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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EST

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russian ploy russian prime minister vladimir putin affirms the opposition's right to demonstrate but says protesters must respect the law. but all the norms of what it seems when viewed of rule when a false news are only used proceeds of the greek riots claiming out things as moscow. future security at stake as russia says nato is not ready for serious corporation on european missile defense and. currency crunch time for the year old leaders rolled up their sleeves and prepared to slug it out
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to solve the debt crisis once and for the better feel made to hog the song to swallow. and in business russia will have to cut production costs trades w t o accession so say international comic is working in the country. a very warm welcome to this is a lie from moscow russia's prime minister is encouraging the opposition to exercise their constitutional right to rally he says he's in russia have been the scene of mass gatherings for the past few days with all positions claiming that the election results were falsified. is a cost of elements for us let's cross over to him lifestyle peta ross says elections have been an issue not just here with russia have they but all across the world and now we have these new statements
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a coming from the russian prime minister. heard from prime minister vladimir putin on thursday he was saying that the opposition do have the constitutional right to demonstrate and to protest against what they see. as infringements in the electoral procedure involving sunday's parliamentary elections he did say though that those demonstrations must remain within the law now the prime minister also expressed a willingness to sit down and talk with the leaders of the opposition to see if they can hammer out their grievances. divide you do d. sorry but i think people should have the freedom of expression provided the act according to the law and anyone should have the right to demonstrate a lot of people break the law the law enforcers have every right to legally demand the law be upheld some of the demonstrators out there are acting according to a well known scenario and are pursuing selfish political goals but the people who
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don't want to are of illusion no one wants to see chaos we need to talk to the opposition is limited to should have their say and be able to use their constitutional right to demonstrate and as each. other pm also hardwoods for us secretary of state hillary clinton no clinton had criticized the votes in russia and mr putin hit back saying that she had made her statement before listening to anything that the international observers would have to say regarding the election that took place on sunday well that to me put no also said that russia was open to international observers looking at their elections however what they would not tolerate was outside interference in domestic affairs happens as you think up for here on austin to happen nods around and across russia for the past fifteen days what's happening now on the streets of moscow. full on thursday it's all quiet
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across russia we have seen over the last three days thousands of people both in favor of united russia the ruling party and those who believe that there was some kind of electoral fraud taking place during sunday's parliamentary ballot. we've also expect to see over the weekend the largest protest taking place here in moscow perhaps elsewhere no international observers have also raised some doubts over the fairness of russia's election on sunday no this is prompted president dmitri medvedev to launch a full investigation into all allegations all vote tampering and he said that anybody found guilty all of tampering with the election will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. to make that part. of the day downtown moscow for us. when these politicians around the world have been following russia's election rallies but one channel dastan dot america's fox news has been showing streets
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ablaze violent clashes fireballs trainers security offices there's just one problem with it all the images are actually from russia they're from greece. and watching. america has its fair share of protests and political dissent to be dealing with instead of keeping an eye on the ball the country's mass media machine has turned to protests in russia and dropped the ball on reporting the facts. the protesters have gathered at moscow's lashing out against prime minister vladimir putin and his russian party the only problem is that this video is not from russia fox news channel aired a video of fires and chaos in athens convincing viewers that this mayhem is playing out in moscow the fair and balanced network paid no mind to the greek lettering in the background in case you're wondering it says greek national bank what matters is
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that this is what moscow protests have looked like it's not surprising whatsoever that at the moment that there would be any kind of protest no matter how small it be in russia against the russian government that it would be greatly exaggerated in media and used by the u.s. government as well as a way to try to somehow push for a change in russia that would be more favorable to u.s. interests journalist and author eva golinger believes mass media is washington's most valuable weapon in encouraging revolt elsewhere under the mantle of spreading democracy such as the so-called orange revolution in ukraine. or rose revolution in georgia. the perception is created that something is happening in the country that's not right and that the government is somehow responsible and so therefore if that government ends up being removed it somehow is justified that you know the media has played a key role in creating a justification for regime change similar anti-government demonstrators have been
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reported and other city in russia u.s. leaders have leveled harsh criticism against russia in the aftermath of sunday's parliamentary election and critics say it's free press has worked. to reinforce the narrative the media tends to march in lock step with the government tends to take its cues from the government it tends to you know mobilize its resources to showcase what the government says is true even when later it turns out not to be true as was the case in this a rooney a c.n.n. report well in eastern russia more than three thousand people protested against proposed changes to the country's time zones the video shown by c.n.n. is not of protesters but rather of soccer fans riding in moscow over the killing of a fellow supporter the problem is that we showed the wrong pictures only after the error was repeatedly noticed c.n.n. owned up to its mistake i do apologize for the era and are grateful to the many russian viewers who have pointed out to us the sloppiness of it or it is reflecting
