tv [untitled] December 15, 2011 3:00am-3:30am EST
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the people in russia's prime minister will face questions from the public in his tenth live televised q. and a. and there are lines up questions to be answered with just months to go until the prime year run for the presidency join me to get in the garage in just a few moments from. prison in perpetuity america is on the verge of legalizing the indefinite detention of terror suspects without charge or trial. dealing with the debt moscow offers a helping hand for the eurozone crisis during top level talks between russia and the e.u. . you're
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watching r.t. live from moscow welcome to the program millions of russians are hitting the phones and there's only one number thereafter for the next few hours prime minister vladimir putin is taking calls and some very direct questions in his tenth televised phone it. has more. but dimmer put in is widely expected to break his silence on the mass protests following the state duma elections elections which were tarnished by fraud in the geishas judging by the questions current listed as most asked on the shows website these heroes program will focus on traditional social issues such as housing. health care conscience but at least two visitors to the site asked put his opinion on the protests in particular people
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want to know the current law would be amanda and did they'll be top for punishment or for elections sports also people ask of they'll be a return to the against all option in the balance among other questions are russia get back to a lot to not as pointing governors how will people's lives change with russia entering the world trade organization how's it going with preparations for the twenty four teams to watch and leaves out the football world cup and twenty eighteen if that's to name just a few questions the most frequently hours east of course there are hundreds and hundreds of others seems to be very comfortable with answering people's questions directly live broadcast live it's his stamp q. and a session the anniversary of one he started this format of communicating directly with people when he was the president and has ever seen swansea years sat
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down for a chat with his potential voters this show comes at a time of sagging approval ratings for him forty one percent according to the most recent public opinion poll but of course put him by far is the most popular politician in this country and the most likely candidate for the country's top job . and in fact that q. and a session has already started it will be across it here or not and you can see it on our web site r.t. dot com. the struggle is far from over for libya's new government as we report later they barely got their feet under their desks that already protesters want to explain why. terror suspects in america could be held in prison indefinitely without charge or trial that's if the senate passes a controversial bill which has already been signed off by the white house and the house of representatives the military will be able to take custody of alleged terrorists that question critics say it would be
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a stark violation of human rights the white house and initially objected to the bill but later changed its mind john gray's a from antiwar dot com station is indulging in smoke and mirrors. one of the provisions primary authors revealed during senate debate that it was the obama administration itself who requested the inclusion of language mandating military detentions including u.s. citizens in that language so you could say that you ministration never really changed minds it was just sort of doing it for public consumption the bill merely codified into law the status quo i mean that is to say the government has already assumed that they have the power to detain u.s. citizens indefinitely without trial and that's what guantanamo bay is essentially the targeted assassination of. u.s. citizen and law are all lochley proves again that the government has already in every practical sense dismissed due process rights for americans the senate already
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passed a version of this bill and the vote was ninety three to seven so only seven senators well that we're just going to break into that now because as you said russian prime minister vladimir putin is answering questions during a live q. and a session with the public that's listening. but i'm certain that on monday. but what. i should. they're going to tell you is that if you do you do melodically on them a little bit. mostly young people active from where you are people presenting their position i'm happy for them. if this is the outcome of the putin regime i'm happy with it i don't there's nothing wrong
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with that see i repeat the most important thing is that everybody involved all the political forces should stay within the law and we think that and here's a question from the internet was the election in the states you know were. equal which resulted in the process and seem to be just another see just people were dissatisfied by will they saw what was wrong until the balance of the story says do you feel as. well you know. as far as i look through fraud is concern in the fact that the opposition is not happy with the outcome of the election but the bill it's nothing new that's the way it always is. and that's the way it will always be because. that's the definition of the opposition it's vital for power that's why it's looking for every opportunity for people with people they do to get close to power and to remove their ruling party to point out its mistakes and on the
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whole this is also perfectly normal. but it will you know is regards i mean whether it the election was over the air or. you go out you. actually have already commented on this the outcome of the election definitely. reflects the actual situation and. preferences of the people in the russian the fact that united russia has lost a few seats this is also perfectly normal we went through their difficult period of the crisis look at the other countries what's happening there. this is definitely affected the people and region they gave them a bad feeling in the standard of living has dropped some what some people lost their jobs so this is a very good opportunity for the opposition to recruit people of. people who are not
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happy with the current situation and it's much easier for them to do that then it was before that i think still the fact that united russia is still the leading party in this country's. getting to cater to you know this far as the election being fair or unfair is concerned the opposition always claims the election was unfair and this is this is the way it all happens always every time in every country the only question is what form it takes this is a matter of political culture. for example it is perfectly clear to me. that attack someone but i would add that in this new. area below when they are secondary. what is primary in their primary goal is the next in the next election which a presidential election and to avoid any problems whatsoever with that to minimize the risk. of somebody claiming that the next election will not be
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fair that it will be unfair but which it did it in order to. make it impossible for anybody to do you legitimize. the power in this country i have a suggestion to make you know less summer we're hearing the wildfires we had in central russia you know i traveled a lot does it didn't come with the regions that were affected by wildfires to help people rebuild in the houses and we mean a number of unique decisions back then this was something no other country in the world has ever done this. and we were able to quickly rebuild all the houses. among other things because i asked them to install with. web cameras. everywhere on all those sites when they worked around the clock and any time i
