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tv   [untitled]    December 16, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EST

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innovation all the latest developments around russia we've got the future covered. lowballing car after almost twenty years russia and paper to join the world trade organization these are live pictures we're seeing now from jenny. gross's embarrassing the benefits along with the difficulties will be it's also illegal in just a moment. no sanctions and no foreign invasion in syria a mosque a present it's a new resolution to the security council calling for the government and the opposition to reach for peace through dialogue. last energising a time security and nuclear power to make the partnership between the two major emerging economies as leaders of russia and india to ask
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a. very warm welcome to you this is ours he live from moscow now and then the two decades of talks are finally coming to fruition as russia joins the world trade organization it will strengthen the country's global ties it provides a big incentive for business but some tough competition as well ought is daniel bushell is in geneva for us. russia completes its eighteen year old a c to join the world trade body know of the country has taken so long to enter president medvedev of russia has criticized the hurdles placed in russia's path towards joining he's accuse the european union and united states in particular of illegal subsidies to their farmers and car makers in other parts of industry in an attempt to stop competition from other countries does work by consensus that means
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any single state can block can block decisions a major complaints have come from georgia which has slowed up the procedure but the russian delegation here is looking at the positives now that they have joined some states have benefited enormously from membership china's exports to the west of saud in the decade since it joy in the world trade organization works by cutting tariffs national terrorists that stop foreign traders from exporting to other countries so this should help russia both in terms of opening up competition and also allowing it to export more because russia has a real it's of low cost space that should allow it to send more products to other countries now the chief trade negotiator here for the w t o from russia's side is makes it he says that they parliament of russia does still need to ratify this agreement and he expects that to happen early next year. or two voices before and
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against. it head in russia. went to find out who the winners and losers was all the membership documents signed in geneva. with almost two decades of hard talks no over it's still not clear exactly what russia's w two your membership is offering the country and with most all the details of the agreements to firmly behind closed doors experts of left to try and little crystal ball gazing. at their predictions begin with agriculture one of the most vulnerable areas it will probably be among the most seriously affected to enter the w t o russia had to pledge to reduce in-state support to farming which amounts to nine billion dollars annually today is expected to become just half of that in just five years we've already travelled to hundred and fifty kilometers away from moscow and what we see here is a sad picture goes through it is like this one are spread all across russia and
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with a struggle in agriculture industry their number is only crazing thirty percent of the countries are well and are currently not in use and the raw fear is that cut of farming subsidies. grain will only make things dramatically worse russia though will hardly be starving lowy puts taxes will help fill the gap with foreign goods for customers it means bigger choice and lawyer prices while local producers may suffer rush is currently importing forty five percent of all food products or may soon become fifty to seventy percent local producers will be on able to compete will go down. meanwhile those competitive enough will stay afloat and benefit alexander and his family run a small business just outside moscow there one hundred twenty goats give enough milk to produce kilo's of high quality cheese and a w t o entry could be seen as a double edged sword on the one hand washing producers like these small cheese
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factory could cop against tough competition but at the same time could see their product. mart road and market. but back in the crystal ball the future doesn't look bright for all constantine a young engineer at one of russia's largest farm machinery factories is afraid who join russia's jobless once the country joins the w t o. we make great machines but we can hardly compete on price with foreign makers the fears of the young father of two are far from groundless the car industry is another risky area with an open market this as soviet era facility is going to have to go had to hand with the latest technology the message company uses have been among them a start at the w t o critics say russia's making history will be at mabel to meet the raised competition the accession of attractive offer in
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a gloomy prediction that once the country's in bad lines will stop factories will shut and thousands of people will be left out of work and out of la ukraine's two thousand and eighteen change to the w.t.f. led to a fifty percent loss of employment in its auto industry in russia however the fact should be more gradual due to securing a certain privilege entry to the w.t. have doesn't mean you instantly have to drop all customs tires and comply straight away there's a transit so-called transition period roughly seven years or so base time should be enough for the industry to build up some muscle and the predictions continue to go away with foreign investments said to be ready to rock it became a lot of games we believe or roughly three point three percent of russian g.d.p. in the early years after accession after more like ten years with the grocer would gain about eleven percent of g.d.p.
