tv [untitled] December 8, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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stunts on t.v. dot com. russia's leaders speak out about sunday's parliamentary elections following criticism from both inside and outside the country. dimitri made good of and vladimir putin calls the dialogue could warn foreign powers against meddling in russia's political life more on this in a few moments time. she wanted you know if on friday we don't find an agreement there is no second chance. the french president warns the single currency is doomed if states don't gather under the brussels umbrella. and security concerns russia says nato is not ready to seriously work together on european missile defense and
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isn't addressing moscow's concern. in business tsotsi russia's largest power grid company scale start to trade in global both receipts on the london stock exchange more of the same twenty. nine pm thursday night here in moscow welcome kevin owen and first this hour on r t president dmitri medvedev says a thorough investigation into sunday's parliamentary election is needed but called the rallies that followed the sign of democracy it comes as russia's prime minister suggested opening dialogue with the opposition while warning foreign powers against interfering in the country's political affairs and similar of marty's peter all over in central moscow president medvedev has called for calm across russia and said that the new parliament should be allowed. to get about the work that it was
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put in place to do now he did say that the final result of the elections that were held on sunday could be delayed to allow a full investigation into allegations of electoral irregularities to be investigated now on the protesters well president medvedev said the demonstrations are all part of the democratic process however he did stress that protesters must respect the law and a central election commission may decide the final results of the election can be confirmed now but if for some reason it needs more time and has a right to presume publishing them but only based on facts and our election law i believe the questions being asked now about the election results and violations have a right to exist but they have to be carefully investigated that's what the central election commission is for and that's what courts are full there are no other investigation procedures with regards to the post-election situation but there are people who are disappointed we do i believe are disorientated sure what is nothing
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wrong in this is there is nothing wrong with the rallies that we have seen because rallies are a sign of democracy president medvedev there echoing earlier words from prime minister vladimir putin he said that the protesters had a constitutional right to demonstrate but that they must stick to the rule of the law now prime minister putin also said. he was willing to enter into dialogue with the leaders of the opposition for them to try and hammer out their grievances prime minister putin also addressed comments from u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton she criticized sunday's parliamentary poll saying it was neither fair nor free now prime minister putin said this her words sent a signal to the opposition to take action and hillary clinton continues to say that she believes that the russian elections that were held on sunday weren't fair now with regard to. observers who were looking at those elections but to me
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a putin said that they will welcome to look at russia's parliamentary system parliamentary vote but that russia would not tolerate outside interference in their domestic affairs. or which of them are partners shakers from time to time so that we don't forget who owns this planet so that we know they have methods of pressure and influence on our country from within when it comes to humanitarian or health issues that's one thing but when foreign money is being invested into internal political affairs that should make us think what's especially an acceptable flow of foreign money into the electoral process it's absolutely unacceptable but on thursday everything is quiet here in moscow on tuesday we did see some small scale protests there were really too often in numbers by the police and journalists and camera crews who were there know we are expecting it over the weekend to see the largest demonstrations to date with those who oppose sunday's parliamentary
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election vote coming out onto the streets of russia and of course we're following that closely so we've just seen what the protests in russia are actually look like but this is how one american news channel pro-trade what's happening take a look. america has its fair share of protests and political dissent dealing with instead of keeping an eye on the ball the country's mass media machine has turned to protests in russia and dropped the ball on reporting the facts. the protesters have gathered at moscow's lashing out against prime minister vladimir putin and his real united russia party the only problem is that this video is not from russia fox news channel aired a video of fires and chaos in athens convincing viewers that this mayhem is playing out in moscow the fair and balanced network paid no mind to the greek lettering in the background in case you're wondering it says greek national bank what matters is
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that this is what moscow protests have looked like it's not surprising whatsoever that at the moment that there would be any kind of protest no matter how small it be in russia against the russian government that it would be greatly exaggerated in media and used by the u.s. government as well as a way to try to somehow push for a change in russia that would be more favorable to u.s. interests journalist and author eva golinger believes mass media is washington's most valuable weapon in encouraging revolt elsewhere under the mantle of spreading democracy such as the so-called orange revolution in ukraine. or rose revolution in georgia. a perception is created that something is happening in a country that's not right and that the government is somehow responsible and so therefore if that government ends up being removed it somehow is justified that you know the media has played a key role in creating
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a justification for regime change similar anti-government demonstrators have been reported and other city in russia u.s. leaders have leveled harsh criticism against russia in the aftermath of sunday's parliamentary election and critics say it's free press has worked. to reinforce the narrative the media tends to march in lock step with the government tends to take its cues from the government it tends to you know mobilize its resources to showcase what the government says is true even when later it turns out not to be true as was the case in this erroneous c.n.n. report well in eastern russia more than three thousand people protested against proposed changes to the country's time zones the video shown by c.n.n. is not of protesters but rather of soccer fans riding in moscow over the killing of a fellow supporter the problem is that we showed the wrong pictures only after the error was repeatedly noticed c.n.n. owned up to its mistake and to apologize to the ara and
