tv [untitled] December 9, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EST
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a barely in within the e.u. is to member states sabotage an effort to save the euro from collapse. as britain and hungary say no to any e.u. treaty change and the dream of a united europe appears to be standing on a shaky ground more details from brussels coming up in a few moments. israeli missiles rained down on god's earth targeting militants but hitting civilians in the most dramatic escalation of violence. as post-election protests in russia made some western hearts debate with a view of a russian uprising the sentiment comes two decades today. while the oil is up u.s.
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stock futures are pointing high europe is gaining russia is deep in the road find out why it's windy but it's all business so it's. very welcome to you this is our live from moscow and the euro is future has been dealt a severe blow at eleventh hour talks in brussels as you can hungry refused to sign up to new e.u. treaties marson even talks left the core euro's ing states making further agreements while all the european countries joined in to work out budget rules and changes will also he says a syria is in brussels for us. in view of the lack of a unified e.u. treaty including the all the twenty seven countries it seems like the direction it's taking is there will be a two speed europe basically those who are on board the franco german plan and
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those who aren't while the score board right now is that it's seventeen a plus six or seven thousand euro zone countries plus six of the non euro countries are on board sweden and the czech republic said they will have to consult their parliament before giving an answer while the u.k. and hungary have been a staunchly against this now this is not unexpected as david cameron before this summit had been saying that if there are no guarantees that will protect british interests he's not going to be on board now they also have veto rights here and cameron have indicated that they may even go further later on and block the use of institutions to implement any fiscal reforms if again it doesn't protect the interests of the u.k. specially when big groups will club together to form a financial financial regulations as well as labor laws if it's not in the interests of the country so what's next if the agreement that will come out of this will have to be written if it's going to be a new treaty and been approved and the timeline target date for that is march two
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thousand and twelve right now of course the euro kratz actually are rather happy with the result saying that the leaders right now are finally acting fast considering that the last lisbon treaty it took eight years for them to negotiate something so they're happy that it's actually moving forward whether the euro krauts are saying will this need for speed would it be sacrificing democratic processes and they're still asking what are countries like greece italy portugal and maybe even spain with economies that don't fit this euro system what are they stood still doing in this group ing the question of the journalists have been throwing throwing out leaders is at this point is the euro safe and the answer we're all getting here is i hope so. talk talk and more talk even the politicians know it one of them words alone and not believed any more because too often we did not live up to our words. yet another d.-day for the euro another big question mark hangs over brussels do years and politicians have what it takes to hit the euro
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crisis nail on the head once and for all the diagnoses is that the euro which should inspire confidence is not inspiring this confidence if there is no deal on friday there will be no second chance but even if changes get through would it change anything you will never solve this problem as long as these currencies. these countries are within a currency that doesn't fit their economy this is what all the fuss is about the euro that's what's backers of represents a three grand idea of a single currency for what some would call the united states of europe but now the problems have become simply too big to ignore the question before us is are they also too big to solve the possibility of a euro collapse is now an actual threat and here's another question is the euro even worth saving some say yes the alternative existence has a possibility that we're to break down but i think a lot of for most policymakers most citizens at large rapidly see that the breakdown will be more expensive than maintaining what we have today and to make
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the to undertake the necessary structural changes some say no it was always going to end it was pretty clear there was always going to end in disaster with very very bad effects even for those countries which are not members of it and the blame for that should be laid firmly and clearly with the european political establishment whose obsessive pursuit of a united states of europe has got us into this mess and if the eurozone does survive what will it look like economically and politically now if i knew the answer that i'd be a wise man tester cilia r.t. brussels fassel top business has had a poll for more on this certain nick now that the u.k. has decided to opt out always seeing what stockhausen's want about a two speed europe and if so. what all the dangers of that well to a certain extent we've always had a two speed europe we've had the ones in the euro zone and the ones not in the euro zone now the disagreement they had last night just makes
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a complex situation more complicated the members of the euro bloc need to act in a concerted fashion to reduce the deficit and get control of that they need mechanisms in which to do that and they need the e.c. to use their structures moved to do that now britain can block the musing structures because they belong to the us a whole and is this the thin end of the where dollar we now going to see all the countries following the lead of at the u.k. and hungry to actually exit the e.u. or thought it and i think that for be a little bit dramatic i mean the e.u. is britain's biggest trading partner by far it wants of a successful euro but it is jealous of its sovereignty it doesn't want to give more and more powers away to brussels and this is a very key issue for for the u.k. particularly but also for sweden for which it is a vacuum of some of the other more peripheral nations and let's talk about the timing now do you really think that we're going to see