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european business already acknowledges the many positive signals and the many reasons to venture into russia once russia joins the w t o european air carriers will no longer need to pay a premium to use sun siberian. it's currently funding. to drop the prices of tickets. in my twenty's. but apart from economic achievements the country's political image should benefit and maybe what's more important russia who no longer be an outsider but a part of the prestigious clan not been part of the global body would have vast a little strange russia has been the biggest economy not to be integrated into the w t o but after an eighteen year marathon of negotiations all the world's key players finally come together under the same umbrella. reason otieno mosco well our business team has been crunching the numbers for you and taking
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a close look toward membership will mean for business in russia let's go live now to couldn't arrive at the business desk so what how will it affect russian business then well in business we analyze why you joining the world trade organization could harm in certain sectors of the russian economy a bit but the big winner is likely to be the russian because you are join me for more on that in about twenty minutes. ok really many times to you on the business desk ok now the u.n. security council is pouring over the details of a new draft resolution on syria put forward by russia it condemns all sides in the ongoing conflict calling for violence to stop but there's no mention of science sions moscow has been trying to mediate a peaceful solution for months but is little let out of the violence over two dozen state security guards killed in recent clashes by defectives the free syrian army claims to have more than twenty five thousand finding to bring down president assad
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western states still don't acknowledge that anti-war protesters on the middle east politics professor jeremy solves as the main task now is to persuade all syrians to put their weapons down. the western governments i think would have to accept the bonuses to weigh the building up west and so far has been the bonds being one one way in some respects security forces directed towards the consulate in pensacola and see very little reference to the bonzo bomb gangs non-fact that bonnets began almost from the beginning the slightest movement and the gangs and they can't hide behind the people fighting the general police with them because in a long time it's more recently admitted by the activists that in fact there was monitors but it was a little by practice now i think. a way to have this be found with the government are going to have to accept that in fact we've been through it myself and it's not just the syrian government it has to come if you want to for the army to work with sound but somehow some way have you found. this waiting august what their weapons
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on the tiriel because they hop in the millions or whatever happens that. we can bring very serious. and global implications not think we're protected very wary of that they agree with russia's position and so if our last. solid behind the syrian government. this position today i think banking at the time that brussels changes its position i don't see it like that i think much is going to college find a way out of which we can go because first of all putting on the witness because so many charges and countercharges being made it would be almost impossible to get back with all of them so it would change the way that they way had now tried to stop the killing such a badass. well coming up later in the program here on. governments around the world. live to. forge shores for we were your
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troops on consequence an american soldier placed in pretrial hearing a treasure trove of u.s. military secrets that could cost him his life in jail. two of the world's emerging economic powers russia and india are looking to become stability in a sea of global crisis at the meeting in moscow president medvedev and prime minister singh have discussed a whole range of pivotal issues from military and energy ties to the political troubles of their neighbors. or how the story. as the crisis continues to readjust the world economic powers emerging economies like russia and india. look more than sad today to remain firmly in the spotlight as members of the breaks group they alone encompass more about it people of the world's land and their g.d.p. in twenty eleven stood out seven billion dollars and it continues to grow and one
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of the grim unsane dia and russia reached today it concerns a building on the further two. units of the atomic station in india russia has already built two units and one of them will start operating in two weeks from now also interim prime minister the russian president answered to an agreement today to build a nuclear enrichment facility in the. minimal unsing also signed a ten year lease of russian submarines that will soon be entering the indian navy and there'll be some very big purchase coming soon and is about to buy forty two upgraded russian support thirty jets the russian president and the prime minister of course looked at the recent developments in the north africa and the wider middle east they also discuss the iranian nuclear program they agree that the north african and the middle east peace settlement should proceed without foreign interference now concerning one sided actions against iran they described it as
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counter-productive than leading into nowhere but from their side they promise that they will continue to work closely together and here in russia to prevent the global nuclear proliferation. convoy held up for days by around between serbia and kosovo his end to the disputed territory it's now on the way to cost of zero three pennies to be told. that half the natives from the region. one of the most controversial humanitarian missions in recent months has come to a successful around three hundred tons of russian has been delivered to the biggest city part of kosovo there's nothing controversial about the cargo which the russian convoy was carrying it was mostly household items and food but the russian convoy did wade into what has been the biggest conflict in the area since the summer and that is the conflict over who controls the border between serbia and kosovo the
