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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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russian billionaire playboy jumps into the presidential race the country's third wealthiest person has formally announced he'll be running for russia's top job next march. people flood the center of moscow again but this time it's the supporters of the victorious united russia party mass opposition rallies staged to make claims the results of the parliamentary vote were. greece's second rescue package amid skepticism over the efficiency of the emergency measure and against the backdrop of widening cracks within the e.u. . and occupy protesters take their rallies to
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a new level as they hold operations and some of america's west coast ports that's is the first to rest take place in new york where corporate demonstrations also gather pace this monday. international news and comment live from moscow with the twenty four hours a day this is. candidates have been throwing their hats into the ring ahead of russia's upcoming presidential runoff one of the world's richest men russian business men make up work out of as formally announced he's running in the election next march. has more on the mend. we help is number three on russia's rich list kind of a jack of all trades not only does he have a fortune of estimated eighteen billion dollars he's also have a does good ballplayer in fact he owns the new jersey nets basketball team he's an
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avid skier and while in the french alps that actually been involved in a high class prostitution scandal of course french authorities later how cleared him of all charges and extended their apologies which were excepted this is not his first foray into politics he was the leader of the right cause party in russia just earlier this year as he left to that party however due to disagreements with other party members although at the time profit of said that he did so because of the pressure from the kremlin and of course in the upcoming presidential elections will have to run against other candidates who have already said they're willing to run for the presidential elections and that of course is the premise of i would put in and at the head of the fair of russia party now michel crocker of did not specify what exactly is going to be on the he's election campaign he said everything that he has to say he will state in due time for the announcement that leak of will run for presidential term has made it into the twitters our worldwide top trends so
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that is quite an accomplishment already so we have just to wait and see in order to find out what exactly has in store. russia specialist at the university of london billy's pocket off candidacy has introduced and fresh blood to the spring time race for the country's top job. because he's a very good mathematician. he's a sports person. so therefore. people. if you like to the proceedings expect him to articulate some views from a pure economic point of view much. but. he may in fact attract. the young professional. voice.
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for two or three years. because. he's not. really going for the. young professionals or the people who would like to be. thousands of people in. reaction to the recent parliamentary vote supporters of the united russia party that won the election of states following a series of mass protests against the results. has been following developments in the heart of the russian capital several thousands of people in. these. various. other.
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people. the biggest protest so far to place around twenty five thousand people. in terminal street. central squares to their frustration their number one. actions to take place in russia. the wall street protesters across the west coast are blockading some of america's busiest ports from portland to diego but while they fight their cause on one side of america on the other riot police are busy arresting demonstrators in new york. the latest. almost two dozen people were arrested in new york during what looked like a very peaceful demonstration we're also getting reports that members of the occupy
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wall street media team there have been arrested they were providing a live stream of the protest on the internet so that's new york occupiers of march they are in solidarity with their fellow protesters on the west coast where thousands are taking on board from california to alaska to disrupt what they describe as an economic machine that benefits the wealthiest individuals and corporations this is being the message of the whole occupy movement which started three months ago with the protesters are marching down ports in san diego los angeles portland seattle tacoma. and courage that's in alaska this should give you a sense of the scale of the action there we're getting reports that the protesters have shut down several terminals in portland and l.a. the poured in oakland has also been shut down we're also keeping a close eye on the police reaction there. you know we have begun in san francisco three people so far police officers in riot gear are on the move in all
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current so a lot going on on the west coast right now we might see a lot more arrests coming out and maybe even a brutal crackdown on protesters with the use of gas and rubber bullets something that we have seen in the past so far authorities have been quite successful in cracking down on these peaceful protesters across the united states dismantling their civic things the demonstrators around five thousand peaceful protesters have been arrested in the last three months and those arrests only to make it to the headlines anymore they've become something like business as usual dozens of demonstrators get arrested every week just over this weekend fifty five people were arrested in san francisco we'll have more in new york you probably will street movement on no joined by journalist philippe misson there he's hold the line for us from california. and to wall street protests in the. u.s. pulls some of course that means this stopping trade and preventing people from
