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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2011 9:30am-10:00am EST

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it's now half past the hour here in the russian capital watching the headlines now a twenty five thousand strong opposition rally is breaking up following a peaceful protest in the center of the russian capital people have been contesting the outcome of sunday's parliamentary election. is out of a pan in european deal to save the euro shattering the unity dream and leaving the rest to work out a new budget rules all amongst themselves. and israeli rockets blockade and
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sanctions continue to squeeze palestinians with four people killed over the last few days it's a situation forcing gazans to seek a better future even in a war ravaged libya. look at the disturbing harmony between music and warfare from ancient african war dances to modern day sound guns blasting metallica taliban hideouts in afghanistan. yeah. good. read. poems not palm. in music. during the vietnam war americans fought with old by military power is a cruel one they could not win with conventional weapons alert. in order to defeat the vietcong psychological operations i spent so i could
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friedman counted on musical little fans to tip the scales we had a tanks with loud speakers alone and we had jeeps of loud speakers we had aircraft a good fly over with loud speakers and we had men that actually put the loudspeakers on their back they had little packs a day would and they would just walk right into the jungle and they would play it. the americans once it's of beats the vietnamese with military might but at the same time when that hearts and minds therefore they commissioned pro-american songs to win them over. but when the viet cong intensified their attacks the us military strategy changed from now on eerie sounds poured out of the backpack speeches.
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that hit the knees have a tradition that if you don't die close to home you know buried close to home here so will wander forever so the americans actually used at start a campaign called the wandering soul and we produced tapes that had funeral music funeral dirge a very sad music and in the background you had a voice of a dead father. telling its daughter is wife he wasn't coming home he was going to wander for ever and it was used to would tend to demoralize the soldiers still. there was no evidence whether the psychedelic soundscape ever convinced any viet cong to give up fighting the us lost the war never the loose.
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today the u.s. military uses music as a weapon much more deliberately and effectively chris has flown to london he wants to meet a man who was arrested does an alleged terrorist in pakistan in two thousand and two. we're going to go meet those in baghdad who was actually educating me who was held at guantanamo so this is the first time that i'm really going to need someone who might actually have been exposed to music being used as part of interrogations and what better way to learn about a potential interest. on the night of thirty first in china two thousand and two there was a knock on my door i open the door a group of people into my house one put
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a gun straight to my head pushed me onto the forecourt of my of my house they tied my hands behind my back shackled my legs and put a hood over my head and carried me to the back of the vehicle in front of my wife and kids. monson big as a prisoner such as it was in two thousand and one he moved to pakistan with his family he says he went bad to build a school for girls. but u.s. authorities have accused moore of having worked for al qaeda and the taliban over three years they kept him prisoner. one time. during his time he was interrogated three hundred times. indium the authorities released him without. that moment i was handed over to u.s. military custody is when the mistreatment began and began being thrown onto the
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floor shackled punched kicked clothes ripped off dogs barking at me and this kind of thing happened happen a program did it happen it went on a movie well the treatment in guantanamo i would say was move torturous and torture us. nonetheless. extended period periods of isolation in guantanamo what destroyed people's minds there have been of course that's in kuantan of people still maintain that what's happening to the people over there is a form of torture but it is not the physical type of torture the pattern background now so i want to get back to the music why do you think that they picked music as part of this mix in this situation clearly it was purely it's orient the enemy as it were they chose songs i remember from marilyn manson and metallica and i suppose i had the privilege or the. the discomfort to to know the difference
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because you know these songs from having grown up in the u.k. i knew these songs very well i listened to many of them avoided many of the others nonetheless i knew the difference sadly many of the prisoners that didn't to them it was all western music and this was just another addition to what must have been a barrage of of of western attitude. western influence western culture onto the senses which again the only thing that they had seen of america was this the only thing that they had seen was the occupation was the prison and now the music which was being used. as a technique to. in addition to being short shackled which is your hands tied to your legs in addition to being dehumanized to being shaved forcibly to being removed from your home and from your environment now you're subjected to your south is are subjected to the sounds of something that is entirely unfamiliar very
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disconcerting very disorientating play very well the music was so loud that everybody in the block would hear it none of us could sleep is music really that bad compared to say waterboarding or being forced into a position or kept awake for days why is your music in particular so. i think that. one may argue and say music is not that bad but it's not just music it's not music isolated by itself nobody's made to go and sit and simply list put on headphones and listen at their leisure and control the sound and the decibels of how much they listen to they are in addition to being tied being shackled being beaten and tortured and confined in addition to all of this they are being subjected to not just ordinary music it's music that you if i was to subject you or anybody i think the average person to turn on the music extremely loud.
