tv [untitled] December 9, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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on r.t. tonight no thank you britain wishes that you're all the best pub walks out on the deal end of saving the common currency making the dream of united europe look more of an illusion. german chancellor angela merkel things parts of the deal have been a breakthrough while the e.u. commissioner but also says it's unfortunate that not everyone backs it will have more from brussels a few moments. israeli missiles rained down on garza targeting militants but hitting civilians in the most dramatic escalation of violence in weeks. and the official results of russia's parliamentary election are announced the ruling united
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russia party has confirmed the winner. stock markets around the world are divided while the u.s. and european markets are up russia nosedives find out why twenty minutes from the start. you watching r.t. from moscow my name's kevin o. and it's nine pm here now on our top story the euro's futures being dealt a severe blow at eleventh hour talks in brussels as the u.k. refused to sign up to new e.u. treaties leaving the rest of europe to figure out a different approach marathon overnight talks mean the core eurozone states will now make any further agreements among themselves while other european countries can still join in the work to work out budget rules and changes are to test for a series in brussels for us with the latest. with the decisions that came out what
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we're going to see is a two speed europe essentially those who are on board the german push for more fiscal integration stricter rules and harsher punishments more supervision and those who aren't now as it stands there are twenty three yeses maybe including sweden hungary and the czech republic you have to check with a problem and get back with an answer and know coming from the u.k. you know that no it's not very surprising because david cameron before getting into the summit had already said that if he doesn't get the guarantees that he needs to protect british interests the sticking point being the financial transactions tax and labor laws then he's going to use his veto to avoid that sweeping e.u. treaty that's exactly what happens to the u.k. is going it alone now from german chancellor angela merkel's point of view it is a breakthrough a success looking at what germany had wanted to achieve going into the summit and what they're getting out of it yes it would be fair to say that it is a success from their point of view and work also said that. the u.k.
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is concerned she didn't think david cameron was ever at the table with them to begin with anyway well now the next step is how are they going to go about doing all of this this new agreement among the twenty six e.u. commissioner also had said it would have been less of a headache if all twenty seven were on board from a legal and institutional point of view but he also thinks it's a possibility that there could be an intergovernmental agreement among the twenty six provided that the three maybe become a yes but it will be interesting to see how these leaders will have to go will go home and present the plan to their citizens and explain to the people exactly how these plans will affect the ordinary guy on the street bureaucrats here would be would be considering this success they're saying that they're actually very glad at the speed with which this agreement had been reach or this plan had been reached considering that the lisbon treaty took eight years to negotiate so they're thinking the saying that the credibility of the euro has been regained because of this plan on the other hand you're of skeptics are still voicing out their concerns saying this. this need for speed mean
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a sacrifice in democratic processes and what will it mean for countries like italy and greece who have already suffered cuts because of plans imposed by the e.u. so question still there and the big question that journalists have been asking readers here is does it mean that the euro is saved now and the most conclusive answer we can get at this point is we hope so still so many questions still so many answers needed because of financial host of the cause report on this channel r.t. good to see you tonight really welcome your thoughts than the u.k. is no no one the against twenty six do you think david cameron made the right decision david cameron just committed economics. the u.k. has a debt to g.d.p. ratio of a thousand percent the banks in the u.k. alone have a debt to g.d.p. of four hundred percent something like six trillion dollars in debt he once has the rest of the europeans and the rest of the world just tolerate london as the
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capital of fraud remember. made off and they all went through london they once did london to continue to be the capital of fraud while the rest of europe of the rest of the world for earns his sovereign debt and his bank debt that's ridiculous and those bank stocks in the u.k. barclays lloyds royal bank of scotland they're going to get hit and hit hard because cameron is an idiot surely this man most of must have known the vote was going to happen. for the u.k. where you see it going on we have got what you're given is a very british grim prognosis would you see it heading that in real terms. in real terms i see the british economy suffering tremendously because they've totally isolated themselves now from the rest of the global financial system by again protecting their own college array of fund managers and complete lax
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regulatory environment let me repeat m.f. global the john corps seen billion dollar scandal went through london ai g. multi billion dollar standalone went through london the lehman brothers scandal went through london it is the world's capital fraud david cameron knows that that's who pays for his reelection campaigns he's financed by bank fraud that's who he protects now he wants the world to finance the city of london while at the same time he's not going to participate in the overall euro project that's not going to work this is his death sentence this is a suicide move by cameron and this will finish is his prime ministership what about trying to put a brave face on it saying the summit is a breakthrough which she says will lead to stability will it well there this seventeen nations in the early zone are sitting on ten thousand tons of gold which is the most important thing going forward as this crisis continues the u.k.
