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tv   [untitled]    December 16, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EST

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joined up thinking russia finally becomes a card carrying member of the world trade organization nato on friday says the advantages and anxieties. analysts warned that joining the w t o may hurt certain sectors of the russian economy but more immediately the big if they can see much more in business in twenty minutes. moscow breaks down the syrian crisis for the un with a sanction free draft resolution calling on both sides of the conflict laid down arms and talk. and an indian summer in the midst of the russian winter prime minister singh arrives to shore up the warmth between the two
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countries join me in a few moments to find out what's going to be on the discussion. watching r.t. live from moscow i'm kerry johnston the wait is over friday sees russia finally get to join the world trade organization after nearly two decades of talks it's expected to provide an economic shot in the arm and help strengthen bonds with other nations but it will also raise the competition stakes and expects. for russia w.t. or membership will become a leap into the are known some states have benefited enormously from membership china's exports to the west of skyrocketed in the decade since he joined the top tier works by cutting countries import tariffs to make international trade easier
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but others have found the hold to compete with an increase in cheap for import the w.t. a world wide consensus building every country could veto talks the latest objections came from georgia has taken some last minute mediation from diplomats here in switzerland to find a compromise but membership also provides opportunities brussels low cost space could allow it to export more products to of the w.t. or whoever's if the signing ceremony goes ahead as planned on friday evening who could remain with the russian parliament to ratify membership russia's chief negotiator here back to medved causes that should happen in the first part of next year the real test will be given as much as companies begin to face new international competition. bushell their close russia's membership will see many winners but also a few loses as artie's or a financial expose. only student cage of hard talks now over it's still not clear exactly who to russia's double membership is offering the country and with most of
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the details of the agreements to firmly behind closed doors experiences are left to try a little crystal ball gazing at the predictions begin with agriculture one of the most vulnerable areas it would probably be among the most seriously affected to into the w t o russia had to pledge reducing state support to farming which amounts to nine billion dollars annually today is expected to become just half of that in just five years we've only traveled to hundred and fifty kilometers away from moscow and what we see here is a sad picture goes through it is like this one us. road all across russia and with a struggling agriculture industry their number is only increasing thirty percent of the countries are will land currently not in use and the raw fear is that the cost of farming subsidies the exceptional grain will only make things dramatically worse
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russia though will hardly be starving low input taxes will help fill the gap with foreign goods for customers it means bigger choice and lower prices while local producers may suffer. russia's currently importing forty five percent of all food products that may soon become fifty to seventy percent local producers will be on able to compete will go down it goes meanwhile those competitive enough will stay afloat and benefit alexander and his family are running a small business just outside moscow there are one hundred twenty goats give enough milk to produce kilos of high quality cheese and a w t o entry could be seen as a double edged sword on the one hand washing producers like these small cheese factory could comp against tough competition but at the same time could see that product. mart broda market. but back in the crystal ball the future
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doesn't look right for wrong constantine a young engineer at one of russia's largest farm machinery factories is afraid he'll be joining the ranks of jobless once the country joins the japanese. we make great machines but we can hardly compete on price before markets. the fears of the young father were too far from groundless the car industry is another risky enemy. with an open market this is the soviet era facility is going to have to go had to hand with the latest technology the mystic copper and uses have been among the most odd of the w t o lobby critics say russia's most industry will be i'm able to meet the increased competition the accession of attractive offering a gloomy prediction at once the countries in bad lines will stop factories will shut and thousands of people will be left out of work and out of la ukraine's two thousand and eight entry into the double led to
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a fifty percent loss of employment in its auto industry in russia however if fact should be more gradual due to particular privilege entreats the w.t. have doesn't mean you instantly have to drop all customs tires and comply straight away there's a transit so-called transition period roughly seven years or so face time should be enough for the industry to build up some muscle russian manufacturers for example have to invest more in order to increase their efficiency and their productivity and this is one of the instruments in order to promote the monetization of the russian economy and the predictions continue to go with foreign investments said to be ready to rocket the cumulative gains we believe or roughly three point three percent of russian g.d.p. in. early years after accession and after more like ten years with the grocer we. about eleven percent of g.d.p.
