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tv   [untitled]    December 16, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EST

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a global link up after almost twenty years fresh is accepted into the ranks of the world trade organization. bosses embarrassing the benefits along with the difficulties more details from geneva in just a moment. also no sanctions and no foreign invasion in syria moscow presents its new resolution to the security council calling for the government and the opposition to reach things through dialogue. plus energizing ties security nuclear power to cement the partnership between the two major emerging economies as leaders of russia and india meet here in moscow.
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live from moscow you're watching r t welcome it's eight pm here now my name is kevin owen and first this hour nearly two decades of talks of finally come to fruition as russia is accepted into the world trade organization it will strengthen the country's global ties and provide a big incentive to business however membership for the club also comes hand in hand with tough competition as artie's done new bushell explained. russia completes its eighteen year old a c to join the world trade body no war the country has taken so long to enter president medvedev of russia has criticized the hurdles placed in russia's path towards joining he's accused the european union and united states in particular of illegal subsidies to their farmers and car makers in other parts of industry in an attempt to stop competition from other countries does work by consensus that means any single state can block can block decisions
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a major complaints have come from georgia which has slowed up the procedure but the russian delegation here is looking at the positives some states have benefited enormously from membership china's exports to the west of saud in the decades since it joy in the world trade organization works by cutting tariffs national terrorists that stop foreign traders from exporting to other countries so this should help russia both in terms of opening up competition and also allowing it to export more because russia has a real it's of low cost space should allow it to send more products to other countries now the chief trade negotiator here for the w t o from russia side is makes it he says that the parliament of russia does still need to ratify this agreement and he expects that to happen early next year. he's done a bushel of business things been crunching the numbers field taking a close look at what w. t. o. membership will mean for business in russia we got the latest from them in just
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fifteen minutes time. the u.n. security council's poring over the details of a new draft resolution on syria put forward by russia condemns all sides in the ongoing conflict calling for violence to stop but there's no mention of sanctions moscow's been trying to mediate a peaceful solution for months now but there's been little letter from the violence over two dozen states acuity officers were killed in recent clashes by the fast free syrian army claims to have more than twenty five thousand troops now fighting to bring down president assad west who stayed still don't acknowledge that and the regime protestors are arms let's get up to date get the thoughts of pepe escobar columnist from asia times correspondent live from sao paolo peppery hi there the u.s. secretary of state said while washington is ready to discuss the new draft resolution put forward by russia but describe some provisions as an acceptable so do you think western states will agree to the mandate with russia adamant on its position over syria condemning both sides for violence. what's interesting is what the u.s.
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and nato countries consider and accept and acceptable is that the syrian government cannot fight an armed insurgency in their all territory the free syrian army they're getting weapons smuggled from the middle east to the borders in turkey any in jordan as well this has been already proved there there's a story that you guys talked about yesterday by sibel edmonds the former f.b.i. whistle blower she's fantastic and her sources confirm to her that need to not only day have a command and control center and so they're searching her type roberts but now they are a little order of data which is the jordanian syrian border in the south as well so it's a bizarre movement. about the figures the u.n. figures. a lot of people are seriously question now the people eyes numbers in effect if she's saying that five thousand people were killed over these past few months it makes like almost no one hundred that the fact and even the syrians are
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saying like you know there are twenty there's twenty five thirty thirty deaths that they maximum so you know there is the fog of prewar is already there so the russian move is an intelligent move because it's a pre-n. preemptive i would say. resolution it condemns both sides and asks for a u.n. peacekeeping mission in fact to solve the problems often you reference in the referring to disproportionate use of force by syrian authorities not something that's a tough thing of moscow stance when you read into it yes it's true basically because this is true and we just need to go to youtube and watch there's a dios there are tanks inside homs and hama for instance this ng is we still don't know the rule of snipers that we see even the people i talk to in homes they tell me look we don't nor does snipers come from de could be government
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but they could be open in this and they could be mercenaries trying to incite civil war any fact most of the civilian killings are by these nightmares and they it's true and they even shot children this is true but we don't know for sure if dail working for the syrian army or syrian intelligence there's absolutely no evidence about it so if there is a resolution when the first thing would be to send a u.n. peacekeeping mission in fact finding mission to syria to talk to all parties any vista gate all these claims will this latest draft resolution by russia of the best intentions but will it be enough to ensure that all sides put down their weapons no definitely not because don't forget the. free syrian army yesterday three days ago they said they had fifteen thousand soldiers not they have twenty five dollars in two days you know. they are working hand in hand we could use exile groups
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and they are turning into a huge militia it reminds me of iraq in two thousand and three two thousand and four so this militia now it's already falls into. three civil war in all sport there's with the help of nato this command center in the province in southern turkey and syria jordanian border so what do you want and what nato wants is simmering civil war let's put it this way as a friend you for something much tougher probably after the american election when the. ok you're probably asking for a lot of time i'm going to ask you know i'm told no we can't result could have been a program from south. florida coming up here on r.t. tonight truth and consequence for the wiki leaks. he has impacted governments
