tv [untitled] December 9, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EST
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movement is going to last which i guess is a good thing they do matters you know they're scared it will be there thanks so much if you. are taking a break but we will be right back. on. the police corruption. on. what a protester nobody seems to know. but never a pepper sprayed the face but part of the argument that they're being overly dramatic. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you. are
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welcome to the capital account i'm lauren lyster. all right guys it's time for tonight's tool time of war and tonight we actually have two winners for you both from the current g.o.p. presidential candidate category now a lot of the candidates out there been working very hard to come out with the most insane immigration plan possible rick santorum might have just taken the cake and yes i believe that this makes is the third time this week the rick santorum is what are told time award. so i guess i just makes him a really really big tool but seriously the guy just keeps spewing crazy during a campaign stop in spencer iowa yesterday the bench of a new set of there was asked again about his stance on immigrants who have families
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here in the united states so not only did he reiterate his usual point that those people are breaking the law but he went on to explain he can't be here for twenty years and commits only one illegal act because everything you're doing while you're here is against the law families should be broken up when the law is broken which includes illegal immigration that's right rick says that it's ok to tear family apart leave children essentially orphaned because they're breaking the law however this is the first time that he sounded like he has no hard on immigration just last week he explained to the crazies over fox and friends that deportation isn't as bad as everybody makes it out to be. if you're in this country legally and you overstay your visa you get sent home even though you may have family or you have a things that's why because we have rules we're we're country of laws and if you if you don't if you don't you know comply with the law than you pay the consequences of it and everybody who came here understood what the consequences were so yeah i feel bad i mean i don't like to break up families but you know the family can go
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back we're not sending them to siberia we're not cited to any kind of you know you know difficult going to mexico which is a this is a great country a nice country and they can go back like every other mexican who wants to come to america and come here illegally. break you sound like a travel agent or your pathetic attempts at making mexico sound so appealing not really working why do you think that people risked everything to come to the u.s. in the first place but sadly rick is joined by another right wing nut when it comes to immigration michele bachmann she is also in favor of shipping every single undocumented immigrant back across the border however she goes a step further saying the problem is with the concept of anchor babies also known as children born in the united states whose parents happen to be immigrants so she recently went on the o'reilly factor to defend her stance and she faced some criticism from below over her anti-humanitarian ideals i don't see good theory is one thing dragging people out put them on a bus with their children's cross it can be done that something it can be done had
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gone but it was. you know alarms really should be going off when bill o'reilly is the one that has to point out how bad the proposal is but the way the vote bachmann and santorum freely offer up the idea of ripping apart families of the seems as if it's no big deal frankly terrifying i thought that these are family values politicians interesting how they pick and choose when that title applies but maybe even more scary is that they're so far right on the issue that they even make gingrich look compassionate like he did during the c.n.n. national security debate. you've been here twenty five years yes three kids and kids you've been paying taxes obeying the law you belong to a local church i don't think we're going to separate you from your family you forcefully and kick you out. now keep in mind new does the same guy who wants to repeal those stupid child labor laws however when it comes to immigration he seems no better than to openly push for families to be torn apart but he's actually taking a risk there immigration is shaping up to be a central issue in the g.o.p.
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primary which is yeah there are ten point two million undocumented immigrants in the u.s. one million undocumented minors however the number of people actually crossing the border has dropped significantly in fact the pew hispanic center found that thirty five percent of those adults had been here for at least fifteen years while only fifteen percent of the undocumented immigrant population had been here for no more than four years so in other words a third of those people bachmann and santorum are targeting are those who have made the us their home for over a decade amped up border regulations have made it challenging for people to sneak across and a horrible economy of the u.s. has led more more people to conclude that the risks just outweigh the benefits so now that all the facts are out in the open maybe the g.o.p. should shift their focus to other topics like the economy and how much these people contribute to it and could contribute in more if you help them earn a legal status not just throw them out and rip their families apart so for a abandoning your core family values and proposing literally insane and heartless solutions to solve the undocumented immigration problem michele bachmann and rick