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but apart from economic achievements the country's political image should benefit and maybe would smaller improved russian room no longer be an outsider between one of the prestigious club not being part of the global body would have a vast a little strange russia has been the biggest economy not to be integrated into the w t o but after an eighteen year marathon of negotiations all the world's key players finally come together under the same umbrella. where is an option out mosco. well r.t. business will have more on how russia's membership of the double game could make a big difference that's a view that in about twenty minutes time. before then the band hugh humiliated the world's biggest military machine gets his day in the dark. the truth is actually undermining our national security there's something wrong with the truth we keep. bradley manning off on the air here with a court martial later more than
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a year and a half after his arrest. the u.n. security council is mulling a new draft resolution on syria which russia is putting forward it condemns all sides in the ongoing conflict calling for violence to stop but there's no mention of sanctions the kremlin's u.n. envoy says the balance to draft should be passed. we made no secret of the fact and it is reflected in the text that we call on the violence to be stopped from all sides we're concerned about weapons smuggling and the armed groups operating in syria as you know from the outset. our assessment of the situation that was that there is violent groups were taking advantage of peaceful demonstrators in order to pursue their agenda so those concerns were reflected in the draft resolution but there is also very strong language in terms of knowing purity and support of
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human rights and. the need to stop violence and make sure that it does transgressions do not go unnoticed. for russia has been actively trying to mediate a peaceful solution for months syria's vice president to hold talks with officials last night on friday is that all of that up in the bombings which most recently so which is it has gone down more than two dozen offices the free syrian army claims to have twenty thousand troops fighting to bring down prices. western nations still refuse to acknowledge that anti machine protesters are armed and the us based civil adman's says washington is siding with the opposition to force regime change they have had this vision to train the rabble there they also help the rebels smuggle arms into syria but also they have a communication division there in order to actually increase the number of the factors from the current syrian army it's not some kind of simultaneously
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authorizing situation where people are rebelling about suddenly they are mysteriously armed and mysteriously arms are being smuggled into syria from turkey who who is providing arms all these are u.s. arms straight across from turkey it's being smuggled in pursuit. we went through this with iraq we went through this with libya it we went through this with so many wars that we have had since nine eleven and this fits the pattern we have had before you don't start anything big out crap at least that's not the case with the united states military you start doing the prep work while this prep war started in may two thousand and eleven in case of syria. but it's the end of an era in iraq where u.s. forces are on the packing up and shipping out as all the reports on line three top brass watches the american flag a symbolic though it drawing a line under
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a trillion dollar war that's killed more than one hundred thousand people wrong civilians see the search on to dot com. also conflicting reports from the troubled cost of border where twenty five military trucks are being held up by the police explain what's happening online. there's plenty of good karma in the air in moscow indian prime minister singh arrives on a state visit he'll meet president we are live with two having plenty to talk about with our correspondents piece all of it is following the trip. well what we're expecting to see on friday is around half a dozen agreements between india and russia signed now these will include things
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such as defense trade and energy perhaps one of the most interesting discussions will be in the realm of nuclear energy now it is expected that the discussions will take place over the building of the two units the. nuclear power plant now in in the realms of defense week also expecting a signature to be put on a ten year lease on some nuclear submarines that will be leased from russia to the indian navy as well as a deal on joint development of the next generation of fighter technology when it comes to trade to russia and india are two huge partners clearly trade between the two nations stands at around ten billion dollars a year though in the next couple of years they're hoping to mount a trade that takes place between these two partners no are expecting the talks will take place on the ongoing situations in pakistan and afghanistan the indian side saying that these two nations represent a land bridge between russia and india and the situations in those countries have
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to be monitored very very closely now we're also expecting a deal to be signed on cooperation between india and russia on tackling international terrorism. and on the way mean literally get to grips with why douglas dunn is a sporting showpiece. hong kong athletes coming from the caucuses why the world's biggest sporting events could be eyeing up the region. promise to speak the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth could land one army private behind bars bradley manning accused of releasing secret military and diplomatic data to wiki leaks make his first court appearance on friday after more than a year and a half in custody artie's this war has the story. only it was this video of u.s. army pilots in iraq eagerly firing shots at innocent people on the ground and
