tv [untitled] December 16, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EST
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a global link to almost twenty years russia said to put pen to paper join the world trade organization and embrace the benefits and along with the difficult. no sanctions and no foreign invasion in syria moscow presented a new resolution to the security council calling for the government and the opposition to reach a peace through dialogue. last energising time security and that partnership between two major emerging a. high powered progress. prime minister and the russian
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president signed up atomic energy advances and agree on the ways to help the middle east into these join me in the show but in a moment. nearly two decades of talks are finally coming to fruition as russia prepares to join the world trade organization in just a few hours it will strengthen the country's global ties and provide a big incentive for business however membership a couple say comes hand in hand with tough competition as donna bushnell explains. for russia w.t. membership will become a leap into the are known some states have benefited enormously from membership china's exports to the west of skyrocketed in the decade since it joined the top tier works by cutting countries import tariffs to make international trade easier
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with others have found the hold to compete with an increase in cheap foreign imports the w.t.r. works by consensus we need any country can veto talks the latest objections came from georgia has taken some last minute mediation from diplomats here in switzerland to find a compromise but membership also provides opportunities cross as low cost space could allow it to export more products to of the w.t. members if the signing ceremony goes ahead as planned on friday evening remains the russia's parliament to ratify membership russia's chief negotiator here makes the medved courses that should happen in the first part of next year the real test will begin then as russia's companies begin to face new international competition now throughout the years of talks forces both for and against joining the debates here have been had in russia and i went to find out who would be the winners and losers once membership documents are signed in geneva. with almost two decades of hard
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talks no over it's still not clear exactly what russia's double your membership is offering the country and with most all the details of the greens to firmly behind closed doors and experience a left to try and little crystal ball gazing. their predictions begin with agriculture one of the most vulnerable areas it will probably be the most seriously affected to enter the w t o russia had to pledge to reduce in-state support to farming which amounts to nine billion dollars annually today is expected to become just half of that in just five years we've already travelled to hundred and fifty kilometers away from moscow and what we see here is a sad picture goes through it is like this one us road all across russia and with a struggle in agriculture industry their number is only increasing thirty percent of the countries are well and are currently not in use and the raw fear is that cut
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of foreign subsidies they will grain will only make things dramatically worse russia though will hardly be starving lowy puts taxes will help fill the gap with foreign goods for customers it means bigger choice and lawyer prices while local producers may suffer rush is currently importing forty five percent of all food products or may soon become fifty to seventy percent local producers will be on able to compete will go down. meanwhile those competitive enough will stay afloat and benefit alexander and his family run a small business just outside moscow there one hundred twenty goats give enough milk to produce killers of high quality cheese and a w t o entry could be seen as a double edged sword on the one hand washing producers like these small cheese factory could cop against tough competition but at the same time could see their
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product. march broader market. but back in the crystal ball the future doesn't look bright for wrong constantine a young engineer at one of russia's largest farm machinery factories is afraid who join russia's jobless once the country joins the w t o. we make great machines but we can hardly compete on price with foreign makers the fears of the young father of two are far from groundless the car industry is another risky area with an open market this as soviet era facility is going to have to go head to hand with the latest technology the mystic company uses have been among them a start at the w t o law business critics say russia's making history will be i'm able to meet the crazy competition the accession of a tract offering a gloomy prediction that once the country's in bad lines will stop factories will shut and thousands of people will be left out of work and out of la ukraine's two
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thousand and eighteen change to the deputy zero lead to a fifty percent loss of employment in its auto industry in russia however the fact should be more gradual due to securing a certain privilege entry to the w.t. have doesn't mean you instantly have to drop all customs tires and comply straight away there's a transit so-called transition period roughly seven years or so base time should be enough for the industry to build up some muscle and the predictions continue to go away with foreign investments said to be ready to rocket the cumulative gains we believe or roughly three point three percent of russian g.d.p. in the early years after accession after more like ten years with a grosser would gain about eleven percent of g.d.p. european business already acknowledges the many positive signals and the many reasons to venture into russia once russia joins the w t o european air carriers
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will no longer need to pay a premium to use guns. it's currently. the drop in prices of tickets. in my twenty's. but apart from economic achievements the country's political image should benefit and maybe what's more important russia be no longer be an outsider but a part of the prestigious clan not being part of the global body would have the brass to be a little strange russia has been the biggest economy not to be integrated into the w t o but after an eighteen year marathon of negotiations all the world's key players finally come together under the same umbrella. group an option out moscow well our business desk would have more figures for you on how the membership will affect business in russia that's coming up in just fifteen minutes time. now