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santorum are tonight still time winners. well here's a story that might sound odd to those outside the beltway but it can give you a good look at how things can be done or reported here in d.c. and in new york about how close ties and what you could call special interests might help shape the new media narrative this week ben smith from politico wrote a piece about a split on the left when it comes to the middle east policy and next day it was revealed that josh block former apac spokesman had sent out an e-mail to conservative journalist listserver urging the recipients to look at smith's piece is an example and to label bloggers that think progress is anti israel an anti-semitic email is accompanied by three thousand word opposition document on some of those bloggers so what exactly is the kind of material that gets one labeled as anti israel anti-semitic and how often do we think of this kind of thing goes on here discuss it with me has been armbruster national security adviser for think progress or i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight now to tell everybody to we reached out to josh block we tried to get him to come on the show
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so maybe we could have a conversation about this haven't heard back so we're sticking with you and what you have now i know the cap has responded at least to politico the people of out there also been trying to reach out to josh block but tell me exactly what it is that that was labeled as anti-semitic or anti israel reporting what kind of material well. coming from the politico yes they were there were two bits that ben smith had picked up on one was our own reporting and another was our stance on israel and palestine first of all there really wasn't anything controversial in our reporting on israel palestine our positions our cap are basically the same as the administrations we've been supportive of to some two state solution have repeatedly written post in support of a two state solution and iran were also with the administration as well we support sanctions we support the diplomatic track and we're trying to. gather all the facts
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about iran's nuclear program. so. you know i'm not exactly sure why they're labeling that anti israel or pro or iran or whatever but i mean i think what goes on is if people disagree then you get these you know these these labels what i think that you know some people might see this is some tit for tat or some to use between two different organizations here but really i think it shows you just how closed off the discussion has become right here in washington right i mean even you see the way the people are reacting to the u.s. ambassador to belgium and everybody asking for him to step down now it's like you can't you can't go anywhere you can't say anything or you need to get attacked right right and i think that's the main weapon and opponents of. the israeli issue use is they call people who they disagree with and use and that are. now in particularly in this opposition research that josh block it passed around he labeled our right anderson that but never offered any quotes never offered any specific examples of what was actually anti-semitic so that kind of
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goes along with this line of if we disagree with you you're anti semitic and we just get to call you a bad name now in this opposition research kind of stuff isn't that they doing personal research on the bloggers over at think progress or is this something you know things that you've written publicly you know everything that they had. in the document was just links to posts we had written and a two paragraph preview of the opposite of opposition research that he sent around he labeled us anti semitic you know borderline hate speech and just link to a bunch of post but never pulled out any quotes from these post to say you know what this is specifically in medicare this is specifically around or whatever so i mean it's it's unclear actually what what it what in these post he thinks is so. would you consider this something that might be a campaign strategy you know prior to elections of course because as you just mentioned if you talk about the way that you feel that think progress reports on
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iran or on israel it lines up completely with the. and the administration sees things so is this do you think of this could be some bigger push just from the right wing is to try to you know influence the elections this way it's unclear what josh blocks motives are but i think it might be a part of this wider move to paint the president as anti israel when in fact his administration has as the israeli military and government officials have said have had on cross and in cooperation with the israelis militarily and in the security realm so it's really unclear as to how obama is in two years or israel but they use that as a political weapon a rhetorical political weapon as far i mean i think this josh block thing is part of that wider wider movement but i'm not exactly sure what his personal motivation is now i think since you know that's obviously one million we saw what all the g.o.p. candidates had to say at the national republican jewish coalition for of the other day and they all hammer away at obamacare when it comes to his foreign policy on
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israel but do you think that this is also something that we see more often that we see happen a lot let's not forget there was a scandal too when the right wing went crazy a couple years ago over a journalist right which is you consider a left wing list serv where people were talking about ideas so how often do you think that you know that stuff like this goes on that the opposition research is given that people are told to say a certain you know or to report in a certain fashion i mean i think it's a fairly regular thing i mean you have lots of different groups who you who push out their agendas push out their research to various you know journalists and campaigns and think tanks and other organizations like that it's a fairly common thing and i think what was interesting about josh blocks situation was that it was on the heels of the politico story in the center for american progress and media matters so i think that's kind of you know it kind of tied the motivations for that story or gave some information as to where some of that
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information in that story was coming so i guess you could say that it's one of those things that people assume are happening all the time but here you saw you saw the proof or the evidence you know that here you go and you have that kind of reporting but i want to thank you so much for joining us thank you. i was taking a break but coming up next fireside friday and we have just got the hour for you gretchen thinks of the current christmas is going to make it all the way to her house and donald trump's debate is now to be a bit. into that only a military mechanisms. to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism.