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a great many russian viewers who have pointed out the sloppiness of it or is reflecting you know the lack of awareness of the journalists themselves many of them are completely uninformed about the world they have opinions that have no factual basis to him but it doesn't stop them because it's what looks good that matters more than what really is true the truth is that america has its own social economic and political challenges to be dealing with and while washington works on getting its own house in order powerful mass media outlets can work on getting their facts straight port nine or r.t. new york. it is the latest day of reckoning for the single currency french president sarkozy says a key two day summit in brussels is the last chance to decide the euro zone's future germany and france are pushing for a new you treaty is to buy the nations into a close knit fiscal union with its own taxes and penalties across this story in
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brussels artie's tessa receive them. initially there are expectations maybe they can come up with some sort of a semi solution but right now after the speeches made by. mark merkel and you commissioner byrd also as well as the chief drug replaces actually the leaders in ma say there are the expectations sort of went down and markets have been reacting to it first of all merkel and sarkozy have been using the arguments over this is a make or break day the euro could collapse that if we don't come up with a solution by to morrow evening there is no second chance but on the other hand you can see that they are trying to rally support for their calls for those new treaty changes there are still those who who oppose having to rewrite the treaties and changing fundamentally the european union leading up to this day they were saying they want more punishment for repeat offenders they want automatic sanctions on countries that don't manage their deficits and they also want centralized power in
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brussels now that raises the question of whether sovereignty would be given over to brussels national sovereignty but that you have countries like the u.k. who are not part of the euro area who are saying well i'm not they're not going to be signing any treaties or agree to any changes if it doesn't protect the interests of the u.k. whatever cycle as you did say that if they don't manage to find agreement among the twenty seven the seventeen year old will have to move forward with it you see the chief druggy he had been expected to give more of the markets but that really didn't happen while he did give some concessions first he said they would enhance access to liquidity to a managed money markets here they put the key interest rate by twenty five basis points to one percent collateral rules and have saluted longer term lending measures but he said all these measures are temporary one thing though that everyone was looking forward to the markets were expecting is the e.c.b. to act more decisively in this euro zone crisis basically to act as sort of
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a lender of last. sort of all that is not in the mandate so basically the e.c.b. acting through the i.m.f. and lending to euro nations but again he dismissed that idea so it seems very unclear at the moment expectations are sort of starting to go down because of statements being made. which doesn't seem to be a great silence talking to professor philip both from the u.k. free market think tank the institute of economic affairs professor good evening thanks being on r.t. president sarkozy is one there is no second chance of a solution isn't found tomorrow do you think it will be. sorry i didn't hear the end of the question just do you think this will be a solution tomorrow president sarkozy said the second chances what do you think the future's going to bring. i really don't know whether there is going to be a solution or not because there are so many irreconcilable objectives that the different groups of member nations have not surprisingly the french and germans and strike in different ways are trying to use this crisis as a means to centralize even more power within the european union institutions and
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britain is in a very dangerous position here because in principle. supports the idea of a multi multi speed european union of some countries want to go off and do something on their own without centralizing power in brussels. that should be a good thing for britain but the history of the way the european court of justice has as work suggests to me that if these countries agree more centralization of economic power they might quite easily be able to impose that on the whole of the european union at some stage in the not too distant future and is there a worry that there could be a kind of two speed europe in the future didn't happen. well i don't worry about a two speed europe in fact i hope that a two speed europe is the the outcome of this i hope that a more decentralized europe is the outcome of this but david cameron here has got to negotiate very hard but from a position where he is outside the main negotiations to try to reclaim other powers
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that are currently essentially held by the european union so to try to reclaim for example for the national governments powers over labor market regulation and energy market regulation do so britain as i say is in a very dangerous position and in many senses it's a good outcome a multi-speed european union but it could go the wrong way and we and it could end up with more centralization and the eurozone members actually controlling what happens at the central european union level and of course professor one of the powers that brussels could get as well is to impose austerity on countries it is bailing out now we've seen large scale protests where individual governments did that so as the public going to react to the center of the having so much power to punish. well actually the european union thought about going down this route when the year was created and it decided not to for very practical reasons if for
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example a country suddenly has a big budget deficit and breaks whatever the rules are the rules that the that are set so that its budget deficit is too large the only real sanction of the members can impose on the on the offending member is some kind of fine which actually lead to a situation worse so that was rejected when the european stability pact was first going to not now is that there's. no i mean it's up. it's up for discussion now but it's no more obvious how this would work in the future you know if one were to find greece a four percent of gross national product because of the fact that it had broken the stability pact how would that help the situation that greece was in and i think this just underlines the problem and it's why we haven't had a solution so far there is no easy way out of this mess that doesn't involve individual member governments facing up to their own problems or i'd professor phillip thank you ever so much with his editorial program director of the u.k.