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around the world is lifted the veil of the us empire to show us what we really are . an american soldier faces his first pretrial hearing for leaking a treasure trove of u.s. military secrets a move it could cost him life in jail. two of the world's emerging economic powers russia and india are looking to become because of stability in a sea of global crisis at the meeting in moscow president medvedev and prime minister singh and discussed a whole range of pivotal issues from military energy ties to the political troubles of their neighbors and is a country a grove of reports. as the crisis continues to readjust the world economic powers emerging economies like russia and india look more than sad today to remain firmly in the spotlight as members of the breaks group they alone encompass more about it beeped of the world's land coverage and their g.d.p. in twenty eleven stood at seven billion dollars and it continues to grow and one of
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the grim unsane dia and russia reached today it concerns a building of the further two. units of the obama told me station in india russia has already built two units and one of them will start operating in two weeks from now also interim prime minister the russian president answered to an agreement today to build a nuclear enrichment facility in the common home singh also signed a ten year lease of russian submarines that will soon be entering the indian navy and they will be some very big purchase coming soon and is about to buy forty two upgraded russian support thirty jets the russian president and the prime minister of course looked at the recent developments in the north africa and the wider at middle east they also discuss the iranian nuclear program they agree that the north african and the middle east peace settlement should proceed without foreign interference now concerning one sided actions against iran they described it as
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counterproductive leading into nowhere but from their side they promise that they will continue to work closely together into russia to prevent the global nuclear proliferation. exactly ten minutes past eight mosco time now u.s. court has won a default judgment that iranian officials including its supreme leader ayatollah khomeini provided help to the nine eleven hijackers but on the worst terror attack on american soil the lawsuit was filed by the families of the atrocities victims there was no rainy and representation in the court so interesting story this is painful to tell just adopt the director of the center for research on globalization someone from montreal michel evening what do you make of this case to believe iran aided than the nine eleven attacks but he's absolutely no evidence that iran is the nine eleven attacks there is evidence collection of evidence that there was conspiracy and complicit the highest levels of the u.s.
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government. of the nine eleven commission report has been refuted and you find you've missed scullers and writers and journalists intelligence analysts there is absolutely no evidence that. all it's kind of that bad weather involved in it i love it thanks it facts if there's anybody behind it was the central intelligence agency going back without. the soviet back and lot of god was invaded on the pretext that they had attacked america this was states that it was stated on the bullying oh september twelfth two thousand and one it was it was the pretext also nato was involved it's all still flying of the last treaty. and this just the fact i could see it as a whole i believe a propaganda ploy directed against iran where you take humans
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a round of nine eleven we look you took more than iran that is not the only. you go. me get this information. campaign which is not being waged against against iran but there's another aspect of that us president john back to. earlier this year at the general assembly of the night of the united nations actually the state but it's. a signal way to the u.s. government was behind the nine eleven attacks and she questioned the official narrative of the heads of state isabel could have done likewise but what this is it. may be to just state that the united nations security council is that he heat not only the goals of this nine eleven through as he questions the official narrative but then
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in the wake of his statements we get a statement from the crime rate that insults one of their fishel magazine which accuses a president of the chocolate this informant and it back to disassociate themselves from the region president so there you are all kind of says no we did it. i mean i don't i don't text you like to see this magazine report of all kind of the arabian peninsula which hit the headlines a few months back and said the right the rate at present doesn't know what he's talking about michel there's a lot of truth michel as we know this has been so hotly debated for so many years now there are strong feelings on in both camps still even in this day but just looking at this ruling what's it going to do now for you know us the radian relations that are already dodgy and getting worse well looks of it well this is i think this is really part of the propaganda ploy you dead on the ice you and i be
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you chris said iran as a threat to global security you know us and uk i mean look here which threat is the guy. you say that iran supports the war on terrorism when in fact the wall terrorism is supported by the united states of america we see that let you know where they actually supports it the libyan islamic fighting group and it's also full of it in fact we are dealing with fabrications and fabrications whereby. a lot of shadow which has been all the pentagon's through a wall for many years no use seeking a justification to go lie but we've seen the drone attacks we've seen no various. we've seen the sights of this regime we've seen it it can only be sanctions on faulty why does the united states want to attack iran because the wrong has
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ten percent of the world's oil the size of all the five times the united states of america it's a crucial beach or it doesn't accept. us a generally it's an ally of the russian side and. i think we must understand that any kind of military operation directed against iran on the right against syria could unleash a lot which extends from the eastern mediterranean right through to central leads with the chinese border and then we are going well what we scenario. i should also mention that nuclear weapons are contemplated to be used against iran not only by the united states of america and israel but also by settled on nuclear states which have looked at weapons all in all its no respectability basis and i'm talking about belgium holland germany turkey and italy they are known look at polls that they
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possess made in america tactical nuclear weapons being. basically while the left and these are all talking about this not because public of the russians very grim picture you are you paying there if the worst haven't happened but thank you for your thoughts now michel dusky director of the center for social globalization thank you very much. artie's always keeping our course of developments in iran as was a potential world hot spots on our website r.t. dot com there right now a partner in the u.s. go tit for tat after a deadly nato air strike with some experts saying is that a bad could start openly defying u.s. policy in the region now. is never a short of a few choice words this time from mr victim a potent takes a verbal aim with u.s. senator john mccain what it is say find out dot com. he wrote asylum a traitor to others bradley manning a u.s.
