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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EST

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these are the images girls world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day. breaking news a. russian billionaire. who's the country's third wealthiest person has formally announced he's running in the presidential election next march. show of strength thousands flood the center of moscow again this time supporters of the victorious united russia party it follows mass opposition rallies claims the results of the parliamentary vote. talks resume on greece's second rescue package amid skepticism over the efficiency of the emergency measure against the backdrop of widening cracks within the e.u. . and occupy protesters take their rallies to
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a new level as they plan to shut down of america's west coast for softer series of police raids that resulted in a fiction's of. dozens of arrests. global news twenty four seven this is r t live from moscow with me. breaking news here as candidates have been throwing their hats into the ring ahead of the upcoming presidential election and russia one of the world's richest men russian businessman we got off has formally announced he's running for the vote for next march let's. go for more on this so make no stranger to russian politics now extending his ambitions to the presidential race tell us more about this new candidate. well
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in fact this is you could probably call this man a jack of all trades of course first and foremost he's known as one of the richest men in the world is the number three on the richest list in russia according to forbes magazine he's made his fortune and a name for himself. at our faculty in the precious metals industry cause he's known for being quite an exuberant personality very well known in russia well known abroad is actually the owner of a new jersey nets basketball team she is an avid skier in fact she's adventures in the french alps has been not widely broadcast to have made headlines in europe and in russia when he was accused by the french authorities of being private to a high class prostitution ring of course that was something that all charges against him were dropped his name was cleared of all of these were extended and accepted he's also a man who is very interested in various interesting projects for example was a one time a sponsor of a hybrid baila
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a project called biled fortunately for the project because the growth profile of has lost his interest in it and has a problem and it has at this point left it without his attention but he's also known as the man who tried to ensure russian politics in this last year erickson is a matter of fact he has made it clear it during his that crestor just earlier today that he's going to kind of step away from the business side of his center and focus on politics because he was a member of the of the right cause party but he laughed at that party because in his own words because of the disagreements that he's had with the kremlin he's actually stepped down from that party due to the pressure from the kremlin so it will be very interesting to see how things develop now for the help profit if he has not disclosed anything about his upcoming elections campaign is that everything in due time but he didn't make it clear that he wants to run for
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president and he knows he will have to run against the current president of argument with him and also against the head of the fair russia party who have also of course mentioned their intentions to run for the presidential positions in russia in the next year's elections all right her authors are covering the breaking news here on our to thank you. well thousands of people are gathering again in the center of moscow in reaction to the recent parliamentary vote supporters of the united russia party that won the election staging a rally following a series of mass protests against the results. follow developments square right in the heart of the russian capital right now we're seeing thousands of people there i gather at the main yes the square right in the essentially all from moscow the organizer yourself this round they say that around thirty thousand people are expected to come and join these gathering these all of the number is on its last
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party's different organizations youth groups the suit would unite it's russia and its leadership prime minister we didn't present the mediator this really comes after serious all but on the space and the folds of the missing the months really that took place wholly of the. december united states almost fifty percent of the vote was a and not the three parties also made it to the lower house of the state the results marked the front going on for several days. thousands of people coming into the streets of the biggest up protest so far it took place on saturday over twenty five thousand people and the number given by the term ministry came to the block list where they came over there to voice their it's amount and some of these numbers once a month was a really be a recount. meeting the question of the reporting from central moscow we've got a much more on the developments around the parliamentary election in russia on our
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web site from credit to the exclusive section of our website it check out a picture gallery of last week's moscow rallies also find firsthand accounts of the events online as well as the reactions and in depth analysis you can also log on to our you tube channel for all kinds of footage from those demonstrations. international austerity inspectors the so-called troika are in greece to put in place a second lifeline for a debt ridden debt ridden country excuse me athens narrowly avoided default in december after it received a vital cash injection but still remains at risk and that has cracked so widening in the e.u. after what's considered a major divorce between britain and other members of brussels summit that europe is going off reports. it's not easy running a business even a small one like this german company which produces isolation materials for gas turbines loans taxes salaries competition it's enough to keep any business man's
