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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EST

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one of russia's richest men announces he's running for the country's top job with presidential elections scheduled for march but says he's determined to win the middle class and the liberal vote will go up toe to toe with prime minister vladimir putin and newcomer to the race for russia party leader sergei murat of. thousands gather again in central moscow this time in support of the ruling united russia party this following a series of mass protests calling for a revolt of parliamentary elections. talks resume on a new bailout for greece in a bid to ease its debt burden but the skepticism remains over the efficiency of the rescue measure as this is cracks widen in the e.u. after a new deal to save the eurozone was spurned by britain. and in the u.s. the occupy movement sets its sights on closing west coast ports while the other side of the country campaigners are facing arrest in new york the movement's largest combined actions since being inflicted from most of their tent camps me
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from our. part two of the alone a show coming up stay with us. i'm sorry guys time for you said it i read it right take time to respond to my brilliant and engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you tube because when you've got something to say i listen now first on responded to commenters the watch my fireside on the new york press corps getting awfully cozy with mayor bloomberg byron and five said on you tube whoever writes alone is fireside is good
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clear sharp true and tom is to comment on you to go get him alone in the corporate media is just that it's owned by the one percent it's so-called journalists get to the top by playing along to my first commenter very happy you enjoy the writing because it's my own and it always is with the firesides for a second commenter i'll keep sticking it to the m.s.m. as long as i have a platform to do so so much of the journalism today is about sucking up to those in power to get access and it's quite a cozy relationship yet close to those in power they throw you a story every now and then they want you to put out and then you lose your ability to be critical of them now of course the people who win in this situation are those in power those with things to hide the losers are all of us who don't get the real story so don't get the truth because the mainstream media is more concerned with getting close to the politicians and they are with actually questioning that next one responded a viewer that watched my interview with former chief of staff to colin powell colonel lawrence wilkerson on the impending war with iran martians stories commented on you tube excellent episode extremely well spoken thoughtful man i hope
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the idiots listen to him you know what i do too but unfortunately it really doesn't seem like they are as lawrence said during this interview the slow march to war with iran see. to be on not only we've seen every single g.o.p. presidential candidate say for ron paul trying to one up each other over how quickly they would bomb and run covert missions in iran but the president himself came out last week and said that every option is on the table and now the u.s. is covert with iran is out in the open it's time for those who don't want another u.s. led military conflict to stand up be voices of reason against a political class who seems hell bent on another conflict in the middle east and finally want to respond to a kind of you or progressive x. tweeted to us it is truly a glimmer of hope that we have real news from at the alona show and r t we're fortunate that our cable company airs r t here in l.a. so thank you so much for watching as an l.a. native really happy you can watch and enjoy the show all the way over there in california at my ranting today and i will be back with more as usual later in the week. now if you've been watching m s n b c c.n.n.
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or fox news in the past week you've probably seen this very scary ad. they're stealing american jobs internet criminal illegal foreign websites the traffic in. counterfeit goods unsafe products stolen movies shows and music they're stealing american ideas and innovation and hundreds of thousands of american jobs but we can stop them tell congress to stop online piracy. that is bought paid for by creative america the entertainment industry group is just the latest to hit the airwaves courtesy of the entertainment industry and this one is urging you to protect american jobs and support sopa and protect ip now we have spoken at length on the show about just how damaging these two pieces of legislation would not only be to the internet but to the first amendment they would both give the government a wide berth to blacklist websites who host any individual or group and gaging in
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copyright infringement and so would hold i.s.p. is responsible for infringing activities on not only have civil liberties groups across the country come out against it so of all the major tech companies from google to yahoo to e-bay and yet thanks to the power of the entertainment lobby and its allies both in congress and the white house it's in danger of being passed. these real estate. you mean the fate. that masterpiece is courtesy of the d.o.j. must be nice to be able to buy influence in the big house and now turns out
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congressional staffers to politico reports the two republican staffers who are responsible for writing the danger. destructive legislation in both the house and the senate have left the taxpayers dole and moved on to two entertainment industry lobbying groups allison who latte who is the former deputy chief of staff and parliamentary and to the house judiciary chairman lamar smith who introduced sopa to the house has just been hired by the national music publishers association lauren pasternak senate judiciary committee senior aide has just left to go to the n.p.a. also known as the motion picture association of america she's probably sharing a corner office right next to former u.s. senate democratic senator chris dodd it's truly a bipartisan affair selling out americans first amendment rights to the entertainment lobby and this is simply a part of the game you work on the hill you do your time and you cash out with the lobbying firm don't want to be clear there's no direct evidence that these two republican staffers actually sold influence or did anything unethical the fact that they wrote the two bills which cater directly to the two firms they left to work at
