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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EST

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satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our t.v. question more. just. welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour they came they met and they accomplished next to nothing delegates of the u.n.
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climate summit called it a day without a treaty as we careening headfirst toward the point of no return and third party candidates are the underdogs in the american political landscape right. not so much when they have millions of dollars in secret funding find out why the one percent is pure enough to make sure that their status is protected and everything you know about the medicines that are supposed to cure what ails you may just be wrong. the u.n. climate summit in durban south africa wrapped up over the weekend with out a comprehensive treaty for the world to stop or even slow down global climate change the deal reached in durban just kicks the can down the road by laying out steps towards signing a new climate change treaty in two thousand and fifteen that will be enacted in two thousand and twenty. the time frame most climate scientists agree is the point of
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no return one small victory for the durban summit is that nations like china and india will no longer be considered developing nations will no longer be exempted from mandatory emissions cuts when the deal is finally reached but perhaps the most poignant moment of the entire un climate summit came one jolly up a door i spoke on behalf of the world's youth address the convention on its last day the last in the failure of negotiators to come up with a suitable plan. the international energy agency tells us we have five years until the window to avoid irreversible climate change closes the science tells us that we have five years maximum you're saying give us ten the most stark betrayal of your generation's responsibility to ours is that you call this ambition. where is the card in these rooms now is not the time for incremental action in the long run
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these will be seen as the defining moments of an era in which narrow self-interest prevailed over science reason and common compassion meanwhile in congress in a direct slap in the face to environmentalists and future generations house republicans are holding the payroll tax cut extension for one hundred sixty million americans hostage until a dangerous keystone x.l. pipeline is approved so why is it that our nation is incapable of addressing climate change and in the face of catastrophic katter's catastrophic weather pushing ahead with even more climate destroying energy projects it over his take on this is jeremy simon senior vice president of conservation and education programs for the national wildlife federation and jeremy welcome thanks for having me on the show what happened in durban i gave a bit of a summary there but well like you said i mean it is a missed opportunity in the long history of missed opportunities and i think the
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clip you showed says it all when your first guest joshua was it was when the climate negotiations first start started josh was two years old. and here we are almost twenty years later with an agreement to try to try to forge a new treaty and i'm going to have an agreement in three years you know you when you make a call to the fire station you expect them to just come in we have we have a five alarm fire going on in this planet and the clock is ticking it at some point you kick that can down the road long enough that it goes off the edge of the cliff you can't just keep doing that keep postponing were the united states china and india are the principal opponents of doing anything or was this pretty universal to all of the oil producing or carbon producing nations were you know what were who and what were the major obstacles here. there's a lot of finger pointing going on and it's easy because there's a lot of blame to go around frankly i'm clearly the countries that have the biggest
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emissions or expect the biggest emissions growth are the ones that were the most difficult to come to agreement but there are other countries too you look at a country like canada you mentioned the hostage on the pipeline and here is canada that signed the kyoto protocol agreed to reduce their emissions they failed so what they've done today they announced a playing out of kyoto they're an obstacle in the negotiations why are they doing that because they expect their emissions to go up because we buy the tar sands oil because they just found the second largest deposit of oil exactly where and so you know everybody is to blame in that scenario the u.s. and canada if we are there are there any multilateral or even unilateral actions being taken by nations or states the i mean there are any good news out there absolutely so what this does is it throws it back in our lap too as the public american public and in other countries to move the ball ourselves there is a framework here there is there was you know as yardsticks go forward to go she ations a lot of people would declare this
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a success the fact that we've gotten out of the structure of past agreements and all countries are coming to the table on equal footing next time to share responsibility there's a framework there that you could work with but you can't start then you have to start by making the transition now proving that clean energy is a better alternative than big big investments that we continue to make today in the infrastructure for more fossil fuels more highly polluting fuels for years to come so we have to start now so china for example is a case in point where we've seen tremendous progress in the last few years and i do believe that the hard work of the people doing international negotiations has affected many countries around the world is not off though a lot of that have to do with just the fact that technology is racing forward right and and that. it's becoming cheaper and cheaper to produce alternative forms of energy on the one hand and on the other hand and people are becoming more aware of the cost of the extra ality. not just global climate change but things like asthma and cancer and everything else associated with car burning carbon products