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you know the lack of awareness of the journalists themselves many of them are completely uninformed about the world they have opinions that have no factual basis to him but it doesn't stop them because it's what looks good that matters more than what really is true the truth is that america has its own social economic and political challenges to be dealing with and while washington works on getting its own house in order powerful mass media outlets can work on getting their facts straight in a port nine or artsy new york. now while the russian rallies go viral across the mainstream us media there's only going trouble on the home front in america to stay tuned for our first hundred which is more than a hundred people protest is a record of washington and after school we've got the latest for you. now nato is refusing to take moscow's security concerns into account that according to
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russia's foreign minister he's meeting his counterparts at the u.s. led alliance headquarters more details now from our city he's a brussels for us this is still a really major sticking point isn't it is no progress being made at all. well in that sense that coming to a complete agreement no not at all both sides said mid to that this is still a sticking point it's interesting to know that first of all that coming into this meeting they did expect it to be serious and tough and it did extend for more than an hour expectantly. listen and understand rest mr secretary general of nato as well as foreign minister sergei lavrov they've both been calling each other partner so in that sense they say we still want to work together we still need dialogue but in terms of an actual. on paper kind of agreement there is not although secretary general rasmussen has said that there should be a political agreement what he considers missile defense system by may twenty twelve
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where there will be a summit where nato will announce the provisional structure and operational corrector of sticks of its missile defense in europe so there has to be some sort of agreement with the russian journalist that asked the timeline of the timeframe for that this was a david and then kept that was that kept being given although the details were not at all up presented although there's one idea though that nato secretary general said it could be considered one that put forward was to jointly staffed centers to establish to jointly staff centers to facilitate exchanging data common exercise and assess common threats but certainly russia is still not satisfied with that again from the very start russia is just asking for legally binding guarantees on paper still the same demands so no woman on that front however the two sides also did reiterate their cooperation when it comes to afghanistan a for example the operations are continuing as well as fighting piracy on the seas but still disagreements on certain topics such as libya setting up rocket
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reiterated that russia category clearly is a gets the model that nato had to use when it came to the operations in libya and would like to continue talking today to what it comes to this strategic plan for any future operations of the kind is so both sides saying we have disagreements and what we need is transparency to build trust so it's still in the works there a tiny pants off he says awesome to the fourth line from brussels. paul the euro survival is about to be determined as european leaders gather for a summit later on thursday that examine proposals from the french and german leaders which could radically change how the works strict budget discipline of the common corporation tax for the seventeen a single cards the members are among the pirates it's britain is threatening to these you anything which might damage london's financial sector is already on watch for the credit downgrade leaders don't rag decisively in the next forty eight hours
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with bells and business magazine editor you how men over the world says that with no solution it will be every year. in order to save the euro in a structural way we need to have a real powerful political union that is not possible at the moment so the second best solution that can eventually be achieved is a number of winding agreement with automatic sanctions seems to be a lot of problem with the cheating that also one of the items being discussed now of course is budgetary rules and it seems to be on the table that everybody agrees on the imposition of tougher budgetary rules but the big question is whether we will have automatic sanctions when countries are not following the rules which means that countries member states of the eurozone must accept a loss of national sovereignty and from a lot of other countries don't seem to be prepared at this moment to take that step
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if by the weekend there is no agreement on how we should go forward or do agreements is very very good or not detailed enough the markets willing to interbreed that kind of result as more or less the end of the road for the euro. once you get a grip on your debt the summit will malo you are giving brussels the power to impose austerity on the bailed out countries and that good deal of the plate is struggling the southern europe which is suffering most in the crisis as millions of unemployed people in spain find have a what few jobs there all the young and talented having abroad as reports. it starts off as a simple to abroad for example to peru or argentina or elsewhere but once they get their names spaniards realize there are a lot more parties for them outside spain and for them latin american and some european countries present a modern day eldorado more than one half million spaniards presently reside outside
