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tv   [untitled]    December 15, 2011 12:30am-1:00am EST

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welcome back at our look at the headlines now russia's prime minister will face questions from the public in his tenth of a televised q. and a few hours time this market to be some tough probing summit putin runs for the presidency next march. the u.s. is on the verge of legalizing the indefinite detention of terror suspects without charge or trial it's now up to the senate to approve the bill the white house and house of representatives really behind it. years of talk about the visa free travel
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between russia and the e.u. could finally result in some action to hold a summit in brussels which will also focus on europe's debt crisis and russia's recent accession to the world trade organization. the man in charge at the world trade organization talks about russia's future in the global good.
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hello again and the world come to spotlight the interview show on our team i'm all grown up and today my guest is a lie me. brush out will formally be invited to join the world trade organization and the matter of days is mean i really long and winding journey which began even before the world trade body was created but moscow and the w t o member states have had to make compromises to get a final agreement so will it be worth it and what will change when russia officially becomes a member we're all asking the w c i was director general pascal limey who's joining
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us from his office in geneva. says the w.g. only was established seventeen years ago moscow's bt joint was repeatedly thwarted for a variety of reasons the us for example had concerns about russia's financial markets the european union was worried about environmental protection but even when all the trade hurdles were cleared political. because remey soon after the conflict in south acetic w.g. all member country georgia said it found a flaw in russian customs control and accession was postponed again a couple of weeks ago moscow and police he finally saw eye to eye and a deal was done. twenty years of knocking on the w.t. doors door it's finally going to. be and thank you very much for joining us from thank you thank you it's a pleasure to have you on the show well first of all monsieur let me your first
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reaction to the russia finally joining the double ichiro was i quote it's a victory for russia every tree for w t o members and a victory for the w t o o end quote but if everybody one who lost over whom is this common victory. where it's common victory against. the charm of trade and of trade relations and of trade negotiations. is that it's a win win game everybody can win if i do something better than you do and if you do something better than i do we trade and we both win. so it's not a sort of negotiation of zero sum game where there's a winner and a loser it's a victory for everybody this accession we benefit russia we benefit
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russia's trading partners who are members of the world trade organization which we now cover up ninety seven percent of world trade. and it's good news for the organization on a meet the world trade organization and having the name world trade organization without russia in let's be frank was a bit odd and of the four on your quote why is russia's membership such good news for other w t l members. well it is good news for existing members because they will be able to expand their trade with russia on the norms and standards and regulations which now all of the wangs they apply between themselves within the world trade organization it will
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make their trade relationship with russia more stable more transparent more predictable so they will trade mole and because they will trade mall they will invest more in russia the accession of russia to the world truly is like giving to russia a sort of quality labor. which then would trigger more business opportunities for. members in russia and of course more investment because as we all know trade and investment in today's world are extremely tightly connected when we have this debate in russia a bad weather whether it's good or bad for this country to join the w t o we very frequently elect china's example in fact china's economic performance
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since i joined back in two thousand and one i think has convinced many in moscow of the importance of being part of the w t o but china today is a major industrial giant and while russia mostly produces and sells raw materials will the membership for russia be as beneficial as it was for china what would you say. i mean you're all you're right. i don't think china and russia are similar countries economy or trade partners the chinese economy as you rightly just said is much more diversified manufacturer and we all know that for a long time the chinese growth was very much export oriented now that's the
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present situation but if i understand well. what the russian leaderships wants to do in the future with the russian economy it's diversification. and joining the w t o will be a leverage an incentive to diversify in using russia specific competitive advantages given the amount and the availability of its natural resources russia can integrate downstream in manufacturing sectors for whom the price of energy is extremely important given the quality of its education and the quality of its workforce russia can expand in services for instance where there is a lot of them and well what so i don't think we should look at this in a static way true for the moment the trade that russia
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changes is very much export of raw material and energy and imports are manufactured also bought there is there is a big potential for russia to expand downstream in let's say if not chinese like at least manufacturers and services what do you think when will russia become a full fledged member of the w t o without any special status and special conditions. i mean. the deed is now gone now this will be gathered as we say in our jargon by the ministerial conference next week and from then on well the only legal missing piece will be the ratification by the do not. and russia.