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has three hundred tons of gold i gather there they're going to a gunfight with a knife cameron either is stupid or incompetent or all of the above what about this story the wall street journal reporter has some central banks in europe are now considering contingency plans in case the euro fails so a new c.e.o. i know i mean the for example the central bank of allah never think in a way used to bring back national currency still aren't they. well absolutely all possibilities are on the table but it all goes back to germany because germany is benefiting from a low euro if in fact there is war peripheral damage because there are a huge export business or if there is some kind of federal is a sure that will occur they're going to be running it out of berlin so germany holds the cards here and david cameron again is way outclassed when he goes and
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talks to merkel he's a little picture he's a little boy going into the adult conversation you need to go back to this little island nation and shut up final thought about hungary first of all said no to this deal that it's saying it's going to decide which way you think it's going to go at the end of the day i'm sorry hungary oh yes on the fence about joining in i just wanted to get your thoughts on the hungary first of all it was opposed to this treaty now it says it's got a way to think about it which way do you think it's going to decide and start to say i mean the politics there it's very different you know politically speaking there's a lot of tensions cross currents that go along it's not obviously not the main core of what's happening so that's a bit of a wildcard i would say most cars it's good to see you for a journalist host of the cause report very popular show on this channel thank you very much. ok there is
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a sharp escalation of violence in the middle east today with israeli bombs raining down on gaza really as one palestinian civilian was killed twenty five wounded most of them women and children tel aviv is stepping up its is sold on hamas militants but as artie's paulus leah found that the campaign is putting more innocent lives in the firing line. early this morning friday at least three israeli airstrikes targeted a hamas training camp in the gaza strip now in some of the shrapnel from one of those bombs that hit nearby homes at least one palestinian civilian was killed this follows an israeli airstrike last night thursday in which two high ranking palestinian militants were killed while traveling in a car in a crowded area in gaza city that was the first israeli strike in a concentrated area since the israeli gaza border back in two thousand and eight two thousand and nine now the palestinians have responded with a barrage of rockets there were five because some rockets or grad missiles fired on
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southern israel the south of israel is in a state of high and the residents have been ordered to remain near a bomb shelters throughout the course of today and this comes as various faction groups in the gaza strip point for increased revenge attacks against israel we also are hearing from hamas that it's ordered its operatives to keep a low profile city and this is the most dramatic escalation of violence that we've seen between israel and gaza in civil weeks now where three israelis accusing the gazans the gazans accusing the israelis and the scene does seem to be suited for a return to violence the israeli palestinian peace talks have yet again stored despite international pressure and largely over the issue of israeli settlement building like we witnessing from tel aviv is an increase in settlement construction so much so that the united states which is israel's closest ally has actually criticized the israeli government for its moves in this direction now the israelis for various sides have also by targeting these two high ranking palestinian
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officials and there's a strike there is day resumed what seems to be a policy of targeted killings because certainly hasn't been any kind of targeted killings since two thousand and ten and this is causing many to say that there's an inconsistency in the israeli policy it was just several weeks ago that is roll released more than a thousand pounds. in prison as in a prisoner exchange deal with hamas now we witnessing it once again targeting militants at the same time we're hearing from various human rights groups that they particularly concerned that the israelis are again putting civilians in the firing line relationship in the region is the coming more fluid all of this does set the scene for a real showdown. middle east correspondent russia's central election commission has announced the final official results of sunday's vote this evening the election determines the makeup of the country's parliament for the next five years. later slide. so how the seats in the duma be distributed and what is the final call on
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this. well the central election commission has released a final results and this is what the need team is going to look like united russia will hold two hundred thirty eight seats the communist party ninety two seats fair russia sixty fools the and the liberal democratic party fifty six seats now the commission also said that the mind of violations during the election process president medvedev had already said that all the claims of violations are going to be fully investigated now of course those claims of fraud and vote rigging during the election process is books this international debate we've seen a number of international voices indeed wading into that argument now prime minister putin has slammed the u.s. for interfering in russia's internal affairs he will say criticize hillary clinton and the keys to encouraging the opposition for claiming that the votes were rigged
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before she had any of the official information regarding the election process yeah i mean that of this movement should come out about legal documents exposing washington's role in the election process produce up to speed on what we know. well that involves the supposedly independent russian watchdog olaus. confidential e-mails that were published by life and he's appeared to shave it a washington sending pavements the information that would discredit the polls one of the miles from the u.s. state department praised the association's work and also a promise but the support of the organization now the chief executive told us has said that the e-mails were obtained illegally and they want to take that to court but didn't deny the content of these e-mails so certainly it seems that this very heated pace election debate is going to go on for some time yet in the country so first of all you vote with the latest from central moscow thank you. but as we just
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heard washington was quick to call the. in elections fair and democratic which was immediately picked up by the western media of some news outlets and even the protests that have been taking place russia's arab spring present here in this now reports the comparison is twenty is too late. dockery or. sky or. u.s. senator john mccain to eat dear vlad the arab spring coming to a neighborhood near you but is it seems russia's so-called slavic spring came and went twenty years ago. mccain and hillary clinton really would like this to happen and you see it in their relations to other countries where these revolutions benefit the u.s. and of course they're pushing for this but don't think it will happen there we're talking here like protests during the collapse of the soviet union hundreds of thousands who were out on the streets people who are. always in the
