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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EST

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the latest news on the week's top stories on t.v. russia sees the biggest protests in his recent history people unhappy with the parliamentary election results day replied the combination taking place this saturday with a thousand strong rally that peacefully despite predictions of violence and unrest . a fresh rift within the e.u. britain vetoes the new treaty tightening fiscal rules for bloc members in a move that many believe is a first step in the u.k. towards the exit. liberated a button desperate for money libyan authorities plead to the un to release him billions of the country's assets still frozen money stopped at the end of the
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military conflict. a very warm welcome to you you're watching the weekly on a c with me will receive shine russia has seen a post-election frenzy this week with those dissatisfied with the results taking onto the streets this weekend it culminated in the biggest opposition rally in the country's recent history but despite almost predictions the event passed peacefully as. reports. now they really wish to place in the center of moscow on saturday has gathered more than twenty five thousand people that's according to the police estimate it began of the revolutionary square and there was a prevention about that particular gathering because most because it is thirty seven not allowed for people to gather there so people were worried that some skirmishes may break out the color everything went peacefully those who have
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gathered at the relief nearest great have proceeded over to the below this square which is right nearby really essentially next door to the kremlin where again tens of thousands of people have gathered and voiced some of the demands and the primary demand among those was a recount of the votes now in the central electoral committee has already said they were a lot recount the votes and those who were protesting during the rally yesterday have said that if their demands are not met they will meet again in two weeks time to protest some more and of course also you have to remember that some of the nationalist parties have also said that they will gather today for every rally and the same place that is in the square now we have to stay put and observe how events transpired from there on after this is that hectic week for moscow in particular several a protest rallies were also held at the beginning of the weekend those protests rallies have seen dozens of people being arrested and their worst the worst of that this may be repeated during the rally on saturday however none of that has happened
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concerning the reaction from the west to russia's elections u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has a study that she believes the reflections in russia are neither free nor fair again we have to remember that united russia party has come out a winner in those elections with just under fifty percent of votes so hillary clinton's remarks were not met kindly neither by a day of russia's foreign ministry nor by prime minister wasn't which it was essentially accused washington of meddling in russia's politics and sponsoring those who are willing to sow discontent in the wake of the elections also interesting facts for you there one of russia's new source. has obtained information which they have said directly shows the involvement of the united states state department in the election process in those documents see if you basically see the exchange of emails between the russian non-governmental organization which was monitoring the elections and the us state department and
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they were discussing the tactics and financing of the the observers by the u.s. state department. is a really good reporting right what are more than two hundred nationalists have gathered on the same square this sunday they are waving russian imperial flags and charting slogans against immigration in russia today as the first anniversary of a major outbreak of violence during a rally in a central square when five thousand nationalists run amok following the murder of a football cuse the authorities of failing to punish the killers who happened to be from the north caucasus five people are currently facing prosecution for organizing last year's rally. where one russian city demonstrators took a more playful approach organizing a toy protest you can check it out a cd called from dwarfs and space aliens to penguins on dinosaurs all of which were
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waving toothpick banners protesting the election results and move on to what went. on to see. the election rallies in russia certainly didn't fail to catch the attention of the international media america's fox news contributor to the coverage with an exciting report capturing the violent chaos and streets ablaze the only problem with the footage was that it wasn't taken in moscow arteries were important explains. america has its fair share of protests and political dissent to be dealing with instead of keeping an eye on the ball the country's mass media machine has turned to protests in russia and dropped the ball on reporting the facts. the protesters have gathered at moscow's lashing out against prime minister vladimir putin and his russian party the only problem is that this video is not from russia fox news channel aired
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a video of fires and chaos in athens convincing viewers that this mayhem is playing out in moscow the fair and balanced network paid no mind to the greek lettering in the background in case you're wondering it says greek national bank what matters is that this is what moscow protests have looked like it's not surprising whatsoever that at the moment that there would be any kind of protest no matter how small it be in russia against the russian government that it would be greatly exaggerated in media and used by the u.s. government as well as a way to try to somehow push for a change in russia that would be more favorable to u.s. interests journalist and author eva golinger believes mass media is washington's most valuable weapon in encouraging revolt elsewhere under the mantle of spreading democracy such as the so-called orange revolution in ukraine. or rose revolution in georgia. the perception is created that something is happening in the
