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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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i don't think we'd have left television forest so easily. to decades past but the discussion still rages was this a plot or a fait accompli. twenty five thousand protesters are officially said to have been out on the streets of central moscow to contest the outcome of sunday's parliamentary election is claimed the numbers were far. the biggest protest in moscow for years the two decades without incident with protesters praising the police for restraint joining me now in central moscow for more details. u.k.'s resoundingly no to a new pan-european deal calls a shadow over unity dreams leaving the other twenty six member states to her own plans of saving the euro amongst themselves. and from the frying pan into the fire
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gazans whose lives have been shattered by israeli rockets siege and sanctions see a better future even in war torn libya. international news and comment around the clock around the world that this is so the people have given voice to a peaceful opposition rally in the heart of the russian capital the call to arms was issued after sunday's parliamentary election that the opposition claimed was rigged and he has the details. moscow's biggest protest in some two decades took place without incident very peaceful and in fact protesters are praising police restraint of course there was a lot of security the ministry of interior has put the number at some twenty five thousand people at its highest point throughout the day some of the opposition speakers today claiming there was one hundred hundred or one hundred fifty thousand
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people here clearly that's not the case earlier in the day some protesters did meet at revolution square which was what organizers wanted the original location to be there was no permit for that but a lot of those thousands did peacefully make their way to below through a square which is where the protest took place and moscow wasn't the only city which saw a protest they began out east invited us stopped took place across central russia and in st petersburg as well there came out we do know that there were minor scuffles with police and that there were ten arrests but here in moscow that was certainly not the case very peaceful and it seems a lot of the organizers are very happy with that in terms of these protests they of course began and they're calling for free and fair elections on monday when it was clear what the results were that happened on tuesday as well there were several arrests this of course has been the biggest and from the government what we heard was from the president from the prime minister that people of course have the right to come out and voice their opinions and make demands if it stays within the law
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what we heard in terms of what we heard was a little harder criticism from prime minister vladimir putin about outside comments about russia's election specifically speaking about secretary of state hillary clinton and her comments that elections in russia were neither free or fair and some interesting developments have come out which really do back up the prime minister's statements our goalless which is an organization that monitored some of the selection. e-mails came out from life news and it you can go on to their web site and actually see some of these communications that happen. between the u.s. state department and goal is to observe this election and there you have some of the observers asking how much they would be paid for each violation that they found with that said the central election committee did say that there were minor violations they did up hold the outcome of the vote but did say that they would launch some kind of investigation but you clearly have back and forth between the
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west and russia about these elections prime minister vladimir putin has made it very clear that he believes that certainly the secretary of state has stepped over a line and you also have the media covering it in very different ways we saw fox news showing videos of athens greece which of course has had protests all year long maybe more entertaining certainly painting a better picture of chaos but most certainly not moscow as you can see clearly the greek alphabet and palm trees in those shots you had c.n.n. showing pictures of a nationalist rally which took place a year ago they to be fair did later file a correction on that but a very different picture painted by western media as to what was happening in moscow this week it certainly wasn't chaotic and this was the first day that we saw tens of thousands of people come out onto the streets in terms of the opposition and there was leaders who was organizing these protests well there are a lot of different faces some of them not even connected to political parties but those that are most well known are probably bodies themselves who has been in
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russian politics for years who is a former deputy prime minister and he openly is known to be supported by washington's national in downman for democracy and he was that these protests today he was detained actually earlier this week and another i think it's fair to say up and coming star is alexei love on a he is a blogger very well known here in russia not so much in the west he was detained and will say detained for fifteen days so he didn't come to this rally a lot of his supporters were here what you don't hear a lot about him is about his nationalist line you hear a lot about his anti-corruption work you don't hear about his speeches about russia is for russia and so on but if you look. the bit closer you can see in some of the speeches that he made earlier this week at protests there were some statements that could easily be clipped be classified as hate speech one of his quotes was i will cut their throats so really some of the people that came out today don't necessarily associate themselves with a political party they came out for free and fair elections but
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a lot of different parties here today and a lot of different faces of opposition reporting from moscow and he's an artsy well russia's election attracted worldwide attention and drew some criticism from foreign policy the head of the state duma foreign affairs committee constantine constituent believes washington's playing a political game against russia. i was very much surprised to see the recent comments by hillary clinton and these comments. very much out of the framework which was drafted in the preliminary conclusion by parliamentary assembly of all we see in the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe which was issued the next day after the elections the conclusions are not fair and they believe that these conclusions by hillary clinton are not free from the political interests of the united states of america because the united states of america are in their competition with russia on very many important issues and
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this is great that if and when you can create additional problems for your interlocutor for your partner at the negotiation table then it may be easier for you to reach your own goals so for me the statement by hillary clinton some of the statements by by the european union by nato by other representatives in the west is just a part of the game this is not a democracy in russia this is not about elections in russia this is about geopolitics and this is about making russia a little bit weaker and more in order to make yourself a little bit stronger and this is absolutely unacceptable what you can log and what he dot com for analysis on this story and of course you can check out our you tube channel for the best pictures of the rally. it's.
