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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2011 3:00am-3:30am EST

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blackwater feeds back into iraq the infamous mercenary company undergoes a rebranding facelift in an effort to raise its history and cash in on the concrete uncertain future. police in northern ca sort of stop russian trucks carrying humanitarian aid from reaching struggling local serbs stripping down vital supplies in an apparent show of political force. normal lives remains elusive in libya where parents are keeping their kids from school concerned values the new curriculum wants to preach all amid growing frustration with the country's new rulers.
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what you know aren't you coming to live from moscow with me rena joshie welcome to the program whether u.s. forces packing up and leaving iraq devastated by almost a decade of war is looking at an uncertain future and that offers a profitable opportunity for the world's most infamous mercenary company blackwater now rebranded academy and with an unsullied new leadership it's hoping to bury its bloody past in iraq while turning a bog artie's sean thomas reports. as u.s. troops leave iraq and official operations and here in the country this opens the door for private contractors to come in to help rebuild the infrastructure companies construction companies all of those are going to need their own security as well and one of the companies that wants a piece of. a controversial name. they are trying to come back under
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a different name known as academy right of course is infamous for the two thousand and seven massacre at the source well known as the resource square massacre where seventeen civilians were killed after this incident the iraqi government suspended their business license to do business in the country of iraq after the tried to reinvent themselves back. at services and now it looks like the company is trying to reinvent themselves again so that they can get a piece of this contracting by this time under the name of academy the new c.e.o. of the company. in an interview to wire magazine in december and said the following and as remake changes and they take root and we convince everyone that they are real then the real proof in the pudding is convincing that the government of iraq and of the us government to let us do business in iraq the new c.e.o. is also promising accountability and openness policy so that the government of iraq
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and the people can know what the company is doing now let me give you one example as to the types of contracts that this new account of the company is interested in . security cooperation is expected to have two hundred military personnel stay back to help train iraqi special forces and the iraqi military in addition to two hundred military personnel those seven hundred contractors civilian contractors are expected to stay as well to help the iraqi military academy want to. a little bit of that pie is expected but beyond this it is expected that all of these companies coming into the country as the u.s. pulls out they're going to need their own security services as well and academy wants to make sure that they get in on the ground floor as the u.s. troops leave of course interesting development information company blackwater trying to come back to iraq after having been expelled in two thousand and seven
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after questionable practices we'll keep you up to date as more information becomes available in baghdad sean thomas r t. dr joseph fit to knock case from the u.s. basically already an intelligence studies program explains what he thinks is driving blackwater's rush back to you rock. what academy i guess as it's called now is trying to do is i guess blur its institutional lineage through a serious of corporate renaming says pretty standard tactic for a corporation another thing that is trying to do of course is disassociate itself from its close connections to the cia at least in the corporate world so that other is said and known american clients may find it attractive iraq is a lucrative market for blackwater slash academy. it's going to be difficult particularly in iraq because of the american past of the organisation in iraq it is very unlikely to be accepted by the iraqi people but keep in mind that all of this rebranding will continue and there's so many ways to find ways to get back into the
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country as another company. and with a tangent now on how iraq will phase a fare on its own when you look back at how the war began richard perle one of the chief architects of the u.s. war shared with r.t. his views on the justifications and failings behind the iraq invasion. i think the decision was based on what we knew at the time and based on what we knew at the time it was the right decision i don't believe that it was carried out very effectively and that's the tragedy instead of turning things over to the iraqis more or less immediately we got involved in an occupation and occupations are never popular and the fact that we were an occupying power recognized as such but he noted nations by the way was very important in the development of the insurgency against the occupation.
