tv [untitled] December 7, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EST
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free. free. free. food free board video for your media project free media r.t. dot com. for and against both supporters and critics of the winning united russia party make their voices heard in rallies in moscow and st petersburg after sunday's parliamentary election. on the mosque a response to washington severe criticism of the vote for a minute hysterical of roff accuses count body recanted of using her platform of the organization for security cooperation in europe just called political point at . last a last ditch attempt to save the euro and the plan sparks heated debate over whether a proposed change to treaties will really help cure the ailing here is
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a. uncertainty all around on the market stocks are looking for direction going from gains to losses due to both external and internal factors more of this in business r.t. and twenty. very warm welcome to you this is our c live from moscow a pro-government rallies underway in the russian capital organized by united russia party supporters the police are holding firm at three or four miles square for the past two days the scene of mass protests that ended with hundreds of arrests the protesters angry with the results of sunday's elections complained of alleged fraud and clashed with police also joins us live now for the latest on this. sir tell us
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about the post-election rallies what's happening right now with them. but it looks like we could be in for another evening of protests today. the price government supporters rallied today in central moscow and there are now plans for the opposition to hold an unsanctioned rally and triumphal noirs. police are already on the ground there in preparation that was one of the last two nights we've seen protesters gathering last night thousands of people gathered there and hundreds arrested amongst the opposition. figures and members of the opposition parties as well they were demonstrating against what they say violations in the electoral system so it doesn't sound like it's dying down inside what do we know about political reaction safe to wants going on both here in russia and internationally. well the fullness soviet leader mikhail gorbachev has said today don't need
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government to know the results and to hold a new fight saying that these claims of the cation of vote rigging needs big knowledge and for a democratic process that they continue the people's will in the people's voice needs to be listened to and the post-election debate we've also heard hillary clinton wading into that she make comments and i was at the security meeting in vilnius she said the elections when i the free but now the comments were heavily criticized by moscow the foreign ministry saying that they were unacceptable that the u.s. needs to be looking first and foremost to its own electoral system to president live aid of also commenting on the. news of the conclusion about the sufficiency or insufficiency of parties is an area of responsibility for the russian authorities not for internet. tional organizations if they monitor the quality of elections and
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violations that's one thing but the issue of the country's political system is none of their business they will soon be telling us how to write our constitution constituents. now russia's stance is very much. it's the russian people to be deciding the future of russia and certainly what you are seeing here in the country at the moment is a very diverse and very active political debate continuing. many thanks for the reporting from the center of moscow for us. well russia's foreign ministers had a good hour for off as we were hearing has also struck back at washington over criticism of the election process hillary clinton had out of the russian ballot at a meeting of the air will. also be a house that he's held. foreign minister sergey lavrov had said that by using the always see as a platform to express those grievances referring to the russian elections was
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a disrespect to the u.s.c. simply because that wasn't for him that i was in the place for such opinions to be expressed so he did question the intentions of hillary clinton but. regrettably some of my colleagues prefer to use this platform to make statements which have nothing to do with. this was exactly the case with hillary clinton who apparently came here for the purpose of scoring points with voters in america she left after making her speech and many other ministers left early as well which only underlines the critical condition. but it's also made reference to be a protest in moscow comparing that kind of action appear with the o.e.c.d. is not a place for rallies like the places in moscow where people came out to voice their grievances and then walk away he also said that if the us would have problems with the results of the russian elections they should have gone straight to the kremlin sort of they would be able to settle it bilaterally instead of bringing it on to an
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international level another thing he pointed out is the state of the west to see. it is in a messy messy state and that it is weak at this point and he claims that some of the countries deliberately trying to keep it me so that it's easier to manipulate those are the words of foreign minister sergey lavrov and again he is on his way to brussels for a meeting with the nato russia a nato meeting and of course the sticking point that has been going on for a long time is the issue of the missile defense system the european missile defense system which is of course a facilitated by the u.s. the nato shield that russia has not been satisfied with the response so far russia still has not gotten any legally binding guarantees assuring at the. defense systems are not directed towards russia the reaction of russia so far has been to step up its own capabilities so again this is a sticking point it definitely will be discussed on thursday here in brussels on the nature times correspondent in brazil pepe escobar but if hillary clinton's
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comments once again underline american hypocrisy. what they should you know they should be looking at the score of the communist party which is almost twenty percent in the elections they should be worried about that twenty percent of voters are going into the latest election in russia in fact they they want to go back to seventy five years of russian history this is much more important from an american point of view then the fact that the united russia got forty nine percent of the vote which even party you know western democratic systems love to have as well we have hillary clinton going recently to use becky stan in presenting the progress you know. i think probably she means progress that the kerry mode is not boiling ople in ns anymore so you know it's an enormously faulkner's of the fact i would say the most important thing for the russians who are protesting the results of the
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elections would have to be what kind of project united russia has for the country for the next ten years or so i sing this is the most important question. continuing to follow the repercussions of sunday's elections online for you all you treat. the latest videos of the protests that have been taking place in moscow also live updates of the situation for you on our twitter feed at all mostly on the school and of course on our website where we're asking what you think about the protests and the so far to see some of the wal-mart the bigger protests of the next brings presidential election almost the same numbers as the rallies and nothing more than just a few dissatisfied fish see it as a sign of a developing civil society in the rest of you say it's just politicians lobbying for attention would you tell us what you think it's about all that just go to our t. dot com to have your say. now police have moved in to clear
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and occupy protest camp in san francisco there's mumbling around one hundred tents reports say the raid began at two am local time and the lead up to fifty arrests the disposal of protesters belongings says police face an investigation into claims of excessive force being used during the nationwide crackdown on the anti corporate movement. when the very people employed to protect americans. leave thousands with bruised bodies. burned i was. locked behind bars tasting their own blood. the land of the free adopts an entirely new image probably more. work for you. are you going to work. for.
