tv [untitled] December 7, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EST
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peter king had another muslim radicalization hearing on capitol hill this time focusing on the military and i'll see if anybody out there has been convinced at these hearings and will ask if they are they serve a good test. into all their military mechanisms to do the work to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here sees some other part of it and realized everything is. hard as a big picture. if
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a pepper spray to the face but part of the argument that they're being overly dramatic. are you guys it's time for you said it i read it take time to respond to my brilliant and engaging viewer comments on facebook twitter and you tube because when you got to me to say i listen now first i want to respond of your the washer interview with robert farley about the u.s. covert war on iraq robert v. mccarver said on facebook if iran kidnapped our our nuclear an excuse if iran kidnapped or assassinated our nuclear scientists would we refer to it as a deniable covert action or an act of war. one can only imagine the wrath of the united states of iran was killing off or kidnapping our nuclear scientists or
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sending spy drones into american airspace that would lead to an all out war plain and simple yet we do it to another country then it's just a covert war no big deal and no need for the media to even report on it with at least a shard of critique no need for the media to question the legality of it or help even the morality of disappearing iranian scientists on a regular basis because just like us doing it and we're just doing what we need to do to take on what we consider an evil country it's only the act of aggression if it doesn't come from the united states or that logic doesn't make sense plain and simple so that's something that needs to be highlighted and i'm really happy that at least some of you guys are with me on that one next autoresponder view or the washer segment on julian assange does appeal happening in the u.k. my duty send you commented on youtube it assad could be extradited to the us and bush and cheney should be extradited to sweden to stand trial for war crimes fair is fair and yeah that's one of those little things that we like to call the fruits of elite immunity while join us anjan bradley manning are held up as. enemies of
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the state worker models like bush and cheney get to live freely here in the us being accused of leaking classified military documents that gets you to taint by the us for over a year before you even see a courtroom and running a whistle blowing site as u.s. lawmakers calling for your extradition under the espionage act how about killing civilians ordering the torture of other human beings all that seems to just make you a hero so again there's no logic to that except for that those in power are treated differently than the rest of us and it's something the barack obama has been happy to let continue by deciding to look forward and not try to right the wrongs of the past now finally i want to respond to a kind of you or c.c. r. c. tweeted at us at below the show glad i found you on t.v. great program intelligence plus beauty want to meet my single son twenty eight while i'm very glad that you found as to thank you so much for watching as for your son i'm sure that he is a lovely guy but maybe you should ask him about how he feels about having his mom try to set him up for dates on the internet that's of my ranting today but i will
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be back with more as usual next week. the line will come down. so much jill carroll is going to be singing. well tonight we've got a glimmer of hope coming from the l.a. city council yesterday the council voted to support a state and federal resolution that out and the idea of corporate personhood resolution was sponsored by city council president and it eric garcetti and was backed by the group move to amend his founder marie beth fielder spoke about the affirmative vote. oh i'm going to say that this is a it's probably the story of the los angeles is the first major city in the united states to call for a constitutional amendment clearly established that human beings only human beings are totally caught the rights of the money is not the same as free speech does provide a basis to overturn citizens united decision and get the money out of politics and
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put people back in charge. well this all stems of course from the now infamous citizens united supreme court ruling gave corporations the same free speech as people have the vote is really only a symbolic move but it's part of a larger effort to build a grassroots movement in favor of a constitutional amendment to reverse that supreme court decision and we spoke about the effort extensively here on this show and now we're finally starting to see it take four democratic senators tom udall of new mexico and michael bennet the colorado of already introduced a constitutional amendment which would overturn that ruling and grant congress the power to regulate campaign donations but the ultimate goal of move to amend is to get fifty towns and cities to put that resolution on the ballot and eventually to catapult it to congress from the grassroots up and get a lot of the goal but it's a very important one after all is los angeles city council president eric garcetti said the flood of money since citizens united is literally drowning out our voices and having the courage to not only say that but vote on it i think as