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based institute of economic affairs much appreciated. thank you. still ahead for you this hour on r.t.e. occupy washington strikes at the hearts of the lobbyists up to seventy protested arrested in the u.s. capitol in the latest government attempt to break up the anti corporate movement across america got a report for you coming up. before that nato is refusing to take moscow's security concerns into account and isn't ready for syria's cooperation on a missile shield in europe so says russia's foreign minister after russian nato meeting in brussels after the talks both sides admitted that no progress had been made said nato should understand that russia cannot allow alliance radars and missiles to cover most of its territory and that it needs legal guarantees that the shield isn't directed at it that something nato has refused to do so general of nato anders fogh rasmussen said the alliance did take russia's concerns into account but that's not the impression moscow's getting. that doesn't do it if we
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are invited to cooperate would like to be able to discuss the terms but we're told that no discussion is needed because everything has been decided already and we don't need to worry and when we say that there are things that concern us they give us the same reply over and over again don't worry the shield isn't directed against you but apart from the talk of trust we need legal guarantees because in sentients however good they are could change but military interests and potential is a totally different matter. more with the absence of a guarantee russia deployed a radar in its western most territory just last month in response to nato as missile defense plans it stresses the facility in the next wave of kaliningrad is not aimed at the us led alliance moscow's also deploying missiles along its western borders and threatens to pull out from the strategic arms reduction treaty washington sealed deals with poland romania and turkey to host elements of its anti
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missile system once it ready by twenty twenty russia's envoy to nato believes moscow is justified in its determination to respond. the missile shield directly contradicts the founding act russia and nato relations of based on when we signed it fifteen years ago we agreed that no new significant military forces should appear along our borders but the anti missile shield in rumania poland who are the relocation of parts of the us navy to the black and baltic sea is of course a significant increase in military presence we like jokes but this one has gone too far it looks like an anaconda tightening its grip around us and we're determined to cut it to pieces. it's long nato is building a leaning tower of pisa next to our border and it's telling us don't worry it's not going to fall on your head but we find it hard to believe we see it leaning over us
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of course we're going to use some sort of approach to keep it up and that's it. quickly if you start to get lined up here online tonight about a dot com americans are leaving their country in record numbers head to our web site to find out why the so-called land of plenty is no longer a green place for the six million citizens interesting story we got lined up there also while you're online you might like this to at r t the guns fall silent in libya after the bloody civil war we investigate why in a new country with a new government a definitive future. again it's an informative place they're out. in washington after seventy and a corporate occupy protesters were arrested when police dispersed a mass rally close to the front of the white house it's the latest effort by authorities to break up the movement which has now spread across america over the past three months it is going to change you can witness the crackdown in the u.s. capital. as far as i could tell there were around four thousand people on the
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street minutes away from the white house over seventy protesters were arrested and there was a girl in a wheelchair among them police stepped up arrest when protesters mostly young people blocked the road they were dragging them towards the police cars one person got nearly struck by a police force so seventy people arrested this has been the largest number of arrests in washington says the beginning of this occupy movement this was all happening on k. street which is known as the lobbyist street people were protesting what they see as widespread corruption in the government authorities there pretty much cracked down on this occupy movement against corporate greed and government complicity which seems brutal of the actions of demonstrators from their occupy locations in california and in new york police used tear gas on people pepper spray rubber bullets sound cannons keep in mind it's been largely a very peaceful movement around five thousand peaceful protesters have been
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arrested in the last three months across the united states probably any country doing that would be internationally reprimanded for violating human rights but that doesn't seem to be the case when it comes to the united states. susan brief around the world syrian activists say there's been an explosion at an oil pipeline near the besieged city of homs no casualties reported but the state run news said it was a bomb planted by a terrorist group the explosion is the latest event in the violent uprisings that have shaken the country of past ten months. and israeli airstrikes killed two suspected palestinian militants reportedly planning a terrorist attack along the egyptian border the men were hit while driving a car close to a crowded parking garza explosion set the car alight and wounded several bystanders israel frequently targets vehicles carrying suspected insurgents. militants have fired rockets and tank is carrying fuel for u.s. led troops in afghanistan setting at least ten vehicles ablaze the attack happened
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at a roadside terminal near the pakistani city of quit close to the afghan border it was the first assault since pakistan shut its border to nato the alliance killed twenty four of its troops last month. in india one of the world's few growth countries a top notch education these days is a must but an exploding middle class population means stiff competition for students trying to get into the country's leading universities as a result of that many are looking abroad now to pursue their academic aspirations. reports. with one point two billion people trying to make it to the top in india can be tough most indians believe that the key to success is getting a good education but with one of the fastest growing middle classes in the world more people than ever can afford a college degree meaning competition for spots at the top universities is fierce there are some schools which are just so you know academically oriented where you
