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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EST

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russian prime minister vladimir putin affirms the opposition's right to demonstrate but calls on protesters to respect the law join me in a few moments for more on this. bill although not what it seems when you get a hold of fox news wrongly using footage of the greek riots claiming athens this mosque a. huge security at stake as russia or a nation a means to tackle volatile sticking points like european missile of a planet on the prevention of libya's strong military intervention. currency
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crunch time for the leaders roll out their sleeves and to slug it out to solve the debt crisis once on for a better pill maybe to halt the psalms and swallow a. very warm welcome to you this is live from moscow russia's prime minister is encouraging the opposition is their constitutional right to rally key cities in russia has been the scene of mass gatherings for the past few days with positions claiming that the election results were falsified peter all of his across developments for us that to him like now these are russia's elections has been an issue not just here in russia but across the wall all these new statements coming in from the russian prime minister adding to the excitement. but what we're hearing from a lot of me
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a prudent is he's told the opposition protesters those who oppose the results of sunday's parliamentary elections which saw united russia take the majority of seats in the duma he's told those protesters that they. do have the rights to assemble the right to demonstrate but that they must respect the law of russia while they're doing so now he also hinted that he could be open to discussion with the opposite those opposed to his ruling united russia party saying that he would be willing to talk with the opposition to try and see if they can hammer out their grievances to . divide you do d. sorry but i think people should have the freedom of expression provided the act according to the law and anyone should have the right to demonstrate a lot of people break the law the law enforcers have every right to legally demand the law be upheld some of the demonstrators out there are acting according to
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a well known scenario as you are pursuing selfish political goal but the people don't want to reveal lucian no one wants to see chaos so we need to talk to the opposition is limited to should have their say and be able to use their constitutional right to demonstrate. what. the prime minister then turned his attention further afield addressing the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton's criticism of the parliamentary election on sunday he accused hillary clinton of trying to score political points back home ahead of the u.s. presidential elections and twenty twelve. now peter there's been a rally for the past two days in russia but there's not much to see now is there. no right now it's pretty quiet across russia what we did see on wednesday evening was smaller scale gatherings of people from both both those who are in favor of united russia the ruling party here and those who oppose the vote from sunday the.
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election the parliamentary election vote now in moscow there was around three hundred people also a similar number in st petersburg who out on the streets we did see some small scale detentions people being taken away by the police around one hundred in st petersburg dozens here in moscow now those protests so by both sides quieting down on thursday we are expecting no the largest demonstrations by both sides to be taking place over the weekend. now and so many thanks austin to all of that is up from last night. when he's malaysians are around the walls have been following russia's election rallies but one channel stands out americans at fox news has been showing streets ablaze clashes and firebombs trying to security offices but with one problem the images are actually from russia from greece when it was nice been
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watching. america has its fair share of protests and political dissent to be dealing with instead of keeping an eye on the ball the country's mass media machine has turned to protests in russia and dropped the ball on reporting the facts. the protesters have gathered at moscow's lashing out against prime minister vladimir putin and his russian party the only problem is that this video is not from russia fox news channel aired a video of fires and chaos in athens convincing viewers that this mayhem is playing out in moscow the fair and balanced network paid no mind to the greek lettering in the background in case you're wondering it says greek national bank what matters is that this is what moscow protests have looked like it's not surprising whatsoever that at the moment that there would be any kind of protest no matter how small it
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be in russia against the russian government that it would be greatly exaggerated in media and used by the u.s. government as well as a way to try to somehow push for a change in russia that would be more favorable to u.s. interests journalist and author eva golinger believes mass media is washington's most valuable weapon in encouraging revolt elsewhere under the mantle of spreading democracy such as the so-called orange revolution in ukraine. or ruse revolution in georgia. perception is created that something is happening in a country that's not right and that the government is somehow responsible and so therefore if that government ends up being removed it somehow is justified that you know the media has played a key role in creating a justification for regime change similar anti-government demonstrators have been reported and other city in russia u.s. leaders have leveled harsh criticism against russia in the aftermath of sunday's