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a true glimmer of hope. well hey guys remember representative peter king he's the one that decided to hold congressional hearings on muslim radicalization within the us hearings and not only muslim groups but also many of his colleagues in congress including his counterpart on the house homeland security committee oppose and have to now now the first dealt with radicalization overall a second radicalization with u.s. prisons a third look at its ties to al qaeda and today king held the fourth hearing this time citing alarming new developments he said show a rising and relatively unknown threat to american soldiers that includes terrorists infiltrating the u.s. military and the targeting of service members and their families but once again we have to ask are hearings like this helping or hurting her disgust with me christopher chambers author of the blog now turner's revenge and lecture at georgetown university thanks so much for being here tonight you now you and i have spoken about this before in the past when these hearings were just getting planned and at that point as i mentioned you know you had
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a lot of human rights organizations civil liberties groups coming out and speaking out against it and since then i haven't seen anybody who has really been convinced that they're doing any good if you know i haven't i mean the inside the beltway media has really ignored it because not because they are you know against peter king is that they know this is part of the kabuki an opera of you know whatever parties in charge they have to feed raw meat to their constituents but even beyond that nobody's really covered this i mean probably keith ellison representative keith ellison weeping at this who was a muslim and who was present to you know a muslim or hero we need to get this probably got more courage. forty courage coverage the peter king said nobody's been convinced and in that sense do you think that you know is it a good thing because before when peter king first announced these hearings were going to happen of course a lot of what we are afraid of is that this is just on the going to help spread as long as you're pinpointing one certain segment of the population so does the lack
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of coverage. make it better because they're right that you know the flames are being stoked and everyone isn't talking about it or is it worse because that once again we're covering up what is still a wrong problem i feel worse and a lot of people inside the media now feel the same way i feel it's worse because basically what's happened is that this is this is a big enough towards a target demographic it's feeding the raw meat to whatever base he wants to appease made his own colleagues and his party in armed services homeland security like wait a minute what's going on but this is his prerogative he wants to put on a show but it's bad because again the negative light has not been focused because what's what's been missing here any nexus or rational information besides major new dollars killing spree which is a psychological thing not a political and cultural thing and that you missed the entire body of evidence put forth by everybody from c.b.s. news new york times and the southern poverty law center of the extensive right wing
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infiltration skinheads to claim to anti jewish anti muslim christian profs. proselytisation at the air force academy on the ground with with with the list of personnel none of that stuff gets looked at rape and sexual harassment none of that stuff gets looked at so when you pull the light off it pulls the light off the very thing and so he's just out there doing his thing he does it he did his damage and now nobody's talking about it and so you know and maybe in that sense there should be hearings about all of those problems in the armed services there is a set of just this one area too you know one of the things that i also found interesting is that we've heard so much from the republican. from republican politicians and from a lot of the. generals and whatnot that if you allow don't ask don't tell to be overturned that that is going to threaten unit cohesion and morality in the military but at the same time. wouldn't this also hurt unit cohesion and morales in
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the military if you're pinpointing muslim i mean we're not talking about a lot of people in absolute numbers but at the same time i mean it's in the same species i mean people were saying that when truman desegregated the armed services that this is going to just we can't have these african-americans or whatever name people were calling people back then in the army navy air force marines and god forbid that they be officers we can't have gays doing that i mean we're americans you know and i think that representative king has lost sight of that trying to find these hobgoblins that aren't there they might be in terms of the psyches of individual lunatics like major nidal but you know it's a stupid stupid stupid premise that it's going to affect morale or the chain of command or anything on that level or you know even law enforcement officials will admit to that they have really radically shifted the way that they're starting to try to pursue terrorism cases since nine eleven is they're looking for
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a loan of wealth of the problem isn't necessarily some type of radicalization that's widespread within the range where they're looking for a lone wolf but you know for me too if you want to talk about the fact that you say you know that may be that or ns and their families are being targeted by people that is a horrible horrible thing but why not ask. maybe we should be fighting wars everywhere you know and we end up becoming the evidence of their policy there are a lot of chicken and egg arguments here i mean you know there are global arguments that encompass this whole thing maybe we shouldn't be doing on a on a global scale what we're doing and then there's another thing that's a little subtle it's a little crazy is that you've got people who are heroes or just long ago vets that got not or in the military know you start focusing a lot on them and i'm not saying that everybody's going to go crazy but when you start hammering people in their patriotism of you know i've i've been listed i'm fighting for my country and that you told me that that day. because of my religion