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head busy but many still wonder why rules different when it comes to the big book or in this case the euro. when a business takes a loan and can't back it announces its bankruptcy i think a state which keeps accumulating debt has to do the same it's no different from a company in that sense you don't borrow money if you know you can't pay it back but for some reason often this doesn't seem to be the case for the eurozone so let's take greece for example besides billions of euros which have already been allocated to bail it out even leaders have approved yet another tranche the enos to athens paid off its three hundred sixty billion euro debt preventing it from going under and taking others with it but many fear the tactic will not work its all about physics review no matter how strong a material is like this piece of metal with the right amount of pressure it will
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break. and unfortunately for the euro zone the laws of physics are called universal for a reason meanwhile the pressure is rising the latest e.u. summit in brussels showed the economic crisis is creating cracks in the union britain walked out of a deal put forward by germany and france to revise the e.u. treaty and create a fiscal union with a tighter grip on finances but analysts to warn the integration may take too long with some countries facing a possible referendum on the deal this year a package will take until march to implement and i think in the meantime the eurozone in particular the mediterranean countries are extremely vulnerable indeed and i do not discount the a breakdown in the markets will overwhelm the whole euro problem. the eurozone countries and the e.u. institutions will find themselves simply not big enough to cope with it meanwhile inspectors from the so-called troika which consists of the european commission the
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european central bank and the international monetary fund are looking to provide athens with a new one hundred billion euro bailout i would call it lying circus the banks who are trying to save their necks who were put on the line with bad loans to corrupt governments in. waiting and expecting european taxpayers to pay their bills especially the bonus bills sure christmas is big in europe but billing of the euro for the sake of the banks is becoming one expensive present the dozens of protests that have rocked the e.u. this year alone are a clear sign of discontent over austerity. and it's highly unlikely the new set of handouts for greece will be greeted with anything cheer. or g. germany. meantime david cameron's know the e.u. fiscal agreement received a mixed reaction at home and the prime minister enjoyed
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a hero's welcome from his conservative party but the decision deeply disappointed deputy prime minister nick clegg later on monday cameron was try to defend his actions in parliament more on that i'm now joined by john gaunt from the vote you hay out of the e.u. campaign i thanks for coming on the program today so one of the loudest opposition voices to david cameron's decision comes from his own deputy prime minister nick clegg he says it's bad for britain is it bad for britain. well this is good and it's bad isn't it i think he was right to stand up to the germans and engage right to stand up to little sarkozy but the bottom line is the facts are we are now more isolated than ever we're still be paying fifty one million pounds a day into the e.u. but now i have no influence over it whatsoever so i can see both sides the argument clearly though he's moved towards the u.k. towards the door marked exit which is good news i think you should now go the whole
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hog and give the people of the united kingdom their democratic right let's have a straight in or out referendum to decide whether we want to be in the united states of europe and i think the british people will decide they want to vote no and they want out are perfectly for discussing the whole idea and prospect of any type of referendum for for the british people to decide whether england should be part of the e.u. nick clegg would say that if he had been in charge things that would have been different apparently he would have supported the fiscal union or do you really think the british people would like to see brussels overseeing the country's budget policies no of course of the course they wouldn't of course nick clegg is used to saying things because he never had any chance of getting into power but through this shoddy coalition he's got more power than he ever should have and if you're showing himself up after wonder when he looks in the mirror whether he's as embarrassed as we are when we listen to him clearly the british people do not want fiscal union clearly david cameron went to brussels trying to stop fiscal union and
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to stop the kind of. the destruction of the london banking sector he didn't get what he wanted so he decided to walk out of those discussions and some people say he was a bulldog rather than the poodle but i think now he has to go even further and asked to give the british people for and i'm on the subject we want less integration not more integration and certainly now we've got this fiscal union with a whole. question is of course how will this fiscal union work how will these f.-u. work can they use the instruments of the i would say probably not and i can we have a situation where we the british will turn up for negotiations the other twenty six if indeed there are twenty six who decide everything on the day before and just before we leave the room there's a mr cameron come have another check for fifty one a million pounds a day august and he's going to work out also i agree largely with knowledge of for our leader of the united kingdom independence party when he says events will
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probably overtake this anyway i mean i think we are going to see the clouds of the euro as you were reporting the problems in greece or so mirrored in ireland are also mirrored in places like portugal and even italy and of course perhaps even france in the coming week so i actually think this fiscal union won't get off the ground because i think there's every chance the euro is going to crash and burn what you say the euro is going to crash and burn we have comments from a political analyst in the recent past day or so who said that if indeed the eurozone was a horse it would have been shot by now but i think as i mentioned moments ago you know cameron's veto against its fiscal union you said might be or is the next step to the exit of england from the e.u. what needs to happen to make england step away from that european neighborhood but not just thinking about the whole united kingdom of course i believe that we need to have a stray me in my campaign of course which is u.k. out of the you don't you k.