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parliamentary election and critics say it's free press has worked to. reinforce the narrative the media tends to march in lock step with the government tends to take its cues from the government it tends to you know mobilize its resources to showcase what the government says is true even when later it turns out not to be true as was the case in this a rooney a c.n.n. report well in eastern russia more than three thousand people protested against proposed changes to the country's time zones the video shown by c.n.n. is not of protesters but rather of soccer fans riding in moscow over the killing of a fellow supporter the problem is that we showed the wrong pictures only after the error was repeatedly noticed c.n.n. owned up to its mistake i do apologize for the era and are grateful to the many russian viewers who have pointed out to us the sloppiness of it or it is reflecting you know the lek of awareness of the journalists themselves many of them are
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completely uninformed about the world they have opinions that have no factual basis to him but it doesn't stop them because it's what looks good that matters more than what really is true the truth is that america has its own social economic and political challenges to be dealing with and while washington works on getting its own house in order powerful mass media outlets can work on getting their facts straight in a porsche nine or r.t. new york lost its foreign minister is in belgium for the kremlin for security guarantees from nato for more on what's at stake. here. russian and nato officials are meeting at a summit here in brussels the first of all they will be reviewing the progress of operations in afghanistan nato secretary general anders fogh rasmussen has reiterated the importance of the partnership between russia and nato special what it comes to stemming the flow of narcotics from afghanistan and other issues will
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be discussing is that of kossovo currently there are about five thousand five hundred peacekeeping troops over there and there have been plans to slash the number in half by next year but that was five hundred put on hold of light of the current situation very last few months we've seen clashes between cos with police some local serbs and so they will be assessing the situation in kosovo as well as got a some one of the main points and sticky points of fact between russia and nato are the table is that of the missile defense system now this has been going on for some time now both sides stay firm on their ground maintaining their position as nato. alliance to deploy any of these defense systems will not be directed against russia nor will it undermine russian capabilities so ever russia has not been satisfied with this in the past russia had proposed or joint russia the nato defense system that had to refuse that russia had been asking for a legally binding guarantees especially just having those words of assurances on paper to satisfy moscow ever that has not been done and in response russia had to
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put in place some military measures that moscow also said that it may be forced to deploy some mortar to weapon systems if its concerns are not taken seriously both by the nato and its allies and the united states now be a permanent. representative to nato of russia. had said that the talks at the summit will be quote rather serious and it's fair to say that we can expect just. now with the absence of a guarantee russia deployed a raid all its western ones territory the response and missile defense plans have been stress as offensive as. a. cleaning job is not against the us that are lives washington is sealed deals with poland for mania talk and space tells them it's about a system what's the white house wants right and by pointing out some observers think that the point of the shield is person europe towards a new rise. in the system won't provide any measure of protection
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against weapons in iran or north korea that they don't exist yet they might in the future but if they do they'll be able to defeat this system it's raising questions about what the u.s. long term intentions are and where are we headed in the future but right now i think it's a very good thing that russia is do you know harder line unless now i wish it would have done it sooner but better late and then later. because we certainly if the united states continues to go down this path the world has had a great trouble the real reasons that russia are concerned about this have to do with the implications for space down with the implications for a future arms race that russia does not want to get into. now the euro survival is about to be determined as european leaders gather for a key summit later on thursday then examined proposals from the french and german leaders which could radically change how the euro zone works well strict about it disappeared and a common corporation ties to the seventeen single currency members are among the
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priorities chancellor merkel and president of the are seeking to revive the two thousand and nine lives a treaty which restructured the way the works britain's dragged through the veto anything which might damage london's financial sector is already on watch for the credit downgrade if it is don't act decisively in the next forty eight hours but to put this into perspective for us is the man behind two of belgium's leading business magazines and author of the end of the year you hand over valves he's in brussels for us as possible now mr over valve many times joining us here at r.t. there is a sense of urgency is there to this as a real a do or die moment for the euro how likely is it that a definitive solution there will be found within forty eight hours. well let's step back a little bit at this moment in order to save the euro in a structural way we need to have
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a real powerful political union that is not possible at the moment so the second best solution that can eventually be achieved is a number of binding agreement with automatic sanctions seems to be a lot of problem we did to even that also one of the items being discussed now of course is budgetary rules and it seems to be on the table that everybody agrees on the imposition of tougher budgetary rules but the big question is whether we will have automatic sanctions. following the rules which means that countries member states of the eurozone. must accept a loss of national sovereignty and france and a lot of other countries don't seem to be prepared at this moment to take that step let's talk about those budgetary rules and sovereignty germany and france they want time to fiscal policy police say rather across the e.u.