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doing their job so what all the actually trying to achieve. well what's at stake here really is. the social justice gains that have been made over the last century and as you know most of the gains that have been done in the united states of the achieving of eight hour work day and in many other social games have been done through direct action and general strikes and so forth. the people here in the united states really and that's reflected by the occupy wall street movement really . feel that the political process and broken down the two parties major parties here don't represent the people that's reflected in the occupy movement and so that's really what what what's happening here people are taking actions into their own hands and they're really sending a message. to the system to the power. brokers in the country that business as
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usual will not continue but why targeting the ports and not the bankers and the corporate world. well actually there is far as i understand there's also an effort underway similar to mislead to shut down goldman sachs on the east coast. in the west coast what happened was there's a there's been union busting going on you know there's very few people that are unionized anymore and in the north. west coast there's a wrong you long for workers that have been facing union busting from their. from the from the corporate. powerful folks there and so on saturday nov nineteenth when occupy oakland held another math day of action after the nationwide crackdown dan kaufman who is the. local twenty one long president he spoke with occupy oakland and they parked about their struggle against
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the and they that when they began making plans for a west coast shutdown the occupy movement really inspired the unions to. step up their game now the unions are showing support for the occupy movement actions now the unions have many qualities that prevent them from striking but if there is disruptions that their picket lines they can out of safety and out of respect for not crossing picket lines they can you know stay from from working so that is kind of the coordinated thing that's going on between occupy movement and the unions are also you know basically significant to significant to get that sort of support from the unions in the way that they can support the movement but really when you look at it the camps are all well being dismantled most of them would go along with seeing a lot of a wrist isn't the momentum now being lost the days of the movement to surely numbered now and. well they seem to be so so now after an incubation period with
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the arc. movement really messaging and getting the message out across the country the buying the media blackout the corporate media if you remember initially the corporate media ignored the occupy movement occupy wall street in the first week and then they began ridiculing it then it cannot be ignored the police began cracking down in an organized effort across the country and now to what's been happening in october for example and the other across the country is occupying foreclosed home and many other actions to make the occupy movement very mobile but i've heard from many of the occupy movement representative republic country that they've sought to make it multiple as you also know the occupy movement off with put out the college campuses the students are facing. the hikes and they're saddled with debt so it really is branching out the ability of the occupy movement to
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maintain the mobility and its momentum will be really the question but that today will be another mass showing of power and solidarity by the occupy movement or shut down as they unfold across the west coast and hopefully inspire more action on the other coast the gulf coast and east coast as it continues to inspire the unions which really have a hostile fire in their desire to be close to the democratic party and sacrificing their main ability to mobilize by by striking ok philippe we'll leave it there thank you very much indeed for your thoughts on this philippe maisonette media rich correspondent joining us live there in the usa. international austerity inspectors the so-called troika are in greece to put in place a second lifeline for the debt ridden country athens narrowly avoided default in december off to receive vital cash injection but still remains at risk that's as cracks are widening in the e.u. also what's considered a major divorce between britain and other members of the brussels summit. has more
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. it's not easy running a business even a small one like this german company which produces isolation materials for gas turbines loans taxes salaries competition it's enough to keep any business man's head busy but many still wonder why rules different when it comes to the big book or in this case the euro. when a business takes a loan and cunt paid back it announces its bankruptcy i think a state which keeps accumulating debt has to do the same it's no different from a company in that sense you don't borrow money if you know you can't pay it back but for some reason often this doesn't seem to be the case for the eurozone so let's take greece for example besides billions of euros which have already been allocated to bail it out even leaders have approved yet another tranche the enos to pay off its three hundred sixty billion euro debt preventing it from going and
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taking others with it but many fear the tactic will not work it's all about physics review no matter how strong a material is like this piece of metal with the right amount of pressure it will break. and unfortunately for the euro zone the laws of physics are called universal for a reason meanwhile the pressure is rising the latest e.u. summit in brussels showed the economic crisis is creating cracks in the union britain walked out of a deal put forward by germany and france to revise the e.u. treaty and create a fiscal union with a tighter grip on finances but analysts toward the integration me take too long with some countries facing a possible referendum on the deal this year a package will take until march to implement and i think in the meantime the eurozone in particular the mediterranean countries are extremely vulnerable indeed and i do not discount the