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the official altie application. from the top story. on the good. video. and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. on the dot com. the dream of a united europe has been given a bloody nose by the u.k. prime minister david cameron snubbed the other twenty six members london opted out at one of the most important political gatherings in the region's recent history
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aimed at saving the single currency he blocked a new deal saying he was protecting his country's financial interests and sovereignty so instead of an all europe pact the treaty to impose sanctions and budget rules were now have to be agreed upon between individual governments hungry also originally said no to a new treaty but has since changed its mind and is now consulting its policy to other states are also doing the same a new plan is due to be agreed upon by next march but economics professor claim us says it doesn't address the immediate needs of hard hit countries like greece and ireland. is short of a dog disaster. suggestion need a euro in europe in part that's really the message i'm getting from. the you know this started to. look so should you not going along which you know i don't think it's a sensible position to take. because i don't see the solution. to
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get out there. and the summit. i'm going to hold europe a group you remember victor only three countries who meet each. group don't know so we can only mean good on each country should make much of the just much. fish the policy should. be still going to deal with the problems of british spain portugal ireland and also italy. that has not been addressed well still to come in the program this hour here in r.t. all for one demonstrators around the world call for the release of one of america's most well known prisoners arguing his murder conviction was politically motivated. and force for optimism the conflict over election results in the caucuses which threatened to turn bloody seems to have come to a peaceful resolution. the story still to come first al qaeda colombia's guerrillas
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and the occupy london movement no attempt to put an end to the months long anti corporate protests none the police have acquitted the group to establish terrorist networks and although the as horses later admitted the comparison was over the top it left activists questioning why peaceful protest is being viewed as a crime other than it reports. tense dreadlocks even didgeridoos but all the occupy london protesters really terrorists the city's police force seems to think so it sent a letter to banks and businesses in the financial district warning of the terror threat posed by occupy activists it puts them in the same bracket as al qaeda well i'd say to anybody who believes it to come come here and have a look for themselves and see that we are totally peaceful protest it's preposterous to say that the backlash of criticisms force the police to admit its wording was too strong but it stands by its warning to big businesses to remain
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vigilant issuing this statement we've seen crime linked to protests in recent weeks notably around groups entering office buildings and with that in mind we continue to brief key trusted partners on activity linked to protests this is the building in question occupies so-called bank of ideas activists moved in here nearly three weeks ago it had been empty for months the apparent terrorists now use it for meetings and lectures on how to solve the current crisis they can even count celebrity backers and politicians once they guessed that it's huge number of people want to see a different kind of economic system that's what people here stand for i want to come and lend solidarity to that the u.k. is complicated laws on squatting mean the owners still haven't been able to vic the new uninvited tenants since the building wasn't in use the activists don't see why they should leave is it fair though to occupy private property. is it fair that
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there's nearly a million buildings empty out there in the u.k. and people freeze to death every winter i would counter that with so far this is the only building process does have occupied can belong c.b.s. it was empty before it was taken over as the swiss banks a conviction order for this building beefing up security at its main offices just across the street as they fear the protesters could spread both u.b.s. and the financial services authority refused to comment but they clearly heeding police advice security is tight in the money district. a small group of people recently stormed the offices of a mining company during a national strike they claim to be part of the occupy movement those here though deny any links but that hasn't stopped police tarring them with the same brush it's just unfortunate that some people actually have done that and it's because in police attention. it's going to label us as people will get
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a few bad apples when you hear it in any organisation and they've said well look they're all like you in on main it's just not true the original occupy camp hopes to keep its protest peaceful a victim anyone using its name as an excuse for violence they might not be al-qaeda but any minority prepared to step the wrong side of the law could play straight into police hands either bennett's london. well the camp in the u.k. capitalist ill standing unlike that of their fellow worker pozen the u.s. city of boston who saw their tent city dismantled this morning police moved into the square at about five am local time taking down the tents and making forty six arrests some protesters removed their belongings early fearing police action would be heavy handed the city had set a deadline for midnight on thursday but the protesters to leave the police took no action until today boston is the latest in the recent string of affection throughout the u.s. as demonstrators are told they must leave their camps now or face prosecution in