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country that's not right and that the government is somehow responsible and so therefore if that government ends up being removed it somehow is justified that you know the media has played a key role in creating a justification for regime change similar anti-government demonstrators have been reported and other city in russia u.s. leaders have leveled harsh criticism against russia in the aftermath of the parliamentary election and critics say it's free press has worked to. in force the narrative the media tends to march in lockstep with the government tends to take its cues from the government it tends to you know mobilize its resources to showcase what the government says is true even when later it turns out not to be true as was the case in this a rooney a c.n.n. report while in eastern russia more than three thousand people protested against proposed changes to the country's time zones the video shown by c.n.n. is not of protesters but rather of soccer fans riding in moscow over the killing of
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a fellow supporter the problem is that we showed the wrong pictures only after the error was repeatedly noticed c.n.n. owned up to its mistake and to apologize to the ara and a great many russian viewers who've pointed out to us the sloppiness of it or is reflecting you know the lek of awareness of the journalists themselves many of them are completely uninformed about the world they have opinions that have no factual basis to him but it doesn't stop them because it's what looks good that matters more than what really is true the truth is that america has its own social economic and political challenges to be dealing with and while washington works on getting its own house in order powerful mass media outlets can work on getting their facts straight port nine or r.t. new york. times writer says that the use of the wrong images by
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fox was not accidental. look if you take folks news seriously that's a major mistake but i am american says by people all across the world this basically is a p.r. operation of the republican party really a real wind not faction which is most of them of course c.n.n. basically is a mouse piece of the state department but i don't own a cia they will never really is anything that was not free of truth instances of american government so don't take these people seriously what we should take seriously what's really happening inside russia and then you have to pay attention to russian media ok there were some irregularities in the election just like very real averages in any election in european countries in the us in two thousand and four of the in us in two thousand and four in ohio what's more important in my opinion is what united's russia should do to address grievances from parts of the
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russian population this is the real issue and you can log on to a column to see how the election rallies have been developing in russia take a look at our picture gallery to see snapshots from the biggest rally in moscow in about twenty years eleven to r.t. dot com and head over to the online exclusive section. you're watching on t.v. it's already been dubbed europe's great divorce this week britain vetoed franco german plans to impose a fiscal agreement within the e.u. three countries will take the pact to their national parliaments with all the other e.u. members agreeing to hand brussels absolute oversight over their budgets. brings us this report. reaction has been muted to the e.u. summit deal with observers looking sideways wondering what to really make of it a two speed europe is being formed almost all of the e.u. members have said they will forge ahead with the franco german plan of a new treaty resulting in a fiscal union with
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a tighter grip on finances there was only one clear no the u.k. decided to go it alone with british prime minister david cameron essentially saying we wish you the best but we're out i think what we saw was the biggest split in the european union in fifteen years whether david cameron knows it or not what he did was the first step towards the exit door a european marriage has soured britain was dubbed isolated but the rest will give it another go and those at the helm are determined to make the european dream work . i believe that with what we've achieved move made an important step towards the last and to do it here of the year. so e.u. leaders have agreed upon a general plan which as expected was no magic solution markets are still on shaky ground and economic growth prospects are still bleak for several countries and while the euro live to see another day leaders will have to go home and explain to their people why it should and what it would really cost the proper implementation
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is crucial to get this back on the growth back past and member states i believe need to do more to fully implement the country specific recommendations so what does that mean for greece for example european leaders have just approved an eight billion euro trash of aid to prevent the country from going bankrupt in exchange greece promised to cut its deficit to five point four percent of its g.d.p. from a projected nine percent this year translation more tax hikes and spending cuts for greeks still reeling from previous hysteria measures. if we were to put this you're a package to the electorates of greece of portugal ireland italy spain they would all say no i really these countries now find themselves these electorates find themselves trapped inside an economic prison that is called the euro their democracy has been stripped from them and my fear is that the kind of
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civil disobedience and civil disorder that you've already seen on the streets of greece will multiply and what of sovereignty the whole concept of national solvent the has become a very gray zone ones we have each other together by means of a common currency. the great worry at the moment is that we're being asked to make sacrifices in the context of a plan supposedly for saving the euro keeping greece solvent which is not going to work specifics of this new treaty have yet to be drawn up and approved by march two thousand and twelve with so much at stake there will no doubt be a lookout for the devil in those details does or celia r.t. brussels. but the greek prime minister look us but imus has expressed his support for a brussels centric e.u. but patrick young of investment firm dva advisors says the struggling members of shouldn't trust the e.u. leaders as they are simply creating an illusion of action. everything greek has
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been devalued for the course of the last year or months well democracy as we all know is an instant greek world and that too has been quite clearly devalued over the course of this agreement i mean we are seeing here a curious kind of i mean france and germany are basically saying we know best we know how the euro zone should be run and this is what should happen not to might be a reasonable idea if their own behavior had actually been exemplary but for those who look back say a decade we used to have a thing called the stability and growth pact and the stability and growth pact said any person who has a budget deficit of more than three percent of g.d.p. will be strictly strictly told off for what they've done in the eurozone what do we find nearly a decade later well we've got you know this physicist turned girl wonder politician markey and her chair while i was sarky running around saying well what we've