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a breakdown of the markets will overwhelm the whole euro problem. and that the eurozone countries and the e.u. institutions will find themselves simply not big enough to cope with it meanwhile inspectors from the so-called troika which consists of the european commission the european central bank and the international monetary fund are looking to provide athens with a new one hundred thirty billion euro bailout i would call it the lying circus the banks who are trying to save their necks who are put on the line with bad loans to corrupt governments. waiting and expecting the european taxpayers to pay their bills especially the bonus bills sure christmas is big in europe but bailing out of the euro for the sake of the banks is becoming one expensive present the dozens of protests that have rocked the e.u. this year are a clear sign of discontent over austerity. and it's highly likely the new set of
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handouts for greece will be greeted with anything to cheer. germany. internet giant google has been accused of seriously compromising u.s. national security on its maps web page it revealed to the public a restricted air base for unmanned drones uses of the search engine can clearly see the base in nevada and some of the drones on the runway were for more live to investigative journalist ross baker can you give us an idea of what you think google maps have actually revealed. well what the news organizations that that spotted this saw and have published is a photo that very clearly shows what seems to be a drone the super secret drone on a secret air base near yucca lake in nevada and of course this is the type of technology that the united states government is desperately trying to keep away
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from prying eyes we know with this recent development with iran having commandeered and then taken down a drone and now they're reverse engineering it in the learning about all the parts that then governments are under pressure like never before how are they going to keep their secrets and so what we see here is a public company like google has a very very good technology you can go right to their maps and just zoom in for example i am in. new mexico right now and i went to look at the los alamos national laboratory i have to say for some reason that one does not show up with zoom and you cannot see it why you can see some air bases and you can see other facilities i don't know well is it because google is perhaps being irresponsible negligent or. you know i mean their function is to send satellites around the world to map the world for us and that's what they're
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doing there are so many of these entities everywhere the united states has as military bases supposedly in more than one hundred countries you can imagine how many there are in the united states some of them are supposedly not even supposed to exist and so it's a big big you know you'd have to tell google all of their secret facilities first and then ask them to to go to great measures i think it's hear them well clearly not a good thing going into internet company to get its hands on such sensitive information but there seems to be a conflict between public interest and national security issues here can they be resolved. well this is the big question i think in the near future we're seeing more and more of a conflict because governments themselves are extremely hypocritical they want to know everything about us and of course those drones are doing the exact same thing that the google satellites are doing they're zooming all the way in and they can
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actually see people's be equals that who's doing what you're taking pictures of everything so they want to be able to essentially prying into everyone's lives and have no one brought into what they are doing so i think we're going to have to have a national and indeed international power station about the importance of both privacy and the need to know and try to figure out how we're going to sort that all out in the public interest so then governments which surely be criticised for withholding information which may be deemed as public interest and so that creates another issue doesn't it it does but you know i have particularly with the united states government that with which i'm most familiar this is a huge problem they have classified millions and millions of documents some of them are decades old seems to be no good in that reason they refuse to let them go they won't even release most of the documents pertaining to the assassination of john f. kennedy and that was almost fifteen years ago but the problem is with technology
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developing the way it is it makes the appetite for information to become more and more. full stronger doesn't it and people want to have more and more transparency. well that's right and also there's the period interestingly we want to zoom in and see what the. brad pitt's house looks like if you go online and and look up all the personal details about their credit history if we can so there's this constant tug of war going on and as i said these things need to be discussed whether it's the united nations or a bilateral discussions we really need to sit down and talk about where do you draw the lines and you know that in london for example there are cameras everywhere there's there's absolutely no private. that city at all obvious an issue that needs to be resolved as soon as possible bearing in mind interests from terrorist organizations rogue states or whatever this is clearly going to be addressed very fast. it certainly does and you can bet right now that all kinds of people who want to make trouble are looking at all sorts of things but this doesn't limited cell
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just to air bases it's hard for terrorist actually do anything about a base out of the nevada desert but a people could be looking right now it at the houses of the layout the security layout of other people that's going to cause problems in terms of just common crime so this is all across the map when you get to do it on this yes you're just going to just start to finish off for us and i just said you know it's across the map literally and figuratively absolutely thank you very much great to chat to you about this investigative journalist and editor of who what why dot com break up and live in new york thank you. u.s. troops in iraq of handed over the large military base to iraqi forces ahead of the december thirty first withdrawal president barack obama has met with iraqi prime minister nuri al maliki in washington to discuss the next phase of their country's relationship brumback a direct to the antiwar aunt's a coalition as told me earlier that iraq is a much different place now that it was before the us invaded you can only remember