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of spain according to the latest statistics a lot of them left in the last couple of years like mary chel a journalist from madrid who moved to argentina two years ago like a moment already then people were losing jobs over my university friends either fired over looking for something new or watch their salaries being cut this is she sure was bad then and now more than a year later it's even worse it's more than twenty four percent spain's unemployment rate is one of the highest in the eurozone paying a monthly mortgage bill is a challenge for many evictions have become an unfortunate but familiar sight no wonder many are starting to look for a way out of what seems to be a hopeless situation now people are taking a very bleak view of the medium and long term future and a lot of spaniards all looking at moving abroad and unfortunately for spain they seem to be precisely the kind of people who should be staying very well educated by
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your say under the age of forty or thirty five or so people who speak maybe two or three languages they might have a master's degree or even a doctorate and those kind of people don't see a future for themselves in spain as a naturally if there are no jobs in spain people have to go elsewhere be that europe latin america in fact this iteration in spain seems to be so desperate that even those who immigrated here several years ago like me galen doris i know are also packing their bags and heading back home. the catch twenty two is that spanish citizens also cannot find a job so they give the preference to say nothing of the immigrant workers but i mean i feel for many years we had a positive migration flow that is more people are coming in now it's negative each family may. their own reasons for leaving but i believe the economic crisis which it is is the main reason you know you are there at the or recent general elections saw the demise of the leftist socialist party who made way for the rightwing peoples party but mainly condom is to greedy no matter who is in charge they will
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have to follow the thorny path of implementing morris thirty measures meaning the bright young things desperate for a job continue to seek opportunity elsewhere it in a goes carty madrid. the website we're putting you in charge tell us what you would do if you were running the show at the e.u. summit in a copper choice a far as the eurozone must be dissolved if i think it's time to cut to the chase and give the single currency a single government ten percent would have paid some harsh discipline for this management list and leaders all the rest of you with the euro failures you had to r.t. dot coms pays to tell us what are you doing and why are there want to take a look at what else we've got lined up if you want to market there's the deal to steal the end of this song big union twenty years ago the u.s.s.r. was signed into history the historic change it doctor called.
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was. now in the u.s. more than one hundred corporate occupy protesters have been arrested and found process go washington it's the latest effort while forty to break up the movement which has been digging in across america and only three months on he's got to witness the crackdown on capitol. as far as i could tell there were around four thousand people on the street minutes away from the white house over seventy protesters were arrested in total this wednesday in washington there was a girl in a wheelchair among them police stepped up arrest when protesters mostly young people blocked the road they were dragging them towards the police cars one person got nearly struck by a police force so seventy people arrested this is being the largest number of arrests in washington says the beginning of this occupy movement this was all
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happening on k. street which is known as the lobbyist street people were protesting what they see as widespread corruption in the government authorities there pretty much cracked down on this occupy movement against corporate greed and government complicity which seems little of actions of demonstrators from their occupy locations in california and in new york police used tear gas on people pepper spray rubber bullets sound and keep in mind it's been largely a very peaceful movement around five thousand peacekeepers festers has been arrested in the last three months across the united states probably any country doing that would be internationally reprimanded for violating human rights but that doesn't seem to be the case when it comes to the united states. now russian security forces have killed the leader of an al qaeda linked to terrorist cell in the country's caucasus region authorities caught all but the ringleader as he tried
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to escape by car with three associates the suspects refused to pull over for inspection and opened fire security forces fired back in the vehicle exploded it sort of bomb was inside the call for terrorists but killed those security personnel all civilians were wounded in the if you did officials say the group was preparing a series of bombings russia has been stepping up its counter-terror operating in the middle witnesses which is seen as south innocent activity to see if. it's going to chickens in the world news this hour now and syria's president did not order the crackdown on protesters has reportedly killed more than four thousand people across the country since march bashar al assad referred to the claims that during a rare interview to an american broadcaster he said he's not in charge of the security forces and gave no commands for violence a un report accuses officials on the military a. true picture of civilians syria has been hit by sanctions because of the only violence the latest from its former ally taki. afghanistan is blaming
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a pakistan based group for a string of bomb blast that killed fifty nine people choose day president called lies promising to raise the issue with the pakistani leadership that you have a tense relationship and pakistan is demanding evidence for the claims the most powerful of the three last told which it was the shrine in kabul during a holy day commemoration. and a tourist tell you that mouthy abbas has been arrested after being discovered in an underground fire same town in. the shallows of area into the no longer the sixty kids is that a given multiple on sentence is being murder kidnap and drug trafficking that's being held and it would take us. zero would soon as like it is. true. india is one of the world's few countries in the. middle class to much but there's