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formerly legally joined the world trade organization thirty days after the duma will have a right to fight these deals which we all hope with happen but you know this is this is on which has to be taken by the russian parliament ok well we journalists are awaiting the a session russia and to the devil each of course we we expect news we expect breaking news like that drops sees this happens when countries become members do you expect a lot of bankruptcies happening in russian industries after it happens what i mean i i think you are correct your looking at your headlines. both on the economic side and on the political side. and just let's start with the political side with one thing that will change for the moment russia.
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because it's not a member of the organization has no participation in the decisions of the organization now with its accession on russia against a seat at the table where the rules of a global trade are crafted and these cities are politically a major improvement now on the economy i am true to more opening of russia's market. even if there are transitions that have been negotiated by the russian negotiate. a number of russian production systems will be. more competition competitive pressure from the outside now again salam would be happy about that the others will be less happy and there's always
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a time for adjustment which is why these transition periods of the effort which russia is making the opening its market and its economy when it's joined the organization will not be big bang next week there are many areas where there are transitions bierria which roughly an order of magnitude of five years so there will be some this is it deep for adjustment for dr shannon for the time. that russian consumers also benefit from an economy which will be more efficient more efficient meaning you know where prices on a number of consumer goods so you you mentioned you mentioned the consumers does that mean that the that the. membership of russia in the w t o will make my wife happy because she she may if she does the shopping in our family
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. your wife should suddenly be happy like all consumers i mean i'm not exactly aware of that which short of a shop she goes to and how much she spend but over all of the experience of the past has led up to you know where prices because more competition and a adjustment that they copy tyler to this new set of economic activity again it won't happen overnight but if you look at the recent example whether it's. vietnam whether it's ukraine which all sorts of countries which are much smaller up than russia but which joined in recent years this is what the numbers that us says pass kind of like me that lead says director
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general spotlight will be back shortly bright officer breaks out stay where you are down. distress nutritious and delicious product for the price of healthy eating. we need to test these foods for toxicity allergenicity immune response lower nutrition in for environmental contamination don't you feel like a lab brought some consider the experiment each human treatment very highly significant differences between the g.m. felt that they both at the don't cheer at that but they weren't treated so well themselves one question means one career you ask one question you could be
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uncertain and you might or might not be able to publish it but that's the end of your career. the. line. would be so much brighter if you knew all about song from finest impressions. means for instance on t.v. dot com. welcome back to the spotlight i'm elder norman just a reminder that my guest today is pascal lamy the doubly terror director general
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and he is joining us right now from his office in geneva missile and me. can you tell us if and there and when will the relative weight of emerging economies well when will it be changing within the w t o framework. well the on such your question is that it's already been changing a lot. let's say for the last ten years the world trade organization today is very different from what it was ten or fifteen years ago. just look at the map of world trade or even the map of world growth. in two thousand and eleven hall full of the growth of the world output
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will be in emerging and developing countries this proportion was you know twenty twenty five percent ten years ago so it's already totally changed and this has had consequences on the way that w.q. works. ten or fifteen years ago all of those are the sort of big club of big elephants who are leading the negotiation where u.s. you canada japan in the last year it's been u.s. you china india resid japan is to their canada is still there but this has already totally changed the functioning of this organization and i have no doubt that russia. in joining the organization when ike said a rate these move of rebalancing. the world trade around the shop and world
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trade with a much more prominent weight of emerging and developing economies well what is the w t o doing to reduce the difference and deal mystic trade and production regulations in the member states. when. the world trade of attention is in the business of opening trade removing an obstacle to trade of and not in the business of regulating banking or distribution or. product safety or toy safety this is not our business this is dawn and swear in the international system where norms and standards and regulations are in so far as they have to be agreed international to be. negotiated and adopted the
