tv [untitled] December 15, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EST
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the people and russia's prime minister will face questions from the public in his ten live televised q. and a. and there are plenty of questions to be answered with just months to go until the prime year run for the presidency joining me to take a look in just a few moments. prison in perpetuity america is on the verge of legalizing indefinite detention of terrorist suspects without charge or trial. and dealing with top level talks between russia and the e.u. and look to finally relax travel visas while discussing the handling of the crisis
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. the mice in the r.t.s. have opened up today's trade in the red that's for the second day more details of me in the business bulletin in twenty minutes. you're watching our very warm welcome to you well straight to our top story now millions of russians on the phones later there's one down but they're after prime minister vladimir putin will take calls no doubt some very direct questions in his tenth televised phone it. has more. but dinner put in is widely expected to break his silence on the mass protests following the state duma elections elections which were tarnished by fraud in the geishas judging by the questions current listed as most asked on the shows website these heroes program
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will focus on traditional social issues such as housing. health care conscience but at least two visitors to the site asked put his opinion on the protests in particular people want to know if the current law would be a mandatory and develop top for punishment for four elections fraud also people ask if they'll be a return to the against all option in the ballots among other questions are russia get back to lactating not as pointing governors how will people's lives change with russia entering the world trade organization how's it going with preparations for the twenty four teams election leaves out of the football world cup and twenty eighteen that's the name just a few questions the most frequently ozzy's of course there are hundreds and hundreds of others putin seems to be very comfortable with answering people's questions directly live broadcast live it's his stamp q.
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and a session the out of us through why he started this format of communicating directly with people when he was the president and has ever seen swansea years set down for a chat with his potential voters this show comes at a time of sagging approval ratings for him forty one percent according to the most recent public opinion poll but of course putin by far is the most popular politician in this country and the most likely candidate for the country's top job they've the election took place today who would win an. now the struggle is far from over for libya's new government as we report later. really got their feet under their desks yet already protesters want to go and explain why. terror suspects in america could be held in prison indefinitely without charge or trial that's if the senate passes a controversial bill which has already been signed off by the white house and the
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house of representatives the military will be able to take custody of legit terrorists virtually without question critics say it would be a stark violation of human rights the white house and initially objected to the bill that later changed its mind well john glaser from antiwar dot com thinks the ministration is indulging in smoke and mirrors. one of the provisions primary authors revealed during senate debate that it was the obama administration itself who requested the inclusion of language mandating military detentions including u.s. citizens in that language so you could say the ministration never really changed minds it was just sort of doing it for public consumption the bill merely codified into law this status quo i mean that is to say the government has already assumed that they have the power to detain u.s. citizens indefinitely without trial and that's what guantanamo bay is essentially the targeted assassination of. u.s. citizen and. proves again that the government has already in every practical sense
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dismissed due process rights for americans the senate already passed a version of this bill and the vote was ninety three to seven so only seven senators ject to the literal aeration of the fifth amendment so yeah it's expected to pass the senate it's already passed the house and obama is expected to sign it before the end of the week. a person come pain and radio host ralph schoenman believes that terrorist suspect treatment ten minutes budget bill is another way of feeding america's addiction to war. the system is addicted to permanent war and has been for a long time and both parties are facilitators of this the military budget is being expanded that tells you that we're dealing with a system that cannot respond to the elementary needs of people and the response of the public is that you see in the occupy movement the mass strikes and the growing
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resistance to both political parties which are considered to be the one big property party with two names that's why this track only in legislation the preparations for martial law and the architecture of the fashion state being rapidly assembled and put in place in the united states. on line at r.t. dot com we take on the american media's too to treatment of public demonstrations playing up the protests abroad playing down undermining disturbances at home also on our website. where would it fall the russia's ill fated laws would prove that got stuck in orbit after an unsuccessful launch will fall back to earth on jan eleventh once in its path and r.t. dot com.