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three month long nationwide movement against corporate excess has already seen thousands of arrests and more details on this story are available on our website r.t. because. israeli bombs continue to pound palestinian land with four people killed over the last few days the latest on rest for an exchange of rockets early saturday morning though no injuries have been tensions across the israeli gaza border flare up on thursday and dozens including children have been wounded in gaza since this recent wave of strikes began it's one of the major reasons alongside a massive unemployment rate the people fleeing palestine in search of work and a new life was artie's paullus there explains even a country still reeling from a bloody civil war is seen as a better option. here is where god is desperate and unemployed gather thousands who are hoping that the war in libya can offer them a spite from the hardships of war on the doorstep. we don't have any source of
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income prisoners are in better conditions and us that's why people want to run away from here. the queues here are long and full of hope. and i'm happy to do any type of work that it doesn't make a difference just to get some income so my children can survive. the united nations puts unemployment in gaza at forty five percent two and three gazans live in poverty and every year the ministry of labor says another thirty thousand people join the ranks of jobless ever since israel imposed a siege on gaza nearly five years ago the private sector has all but ground to a halt but i'm interested in the economy and gaza is dependent on israel it's the way israel set it up all the materials we need for industry and construction have to come from israel through the israeli ports and airports we have no direct relationship with the outside world before the palestinian uprising in two thousand tens of thousands of gazans worked in israel they pass through here areas the
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largest border crossing between israel and gaza but as you can see now only a handful of people trickle through it today now yell out because shall we was a painter and would earn about thirty american dollars a day enough for his family to survive on but in the last seven years he can't cross the border and with no work this side his children often go to bed hungry he was one of the first to sign up when a call went out for people interested in going to libya to register i don't care if it's libya or not and ready to go to mars for the sake of getting food for my children i can't give them more than twenty cents a day to survive on can you imagine that i must says israel promised to lift the blockade on gaza as part of the recent prisoner exchange that freed the captured israeli soldier but israel says it made no such promise this is to control the control of the sea control the people in gaza. to trade freely with the outside israel is the main goal was to be in the zone for the siege in gaza and
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this israeli government did not deny israel says the siege is for security reasons and is afraid materials like cement and steel could be used to build weapons and military fortifications police here r.t. on the israel gaza border. just to remind you more news available online dot com including that at the moment a finnish journalist claims he was beaten up by the founder of an extremist website tempting to record interviews at a conference in finland. japan plans to use wild monkeys to measure radiation levels maybe nuclear power plant claiming helicopters they've been using for the purpose can't provide accurate data to get the story all nuts and even the stories that r.t. . demonstrations are being held in cities worldwide calling for the release of a man who until a few days ago was america's most high profile death row prisoner. was incarcerated
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thirty years ago for killing a white police officer a crime he still denies and in this week a court reduce the sentence to life in prison without the possibility of parole and his supporters claim the former black panther movement member is an innocent political prisoner activist mike farrell says it was a mild deserves a fair trial which apparently he never got. it is like many other cases in the united states a case where race entered into the prosecution where there are serious questions about the not only the efficacy but the effectiveness and fairness of the trial the elimination of the death penalty in this case it's really only one step and i hope it doesn't mean that now he's going to be consigned to a life without parole and everybody's going to walk away and say ok we won because in fact justice has not been served in this case it's on the record now that the judge was biased racially biased it's on the record that the. police corruption
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in the philadelphia police force involved the suborning of perjury and the actual extortion to get witnesses to perjure themselves this trial was corrupt from the beginning and that's why amnesty and human rights watch and so many other organizations say justice must be done and say that you've got to start with a fair trial. still ahead this hour can the world overcome the consumerist obsession. trading making selling is the way to make a living have bet you feel good and then and then you are looking for something else the resident people in new york whether it's time to say no. we don't need. a post-election standoff that threatened to explode into a revolution in the republic of self-assertive seems to being fully resolved peacefully the outgoing president stepped down paving the way for a new poll in which explains. they thought of course he has been governing the
