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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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new arrests and evictions as us police turn to tougher tactics against the occupy movement putting on a cover cops at the heart of the protest. all pro president bit of orders an investigation into the alleged parliamentary election rigging which sparked massive rallies across russia. and feeding controversy in ukraine leong banks thousands of kilometers away from its home landlords in customers with a credit card seen the round of famine that killed millions.
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a day out of the russian capital you're watching r t with me arena josh welcome to the program now police have torn down the last remaining occupy camp and san francisco arresting fifty five people for illegal lodging in the towns have been cleared several times but sprung up again when the main occupy encampment in the city was demolished on wednesday i was given latest from our correspondent guide as . well to guide us so police continues to play a cat mouse with the occupy movement so it seems so what else do we know about the latest encounter them. well marina exactly we've seen a lot of police activity in the last three months against against the arc of the occupy movement which has generally been very very peaceful a very peaceful movement it doesn't even seem to be news anymore we hear about dozens of arrests every week it's becoming some kind of business as usual here cracking down on peaceful protesters we've seen the latest surge of arrest on the west coast fifty five people were arrested over the weekend in san francisco they
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were protesting in front of the federal reserve building rattle up on the sidewalk a witness said there had been no pens or structures over night the protesters were sold out of their sleeping bags so with cops outnumbering demonstrators by about two hundred to one that's what we heard authorities cite some city law which prohibits sitting on or lying on public sidewalks and certain time hours of the day the protesters argument is that the first amendment of the us constitution which guarantees freedom of speech has to outweigh those sitting was and it was sitting as to let them continue exercising their rights but judging by how it actively had been cracking down on protesters all across america the first amendment doesn't seem to have outweighed in this latest police raid in san francisco as a fact that leak cleared the city's last remaining occupy protest camp so under
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different precancerous authorities have been. have been shutting down those camps throughout the country around five thousand peaceful protesters who've been arrested in the last three months many argue plyers fear that their message could vanish together with those tent. parks an end in those camps throughout the country this monday in order to we energize the movement they are planning to block major ports on the west coast by marching on us who are to from california to alaska protesters look to call attention to it cannot mean it cannot. inequalities in the country and a financial system that they complain is fairly told it's towards the wealthy judging by some of those brutal crackdowns seen in the past with police using tear gas on protesters police reaction to this march on the boards may turn ugly. well gonna certainly i mean what you're saying is quite dramatic indeed and the
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movement as we know has been around for three months so do we see the change of tax exemption from the police to shut down the campaigners. well the police tactics that we've seen so far has been arrests of actions tear gas keppra spray that kind of thing that something that was on the surface something that we've seen on t.v. but apparently police used other methods to deal with the protesters it's been revealed that undercover police officers infiltrated occupy l.a. and city last month to find out how the protesters plans to resist and eviction and also to spy on people and this one is interesting suspected of stockpiling them and wait by the way police spying on people is the fire engines in the u.s. it's unrelated to the outcry protests but still very interesting police here as make the first. known to rest of us citizens with help from a predator drone drone that they use in warfare in again i say pakistan now it's
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used to spy on u.s. citizens privacy advocates say giving police that much power to essentially try on anyone in the u.s. without a warrant could be could be dangerous you remember that movie was made and if you have the state it seems it's becoming reality in the u.s. oregon as things very much indeed for bringing us up and telling us what's happening there in the state with the occupy movement reporting there from us. now the riot clad crackdown on the occupy protests through the u.s. has led to questions about how things became so while and max woman riding fellow of the nation is if you believe that we're seeing a blurring in the line between protester and terrorist. during the late seventy's congress passed legislation called posse comitatus barring the military from operating on american soil and now we're seeing an effort to circumvent that by arming police with military grade weaponry speaking of police funding just this
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year in two thousand and eleven received half a billion dollars in surplus military weaponry from the pentagon the now middle class americans in the occupy movement are facing not only pepper spray but things like the l. rad sound cannon the long range acoustic device which can blast your cranium with one hundred forty decibels shaking your skull so hard even earplugs won't stop it so what we're seeing is not only a legal blurring of the lines between criminals terrorists and protesters but something in the mindset of american policing and in their training in which the civilian population is viewed as a hostile and menacing force that can be acted against with military grade weaponry . one of the main demands from occupiers is the closer of the gap between those living the high life and those four who are struggling in a tough economy as a full time job the latest forecasts are not optimistic though because the gap