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army private accused of siphoning military secrets off to wiki leaks has appeared at a pretrial hearing at an army base in maryland is defense lawyer claims the investigating officer is biased he faces life in prison or even the death penalty if found guilty among the documents manning leaked was footage showing u.s. soldiers killing civilians in iraq liz well reports. it was this video of u.s. army pilots in iraq eagerly firing shots at innocent people on the ground and hundreds of thousands of secret military documents and cables leaked to wiki leaks there have been some criminal acts committed by u.s. government employees and those employees have never been held accountable for them all this made public over a year and a half ago by bradley manning army private turned whistleblower and the past eighteen months that bradley manning has been behind bars he's become somewhat of a symbol to his supporters who represents the extreme secrecy and lack of
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transparency within the u.s. government the documents that he helped to make public reveal that the u.s. has some dark secrets it shows that in my opinion in the last decade there's been no real. lessening of the standards of diplomatic reporting and in our military the the real disregard for life of torture of assassinations of as executions have become more of the norm. and for bringing all this to light he's regarded by many as a hero he has impacted governments around the world he's lifted the veil of the us empire to show us what we really are basically i got a military because of bradley manning michael patterson is an iraq war veteran he says seeing this video changed his life from the wiki leaks stuff started coming out and that's when i kind of hit that wall that wall and basically i decided i was
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going to do something more but today manning is paying the price he's been locked up behind bars as a maximum custody detainees subject to solitary confinement and forced nudity which some argue are forms of torture he was being treated as if he had already been convicted and the punished what was going to be a very brutal punishment he. now charged with aiding the enemy his critics say he put american lives in jeopardy just because you don't like the country's foreign policy doesn't mean you can out it to the planet that doesn't make you a truth teller that makes you a tree a traitor and as manning finally gets his day in court his supporters say the only thing he's guilty of is telling the truth he awoke a lot of people up to the actual realities of this world and he deserves a medal if the truth is actually undermining our national security when there's something wrong with the truth. in washington liz wahl r t. we well the founder of the web site wiki leaks has scored
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a point in his ongoing legal battle with the british government the supreme court in london's agree to hear julian assange and his appeal against extradition britain wants to send the sanish to sweden to face questioning over rape allegations by two swedish women he denies any wrongdoing but two lower courts have previously ruled against him for the supreme court to agree to hear his appeal or sound as lawyers have to persuade two judges that his case raised a question of general public importance the appeal will be considered in february the sands claims the case against it was politically motivated and the fees extradited he will receive a fair trial. deadly clashes have broken out between police and demonstrators in an oil turn in western kansas star prosecutors say at least ten people were killed and some were injured including police officers let's go to speed this is the other big story tonight a correspondent tom bowman on the case told me what's happening there. well so far kevin ten have been reported dead more wounded those figures come from the prosecutor general's office they are hard to confirm at the moment there have been
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reports that there were more dead again those are proving tough to confirm the trouble seemed to start ahead of preparations for the country's independence day celebrations kazakhstan left the soviet union twenty years ago to the day a crowd had gathered in the central square where a stage and been set up but this crowd contained a lot of people who had been there for a long time since the summer in fact a crowd of oil workers striking and protesting when hundreds of their number were fired from a an oil company then for demanding higher wages police moved in to try and clear the central square and then what happened has been debated witnesses and protesters say that the police opened fire on the crowd the police say that the crowd attacked them and that they were forced to respond by opening fire buildings
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were set on fire including the mayor's office and a hotel in the central square the prosecutor general of the country says that the trouble was caused by criminal actions as he puts it and that there will be an investigation launched to find those responsible all right tom thanks for bringing to the break tom correspondent. a russian convoy carrying tons of humanitarian aid that was halted in a troubled checkpoint between serbia and kosovo has been allowed through now twenty five trucks were stopped on tuesday by e.u. control customs officers health refusing an escort through the territory but out on the way to northern kosovo accompanied by three police vehicles the area has been in dispute since july when kosovo sent its own customs officers to the checkpoint minority serbs reacted then by erecting barricades kosovo is controlled by ethnic albanian the same declared independence. he years ago but it's home to more than one hundred thousand serbs. russian authorities afford an attempt to use passenger