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could be a giant coincidence unfortunately it has happened so often but it's hard to believe that it might be it's everything that is wrong with our system in one story lawmakers and aides who purport to work for the american people sign them out for money it's a longstanding tradition in washington and these two are just the latest to participate. well this week will once again watch the theater play out here in washington over the extension of the payroll tax cut there are two different plans at work here democrats want to lower the payroll tax for employees to three point one percent cutting most families tax bills by fifteen hundred dollars in two thousand and twelve and they plan on paying for that cut with a one point nine percent surtax on incomes over a million dollars that's something that republicans are concretely opposed to the g.o.p. wants to cut payroll taxes to four point two percent even higher than democrats rate but their proposal comes along with a laundry list of their own from cutting back health care reform slashing medicare spending increasing federal employee retirement contributions and raising fannie mae and freddie macin mortgage insurance rates just to name
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a few so once again it seems like it's an ideological battle but is that one of the arguments based on a complete lie. one one percenter says that an ordinary middle class consumer is in fact far more of a job creator than the rich will ever be so joining me to discuss that is can are serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist he's also author of the new book the gardens of democracy now i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and you describe yourself not only as rich but very rich you know when you write about this and yet you want to pay more taxes why i do so so for thirty years there's been this sort of insidious law that has been perpetrated on the american public that if you cut taxes on the rich and essentially poor money in the rich people in the form of tax benefits and tax cuts and increasing wages the jobs will squirt out the other side and obviously that's not true if it was true given
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the tremendous increase in inequality of the last thirty years and the tremendous decrease in the effective tax rate on the wealthiest americans if there was a shred of truth to that argument we would be awash in chops but if you understand the economy as complex adaptive system as an ecosystem which is what it really is and which is the essentially the argument of this new book that we just published you instantly recognize that jobs are a consequence of a feedback loop between consumers and businesses and in that very real sense it is the demand that middle class consumers create that is the thing that creates jobs not not entrepreneurs and certainly not rich people so that's definitely not the argument that you ever hear coming from capitol hill specifically not from the republicans but why then is that just taken as fact is you know if as you explained it makes sense that people need to go out there and spend money and create demand for anyone to be able to create more jobs then why is the common knowledge seem to
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be the exact opposite of it well the most charitable way of looking at it is a misunderstood. ending obviously you cannot you can also say that people are just you know the people who have created these policies were simply protecting their wealthiest constituents but a charitable interpretation is that they're just simply mistaken about how economies actually work and that their their understanding is rooted in one thousand nine hundred three metaphors that the economy is this linear closed system rather than an open complex adaptive system and again if you if you have that sort of nineteenth century view there is this an internally consistent belief system that can get you to that conclusion it just turns out to be completely untrue and i've been arguing for a long time in this article i wrote this op ed that when hyper viral in bloomberg
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business week it argued that you know middle class consumers are off of job creators and that a tax system which asymmetrically benefits the very rich isn't just morally wrong it's incredibly stupid because not only does it disadvantage the middle class of course but ultimately it's horrible for people like me too and you know i want to make it very clear that you know i do not love you and that's not why i am advocating higher taxes for myself i value you as a potential customer for one of my businesses and and you know this is just sensible thinking. and resolves to this very simple economic proposition this the practically the only rule you need to know which is we're all better off when we're all better off when a guy i'm curious you know i know that you're part of this group patriotic millionaires there are some people like yourself as out there that has spoken out said they're willing to pay more how much more are you willing to pay you know do
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you have you also got negative responses from people saying that you're breaking ranks that you're waging a class war on your own. i yeah i am i am part of this group patriotic millionaires but to be clear i don't think the reason that people like me should pay higher taxes is because for for for moral reasons only although i think that's a compelling reason i think the reason that the tax burden needs to shift back to the top is that you simply cannot sustain a capitalist democracy any other way look since one thousand nine hundred eighty and you know this well ana. you know the share of income for people in the top one percent has gone from eight to twenty four percent while the share of income for the bottom fifty percent of americans has shrunk from eighteen percent to twelve percent at the same time the tax rate effective tax rate has fallen from the high thirty's to for somebody like me in the sixteen seventeen percent range on average