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absolutely education is a big part in technology advances but they don't happen independently they happen with with speeches and activism like like we saw there but also a lot of hard work including what we've seen like california's program to move forward with the greenhouse gas production strategy the investments that have been made there's a lot of talk about cylindrica you know but that's one example the fact is that one percent of our energy had before and the fact is that solar industries had had a bumper year and we actually have two billion dollars of exports to china from from the u.s. there are a lot of successes just invested two billion dollars in the solar farm for out in texas but that doesn't happen independent of a will tax because the other thing that's happening the other side of the story as you mentioned i mean the real scam that's going on with the payroll tax is that that speaker boehner and others are holding hostage the fiscal policy to get their oil big oil's agenda through and they've spent
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a billion dollars in the last two years oil and coal companies on lobbying and campaign cash i mean the amount of influence just in the united states and the amount of influence that they're wielding is enormous wow and then you add to that the god only knows how many millions of the respond to a vision advertising right and they don't even count that is lobbying and don't have to disclose it because they're just educating people on the wonders of what they say they're doing on clean energy or the wonders of tar sands in canada when really what they're doing is trying to low people to sleep and say hey everything's ok or pay attention or how wonderful natural gas is and never mention the word fracking but you know it's it's really quite remarkable is there and we have thirty seconds left are there any possibility of international action before twenty fifteen or is this all going to have to be a lot of oh yeah i think there is because i think the realities are catching up to us i think the you know what we're seeing with the droughts on the one hand and the floods in the other throughout the country as the water i mean our entire water cycle is getting in balance and those realities catch up to us and we make progress on clean energy and it gets easier but we have to have the political will to
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overcome the lobbying a big oil and big coal thanks a lot for me thank you very much for it to have you join me. our nation will never take the danger of global climate change seriously until we do one important thing get oil money out of our politics only then will our lawmakers at least join the rest of the developed world and admit that manmade climate change is occurring. just. puts the good the bad in the very very car minutes hopefully ugly the good san francisco beginning next year that city will be the first in the nation have a minimum wage above ten dollars on january first the new minimum wage in san francisco be ten dollars twenty four cents more than two dollars about the state of california minimum wage and nearly three bucks above the federal minimum wage that's because san francisco recognized
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a basic economic truth rich people are job creators working people are and the more money working people have in their pockets to spend the more jobs that are created time to take san francisco's lead raise the minimum wage all around the country. the bad rick perry if you want to be the republican candidate for president then you have to make sure you're up to date on what's the latest white house controversy manufactured by republicans and rick perry did his homework. namedropping the so-called cylinder green energy loan scandal that has been incessantly hyped over a g.o.p. t.v. the right wing blogosphere and by. the multimillionaire and the only criminal in congress only instead of identifying cylindrica as a failed green energy company perry referred to it as a country saying no greater example of it than those administrations of spending millions of millions of dollars of the solar industry was that money i want to say
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it was over five hundred million that went to the country so linda. the country soul and are exactly is that country governed what's the capital maybe. who's the president oh well maybe we should give the governor a break after all the country of cylinder is just as manufactured is the scandal of so lander anyway. and the very very ugly john mcloughlin those of the weekly show known as the mclaughlin group gave his take on president obama's teddy roosevelt speech last week and appears he got his talking points from the g.o.p. t.v.'s fox so-called news referring to the speech in which president obama said our nation is better off thanks to things like unemployment insurance the eight hour work week in a progressive income tax mclaughlin asked question did president obama more like teddy roosevelt all more like hugo chavez. because giving help to the unemployed to making sure the rich pay their fair share which is what our nation
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has done for the better part of the last seventy years is exactly what chavez is up to in venezuela i guess that means america has a long list of so-called socialist presidents teddy roosevelt franklin roosevelt harry truman eisenhower john kennedy lyndon johnson rich. nixon gerry ford should i continue simply put conservatives today try to paint our greatest accomplishments as a nation over the last hundred years as socialist that's very clear. coming up in tonight's daily take why would a bunch of rich bad kids be pushing their own candidate into a presidential election and why would the media treated as anything other than just that. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is imbue it with
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a global machinery to see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. so sometimes you know what you know and sometimes you know what you don't know and sometimes as the fires and theater says everything you know is wrong and. you know
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you're right. to make. sure. you know when you go is. if you think that modern medicines are developed and marketed when the medical industry sees a need for comprehensive treatments for diseases that are becoming more common in a population then everything you know about the pharmaceutical industry and its influence in the marketplace is wrong analysts say that big pharma is often driven by supply side bar codes that make them billions each year by putting the proverbial cart before the horse meaning once they have the drugs in hand they've been created a buzz around the diseases the drugs can supposedly cure to rake in the profits as we turn into a nation of pill popping hypochondriacs and all of this is happening while there's a shortage of viable drugs to treat real medical problems so what are the some of the most profitable diseases the big pharma hopes will all have or at least think