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twenty or five months long standoff in the majority serve populated northern kossovo has taken a new twist a russian humanitarian convoy was stopped by e.u. controlled police at one of the troubled border checkpoints moscow says it's a purely political move but for serbs on the ground this is a way means another day without vital supplies as are either abroad now reports. a humanitarian mission turned international scandal more than two dozen russian trucks filled with food and household items destined for serbian cost of i was stopped on the border of the disputed territory by albanian officials members of you like a police mission operated by the e.u. to stop it was an entirely political decision. is blackmailing us according to the russian side you know its official demand that in order for the aid to be allowed to do the economy needed to be
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a school to the serbian crossover albanian forces or it could end the concert in obeying him and been the subject for. a year being asked to comply with these conditions were being forced to recognize institutions get the news or russia or serbia accepted and which exceed the do you want the mandate to get that warm on that or this is a new chapter in a crisis that has rocked kosovo since the summer the territory has been controlled by ethnic albanians since a bloody conflict in nineteen ninety nine despite declaring independence in two thousand and eight kosovo still hoped to more than one hundred thousand serbs and albanians tried to impose their border controls under so i've been part of the territory in july the serb minority put up barricades during their bond with serbia would be broken and a foreign authority would be imposed upon them since then there have been constant clashes broken up by temporary agreements for many serbs stopping to humanitarian mission as in others by of muscle flexing but albanian border officials while the
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trucks remain trapped on the border and the driver said. the situation within serbia and kosovo continues to be grave this isn't a spice it from red cross says that nearly cough all serbs in kosovo need aid to survive. she visits this house regularly just sixteen people living inside it all refugees driven out of their homes in one thousand nine hundred nine now and here. were three sisters. our husbands go out every morning to do our jobs there are no permanent refugees some days still bring back five euros sometimes nothing today we may have food on the table tomorrow maybe not it's not done to moscow prishtina and belgrade to deal with the political fallout meanwhile down on the ground this standoff is taking a tangible toll on the minority leader of the sea. and coming up in the program later this hour
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a lost and for god. they don't want to know that these people are here because they're ugly they're faceless their name was visit a homeless camp tucked away in the woods of new jersey to find out what the phrase no where else to go really means. also bailing on bailouts the latest plan to save the euro zone at the verge of collapse souls on the runway with cash strapped euro grads now looking to britain to pitch in for the currency bloc survival. angry libyans are expected on the streets of benghazi for a third consecutive day of demonstrations against the country's new government tens of thousands of protesters have been demanding more transparency and honesty from the national transitional council in recent days comes as public patience with a temporary government approaches boiling point over the perceived slow pace of reforms and ongoing corruption the city of benghazi is of special significance here
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as it was the birthplace of a nato bad rebellion and that the four decade rule. in response a spokesman for the n.c.c. has urged call with assurances that its promises will be fulfilled. libya's record high ninety percent literacy rate undeniable achievements of ouster colonel gadhafi is now being challenged by the controversial education policies of the new leaders i did a lot of boyko found some parents unhappy with the values their children will be taught. it's a new day in the new libya but it starts with an old preacher oh students assembled before classes to see a new flag be hoisted and to sing a new national anthem. like the revolution the rich tricolor and the hume is a flashback to the preview now for iraq with a few verses tweaked to represent in the action of the country's recent liberation the decades on the good offices rule even students were expected to memorize long
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passages from his brain book without ever question and that it looks like this tradition may continue on this new leadership while his children are too young to understand the meaning of life the story of the new route wish their answer they're already expected to know it by heart next comes a speech dead on ambiguously explains who are the heroes of the new libya the were over the rebels to talk hard to gain freedom they told us to how the had high they don't just enough our country this is the only new material students in this trip who have learned since september regular classes like math or chemistry are suspended until january when the new curriculum is expected to be introduced minutes but in the elysium will definitely introduce foreign languages into the curriculum now kids will start studying english from the first grade because they
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have to be prepared for universities with them again in the meantime the students are preoccupied with making drawings into kits to commemorate the february seventeenth revolution teachers here say they try their best to explain to students what has happened in libya. over the past few months in this chemical that nobody tells us what to tell students we're free to say whatever we want it we don't say bad things about gadhafi in fact we don't talk about him at all here as they say sometimes it picture is worth a thousand words to get out the emblazoned carpet not just a year ago adorned the principal's office is now strategically placed in front of the door several hundred copies of his green book from the local library have been thrown away the forty two years of his rule that how brinkley be asleep just to reach from point to sixty about ninety percent is a distant memory he did it just sinks but what she did of past eight months but then it is a i mean you don't think people don't talk about what can i will but she does does