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could come home or come to the office let's click on it but i didn't see the way it works so i would ask that electoral commission stand still surveillance cameras at all balling stations we have more than ninety thousand polling stations in russia and they should work around the clock there and the entire country should be able to see that everybody will be able to see what is happening today every ballot box and then thank you nobody will be able to claim that there was any fraud asking us to do this now that that's what. i know that there are people who can continue let me add something. yeah. i believe but i. would ask you to pay special attention to this is the opposition should have a way to monitor everything that's happening at the polling stations which are completely including those surveillance cameras and it is absolutely possible to do this also according to the law
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a local electoral commission should have representatives from all the political forces that are represented in the parliament. but also i would like to appeal to those who are ready to build. that including myself as the presidential candidate please don't think that we're done follow this logic now we for him but anyway there will be something so i have other things to take care of i need to go to my summer house you know nobody will do anything for you instead of your it's only you it's up to you to decide take care of the russians should be foreign policy in the future who will take care of our security social matters to belittle the economy it's up to you nobody else besides you will do this thank you will do this is your problem but i don't see him let's not continue to talk about elections that we have already today questions one of them is an exception it takes effect on
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it how. did you stay. on the ballot is what direction of the radio musky was it. yes i was an observer. to police and here's a question as you say if you talk about the opposition trust me it was not only just the opposition on the last night where you replying to what the opposition wants rebuts what do we know what would you apply to those and you offended as a people and gets people is a belief that these were elected the actions were not fair they do not believe in these elections and they will again i rally only twenty four something they had some appeals they were looking for justice to the mother could you please reply to these people not just to the opposition. ok first i already commented on that and i said that there were different people there. and i'm happy. that i saw some fresh faces even though with some. governmental that chills people with an active.
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opposition once again if this is a result of the putin regime i'm happy that we have this kind of people now but if the now as far as the pursuit for conflict resolution is concerned it is well known and it should be presented in the long before the results are given electoral commissions have the right to read the votes and in some instances for example in st petersburg this is what they did because the opposition parties asked for it but now that the official results have been given. the procedure is different you have to go to court. and of course we need to believe that our courts will be. an object to being i suppose the you know what's happened where we have the numbers if you. has been voiced by. you know we have.
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my device into valarie. work. let's not afternoon. give him the mike you give him the mike he won't steal it. no. i believe. that. i would say that when us follow us even if you leave well for there are still some in the factions still people who are not satisfy and that's why every family does everything to improve. living in the city of new need to gil there were about a hundred people on the square protesting because people people have to work where we are have a lot of work we have plenty of. contracts and we've been working. we're so busy when we used to do produce twenty one
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thousand carriages in the soviet union whereas now we produce twenty we produce twenty four thousand and people see that there are prospects of course there are people who are. discontented. and so we've been angry it's rising rising tariffs housing needs and incidents of beal's. these companies continue cheating and these things should be eliminated and people who are responsible for this should be. held accountable should be punished people believe in good luck people believe in welfare. whatever the party say we all have one interest everyone lives well we need to read to keep bureaucracy so that people were in demand people were respected so this or it is working for the people.
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scoundrels that did not try. then to use their men dates as deputies to evade punishment. you know when you we need to focus on culture and we need to do not just using the word. we need to apply some of the last words so that we don't have to say it's. more important from egypt we should teach our own preaching domestically produced and now i would like to call on all russians. you know. we do need to be trouble trouble. we've had so many disasters we do need revolutions i think to get to the end of the night says we will prevail to die and if you see as the state will fight for justice will you fight for all policies and i think
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we will remain kids will make everyone happy so that every country every. bureaucrats. works fine what's the question what's your question to mr putin. i think my words has covered everything i think the head of governments can do everything. we should do reggie cage proved iraq crissy and those who cheats and people like them we. should go in with our second culture is concerned i think we will definitely have more questions later today and we'll talk more about that later as far as egypt is concerned and people bringing potatoes from there i haven't heard about anybody doing that actually but i can tell you that egypt is one of the but it isn't importers so are green. and this is something that you could never imagine
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in past decades because we used to import grain from canada from the u.s. from a sense really but on the two d. we are number three exporter in the world. this has never before and this is all because of our forces farmers. and because of course also what i'm going to do to the government support. well. we should go to the point here is a question again. during the rally. people will say what i see people has bandage. i have already commented on those the vents in general. i think we should get away from the subject and sure that we have a lot of interesting subjects but other than that of course if you are. more than
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happy to stand that now as far as ribbons and color revolutions are concerned anyone about what color revolutions i think everything's clear. then they feel this is just a scheme that somebody is always using to destabilize the situation in other countries and i don't think that this team and i enjoyed it when we evolved naturally we know about that he's more unsure of aleutian in ukraine by the way some of our opposition leaders were in ukraine just like that time and they were just consultants with the president you should then president you should go now they're trying to import those practices to russia but they're going to actually when i saw where you were when they did it was people wearing something on their chest television. frankly i thought on that but it was just them they were just fighting aids it looks like it's about you a place like condoms i'm sorry. and i said well what are they doing and then i saw
