tv [untitled] December 7, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EST
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mixed feelings over the election with both supporters and critics of the winning united russia party continuing their rallies three days after russia's parliamentary poll. and moscow responds to washington severe criticism of the vote for a minister sergei lavrov accuses his counterpart hillary clinton of using a platform of the organization for security and cooperation in europe to score political points or zero zero. plus a last ditch attempt to save the euro and the plan sparks heated debate over whether a proposed changes to e.u. treaties will really help cure the ailing eurozone. russia markets continue
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declining on wednesday after a sharp drop on tuesday as both internal and external factors remain on for more in this business r.t. . ten pm wednesday night here in moscow welcome if you just joined us my name is kevin owen you're watching r t in our top story for the past two days now russia seeing dramatically mixed reactions at home and abroad in the aftermath of sunday's parliamentary election both pro and anti government demonstrators have been gathering in the capital for rallies over the result of the parliamentary poll let's go up to speed on the latest tonight to peter all that joins us now peter a last being said about the election here in russia both at home and internationally take us through some of what's been said. will be political reaction. two sunday's parliamentary elections which saw united russia take the
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majority of seats in the state duma have been coming has been coming in from both here in russia and elsewhere the former soviet leader mikhail gorbachev said the result of sunday's election should be an old he called the elections unfair and accuse the government of failing to listen to the people now some of the international observers who were watching the elections have been critical of the electoral process and that resulted in a stern response from president to me to be made yet of. those of us that a conclusion about the sufficiency or insufficiency of parties is an area of responsibility for the russian authorities not for international organizations and if they monitor the quality of elections and violations that's one thing but the issue of the country's political system is none of their business there will soon be telling us how to write our constitution going it could constitute. elsewhere the israeli foreign minister has been speaking about after talking to his
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international observers from his country that was sent here to monitor the elections and he said after talking to them he's confident that the elections were free fair and transparent so a mixed bag of reaction from here in russia and abroad to sunday's parliamentary vote. for producing a lot of action from both theme united russia supporters and the opposition is he saying there what is the situation now or. well wednesday evening we saw a very small number of government protesters to your filenames square in the center of moscow now there were several people detained there this is due to the fact that it wasn't on all through eyes meet but they would dwarf the numbers by the amount of police that were there as well as journalists and cameras now earlier on wednesday we saw a rally from pro-government protesters that was in central moscow as well around
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five thousand people turning out there but nothing really on wednesday compared to the scenes we saw on tuesday night where there were a lot of both pro-government and those who oppose the electoral the electoral vote the parliamentary vote from sunday now during those protests on tuesday night out to a bar and they are squared the center of town. we saw over five hundred people detained their noses all building up to what's expected to be the largest head demonstration to date on saturday we're hearing on social networking sites that many people expected to turn out on the revolutionary square revolution square which is a just next to the kremlin to demonstrate on saturday night all of the live from moscow thank you more now on russia's reaction to the american criticism of the election process this time from foreign minister sergei lavrov of hillary clinton earlier slam the russian balance at a meeting of the organization for security and cooperation in europe tesser cilla's
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got that side of the story. foreign minister sergey lavrov had said that by using the always seen as a platform to express those grievances referring to the russian elections was a disrespect to the o. a c. simply because that wasn't for him that i was in the place for such opinions to be expressed so he did question the intentions of hillary clinton but on the most resilient regrettably some of my colleagues prefer to use this platform to make statements which have nothing to do with. this was exactly the case with hillary clinton who apparently came here for the sole purpose of scoring points with voters in america she left after making her speech and many other ministers last early as well which only underlines the critical condition she. also made reference to the a protest in moscow comparing of that kind of action that. is not a place for rallies like the places in moscow where people came out to voice their
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grievances and then walk away he also said that if the us would have problems with the results of the russian elections they should have gone straight to the crime was so that they would be able to settle it bilaterally instead of bringing it on to an international level another thing he pointed out is the state of the west to see that it is in a messy messy state and that it is weak at this point and he claims that some of the countries deliberately try to keep it weak so that it's easier to manipulate those are the words of foreign minister sergey lavrov. opposition leaders in russia of alleged of the world irregularities in the election but state duma deputy rubbish legal says even if the allegations are true small scale electoral violations could have influenced the overall result. just to pre-board if we suppose that sitting in moscow to five hundred thousand ballots was stopped for united russia it would mean to six of the dube that's just ridiculous of course there were some irregularities in some places but it's impossible to falsify twenty to thirty percent of the vote maybe two or three percent is possible the number of
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irregularities cannot bring into question the result of the revolution the whole country because the not very big you cannot affect the final outcome but of course each case will be investigated the hysteria that's been surrounding the verdict of the rallies that we've seen on the internet to the media for being supported by leading foreign t.v. channels and proofs before anything happens they will already be selling someone has been shot at some of the very biased approach to reporting abilities what used to it no one has any illusions about media freedom in the west we understand very well that they have their own editorial policies they want to show everything in just one light. we're asking for you think about this song going story on our website tonight what do you think of these recent protests we've witnessed over the last couple of days in russia this is what you're telling us say at the map. just over a third of here think it's a warmup for bigger protest suffer next prinz presidential election those same number thirty one percent says it's just a few quote dissatisfied people who are behind the rallies