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well i mean somebody somebody could fall off the edge and say well screw you you know maybe i will be radicalized i mean you know there is that argument but peter king doesn't address the you know he would he's talking about is you know there is the chicken and the egg thing are you going to hammer me because of who i am or what i am and tell me that i'm a worthless person even though i'm serving my country well maybe i shouldn't serve my country you know on then maybe i should hurt my country or i can go yeah i can go in many different ways which is why you have to evaluate it from every so nobody nobody really thinks. you're right and that hasn't been brought up overall you know we've been talking about this is been a topic that's in the news be it over the park fifty one center is the ground zero mosque as people want to call it is this rise of islamophobia across the united states do you think that has somehow subsided a little bit since the park fifty one chaos is and did or is it become more
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normalized because now we have stories coming out all the time about you know the a.c.l.u. can granting that when you look into federal records if you get a freedom of information act requests you see that an ip do you see that the fans are all targeting muslim communities you know it's it's calmed down in the major networks are not covering it that aspect of not being covered means it's come down unfortunately that's what the equivalency is but in reality in terms of our cultural society politics no it has it come down this stuff is still going on you have groups being targeted now some of them you know within certain groups there might be lone wolf lunatics but we're talking about you know where we are going to blame all catholics for a couple of crazy you know pedophile priests we're going to blame all football coaches for pedophiles assistant coaches you know if people are policing themselves and these groups are policing themselves and shown that they are americans first then you know there shouldn't be
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a problem but it does come down only. because the media has not thought of has not covered it because we've got other things going on that you know feeding raw meat to different interest groups or we can distract ourselves with christmas shopping or or is christ out of christmas stuff like that important stuff i wore on christmas yes meanwhile peter king is still doing his thing on capitol hill chris thanks so much for joining us you. are just ahead in the show rick santorum has won our tool time award twice this week and that might be a record state to find out what he said during another town hall meeting in iowa and then happy hour you might be able to tell how personal vote based on the t.v. shows if they watch and hillary clinton takes a stance on the rights we have all that and more from return. one. day they don't believe the repetition of.
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what a protester nobody seems to know. but never a pepper sprayed the face but part of the argument that they're being overly dramatic. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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are you guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and once again we're going to get the republican presidential candidate rick santorum now the former pennsylvania senator has been on the campaign trail and as we told you yesterday he's already had trouble defending his stance on same sex marriage and health care but on monday during a town hall meeting in lamar's iowa santorum focused on how he would cut spending if he were the commander in chief and. one of the areas that he said he would target is funding for food stamps and he said the food stamp program a.k.a. snap is one of the fastest growing programs here in the district and he explained that forty eight million people are currently relying on food assistance programs from the government however his explanation for why the program has grown is what really bothers me according to santorum if hunger is a problem in america then why do we have an obesity problem among the people who we say have a hunger problem that's right this presidential hopeful says that since the us is fighting obesity epidemic we really don't need the government to provide food stamps because we can't have an obesity problem and
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a hunger problem at the same dive that would just be completely unheard of and frankly i have no idea how he came to that conclusion yeah many americans have an obesity problem the center for disease control's latest report shows that thirty three percent of americans are obese and seventeen percent of children are also struggling with their weight doesn't understand is that more people are applying for food assistance programs because of our high unemployment rates and increased poverty rates a recent study from the department of agriculture says that almost seventy percent of households who receive food stamps had no earned income and keep in mind food prices have increased by four point five percent this year alone not to mention you can also relate these two issues because getting healthy food costs a lot of damn money in this country in many urban areas you can't even get to a normal grocery store that has produce it's all processed goods but what really baffles me is that the former pennsylvania senator seems to flip flop on this issue back in september he seemed to be in favor of everybody having access to food.