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appears to be widening and we're going to reports from new york. diamonds worth millions of dollars apiece earrings or four hundred to six hundred thousand and the necklace is two million to three million cheaper deals at pawn shops for those slightly less well off dressing things up shoppers with big wallets looted by the most glamorous items and ninety nine cents stores for customers count pennies a half and i love it when this is all change i'm thinking i don't know why pay me and i give them the pain this state of new york is home to around nineteen million people it's worth three hundred eighty thousand millionaires and seventy billionaires live meanwhile three million people on food stamps new york city is split into two different worlds the richest and poorest districts in the united states are right here. perspire ready and poverty brushing by each other on
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a daily basis although many seem to be blissfully unaware it's being promulgated by our new leader obama and i think it's a tragedy that he's making them issue in an election this year economic inequality in the big apple has reached crisis levels the gap used to be between the rich and the poor it's now the tween super rich and increasingly the super poor people who are just not making in our society the idea nobody is trying to help them luxury for those who can afford it is a plenty new york social clubs display hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of art the finest interiors and one of a kind cosmetic services it's skin rejuvenation it's very private. used to be. invitation only. it is the most innovative skin care business in the world auction houses tempt the rich with the most exquisite jewelry it's a thirty three carat diamond elizabeth taylor diamond the estimate is two and
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a half to three may half million and we do expect it to achieve at least that we do expect everything to sell but to speculate on the final price is next to impossible while millions are spent here just across town money is only dreamed of and then you catch a number you can win two hundred thousand. because that's not for the ball people we all are reaching people like the wallace three by a couple of days they go to. present the wing limos are packed with glam riders of the big apple i think they want to go get jobs and there's a lot of jobs if you really want to work you can find work the seventy five year old grandmother of seven fixing her old car with her own bare hands begs to differ folks seem to think that you know so maybe if i can get a job in new jobs these days even though b.p. gives me a job meaning mother snipes works at
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a church and knows the face of poverty all too well it was the you know i mean some people are you know. except when trying to get. clothing on saturdays here although very visible in new york the extreme gap between those well off and those struggling is a trend all across the u.s. thirty years ago the united states had less inequality than most other advanced industrial countries today thirty years later we are the number one we have the most extreme inequality between rich and poor and it's scattered all over the country this is what made occupy wall street protests spill out and stick around on the streets of america things are really bad we are our society is broke. and to face those things it's to face a huge challenge and i think people are afraid to cheat. and it's a big change that's needed to improve the disparity make those who have done real
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well over the over the last thirty years. give some of that back that's why some of us argue for taxes on ret rich people in this country but this is not happening any time soon more than half of the members of congress are millionaires so they're very wealthy people and all their campaigns are funded by big corporations by the wealthy they know that if they want to get reelected they're going to have to be good to the people who have given money to their campaigns this leaves behind those in need to win fifty dollars and i said. but nothing left but to hope for a miracle this holiday season. and especially r t e r. banned from the ritz and squalor of new york to death bridge iraq or see the troika of bureaucrats and bankers had to athens just days after leaders failed to push through a deeply unpopular economic union that's threatening to rip the walk apart that's
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just ahead. russia's president reiterated that it has ordered the probe into all of geishas of fraud during the parliamentary election just over a week ago sounds of opposition protesters across russia held rallies over the claims calling for a complete rerun of the poll forand as let's go straight to our correspondent jim acosta who is in central moscow for us so many hours the authorities meeting the protesters halfway. down streisand presents me today give issued a direct orders to carefully investigated wounded claims of violations during the elections he also posted on the facebook that he is quite satisfied with the way the a rallies ones especially how peaceful and well organized the rallies answer the meetings one to central moscow but that he's not done and he disagrees with these slogans and so the announcements that were made during these are rallies towns again he
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promised that only claims of violations will be carefully examined and meanwhile of these allegations of voter fraud really do thousands of people into the streets of moscow and on saturday was really the culmination of the whole post-election frenzy that we've been absorbing throughout last week on saturday over twenty five thousand people gathered to the streets of a central moscow to the main square square that is located really very close to the ground and these people came to voice very demands and the number one demand was really the a recount all of the votes counted the people wanted basically the mutallab sions to take place in russia meanwhile at. a central election you can read is that it will not treat counted the votes and so those people that gathered so in the streets at that would gathering into the streets last week and they promised that if their demands are nods monts will that meets again in two weeks' time nothing of