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a new treaty signed by march is as great as the saying it seems fabulously unlikely i mean if you look at the timeline for all of the way in which this crisis has been dealt with it's always taken much much longer than expected what they're proposing here is perhaps the biggest shift in european politics certainly since the formation of the euro so to suggest you can get all that done in a matter of three months when you've got to decide. all of the conditions for these things i think seems. completely unrealistic and these nutrition seem to be all about tightening up the school control from brussels they'll be able to impose more sanctions austerity measures how do you think people within those countries are going to react to their will this new hint really that the people of europe. want to be in a united europe federal laws to europe and this is sort of doing it or is still not even doing it by you treaty their doing it by intergovernmental agreement which is sort of a watered down version of what it means you don't have to have ratifications from
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parliaments and it seems bizarre that the leaving the population of the people out of this altogether and of course one way to gauge reaction to what's happening in brussels is the markets and they have been jittery haven't they over this lack of unity what is it we're going to see of the next twenty four hours on that they have they're actually at the moment following the route of the typical pattern after these sort of crunch summits which is that they really immediately afterwards and then they start looking at the fine print are they going to actually nothing's really happened and they tailed off we do see more about that in twenty minutes on business program ok thanks very much ned. now there's been a sharp escalation of violence in the middle east with israeli bombs raining down on gaza at least one a palestinian civilian was killed and twenty five wounded most of them women and children televisa stepping up its assault on hamas militants but is reports the campaigns putting more innocent lives in the firing line. early this morning friday at least three israeli airstrikes targeted
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a hamas training camp in the gaza strip now in some of the shrapnel from one of those bombs that hit nearby homes at least one palestinian civilian was killed this follows an israeli airstrike last night thursday in which two high ranking palestinian militants were killed while traveling in a car in a crowded area in gaza city that was the first israeli strike in a concentrated area since the israeli gaza border back in two thousand and eight two thousand and nine now the palestinians have responded with a barrage of rockets that were five because some rockets and grad missiles fired on southern israel the south of israel is in a state of high alert residents have been ordered to remain near a bomb shelters throughout the course of today and this comes as various faction groups in the gaza strip point for increased revenge attacks against israel we also are hearing from hamas that it's ordered its operatives to keep a low profile city and this is the most dramatic escalation of violence that we've seen between israel and gaza in civil weeks now with the israelis accusing the
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gazans the gazans accusing the israelis and the scene does seem to be suited for a return to violence the israeli palestinian peace talks have yet again stored despite international pressure and largely over the issue of israeli settlement building like we witnessing from tel aviv is an increase in settlement construction so much so that the united states which is israel's closest ally has actually criticized the israeli government for its moves in this direction now the israeli side have also by targeting these two high ranking palestinian officials and there's a strike there is day resumed what seems to be a policy of targeted killings because certainly hasn't been any kind of targeted killings since two thousand and ten and this is causing many to say that there's an inconsistency in the israeli policy it was just several weeks ago that israel released more than a thousand pounds. in prison as in a prisoner exchange deal with hamas now we witnessing it once again targeting
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militants at the same time we're hearing from various human rights groups that they particularly concerned that the israelis are again putting civilians in the firing line the relationship in the region is becoming more fluid all of this does set the scene for a real showdown. fessor honey i'll buy things that the islamic university of bells that believes israel think they have no respect for international law. has been targeting the girls trade many times for the boss many years it's i think it's a continuous policy of those who are in the army to keep the situation as it is don't kill as much people as they can in the gaza strip. would like to try people the way they like this is not a way to deal with palestinians even if they were responsible for the killing of israelis it's not we all use it at all i think the israeli army has killed thousands of palestinian people and no one has convicted them their
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israeli side saying now they are trying to accuse somebody to justify their actions it's a justification and up to this moment which people trying to believe that there has been a calm and a truce between palestinian factions and there is very decide what come to be is. approved there is rated military will keep its own action against the gaza strip and this would lead to more violence. i celeb for you this hour western media is slow on the uptake lighting moscow's political rallies to the arab spring and they paid no heed to russert security concerns save the alliance has proposed missile shield he gets the latest from his comments and situation. find out why these occupy protesters in austin found a cause for celebration despite the threat all that action. wealthy british style. that's what i'd like to go to.
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the. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. line. would be soon which brightened if you knew about song from funds to oppression in some. news for instance on t.v. dot com.