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fresh clashes between tribal groups have erupted near the libyan capital the situation in the country has been deteriorating since the toppling and killing of colonel gadhafi libya's new leaders the national transitional council are struggling to keep the peace that they're under pressure from thousands of protesters surrounding ghazi the revolution began demonstrators want the intensity to resign saying it's not doing enough to change its course. it's the country's back on the brink of civil war. now you're going to see. people are very dissatisfied the way things are going they fought hard especially in benghazi they don't think they're being properly rewarded and now you're going to see the country just fall apart into different areas of warlords just like in afghanistan i don't have any confidence in t.c. those people in t. c. or all complicit in the duffy's crimes they're going to set things up so they're
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going to do very well again and they're probably going to try and emerge as a new rulers a new dictators of libya which is where it's going to be headed for example. who heads the m.t.c. was gadhafi justice minister that just makes a joke of the whole council his response of for a lot of crimes and the gadhafi i don't blame these people are having no trust me and to see it all. moscow is accusing the e.u. of overstepping its powers by hindering a russian humanitarian aid convoy carrying food and supplies to serbs in kosovo twenty five russian trucks were stopped at the checkpoint on tuesday by e.u. controlled customs officers author refusing an escort through the territory they call serves and prevented in police cars from heading to a religion course in the area has been in dispute since july when the cost of a sentence and customs officers to the checkpoint the minority serbs reacted by putting up barricades closer is controlled by ethnic albanians who declared independence three years ago but it's home to more than one hundred thousand serbs
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. was ahead this hour you can get closer to the caucuses taking russia's all the city and tell you how it stood the test of time. the dress nutritious and delicious products of the pride of healthy eating. we need to test these times is the allergenicity immune response lower nutrition for environmental contamination don't you feel like a lab rat some consider the experiment in human treatment very highly significant differences between the g.m. felt that they both at the g.m. tried that but they weren't treated so well themselves one question means one career you ask one question you could be answer and you might or might not be able
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between russia and e.u. countries could soon gets a bit easier the strict visa regime may soon relax for people in russia's kaliningrad territory in the baltics and then possibly extend it further it's just one of the summit discussions in brussels along with europe's debt hanging to moscow joining the world trade organization. says that. russian and e.u. officials are meeting here in brussels for a summit and at the top of that agenda it's expected the visa free regime will be talked about they're expected to continue that dialogue on easing of visa restrictions for travel between russia and. now it's expected
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a document will be signed outlining the basic conditions and possibly at the end of the year there may be a final resolution on the topic another issue on the agenda of the third energy package this is the legislation that aims to liberalize the energy sector in the e.u. what the european union wants is essentially the unbundling of services such as transport and delivery essentially separating the owner from the operator maybe of a pipeline and this becomes a point of contention because russian gas giant gazprom right now is in charge of production transport delivery essentially all the activities involving gas and liberties so they may discuss ways to make the market more liberalized at the same time be flexible enough to accommodate russian interests of course in light of trade and business they will be talking about the accession of russia to the world trade organization or the w t o and in light of the eurozone crisis they may look at ways that russia can play a role in helping out euro zone nations through the i.m.f. potentially rather than be european financial stability fund or. foreign policy
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chief catherine ashton had said that she won't come as president of the session to open an inquiry into claims of fraud of vote rigging at the recent elections so it's expected that she will break this up and. boy and also said they would also like to talk about issues of human rights and democracy with their russian counterparts it also is expected that they will talk about topics a baby may not see eye to eye on such as the approach that they will take to resolve the syria crisis so certainly a very jam packed agenda for the russian summit. just also there now some more world news for you this hour. there's been a new string of violent attacks in syria troops civilian car traveling through the village of qatar which burst into flames killing five people inside eight soldiers were then shot dead in retaliation for balance comes after the military entered the city of hama to end anti-government protests president assad is facing creasing
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international pressure to stand down civilian deaths exceed five thousand since the court again. contaminated the illegal liquor has killed one hundred eighty two people in eastern india and left dozens more in hospital the first victims fell ill later on tuesday after drinking alcohol was laced with methanol toxic substance generally used as fuel police have arrested four people in connection with making and selling a mixture. president obama has marked the end of the iraq war in a address to soldiers returning from the conflict in his speech promised to have all soldiers withdrawn by the end of the year for the five thousand troops are still present in the country since the war began nine years ago more than one hundred thousand iraqi civilians have been killed. egyptians are heading to the polls for the second phase of the country's lengthy elections is the missed parties