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the u.n. security council's poor over the details of a new draft resolution on syria has been put forward by russia it condemns all sides of the ongoing conflict calling for violence to stop but there's no mention of sanctions or moscow has been trying to mediate a peaceful solution for months but there's little let up in the violence of the two state security officers were killed in music clashes by defectors the free syrian army claims to have more than twenty five thousand troops fighting it to bring down the president assad western states are going to knowledge that anti regime protesters are armed foreign ministers call. middle east politics that bill kent university joins us live from turkey many thanks for being with us here on asd now russia believes that the previous mandate which it vetoed along with china was one sided and could have open the door to military action as we saw in libya do you think that all the western states will sign up to this new mandate. see the
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resolution process in libya and it i don't think it will allow this to happen again because clearly something the western united states and britain france of what it was said by almost everybody up together certainly not in the form that because there's no response as applies to libya but because the russians. who the pope are now being signed by russia the changes made to the only rational way forward unless of course you accept. that obama one way or. the food want to kind of work with a solution and because it's got to seem to be that people have to put the guns down but the problem here is that the syrian government can issue orders all to the comic relief. of the string send is made up of food but how do you get groups who are kind of talking to the syrian army and some of convenience in many cases how do you get them to put down their weapons that and how do you get. the pond the
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free syrian army to put down their weapons that may. well russia has been pushing the steering government and opposition for donald saying that that seemed to have what ten yemen. western states say that this mandate i think go far enough that it doesn't really reflect the gravity of human rights abuses in syria so is there a middle right to be found here where the west and the government i think would have to accept that the bombing is two way. so far has been the bonds are being won one way. or the forces the rect towards an arms with him because it was simply going to reference to the bonzo bomb gangs non-fact that bonnets began almost from the beginning like this movement and the gangs in the camps hiding behind the people but generally pleased with them because in a lot of damage more recently it was admitted by the activist in fact there was anonymous but it will begin by pictures and i'd be committed again.
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no i think. this. is not just the syrian. issue orders for the army to progress down but somehow some way has been found for persuading them to put their weapons armor. moscow's arguments in this is the sympathizing with the opposition as a way to destabilize the situation even further and justify intervention do you think that sounds like. well this state of course because when things will be very very hot i think it was not. so safe monica that the syrians hope on that's not libya who gives them a back to send what happened there with a warning of what could happen in syria not only got that syria will get very hot list so whatever happens that seems to have very very serious regional and global implications not just that's a very wary of that they very well have rushed the position and spoke russia
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solidly behind the syrian government. just as loose today is being banking as a sign that brussels changing the position on listing them like that i think much is going to cry from the y. offices which would involve people first of all putting on their weapons because so many of the talking jobs being made it would be almost impossible to get together with the bottom of all of them so that will change the way the way that now try to stop the killing but the bottom so-called should be the first step is to allow observe its international objective observers into syria that would help prove whether or not holland extremist groups are causing the chaos and that the syrian government says they are do you think that that's going to happen any time thing i'd like to see it happen of course that right there the bottom line he should be that there was the which constitutes was an army political question but that should seem to me that what you need related positives and of course getting people inside
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syria who can be trusted by the syrian government and alex that the brother got big well you can actually look at what's going on you can actually independently look at the tsunami you've been doing and cannot independently i was really doing and come up with some clues because at the moment i think most people looking at the. mine were trying to say that you couldn't work out what's going on because there was so much propaganda didn't mention what missions are mentioned the western media basically saying that i was. it's based on. grants. and it's right on my book considering it's a one man phone call him. and his nation media from around the world now has come up with. so trying to work out what is going on. we saw professor of middle east politics at. i mean
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speaking to us from tokyo. ok coming up here on board a breakthrough a russian him. heading for cost of a service has finally given the green light to a four day standoff. compared to governments around the world. of the u.s. empire to show us what we really are consequence an american soldier faces his. caring for leaking a treasure trove of u.s. military secrets that could cost him a life in jail. now two of the world's emerging economic powers russia are looking to become stability in this global crisis meeting in moscow president medvedev and prime minister singh have discussed a whole range of pivotal issues from military and energy times to the political