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peters don't believe the roughing the. one. testing nobody seems to know. the number of pepper sprayed the face but part of the argument that they're being overly dramatic . to tonight's fireside. our viewers know that we've been covering the occupy movement since day one all the mainstream media originally ignored it then eventually resorted to mockery and ridicule before finally taking it seriously only for a few brief moments after numerous clashes between protesters and police now almost
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three months since this move began we've seen not only overly aggressive in military actions by the police but also a chilling assault on media coverage of the evictions the first city to try and block press from covering what was happening was new york city under mare michael bloomberg orders so in response we rightly saw outrage from print media outlets we saw the new york times the associated press and others write a strongly worded letter to the police commissioner denouncing not only the blockage of the press but also arrests and the violence displayed by police towards journalists but how quickly it seems that some of the anger can vanish because it's not i'd like to highlight a story written by michael tracey over at salon dot com here he detailed mayor bloomberg annual holiday party that he throws for the local press this is a party where reporters from the new york times the new york post the new york daily news c.b.s. fox and other outlets were all in attendance and according to those that were there it was a very light heart of that so light hearted in fact the mayor bloomberg felt that
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he could make jokes about journalist arrests and the occupy movement in general there he joked about those in attendance having press credentials because don't forget when journalists were being arrested one of the city's defenses was that they weren't all properly credentialed he also gave out gag gifts to journalists and joked that those gifts are only for the one percent he even gave out a tarp is one of those gifts joking that it got it from that he got it from the sanitation department on the west side or all of the tents and tarps that were confiscated from zuccotti park must have ended up one point those in attendance even said the bloomberg draped himself in the tarp and then posed for a photo. it reportedly smiling from ear to ear now this story shows us not only that mayor michael bloomberg has a complete disregard for the violence and the first amendment violations that happened under his watch but you know that something that should be all that shocking considering that this is the man the bought his own election and who consistently defends wall street bankers from public anger but there is something much worse here to be said about the press the accounts of those that were there
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said the journalist either laughed along with bloomberg strokes or some stood there all quickly looking uncomfortable apparently not a single one of them spoke up said something about the mayor's actions and his jokes see i guess in the presence of someone so all powerful they just decided to be silent and play along who would dare risk not getting an invite to this annual holiday party next year if they dare make a wrong move that king bloomberg didn't like you know it's all a perfect example of the relationship between the media and the power elite it's become all too close it's a relationship that's meant to be adversarial in nature a relationship where the media is meant to be the government watchdog and yet all of that is completely deteriorated because the press corps of these days wants nothing more and to be close to those in power to be accepted into their circles to play nice so that they might one day get a good scoop or a leak not to mention invites to fancy parties the relationship is transformed into one of obsession and almost a hero worship of those in power and it's not only in new york we see the exact
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same scenario play out right here in washington d.c. we no longer have a press that's willing to take a chance stand up to politicians at risk access to get to the truth instead we have a press that will hide that truth at the government's request just think of the new york times not disclosing warrantless wiretapping for a year when president bush asked not disclosing the raymond davis was in fact working for the cia because the government told them not to i'm not sure what's at the bottom of it probably there's an element of fear fear of repercussions a lot of access being seen as too critical probably elements of temptation again with the fancy parties the big paychecks the photo ops and the. fun times with the rich and the powerful and all the while what they should be fearing if you look what the government is doing with wiki leaks attempting to use the espionage act to set a precedent for ways to silence the media all that they seem to pay obsolete no attention to because they know that if they stay close enough if they don't push too hard but they'll be safe so it's high time that there is some self reflection for the media in this country and i say there could never be a better time to start than right now.