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mean i wife and i had an eight figure income this here we paid a leaven percent in tax that is that is insane and and unfair and you know i don't i have i'm not an advocate for punitive tax rates i don't think that the the the marginal rates go up to seventy or eighty percent again but if people as wealthy as i did simply pay the same rate of tax that ordinary taxpayers paid thirty five percent or if the tax if the bush tax cuts are rescinded thirty nine that's going to take us a huge long way both towards fairness and a tax system which which will build an economy which is sustainable. we're hearing from one sided argument here in washington d.c. i'm curious nick are you are you an occupy wall street supporters you like what's going on right now in the country because i know that is is one vein of what
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they're protesting to look if you're thinking about the economy in any sort of reasonable. then you have to conclude that radical inequality is going to destroy it we you know i'm all about some level of inequality i'm a very competitive. person i like the fact that i get to compete every day and i have great confidence in my ability to win but an economy which concentrates wealth in the way that ours currently does is an economy that is going to tip over it's going to eat itself we have to maintain a healthy balance and the simple facts are that the healthier the middle class is the better off ultimately capitalists like me will be and occupy is the first instance in general in you know thirty years where people have finally woken up to how how crazily and equal our society has become by the way not just economically
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but of course there are all these crazy and many ways that's for sure you know i think that maybe i maybe the heritage foundation should listen because they think that everybody can afford a microwave these days there is no such thing as a poor person or inequality as one of the arguments we hear i have to wrap it up unfortunately next but i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and thank you for everything you do really appreciate it thank you. i still ahead on the show unpopular home improvement store gets a lot of negative buzz after they pull their ads when t.l.c. reality show and happy hour newt gingrich says that all palestinians are terrorists and they're living life on mars to talk about space and we can back. well for the. science technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered. wealthy british style.
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expert on the phone. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cancer for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report. our guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we're giving it to the one one of the most well known home improvement stores here in the u.s. lowe's marketing team is decide to take a stance on his lot they've pulled all of their ads running t.l.c. a program called all-american muslim. we live our lives like everybody else but
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i've been long fortunate for nineteen years require much talent with country music . i really am american there's no ifs ands or buts about it. it's the show's designed to show the public that muslim americans live ordinary lives while staying true to their faith just like people of other faiths however some groups have a problem with this television show like the florida family association and evangelical television watched on group and on the group's web page they wrote t.l.c.'s new show all american muslim is propaganda clearly designed to counter legitimate and present day concerns about many muslims who are advancing islamic fundamentalism and shari'a law the show profiles only muslims that appear to be ordinary folks while excluding many islamic believers whose agenda poses a clear and present danger to liberties and traditional values of the majority of americans cherish and apparently the florida family association is outraged over the program was enough to get losed to pull their ads if a state's on their website at sixty five other companies pulled their ads in the
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eight part series but it's not really clear whether some of those companies only bought one ad and that was it and way for example says the state was misleading but low as did not when contacted to explain why they made such a move lowe's simply gave a very generic response they said we did not pull our advertisements based soley on the complaints or e-mails of any one particular group an effort to be objective and on a case by case basis we will pull our advertising on shows if we learn there are issues raised from a broad spectrum of customers and viewers who represent multiple perspectives i want to call b.s. on that when clearly the florida family association carried enough weight on the issue because if you really listen to multiple viewers of multiple perspectives we would be pulling the ads because the perspectives are all over the place now meanwhile his facebook page is blowing up over the ads being removed of the comments people are saying the point is he caved to a group of fear mongering bigots and so basically a small christian group is trying to get the show pulled from the air by convincing companies. not to advertise on it what is american about that and i couldn't agree
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more with that what low saw one group was outrage and rather than defending their advertising on t.l.c. they took the cowardly approach of removing those ads they caved under pressure and then didn't have the guts to defend their stance which is un-american the fact that people out there are angry that muslims living in america dare be portrayed like ordinary people that's just disgusting ok it's sick that it's gotten to this point in this country that rather than treat that like a hateful fringe idea companies are giving it you never know with scary stuff is going to happen if our children start watching t.l.c. and learning that muslims are all terrorists and the idea of this country the mixed bag of people from all different backgrounds cultures and religions and that's what makes it great suddenly we're not allowed to show that anymore anyway so for listening to a bigoted florida christian group with spreads on the phobia and hate and because of that becoming a part of that fear of muslims loz tonight's tool time where. ok