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decided is if you run a thirty percent g.d.p. deficit you're going to find yourself in deep trouble nothing has changed no one wants to obey the rules and france and germany are trying to dictate on the rest of europe why this should run their economies and essentially coral's of them have their own domestic political difficulties that are causing problems. but the deal agreed upon in brussels means a greater discipline with sanctions for those e.u. members who break the rules but british i mean. blum says that those who pushed for the punishment are the ones who violated the e.u. agreements in the first place. the first people to break the rules i think was in two thousand and three with the french and the germans by breaking the maastricht treaty sixty percent of g.d.p. rule so they've been breaking the rules everybody's be breaking the rules they continue to break the rules so the whole thing is a complete shambles and they're trying to strap sell it's a pall over it but it's not working the thing is we are now witnessing the end game
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it's over. if the euro had been a hole so they would have shot it under professional economist i've been thirty five years a professional economist this isn't about politics this is a bit about economics and i've never known in the history of the world politics beat economics water doesn't flow uphill last long and short of it forget my politics it doesn't really matter the long and short of it is this project is doomed to failure it was always doomed to failure and moreover i would have the people responsible i would have them arraigned i would have a fiscal crimes tribunals i would like to see some of these people sent to prison. they're watching that weekly here on c.n.n. still ahead for you this hour british m.p.'s seeking to review extradition policy with the united states. we need to make sure that we are being equal and we are being fair to our citizens and that is not the case of the look at how you can
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lawmakers are demanding a more level playing field when it comes to handing over their citizens to america . and i want to came out of the global conference on afghanistan's future and why the key player in stabilizing the region that of pakistan i decided to boycott the event. this is our take now with libya's civil war over it people are now waiting for the new government to fulfill their promises to be authorities say they're struggling for cash and asking the u.n. to release one hundred fifty billion dollars of frozen assets to pay wages and as a on a boycott reports many libyans wonder just who will provide for their future. after months of waking up to gunfire residents of tripoli now have to get used to a new alarm until the city of two million people has an extensive rooster population and the birds have all with replaced a rifle charter as the heralds of the million dollar. there was no exchange of gunfire the situation is ok. while the revolutionary rush has spared hardly any
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wall in tripoli people here are clearly fatigued by eight months of civil war this may be a deliberate glebe it's very few wanted to break free from the obligations of the old regime on the surface it seems that the normal life in tripoli has been restored to the city where many homes didn't have access to face to face or laffin few months ago already has its fountains up and running but the new leafy is still facing the danger of running in the shallow waters of international politics much for its absence remain frozen limiting the government's ability to pay salaries and puffiness it has already become a major part of the revolutionary spirit we first met muhammad in august on the frontlines of bani walid one of the final strongholds of the get out here regime a former angie nearing student he joined two of his brothers in what he says was
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a win or die fight for freedom. at the beginning everything was absolutely peaceful there were no guns we want to freedom and fairness but then the dictator used gone far against us and we lost money on rebels three months later mohammad is definitely in the driver's seat rebels of the country's new heroes popular with women and the public at large if not with a rifle by his side muhammad would be like a twenty seven year old in any country cruising around on a saturday night goodness. and it's not like he was underprivileged under gadhafi regime he certainly leaves in a three hundred square meal. how soon the prestigious area of tripoli they see the revolution has brought them along the way to democracy but is yet to translate into concrete benefits we have free education on health care on the gadhafi of course we expected to remain free but it also needs to be improved the new authorities also
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have to decrease prices and raise salaries so that ordinary people can join all the benefits of the revolution. here exactly how the new government can afford to do so in a country a ruling by war and stripped of much of its budgetary income is every bit as good as the forty two years of going to france rule had told libyans to rely on government for just about everything and the level of expectations in the north origins is very high. i have big plans for my life in a year or so god willing i want to finish my education get a good job and save enough money to mari it's all become possible for us now. and in the national economies i'm not being i think the fact that they were willing to destabilize a regime that had demonstrably one of the highest living standards in north africa goes to show the fact that they were not so interested in what benefited the people as a whole in the first place they were more interested in forming their their economic ties to the american oil companies yet for the moment the future seems breivik not
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please because it's also very blurred actually what you are to see tripoli. now at twenty minutes past the hour here in moscow don't forget you can find plenty more stories comments on our website let's see what's in store for you there right now spies seized iran displays thing intercepted at cia drone plane days after the pentagon admitted that it lost touch with a high tech aircraft also. driven to despair and then raised a mother pull the trigger on her children before committing source. i do know u.s. food stamp office software being denied assistance.