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we've been calling for this for ages and ages we need a straight in or out question he should now come to the british public he suffers for it is a few one back benchers who revolted against him we've had petition after petition of people saying we want out with our petition have to petition and poll after poll which is the majority of people in the country and in these own party want a referendum and about fifty three percent on average would vote to get out of the e.u. i say put it to the test let's have the debate as have the referendum. what is mr cameron scared of now we are more isolated that is as plain simple fact we're still paying this vast amounts of money every single day into the you but we here in the united kingdom haven't really got a say over it so actually although we've been treated as a hero and i'm sure he'll get warm applause from the benches when he goes into parliament today at three thirty i still feel the british people should have the right to have a vote so as you say that the british people should have the democratic right to vote here and have their say on as you are referring to various polls and surveys
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you're saying the majority of people in the u.k. are against being a part of this european neighborhood but i mean do you think that do you think the european union will work effectively with britain out of a school you know. no i don't see how we can honestly say i think events are basically outstripping it anyway i think the euro is crashing and burning i mean i think germany would want britain background that trayvon of course nick clegg wants to get out of u.k. back around that table and of course mr cameron off the rose back to the center so i don't know whether he will try that because there's still this treaty is not going to be ratified until march and a lot of obstacles get over i mean ireland will their constitutional hour this f.-u. this fiscal union to happen so there's every chance there might be a renegotiation but i say now that mr cameron has taken the brave step to stand up to france and to german domination in particular he should go one step further and go to the country allow the british people to have their say on whether they want
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to stay will stay out and you say the majority wants it out it's not actually what i said the majority want to referendum on the hair in the u.k. and it's about fifty three so still a majority but fifty three percent say they would vote to get out but i think it is close to call but i do say let the british people have their say and as i say also i do feel that events are probably going to outstrip that i was in brussels only last week there's an air of delusion in the parliament at the moment i mean there were a vote to whether or not to let croatia join the union and become the twenty eighth member well you know i mean they're there i mean there is somebody you know whether it might be croatia we've had some analysts in the past say it's the first case in history of rats jumping onto a sinking ship john here or there but all the time we have for today john from the thank you we're going to vote u.k. out of the e.u. campaign thank you. on our website at r.t. dot com where we are calling for your opinion on what can be done to save the struggling eurozone let's bring up the numbers right here so far most think the
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monetary union should simply be dissolved nearly a fifth says that the eurozone should expel the weakest members fourteen percent think that a single currency requires a single government and a minority of you support sanctions imposing financial discipline i want your take just log on to r.t. dot com have your say we'll make it go live. america's corporate protesters plan a massive march aimed at shutting down ports on the west coast on monday and the move comes after a series of police raids on demonstrators camps on the coast with the last remaining one in san francisco torn down just on sunday aside from the usual arrests the police is a latest tactic clude infiltrating the ranks of protesters artie's a guy nature can reports. we've seen a lot of police activity in the last three months against the occupy movement which has been generally a very peaceful movement it doesn't seem to be new say any more we hear about
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dozens of arrests every week we've seen the latest surge on surge of arrests on the west coast fifty five people were arrested over the weekend in san francisco they were protesting in front of a federal reserve building cuddled up on the sidewalk a witness said there had been no chance or structures overnight the protesters were rustled out of their sleeping bags with cops outnumbering demonstrators by about two to one of the already side some city a law which prohibits sitting or lying on public sidewalks of certain hours of the day with the protesters argument is that the first amendment of the us constitution which guarantees freedom of speech has to outwait those city laws and that the city has to let them continue exercising their rights but judging by how actively police had been cracking down on protesters all across america the first amendment doesn't seem to have outweighed anything this latest police raid in san francisco has effectively cleared the city's last remaining occupy protest camp so under
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different pretenses authorities have been shutting down those camps throughout the country around five thousand peaceful protesters have been arrested in the last three months but apparently police used other methods to deal with the protesters it's been revealed that undercover police officers infiltrated occupy l.a. tent city last month to find out how the protesters plans to resume is then eviction many occupiers fear that their message could vanish together with those hands this monday in order to reenergize this movement they're planning to block major ports on the west coast by marching on u.s. courts from california to alaska protesters look to call attention to economic inequalities in the country and a financial system that they complain is unfairly built or the wall the. he's going to have to kind of porting right to bear in mind you can always find more stories comments and analysis on our website and let's have a look right now what's in store for you twenty four seventh's ground control to
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the i.r.s. says another. source to the stars communications between space travelers and. scenes like this could be popping up between south and north korea but it's no festive treat for the south planning to install a christmas tree shaped steel towers all along the much militarized border with its northern neighbor promising to retaliate that's at r.t. dot com. twenty past now here in moscow theme credit card is hitting the u.s. markets just in time for holiday shopping but it relates to one of the most painful episodes in ukraine's history when millions starve to death across the soviet union with some three million lives claimed in just ukraine alone. reports there are many