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we have in two thousand and twelve and what can be done to make pharmaceutical companies focus on developing a marketing drugs that are truly needed at an affordable price rather than mass marketing the ones with the highest profit margins and ignoring both genetics and drugs for diseases that are less common or are more frequently seen in poorer communities. joining me now to author offer offer some insight in this issue is martha rosenberg a health reporter and commentator who frequently writes about the impact of the pharmaceutical food and gun industries and public health and his work has appeared in several leading national publications including consumers digest the boston globe in the san francisco chronicle she's also the author of born with a junk food deficiency how flax quacks attacks pimp the public health which is slated to be released in two thousand and twelve martha welcome well thank you tom happy to be with you know so pleased to have you with us what is supply driven marketing and how did the pharmaceutical industry get into it well oh it would be
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the opposite of the way and driven marketing where people really need to drop supply means we have the drug and we need to find of diseases in patients to justify it and it's very much driven by direct to consumer advertising which began . thirteen years ago and that's what's propelled the how many other developed countries allow drug companies to advertise on t.v. adverts advertise directly to consumers you said it started thirteen years ago how did that how did that come about because i remember a time when it was illegal. well. it had never actually been illegal but what one thing that drove the direct to consumer advertising was the aids epidemic and on patients felt they wanted to know what their doctors knew about the drugs they were taking so i can find a place but obviously it once you know where it is today the only other country
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that actually allows direct to consumer advertising is new zealand but many many countries have the censored subliminal to right consumer advertising which has the ghost written journal articles and of course sites like web m.d. so there's a lot of advertising and marketing that doesn't really manifest as merchants is is web m d a a shill for the drug companies i was under the impression it was just basically a website you know funded by advertising well whatever he. can as it's one of its original partners was really according to the washington post and you can see that there are far more in my humble opinion there are pharma to all and fronts. but especially you i've only has been instrumental in their messages in terms of their answer you know that the very idea of symptom checking which is
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subject to one of them getting drives drugs obviously what it what it is what the heck is a blockbuster disease. well you know how that would be a wall street tart you know like low pitched moore was a blockbuster drug but the disease is as i described and now this article that's up on the web now on alternate to be a really blockbuster disease it has to be an actual disease that exists but it can help clear diagnostic. tests so that people can self hypnotizing themselves into it and say well i can the joints are right here you know they can self diagnose and so all clot buster disease you don't the best example i think is depression because now it's kind of peak but for a while i think twenty million people in the us were convinced by direct to consumer advertising that they had depression there's no clear test for depression
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and it's very much of a self diagnosis you know all phenomenon that needs to johnson. so how do we fix this broken pharmacist. well. that's probably direct to consumer advertising is the biggest culprit i don't see that being withdrawn but. i think that if it's a clear numbers will show that people love of how their actual health reince help our grace on how our taxes even for the china have fallen from grace from the hypochondria i think that could make a big argument because a lot of the top drugs you know costs a launch that. you know somebody ssri or four or five of them they might be spending forty five hundred a month on drugs but they're not paying out of pocket you know i'm that's inflating our health care costs and so i think that's one one thing that could help us some
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real barack the drug use and the other thing believe it or not is how many of these drugs are actually in the drinking water. while yeah it because they get they cycle through the body or they get flushed down the toilet when they're not used or whatever and and and they're not pulled out by water treatment plants is that you talk a lot of trash and just because of the sheer numbers that are on some of the some of the vets right how do other countries deal with this especially since most of these companies are transnationals or even based overseas we have just a minute left here martha well you know i'm not as much of its power on other countries as this nation i think that what what we need you here. the very much yet the industry out of f.d.a. because right now f.d.a. and the industry are all in big pharma are almost synonymous and i do think conflicts of interest if they were removed would make
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a huge difference in the transom or room in that once the the danger with the direct to consumer advertising is a lot of the drugs should not have even better because they're dangerous and one of course is the the a.d.h. to talk them all the cancer on. this is a fairly good example that martha thanks so much for being with us tonight well thank you so much i enjoyed it very much thank you and a great article great research are doing now thank you now everything you know about big pharma and the marketing of designer drugs is right almost. with the global backlash against corporatism picking up steam the one percent has something up their sleeves to keep power it's called americans elect americans