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hundreds of thousands of secret military documents and cables leaked to wiki leaks there have been some criminal acts committed by u.s. government employees and those employees have never been held accountable for them all this made public over a year and a half ago by bradley manning a twenty two year old army private turned whistleblower and the past eighteen months that bradley manning has been behind bars he's become somewhat of a symbol to his supporters who represents the extreme secrecy and lack of transparency within the u.s. government the documents that he helped to make public reveal that the u.s. has some dark secrets it shows that in my opinion in the last decade there's been no real. lessening of the standards of diplomatic reporting and in our military the real disregard for life of torture of assassinations of as executions have become more of the norm really. and for bringing all this to light
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he's regarded by many as a hero he has impacted governments around the world he's lived through the veil of the u.s. empire to show us what we really are basically i got a military because of really mean michael patterson is an iraq war veteran he says seeing this video changed his life from the wiki leaks stuff that are coming out and that's when i kind of hit that wall that wall and basically i decide i was going to do something more but today manning is paying the price he's been locked up behind bars as a maximum custody detainees subject to solitary confinement and forced nudity which some argue are forms of torture he was being treated as if he had already been convicted and the punished what was going to be. very brutal punishment he's now charged with aiding the enemy his critics say he put american lives in jeopardy just because you don't like the country's foreign policy doesn't mean you can out
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it to the planet that doesn't make you a truth teller that makes you a tree a traitor and as manning finally gets his day in court his supporters say the only thing he's guilty of is telling the truth he awoke a lot of people up to the actual realities of this world and he deserves you know a medal if the truth is actually undermining our national security and there's something wrong with the truth. in washington liz wahl r.t. . pakistan may soon be pulling nato for every load of supplies that passes through its territory on route to afghanistan that's if the country implements a new transit tax what it is today to traffic the routes it was shot three weeks ago after u.s. air strike killed twenty four pakistani soldiers to already strained relations between the two countries u.s. is under pressure to resolve the dispute has two thousand containers and fuel tankers on the route each month reach forces in afghanistan pakistan is on it's no surprise to some who are watching the situation with washington's increasingly
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harsh words against is not bad. we want to go back to how did this start is about ten years ago there was an ultimatum delivered in the wake of nine eleven by colin powell and richard armitage to the pakistani government and they said if you don't give us transit rights across pakistan we will bomb you back into the stone age so this is not an alliance this is not friendship this is the united states having gone in there and the goal of the u.s. presence had very little to do with terrorism but rather had to do with promoting the break up of pakistan if you just look at the map pakistan is wedged in there between iran on the one side india and china in some ways it's the hub of the world and the goal of the u.s. has always been to take a civil war in afghanistan exported into pakistan big question is what where where is all this going the pakistanis are becoming more militant which is perfectly understandable right we have a we have
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a manic move here in washington i guess you can call it a psychosis of destabilization it's like the the year of the dupes may be ending and they've got to export destabilisation to as many countries as they can interesting is that the pakistanis say that they have a surface to air missile system along the border with afghanistan so that if the u.s. tries to come over with helicopters and essentially take possession of the pakistani nuclear deterrent the pakistanis now say that they would be able to fight back against that. a rescue mission is underway for a russian fishing boat trapped in ice off antarctica with thirty two crew on board it could be several days before rescue vessels reach the spotter which is listing and taking on water the ship's crew is said to be safe new zealand is coordinating rescue efforts but dense ice is slowing their progress the u.s. is sending a plane from one of its police stations. for more world news now and there's high
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level suspicion that the former libyan leader colonel gadhafi death was a war crime international criminal chief prosecutor now wants to know what the country's new leader ship is going to do to investigate the eight month long uprising against gadhafi is long over thirty thousand people in total with his capture violent. japan's fukushima nuclear facility is about to be declared stable nine months being crippled by the earthquake and tsunami that it's in what's called cold shutdown condition only minimal radiation are wreaking from the plot seen as a major milestone in bringing the crisis on the control flow the facility remains vulnerable and will take decades to clean up. italy's government faces a confidence vote on friday to try and get the wheels turning away three billion.
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package vote is expected to be passed easily prime minister maria montes government has an overwhelming majority in both houses of parliament while he was appointed last month to head a technocrat cabinet tasked with cutting debt and the boarding collapse in the third largest economy. french caught her sentence the bomber carlos the jackal a second life prison term as well amir sanchez was previously convicted of four bomb attacks in the 1980's that killed eleven and injured two hundred he's already serving life in a paris prison the triple murder in one nine hundred seventy five prosecutors. making a public danger and demanded he be sentenced to an additional minimum eighteen year term. when next we continue our exploration of the russian caucuses get a ringside seat to celebrate the region's sporting success.