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only so much to go around especially when it comes to getting a top for the children of many that means sending them abroad. with one point two billion people trying to make it to the top in india can be tough most indians believe that the key to success is getting a good education but with one of the fastest growing middle classes in the world more people than ever can afford a college degree meaning competition for spots at the top universities is fierce there are some schools which are just so you know academically oriented where you know and then extreme cases there's you know there's even suicides if you know the board exams if your results aren't you know a ninety percent plus percent entrance into india's colleges and universities is based solely on the results of a high school students board examination this year students wouldn't even be considered for delhi university's commerce program unless they scored at least one
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hundred percent on their exams in a twist to india's traditional brain drain where india's top talent was looking to the u.s. or europe for better opportunities now india's smartest students are exploring the west as a backup plan if their dreams of getting into an indian institution don't work out so ironic because you know in the u.s. which is sort of like going for. amazing secondary level studies i mean it's higher level studies is actually our safety as compared to. it does happen and it's in fact not a possibility it's mollica powell is applying early decision to princeton university in the united states she believes she actually has a better chance of getting into the ivy league american school than she does at being admitted to. prestigious indian one and the u.s. admission process is much more holistic. admission process it's literally just one mock and in an interview experts in indian college admissions are also seeing the
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trend of indian students having a broad out of need rather than desire they say the india needs to focus on a stablish in more higher education programs for its students but even when i was in college sure in india that i think the same number of colleges that same number of seats available the growth in the number of colleges and number of seeds has really not kept up with the growth in the population for now pallas focusing on her princeton application in the hope that if things go her way she won't even have to take the dreaded indian board examinations in the spring ideally i'd like to see myself in the us i know a lot of people who have been so relieved that they got there early decision and they just sort of slacked off when as far as the boards went and it was a relief that you know this they've got it placing her bets on the west to avoid the competition at home preassure either r t new delhi india. coming
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out marks kinds wrong as the scandals behind the financial headlines but first you brings us the latest. hello and a very warm welcome to the business program it's been a volatile week for the markets here in russia the big event at the end of the week is the summit investors a speculating where the eurozone will push for a federalized superstate to do with its debt crisis meanwhile china is warning of a slowdown taken collectively economy. there are a few reasons to be optimistic. the european crisis signaling on the i don't see a near term solution we have austerity programs almost everywhere except in the. countries these austerity measures fiscal policies have a very serious. negative effect on growth and we expect to you or your goals next
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year to be negative and together with the floor and in china which is suffering from the exports we sure do not do so well anymore plus. the housing sector. the overall picture for the world economy is not supposed to vary anymore this is obviously a negative for. and therefore also for for russia. let's have a look at the markets now oil prices are climbing vests now as the market shrugged up data showing again in its stockpiles and looked forward to further measures by the european central bank to support growth branches not hovering at one hundred ten dollars a barrel while light is at just under one hundred one dollars per barrel. european stock markets have raised early gains ahead of the european central bank meeting the european central bank is expected to deliver its second rate cut in as many months on fast days. and here in moscow the markets are high in the afternoon
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trade both my six and the r.t.s. are gaining one and a half percent as you can see from the graphic but it's now a check on some of the individual share moves on the might six. russian companies have reported their financial results on thursday is gaining under two percent but it has doubled its net profit during the first nine months of the here richard two point three billion dollars ross telecom is also high it's that quarter net profits rose one percent to three hundred thirty million dollars and still makes a. point seven percent in the black the companies that profit reached one and a whole fill in dollars in the first nine months of the here. and other news internet start ups in russia are being promised a leg up from the industry players investment firms d.s.t. global and social networks to have launched
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a charity project called start fellows aimed at supporting young to printers the chosen startups will then get in and can dish unconditional twenty five thousand dollars to get their ideas off the page and onto the web. francis shore citron is considering setting up a second to plant in russia in partnership with a car maker already operating in the country but as to spot the local manufacturing costs being roughly five percent higher than in western europe the company's dia and it all says that will have to change when russia joins the what trade organization. industry oh the costs we left to. be weak used to be competitive ways also the region like western europe or maybe year that is yet to be shows at the local production will be competitive owns
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a russian market but no only under russian market because of the excess of for russia to devalue doing we offer or still possibility to export scarse. ok that's it for now europe today too can find more stores in our website archie dot com slash business. wealthy british style. that's not on my mind.
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market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report on our.


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