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tv   [untitled]    December 17, 2011 10:14am-10:29am EST

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siding off as a step down they claim is all the role investigating the founder of wiki leaks makes and biased private. intelligence analysts in baghdad is he's of leaking classified military and diplomatic dates says the website he already been held in detention and nineteen months and thanks life in prison or even at that found guilty filled with guy off the way my girlfriend says people in need sets know about him is to pieces carried out by the u.s. army. these charges or greatly overwrought. gates's term so there has been no indication of serious damage to u.s. personnel or those who cooperate with the united states what's the damage is is the revelation of things that the american people should know about and that's what bradley manning was doing by his own players own e-mails see indicated that he wanted this to lead to a discussion in a debate and sort of consideration or the kinds of policies that he witnessed the
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effect so there are agreed ation of values here there is the promise of the written promise that i and others assigned before we became employed and got access to classified information they will not release information that would endangered the national security with the supreme value there is what ethicists call a supervening value and that's what bradley manning saw he saw the torture he saw the other abuses he saw the feckless war and he said i can go back and keep my mouth shut like my superiors say or i can follow my conscience at great peril to myself and this is very clear in his e-mails at great peril to myself the american people need to know what's going on so they can make more of the light and decisions. now remember you can also keep your fingers on the pulse of the news with r.t. dot com online right now for you and number two the supreme court and the longer they stay here the wiki leaks founder is appeal against his extradition to sweden
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to face questioning over rape allegations. and a regular security check of the moscow airport reveals radioactive substances in a suitcase with reports suggesting it was an iranian system involved find out before details of altoona dot com. russia's a national interest will guide its actions on the global arena president medvedev spelled out the country's priorities in view of the recent rift with the u.s. on its missile defense shield in europe which moscow says poses a threat to its security and washington failed to give written assurances that the shield is not saying that russia put a radar system on its western most border when you go to the. we must not let ourselves be intimidated or confused we must clearly understand the goals we are heading for politics is a concrete think whatever friendly relations we have if we are not being heard we will answer that's what i had to do it wasn't against obama but against the policy
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that the us has adopted if they continue to be rude we will respond if they hear our concerns we will work together. now in the wake of protests against this month's election results which have been held across russia the president said he saw and heard the people's concerns but he's their political changes in the country should be started from within and never be a result of outside pressure one such rally wrapped up moscow on saturday with a turnout of some one of the half thousand supporters of the gap a party which didn't make it past the seven percent threshold needed to win seats in the state duma moscow is square where they gathered became the focal point for protests last week when tens of thousands converged to voice their dissatisfaction with the poll results on our website. r.t. dot com you'll find full analysis of all the pigs election about studio on police use of videos photo galleries and much more. going to check out some other world
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news in brief this hour flash floods triggered by an unexpected storm have killed over four hundred people in the southern philippines with scores more missing twelve hours of pounding rain cause rivers to burst their banks many were asleep when the floodwaters swept through towns in the night tens of thousands of sought refuge in evacuation centers across several provinces. israeli soldiers have killed one palestinian civilian and injured two others on the border with gaza a minute you patrol reported to go put the fire after hearing a large explosion aiming for what they thought was an area known for terrorist activity garza has retaliated by launching rockets into israel they are casualties are reported the. united nations has released the assets of two libyan banks and efforts to ease the country's financial troubles that will allow the libyan government access to billions of dollars of funds from abroad sanctions were imposed earlier this year on banks formally controlled by the ousted leader colonel
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moammar gadhafi the libyan economy suffered significant i'll tell lies in that toppled gadhafi is regime with the lucrative oil industry virtually grinding to a halt. in new zealand crafters come to the aid of a russian fishing vessel that's been stranded in arctic ice for two days the five delivered fuel and other equipment to help the crew thirty to pump out water which had been leaking into the hole this ship called spotter has been a hold about one meters below the water line and crew members had to ditch cargo to reduce the ship's weight rescuers say if they succeed the vessel could be repaired enabling the trawler to sail out of trouble. now it's been a bedrock of free speech throughout the world but now those principles which have helped the fire. the internet could be under threat for the bill and it cost the online piracy being debated by the us congress and sent to school the news could
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end up with the web forming into government. the government doesn't just take down the infringing material it takes on the site entirely and it does it without even a trial the find out whether it's illegal or not and as you know copyright laws are extremely complicated there are lots of things that look like copyright infringement but turn out to be licensed in one way or another part of this is a larger crackdown on freedom of speech there's pretty much no other law that would give the government the power to censor the internet that wouldn't be laughed out of congress you know if you said the government needed to censor the internet to protect national security it would be widely seen in america is totally unacceptable and beyond the pale but by using copyright as a wedge issue suddenly we're able to put this power in the hands of the government and then once they have it it can be expanded and expanded to deal with a whole range of other things one of the interesting provisions in this law is it doesn't just shut down websites it also increases the penalties for people caught in gauging and copyright infringement so for example if you make a video on you tube of yourself singing and copyrighted song this bill would increase the penalty to that to ten years in jail so there's all sorts of people
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who do these things that would just be considered part of natural life as a teenager that now are facing huge felony charges as a result of this law. now one of russia's soyuz rockets successfully blasted off from less familiar soil as it carried french and chilean spy satellites into orbit from a launch pad in french french observation stations will be gathering military intelligence improvising three d. images of targets while the chilean eye in the sky will mainly be used for mapping farmland it's only the second time a russian rocket has been launched from outside the former soviet union following a similar successful mission last month also in french guiana off the american space shuttle program was shot down so always remains the only means of taking people and satellites into space. next we had to to one of russia's most restive republics and find out about the battle to stop young people from falling prey to terrorists.