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the war. in recent months u.s. police officers have made an enemy of those citizens using their freedom of speech to protest against corporate greed and corrupt politics today's breed of american law enforcement is dressed in riot gear and armed with heavy weaponry body armor flash bangs tear gas and lethal projectiles. as tens of thousands of americans assemble cops have been accused of creating confrontation not defusing it. was. a level of police brutality so bad a former marine sergeant couldn't stay silent and was. a war veteran who survived two tours in iraq was seriously injured by local police
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officers using flash grenade canisters against occupy protesters but you're good at three twenty four year old scott olsen was hospitalized with serious head injuries . in seattle the oldest victim of the police turned paramilitary with an eighty four year activist temporarily blinded by pepper spray the united states which bills itself as the pillar of international law and democratic for. dom's has consistently placed itself on the world stage as the self-appointed beacon of moral authority we call upon the iranian government to abide by the international obligations that has to respect the rights of its own people instead of respecting the rights of his own people. without the chose the path of brutal suppression. innocent civilians were imprisoned and in some cases beaten meanwhile at home as descend in america grows louder many say washington's glasshouse of hypocrisy has
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shown beautiful symmetry they want people to be able to have freedom of speech but they don't want the freedom to interfere with them in any way to be in any way disruptive to or challenging to them the line that traditionally has separated us soldiers from civilian law enforcement has arguably been overeats least by would be the american militarization of police time to hot chicks with for lack of nature in the foundation of american principle such as to mock the sea and human rights that leave the same principles to ask you. all other countries about or an up or down parts in new york. well still to come in the program new expectations from a new government to give to the streets of weapons after the bloody civil war ended we look at the people's hopes for the future and then you country. time is running
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out figure is a need is to save the single currency as they prepare for an eleventh hour talks in brussels germany and france are pushing to change the treaties to create a fiscal union and introduce tougher budget rules however the european council president thinks they can achieve the same goals without altering existing treaties which would need lengthy ratifications the verses prime minister warned wouldn't sign any need to see if it. role in the european markets credit ratings john fund and who is that it has the sense of urgency is it threatened to downgrade fifty year is a country's and that bailout fund danish year and more messerschmitt told r.t. that brussels is taking the way and wrapping nations that's. the dilemma here is that each time we talk about it leadership from brussels it means that unelected people are to lead to countries unelected people to tell the voters what
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to do these governments around that have actually been elected are now under control by the bureaucrats here from a bus in brussels and if that's what we mean by having more leadership i will certainly refrain from that i would certainly say let's go the other way round we have now in europe governments that were elected that have been put under administration by the bureaucrats in brussels that not democracy that's not leadership that's a failure of democracy that's the downfall of the european idea here in brussels the only thing that's on the institutions mind is that they want to make this treaty change with as little influence from the member states as ever possible that's why we have this morning heard this of ramp or our own elected president claiming that now you can make these changes even without changing the very wording of the treaty could be done by a protocol just think it's a shame to see that greece the greeks invented the democracy now they have been the first country to be put on the red ministration because of this failed dream that was the euro so yes we do need leaders that they are appalled enough to say the
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obvious that the euro has failed but that's certainly not going to be the leaders of brussels that's going to be the leaders of the member states of athens of lisp and of mad greed and even of copenhagen at some time when the on avoidable cannot be neglected anymore. well leaders are also expected to accelerate the setting up of any bailout fund to run in parallel with the facility u.s. treasury secretary said he would not be giving extra money to boost the new cash reserves but stressed the usa needs more firms to tackle the crisis but his article is going off reports the summit coming on thursday and friday may be too late to save. its crisis time for the euro with a vital e.u. leaders summit in brussels which could determine the feet of the single currency there has to be a quick and a solid fix of this instability and political conflict on some kind of a common basis between especially france and germany in the next days or weeks or
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we're going to see a systemic crisis erupted out of this which would be i think to no one's interests yet more problems with us readings agency standard and poor's down reading the eurozone members state why the markets are now so alarmed is that the market out me also include the two economic powerhouses germany and france there isn't real and see the huge of the euro zone's ills as fiscal union centralizing economic control over sovereign budgets they blame the crisis on a lack of discipline with some member states breaking budget rules and running up huge deficits but some critics say this is precisely the wrong approach. the members that have become part of the eurozone project are very much different from one another and cannot provide a common homogenous currency space that's what has become so obvious under the present situation now they want to resolve the problem by introducing more