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know in an extreme cases there's you know there's even suicides if you know the board exams if your results aren't you know a ninety nine percent plus percent entrance into india's colleges and universities is based solely on the results of a high school students board examinations this year students wouldn't even be considered for delhi university's commerce program unless they scored at least one hundred percent on their exams in a twist to india's traditional brain drain where india's top talent was looking to the u.s. or europe for better opportunities now india's smartest students are exploring the west as a backup plan if their dreams of getting into an indian institution don't work out so ironic because you know in the u.s. which is sort of like you know the power going for. amazing secondary level studies i mean higher level studies is actually our safety. but it does happen and it's in fact not a possibility it's is the problem molecule powell is applying early decision to
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princeton university in the united states she believes she actually has a better chance of getting into the ivy league american school than she does at being admitted to a prestigious indian one and the u.s. admission process is much more holistic in the admission process it's just one mock and then an interview experts in indian college admissions are also seeing the trend of indian students heading abroad out of need rather than desire they say that india needs to focus on a stablish in more higher education programs for its. students but even when i was in college sure here in india that i think there seem number of colleges with same number of seats available the drop in the number of colleges and number of seeds has really not kept up with the growth in the population for now pallas focusing on her princeton application in the hope that if things go her way she won't even have to take the dreaded indian board examinations in the spring ideally i see myself in
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the us i know a lot of people who have been so relieved that they got there early decision and they just sort of slacked off when as far as the boards went and it was this is a relief that you know this they've got and placing her bets on the west to avoid the competition at home preassure either r t new delhi india. come up a few minutes for the back of the last moments of the soviet union twenty years ago this month but history on its head more about shortly after the business with dmitri after a very quick break. russia
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would be so much brighter if you know about that song from feinstein pression. stance on t.v. don't come. close here in a warm welcome to business out see how good operates m.r.i. scales taking the first step to a full listing on the london stock exchange. about reporters trading in the russian firms global to post your receipts get some. m.r. s.k. holding just became the latest russian company to list on the london stock exchange it was a ceremony here with a countdown to the moment trading began on this first day is shares are being
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listed as g.d.r. as global depositary receipts each one representing two hundred of the company's shares to begin with though this is just a technical listing so no actual money will be made here instead the whole point of this is to boost the liquidity of the company stock so to raise awareness of the company in the city here and to increase investment as the company c.f.o. explains where here or our direct. new investors to widen the base for international investors to make the conditions are important is for current and international investors to make more reliable and the more attractive attractiveness for them to realize their shares in the trail shares here in the m.r.i. scanner holding is the largest electricity distributor in russia with over two million kilometers of power cables but its performance this year hasn't been strong due to the current market conditions its shares are down fifty percent this year so listing here in london one of the global financial capitals is obviously an attempt
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to boost that already several of the russian companies are listed here some even big enough to break into the c. one hundred the mining companies poly metal every ounce for example recently started listing as premium companies and today m.r. s.k. holding although it's just a technical listing it's taken the first step towards a full listing here i have been reporting from the london stock exchange of stocks in the us they are lower despite jobless claims coming in at the lowest level in nine months that says p.c.b. chief mario draghi says the bank's hands are tied an account go ahead with monetary financing really what's happening in europe is shaping all the markets around the world the european central bank has cut its key lending rate by twenty five basis points to one percent this widely expected move follows a quarter point cut in november. and for the undoing rate hikes in the bed earlier this year meanwhile bank of england has decided to leave braids and stimulus unchanged this is the closing picture in your career see you speak and down to the
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closing picture in russia in moscow they managed to maintain the markets managed to maintain gains around half of the sense by the end of the session after two sessions of losses if we take a look at the main movers they use are mason namely based on the financial results a lot of companies have been reporting first quarter profits rose telecom here is up by a notch its word quarter profit rose one percent to four young thirty million dollars steelmakers sevastopol is down the company's net profit reached one and a half billion dollars in the first nine months of this year and the t.v. is gaining point two percent at the close russia's second largest bank doubled net profit during the first nine months of the year reaching two point three billion dollars. that's over now the headlines are next on r.t. .
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