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often that makes headlines for the wrong reasons with frequent reports of insurgency and instability high unemployment and the living standards are sometimes blamed as root causes which help feed militancy. the caucasian republic of dagestan in russia is one of the most volatile areas in the country groups militants operating in this part of the caucasus are reported to have strong links with al qaida look to draw people in when they're young and tito rays are constantly carried out in a time to eradicate the problem although militants usually target police and government officials tourism often go into the lives of many innocent families across the region because of the odds and number of organisations have sprung up pointing for victims' rights and helping to those afflicted piece their lives back
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together i had it turns to spend the day would speak. after losing her son three years ago has dedicated her life. playing for people's future. it's a called mr winter morning in the high speed line a sign of as always is first in the office the telephone starts to ring right as she enters the room it is the usual start of the day for the mothers of dagestan a human rights organization created four years ago and is now known across the region today's headline is heading to the outskirts of the capital a single mother of four lives that her husband was killed by robbers and she was left with nothing but her children sit on the brings food clothes and talks to her talking as soon as the most important part offering reassurance to victims that they have not been forgotten your gravel should not be rolled our organization mostly helps women it doesn't matter what situation they are in if they are in need we come to help with most of these women don't know their rights or who to ask who
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help three years ago said lana was in the same position when one day her son failed to return home she didn't know what to do and most valuable time that could have been used to rest. with the we even knew then what i know today my rights the right people i could have saved him i could have found out where he was going to have done something. said lois son was accused of helping terrorists in dagestan she fears he was killed but where she still doesn't know these accusations are common in this region young and immature people often become the victims of terrorist brainwashing high unemployment also boast this quite often people that fall under the influence of those with no financial or social prospects and see going into the forests at used them as and for joining terrorists as the only way out for them that's what happened with mariam and it cost her her life she had
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a difficult childhood was raised without a father and her mother couldn't provide for the family her mother her normal remembers how when her daughter started working at the markets. she met very religious people that. at first i thought there was nothing bad in that but then my little girl started to change she talked a lot about being a real new swimmer going to paradise i tried to talk her out of it but she never listened she only listened to her new friends. her new friends turned out to be extremists and the last year of her life she disappeared for several months the next time her mother saw her face was on t.v. in a report on the latest special forces raid against suspected terrorists these douglas skirmishes are part of a bigger conflict being played out across the north caucasus region the tarus lead by dog who is russia's most wanted militant and on the list of america's most wanted terrorists want to establish
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a pan caucasian islamist state. in the last decade parts of dagestan have become religiously resident lice this region is now the heart of russia's islamic terrorist problem and almost every day the authorities are engaged in shootouts with terrorists and very often that happens even in the capital city of the region . locals say it's hardly surprising muslims are turning to radical islam as they see it as an alternative to the hard life in the region the older members of the community believe a large proportion of those who went to the fore is a simply bandits from an dissatisfied younger generation. if anyone told me thirty years ago that life in dagestan would be like what we see now i would never believe that. the locals want the rule of law enforced and respected again every turn to a time before terror played such a dominant part in the lives of so many minds in the question r.t.
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close up in the republic of dagestan. now if you have a party with your cash for pricey computer software all spotlight program his reform or programmer he says we should now be dead. afraid that fox the headlines up next.
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