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luggage to smuggle radioactive material into iran on friday the instant one of moscow's international airports he got his can offer reports this was a flying from moscow to tehran from treme to airport you walk into is going to be a regular security check one of the banks triggered the alarm and one of the check to be found eighteen still canisters teeny tiny radioactive material and gauges showed that levels of radioactivity exceeded the norm play truant and a further inspection showed that this is is a top story in twenty which could all be produced at a nuclear reactor according to some of your steel luggage belongs to you really in citizen but this information is yet to be can really officially at the moment after all he's building a criminal investigation and this is story we're following up for you it's now coming up to twenty four minutes past eight at night friday night sport for you in
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twenty minutes time the there abouts in a way of doing today with the latest in the biathlon world cup where russia claimed the first goal of the season business now were one of the top story of russia's entry into the world trade organization. welcome to our business update this hour as of been reporting the new era has begun for the russian economy the world trade organization has formally invited russia to join bringing to an end eighteen years of negotiations alice warned that joining the trade body could harm certain sectors of the russian economy particularly the young competitive light industry and machine manufacturing sectors but in the long term reduction of trade barriers should spur russian companies to become more competitive in acosta has more. it's been a long and bumpy ride to say the least russia force applied for membership back in nineteen ninety three but russia negotiator switched gears after seeing china's economic performance and su thousand and one talks and volved some sixty countries
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making it the biggest seam of its kind in the entire w t o history while exception is good news for export oriented companies it can make life difficult for an official industries which will struggle to compete against foreign companies and these occlude agriculture engineering and the automotive sectors under the current w.t. of regulations the average duty on imports of goods will drop to seven point eight percent from the current ten percent when it comes to agriculture it will come down to ten point eight percent from the thirteen point two and four manufactured goods that will decline to seven point three percent from the current nine and a half now one third of the new juices are expected to comments of force now and these include dairy and steel products as well as certain alcoholic beverages twenty five percent will be lowered over the next three years and that applies to
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software certain meat products as well as cough medicine now imported is on cars helicopters and civil aircraft will be lowered over the next seven years and when it comes to poultry that will take around eight years now this transition period will give russian companies time to adjust their main challenge will be to try to match not only the price of their competitors but quality as well but the government isn't abandoning them quite yet for years its support of farmers and car makers by imposing protective trade barriers and it will continue providing support but in a different way even though these sectors are feeling pressured analysts believe the government will do what ever is necessary to maintain its key industries but it does expect them to modernize and eventually compete and dependently. joining the global trade club should help foreign companies do more business easily in
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russia economist jacob knell from morgan stanley russia explains how that might work. i think three ways it's a signal of russia's commitment to the multilateral trading regime that will help with investment it's a move towards a rules based governance system for the economy so it will be more certainty and predictability about economic decisions and i think thirdly of course it means that barriers to trade both in the form of tariffs and in the form of restrictions on investment in particular sectors will be abolished or reduced. let's have a look at the markets now start to the us are rising after the opening bell investors a whole bag of europe is making progress and taming its debt crisis and european stock markets are mostly lower and after they're trading on friday the market set up a week of losses and it continued worries about the sovereign debt crisis crisis mining stocks such as rio tinto are lifting the footsie and the rise of metals prices while telling its dax is trading flat to negative throughout the day and russian
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markets closed in the red the artist lost over want to have some of them are six and a point seven percent lower. has been confirmed as russia's new finance minister he was promoted from being the deputy after the former finance minister and was removed from his position in september this year the appointment was widely expected see no one else has been working in the finance ministry for twenty five years speaking to president dmitry medvedev also one of said sets out a position of budgetary restraint. where you would get a favorable environment to help us generate additional budget inflows this year we transferred most of this to the reserve fund it's now up to one point eight trillion rubeus also we used additional inflows to cut borrowing as liquidity problem is quite critical now we're going to cut state borrowing again next year. that's all for this stay with us for headline news coming up right after this.
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wealthy british style but. that's not right. either.


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