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it was not actually condoms. but. never will because my first thought oh well the good they're fighting for a healthier lifestyle i think linnean rochelle will agree with me this is what i feel something very topical and welfare russia is fighting for that. i'm happy for them. so i'm going to say yes to produce as long as they're within the law if they don't agree with what the government is doing that's fine because the government is not always right now with everybody is not always giving a proper it responses to the challenges we face. and there are some acts of abuse and we should respond to that as well but when we should not get involved in those teams used to destabilize society in different countries some of the i think this is unacceptable and in that you know proper it. like you said at the beginning
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many people came to. the square in moscow to. protest. against the way they were treated by the authorities but what we actually saw on television was some opposition leaders when they when you converted people to the square what they said they said. googoosh. you think you shouldn't treat people like cattle this is unacceptable that will if people are not happy with the government well what kind of government didn't want this kind of government in the bush i think the people who came to this square would actually know that they paid some young people to attend this rally and there's nothing wrong with that it's ok for young people to make some money but it's so low on the whole i don't like going after them now i would like to know what you. would you must wear me to
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sugared if we're. lucky we have a lawyer cheering up from the public chamber. mr putin hello most of which we've started the rally on blog in a square you. see if we talk about the relations between the states in the society. governments and an individual we have seen you have seen for yourself that we cannot find common ground here and there is a loss. and yesterday we were. working on the hotline and are seeing the calls and. all of the people who. say that they cannot find common ground with the local authorities. from the region. from the village of notice a caller. called me she said and she's been trying to solve the issue of.
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gas supplies this is a settlement trying to talk to the mayor and see the head of the ministrations he and she says. he loves you interface. and says he needed a strong hand. we had recently received similar calls from the moscow region to i think given such circumstances we need to change the former's of communication with the people various levels in the regions and the regional level as the municipal level why can't we solve these problems you mean very with various people you travel across the country you put out fires but why can't we convince the local authorities that they need to pull and solve their problems you know people's say we want their saw could mean so over we want to talk with the mayor will be gentle
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in stray should we need to solve where we need a new marriage but we should not shouldn't be forced upon us. so we're living in a good model according to the following principle. for the people what's with other people and here's what i think we should think about that's the complaints that the public chamber receives there are numerous and we always ask why people right here because the local storage does not want to talk to people what should be made of should we change the channels of communication which i was on blood in a square as an observer to talk to people who just as seventy degrees of the head of. the radio station people never heard the slogans they wanted to voice other problems they discussed other issues. i think it's high time to change the formative communication with the people are a little bit we need to do everything with the people and pull the people because
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the aspects we've touched on and because people have a voice that we need to look to with listen we need to heed the call and then maybe we need to install that cameras as you sat on every at every polling station with you that would be a proper solution maybe we should also install these web cameras at every piece of pallet see. them going with up. at the town halls. and yes yes the question is clear well it's that in your c.c.l. you mean he used today the power do you see how he responds i have my own i have my own form of my own authority. i have the time table i have what time limits you know that with such behavior isn't acceptable. that this is the person needs to express or you see even on television we don't have the words time well yes really an important issue i know. a lot of attention of you that but i don't think you should travel personally and we need to change the view management. structure.
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government is going to be reviewed but if we need to come closer to the needs of the people we need to talk to the actual people it's as if you think you. just. i just saw some of the text messages on. you know there are questions from mothers single mothers military pensions. pension is receive a salary higher then. the norden a pensions. course will it just to. inflation including for. pension is. moving trees to their pensions. i think it will be a one point six increase as to your question. this is
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a very important issues that you brought up i would like to get back to my needs and said he paid a lot of attention to the municipal level i talk to you personally and i remember. how he described he's ideas of how to strengthen the municipal level of power and i believe he was writes on that that i gree with him on that because of the new school level. it's where people can reach out for. and this is the most important level of. a lot depends on the fish in the year of this level. and the secondly. we need to make this i mean his pool level to be self-sufficient in solving the tasks that it's has to solve by law and to be honest the.
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these sources of financing. for the municipal it is is still low they don't have enough money to efficiently so all the tasks they have they are facing we have a special working group headed by mr cause ok advice for amy. that is it dealing with redistributing the authorities. the final thing. money for that anyway given the money and resources we have to face in different behavior on the authority is that also saw that on the cheek you're not. going to be put in jail but it should be. no nation white can with pain the. very important that the bull level now he's elected selected directly by citizens. when you might people need to have an
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idea of who they elect who they cast the vote for this shouldn't just elect people who are some handouts and even. going so their representatives or their sock puppets. elect those people who are respected who are efficient as have been successful in solving the problems they're facing in the settlement is facing you should be able to talk to people directly and mention an example mr shaw you are emergences minister who went to one of the regions in russia. and some of you have heard the story. in the winter and one of the settlements was. water supplies so just so you went out there and said let's go to that place there the governor said no i won't go that i will be beaten up the sugar.
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