tv [untitled] December 16, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EST
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joined up thinking russia finally becomes a card carrying member of the world trade organization late on friday assesses the advantages and anxieties. but it was warned that are russia's double your membership may hurt certain sectors of the economy but more immediately the big winner is the consumer more in business in twenty minutes. moscow breaks down the syrian crisis for the un with a sanction free draft resolution calling on both sides of the conflict and they talk. and an indian summer in the midst of the russian winter prime minister is saying is in moscow for top level talks join me in
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a few moments to find out what's up with discussion. broadcasting live from moscow twenty four seven you're watching r.t. well the wait is over friday sees russia finally get to join the world trade organization after nearly two decades of talks it's expected to provide an economic shot in the arm and help strengthen bonds with other nations but it will also raise the competition stakes as daniel bushell explains. for russia w.t. or membership will become a leap into the are known some states have benefited enormously from membership china's exports to the west of skyrocketed in the decade since it joined the top tier works by cutting countries import tariffs to make international trade easier but others have found the hold to compete with an increase in cheap foreign imports
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the w.t.r. works by consensus building every country can veto talks the latest objections came from georgia has taken some last minute mediation from diplomats here in switzerland to find a compromise but membership also provides opportunities brussels low cost space could allow it to export more products to of the w.t. members if the signing ceremony goes ahead as planned on friday evening all that remains is to russia's parliament to ratify membership russia's chief negotiator here back to medved koff says that should happen in the first part of next year the real test will be given as much as companies begin to face new international competition. tell bushell their russia's deputy membership will see many winners but also a few loses as r.t.f. national. with all my studio a case of hard talks now over it's still not clear exactly what russia's w.t.r. membership is offering the country and with most all the details the league remains
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still firmly behind closed doors experts are left to try and little crystal ball gazing. their predictions begin with agriculture one of the names to vulnerable areas it who probably the most seriously affected to enter the w t o russia had to pledge to reduce in-state support to farming which amounts to nine billion dollars annually today is expected to become just half of that in just five years we've already travelled to hundred and fifty kilometers away from moscow and what we see here is a sad picture goes through it is like this one us road all across russia. and with the struggle in agriculture industry their number is only crazing thirty percent of the countries are will land currently not in use and the raw fear is that the cost of farming subsidies like session will bring will only make things dramatically worse russia though will hardly be starving loewy its taxes will help fill the gap
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with foreign goods for customers it means bigger choice and lawyer prices while local producers may suffer from russia's currently importing forty five percent of all food products and may soon become fifty to seventy percent local producers will be unable to compete will go down. meanwhile those competitive enough will stay afloat and benefit alexander and his family run a small business just outside moscow there one hundred twenty goatskin if enough milk to produce feelings of high quality cheese and a w t o entry could be seen as a double edged sword on the one hand washing producers like these small cheese factory could cop against tough competition but at the same time could see their product. march brode in market. but back in the crystal ball the future doesn't look bright for wrong constantine a young engineer at one of russia's largest farm machinery factories is afraid who
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join russia's jobless once the country joins the w.t.r. . we make great machines but we can hardly compete on price before market. the fears of the young for those two are far from groundless the car industry is another risky area and with an open market this is soviet era facility is going to have to go head to hand with the latest technology that mystic copper and uses have been among the biggest on the w t o law business critics say russia's most industry will be i'm able to meet the increased competition the accession of attractive offering a gloomy prediction that once the country is in bed lines will stop factories will shut and thousands of people will be left out of work and out of la ukraine's two thousand and eighteen change to the lead to a fifty percent loss of employment in its all to industry in russia however the
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effect should be more gradual due to securing a certain privilege entry to the w.t. have doesn't mean you instantly have to drop all customs tires and comply straight away there's a transit so-called transition period roughly seven years or so this time should be enough for the industry to build up some muscle russian manufacturers for example have to invest more in order to. increase their efficiency their productivity and this is one of the instruments in order to promote the monetization of the russian economy and the predictions continue to go away with foreign investments said to be ready to rock it the cumulative gains we believe are roughly three point three percent of russian g.d.p. in the early years after accession and more like ten years with the grocer would gain. about eleven percent of g.d.p. european business already acknowledges the many positive signals and the many reasons to venture into russia once russia joins the w t o european head carriers
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will no longer need to pay a premium to use trans-siberian it's currently five hundred billion dollars here to drop the prices take a. foreign companies here. but apart from economic achievements the country's political image should benefit and maybe what's more important russia will no longer be an outsider but a part of the prestigious club not been part of the global body would have passed a little strange russia has been the biggest economy not to be integrated into the w t o but after an eighteen year marathon of negotiations all the world's key players finally come together under the same umbrella. group and. moscow. business has more on how russia's membership of the deputy could make a big difference that's what you get in about twenty minutes time before then