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the last nine years in iraq as one of the great crimes great tragedies of modern times iraq was at peace with the united states to threaten the united states it had no weapons of mass destruction it was not connected to september eleventh it was the victim of in a premeditated aggression by the united states and britain more than hundreds of thousands of iraqis have died five million were made into refugees two million internally two million externally the country was shredded formally united country was divided along ethnic sectarian lines and now the united states is leaving it's not paying reparations for its crimes those who committed these this grievous assault this or this war of aggression are going around on book tours making lots of money. a little earlier israeli airstrikes on gaza a palestinian bid for statehood and an arab spring in the background the middle east peace process is facing more challenges than ever been speaking to influential
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palestinian politician was. about what happens next we have that special interview coming up in just a moment and i'll be back with a recap of our main news stories about eight minutes from now. with me i have dr mustafa barghouti the president of the palestinian national initiative and a member of the palestinian parliament dr thank you very much for joining us here on r.t. what palestinian still push ahead in the statehood bid despite the fact that it
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seems a two thirds majority in support of it is highly unlikely there can be no vote in the security council now because the united states already obstructed that by. denying of a committee that are it to ask for what has american pressure paid off yes more from one side i mean many companies are doing what the united states and israel want. but at the same time i think many of them feel shameful about it we've seen an example of that of the french what the newness call france is that will opportune in the security council voted for us and. many countries like spain and france. and belgium and others have the people on our side their governments cannot go against the will of their own people but if the people are with the palestinians why then is it so difficult to get a two thirds majority in the security council because the united states still has
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the power of pressuring many countries because the israeli lobby is playing its cards pressuring many many world leaders because of the hypocrisy of western politics you know this speak about freedom of the syrian people respect of human rights in libya but they fear the thought of god knows that this is also needed for palestine once you have membership in the general assembly you'll have access to the international criminal court how do you plan to use this and do you think the israelis are concerned by it they are totally concerned about this this is maybe one of them in reasons why they are trying to obstruct our membership in the united nations. why because they know they have committed war crimes why because they know that many of the leaders of the. me. generals have committed crimes against humanity and i think we will do everything we can to give these guys
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one due to the court to the international court of justice when president obama came to power they were high hopes that the united states would play a positive role in the israeli palestinian conflict do you see his opposition to the statehood bid as a stab in the back totally we see it as a stab in the back but also we see it as a great big failure of american president who failed to in respect his own words he himself promised that palestine should become a member of the you and by november two thousand and eleven and now he's leading not only not voting for us but he's leading a war against our membership what the american administration is doing and what the american congress is doing is in total contradiction with everything dispute about in terms of the principles of respecting human rights and of the nation and the principles of freedom you see the palestinian issue has become in a way. some kind of and raiment or some kind of
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a method to explore the very oppositions of each comes to the cost of what mr obama did and his administration has done has been that the united states has lost its position as a mediator in the middle east process and just how difficult is it to go back to negotiations against the backdrop of the u.n. statehood bid it's not difficult to go to negotiations it's impossible. as long as allowed to continue to build settlements as long as government is the government we have there would be no negotiation and that's why i feel sorry for the waste of money. spending so much taxpayers' money on travelling and moving and coming and going without a new visa as long as the. people in the corporate government and the courts that as long as they don't decide to pressure israel seriously have to stop settlement activities we will see more progress while israel suffer if economic problems
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continue to mount in the united states i believe i believe so because united states is becoming weaker with the passage of. unfortunately make some forces of the united states like new york homes more aggressive. unfortunately this economy we can this is dragging out the driving some people in the united states towards very dangerous military adventures like attack and get out for instance because they think of the control of oil completely they would control energy and this with we can control the economy of russia and china many other countries in this world dr mustafa barghouti thank you very much for joining us here on r.t. thank you.
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