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caucus republic of south asia for ten years has and now is his resignation on saturday emphasizing he has made this decision this isn't a step down to avoid violence and to and the political standoff in the region indeed following the presidential election here in the firm but the situation here has been very tense and very dangerous following the opposition candidate victory in the presidential runoff another candidate and that'll be really who was expected to win this vote and who was considered as the key favorite of the presidential vote complains to the supreme court of south to settle about violations allegedly committed biology of his team and a later the court ruled two and not the outcome of the vote and moreover to bar the host so from participating in the next poll should build for march that was something our joy of a former education minister sol said never accepted she declared herself the
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president elect and submitted taro complain to the supreme court hundreds of her supporters have taken to the streets of the capital to involve two sides been involved in this conflict have started negotiations where russia has played a role of mediator eventually as we can see that the court has agreed to step down to officially pass the presidential powers to prime minister it's been very tough and difficult but eventually as we can see it's been resolved peacefully. where the notion of reporting there now to some more news from around the world the world update that these three people are dead following violent clashes in the democratic republic of congo after the results of presidential elections were disputed in the capital kinshasa protesters blocked roads and threw stones at police to disperse them with tear gas tensions culminated when the opposition leader. rejected the results and declared himself president. police have been deployed throughout kinshasa to bring the situation under control. light aircraft crash into
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a school near the finish. capital shortly after takeoff killing at least thirteen including two children there were no classes being held at the time of the incident fighters have identified two pilots among the dead according to officials the crew declared an emergency after taking off from the a but failed to return to the airport before crash. the two thousand and eleven nobel peace prize has been presented to three women in the in the region capital for the struggle for women's rights the prize was awarded jointly to the president of liberia and an activist. and pro-democracy campaign called common when this were presented with a medal and. the prize money of one and a half million dollars will be split between the three. star gazers across the world are preparing to catch a glimpse of a spectacular lunar eclipse the phenomenon's peak the moon takes on a dramatic red hue the celestial display will be most clearly visible in east asia
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and australasia lunar eclipse is only happened when the sun the moon a perfectly aligned with the earth in between the next time is predicted for twenty fourteen but with just two weeks until the christmas holidays till the world over a ringing sound of sales but is consumerism running out of control. and resident in new york asks if what we are buying is really what we need. there's no doubt we live in a consumerist world are you sick of it this week let's talk about it's christmas time so i think it's normal. to to buy something why did normal to buy stuff much more stuff just because it's jesus's birthday. good question there's no thanksgiving it's black friday so i think that's sort of a real cultural shift here what does it say about us as
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a culture that when we're so obsessed with buying stuff. that we need to get a life i think it's because the human nature has a longing for something and they decided to fill it with things instead of a spiritual focus to those things get in the way of our spiritual quest i absolutely believe so because i think distraction is one of the keys to getting humanity off focus if this isn't important anymore so you have it you feel good and and that you are looking for something else yet and then you feel bad because you bought something but you didn't mean yeah this is happened way before you were born that's how it is yeah times with additional money was made it was made to train it's just the volume was traced with the thought the miner was. buying trading making selling is the way to make a living so we're prehistoric caves covered in neon lights with logos plastered all around us they are right now around us but the technology was available you betcha
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it would be i believe in recycling i believe in you know not consumerism but go to your local salvation army exchange what does it say about our culture that we are so disposable. that we are exactly that and we're looking at life in a really shallow way how do you think history is going to remember this to how i am and age as consumers i'm going to be a part of that yes no look it's very wasteful because i'm i live in france and my family very careful with their money my family and. they think twice about buying stuff so i listen to them it does make me more careful but i'm afraid i'm consumed with. your job in the time that i've been at times here whether or not your sick of the pressure of our consumerist culture the bottom line is when it comes to buying stuff you don't need maybe it's best to just say no.
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this is o.t. we're here live in moscow i'll be back with a look at our main news stories are headlines in just a moment stay with us here knife.
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length of. play.
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wealthy british. market. global economy.


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