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it is now at four twenty two pm here in moscow an international conference on stability in afghanistan has promised continued support to kabul but the planned withdrawal of nato troops in two thousand and fourteen at the meeting in germany the world powers pledged to provide financial assistance to the afghan government up until two thousand and twenty four when it's hoped the country will be economically self-sufficient the gathering was boycotted by pakistan which is viewed as a key player in restoring peace in the region as i'm about to refuse to stand there and voice and protest over a u.s. airstrike in the border area two weeks ago that killed twenty four pakistani soldiers. colonist foreign policy in focus magazine thinks that washington's role in the region is both reckless and dangerous. the attack itself it's hard to see that as an accident because of the way that it took place and then the response of
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washington afterwards i think what's happened is that the united states has made some decisions about its strategy in the region both in central asia and the in the south in south asia that essentially is going to cut pakistan out of the formula and i don't think united states cure is very much what's going to happen after withdraws its troops in two thousand and fourteen and i think they would rather not withdraw their troops which is the nub of the problem because just on november second russia china iran and pakistan had a meeting in istanbul which they all agreed that they would crash or the united states not to leave troops in afghanistan and i find it very difficult to imagine it is fallout in relations between pakistan and the united states is not somehow try to their position i think this i think this chess board is much broader than
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we than we imagine it to be and that it includes really multiple zones some of them worldwide. and then later this hour here on our we also hear from russia's special envoy to afghanistan about his views on the country's future among other things as i made a couple of told us here at r t that u.s. plans to maintain its military infrastructure in the country after troops withdraw prompts many questions. from americans. to. a lot of history not all of them. in their mind doesn't include all those so we've all got most of them we know. plans of a medical story established or to maintain but that will say a number of military bases i'm. sure will force us but that's
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a question for us and the russian government. moves to remember the times the made these point about we want to have a transparent picture. of these military moves us. now at twenty five minutes past the hour here in moscow british m.p.'s passed a motion to review a controversial extradition treaty with the u.s. this week i join up in the chaotic aftermath of nine eleven it allows washington to demand the extradition of any u.k. citizen regardless of criminal evidence but as it is either bennett reports from london britain's patience is wearing thin. all take and no give that's the growing feeling in britain's parliament against america's controversial extradition treaty it was signed in two thousand and three in the post nine eleven panic and makes it far easier for the u.s. to take people from the u.k.
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the many other way around now forty five m.p.'s from the three main parties have crossed the political divide and joined forces they finally forced a debate and parliamentary vote on what they call an injustice was a mistake in the first place despite history i think it was a mistake it's not a level playing field even with a partner like america we need to make sure that we of being equal and we are being fair to our citizens and that is not the case of the moment britain must present evidence for any extradition but america doesn't need to a long awaited independent inquiry recently ruled this relationship was balanced but the numbers suggest otherwise one hundred twenty three people have been surrendered to america under the treaty since two thousand and four only fifty four have gone the other way america's ambassador to the u.k. has branded these figures myths and in accuracies where they were figures he's
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embassy refused to reveal he's even accused m.p.'s of willfully distorting the facts in the run up to this crunch vote in parliament that could shift the balance but m.p.'s aren't backing down joining a battle some fought since the treaty was signed i think the seeing how many injustices have been caused because of it it was meant to be for terrorise fences it wasn't meant to be for the ken things they're using no janice's is gary mckinnon a mainstay on america's extradition wish list he was arrested ten years ago after hacking into pentagon files he says he was merely searching for u.f.o.'s gary has asperger's syndrome and according to. mother should be tried in the u.k. on medical grounds but america's not giving up on one of their most wanted is so vengeful is there you think it was a some of the why didn't it is saw over the top they left him one is internet three
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and a half years after the arrest if guy was the slightest threat that wouldn't have been done but it's very much i think he embarrassed them and because of that they were very angry at him there are nine cases currently fighting extradition to america richard o'dwyer is the latest he's wanted on copyright charges for creating a search engine for pirated content it's not even considered a crime in the u.k. but at the moment that doesn't matter the u.s. can still get their man the coalition government promised to change this while in opposition there was their chance to deliver either bennett r.t. london. all right a recap with the top stories with me in just a few minutes here on r.t. seems.
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twenty years ago just country. disintegrates into. what had been. each began a journey. where did it take the. world for science technology.


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