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as you've been saying with more rigid budget controls but really how practical is that across twenty seven diverse countries well you mention twenty seven countries there is a lot of discussion going on at the moment also whether we should try to achieve this kind of agreement between the twenty seven countries of the european union or only between the seventeen countries that are part of the eurozone now it is quite obvious for me that when you take the option of going for an agreement among the seventeen countries you risk a stigma or. kind of separation in the european union in your mind end up with a kind of. package for the eurozone splitting the european union into so this is very really very difficult situation we're in at the end of the day as far as next week is concerned. my judgment is that everything will depend on the way in which the european central bank will react to the political agreement that will or will
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not be reached by the weekend or just move away from the e.c.b. now any solution is going to be a painful for someone in the blog that tiered solution that you were talking about there. were things ready with its veto if any treaty changes are made pains on the city of london particularly that deal rail any further action. yes of course that already very clear that that is a major obstacle to come to an agreement on a lot of other things so the basic issue is that in order to save the euro you need these all these member countries. and eventually all the european member countries to be prepared to give in on some aspects of national sovereignty that is the basic question that is running through every question that is being put on the table and the answer to the question of whether one is prepared to give up on national
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sovereignty seems to be a quite clear no and what do you think it will the chances of other struggling states within the euro zone to follow down the path that greece initially have led which country is now being read essentially by technocrats answerable to brussels well let's be very clear about it if by the weekend there is no agreement on how we should go forward or do agreements is very vague or not detailed enough the markets willing to interbreed that kind of result as more or less the end of the road for the euro and at that point in time we will have a real existential crisis of the eurozone which means that in a very short period of time also germany will come under pressure when it's all about the worst case scenario here with this busy weekend coming out with all these key decisions to be made what are the real possibilities do you think that of all
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members deciding that simply the best option now is to wind up the single currency or at least to expel the weak members well i don't think we will come to that what is my projection of what will happen with respect to the summit is that there will be a kind of agreement. put on the table and as the vertigo explicitly implies agreed upon by the member states that will be just enough to allow the european central bank to start increasing its interventions then it's only a question of gaining some time so then the question becomes whether the politicians will be able to take up their responsibilities while the european central bank keeps the bond market at bay. and that all depends then again on the intensity of the way in which the markets will react on monday or during next
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week. agreement that should follow this summit meeting ok a busy weekend ahead you have an overvote many things they thought some brussels. ok well on the aussie website we're putting you in charge tell us what you would do if you were running the show at the e.u. summit i will the most popular choice so far is to cuts to the chase and give the single currency a single government almost a third of you think it's time to end the party and just dissolve the eurozone while seventeen percent of you would impose some harsh discipline the mismanagement misdemeanors while the rest would simply brutality you're a failure is due you had the r.t. dot com have a page tell us what you would do and while there i want to take a look what else we've got lined up for you on line including the deal to seal the end of the soviet union twenty years ago the u.s.s.r. was signed into history we chart the historic change after the dot com.
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want to get a firm grip on the debt the summit will be giving brussels the power to impose austerity on bailed out countries that could deal a further blow to struggling the southern europe which is suffering most in the crisis as millions of unemployed people in spain fight over what few jobs there are the young and talented having abroad as that in the condition reports. it starts off as a symbol to abroad for example to peru or argentina or elsewhere but once they get there many spaniards realize there are a lot more parties for them outside spain and for them latin american and some european countries present a modern day eldorado more than one and a half million spaniards presently reside outside of spain according to the latest
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statistics a lot of them left in the last couple of years like married shell a journalist from madrid who moved to argentina two years ago like a moment already then people were losing jobs over my university friends either fired over looking for something new or watch their salaries being cut this is she sure was bad then and now more than a year later it's even worse it's more than twenty four percent spain's unemployment rate is one of the highest in the eurozone paying a monthly mortgage bill is a challenge for many evictions have become an unfortunate but familiar sight no wonder many are starting to look for a way out of what seems to be a hopeless situation now people are taking a very bleak view of the medium and long term future and a lot of spaniards all looking at moving abroad and unfortunately for spain they seem to be precisely the kind of people who should be staying very well educated spaniards say under the age of forty or thirty five or so people who speak maybe two or three languages they might have a master's degree or even
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a doctorate and those kind of people don't see a future for themselves in spain as a naturally if there are no jobs in spain people have to go elsewhere be that europe latin america in fact this iteration in spain seems to be so desperate that even those who immigrated here several years ago like me gillon doris i know are also packing their bags and heading back home. the catch twenty two is that spanish citizens also cannot find a job so they give the preference to say nothing of the immigrant workers but i mean if for many years we had a positive migration flow that is more people are coming in now it's negative each family male. their own reasons for leaving but i believe the economic crisis which he has is the main reason you know your. recent general elections saw the demise of the leftist socialist party who made way for the right wing peoples party but mainly on a mr greig no matter who is in charge they will have to follow the thorny path of implementing more of steerage measures meaning the bright young things disparate