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him again thanks very much for bringing us a more on the story with no other following the story for us in central moscow. now don't have to visit our web site for any stories you've missed it's our to dot com and here's some of what's there for you today a symbol of peace and goodwill is turned upside down south korea plans to use steel christmas trees for psychological warfare against the north along one of the world's most militarized borders. and had a russian the plot of a touching movie becomes a reality in siberia as a dog spends two weeks besides its dead may trying to warm her up in the biting cold. the news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world
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has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations rule the day. you're watching r.t. one of the most painful episodes in the history of ukraine is being used by a bank in the u.s. for commercial gain it's offering customers a chance to go shopping with a famine themed credit card. reports of what's being seen in ukraine as a moral outrage. almost a decades on ukraine still mourns those who died in the 1930's famine in the u.s.s.r. known here as the whole of the more and it's a rare example where political forces more used to in fighting put aside their differences to unite in common cause now the ukrainian diaspora in the united states is joining in remembrance in a rather peculiar fashion to the application for the whole of the modern credit card. will be able to. trust any one of the branches the
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catastrophic nine hundred thirty two nine hundred thirty three famine claimed at least three million lives in ukraine alone with several more million british ng across what is now central russia and. some one key of insist it was an act of genocide directed against ukrainians most school says it was caused by criminal agricultural policies of stalin's government but those behind the credit card project claim they're driven by remembrance motives only putting all the story debates aside you know what it's another good mechanism to have all of them or remember thanks to the political elite and civil organizations it is well known in ukraine elsewhere besides there are only a few living witnesses left and there already are old. however it's not only about the intangible one percent of each purchase made with a whole the more card will be allocated to a special charity fund ukraine's main monuments commemorating the 1930's famine was
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built in two thousand and eight amid recession and millions of us dollars were used from the state budget people behind the hole the more credit card project say that the money they raise may be used to build more monuments. and morial says this apparently benign initiative however was met with an avalanche of criticism in ukraine and that's not only because there are practically no survivors left who could be helped with the money raised this political analyst says buying groceries with a famine inspired card is a blasphemy. because the idea is completely immoral it's an attempt to put a great tragedy and use it for commercial needs i can only think of a proven tragedy the holocaust but the jews are not putting it on a credit card. in fact such an attempt was made by a us company in two thousand and nine the blue card but it had no direct reference to the holocaust and it's not so popular across the atlantic where the whole of the more card will be more successful can be seen when it hits the market in late
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december just in time for christmas shopping. r.t. reporting from kiev in ukraine. ukraine as part of a commonwealth of states created when the soviet union disintegrated and in today's edition of crossfire peter lavelle's guest discuss how the blogs are becoming a growing economic force here's a quick preview of what's ahead later today. to washington all for an immediate benefit subsidize the energy that's extremely important to using energy as a political weapon i think we got over that that's part of creating a common economic territory each we probably contribute former. and the other thing is because i disagree with you on this steve because i think one for what it is i know it is a little i know one of the things is that you know i think that you know when you look at russia's energy policy is very intensely based on geopolitical interests and i see no need for reasons i don't consider that a particularly. but i disagree with nicholas on one thing well i was very i mean i
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don't i don't think the main problem is going to be military what we're learning from the european human union is the main problem is going to be currency i think this is a very complicated multilayered jigsaw puzzle. and. it's back to bailouts in europe as shaken euro kratz freshly humbled by diplomatic failure at their brussels summit converge once again on greece they were joined by bankers bearing the same all gifts bailouts and instructions on what to do next as are going off now reports it's all just feeding the flames under the euro. it's not easy running a business even a small one like this german company which produces isolation materials for gas turbines loans taxes salaries competition it's enough to keep any business man's
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head busy but many still wonder why rules different when it comes to the big buck or in this case the euro. when a business takes a loan and cons paid back in and says it's bankruptcy i think a state which keeps accumulating debt has to do the same it's no different from a company in that sense you don't borrow money if you know you can't pay it back but for some reason often this doesn't seem to be the case for the eurozone so let's take greece for example besides billions of euros which have already been allocated to bail it out even leaders have approved yet another tranche the aim is to have athens pay off its three hundred sixty billion euro debt preventing it from going under and taking others with it but many fear the tactic will not work its all about physics review no matter how strong a material is like this piece of metal with the right amount of pressure it will