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elect runs a website where and it intends to let its members or delegates as they're called elect a third party candidate by voting online it takes three million signatures to get on the ballot all fifty states and so far americans elect has over two million signatures so by two thousand and twelve americans elect hopes to have a candidate voted on by those who have signed up on line to be members or delegates to americans elect and that candidates name will be placed on the ballot right alongside barack obama and whoever the republican nominee is in next year's election as their website says american alive americans elect is the first nonpartisan nomination for using the internet to break the gridlock in washington open up the political process and give every single voter democrat republican or independent the power to nominate a presidential ticket in two thousand and twelve your voice matters you decide the issues you choose the candidates and in a secure on line convention next june you will be making history by putting the american likes americans elect ticket on the ballot in every state it all sounds
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reasonable the group operates as a nonprofit organization and talks like a grassroots movement yesterday americans elect was given a platform on meet the press where david gregory pretty much gave them an infomercial to sell their election scheme. this week americans elect an organization whose goal is to break down the barrier to entry to running for america's highest office they are calling it the country's first direct nomination of a presidential candidate using the power of the internet and you got quite an endorsement from tom friedman who wrote this in his column about the group write it down americans elect what amazon dot com did to books where the blogosphere did to newspapers what the ipod did to music what drugstore dot com did to pharmacies americans elect plans to do to the two party doowop believe it is dominated american political life remove the barriers to real competition flatten the incumbents and let the people in watch out so what only toward the end of the
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interview did gregory asked the all important question where is the money coming from. these funding your operation to get ballot access. we've raised about twenty two million dollars today we've got a budget that's a little bit over thirty million dollars so just to get started this we had to go somewhere to raise that money so we had about fifty individuals who came forward to raise that money some of those folks have disclosed some of them haven't disclosed one who has to catch that that's fifty individuals who have thrown in twenty two million bucks to get this operation off the ground and to ensure whichever candidate is selected on line makes it out of the ballot in all fifty skate states and many of those individuals want to remain secret as campaign finance reform activists spread worth timer's about the secrecy behind americans elect they must be trying to hide from the public who their donors are this is a very strange way for a group to act that is complaining about the state of american politics. we know
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who some of the donors are is peter ackerman a guy who apparently gave over one and a half million bucks to american elect who made a lot of his fortune working with private investment firms and holding stakes in numerous different corporations there's a guy named kirk roston a rostrum the co-founder of a private capital investment firm in washington d.c. who specializes in managing hedge funds the group also according to wikipedia has an affiliation with our no political consultants a company whose clients include special interests like the national rifle association and tobacco giant r.j. reynolds arnold political has been involved in a slew of controversies from tricking people into registering as republicans in florida paying off homeless people to sign petitions to fourteen signatures on ballot initiative petitions according to wikipedia all together are no political cording to wikipedia again has been accused of fraud by five different state attorneys general so looking at those who come forward it looks like americans
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elect isn't so much a grassroots organization hoping to improve our democracy and give voters more direct access to politicians as it is an operation funded by a bunch of rich guys mostly who want to remain secret and that has hired some people with a background in election fraud the best way to think of americans elect is as a corporation not as a political party because it is a corporation albeit a nonprofit one that won't disclose its money sources but apparently has connections to folks on wall street so expect some. someone like billionaire mayor michael bloomberg for example to be a strong runner for their ticket or corporate advocates who have suggested it might be a good idea to do some variation of turning social security over to wall street people like republican buddy roemer a corporate friendly democrat evan by. the website and the whole watching process looks to me more like an astroturf meet up like the tea party where average
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americans think they're bucking both parties and voting for a moderate when in reality they're just dancing with millionaires in another corporation it's not about political parties a truth that even americans elect acknowledges and for progressives who want to put an end to corporatism the answer will not be found in a corporation running a candidate the real grassroots movement is already in the streets the ninety nine percent movement is putting incredible pressure on democrats and eventually can lead the whole party to follow in the footsteps of past progressives like teddy and franklin roosevelt one republican the other democrat who both fought against too much corporate influence in our government so let's get to work on bracing and strengthening the real grassroots movement in the streets in front of our very eyes it's a far better hope frankly in my opinion than a million are funded web based scheme to tinker with our electoral system. and
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that's the big picture first night for more information on the stories we covered those of our websites over the tom hartman dot com free speech to order r t dot com also check out our two you tube channels there are links of tom hartman dot com and our show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free tom hartman hi phone and i pad app at the app store because of his feedback on twitter a time others were hard on facebook at tom underscore her blogs message boards and telephone comment line at target. and don't forget democracy begins when you show it all happens when you participate it shows that it happens when you get out there get out there and get active tag your it occupies something you'll see them.
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