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troubles of their neighbors. the story. as the crisis continues to readjust the world economic powers emerging economies like russia and india. look more than sad today to remain firmly in the spotlight as members of the breaks group they alone encompass more about it beeped of the world's land coverage and their g.d.p. in twenty eleven stood at seven billion dollars and it continues to grow and one of the grimaces india and russia reached today it concerns a building of the further two. units of the. station in india russia has already built two units and one of them will start operating in two weeks from now also into prime minister the russian president answered to an agreement today to build a nuclear enrichment facility in the common mon singh also signed a ten year lease of russian submarines that will soon be entering the easier navy and there'll be some very big purchase coming soon and is about to buy forty two
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upgraded russian support third jets the russian president and the prime minister of course looked at the recent developments in the north africa and the wider at middle east they also discuss the iranian nuclear program they agree that the north african and the needle east peace settlement should proceed without foreign interference now concerning one sided actions against iran they described it as a counterproductive and leading into nowhere but from their side they promise that they will continue to work closely together in g. and russia to prevent the global nuclear proliferation. now russian able to complain held out for days by rain between serbia and kosovo has entered the disputed territory is now on the way to no cost of a along with three police vehicles that has. one of the most controversial humanitarian missions in recent months has come to
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a successful around three hundred tons of russian has been delivered to the biggest city part of kosovo there is nothing controversial about the cargo which the russian convoy was carrying it was mostly household items and food but the russian convoy did wade into what has been the biggest conflict in the area since the summer and that is the conflict over who controls the border between serbia and kosovo the authorities who are working together with the european union to monitor the convoy to cross. to go through checkpoints or to be accompanied by an escort by the e.u. by the albanians. the study and accept all they've been not allowed any kind of. offices they put up barricades and started to protect themselves from the what followed was three days of extremely complex negotiations the russian convoy had
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been allowed into serbia and it has been followed by another score but this is not that sort of ethnic albanians this is just a small. boy european union soldiers this is acceptable from all sides and everybody yesterday was saying that this is enough of politicizing this question it is a case of delivering aid to a region that is in a very precarious position it's important just to get the aid there but as you can see from what has been happening over the last few days we are no closer to a long term political solution in the region. now you keeping an eye on developments in kosovo as well as other potential world hotspots online right now for you it r.t. dot com some of the u.s. tit for tat following a deadly nato air strike with some experts saying islam about could start openly defying u.s. policy in the week. or so he's never short of a few choice words this time the prime minister vladimir putin takes a verbal u.s. senator john mccain find out more at r.t. dot com. a hero to
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a traitor to all those bradley manning a u.s. army private accused of softening military secrets off to wiki leaks is to appear in public for the first time at a pretrial hearing among the documents he leaked was footage showing u.s. soldiers killing civilians in iraq if found guilty manning faces life in prison with no chance of parole. board has more. it was this video of u.s. army pilots in iraq eagerly firing shots at innocent people on the ground and hundreds of thousands of secret military documents and cables leaked to wiki leaks there have been some criminal acts committed by u.s. government employees and those employees have never been held accountable for them all this made public over a year and a half ago by bradley manning army private turned whistleblower and the past eighteen months that bradley manning has been behind bars has become somewhat of
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a symbol to his supporters who represents the extreme secrecy and lack of transparency within the u.s. government the documents that he helped to make public reveal that the u.s. has some dark secrets it shows that in my opinion in the last decade there's been no real. lessening of the standards of diplomatic reporting and in our military the real disregard for life of torture of assassinations of as executions have become more of the norm. and for bringing all this to light he's regarded by many as a hero he has impacted governments around the world he's lifted the veil of the us empire to show us what we really are basically i got a military because of really mean michael patterson is an iraq war veteran he says seeing this video changed his life from the wiki leaks stuff that are coming out
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and that's when i kind of hit that mall that wall and basically i decided i was going to do something more but today manning is paying the price he's been locked up behind bars as a maximum custody detainees subject to solitary confinement and forced nudity which some argue are forms of torture he was being treated as if he had already been convicted and the punished what was going to be a very brutal punishment he. now charged with aiding the enemy his critics say he put american lives in jeopardy just because you don't like the country's foreign policy doesn't mean you can out it to the planet that doesn't make you a truth teller that makes you a tree a traitor and as manning finally gets his day in court his supporters say the only thing he's guilty of is telling the truth awoke a lot of people up to the actual realities of this world and he deserves you know a medal if the truth is actually undermining our national security and there's something wrong with the truth. in washington liz wahl r.t.