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international standard of violation the food and agricultural organization the weald health organizations are the. system the financial stability of all now for banking and an insurance these are the places where these international standards are adopted what we do in the world trade organization is make sure all that when countries use what we call non diary if barriers to trade regulatory requirements standards and norms verification on that they do that in a way that these are compatible with their obligations in that you know. you have the right as a member of the riggio to protect the health of your consumers and. the
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clones if the trade relationship you have is a threat for both an e-mail as. humans or plants which simply check that this is done in a way that is not a sort of a twisted way of protecting domestic industries or as long as you apply the same standard to your domestic operators and to your foreign operator there is a sort of presumption that you are w g o compliant. of the eighth w.t.r. ministerial meeting this month doesn't have an its agenda even a hend of a breakthrough on the doha round of multilateral trade negotiations why why are the doha trade negotiations in such a deadlock when you explain. well i mean the ministerial conference
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we're having with all our members next week in geneva we look at the whole of the portfolio of activities our organization yes we have trade negotiations the purpose of which is to update modernize the rulebook . but we also have a lot of activities in administration of these wars in monitoring and seven ounce we have of course the dispute settlement system which as you know is a very specific one because the decisions of all the asian systems are binding on all members and we also have the whole day we are a trade technical assistance for poorer developing countries so the minister conference we look at the horn of our activities provided as it should guidance for the next two years you're right on the negotiations of new trade rules which
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is these big negotiation we call the door trade realm because we started it in go up. ten years ago for the moment for the moment we haven't been able to conclude this negotiation not that own lot has not already been negotiated bought for reasons which mainly have to do with the inevitability of negotiators to find the right balance the right compromise the right tradeoff between giving up countries like us on the one side and emerging countries like say china on the other side for the moment these balance which is a sort to keep to concluding these ten years when they were stationed has not yet been found and i think you agree mount among members in geneva is that these mysterious conference should not be confronted with an intractable ensued situation
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not that they've. witness this they've acknowledged that for the moment these negotiations are at an impasse we need their input and next year our members negotiators and experts will see if and how this blockage situation can be exhibited there are a few ideas of how to do that on the table but you're right this will not be the very purpose of this mystery conference which is not in a way a negotiating conference i miss your limey working group was set up in the november by the united states and the european union to examine the potentiality of bilateral trade it is seen as a first major step by the developed countries to bypass the w t o r matters related to international trade isn't this. a bad sign for you
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doesn't it mean that the w t o is losing its relevance. what we've always had since the the b.t.o. and its predecessor got was treated after the second for wall we've always had a coexistence a cohabitation of multilateral trade rules which are the sort of least common denominator to all our members are whether it's cambodia or the european union. all on top of that there are bilateral agreements. which europe japan china india. us have or which go farther than the degree which has been multilaterally accepted in the world trade organization so is this a good thing or
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a bad thing is a very good question very difficult question to answer in a way it's a good thing because it opens trade lol and after all our business being to open trade in old up to increase the potential of the way for economy is ease as well as served by a bilateral trade opening as it is by a multi outraged over opening so that's the good side if on the contrary a buyout through agreement leads to restrict trade not least for instance if you agree on regulatory standards which would be by that too and not multilateral and then it can be a problem so it's not all black or white them. depends very much on what their reasons are in these bilateral negotiations you know once russia has joined the world trade have shrunk my expectation is that russia like all there is a. into but not true and trade relationship which go beyond
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what they do. for instance with the european union miscellany. seabrook who and just a reminder that my guest today was pascal like me doubly chose direction general who is joining us from his office in geneva and that's it for now for all of us here in the spotlight will be back with more first on comments on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay on r.t. and take. the close up team that's been on the black sea coast for future developments
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depends on the good way. articles area first place too many find champions the most ambitious. has ruined the lives of many innocent families across the region. where the oldest city in russia is clocking in more than five thousand years. to dagestan russia close on hard.
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