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for a job continue to seek opportunity elsewhere it is a guy whose guard madrid has cost of the u.s. where more than one hundred corporate all protesters have been arrested in san francisco and washington it's the latest effort while forces to break up the movement which has been digging in across america for nearly three months now artie's gammage account of witness the cut out in the capital. as far as i could tell there were around four thousand people on the street minutes away from the white house over seventy protesters were arrested in total this wednesday in washington there was a girl in a wheelchair among them police stepped up arrest when protesters mostly young people blocked the road they were dragging them towards the police cars one person got nearly struck by a police force so seventy people arrested this has been the largest number of arrests in washington says the beginning of this occupy movement this was all
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happening on k. street which is known as the lobbyist street people were protesting what they see as widespread corruption in the government authorities and pretty much cracked down on this occupy movement against corporate greed and government complicity. of actions of demonstrators from their occupy locations in california and in new york police used tear gas on people pepper spray rubber bullets sound and keep in mind it's been largely a very peaceful movement around five thousand peaceful protesters have been arrested in the last three months across the united states probably any country doing that would be irrationally reprimanded for violating human rights but that doesn't seem to be the case when it comes to the united states. ok that's because more world news this hour now and syria's president denies he ordered the crackdown on protesters that reportedly killed more than four thousand people across the country since march but the future of the claims during
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a rare interview to an american broadcaster he said he's not in charge of the security forces and gave no three miles for violence a u.n. report accuses officials of the military of. civilians syria has been hit by sanctions because of the ongoing violence the latest from its former ally turkey. afghanistan is blaming it on base groups for a string of bomb blast that killed fifty nine people on tuesday president karzai is promising to raise the issue with the pakistani beat a ship that you have a tense relationship in pakistan's demanding evidence for the claims the most powerful of the three blasts targeted shia muslims shrine in kabul during a holy day of commemoration. a notorious italian mafia boss has been arrested after being discovered in an underground bunker in his hometown near naples. who'd been on the run at the sixteen years was given multiple life
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sentences for murder kidnap and drug it's being held as the end of a particularly the savage era which saw planets that control over a wide area around. for you here at r.t. we ask what might happen around the world they fear a credit rating dolls plummet but before that that's going to kill the businesses with the. banks are less variable and welcome to the program it's been a volatile week for the markets here in russia the big event at the end of the week is the e.u. summit investors are speculating the euro zone will push for federalized superstate to deal with his debt crisis meanwhile china is warning of a slowdown taken collectively economies due to weather believes there are a few reasons to be optimistic. your. morning on the i
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don't see a near term solution we have austerity programs almost everywhere except in the public countries these austerity measures fiscal policies have a very. negative effect on growth and we spoke to you are your goals next year to be negative and together with the floor and in trying are. going for exports we sure do not do so well anymore plus. the housing sector. the overall picture for the world economy is not supposed to go any more this is obviously negative. and therefore also for for russia. which brings us to the markets european stocks are higher speculation the european central bank will announce measures to boost the economy as the region's leaders beat to lay the foundations for a fiscal union and here in moscow the markets are high in the option in trade both
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my six and the r.t.s. are gaining about one and a half percent this hour let's have a look at some of the individual share moves in the markets it's a slew of russian companies have reported their financial results the bank is gaining under two percent it has doubled its that profit sure in the past nine months of the year which in two point three billion dollars telecom is also higher it's that quarter net profit rose one percent to three hundred thirty million dollars and still make a sever stylist point seven percent in the black the companies that profits reached one and a half billion dollars in the first nine months of the here. francis visual etc and is considering setting up a second plant in russia in partnership with a comic are already operating in the country and that's despite the local manufacturing costs being roughly five percent higher than in western europe the companies did here a little he says that will have to change when russia joins the world trade organization. industry oh the costs will have to.
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be weak used to be competitive with our service region like western europe or maybe year it is here to be shows at the local products that will be competitive owns a russian market but not only on the russian market because of the excess of for russia to devalue do we offer or still possibility to exports cars. ok that's it for now europe today for more stories like on toll website archie dot com slash business. it's. the.
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wealthy british style. that's not on the title. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons are for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our. download the official antti up location on the phone all i pod touch from the saps to. lunch.


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