just like twitter's quarterly trading at over one hundred one dollars per barrel and branches at one hundred and eleven dollars but there are. other projects they should program in russia could get off to a rabbit start next year the boss of the country's biggest lender says it will be ready to go to the market as soon as the global financial situation stabilizes here my growth is also upbeat about the bank's prospects in twenty twelve saying it will
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be difficult for the sector but his farm will outperform the market. because it is however the world economy develops the next year will not be very easy for us we call our business plan moderately optimistic so according to we don't credit grow to about twenty percent that's better than the market which we expect to grow to around twenty percent although we are ready for a more pessimistic scenario where the situation in europe worsens and the price falls to between sixty and seventy dollars per barrel but it's me that's it for now europe today it's more market analysis and less than one it's time for you here on our team.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are on the day.


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