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centralization while centralization is the root cause of the problem. up to know the use rescue strategy has been based on patching up the weakest economy with bailouts which some say is merely a band-aid solution and the wrong medicine for a terminally ill patient. to save the eurozone however. trying to. ship the fiscal union q is no quick fix and also could open up a new minefield as it needs domestic political approval across the e.u. to revise the lisbon treaty the blocks effective constitution and rule book london has already warned of a veto if its interests are threatened while hostility towards europe e.u. citizens suffering austerity measures to be banks and reckless governments could mean stiff opposition as well as anger at losing domestic control over national
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budgets yet another obstacle for france and germany they know they have already lost the battle so we are in a prison of the level that people have taken the wrong decisions from the very beginning. they don't want to get to the public that they are wrong and that they have been wrong because if they admit this they would have to step down right away the fate of the euro has occupied the headlines for most of the year but the failure to stem the mounting difficulties puts this summit in a different light the end is nine for good or for bad with most observers saying this crisis is nearing its day of reckoning the work is going off r.t. in germany. but the new libyan government has set an end of year deadline for former revolutionaries to clear the capital of the unnecessary presence of armed militia groups and their weapons otherwise say the new leaders tripoli will be
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locked down the city has been flooded with former rebels ever since they stormed into oust colonel gadhafi in august so that it changes death libyans have been starting to rebuild their lives but the boycott our paws many challenges still lie ahead. after months of waking up to gunfire residents of tripoli now have to get used to a new alarm tone the city of two million people has an extensive rooster population and the birds have all but replaced rifle chatter as the heralds of the new dawn. there was no exchange of gunfire the situation is ok. while the revolutionary rush has spared hardly any wall in tripoli people here are clearly fatigued by eight months of civil war this may be deliberate glebe it's very few wanted to break free from the obligations of the old regime on the surface it seems that the normal life in tripoli has been restored a city where many homes didn't have access to face to face laffin few months ago
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already has its fountains up and running but the new leaf is still facing the danger of running in wrong the shallow waters of national politics much for its absence remain frozen limiting the government's ability to pay salaries and it has already become a major down part of the revolutionary spirit we first met muhammad in august on the frontlines of bani walid one of the final strongholds of the gadhafi regime a former angie nearing student who joined two of his brothers in what he says was a win or die fight for freedom because at the beginning everything was absolutely peaceful there were no guns we wanted freedom and fairness but then the dictator used gone far against us and we lost money on rebels three months later mohammad is definitely in the driver's seat revels of the country's new heroes popular with women and the public at large if not with a rifle by his side muhammad would be like
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a twenty seven year old in any other country cruising around on a saturday night good. and it's not like he was under privileged under gadhafi regime he certainly leaves in a three hundred square meal. there has in the prestigious area of tripoli they see the revolution has brought them along the way to democracy but is yet to translate into concrete benefits we have free education on health care on the gadhafi of course we expected to remain free but it also needs to be improved the new authorities also have to decrease prices and raise salaries so that ordinary people can join all the benefits of the revolution. here exactly how the new government can afford to do so in a country a ruling by war and stripped of much of its budgetary income is every bit as good as the forty two years of get his rule had told libyans to rely on government for just about everything and the level of expectations and the storage is is very high
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. i have big plans for my life in a year or so god willing i want to finish my education get a good job and save enough money to mari it's all become possible for us now. and in national economies i'm not being i think the fact that they were willing to destabilize a regime that had demonstrably one of the highest living standards in north africa goes to show the fact that they were not so interested in what benefited the people as a whole in the first place they were more interested in forming their economic ties to do american oil companies yet for the moment the future seems bright not least because it's also very blurred so we go r t tripoli. don't forget to visit our website for more stories in in-depth analysis his a look at what you can buy right now at all t. dot com the search light on it has finally borne fruit is now sick laves it's found our world sibling six hundred light years away. and it's beginning to