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though the man who did the world's biggest military machine gets his day in the dark. if the truth is actually undermining our national security and there's something wrong with the truth from. wiki leaks whistleblower bradley manning will finally hear at a court martial later in the year and a half after his arrest. the u.n. security council is mulling a new draft resolution on syria which russia is putting forward it condemns all sides in the ongoing conflict calling for violence to stop but there's no mention of sanctions the kremlin's u.n. envoy says the balance draft should be passed. from the outset. our assessment of the situation that was that where is violent groups were taking advantage of peaceful demonstrators in order to pursue their agenda so those concerns were reflected in the draft resolution but there is also very strong language in terms
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of knowing purity and support for human rights and. the need to stop violence and make sure that it does transgressions do not go unnoticed. russia has been actively trying to b.d.a. to a peaceful solution for months syria's vice president will hold talks with officials in moscow on friday. little letup in the violence which most recently saw dessert is gunned down two dozen offices the free syrian army claims to have more than twenty five thousand troops fighting to bring down president assad western nations still refuse to acknowledge the anti regime protesters are armed u.s. based military whistleblower adman's says that washington is siding with the opposition to force regime change. they have had this vision to train the rebels there they also help the rebels smuggle arms into syria but also they have a communication division there in order to actually increase the number of defectors
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from the current syrian army it's not some kind of simultaneously off rising situation where people are rebelling and then suddenly they are mysteriously arm and mysteriously arms are being smuggled into syria from turkey who who is providing this arms all these are u.s. arms trip to turkey and from turkey it's being smuggled into syria we went through this with iraq we went through this with libya we went through this with so many wars that we have had since nine eleven and this fits the pattern we have had before you don't start anything big out crap at least that's not the case with the united states military you start doing the prep work while this prep war started in may two thousand and eleven in case of syria. it's the end of an era in iraq where u.s. forces are finally packing up and shipping out as our t.v.
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reports online military top brass watch as the american flag a symbolic know it drawing a line under a trillion dollar war that's killed more than one hundred thousand iraqi civilians you can see the ceremony at r.t. dot com. and a russian convoy carrying tons of humanitarian aid to serbs in kosovo gets the green knight after being held up at a disputed checkpoint explain further. plenty of good karma in the air in moscow as the indian prime minister manmohan singh arrives on a state visit he'll meet president medvedev with the two having plenty to talk about when that's get all the details from marty's piece all of who's following the trip for us peter what do the two have to gain from this meeting. well
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both russia and india are part of the bric group of emerging economic powers and we're expecting to see around half a dozen deal signed on friday which will further economic ties between the two nations no one deal that we may not see on friday concerns the building of a further two units not the. nuclear power plant in the another has been protests on the ground there from locals who are worried about the health risks of nuclear energy now russia did build to two units that are on site there already they're expected to go online very shortly and staying with atomic energy we could see a deal signed on friday which would see. russia and india enter into an agreement to build a. joint nuclear enrichment facility now this would involve both scientists from
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india and russia that would be built in russia on terms of defense we are expecting to see a ten year lease on. all russian nuclear submarines handed out to the indian navy as well as joint cooperation on development of fighter jet technology being signed as well but it's on trace where it gets really interesting this is currently trade between india and russia stands at around ten billion dollars a year both countries want to see that double by twenty fifteen to twenty billion dollars which would see the two countries becoming well already major trading partners but extra well increased amount of trade that goes between the two nations by well twice as much to see from them there so that's those the deals that we're looking at right now peter russia around india's partnership goes beyond economics and trade as you say just how far reaching is it. that's right what we've been hearing from both the indian side on the russian side about what's going to be discussed in the well the gender comes
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a whole range of issues the the situation you're going situations in pakistan and afghanistan will be spoken about the indian side saying that they were they view those two nations as part of a land bridge between russia and india and a part of the world that both countries must keep an eye on and monitor the situation there could they reflect on both india and russia what happens in those two nations we're also hearing that a deal could be signed on cooperation in fighting international terrorism as well as fighting against drug trafficking now aids the president dmitri made to get if we will be meeting with prime minister singh and said this issues this including the what's going on in north africa and the wider middle east as well as iran's nuclear program will also be on the table for discussion. ok i put all of a covering that for us reporting from moscow thank you. when in fact for more on the indian visit to russia let's talk to present challenges from the jane downs
