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tv   [untitled]    December 17, 2011 5:01am-5:31am EST

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my welcome to this is awesome line from moscow russia is defending its trough un resolution on syria while the u.s. and its allies want the text changed but moscow is confident it strong op of balanced approach to solving the crisis with a draft condemns all sides in the ongoing conflict calling for the final stop while ruling out foreign intervention and sanctions the u.s. wants the blame for the bloodshed put on damascus it also won't acknowledge that the opposition is armed despite a legion of honor defectors came from fighting to bring down the regime more than five thousand civilians are thought to have been killed in syria since bob's asia times economist pepe escobar thinks the west is looking to soften up the country before making its me what's interesting is what the u.s. and nato countries consider and accept an acceptable is that the syrian government cannot fight an armed insurgency in their own territory the free syrian army
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they're getting weapons smuggled from the middle east to the borders in turkey i mean jordan as well this has been already proved then about the u.n. figures you lot of people are seriously question this number saying that five thousand people were killed over these past few months it makes like almost zero in the hundred that the effect so there is the fog of three war is already there so the russian move is an intelligent move because it's a preemptive i would say risen lucian it condemns both sides in asks for a u.n. peacekeeping mission in fact to stop the drop what nato wants is simmering civil war let's put it this way as a friend you for something much tougher probably after the american elections in one year. well the syrian opposition self-titled preschool leaders are holding their first congress into nazir where the arab spring revolutions began
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a year ago is being seen as an attempt to rally support among arab countries to this is newly elected president was at the conference opening the country doesn't recognize the syrian national council but is sympathetic is the first anniversary of the street protests which saw the regime toppled and elections held some there's little to show for the fs is there reports. a year ago mohamed bouazizi set himself to protest against the authorities in tunisia unleashing public frie over corruption and poverty which led to the president ben ali a wave of revolt spread to other countries and the arab spring was born. today a monument stands to his sacrifice in his home town or city there's a widespread belief however that the changes in tunisia and there. we've asked for a very few things to upgrade the school to lead families with disabled children and
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some jobs but no one wants to listen to the people have got money think those who came to broaden reaped all the benefits they're all in the new government the simple folk are left with nothing. but the tunisian revolution was led by young people demanding freedom of speech and greater presentation but the use of news according to some has been silenced. the new government is comprised of the elderly that shows what kind of new tunisia we're talking about the main problem is the political parties which haven't given a chance to the young people who gave their lives in blood for the revolution and the western media has hailed the decision evolution as the beginning of a new democratic chapter in the history of the country more than the african region a year has passed and people who live here is the very few of the soldiers they have. or actually taken place they're going to everything as simple as it used to be deletions have come and gone and the tone hasn't changed unemployment is still
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the same it's not the only things that changed you can now express our opinion but the russians main goals haven't been accomplished. the fervor which sparked a revolution maybe only a slow burn for no one but if the grievances bush inspired it remain so will the people's inspiration to revolt against it even goes courting the city was it tunisia. coming up the minute she vengeance against a soldier. three weeks off bradley manning gets to a military hearing to support him saying the deadly daisy he allegedly revealed just see him decorated instead of discipline. violent unrest in kazakstan has left at least ten people dead in a western oil town clashes broke out when independence day celebrations turned violent with police reportedly firing live rounds at the crowd there are conflicting reports about how events are developing the interior ministry things
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each way she has calmed down but activists say crowds are gathering again one of the campaign in the country told me that it's difficult to establish exactly what's happening because communications with the city are down. a local a circus of your nose and we're trying to organize a concert they're going to do in this. independence day in the square were struck in workers already have been demanded reinstatement was seven month course oil workers didn't like and the early stage they said by. local authorities believe there's information obligated so going the. internet is not working well with there is law. well we'll be keeping across how
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the situation unfolds in cannes xander bring you the latest as we get it of course still to come for you here on the channel we've got a sky high spy to tell you about. as a russian rocket is exactly dispatches it's called go from friend. boss we travel to the rest of this is to explore what's being done to help young a beautiful town that backs on millicent brainwashing. a new york court has ruled that around providing material support to the process and hijackers in the nine eleven terror attacks the challenges were brought by some of the victims' families that the north sea the settled by default because he did it raining leaders were not saying who would iran has been ordered to pay damages quite how they're going to be connected is a clear track has always denied any connection to al qaida iranian american