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move to turn over to but what you did in the past eight months and still in. merger out of four hundred fifty students that attended the school a year ago half are still absent some fled the country others were pulled out by their parents who disagree with the new values talk here those who laugh and round it is traitors tools i think it's better to caffeine now when i something bad about the good. well the study of english was banned under gadhafi words like freedom and revolution a familiar to every first grader here but when asked what's the difference between gaddafi is due me here literally man's power of the masses only be a new democracy both students and teachers are close i don't actually know that i was just our teacher. it's an oblique artsy. artist correspondents
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have been drawing a vivid picture of post could obviously be ever since the regime was toppled from the reports of law gantries and can all be found at r.t. dot com any time you want it at or t.'s gallery can check out a source of shots from marty's a nice enough. when she shows you the reality of today's news media head straight to our website for all of that. the eurozone is the latest if an imaginative rescue plan is now close to being in tatters conceived at last week's make or break summit it called for the creation of a two hundred billion euro cash pot. to be doled out to struggling nations but in just a week and has all but evaporated the u.s. has flat out refused to participate saying the e.u. should use its own resources but showcasing how hard the eurozone has been hit by death prices the block is having difficulty convincing its cash strapped members to pitch in the hope is now that increasingly euro skeptic britain will make up for
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the shortfall that however is something that nigel for raj and leader of the u.k. independence party simply doesn't see happening. the british came into the european project after the french and germans and the italians we got into it because we were told it was about free trade we were told our sovereignty our politics would not be threatened we find ourselves now thirty six years into a project that is costing us a daily membership fee of fifty million pounds a day that is now making seventy five percent of our laws that is drowning us with regulations that damaged every business in britain we find our own unique city of london something we're very very good at now directly threatened by a whole raft of e.u. regulations and directives and frankly what the british people say is look let's be friends with europe let's trade with europe let's cooperate with them but let's be a global player let's get our democracy back and let's govern our own country and i
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think it happened in the early hours of last friday morning where the united kingdom a country of sixty two million people one of the really big players in the european community for the last nearly four decades found herself hopelessly isolated and abused by everybody and i don't think there is any going back from. i can mass game between occupy protesters and us believes has become the norm with new tanned camps popping up as quickly as the authorities can dismantle them but there are some encampments that have been around for much longer and the people there have felt abandoned for years. visited one of the. tent cities of outrage popping up all across the u.s. over the last months list visible to the public eye and much quieter. this tent city of hopelessness around for half a decade this is our third time at the village tucked away in the woods in about
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two years the number of homeless turning to the camp for hospitality keeps growing these days the population of tent city has tripled compared to when it was first set up the police is home to about seventy homeless people who have nowhere else to go the mood here has become increasingly politicized over the last year the politicians and the government has not protected the american people they've allowed outsourcing to run rampant you know and that's benefiting companies. corporations are making more money than they've ever made before the average american worker and the citizen is suffering at the expense of the agenda of the politicians. forty six year old angelo villain whether with a love for confluence lost everything in the recession and has never found a full time job again it seems to be a growing trend unfortunately and you know the politicians better take note and try
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to stop their bickering and get to do something new to you know to stop this or to slow it down or to make it better a bricklayer for two decades angelo calls himself a victim of the economy and this place home as if the sorrow of these people wasn't enough officials have been trying to evict the homeless out of the camp they try to force out the poor i call it discrimination by design for the sake of keeping the pushing the poor out and encouraging the wealthy or the people with money to you know to move into your town. wealth inequality has been at the root of the anger for occupy wall street protesters. but some of these homeless seem far from the demonstrators i support them but i think our our situation's a lot different you know we're homeless we had one no we have nowhere to sleep i'm sure they have places to go when they're done the little rally many of the residents of tent city used to blame themselves for their misfortune but with three
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point five million americans experiencing homelessness every year or over seven hundred thousand people on any given night their message for politicians has changed open your eyes open you know i mean all this help that we give out. all over the world we need help here but as night settles help us far from here and. lakewood new jersey. and don't forget to visit our web site r t v dot com to find a way to comment on elders or any stories you may have missed here's some of what's waiting for you there. are u.s. anti-piracy bill in danger as with the previous existence of the internet giant is threatening to blank out pages in protest the sounds are cheap and manipulation in the digital world. and the return of the king russia's martial arts legend goes to japan in a crusade to challenge one of its top fighters find out what the last emperor is up
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against on our t.v. dot com. france japan and china have lashed out of canada for pulling out of a nine hundred ninety seven kyoto climate change agreement the move which was legal and expected came as the country's court hampered its development peter lee a conservative m.p. in britain is sympathetic saying these commitments are enormously expensive investments in a very uncertain future there is. a feeling in canada which i'm sure that these commitments are not really achieving very much as far as the future climate is concerned but are beginning to cost a lot and person a lot. may be a forward indicator of what other countries will think and feel in future carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does have a modest warming effect the direct effect we know from physics would be to double