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russia's parliamentary elections have been topping headlines in the west since sunday some news outlets have been dogged protests that have been taking place russia's arab spring there's a nice and i reports the comparison is twenty years too late. dr your dear sky. u.s. senator john mccain tweets nirvana the arab spring coming to a neighborhood near you but is it seems russia. the so-called slavic spring came and went twenty years ago. mccain and hillary clinton really would like this to happen and you see it in their relations to other countries where these revolutions benefit the u.s. and of course they're pushing for this but don't think it will happen there we're talking here like protests during the collapse of the soviet union hundreds of thousands who were out on the streets people who are. always in.
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these they will. get. most of the few thousand out on the streets of moscow after these elections look young enough to either not remember or be unable to compare some of the story is funny how it worked out the middle class that exists today does so because of the politics of this government if they rebuilt the country four years ago it was a much smaller middle class if any. a middle class egyptians would dream of its revolution praised as democracy by the west so the military take over. we have only one demand that the military council and the army go back to their barracks and start protecting the country they've demonstrated they're incapable of leading the country over the last nine months to hooters certainly proved twitter and facebook are fierce tools when planning protests some thirty thousand have already signed up for a moscow meet on the weekend but russia should have been
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a lesson to egypt to rebuild from scratch can take decades tens of thousands of young people are preparing to come out onto the streets and voice discontent and that means millions won't it's a safe bet many of them remember all too well the turbulent ninety's what chaos means for such a large country and aren't willing to go back and start over and he's now r.t. moscow. confidential in washington's funding of russia's independent election watchdog allegedly in order to discredit the polls results will published by a russian news website life he's the correspondent describes payments for activists reporting on voting violations one of the letters is from the u.s. state department praising the association the goalless is work and promising further support prime minister putin slammed washington for triggering protests in russia by calling the elections rigs you also want foreign powers against butting
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into the country's political life will be read more of the watchdogs dealings are websites r.t. dot com. you can also get in-depth analysis on opinion pieces on russia's election future find out if the harsh fates of the u.s. secretary of state poisoning the recess relations with russia all say see how one american news channel to try to unseat government protests in. the. great world to comply with the u.s. out salt to the f.b.i. it would need its definition of the crime or that's a much more. easy . to.
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be official ulti obligation to go on the phone called talk from the. video. old girls. and street now in the palm of your. question on the dot com. now nato is refusing to address russia's security concerns on the thorny issue of european missile defense. conclusion after talks with the alliance in brussels foreign minister said again after all says the us led bloc isn't ready to cooperate on the shield nato is deploying an antiballistic system near the borders with russia which most cases as a threat to its national security the alliance has rebuffed kremlin requests to guarantee it poses a danger washington claims this year this ng does iran and north korea that aussies
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been hearing from analysts who strongly doubt that there is no threat right now neither country has missiles that could carry nuclear weapons and only one of those countries has a nuclear weapon in the first place and also you what it would be very difficult to imagine a country of that size aiming a ballistic missile at the united states because it would be like marking the country for annihilation with a big x. because a ballistic missile is ballistic that means you know where it came from we're using a defense that doesn't exist against an aggressor that this point doesn't exist the worst thing to look like is that you're weak on defense so if people say we could build a shield as some people say then why not do it that sort i think the idea is those political pressures at home if they don't continue to push that way this administration will use it as weak and it doesn't want to be viewed as weak right now from a strategic perspective going into a national election. some more news for you in brief this hour and indian police
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have arrested six hospital officials on charges of comparable homicide after a deadly fire killed eighty eight people on capitol staff are accused of abandoning patients in fear when a blaze broke out most of the victims are said to have died from smoke inhalation it took firefighters five hours to bring the situation under control the fire started in the basement where flammable materials were being stored. a roadside bomb has wounded at least five u.n. peacekeepers in southern lebanon the blast occurred in the city of tire with local media claiming a french on patrol was the target but there have been several attacks on peacekeepers in lebanon since the summer including last month's bomb explosion at a hotel used by u.n. staff. a gunman who killed a police officer in a us university car park on thursday has reportedly been found dead police say they still have no motive behind the cop killing which happened during