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are expected to receive the biggest backing from the largest bloc voting violations are being reported the army is running down and uses the country's first democratic ballot since president barack was ousted in february. but time to take a trip through thousands of years now as we visit russia's oldest city. yes they've been people in their bent for over five thousand years since it was founded as a fortress by a persian king its position on a key ancient trade routes from and was heavily filtered through the centuries and controlled by different empires down the ages dative the imposing edifice in russia's southern city is a draw for visitors rather than invaders for many centuries the city developed between two natural walls the mountains and the sea on
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a strip of land just three kilometers long over the years different nations gave the city different names but all were connected to the word gate the reason perhaps is that debian stood on the silk road enclosed by strong walls reaching to the sea and the watch towers the beauty of this area has always attracted visitors from across the country but soon there will be an added incentive to come here this part of dagestan was picked to host one of the five a major tourist complexes to be built across the area of north caucasus but that's where the future and for now local second talent with their past managing to preserve large portions of the area and today they've opened some of the same trees all thick of this fortress to us. in the years gone by it was never this easy to get to the night in call a fortress than armies would do battle storming the walls to get inside it has become a second home. he's the key keeper of one of the most beautiful columns castles in
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the region going to the north and it will almost forty years of my life i spent here all members of my family works here this is a tradition for everything here is special for me i want to save every piece of it for the future. and the younger generation of dagestani man is following in his footsteps averaged a local historian meets dozens of tourists and tells the story of not in cholera some with. what you see from here is the old part of data bint we call it this is the oldest city in russia in the past caravans used to come to the gates of this fortress they paid a toll and only after that could they continue that journey to the north. this place guarded one of the strategic passes on the silk route and was used well into the nineteenth century however a large portion of the fortress was destroyed in nine hundred twenty s.
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during the russian civil war most of what remains date back to the seventeenth century this is what's left of what was once one of the most violent punishments in the caucasus the criminals were thrown into this post and the ground and left to die there from hunger new criminals were thrown their own a regular basis but none of the bodies were after remove not even cost downs on the whole i speak in the city and overlooks the caspian sea too long walls enclosed all part of dead bend and lead to the street buildings that lie between those two storey the walls every minor of the all parts of buckled or is symbol this is the jewel mosque one of the most ancient in the world many believe. is that it was through here that the muslim religion spread into russia the walls of the small scuffs through same trees of history and during the soviet union or even used as a prison locals are not only trying to preserve buildings but also their traditions
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for centuries dagestani man were known for their horsemanship they raised horses and sold them to the caravans coming to the city dagestani horses were well known in the north caucasus for their strength and stamina but now that age old tradition is being challenged by a woman who wanted to let you were at the beginning no one understood me all my brothers were whores mine was i was a bit into following them because i'm a woman it took me years to become what i am now all my life is dedicated to raising who think. people are getting used to that. after just a few hours indebted and you can feel the history coursing through the veins of the narrow streets and if you concentrate hard enough you can almost hear the clatter of horses answering the gates of the sets. the russian republic of dagestan which translates to us that the country of the mountains is located here in this volatile
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area of north caucasus the republic is also famed for its athenaeum counseling twisted diversity being home from wasn't thirty eight languages and to discuss this more i'm now joined by a snow fairy dave hayden thank you very much for joining me today pleasure to so i've heard that you come a long way from the states to this region of pakistan so what prachi over here a jury really. you know as as you mentioned august on is the most the ethnically one of the the most ethnically complicated regions in the entire world and it's actually for a long time been my passion my dream to come here to study. and really a goal of mine is to introduce dr ston to go to the english speaking world thank you sunny so considered to be one of the most dangerous places in russia maybe and what do you think about it so you think it's safe enough to stay here. yeah i do