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break. and unfortunately for the euro zone the laws of physics are called universal for a reason meanwhile the pressure is rising the latest e.u. summit in brussels showed the economic crisis is creating cracks in the union britain walked out of a deal put forward by germany and france to revise the e.u. treaty and create a fiscal union with a tighter grip on finances but analysts to warn the integration may take too long with some countries facing a possible referendum on the deal will realize these kind of treaty adjustments will take. years because all parliaments have to prove. so that there must be on time to address this crisis meanwhile inspectors from the so-called troika which consists of the european commit. the european central bank and the international monetary fund are looking to provide afghans with a new one hundred thirty billion euro bailout i would call it the lying circus the
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banks who are trying to save their necks who are put on the line with bad loans to corrupt governments and. waiting and expecting european taxpayers to pay their bills especially the bonus bills sure christmas is big in europe but bailing out of the euro for the sake of the banks is becoming one expensive present the dozens of protests that have rocked the e.u. this year alone are a clear sign of discontent over austerity. and it's highly unlikely the new set of handouts for greece will be greeted with any festive cheer of germany europe minus the u.k. is now vesting all its hopes on an economic union to dispel the death troubles but some believe that's really not the miracle cure it's made out to be international consultant and author adrian sol budgies among them and has taken britain's side
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believing that the loss of sovereignty will prove to be too much from. in this particular instance i would tend to favor the british position here because britain from the very beginning of them stood and we still understand far better than the european colleagues the importance of national sovereignty and the importance of having a sovereign currency and what europe is now suffering many of the countries especially the smaller ones there's a problem of sovereignty we will probably start seeing the euro very soon because of thing that people are realizing that the euro is a little bit like a procrustean bed a bed which is one size must fit all in greek mythology our stories had made a bit he said everybody who was short of it he would stretch them out breaking bones and soon was until he would fit in if you were taller than his bed he would chop or feet and limbs to make sure it would fit so in a way i think going back to greek mythology that they could release is a very case in point where they are trying to impose a one size fits all and we have to understand that in the real world one size does
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not fit all well it raises up to date here on our team and more to come your way in just a few moments let me tell take a look what's happening in business with you. hello and a very warm welcome to the program for in high tech firms the getting funding from russia's state nanotechnology corporation in the recent months or santa has invested hundreds of billions of dollars into chinese israeli and american firms they had all the corporation not totally true by says acquiring for in technology is the quickest way to develop russia in the facia sector. we need the best and that's why you find the birth in china movie. in the. movies in africa you were in the birth of the united states when we were thinking you know this thesis which we are doing but. not to the country we're committed to transfer
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to russia both. to what will be the share all foreign projects in the growth model portfolio will be here for. the twenty five percent or so in the focus of the war from both the baltic winter quickly from the. commuter four hundred thirty five projects that google commute month look here from. two three hundred. twenty five percent of the project which was. let's have a look at the markets for lists winning between gains and losses on concerns europe might fail to tame its debt crisis although we closer to finding the solution on friday some support is coming from iran's calls to cut production ahead of this week's opec meeting brant plant is not trading at over one hundred eight dollars a barrel while the w t i is that ninety nine dollars a barrel. and. on the rise following friday's gains on wall street in tokyo
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exporters are trading in the black toshiba is up more than three percent banks are advancing in hong kong heavyweight h.s.b.c. is up almost two percent. and is just two hours ahead of the opening bell here in moscow the russian markets finished shopping in the red last week they are just dropped the most in the world in the previous week the stocks are yet to price in the outcome of the e.u. summit when the only words i think the market will continue to be driven largely by external events in particular the markets reaction to the e.u. summit that took place on friday of course domestic. events will be important as well with the many investors concerned about tough follow up from the official publication of the central election committee's results for the dumas elections if we do see some very outspoken western criticism about the election results that could in theory complicate the outlook for work session which is scheduled for
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later this week outside of the political situation investors will pay to some extent attention to the forthcoming release of third quarter g.d.p. figures and industrial production figures for russia. and all europe today to join me in less than fifty five minutes for another business update here on archie.
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