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feel a lot like christmas a huge crowd of santa's ditched their sleighs skis and snowboards as they get into the seasonal spirit in the u.s. find out more at r.t. dot com. and now let's get a check on some more world news from around the globe this hour and a roadside bomb attack in southern afghanistan has killed nineteen civilians and left a number of others wounded the blast occurred when the minivan was hit by a bomb in the city of kandahar this comes just a day after the funeral of fifty nine share muslims killed in twin suicide bombings of pakistan the basic streaming school has claimed responsibility afghan president hamid karzai has vowed to fund the pakistani government over the bombing. in an interview with the us t.v. network a.b.c. syria's president bashar al assad has said and feels no guilt over the bloody
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crackdown on anti-government uprisings in the country despite repeated reports of security forces tell us he the president denied that he ordered violence to be used against protesters he admitted that the states have been made plain the violence on . armed criminal gangs according to u.n. reports almost four thousand will have been killed since the uprisings began ten months ago. former israeli president moshe katsav has been sent to a high security prison to serve as a seven year sentence for rape and other sexual offenses he was found guilty last december of raping of almost the male employee while serving as a cabinet minister he was also you convicted of sexually harassing other women whilst he was president katsav maintains his innocence and accused the court of ignoring crucial evidence. about with an update of the headlines shortly but let's get to business that is and before that with dmitri.
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banks out us because structuring of an oil link between the black sea and the igi it is on the verge of falling apart but after bulgaria decided to leave a joint project with russian greeks the one point three billion dollars pipeline is intended to transport russian and caspian oil bypassing turkey's crowded bosphorus and dardanelles channels saving shipping costs bug areas of the project will not work under the current agreement it will now have to pay eight point two million dollars to its partners in costs russia's transnet says construction could still go ahead but will require new negotiations. a quick look at the markets this hour after tuesday's steep decline russian markets have spent most of the flat although right now they're moving more into the red still descending even further the r.t.s. is down one point two percent to my six point eight percent now this is due to mainly declining oil prices look at them in
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a second lukoil therefore is down more than one percent gazprom one of the biggest losers of the previous session is correcting up and you can say that around half a percent and fertiliser make it without carly is up around one percent the company's revenues reached three point two billion dollars in the first nine months of the year so the stock is up in trade. european stock markets opened fire on wednesday but have now come back to square one after a pause in the financial times said european officials are in talks to potentially double the firepower of the euro zone bailout fund as the summit due at the end of this week investors are now sitting on the sidelines speculating on what to expect . crude prices down at this hour ministers are staying on the sidelines ahead of the summit of european leaders here to light sweet is declining thirty seven cents brant is down sixty cents despite a report by the american petroleum institute that the stockpiles in the u.s. have come down by around five million barrels. the privatization program in
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russia could get off to a rapid start next year the boss of the country's biggest lenders burbank says it will be ready to go to the market as soon as the global financial situation stabilizes him and graph is also a beat about the banks prospects and twenty twelve saying it will be difficult for the sector but his firm will outperform the market. however the world economy develops the next year will not be very easy for us we call our business plan moderately optimistic so according to it all credit for you should grow to about twenty four percent that's better than the market which we expect to grow to around twenty percent although we are also ready for a more pessimistic scenario where the situation in europe worsens and the oil price falls to between sixty and seventy dollars per barrel. and you social network is on the way in russia and it's looking to snap up photo for users of the seven million
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dollar pin made of your website will be able to share picture galleries with friends it's like a blog but based more on the images and is better focused on the russian language market the owners hope the firm will be worth one hundred million dollars and four years in me is similar to america's interest which launched last year's already has three million users and is now worth up to two hundred million dollars. and that's all we have time for this hour but stay with our team for the headlines with that.
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world with. technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've got the future covered. in two thousand and ten especially economic zone for industrial production was established in russia's somalia region with a total area of six hundred sixty ect as. its investors are granted exclusive tax and customs benefits which includes a five exemption from property land and transport taxes as well as an income tax reduction to fifteen point five percent. the special economic zone operates as a fleet customs own which enables manufacturers to market their products in russia .
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