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activist do you think the case is part of the spirit campaign in the buildup to war . i don't see any evidence that is particularly compelling. iran had a direct role in nine eleven i know that we have seen. in washington there's been a campaign in new york to link iran very publicly to nine eleven on the anniversary of those attacks earlier this year there was a billboard campaign in times square with. its face and something along the lines of you know the silent partner of al qaeda. there's clearly a campaign right now to try to ratchet up the pressure for yet another u.s. attack on a middle eastern country and i just think this is so dangerous if you go back to when those attacks happened immediately afterward iran condemn. the attacks there were there were candlelight vigils on the streets of taft broad in solidarity with
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the americans who lost their lives. and cooperating with the united states in helping topple the taliban who. is an enemy of iran as was osama bin laden what we're seeing now is this strange self-fulfilling prophecy process and i'm worried that this is exactly what we saw with iraq this is this is a campaign to go to war. more world news now and the regime anger has boiled over in the gypsy cynic capital function between the civilian demonstrators have risen for a second day the violence of that eight people dead and with three hundred incidents by date it's moved into the three weeks there's been protests demanding an urgent end to military law despite stage two of the face election being on the way. floods are triggered by a tropical storm in the southern philippines it now killed nearly two hundred
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people leave the night about two thirds of the victims died to nick had a guy and although this is the worst hit by a good result officials say the number killed by the floods is like part of minus. machine gun fire on the gaza israel border has left one man dead and two other people wounded the israeli military said troops opened fire after hearing a loud explosion but it has not been confirmed whether the man was killed by military bullets it comes just a week after israel carried out air strikes on gaza killing five and injuring dozens more. sanctions have been lifted against libya's banks to try and lessen the country's cash crisis the u.n. security council move was followed by america removing most of its restrictions against tripoli they were imposed on moammar gadhafi his regime in february at the start of their prize and they killed more than thirty thousand people and dealt
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a blow to libya's economy and its fight or industry. libya's civil war ended almost two months ago but the aftershocks still resonate nationwide as r.t. reports online behavior on this as to whether these killing was a war crime leading to speculation over who could be held accountable. and also on the web site the world trade organization welcome. russia into the fold we explore what that might need at home and abroad you can find out more at r.t. dot com. now a russian built rocket has launched successfully from the european spaceport in french guyana taking with it a payload of mostly spying satellites for france or one of the civilian uses there
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is that one of the satellites provide us with high resolution three color images of the earth also on board as a chilean eye in the sky which will be used for mapping of farmlands it's only the second time a russian rocket has blasted off from outside former soviet countries following a similar successful mission last month in french guy and let's talk now to mark hansel vice president of the british interplanetary society he's in london i mean this is joining us him is to have some other soyuz rockets are workhorses effectively that have been around for decades are they very much different from when they were first used back in the one nine hundred sixty s. . very very much the same rocket the soyuz rocket was the rocket essentially that launched sputnik one so it goes all the way back to nineteen fifty seven. why are these hardly any alternatives to the
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soyuz why do we continue to use this same model. there's lots of alternatives there's something like twenty six launchers operational at the moment it's just that choreographed a very good job on the first rocket and it's still a very valuable lot system. what we mentioned earlier the crash of russia's cargo space ship in august after which launches were halted and raising doubts over the soyuz rockets reliability have those problems really been resolved. it was never written on reliable rocket all rockets have underlying failure rate soyuz has always been one of the most reliable. the problems that were caused the crash were don't replied something's been done to put them right it will remain a very reliable rocket but it may possibly have paid is in the future every rocket buzz well after the us retired its shuttles back in july russian rockets really
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became the only viable transport into space but is there anyone else you can we simply be expected to share the burden we know that india japan and china all have space programs. it's only from. launches that the soyuz vehicle with both the soyuz spacecraft and the launcher is the only alternative at the moment to get to the space station the only other operational manned system is the chinese one which again is. based on the soyuz but that one the chinese aren't allowed to go to the space station i think it's going to be a little while before alternative routes to get men to the space station will be found there's some american private french just sort of trying to do it again but i think we're a little way off but. and it's the second russian rocket launch from the european spaceport in french sky and more planned what makes it sounds