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a fifth of you see it as a sign of a developing civil society the other viewpoint is just politicians lobbying for attention seventy percent think that party dot com is the place to place a lot of snow what do you think. other news now in occupy protest camp has been cleared out in san francisco with around one hundred tents being taken down police arrived at the encampment in central square shortly after one am local target gave the campus just a few minutes warning to pack up and leave before sweeping in the clear the site seventy people have been arrested and some of the protesters belongings were reportedly disposed of that says police face an investigation into claims of excessive force being used during the nationwide. crackdown on the anti corporate movement one point meyers got the story. when the very people employed to protect americans. leave thousands with bruised bodies. burned i was. locked behind bars tasting their own blood. the
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land of the free adopts an entirely new image problem. with the world works for you so. far you've joined the force. from. the walk. in recent months u.s. police officers have made an enemy. of those citizens using their freedom of speech to protest against corporate greed and corrupt politics today's breed of american law enforcement is dressed in riot gear and armed with heavy weaponry body armor flash bangs tear gas and lethal projectiles. as tens of thousands of americans assemble cops have been accused of craving confrontation not diffusing it was. only. a level of police brutality
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so bad a former marine sergeant couldn't stay silent when i ask god to have. a word veteran who survived two tours in iraq was seriously injured by local police officers using flash grenades canisters against occupy protesters but you know that's you know twenty four year old scott olsen was hospitalized with serious head injuries. in seattle the oldest victim of the police turned paramilitary was an eighty four activist temporarily blinded by pepper spray the united states. which bills itself as the pillar of international law and democratic freedoms has consistently released itself on the world stage as the self-appointed beacon of moral authority we call upon the iranian government to abide by the international obligations. it has to respect the rights of its own people instead of respecting
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the rights of his own people. without the chose the path of brutal suppression. innocent civilians were imprisoned and in some cases beaten meanwhile at home as dissent in america grows louder many say washington's glasshouse of hypocrisy has shown beautiful symmetry they want people to be able to have freedom of speech but they don't want that freedom to interfere with them in any way to be in any way disrupt do you know or challenging to them the line that traditionally separated u.s. soldiers from civilian law enforcement has arguably been overeats greatest by would be the american military as the police town tick tock tick for black nature in the foundation of american principles such as democracy and human rights that leave the same principles. you. all other countries about are enough or not
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artsy new york. russia doesn't want an arms race but is being pushed towards it that's the view of russia's chief of general stuff he said that the army has begun deploying its forces in response to nato as missile defense shield in eastern europe that includes short range ballistic missiles and a radar station on russia's western borders let's talk about the latest two with margaret hoover the assistant professor at the university of north carolina is also ninety war activist marc thanks for being with us on our take a gentle macare of saying that the u.s. is refusal to cooperate with russia or on this missile defense shield in europe puts russia in europe indeed in danger is that a reasonable view at this point. u.s. refusal to cooperate with russia. he is saying that this that this whole scheme the european defense scheme is putting both europe and russia. was putting the whole world in danger of
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a new breakout or renewal of the nuclear arms race as well as the arms race in space for instance was. mr sturm won't provide any measure of protection against weapons in iran or north korea that they don't exist yet they might in the future but if they do will be able to defeat this system russia can defeat it to that in the meantime it's raising questions about what the u.s. long term intentions are and where where we had it in future and i i think it's a very good thing that russia is taking a harder line on this now i wish it would have done it sooner but better late than daimler. because certainly if the united states continues to go down this. trouble well that to change russia's general style most is saying that he's got the impression that nato and the the u.s. don't listen indeed christly don't want to hear russians can say that's absolutely
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correct they don't hear it well they first of all there is that there is a good reason i mean this is them fundamentally does not threaten russia's ability to deter the united states from our going to war with russia any time in the foreseeable future but the question is well what can't we foresee ten years down the line where are we going with this combination of these ostensibly defensive weapons where you often see weapons and possibility that these systems which are certainly not going to be very effective or really effective at all against any serious threat such as russia could pose results as iran or north korea poses to it that could build the kinds of weapons that. the u.s. or reach your are you thinking don't those weapons that can defeat this is them so can russia but this is could be the precursor to more robust larger scale deployments. weapons possibly including your nuclear weapons that
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would be used to. to buttress this system. to. take out decoys and other counter-measures in space at this point are you going to the whole yes so i just i just want to see what questions i read a bit pushed for time at this point of course they are going all along by nato in the us has been that this missile defense plan is there to protect europe and north korea i just don't buy that if you have a. well and any system that you spend billions of dollars on has got to have multiple reasons to do appeal to different constituencies some people in the united states do see it that way and that is the that is the stance of the russia now but i think money is a much bigger factor frankly and very few people here think that it's intended to threaten russia but there are probably a few do think that it could be used. but that russia had to those same people make