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school of international affairs in new delhi i thank you for joining us here on r.t. today now it's the third time president better than prime minister singh had met this year what's making russia and india so close do you think. it's the world situation we're looking at a world order that is in flux and it's transforming and there's and the emphasis is on bric economies to come together and put forward joint oppositions not only on the global economic crisis but also as your correspondent said on our political and strategic issues i think the relationship between russia and india has always been very tired with no iraq tal it's always been a close embrace and these summit meetings between heads of state just go on to reaffirm the importance of the relationship and the fact that these they're happening so frequently implies that both sides realize that we are on the cusp of
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a major transformation of the world order and these two along with the rest of the bric countries need to come together on various issues including syria in fact one of the reasons i think these two countries need to meet more often is to coordinate positions so that india understands what russia is already doing in order to be in the syrian conflict how board of bric peace plan you know we have all the roadmap for the peace plans in resolving major international issues are coming from europe in the united states and we need to change that so we need to have some bold and imaginative diplomacy and i hope that along with the nitty gritty of the trade and the defense deals we also look at the larger world issue of prime minister singh actually mentioned on the eve of his departure that they will be discussing in moscow issues relating to international peace and stability and that is where you know if we're told have to become the building blocks of the new world order it has to start with discussing how to resolve current ongoing conflicts and how to do to
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find a non militaristic approach to resolving them and that is where russia is taking the lead and i believe india should try to go along and show you know a joint affirmation of the russian efforts do you think that now you mention the brics club there as it were do you think will this make russia even stronger within that bric organization joining the tablets here. oh absolutely i think russia has not because of the soviet tradition going back and continues to be a major power in the world militarily i think russia has always had a global approach to foreign policy india is somewhat more parochial and has not really treated the whole world as its backyard but russia the partnership with russia is inevitably going to drag india into taking a stand on important global issues we cannot be a bystander and many of us in india have been advocating that we need to coordinate our positions closer with russia and there that that's how the whole group's
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syrians will rise in world affairs and of course russia continues to be proactive in its diplomacy in syria and with the ongoing crisis in the middle east and therefore and elsewhere so i think russia can always economically india russia and brazil are roughly your trillion dollar economies only compared to china it's much larger the fact is we have to come up with ideas and proposals and the problem solvers and that is where i believe russia's importance within brick will also rise as a result of this type partnership with india and joint proposals i would like to see joint diplomatic initiatives in the marshes that will raise the salience of bric as a group global problem solver ok you mentioned china there now defense is one of the major topics during the visit with the possible military sales how much of this might be in response to to india's giant neighbor china which is beefing up its military. well india has its own needs and its strategic
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concerns will be china and it russia has always been a dependable supplier of various i believe there is also a nuclear submarine that's on the cards that could be transferred to india from russia in the coming future and that's also on the on the discussion menu so there will always be you know individual national interests that relate to other bric member countries especially those who are in the same neighborhood but you know you can also look at it as a possibility for russia being a bridge builder which we need here in china which have had tensions in the past the fact that india is now entering the shanghai cooperation organization as a full member we are china and russia are the leaders will mean that there is already a space being created for some of these disputes to be creatively resolved the fact that russia has very very strong strategic ties with china and historically very good relations with india mean that russia actually isn't a people position to be able to bring the bric together and the brics and to make
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them you know meaningful entity that can change the world order so you know you start and also know that she has not been in doubt if things are very very briefly very briefly if you turn nuclear energy what will come up as well in these discussions that have been safety concerns at india's controversial plant where russia is building reactors what is to be done to provide reassurance the safety. i think the technical responsibility. falls up on both the host country and we don't need nuclear reactors supplying country and russia and india can work together technically we have the scientific know how to avoid you know what you know be learned in fukushima kind of disasters russia itself has suffered in the past in soviet times and we have now enough accumulated evidence to use the lessons of the past to avoid them and i'm sure that we can overcome this and we couldn't call on projects will go ahead india on its side has good homework but we are
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positive about russia's cooperation in this field ok thank you for that indeed professor from the jintao school of international affairs in new delhi thank you get a. promise to speak the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth can land one army private behind bars proudly manning accused of releasing secret military and diplomatic data to wiki leaks make his first court appearance on friday after more than a year and a half in custody artie's this war has the story. it was this video of u.s. army pilots in iraq eagerly firing shots at innocent people on the ground and hundreds of thousands of secret military documents and cables leaked to wiki leaks there have been some criminal acts committed by u.s. government employees and those employees have never been held accountable for them all this made public over a year and a half ago by bradley manning