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ninety's and they will walk through. most of the few thousand out on the streets of moscow after these elections look young enough to either not remember or be unable to compare some of the story is funny how it worked out the middle class that exists today does so because of the politics of this government if they rebuilt the country four years ago if there was a much smaller middle class if any. a middle class egyptians would dream of its revolution praised as democracy by the west so are the military takeover. we have only one demand that the military council and the army go back to their barracks and start protecting the country that they've demonstrated they're incapable of leading the country over the last nine months. here's certainly proved twitter and facebook are fierce tools when planning protests some thirty thousand
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have already signed up for a moscow meet on the weekend but russia should have been the last in to egypt to rebuild from scratch can take decades tens of thousands of young people are preparing to come out onto the streets and voice discontent and that means millions won't it's a safe bet many of them remember all too well the turbulent ninety's what chaos means for such a large country and aren't willing to go back and start over and use the now i r t moscow where you go in-depth analysis on opinion on russia's post-election future on our website of com find out if the statements of the u.s. secretary of state risk poisoning the we've said relations with russia also one of the see how one big american news channel portrayed around to government protests in moscow by showing pictures from a completely different country. and a new f.b.i. definition could make the people who part of the airports guilty of the crime it's
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an interesting story it's online with us also the of the get check out our best videos to streaming right now if you want to you tube channel. he. down the official on t.v. allocation your phone on pod touch from the top story. on the go. video on demand r.t.s. my old girls. are as is feeds now with the palm of your.
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on the dot com nato is refusing to address russia's security concerns about the thorny issue of european missile defense that's moscow's conclusion after talks with the alliance in brussels foreign minister sergei lavrov says the us led bloc is not ready to cooperate on the shield nato is deploying an antiballistic system near the borders with russia which moscow sees as a threat to its national security the alliances rebuffed kremlin requests to guarantee it poses no danger washington claims the shield is aimed at iran and north korea but r.t. has been hearing from analysts who strongly doubt that. there is no threat right now neither country has missiles that could carry nuclear weapons and only one of those countries has a nuclear weapon in the first place and also you were it would be very difficult to imagine a country of that size aiming a ballistic missile at the united states because it would be like marking the country for annihilation with a big x.
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because a ballistic missile is ballistic that means you know where it came from we're using a defense that doesn't exist against an aggressor that this point doesn't exist the worst thing to look like is that you're weak understands so if people say you could build a shield that some people say that why not do it that sort i think the idea is that political pressures at home if they don't continue to push that way this administration will use it as weak and it doesn't want to be viewed as weak right now from a strategic perspective going into a national election would use in brief for you and indian police arrested six hospital officials on charges of culpable homicide after a deadly fire killed eighty nine hospital staff are accused of abandoning patients and fleeing when a blaze broke out most of the victims are said to have died from smoke inhalation it took firefighters five hours to bring the situation under control the fire started in a basement where flammable materials were being stored. a roadside bomb as well as these five human peacekeepers in southern lebanon the blast happened in the city of
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tire with local media claiming a french u.n. patrol was the target the been several attacks on peacekeepers in lebanon since the summer including last ones bomb explosion at a hotel used by u.n. staff. there's about activists in pakistan have staged an antenatal rally condemning the u.s. for a recent airstrike that left twenty four people dead the protesters also chanted slogans in support of the government's decision to close its afghan border crossing to nato supplies pakistan's also recalled some troops coordinating activity with international forces on the frontier with neighboring afghanistan the u.s. strike sparked a crisis and already relations between washington and islamabad. police are revealed a gunman who killed a police officer in a us university car park on thursday acted alone the man whose identity is not been released ran from the scene before turning the gun on himself police say they still have no motive behind the cop killing virginia tech is the site of one of america's worst ever deadly rampages back in two thousand and seven
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a student massacred thirty two people before killing himself. and the corporate occupy protesters in boston have been given the marching orders though police have yet to respond protesters to the celebration at midnight after police said they wouldn't immediately remove them from their encampment officers gave no indication of when the eviction would now take place elsewhere police interrupted a mass demonstration in washington d.c. arresting seventy then the camp's a part of a three month long fight against corporate excess which is already seeing thousands of arrests but many are still determined to stick it out however hard it gets. the occupy movement are facing not only pepper spray but things like the l. rad sound cannon the long range acoustic device which can blast your cranium with one hundred forty decibels shaking your skull so hard even earplugs won't stop it this weapon has been tested on palestinians in the occupied west bank by the israeli army so civilians in the us are now up against basically military style
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policing what's behind it is a mentality among our police forces our local police that views common civilians protesters as common criminals. first of period rapidly approaching time to get our skates on one and all later the moscow pretty slick. on this week's program we'll be taking a look at various activities you can enjoy over the festive period that's right christmas is just a few weeks away a little real magical atmosphere in moscow over the new year period and we're better to start off than go ice skating here on red square.