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it's time for a happy hour and joining me this evening correspondent christine and politicos david cat needs thanks for joining you guys going to having us ok so it's almost christmas or i guess the holidays so it's almost christmas and carolers are something that are a nice thing i think but of course there's somebody that always wants to ruin what caroling is all about and so you know if you go to like a planned parenthood clinic on saturday morning saturday mornings they'll be a lot of people standing out there with bibles and with signs and trying to assure you away now they're doing something similar which is called an empty manger caroling event and it's actually happened before so a clip of somebody talking about it last year. say christmas carols bring the
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joy of christmas talk to fortune. and also. convince some of these mobs to choose life for their baby so they don't have christmas course of action first it's. confidential over. the on. i hate those people i actually leads drive me crazy but they're right to lie and to me they don't have a right to do it and they mean that i have to like them well no but i think you know the anti-abortion movement it's not that's not news that they're protesting a planned parenthood i just think this is a unique way to do it it's attention grabbing it probably gets a news crews out of there we're talking about it right now i mean they're getting more creative with their ways to the manger and i mean out of all the things that the anti-abortion rights activists do i think this is one of the more tame ones i
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mean there certainly are certainly people i'm sure you've seen them driving around the city with you know the bloody fetus dolls on yeah you know and so i mean this is a little strange for sure and it is it's it's an assault on christmas but. i think in terms of the other things that a lot of those activists have done this is one of the more tame ones. know what i don't read you do are you know you have a point there are just like they just rub me the wrong way i just want to come back and maybe one of these days to go out in front of planned parenthood start sort of fight back and be productive. but they want to the actual war on christmas the progress really believes is being waged and you guys know this and make fun of them all the time make fun of boxing brands make by the bill o'reilly because they're just convinced that there's a war on christmas out there and gretchen is so scared about it she thinks it's going to come to her home soon. well i was actually thinking about that like when will it come to the richest person in the personal home situation
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a corner i love to light up at my house i'm just wondering if i could hear a knock at the door excuse me reports of a little drummer boy by your christmas tree going to come with me friends. those fools can you imagine one day somebody knocking on your door tell you to take a crisp well i saw this was this was what because somebody is in florida one of the officials there said that they couldn't have christmas trees or menorahs in public buildings and so gretchen of course takes that very personally and thinks that they're going to knock on her door and do it public building and her house are totally the same thing right. i think there's the should only be about about a month period and get rid of them it's like them all the decorations earlier and sooner or later playing the radio stations you got to listen to christmas music like they have a year where you have to listen to that christmas music i mean i don't know but i forgot months well this is good and then some like homeowners association is having . yeah you know of course homeowners associations do what if you don't want to call
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them christmas lights what if they're just your hang up lights just because you like hanging up lights on your house is just weird i think it's just crazy that gretchen has taken it just for and only earlier generation yeah we can all afford you know really nice beautiful landscape things that people just put up christmas lights all right with the words but giver the song. that's got to there's got to be a month and then we move. on yeah only one month allowed no i'm kind of with you because i walked into a starbucks before thanksgiving had even and there are so worthless music and i can't we haven't gotten rid of or you know we haven't finished one holiday yet you're already moving on to the next i'm going to learn much it's a little much ok let's take a look at this video which is just really incredible. this girl who goes to north ridge just had a complete freak out and some other people in the library. apparently it's finals time and i guess she thought they were breathing too loud and so of course
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a smart person was getting yelled at by her had it on their video or at least i was sitting around the people and i posted on facebook and now it's become a sensation what do you know. she's asking other people what is wrong with you are you serious by now i mean ok on one hand i remember being in college and finals and people like literally going crazy we had at my school every night during finals at eleven pm you stick your head out the window and you scream as loud as you can because it gets out some of that stress but this girl is the perfect example of why like this whole tiger mother movement you know these moms who like so much pressure on their kid like this is what happens when you're a tiger mother and you put so much pressure on your kids to get good grades they
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become crazy and have meltdowns in library or maybe she's just crazy this girl's got something else going to somebody just look up at her and are like you know something else is going on but you know the best part about this is the discipline of the girl who had the camera to capture it all right that's a new media age like that that is now could be shared with you know millions of people if you forgot that was you know her breathing too loud it's not like they are like listening to music or talking on the phone or doing something else you can't breathe in the library. put those words i just want to work. it out it is well worth watching out for the viewers you know they're really freak out big time when she sees that this clip of hers on facebook but she should you know what she should maybe life lesson ok. last thing so trump's debate that he's going to be moderating which is a big fat joke is turning out to be just that because it turns out that it's only going to be newt gingrich. and rick santorum that are there and all the other candidates have said no but santorum actually as crazy as he is kind of had
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a good point because he called them all hypocrites where he said many of my opponents jockey to be the first to fly up to new york and use donald trump for a photo op and no doubt try and secure and adores me but when donald wants to moderate a debate they refuse to attend that's what's so wrong with politics today. i mean it's great for rick santorum because he doesn't really get a lot of attention now because it's all about newt gingrich and mitt romney so he will get some attention is going to him with newt gingrich and it's kind of the time so like it's actually a good media play for rick santorum but like. you guys want to do they did all go hang out with what i have to say about that they went back before donald trump was seen as a crazy person i mean by lie a lot of it they've been going to see trump way after the fact after the after hours of the advisers and you can see the eye but they all laughed when he was getting all i know is. they all that i think what happened was one said no and then they all said ok now we have a pass because romney said no that perry would know that i mean do you know what
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i'm going to do certain i got to wrap it up of course you guys because i read a time but thank you for joining we have a great week and that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in the creek back on monday venture capitalist nick hanauer will be on the show to explain why taxing the rich does not have to lead to less job creation meantime you know everywhere you can follow us on line and coming up next on news. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. download the official anti up location to go on the phone or i pod touch from the. life on the go. video on demand ati's mind build
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