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a twenty two year old army private turned whistleblower and the past eighteen months that bradley manning has been behind bars has become somewhat of a symbol to his supporters who represents the extreme secrecy and lack of transparency within the u.s. government the documents that he helped to make public reveal that the u.s. has some dark secrets it shows that in my opinion in the last decade there's been no real. lessening of the standards of diplomatic reporting and in our military the the real disregard for life of torture of assassinations of as executions have become more of the norm really. and for bringing all this to light he's regarded by many as a hero he has impacted governments around the world he's lived through the veil of the us empire to show us what we really are basically i got
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a military because of bradley manning michael patterson is an iraq war veteran he says seeing this video changed his life from the wiki leaks stuff started coming out and that's when i kind of hit that mall that wall and basically i decided i was going to do something more but today manning is paying the price he's been locked up behind bars as a maximum custody detainees subject to solitary confinement and forced nudity which some argue are forms of torture he was being treated as if he had already been convicted and the punished what was going to be. very brutal punishment he's now charged with aiding the enemy his critics say he put american lives in jeopardy just because you don't like the country's foreign policy doesn't mean you can out it to the planet that doesn't make you a truth teller that makes you a tree a traitor and as manning finally gets his day in court his supporters say the only thing he's guilty of is telling the truth he awoke a lot of people up to the actual realities of this world and he deserves you know
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a medal if the truth is actually undermining our national security and there's something wrong with the truth. in washington liz wahl r.t. . on world news now there's high level suspicion that the former libyan leader colonel gadhafi is killing was a war crime international criminal courts chief prosecutor now wants to know what the country's new leadership is going to do to investigate it eight month long uprising against gadhafi is long killed over thirty thousand people total it is capturing prominent. italy's government faces a confidence vote on friday to try and get the wheels turning on a thirty three billion euro austerity package the vote is expected to be passed easily as prime minister mario monti's government has an overwhelming majority in both houses of parliament and he was appointed last month to head a technocrat cabinet tasked with cutting debt and avoiding collapse in the euro zone's third largest economy. let's check what's going on in the world of business now it is next.
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so scary everyone welcome to the program let's start with more on the news in the new year at that spot to begin for the russian economy on friday night in geneva russia will become a member of the world trade organization to discuss the benefits and the stumbling blocks for that says economist jacob knell from morgan stanley russia thanks for joining us so you wouldn't rush succession to the world trade organization for its largest trade partner europe and for the global economy in general well actually i think it's more important for russia i think that becoming part of the open trade investment system that we have in the world which is all good always through the w t o in the w t o rules will have largest benefits for russia it will have some benefits of course for exporters in other countries and from other countries where russian companies will expand their business and presence but first and foremost i
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think it's good for the w t o because the only logical to me that still outside the top tier that's russia is their becoming a member and secondly i think it. great for russia it'll mean gains growth gains of about three point three percent of g.d.p. in the short run that's according to the world bank and then in the long run if it encourages a pick up in investment like we saw in china after they join the w t o we can look forward to a ten or eleven percent that's a very hefty percentage increase in the size of the economy right about how might possibly tier membership help foreign companies to do business here and you just mentioned russia's investment climate will improve i think so i think it's a very complicated process there's lots of impacts but i'd pick out two or three is being particular importance i think that it's the signal. boards
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deciding whether they're going to invest in russia now they'll be told russia is a member of the w t o that gives them comfort that sort of signal could be quite important secondly i think it's a move to a more based governance system in russia we often talk about manual control about the government intervening in particular sectors particular prices to rectify a situation and sometimes that's justified but it adds a lot of uncertainty and there we have a process where if this change is contemplated in the regime then they have to be shared with trading partners before they are introduced they comments have to be taken on board will be less surprises and more certainty and that's good for business so a signal rules space and secondly the barriers to trade and investment are coming down not rapidly over million years but steadily and substantially and that will be good for trade good for the russian consumer and good for russian businesses
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investing a bit of all right hope one of the biggest concerns for joining the w t o how well is russian in stripper pad. well i mean it's one of these situations where it columnists tend to look at the big picture and we see these big gains as a process of competition and creative destruction in the economy leads to gains for the consumer and for the more competitive inefficient industries to expand and of course the sluices two and the losers are the ones who usually shout loudest in the course of the negotiations and have the biggest impact on it so i think that the areas in russia which will come under most competitive pressure now areas such as textiles and food processing where russian companies are less competitive than the rest of the world and perhaps in the area of services telecoms insurance banking. distribution where again efficiency in russia may lag that in other countries
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hopefully this will mean the russian companies raise their game to match the foreign companies but in any case the russian conceivable benefit ok check now from morgan stanley thank you very much for your analysis and that's all we have time for now europe today join me in less than fifteen minutes for another business update here on r.t. . more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are on the day. nation three are going to take three. or four charges.
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