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just for a few minutes i pretty i'm pretty certain you would be saying that i can't hear myself think and that's the precise point because if you can't himself think you can't think if you can't think you have no control of your senses and have no control your senses you are for all intents and purposes a completely. vegetative person and that's the point to put person put somebody in of almost in an almost vegetative state where they are simply ready to say anything comply with anything. only so that the music can be turned.
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music and torture music and war at the university of goats in that research group deals with precisely these issues. the history of music and warfare is as old as the history of warfare itself. in ancient times troops use drums and trumpets to transmit signals on the battlefield in the sixteenth century these sounds inspired marches charts and battle song but early on military leaders realize that music is especially good at strengthening the esprit de corps. particular forms of music particularly singing.
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with them to be very very effective if it comes to reinforcing groups solidarity for example. during the german empire trails like songs like old comrades was used to motivate the troops. but it wasn't just him even cards and the him to go into battle but it was only of maintaining some kind of discipline i rhythm and beat to promote power and hatred i don't hitler was aware of the psychological effects of music therefore he centralized music production in germany i mean months after he came to power to better control what his people listen to i. i i it was one of the most system atsic approaches to really utilizing music and every possible aspect of public and political life. that i could
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establish the so-called right music chamber this authority produced only nazi compliant music propaganda included war mongering songs like from finland to the black sea. my chief propagandist joseph goebbels commission of the song himself the emotional power of music helped conduct the blood lust of the germans. do you want total of all. i. even during the war the firm out trying to keep up morale through rallying songs like the panzer leader. and even in defeats music had its purpose to provide comfort and a way to escape reality.
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then a depressing mixture of war and everyday life the soldiers here have to cope with boredom and the constant fear of attacks music as a way to escape from all of this or most everyone here has a portable cd player or an ipod they download their music off the internet. to them it's like a drug a way to unwind or to get ready for the next bonfire. and
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the city's down here with three nuns content and peaceful as long as i have this this and also set of batteries. i'm all set you know my music and i'm happy like like. ever mellow out. that have to get through the day slayer the two songs to be angel of death and raining blood they're just. heavy metal songs that i like and motivated. to see where you're going into the fight to begin with and then you've got a good song playing in the background and that. song bodies hit the floor. this is the one we listen to the most this is the one we travel we. always hear more coming up here into iraq.
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because. it was just fitting for the job we were doing. bodies by drowning could be considered the unofficial end of the u.s. military. but christopher wants to meet the band for a different reason music was also used to prisoners he wants to know from the band whether they are just as upset about this as he is today drowning pool plays next to one of the largest naval bases in the united states but there is a problem. actually i'm a little nervous about this interview because we've got an e-mail this morning from
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drowning pool's manager saying that they weren't supposed. to ask him anything about that and after all that's why i came here so how can i possibly find out what i want to know about. the use of this music. prisoners if we're not allowed to talk about. absolutely crazy. it's a problem usually it's everything you think about. going to hell yeah. maybe when. they say support our troops you know i know people do.