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you know the man's right moscow is a great place to be across christmas and the new year if you don't try to know yourself come here now. with the very shortly tonight a few moments we explore of sound of music of violence through the ages and still does today but it's business before that i mean trees got your update for you. i don't know well welcome to business see there was an east west divide on the markets on friday in europe and the u.s. equities were up and that's after the e.u. summit which saw a majority of the bloc commit themselves to types of fiscal rules to save the euro but here in russia the markets nosedive that also seems to be for political reasons we'll look at them in just a second first let's look at the numbers europe is up twenty three members of the e.u. agreed to form
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a new fiscal compact to rein in their deficits and there's also been the offer of more support from most indebted nations would seize up twenty percent of the clothes. and there was a sell off on the at the my six that more than four percent at the close if you look at the main movers on the my six you'll see that oil majors were down amid cheaper crude folks. who are losing four and a half percent the most liquid stock this burbank was also down four percent its net profit almost doubled during the first eleven months of the year reaching nine and a half billion dollars to russian accounting standards here's michael stein from a bank. the week was characterized by heavy volatility which culminated in the market selling off sharply today despite the market uptick in european asset prices investors in russia however are quite concerned about the ticking up of uncertainty in particular uncertainty tied to the outcome tomorrow's protests in moscow in
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addition there are some investors which are concerned about the reaction that. western critics may have to the publicized the official election result so there's clearly a lot of uncertainty out there and that's being a discounted in asset prices right now. two thousand levon hasn't been the best year in terms of mergers and acquisitions in russia with the values of fall below those seen during the peak of two thousand and seven but global bankers predict that could pick up next year with consolidation at home and firms looking for bargains abroad one would be in market consolidation so for example in the banking sector where you have thirteen fourteen hundred banks there is a need to consolidate in order to have both the required capital given some larger regulatory trend such as movement to basel two and hopefully basel three as well as the need to have sufficient liquidity to grow the balance sheet to in market
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consolidation for some of the old economy sectors will continue second we expect to see outward investment by russian companies and shareholders into europe and the united states taking advantage of the situation in those markets to become more global in nature. now ukraine says it's making the russian ruble the reserve currency as of next year the country's national banks announcement cements growing ties with moscow on tuesday ukraine signed a deal to pay in rubles for russian gas. travellers to russia may no longer be able to buy duty free alcohol at the border shops are not able to meet new rules on keeping it in warehouses due to tight control of the ports this could be a big hit for duty free stores as revenues from drinks make up to forty percent of their sales. and leo tec a joint venture between china's thunder sky and russia's nano technology corp has
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launched the world's biggest lithium battery plant in siberia the four hundred million dollar project will provide power units for electric cars buses and on the green technologies expected to take up to a fifteen percent share of the world's battery market by twenty fifty. that's all for now we will be back next hour the headlines are next on our city.
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up because. it's all designed to keep you close in your own small world as a prison. no you leave somebody in there for a couple hours like that in a stress positions. you have this fear of the unknown in this stress sort of building and. i've seen interrogations go on ten twelve hours they chose songs i remember from marilyn manson and metallic current slayer the two songs would be angel of death and raining blood to kill the enemy going through war coming up here into iraq i mean look into baghdad. johnny pool the bodies to the floor just a rock n roll band who is fitting for the job we're doing. the
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