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a routine traffic stop when the attacker water up and killed the police before fleeing virginia tech is the site of one of america's worst ever deadly rampages when in two thousand and seven a student massacred thirty two people before killing himself. a roadside bomb has winded at least five u.n. peacekeepers in southern lebanon the blast occurred of the city of tire with local media claiming a french patrol was the target but there have been several attacks on peacekeepers in lebanon since the summer including last month's bomb explosion at a hotel used by u.n. staff. and three paramilitary troops have been killed and several injured in a roadside bomb blast in southwestern pakistan officials say the device which contained around five kilos of explosives was planted close to a nearby military camp no one's yet claimed responsibility for the attack. well that's a cool process does the boston have been given their marching orders or they police
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are yet to respond protesters erupted into celebration at midnight after police said they wouldn't immediately remove them from their encampment office gave no indication of when the picture would take place elsewhere and he's interrupted a mass demonstration in washington d c arresting seventy that becomes a part of a three month long fight against sas which has already seen paulsen of arrests but many are still determined to stick it out the hard again. the occupy movement are facing not only pepper spray but things like the sound cannon the long range acoustic device which can blast your cranium with one hundred forty decibels shaking your skull so hard even earplugs won't stop it this weapon has been tested on palestinians in the occupied west bank by the israeli army so civilians in the us are now up against basically military style policing what's behind it is a mentality among our police forces our local police that views common civilians
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protesters as common criminals now with the festive period rapidly approaching it's time to get your legs at the must go out team is feeling pretty slim. hello and welcome on this week's program we'll be taking a look at various activities you can enjoy over the festive period but right christmas is just a few weeks away let's a real much you go. over the new year period i would better to start off than go ice skating here on red square you. live. on the mascot team next hour here on all c.n.n.
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just a few moments we explore how sound a music driven father has to take a first as they were to me. thanks alice there's an east west divide on the markets today in europe equities are up that's after the e.u. summit which the majority of the bloc commit themselves to tighter fiscal rules to save the euro but here in russia the markets are sharply down and declining by the minute that's because of unique factors affecting domestic confidence in particular the prospect of anti-government demonstrations on saturday and this is making investors more risk averse so to those figures the sell off of the r.t.s. appears to be speeding up by the end of the sessions one hour twenty minutes still to go and we're seeing the r.t.s. down four percent my sex not far behind look at the individual share movers on the my six oil majors are down in the cheaper crude the ross nafta and luke oil both
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declining more than four percent financials are also under pressure the most liquid stock of the russian markets burbank is down four and a half percent is their profit almost doubled during the first eleven months of the year reaching nine and a half billion dollars according to russian accounting standards that's not really providing any support. europe our did see a massive upswing initially twenty three members of the e.u. have agreed to form a new fiscal compact to rein in the deficit those who have been here for more support for the most indebted nations but as a business that is the nichol's that earlier in the program now investors are realizing nothing much has happened so all these gains are coming down. there for oil prices easing together with the euro which was gaining versus the dollar light sweet and bread are still holding up with just why in march. two thousand level has not been the best in terms of mergers and acquisitions in russia with values far below that seen during
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a peak in two thousand and seven but global bank is predict that could pick up next year with consolidation at home and firms looking for bargains. one would be in market consolidation so for example in the banking sector where you have thirteen fourteen hundred banks there is a need to consolidate in order to have both the required capital given some larger regulatory trends such as movement to basel two and hopefully basel three as well as the need to have sufficient liquidity to grow the balance sheet to in market consolidation for some of the old economy sectors will continue second we expect to see outward investment by russian companies and shareholders into europe and the united states taking advantage of the situation in those markets to become more global in nature. russia's biggest investment companies have lost tens of millions of dollars in the third quarter due to the stock market collapse in august and
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september of the r.t.s. and my six indices fell by eighteen and thirty percent respectively cheering this period now according to the vet a mostly newspaper troika dialog's losses exceeded one hundred million dollars in part because of a poor photo over valuation of the end of the london arm of the t.v. capital which invests in russia so losses of around sixty million dollars although some firms have done a lot better for example metropole and so on which maintained level balance sheets . travel is to russia may no longer be able to buy duty free booze at the border shops are not able to meet new rules on keeping their alcohol in warehouses due to tight control of and seaports this could be a big duty free stores as revenues from drinks make up to forty percent of their sales. and your joint venture between china's thunder sky and russia's nanotechnology corporation has launched the world's biggest lithium
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in two thousand and ten especially konami exulted for industrial production was established in russia somalia region with a total area of six hundred sixty ect as. its investors are granted exclusive tax and customs benefits which includes a five year exemption from property lands and transport taxes as well as an income tax reduction to fifteen point five percent. the special economic zone operates as a free custom zone which enables manufacturers to market their products in russia free of in for duties the somare.
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