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he went on a different side of let's. just curious you guys have a lot of military fans too these guys never show you why they like your music so much what we hear from guys you know that are in different fields or what have you gals and gals they said yeah i just get some pumped up they get some on their toes you know and their edge and i say they actually play it before they have to go on to be actually you know the wire and. i wasn't so intense and some probably shouldn't say this but they did show me how they do and i think it's a rock out and you know and the headsets while they're actually only do yeah i don't know if you have like the unofficial like how i make a soundtrack of the military i wouldn't say that but i mean guys you know if they're in their home be other tank you know them wanted and their crews and
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there's six of them you know that strap a boom box down and the guy up there you know looking out is there cruising you know i always want to go if they ever if you actually if i were if i would fire on the beach or something like that you know i mean let's not get too carried away i mean nobody wants to think of this song as the. in the soundtrack i know men are one but at the same time if if cranking us to eleven you know keeps you alert on your toes and gets you back done from your mission and then dusty back home to your wives and family and kids then by all means but alas that day i mean i'm going to keep you and you guys and you girls awake until four five six in the morning and then by all means janet is there anything political about your music at all the think you're or is it just great rock n roll here you know your music is not political at all honestly i mean when you have a song soldiers which is kind of a thank you and hats off to our military and every you know country's military for essentially you know then was all have been you know piece of the end of the day
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trying to keep the peace you know in sucks that you have to go to war to keep peace but you know this is you know it's where it's been through history you know it's been going on through history but on the moon i mean you can argue all day you know should somebody be somewhere should we be you know the world police you know and you know there's a lot of things that we all feel strongly about you know separately within the band there's things that we feel very firm on collectively are we a politically driven band i don't think anybody who knows who we are i would i honestly think that we are and we're just a rock n roll band i don't want to put you in a position you don't want to answer. but you heard you when the when the government uses the music say with detainees and said to. help our own military do you feel the same about that or you know how that it was used you know for interrogation and we jokingly say you know they want us to listen to our music every day is this going to be something that's going to interrogated you know we well we put crowds
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through that sort of push or all sorts ourselves or whatever that we shouldn't joke played several of us are getting and i mean a lot of matrimony. musics of as a stimulant a torch a tool and now also as an acoustic alteration one example the battle of fallujah in iraq. in two thousand and four among blenched for american security contractors president bush found rivera in our military commanders will take whatever action is
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necessary to secure felicia on behalf of the iraqi people for. what followed was one of the filesystem bloodiest battles of the iraq war over four thousand people died in the seven month struggle the street fighting was drooling from both sides to break the resistance obviously missed and such as the u.s. military began to employ mobile speaker systems. and saluja was a perfect example they were just playing music day and night over there it almost got to be a gag like it like a musical showed a loudspeaker playing music and of course the. the insurgents who were in fallujah playback they from their mosque had loudspeakers on a mouse they play music back they played various religious music.
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heavy metal against islam as. it was also a demonstration of the perceived superiority of western culture the u.s. military believes that the musical bombardment helped on the mind the morale of the insurgents the psychological operations and our except at the point where every unit boards forward so if you have ups three or four groups going in with a battalions the reds report every day in a certain area each of those units like call for a team and then that will come down here in fort bragg will be tasked with we're sending a loudspeaker team so it there's much more at the main. the technology of these loudspeakers is becoming more and more sophisticated the latest models all compact powerful sound counter they can bust ear drums cools nausea and
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can even make people unconscious by then say medium builds these acoustic morhaime and. it's a powered loud speaker that works at very long distances with perfect clarity that is not what a normal loud speaker does. it makes it more intelligible. it makes it louder. and it throws it farther. business is brisk every day dozens of these small high performance speakers are assembled into large sound cannons cannons that knock out the enemy not with bullets but with sensory overload what's scary is not just that looks. it's like it's here. how is that possible if i blindfolded you
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if i blindfolded you and i turned you around and i said tell me where the sound is coming from you would be confused that's what makes our device very helpful in the military your head back in september two thousand and nine and t g twenty summit protesters in pittsburgh witnessed the effectiveness of a similar system passed. by my. years we will change the way wars are fought we will change the way
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aggression is created to subdue somebody and it probably will be one of the last efforts that we make because we will figure that by that time that device should the need to kill. the proud inventor is naturally not at liberty to tell us what these super sound condoms look like that's top secret but down to maybe raise whether his sound gun will really spell the end of all wars. people will still die from bullets and bombs but music will increase the arsenal of modern nominees with yet another insidious weapon.
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music is just part of an effort to make you lose your identity make you lose your confidence making you. yell your point since taking away or self-control your self-esteem almost. if somehow my song i stopped them from using my song i'd feel that i'd done something moral and good perhaps they would use somebody else's song if all of us stop them from using song. then they would use noise and if you stop noise they would do something else the real issue is not to me music but it is. torture.
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not necessarily the music itself that is such a weapon it's music as part of a means of controlling me environment and the person in charge if they can control someone's environment they've taken their free will away completely and that's a very powerful weapon.
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