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pakistan often makes headlines for its volatility but it's not of nurturing a premier athletes from award winning wrestlers and its star filled football clubs that a star is now bidding to host the twenty eight youth olympics as well as hoping to play a part in football's world cup when it comes to russia that same year parties would have gotten over exposed the republic that's fighting fit. russia's republic of dagestan may be sadly synonymous with violence and anti terror raids but there are other battles away from the frontline that many hope the region will one day be remembered for for centuries this area has been really known for its strong and brave population and the birthplace of many world champions in times of wrestling moreover since the start of this year it's been home to one of the most ambitious
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and certainly biggest bandying football clubs in the world wrestling championships and football matches now unite all nationalities han locals say when a boy is being born into a family the first thing to decide which sport feel embrace we managed to take a closer look at how despite all the difficulties the new generation of dagestani sports man are on their path to glory. this journeyman are definitely hands on with their favorite sport for centuries just about every man here takes to wrestling from childhood on works and the regions had to use coach sas is unlikely to be dealt a blow. from the time we're born just jonny made a total judo anything goes we just love it in our blood. no surprise the douglas john is the birthplace of world champions in all types of first thing in the last fourteen years. have always made the podium syndrome amateur nationals and
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then as well winning world european annalyn pick gold medals. thousands of dagestani boys are keen that no one else grapples them from top flight international wrestling nineteen year old shiny last month of his one of them has already been wrestling for a decade scooping several regional used championships followed the way says joe who to dream to join the national team no matter how hard it sometimes is i'm ready to fight for this place. but there is another sport vying for doug a standing factions football is profiles been raised since local billionaire swimming monkey most bought the region's main club. and set about buying star players like a middleman striker semi-detached house down to sydney and legend roberta carlos. are she potential in this club i want to grow together with this team. the potence
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effect of football is already seeping through and closing a possible goals to dagestan image at home and away the more the club sponsor and buying up big names people talk about it it's also rumored that angie wants to sign up the dutch coach who's heading not long ago local football club and she much color was barely known outside the region now it makes regular have lines with the doubles on the global transfer market and when it comes in place here in the capital city of my high school on this day becomes a real holiday for the locals. but a key goal for crowds like this is to host a world cup game when russia gets to host the planet's biggest sporting event in twenty eighteen accordingly it will be a chance to show another side of dog a star people could come and see with their own eyes. for now sizes of men and boys and a few girls wish the matches passionately shouting slogans waving flags and forgetting
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for a few hours of the often tough life that awaits outside the stands this is one cruel that certainly has been achieved much in a question though r.t. close up in the republic of dagestan. i saw the sports next hour get the latest on the euro hockey toward our sports roundup russia's new ice hockey team remain unbeaten in the top they just leave it to finland year and we'll tell you next hour about. unions have the latest business news. thanks carrie a very warm welcome to the program and as we are reporting this hour a new era is about to begin for the russian economy on friday night in geneva the world trade organization will formally invite russia to join the club a successful conclusion to eighteen years of negotiations and was warned that
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joining the trade body could harm both certain sectors of the russian economy particularly the uncompetitive industry and machine manufacturing sectors but in the one term the reduction of trade barriers russian companies to become more competitive more immediately the big winner is likely to be the russian consumer as are two years to mature with the don't cover ports. buying even a simple product such as a jacket or a good pair of jeans can be a challenge in russia since you're pretty much down to three options either you buy a nationally made product but the quality is usually inferior you can come to one of these shopping centers look for a famous brand but since the vendor bears the costs of import tariffs and customs regulations price tag is pretty high or you can have a plane go to europe and come back wearing everything you need but think of the logistics of that but this is going to change as russia joins the world trade organization now what is going to happen since customs regulations are going to be simplified and made more transparent import tariffs are going to be slashed and
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more companies are going to come on to the markets present their goods and that's competition will grow and prices will have to go down because of the extra supply companies will now have to fight for the consumer and that it will be a challenge for russian companies especially for small and medium enterprises but the consumer wins as the prices are expected to go down by around ten percent according to the economics ministry and the economy will add four point three percent of the gross domestic product and spending will grow by around seven percent according to the world bank and russia will probably find itself not in a situation when it is the sixth largest economy in the world with just two percent of the global trade. so not everyone is convinced that russia's economy is ready for being part of the w. cio or oil and metals tycoon victor vixie barack agrees that price to pay for entry but that it will ensure the economy is long term success. which there are
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a lot still needs to be done in terms of understanding what do we know membership we bring to russia we must open a rise to what we pay for a ticket to the street clothes and the top question is of balance and i'm sure positive effects will outweigh the negative ones w. two entry will open up great opportunities for the russian economy in the long run for most of. us have a look at how the markets are performing so far despite trading in the blood boil is heading for the biggest weekly decline since september and that's to speculate the fuel to month will fall to meet frank industrial production in europe and china might sway does not trading at mine to move forward almost a barrel while the brant plant is trading at over one hundred four dollars per barrel. asian stocks are edging high after our reach us economic data jobless claims in the country unexpectedly drops to a three year low plus in the polls that support succeeded as to missed something tradings boosted indonesia's sovereign debt rating to investment grade china oil and gas approaches setting up a three percent in hong kong and sony is up half
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a percent in tokyo. and the trading session here in moscow will kick off in an hour's time the russian markets closed on a positive note on thursday after days of volatile trading post they are just my sixth editor of one and a half percent. that's it for now you're up to date i'll be back in about five to five minutes for more financial news here on r.t. .


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