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to feed. a war or. there is a right. so maybe they should do is over it because a tough economy is the real reason for the noticeable growth of the food assistance so rather than using some common sense rick wants to appeal to his base by spewing out ridiculous comments and using as obesity as an excuse to cut down on federal spending so for being ignorant and desperately trying to pick on the poor and their need for food assistance rick santorum is tonight tool time winner and just a warning rick winning twice in one week definitely not a good thing. hi guys time for happy hour and joining me this evening r t producer jenny churchill and alex sites all assistant editor at think progress dot org hey guys all right
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we're going to play a little game because there is a study that was done i want to show you clips from two t.v. shows and you tell me if you can figure out what the political affiliation might be of a member of congress who likes these shows take a look. the stranger. is a town and. was becoming. known. as the. arby's on the park you see. the weatherman he nailed it this time he's just go to write for a couple days and so far past the water stranded here because of the beavers and they can't get out to the river where was to go so we found a beaver dam and we're going to rob. that beaver dam out. all right the first clip was wrigley the secularism or so-called swamp bloggers any guesses i i can't play i helped put those clips yeah you're telling me i didn't know that the
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murder you know that ok hi all i also know that the. it turns out were there when they did you know this study with members of congress democrats are more likely to watch shows likely the daily show family versus republicans who are more into swamp lagers as well as the bachelor and the biggest loser but i think that says it's absolutely shocking to me that swamp bloggers appeal to conservatives i mean it's a sort of confirms like what we already knew and modern family was another show that liberals like feature gay people like not going to be too popular among a lot of conservatives this you say all the liberals that we automatically show there's a gay person i don't know if there is anyone there progressive shows i'm saying it's a better option bachelor right where it's like twenty five women sitting in a house hoping that this one guy's going to pick then they all sit there and watch as he makes out with all of them and i think i had an issue with this because i literally watched like every show on the list on sunday and so i was right about i
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mean i felt really t.v. arianna writing a load like i clearly watch too much t.v. which is in but then build the liberal show you're going to there's like objective better than the conservative shows and in my opinion you got there they get higher rating. you know are you better critical or. maybe you're just playing i mean there's you don't think myth busters is going to like me no they just call it somebody's house because you know let's move on and let's move on let's talk about alec baldwin and something that happened to him on the plane yesterday take a look. baldwin himself tweeted flight attendant on american marine me out for playing words with friends while we sat at the gate not moving former boxing champ oscar de la hoya was sitting in first class with baldwin. i mean was sure you know you're talking over the voices or you just got a little angry. there's two things that are great about this story one is that
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we've all been there when the flight attendant comes up and it's like you have to i feel like trying to right this very second and it's so annoying because you're sitting there at the gate who cares it's not disrupting anything and the fact that oscar the whole it just. i mean we just went from like weird to weirder to oh my goodness when i heard that alec baldwin's already been contacted by words with friends for some type of ontario like we did yeah right it's pinpointing how ridiculous some of these policies are and maybe take someone like alec baldwin to i mean i think i think that we all can agree that it's really irritating when the stewardess is coming up to you attacking you know about having your device on however i don't know who out baldwin things he is like we all have to turn them off like he is above that ball that i think i'm visiting in the tie because i know you're in for his life but that doesn't mean that you know i'm all of the rules it'll be like ok put it under my sweater and then as soon as a stewardess walks away i just keep playing with my phone you're on the list now apparently i just missed out on to you. it's obvious because the white house one of
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these petitions that they're doing one of them is to get rid of this thing that makes you turn off your electronic devices before take off so i bet that just got like a thousand or more i'm sure because it doesn't actually do anything so. let's move on to hillary clinton who had a new announcement terms of how we're going to view other countries and their human rights violations take a look. i'm talking about gay lesbian bisexual and transgender people human beings born free and given bestowed equality and dignity who have a right to claim that which is now one of the remaining human rights challenges of our time. all right so i think that they this is wonderful that we're saying that now hey everybody else guess what we think that this also counts as human rights or sexual orientation but we can't even get people in this country we can't get the
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entire republican party to feel that way which is really frustrating to me in the t.v. show about this is not going to be popular among republicans but i just i think it's . i i appreciate hillary going out and saying that and i support her and her efforts but i think it looks so hypocritical when we're going out and talking to other countries about how this is a human right a civil right and then back here at home every candidate wants a constitutional amendment. to make marriage between only a man and a woman one of them being right quick segue into our next story rick perry seems like he's clearly on the last leg of his campaign gasping for some air and so this is what he decided to make an issue of. there's something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can't open which celebrate christmas. yeah i mean everything we just said right yet when you have this on the internet for people all
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over the world to watch and then they're supposed to take hillary clinton seriously that this is something that we in america feels important and we are going to judge other countries based on their he's got to ruin it for hilda i mean i think people understand that like what's great about america is that everybody can have their own point of view even when it's conflicting and rick perry can make a fool of himself but this is. the problem with america according to rick perry is the judicial system which has said that gays some courts that they have a right to serve openly and that school prayer isn't allowed so his problem is the constitution. good why. are you guys going to. join me and i would have to do it tomorrow night so thanks for tuning in to make sure you can back tomorrow representative keith ellison is going to be on the program in the meantime to forgive him from a fan of you want to on facebook you can follow us on twitter if there's anything that you missed you can always catch dolly to. the i want to show and you can find
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her interviews also the show in its entirety and coming up next is the news. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. download the official t. have location on the phone oh i pod touch from the stores which all teach life on the go. video on demand ati's in line bold
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