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. ok let's take a look now what else is making news around the globe this hour protesters within the gypsy capital after pictures and spread online of a detained activist badly beaten by officers around three hundred demonstrators torch cars and threw stones at military police he fired gunshots and to disperse them egypt's currently holding a long running election process took place the military who has been in place since president mubarak was ousted in february but many have for the patient slow pace appeal to. him settle criminal courts is there a serious discussions that the killing of colonel gadhafi was. the i.c.c. initially believed the. first fire brigade is sure to be investigating the circumstances of his death the eight month long uprising against the iraqis long rule thirty thousand people and table with his capture and killing.
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japan's prime minister has declared stricken nuclear plant to be stable the power station has been put into a state called cold shutdown which means only minimal radiation is now leaking from the plant is seen as a major milestone towards making the area completely safe following the quake and tsunami that devastated the facility nine months ago. parliament has approved crucial sturdy measures can save the nation's crippled economy the cuts have been met with fury in the public sector with widespread strikes across the country but the billion dollar package to specter to be passed by the senate in the next couple of days critics say the cuts are unfair and will impact on the poorest in society that's where the news is this hour here on this estate's we're cutting it don't go away. thank you al as hello and welcome to our business update the sa good to have you
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with me as we're reporting this hour a new era is about to begin for the russian economy on friday night in geneva the world trade organization will formally in by russia to join the club a successful conclusion to eighteen years of negotiations analysts warn that joining the trade body could harm certain sectors of the russian economy particularly the un the un competitive light industry and machine manufacturing sectors but in the long term the reduction of trade barriers should spur russian companies to become more competitive hardy's marina costs or has more. it's been a long and bumpy ride to say the least russia force applied for membership back in nineteen ninety three but russia negotiator switched gears after seeing china's economic performance and two thousand and one talks and volved some sixty countries making it the biggest seam of its kind in the entire w t o history while the exception is good news for export oriented companies it can make life difficult for
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an official industries which will struggle to compete against foreign companies and these occlude agriculture engineering and the automotive sectors under the current the w t o regulations the average duty on imports of goods will drop to seven point eight percent from the current ten percent when it comes to agriculture it will come down to ten point eight percent from the thirteen point two and four manufactured goods that will decline to seven point three percent from the current nine and a half now one third of the new juices are expected to comments of force now and these include dairy and steel products as well as certain alcoholic beverages twenty five percent will be lowered over the next three years and that applies to software certain meat products as well as cough medicine now import duties on cars helicopters and civil aircraft will be lowered over the next seven years and when
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it comes to poultry that will take around eight years now that this transition period will give russian companies time to adjust their main challenge will be to try to match not only the price of their competitors but quality as well but the government isn't abandoning them quite yet for years it's supported formers and car makers by imposing protective trade barriers and it will continue providing support but in a different way even though these sectors are feeling pressured and others believe the government will do what ever is necessary to maintain its. he industries but it does expect them to modernize and eventually compete independently. the head of russia's car maker gaz group says wu entry brings both risks and opportunities but henderson believes that if the state works hand in hand with business membership could help russia succeed in international markets so when it comes to light commercial vehicles in the post soviet region where gas dominates. it will help
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russia to attract investments so i can leave for me competition is always good with more competition you have the better you because i saw this was a risk but i mainly see it as an opportunity it was a whole garage and government would support those and make sure credits exports support because the goals in russia could be awarded. let's have a look at the markets now heading for the biggest declines at some time or investors speculate that the fuel demand will falter and that shrinking industrial production in europe and china. is trading at three dollars per barrel and brant is at one hundred. four dollars per barrel let's have a quick check on the markets now european stock markets are making cautious gains but are still set to finish the week with losses that cement continued worries about the sovereign debt crisis the pussys up point four percent supported by
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mining stocks that are gaining on high metals prices rio tinto and xstrata are both up over three and a half percent and the russian markets are extending earlier losses the r.t.s. is one and a quarter percent in the red and my sixes point nine percent lower let's have a look at some index movers on them isaac's this our financials are mixed because losing a one and a quarter of a percent while the bank is just a notch higher and natures among the main retreat is with rosneft down one point three percent that's on the oil price well that's it for now i'll be back with more in about fifteen minutes from now so i hope you join.
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