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authorities who are working together with the european union to monitor the convoy to cross. to go through a checkpoint or to be accompanied by an escort a man by the e.u. and by the albanians. to study and accept all they've been not allowed any kind of albanian offices they put up barricades and started to protect themselves from that what followed was three days of extremely complex negotiations the russian convoy has been allowed into serbia and it has been followed by that score but this is not that court of ethnic albanians this is just a small escort by european union soldiers this is from all sides and everybody yesterday was saying that this is enough of politicizing this question it is a case of delivering aid to a region that is in a very precarious position it's important just to get the aid there but as you can see from what has been happening over the last few days we are no closer to
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a long term political solution in the region. he's always keeping an eye on developments in kosovo as well as our potential hot spots online right now dot com and the u.s. can take the time following a deadly name with some expensing. to find u.s. policy. on rational fourteenth an attempt to use passenger luggage to smile. radioactive material on a plane from around all the details online at r.t. dot com. a deadly clashes have broken out between police and demonstrators in an oil town in western kazakstan prosecutors say that at least ten people were killed and some injured including police officers let's find out more now from our correspondent. tom what can you tell us about this clash is. the
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moment i see it seems the trouble started at a celebration of the country's twenty year of independence which is held today in the town square in the west of the country it seems that a group of people there from the from the video that we've got at the moment appears according to prosecutors to have gone preserve the video shows them knocking speaker's office days that were set up there there were reports they later set fire to that and that's when all the trouble started there are conflicting reports about how many killed and injured there are prosecutors say ten people have been killed and a number have been injured it's unclear yet there are reports that as many as seventy may have been killed but we can't confirm those at the moment there are also conflicting reports as to what was behind this trouble the prosecutor general's office says that it was simply a group of hooligans who were who went crazy in the town center and they had to be restrained with the police and that is what led to these casualties other reports
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say that it is all connected to an incident that happened in the summer when the thousand workers were fired from a local branch of the state gas company which owns an oil facility in the region and that those protests have gone against the strikes have gone against that since those erupted today and there are reports that police may have fired on demonstrators there who are simply not sure what exactly has happened in western kazakhstan but it seems that it. resulted in a lot of trouble ok of course will keep people updated as details become clearer on this incident on bart of a many things that are. now a hero to some but a traitor to all those bradley manning that u.s. army private accused of siphoning military secrets off to wiki leaks has appeared at a pretrial court nominee base in maryland it's his first hearing since his arrest in may last year among the documents manning leaked was footage showing u.s.
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soldiers killing civilians in iraq. more. it was this a video of u.s. army pilots in iraq eagerly firing shots at innocent people on the ground and hundreds of thousands of secret military documents and cables leaked to wiki leaks there have been some criminal acts committed by u.s. government employees and those employees have never been held accountable for them all this made public over a year and a half ago by bradley manning army private turned whistleblower and the past eighteen months that bradley manning has been behind bars has become somewhat of a symbol to his supporters who represents the extreme secrecy and lack of transparency within the u.s. government the documents that he helped to make public reveal that the u.s. has some dark secrets it shows that in my opinion in the last decade there's been
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no real. lessening of the standards of diplomatic reporting and in our military the real disregard for life of torture of assassinations of as executions have become more of the norm. and for bringing all this to light he's regarded by many as a hero he has impacted governments around the world. lifted the veil of the u.s. empire to show us what we really are basically i got a military because it really made it michael patterson is an iraq war veteran he says seeing this video changed his life from the wiki leaks stuff that are coming out that's when i kind of hit that moral code that wall. basically i decided i was going to do something more but today manning is paying the price he's been locked up behind bars as a maximum custody detainees subject to solitary confinement and forced nudity which some argue are forms of torture he was being treated as if he had already been
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convicted and the punishment was going to be very brutal punishment he. now charged with aiding the enemy his critics say he put american lives in jeopardy just because you don't like the country's foreign policy doesn't mean you can out it to the planet that doesn't make you a truth teller that makes you are truly a traitor and as manning finally gets his day in court his supporters say the only thing he's guilty of is telling the truth awoke a lot of people up to the actual realities of this world and he deserves a medal if the truth is actually undermining our national security but there's something wrong with the truth. in washington liz wall r.t. . founder of the web site wiki leaks the school appointed his own going legal battle with the british government the supreme court in london has agreed to his. appeal against extradition britain wants to send us to sweden to face questioning
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over rape allegations made by two swedish women he denies any wrongdoing to lower courts previously ruled against have this is called to agree to hear his appeal us and his lawyers to persuade two judges that his case raised the question of general public importance will be considered a song claims the case against him is politically motivated and that a few years extradited a fair trial. i look now at some other stories making headlines around the globe this. month with police in capital after security forces stormed a protest camp outside the capital building hundreds of demonstrators torch cars or three fire bombs at police and fired gunshots into the air to disperse them and interim military ministration is in the force of the country government elected many are frustrated with the army still being control of the uprising that toppled former president mubarak. the insaf so criminal court says