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think it's safe enough to be are in fact i'm here with my wife and my three little children my my oldest daughter and my and my oldest son they they both go to a local school. yes it is dangerous at times a fact right here but we're standing right right here there was a special operation a couple years ago where when i was sitting inside the staff a. so so i understand the dangers i mean i know when you're in you live in dogs on long enough we'll you know see things hear about things but you know you have to take help look at it from a comprehensive perspective and know there's dangerous places all over the world and really when you when you look closer at the situation here the dynamics you find that things like petty thievery things like violent crimes and armed robbery and rape these these things are very rare here very rare you know versus. a place like moscow and you know the chance to raise my kids with such probably strong
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family values as i get to do your darkest on but to me that's work or something but it's a good place the people are incredible we are thank you very much now was dave hate me and the snow here in this region of dagestan and meanwhile our team continues to bring you the latest picture of life down here in russia's north caucasus and the republic of dagestan. now that in a few minutes time we look at all the scandal behind the financial news headlines in the report before that they are teaspoons news. hello a warm welcome to the business program some say investors should forget china and pocket money in sub-saharan africa if they wish to benefit from the growth in emerging markets a delegation of russian officials in japan as is heading so utopia well that discuss how to make the business ties even stronger bowing out calls
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a review takes a look at what's making africa more appealing than ever before. most people associate africa with an abundance of natural and that were cultural resources like oil gold diamonds minerals cocoa and coffee but investors can't help but overlook a long history of currency fluctuations poorly developed markets and political risk so when analysts say the west has peaked in terms of economic growth and the best emerging markets are in africa it leaves some scratching their head the african landscape itself on the political and economic front has been changing significantly the political environment is becoming far more stable fewer conflicts in terms of the macroeconomic story in africa far better economic management all of that which is contributing to making that as a more interesting investment destination at the moment some of russia's the biggest business heavyweights are active in the continent there's a gas problem in algeria roussel in nigeria and guinea and in go up all of
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them have spent billions of dollars there are others include metal group you have ross and oil giant look at oil as well as a number of banks but while africa has ten percent of the world's oil reserves forty percent of gold and around eighty to ninety percent of crum and platon the metal groups there's a lot left untapped the emergence of an african middle class getting wealthier and spending more money has made investors take africa seriously for more than just resource extraction but international monetary fund estimates that sub-saharan africa's economy will expand by five point five percent this year and five point nine percent in two thousand and twelve experts warn investors may be missing a giant business opportunity if they fail to pay attention to africa and it's a mistake russia is keen to avoid having decided the reward outweighs the risk of not being part of the next success story. let's have
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a look at the markets crude is higher despite needs oil cartel. grazes help but feel like their lives like crude prices have also shrugged of speculation that europe's worsening crisis could cut demand for commodities markets to climb with manufacturers are more deceiving week ahead of the closely watched shiny is manufactured. later today before the major followed a third straight session for losses for the u.s. stocks as fears about europe's debt crisis persisted and it is therefore europe exposed exports of have been losing the ground. the russian markets i put up here most go in the red for the second day in a row the my sense is getting about early losses now trading relatively flat whereas the r.t.s. is still over one percent down. and the big event today prime minister putin has televised question analysis session with the nation usually off the several hours
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market watches would choose for clues about russia's economic development i think that global markets would continue to follow negative trends while the russian market can be bounced once mr putin bring down some ideas or give some projections for maybe appoint somebody to. any position this would be an equivocation it's about whether you just could use to prove or whatever. this mean you've supported. russia's hoping the e.u. will give it concessions on the hotly disputed third and g package during the twenty eight bilateral summit which starts on wednesday the new rules prohibit a gas supplier from also owning the mains of transit and distribution got to a russian cost no capital believes a sovereign debt crisis is weakening europe's negotiating position. brush
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a face in the current situation by its face value and obviously totally realize this advantages and the possibility to be a little bit more aggressive right now the other part of the story is europe in this recession it has very deep debt problems therefore europe can reach a point of no negotiation and that would be a very unfortunate situation for the russian delegation because russia wants to touch nerves of europe but it doesn't want to cause they're nervous breakdown therefore politics diplomacy everything must be smooth polite and politically correct and that is all the business news now i'll be back in about fifty five minutes for your next update by now.
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