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a good location for this. simply it's close to the equator and it's got a lot of sea to the east those of the ideal places to put a launch site because you get the best kick from the spin of the year and more importantly from the soyuz point of view is it enables you to launch you to do stationary orbits easier just take your which have to be on the plane of equator if you imagine the earth as a globe there's a sheet of paper through the equator that's where you want the satellites so the closer your lot side is to that sheet of paper and french very close the easier it is to get satellites into those valuable orbits so looking forward to do you think we're going to continue see many more launches of this nature more soyuz rockets being used for this kind of work up in space yes i do it i think you know there's
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been a big investment to put soyuz in french guiana it does mean the soyuz now can capture the satellites which are the most what most satellites are the ones that will pay to have them so it looks like it's going to be a very good business for both of us own for the russians to build the soyuz like a many times mark hansel their vice president to the british independent to society . well the military hearing of the wiki leaks aspect has opened with bradley manning's lawyers demanding the officer overseeing his case steps aside they claim his all the role investigating the whistle blowing web site's founder makes him biased or manning is accused of releasing secret military and diplomatic data to wiki leaks and made his first public appearance since being detained over a year and a half ago the army private faces twenty two charges of distributing government secrets which he allegedly passed to wiki leaks and of aiding the enemy he could face life in prison if convicted former cia officer ray mcgovern says that if
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brandi banning did anything it was to reveal abuses the american people needed to know about. these charges are greatly overwrought. gates's term so there has been no indication of serious damage to u.s. personnel or those who cooperate with the united states what's the damage is is the revelation of things that the american people should know about and that's what bradley manning was doing by his own players own e-mail see indicated that he wanted this to lead to a discussion and a debate and sort of the consideration or the kinds of policies that he witnessed the effect so there are agreed ation of values here there is the promise of the written promise that i and others assigned before we became employed and got access to classified information they will not release information that would endangered the national security with the supreme value there is what ethicists call
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a supervening value and that's what bradley manning saw he saw the torture he saw the other abuses he saw the feckless war and he said i can go back and keep my mouth shut like my superiors say or i can follow my conscience at great peril to myself and this is very clear in his e-mails at great peril to myself the american people need to know what's going on so they can make more of the light and decisions. next we head to one of his most unstable regions in the battle to stop the young falling prey to terrorists. attack us on appeals in russia headlines almost every day with reports of exchanges of fire and explosions eighty percent of all anti terror operations in iraq carried out of the top of her public as media coached and i reports if it's also being made
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to wipe out radicalism. the caucasian republic of dagestan in russia is one of the most volatile areas in the country groups of militants operating in this part of the caucasus are reported to have strong links with al qaida look to exalt people in when they're young and to tell rays are constantly carried out in a time to eradicate the problem although militants usually target police and government officials tourism has often warranted the lives of many innocent families across the region because of that a number of organizations have sprung up fighting for victims' rights and helping is also affected peace their lives back together i had it turns to spend the day with. after losing her son three years ago has dedicated her life battling for her people's future. it's a called mr winter morning in the speed line a sign of as always is first in the office the telephone starts to ring right as
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she enters the room it is the usual start of the day for the mothers of dagestan a human rights organization created four years ago and now known across the region today's headline is heading to the outskirts of the capital a single mother of four lives that her husband was killed by robbers and she was left with nothing but her children. brings food clothes and talks to her talking as soon as the most important part offering reassurance to victims that they have not been forgotten your gravel should not be unusual our organization mostly helps women it doesn't matter what situation they're in if they're in need we come to help most of these women don't know their rights or who to ask who help three years ago said lana was in the same position when one day her son failed to return home she didn't know what to do and most valuable time that could have been used to rescue him or that they shouldn't even knew then what i know today my rights the