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there are serious missions that the killing of colonel gadhafi was a crime the i.c.c. initially but the libyan leader died of crossfire but is now pressure in libya to investigate the circumstances of his death because after he was killed in october asking how to buy the rebels in his hometown of sept. japan's prime minister has to close the earthquake stricken nuclear plant because she meant to be stable the power stations been put into a state called cold shutdown which means only minimal radiation is now leaking from the plant it's seen as a major milestone towards making the area completely safe following the quake and tsunami that devastated the facility nine months ago. italy's parliament has approved crucial stares the measures to save the nation's crippled economy cars have been met with fury in the public sector with widespread transport strikes
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across the country the billion dollar package is expected to be passed by the senate in the next couple of days critics say the cards are unfair and will impact on the poorest in society. next although it is business deals with katrina for. i. her welcome to business here in r.t. thanks for joining me as with we've been reporting this hour a new era has begun for the russian economy the world trade organization has formally invited russia to join bringing to an end eighteen years of negotiation and i was warned that joining the trade body could harm certain sectors of the russian economy particularly the uncompetitive light industry and machine manufacturing sectors but in the long term the reduction of trade barriers should spur russian companies to become more competitive r.t.s. marine acosta has more. it's been a long and bumpy ride to say the least russia force applied for membership back in
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one thousand nine hundred ninety three but russia negotiator switched gears after seeing china's economic performance and two thousand and one talks and volved some sixty countries making it the biggest seam of its kind in the entire w t o history while extraction is good news for export oriented companies it can make life difficult for any official industries which will struggle to compete against foreign companies and these occlude agriculture engineering and the automotive sectors under the current w.t. of regulations the average duty on imports of goods will drop to seven point eight percent from the current ten percent when it comes to agriculture it will come down to ten point eight percent from the thirteen point two and for manufactured goods that will decline to seven point three percent from the current nine and a half now one third of the new juices are expected to comments of force now and these include dairy and steel products as well as certain alcoholic beverages
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twenty five percent will be lowered over the next three years and that applies to software certain meat products as well as cough medicine now import duties on cars helicopters and civil aircraft will be lowered over the next seven years and when it comes to poultry that will take around eight years now this transition period will give russian companies time to adjust their main challenge will be to try to match not only the price of their competitors but quality as well but the governments as an abandoned member quite yet for years it's supported farmers and car makers by imposing protective trade barriers and all consuming you provide and support but in a different way even though these sectors are feeling pressured analysts believe the government will do what ever is necessary to maintain its key industries but it does expect them to modernize and eventually compete and dependently. touring the
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global trade club should help foreign companies do business more easily in russia economies jacob now from morgan stanley russia explains how that might work. i think three ways it's a signal of russia's commitment to the multilateral trading regime that will help with investment it's a move toward rules based governance system please call me so it will be more certainty and predictability about economic decisions and i think thirdly of course it means that barriers to trade both in the form of tariffs and in the form of restrictions on investment in particular sectors will be abolished or reduced let's have a look at the markets now stocks in the u.s. are rising after the opening bell investors are hoping that europe is making progress and taming its debt crisis like we make a research in motion towards twelve percent after the company said like thursday that new phone is seen as critical to the company's future will be delayed until late next year european stock markets are making cautious gains have made continued
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worries about the sovereign debt crisis the pussys higher supported by mining stocks rio tinto xstrata gaining over three and a half percent on a foot see that's on higher metals prices germany's dax is trading flat to negative . russia markets closed in the red the artist lost over one and a half percent of the my six and a point seven percent lower. i'm told is still one of has been confirmed russia's new finance minister he was promoted from being the deputy up to the former finance minister i'd say putin was removed from his position in september this year the appointment was widely expected has been working in the finance ministry for twenty five years speaking to president dmitry medvedev. sets out a position of budgetary restraint. where you would get a favorable environment to help us generate additional budget inflows this year we
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transferred most of this to the reserve fund it's now up to one point eight trillion rupees also we used additional inflows to cut borrowing as a liquidity problem is quite critical now we're going to cut state borrowing again next year. that's the business news for this hour but remember you can always find lost or is just log on to what site dot com.
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culture is the same i understand not only underscoring the limits of the flag being looked but years in the market hero or a traitor these are among the labels to describe bradley manning he's a legend involvement in the week a mixed release of hundreds of thousands of cars. wealthy british style. that's not on the tires on. the broader. market financed scandals find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to name two kinds of reports on our team. the close a team that's been on the black sea coast for future developments depends on the good way. our team goes area first place to many fine champions and the most ambitious.


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