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in kiev who view the move as u.s. banks attempts to cash in on tragedy. almost a decades on ukraine still mourns those who died in the 1930's famine in the u.s.s.r. known here as the whole of the more and it's a rare example where political forces more used to in fighting put aside their differences to unite in common cause now the ukrainian diaspora in the united states is joining in remembrance in a rather peculiar fashion the application for the whole of the modern credit card. will be able to allow the south asian culture and one of our branches the catastrophic nine hundred thirty two nine hundred thirty three famine claimed at least three million lives in ukraine alone with several more million burnishing across what is now central russia and kazakstan some one key of insist it was an act of genocide directed against ukrainians most school says it was caused by
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criminal agricultural policies of stalin's government but those behind the credit card project claim they're driven by remembrance motives only putting all the story debates aside you know what it's another good mechanism to have the whole of the more remembered thanks to the political elite and civil organizations it is well known in ukraine elsewhere besides there are only a few living witnesses left and they're already over eighty years old. however it's not only about the intangible one percent of each purchase made with the holder more card will be allocated to a special charity fund ukraine's main monuments commemorating the 1930's famine was built in two thousand and eight amid recession and millions of us dollars were used from the state budget people behind the hole the more credit card project say that the money they raise may be used to build more monuments and memorials this apparently benign initiative however was met with an avalanche of criticism in
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ukraine and that's not only because there are practically no survivors left who could be helped with the money raised this political analyst says buying groceries with a famine inspire. card is a blasphemy. the idea is completely immoral it's an attempt to popularize a great tragedy and use it for commercial needs i can only think of a proven tragedy the holocaust but the jews are not putting on a credit card in fact such an attempt was made by a u.s. company in two thousand and nine the blue card but it had no direct reference to the holocaust and it's not so popular across the atlantic where the whole of the more card will be more successful can be seen when it hits the market in late december just in time for christmas shopping. see reporting from key if in ukraine time for the world out there now here on. the militants in pakistan of ambushed a convoy of nato bound tankers before starting at
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a place as i'm about recently decided to block nato supply routes to afghanistan after an alliance strike killed twenty four pakistani soldiers last month the blockade could continue for weeks until the new rules are established with washington meanwhile u.s. forces have left pakistan's shamsi base after being told to go as a result of a deadly strike. israel has approved the construction of forty homes and a farm near bethlehem plans for the new neighborhood were approved by israel's defense minister but the settlement watchdog peace now said the project show israel's intention to seize the region in any future agreement with the palestinians israel has come under criticism since a government decision last month to speed up construction in response to palestine joining us guy. his corrina with the business. welcome to our business update this hour for an high tech firms are getting funding
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from russia state knowledge technology corp in recent months has invested hundreds of millions of dollars into chinese israeli and american firms the head of the corporation says acquiring foreign technology is the quickest way to develop russia's innovation sector. we need the best and that's where you find the burst in china movies and you find the best. movies enough for you for the birth of the united states when we're thinking you know the stories which we were doing but. not to the country we're committed to transfer to russia the first we were bought was to launch what will be the share all foreign projects in the us model portfolio will be here for. the twenty five percent or so in the for some of those from bodies to hold the printer for some of the the cost of commuters who are going through the fourth quarter you know little community here from more. to three hundred. roubles and we do care for twenty five percent of the project which was.
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no notion but just. let's have a look at the markets now oil is lower on concerns that europe might fail to tame its debt crisis countering signs iran will call for production cuts at this week's . brant is trading at one hundred seven dollars. ninety eight dollars per barrel stock markets in europe are lower as the rally sparked by friday's progress in the summit of european union leaders proved to be short lived market participants are examining the implications of the latest measures by policymakers to address the root debt crisis. here in russia be our guest on the line six trading lower in evening session let's have a look at some individual channels otherwise it's right now versus biggest lenders bad bank is gaining over half a percent gas producer novacek is one point eight percent or one company plans to invest nineteen billion dollars in oil and gas production by twenty twenty. p.
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a bounce back after slipping into the red that's all reports that two of its independent board members are quitting the company. now accounting is rarely glamorous but it is important to make questioned business more transparent. all listed companies will be obliged to report their results according to international standards by two thousand and fifteen that will force around a third of all russian firms to switch from reporting only into local status which are often ignored as they are considered liable it's hoped the change will improve the investment climate and make it easier for companies to attract finance. repeating in international financial standards is a film that's accepted worldwide so when you company which provides results in these standards it's free to move around the globe and be transparent understandable and predictable. and finally be global sports business is playing well despite the economic uncertainty accounting firm pricewaterhouse coopers
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expects the industry revenues to grow twenty percent in four years to almost one hundred fifty billion dollars most of the growth will be driven by sponsorship contracts head of the winter olympics games in sochi some one games in rio de janeiro. that's the update for this hour but don't forget you can always find more stories if you log on to our website r.t. dot com slash business thanks for watching. twenty years ago the largest country in the world disintegrates into.
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what had been known. to teach began a journey. where did it take them. in two thousand and ten especially economic zone for industrial production was established in russia somalia region with a total area of six hundred sixty ect as. its investors are granted exclusive tax and customs benefits which includes a five year exemption from property land and transport taxes as well as an income tax reduction to fifteen point five percent. the special economic zone operates as a free customs own which enables manufacturers to market their products in russia free of in for duties the same our region as he said is currently we.


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