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i have time for happy hour enjoying its evening r.t. producer jenny churchill and kevin glass managing editor of townhall dot com thanks for joining me guys ok so there was another debate over the weekend in iowa and new gingrich had a rather interesting statement to play what you had to say then right after that i want to play something that chuck todd had to say and then we'll discuss a little sununu first the money ought to have the courage to tell the truth these people are terrorists to teach terrorism in their school exercise sobriety care stability. rhetorically or literally. i'm a reaganite i'm proud to be a reaganite i will tell the truth even of sort of the risk of causing some confusion sometimes with the term of the republican electorate today in december of two thousand and eleven and for the first part of two thousand and twelve it appears it's looking for somebody who will speak his mind more who will not
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emphasize sobriety at least that's what we're seeing in the polls that. are i'm dying to get your opinions on this because it's just so ludicrous that chuck todd rather than analyzing what newt gingrich had to say which is like hey you just said that every single palestinian is a terrorist which is a completely crazy statement because people are going to like this one because he's not afraid to say what he thinks but he cannot isn't that what chuck todd does though he kind of skirts all the issues and it's like i don't want to tell you what i think but this is what the polls are telling me if you can hear that you said is a blatant lie you know maybe we should follow not only went over the polls for i'm not kidding like ten minutes i was like who watches this is so boring that's what the news media is focused on now it is you know they're focused on how will the statement play in the polls rather than analyzing what the statement is and for better or for worse that's what the people want to see you know people seem to tune in to programs that analyze who's up who's down you know what how this is going to
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play in the media scandal effects that i didn't know i wonder about that though i wonder how many people actually watch the daily rundown every morning they don't live right here in this little washington d.c. nobody wants to listen to political strategies all day lives boring anyway and so out of that so i. we've seen some very angry people these days directing their anger towards congress i think you might remember some of this town hall town halls and whatnot. well. ok so we've seen the congressional approval is an all time low right it was eight percent now a new gallup poll has basically shown that legislators are the least trusted profession people think they have less integrity than car salesmen telemarketers and lobbyists how much we ever feels when it's
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a really sad day in america where instead of saying he looks like a sleazy car salesman about a congressman you now have to say about car salesman he looks like a sleazy congressman exactly that they've passed at this point you know the deer that lobbyists during the scandal congressman are even less trustworthy than lobbyists or about saying they're less trustworthy than the people who are paying like giving money to their campaigns to do what they say and you see gallup poll you know over the past ten years i think it is the congressional approval ratings have just sunk in so you can suck in their disfavor polls have risen to now we're at an all time high and they're the least trusted people basically of all time and you know it's really sad because labor sell for not trusting them they're not going to change anything as what's really sad because the people who get elected are the people who are in with the lobbyists and it doesn't make any difference that only seven percent of americans see them as trustworthy as just funny because the way we always describe newt gingrich is somebody that just like he just looks too slick
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and he looks kind of like a sleazy car salesman and now apparently i don't know it's he could order which he looks like a sleazy. romney oh sorry anyway lots of love into our last story and we have a really cool new number because this is one of our favorite topics. ok we know that the latest mars rover is on its way to mars it's not going to get there until next summer but in the mean time there is a study that came out australian scientists who modeled conditions on mars to examine how much of the planet might be habitable said the large regions of mars could sustain life and they basically said that like the low pressure environment means that it will really work above ground but underground the conditions are very favorable so can you imagine we think of martians but who knows what's going on
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underneath and there's a lot to me arnold schwarzenegger movie total recall where you have arnold schwarzenegger running around the mock mines of mars you know mining with these martians and you just have to at some point with all this space stuff to these incredible ridiculous claims it's a little bit of a bit of. a that there could be an environment that supports life does that mean that there are actual martians running around it means that maybe there can be some kind of a bacteria that can form also we have to find out who this is from the corner to the edge of the atmosphere and they're saying three percent in mars and it's one percent that is lived on here i don't know how much of that is actually livable here but i mean that seems like a lot to me like fighting to get into our space thing i. haven't found the right way anymore. thanks for joining me that's it for night's show thanks for tuning in make sure to come back tomorrow former mayor of salt lake city rocky anderson is going to be on the show to talk about his new political party and its upcoming run for president in the meantime don't forget to be a fan of you on
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a show on facebook on twitter if there's anything we never miss you can always catch it on youtube dot com slash they want to show and coming up next. we'll. feel up. to any man limits i've. come up to s.c.
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