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right people i could have saved him i could have found out where he was have done something. you should learn a song was accused of helping terrorists in dagestan she fears he was killed but where she still doesn't know these accusations are common in this region young and immature people often become the victims of terrorist brainwashing high unemployment also boast this quite often people that fall under the influence of those with no financial or social prospects and see going into the forest use them as one for joining terrorist as the only way out for them that's what happened with mariam and it cost her her life she had a difficult childhood was raised without a father and her mother couldn't provide for the family her mother honeymoon remembers how when her daughter started working at the market she met very religious people that. at first i thought there was nothing bad in that but then my little girl started to change she talked a lot about being
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a real new slang were going to paradise i tried to talk her out of it but she never listened she only listened to her new friends who were. her new friends turned out to be extremists and the last year of her life she disappeared for several months the next time her mother saw her face was on t.v. in a report on the latest special forces raid against suspected terrorists these dudley's skirmishes are part of a bigger conflict being played out across the north caucasus region the terrorist led by dog who is russia's most wanted militant and on the list of america's most wanted terrorists want to establish a pan caucasian islamist state. in the last decade parts of dagestan has become really just theoretical ice this region is now the heart of russia's islamic terrorist problem and almost every day the authorities are engaged in shootouts with terrorists and very often that happens even in the capital city of the region
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. locals say it's hardly surprising muslims are turn. into radical islam as they see it as an alternative to the hard life in the region the older members of the community believe a large proportion of those who went to the fore is a simply bandits from an dissatisfied younger generation. if anyone told me thirty years ago that life in dagestan would be like what we see now i would never believe it. locals want the rule of law enforced and respected again every turn to a time before terror played such a dominant part in the lives of so many marginal question articles up in the republic of dagestan. now in new zealand crafters delivered aid to a russian fishing vessel that's been stuck in ice and out for two days the flight delivered fuel and a pump to help the crew of thirty to get rid of the water which is leaking in the ship called spotter has a hole about one hundred meters below the waterline in crewmembers have been
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ditching according to decrease the ship's weight rescuers say it's if they manage that the vessel could be repaired or maybe the trawler to say out of trouble. well the internet was built on the backbone of freedom for all who use it but in law aimed at curbing online piracy being debated by the u.s. congress is being seen as a smokescreen to stifle free speech by some insect activists are a source says it has little to do with copyright protection. the government doesn't just take down the infringing material it takes on the site entirely and it does it without even a trial to find out whether it's illegal or not and as you know copyright laws are extremely complicated there are lots of things that look like copyright infringement that turn out to be licensed in one way or another part of this is a larger crackdown on freedom of speech there's pretty much no other law that would give the government the power to censor the internet that wouldn't be laughed out of congress you know if you said the government needed to censor the internet to protect national security it would be widely seen in america's totally unacceptable
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and beyond the pale but by using copyright as a wedge issue suddenly we're able to put this power in the hands of the government and then once they have it it can be expanded and expanded to deal with a whole range of other things one of the interesting provisions in this law is it doesn't just shut down websites it also increases the penalties for people caught in gauging and copyright infringement so for example if you make a video on you tube of yourself singing and copyrighted song this bill would increase the penalty to that to ten years in jail so there's all sorts of people who do these things that would just be considered part of natural life as a teenager that now are facing huge felony charges as a result of this law. now about a thousand people have gathered on. protesting against the results of parliamentary election a fortnight ago and that's the thing which is that the liberal. didn't make it into the demon he had to visit promising to get about ten thousand people so you found to be no little square became a focal point of the protest last week when
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a twenty thousand people convention to voice their discontent opposed results. ok just to add a few we had said ancient russian city famed for its far as an outstanding academic south after a reminder of our top story. this
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was the plant that was responsible for causing the world's worst industrial disaster and now it had been abandoned in a condition where it had become
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a source of pollution or the most recent study that was done shows that this water pollution and spread of. food continued to be more than a hundred thousand people. walking in the children see the children to be ten times more likely to be born with birth defects in children and the rest of the country. being received as little as five hundred dollars for lifelong injuries. unpunished. he.
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says. it's. a fire. and western based to amend this you had a road map in the syria crisis which calls on all sides of the conflict to lay down all its wants to blame the bloodshed on damascus while ignoring the armed opposition. oil town tending kazakstan the army means striking workers disrupt independence day celebrations it's thought troops are fired live rounds and when trouble for.


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