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then of the reasons i think it's not targeted at russia and they believe that why how they reasoning the father washington won't refuse to guarantee you that it isn't pointed against russia that's the whole point isn't it. well i don't know what value sense guarantees would be anyway and i'm not sure why washington. i think it's kind of i think there's a game going back and forth between moscow and washington here rankly both sides are being a little bit this ingenuous i think the real reasons that russia are concerned about this have to do with the implications for space and with the implications for a future arms race that russia does not want to get into rather than it being really a concern that these these systems are going to begin to take you know have any effect in terms of being able to defend the united states from russia retaliation going to war in the near future i don't think you know russia knows if they can defeat this system but the question is where does this take us in the future it is
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going to force us into a new arms race which neither side can afford and what are the implications for space because these weapons not very effective as missile defense but they could be very effective if a satellite weapons which russia doesn't currently possess and would probably prefer not to have to acquire. thanks for your input on so it might have to go further and assistant professor at university of north carolina and also antiwar activist place. don't forget visit our web site for more stories and in-depth analysis we're covering that. but also these tonight is one of our t. dot com you may have called her and we can find the search for earth like planets now. fruit finally saying nasa they say they are world sibling it's a long way away six hundred light years they don't know if it's made of rock or gas or what it is but they've got high hopes of it's about twenty two degrees c. maybe humans maybe not also online though it's beginning to feel a lot like christmas huge crowd of scientists have ditched their sleighs for skis and snowboards as they get into the seasonal spirit in the u.s.
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nice to see you too. time's running out for eurozone leaders to say the single currency as they prepare for eleventh hour talks in brussels germany and france are pushing to change e.u. treaties to create a fiscal union and introduce tougher budget rules however the european council president believes that they could achieve the same goals without altering existing treaties which would need a lengthy ratification process also aside from this the british prime minister warned that he wouldn't agree to anything that could damage the u.k.'s role in europe's marketplace and the united europe body the center right alliance calling itself the european people's party is meeting ahead of the key summit on thursday and friday to try and thrushes its ideas as well well as talk of more of this and gets more perspective in it and go to london there dr leigh rather a very good evening you're with the taxpayers alliance as well as the bridge group campaigning against a centralised europe it's good to have you on the program let's talk about the
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british prime minister british prime minister david cameron taking his conservative party out of that alliance the european peoples party i just spoke about i think you regret that decision. absolutely not the european peoples party is historically a federalist integration aist group that has very different objectives even when the conservative very peace were part of the group they were voting against the people one third of the time so that should give you an idea as to how divergent their opinions were all right well billions of u.k. taxpayers' money is really given in to help the struggling euro zone as we know david cameron has been saying that he may be prepared just last week to watch for more aid how is that. this time when britain is going through an awful lot its peoples they're going through an awful lot lately even use the euro. well exactly and not only did we do we not use the euro we have a specific opt out which was negotiated quite possibly some negotiating cost back
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in mass to act but we have long been warning of the dangers of progressing along economic community union without all the necessary safeguards attached to it and now we're in a situation where thankfully we're out of it but we've been highlighting the dangers for a very long time and credit ratings giant started in pause now of course adding to the sense of urgency by threatening to downgrade fifteen euro zone countries as well as. if it did happen if what happened then if it did carry out its threat what the ramifications be well the ramifications presumably would be for a pretty serious. you're looking and a completely new territory now and this is precisely something which when the year was set up was meant to avoid. leaders have been saying that the the differences between eurozone member states are exactly what led to the crisis in the first place people like you so is that unification brussels going to be what saves
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the region do you ever think that's going to happen though at the end of the day. well that's long been the objective underpinning economic community you know obviously you have the trade and facilitating exchange between countries by using the same currency but you also have the political objective and even if the war starts to hit shores you still have the aspirations for the other so come what may even if the eurozone loses one or two countries in the process there will still be in an underlying drive to push for closer economic union do you think at this point anything could be done to say the single currency should eurozone leaders finally now admit the projects failed and to start afresh is if it was that easy of course at the end of the day. yeah i do think we're going to see that i think we're going to see a protocol with some happy thoughts not quite as happy as those sound as we saw in the earlier shot. but an attempt to tickle also by some time
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possibly a more significant treaty in the new year that's a matter of conjecture but fundamentally i suspect over the medium to long term there's going to be a loss of a couple of the eurozone countries how it's going to be managed this is anyone's guess and more attention focused on a core group of of eurozone which countries could be saved as it were it's worrying time as you say doggedly rather than from the taxpayers alliance and the broad group as well campaigning against centralized europe thanks for your thoughts. more news from around the world now a brief a roadside bomb attack in southern afghanistan killed nineteen civilians left a number of others wounded to the blast and one of many was hit by a bomb in the city of kandahar it comes just a day after the funeral of fifty nine shia muslims killed in twin suicide bombings a pakistan basic streamers groups claimed responsibility afghan president hamid karzai has vowed to confront the pakistani government over the bombing. in an interview with the us t.v. network a.b.c.