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if you doubled the amount of c o t in the atmosphere it would increase the temperature by about one degree centigrade which isn't very much i think we should wait and see how things turn out before we make hugely expensive commitments which are paid by this generation in the hope of achieving things which will benefit not the next generation or the generation after that but by people in the year two thousand two hundred and beyond. now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world an amateur video have been released showing the immediate aftermath of tuesday's shooting spree in belgium you can see people on the ground lying show shocked among shattered glass a man armed with a gun and grenades opened fire in a holiday market square killing five people including myself and a wounding more than one hundred police later found a body of a dead woman at the gunman's home who he reportedly killed before carrying out his brutal assault. egypt holding the second route of its birth post
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revolution parliamentary election over eighteen million citizens are eligible to cast their votes the muslim brotherhood party is expecting to repeat its first round where it crushed its more liberal rivals they're hoping to dominate the first elected government following the. thirty year rule. at least one hundred forty five people are now thought to have been killed in colombia by disasters caused by the torrential rains have plagued the country since september the latest enormous landslide buried three homes in the mountainous southwest the dead body of a child has been recovered and another fifteen people are still missing under the mud and debris the floods and landslides are the worst to hit the country in forty years. up next we'll bring you all the latest business news stay with us. thanks very very well and welcome to the business program the global economy is
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confronted by a series of risks as it approaches twenty twelve in some cases such as euro zone a critical failure could result in a severe recession russia has had a relative a successful twenty eleven producing a balanced budget and historically low inflation looking ahead to next year. of only predicts the economy will gain momentum in the absence of external shocks. we project will prices of one hundred fifteen dollars per barrel and this is something that in our view will support growth significantly so for two thousand and twelve we project four point six percent g.d.p. growth at the same time we think that apart from the oil price factor there will be also a growth in fixed investment that will be the main driver of economic growth this growth in fixed investment will be boosted by the development of infrastructure including through the implementation of large scale projects investment projects in
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southern russia associated with the sochi olympics and in the far east the infrastructure effort the head of the apec summit other macroeconomic variables are likely to be relatively benign so for inflation we expect seven point one percent. as as the level for the two thousand and twelve in terms of the outcome on the exchange rate we do expect some nominal appreciation of the ruble versus the dollar possibly to the range of twenty eight to twenty nine versus the dollar by the end of two thousand and twelve. but some look at the markets oil is slightly lower as investors away the outcome of an opec meeting to take place later in the day over most expect the oil cartel turn else it will stick to existing production targets my twitter is not trading at just under one hundred dollars a barrel while branches at one hundred nine dollars per barrel. european stock
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markets opened lower profit overnight losses on wall street and in asia that came after the disappointing outcome of yesterday's batteries that we see as no new stimulus measures were announced more disappointing news came out in europe where reports that german chancellor angela merkel rejected increasing the size of the five hundred billion euro european stability mechanism which will be launched next year. and asian markets a low as the u.s. that refrain from taking new measures just but profound u.s. retail sales rose at the slowest pace in five months of course casting gloom over the earnings outlook for asian exporters. and european debt problems solved on the markets and russia with the r.t.s. . about point six percent and the mice it's flat to negative let's have a look at some of the individual shadows in the mind set the financials are among the main loses this hour with the bank down of one percent some energy majors are
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up with gas giant accounts from a third of a percent in the blood and oil company nafta is also gaining its net profit from fifty percent and that's nine months of him going to. capital believes investors should still stick to smaller volumes in the coming months. seems like we're likely to see any sustainable train to the following couple of months so should i think follow some told return strategy just to try to catch small more like five percent per cent or maybe fix profits once we see that we're moving towards the great correction levels. and finally one of the most beloved food staples in russia buckwheat's could once again become a scarce autumn on the market shelves the crop prices an all time region which provides home. grown in the country rose forty percent in just two weeks and the say farmers that keeping the harvest to wait for
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a better price forcing retail prices up eight percent last year fuckwit prices in russia more than doubled to meet strong food inflation followed by having trots. ok that's it for me today i'll be back in less than fifteen minutes time for another business update here on r.t. . the.
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lines in motion would be so much brighter if you knew more about song from phones to question some of. these for instance on t.v. dot com. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. sheinkopf orations or on the day. british.
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market. really happening to the global economy.


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