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syria's president has denied ordering the killing of anti regime protesters bashar al assad added that quote only a crazy person would target his own people he admitted the mistakes had been made would blame the violence on armed criminal gangs according to un reports almost four thousand people have been killed since the uprising began ten months ago. egypt's new cabinet has been sworn in with a key post of interior minister going to the capital's ex police chief it comes after nearly two weeks of delay is reportedly caused by problems in finding a suitable candidate for the role the cabinet replaces an interim administration which resigned in the wake of deadly clashes between security officers and protesters last month. mexican authorities say they followed a plan to smuggles. several family members of the former libyan leader in the country including one of his sons suddenly get their feet the mexican interior secretary said the plot involved a criminal gang of international dimensions the ringgit reportedly been trying to
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buy up safe houses using falsified names and documents in preparation for the family's arrival south is being held under house arrest in asia since fleeing libya in september. twenty four minutes past ten at night moscow time soon for you kate's got the sport where c.s.k. will be hoping to a stop as they needn't go through to the knockout stage of the champions league that would first need to breed into milan of course of the san siro got more shortly it's business now is to me tree. well and welcome to business see the construction of an oil link between the black sea in the aegean is on the verge of falling apart that's up to bulgaria decided to leave the joint project with russia and greece he one point three billion dollars pipeline is intended to transport russian and caspian oil bypassing turkey's crowded bosphorus and dardanelles channels saving shipping costs bulgaria says the project will not work under the current agreement to will now pay eight point two
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million dollars to its partners in costs russia's pipeline operator transnet says construction could still go ahead but will require new negotiations. in the markets in brief now and european stock markets opened higher on wednesday but ended on a negative notes despite a report in the financial times that said european officials are in talks to potentially double the firepower of the euro zone bailout fund investors for now sitting on the side. after tuesday's steep decline the russian markets descended deeper into the red on wednesday with the obvious losing one point two percent on favorable external and internal factors. to look at the main movers in the my six you'll see that luke oil and gas problem on the other end your shares were performing better than the markets the fertilizer khali was up throughout most of the session but ended point one percent down the company's revenues reached three point two billion those in first nine months of the have proven steinbrunner i have seen measurable wraps up today. today's a mixed day and they're furious as for that yes there were stores significant
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correction in the market and which was caused partly by their increase or whatever risks this is registered with us and the other part was profit taking which for the very strong performance during various week so today we tried to go higher this morning but then the sellers came in they were basically sort of going flat today but i think there is a significant chance in the market today. with the mind of this week on the expectations of their successful european union summit that is starting tomorrow. the privatization program in russia could get off to a rapid start next year the boss of the country's biggest lenders burbank says it will be ready to go to the market as soon as the global financial situation stabilizes grafters also a piece about the bags prospects and twenty twelve saying it will be difficult for the sector but his firm will outperform the market so we should good because it isn't you can image that however the world economy develops the next year will not
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be very easy for us so we call our business plan moderately optimistic so according to we are not critical for you should grow at about twenty percent that's better than the market which we expect to grow to around twenty years and although we also ready for a more pessimistic scenario with the situation in europe worsens and the oil price falls to between sixty and seventy dollars per barrel. and investors and high tech shares could get tax benefits in russia the economic ministry has prepared a draft bill to exempt them from income tax benefits will apply to long term investors buying into small or medium sized russian firms which are valued no greater than three hundred twenty million dollars tax holidays are part of the government's plan to spur investment into innovative companies the headlines are next to stay with us if we can.
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the close up team has been on the black sea coast for future developments depends on the good way. now are to go area first place too many find champions the most ambitious cocoa. some has ruined the lives of many innocent families across the region. where the oldest city in russia is five clocking in more than five thousand years. to dagestan
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