tv [untitled] December 18, 2011 8:30am-9:00am EST
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and you might or might not be able to publish it but that's for you and of your career. it's help us now here in moscow breaking news now from altie rescuers will work through their knowledge of russia's far east where the oil rig the sixty seven people who would house counsel four people on the. fourteen say from the i see. the rest are still missing. in other news this week more deadly violence in the wake of the culprits down crackdown which saw happen striking on a workers killed on independence day countering. the arab league is giving damascus until wednesday just don't the bloodshed or its bill go to the u.n.
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russia is pushing its resolution on security council calling for both sides in syria into talks. next the swaying of science by corporate interests as we bring you the story of two distinguished researches who sacrificed their careers to disclose the dangers of genetically modified products us next.
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come on guy live to a fellow. don't be shy. to. come on. these little fellows have been fed. diets could take me genetically are there by potatoes at the all these experiments. in compact is with. genetically but they fight but it appears that you get to pick up any difference we already investigated these days growth development immunity and they were supposed to have been touched. but it's the pace of change such wiring of the scientists as well they say g.m. food is being rushed on to the market now and on times without adequate safety
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tests that we have a lot of want to hear to experience. sixty thousand pages of internal documents and in these internal documents it was very clear that the scientists inside the agency said we need to test these foods for toxicity allergenicity immune response lower nutrition and for environmental contamination page after page of study they said we need. none of this was done. today around a third of the soil from the u.s. is genetically altered and when it gets to the factory it's mixed together with ordinary soil and you never know which is which. in precautionary science of genetic engineering it means one question means one career you ask one question you get the answer and you might or might not be able
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to publish it but that's the end of your career what's i think very unique in my case is that i survived. the attack on scientists is very well structured by the vatican destry it's systematic it's worldwide it's very coordinated it's part of the way that they do business so anywhere in the world at any time if someone finds a problem they're jumped on if the problem is really severe they get jumped on even more whenever there's something that comes up that can threaten this biotechnology empire.
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companies exist to make money they don't exist to. entirely for the public good they are exist. to give profit back to their shareholders. missouri the great has been a good dreams with them on the front her chemical company would walk point five billion dollars profit in two thousand and seven. and its record holders money from terry predict could be as profit would go up over the next five years to more than one point five billion i use this time. this is jeffrey smith.
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here when you're one of the more than two dozen farmers that gave him a call describing problems with pigs they couldn't get pregnant because of the g.m. corn is all right. so so. what i may do it another time when i'm on my cell phone no but i might actually after we talk a bit i might actually email you and tell you exactly what i've written down about what we've talked about to make sure it's accurate. all right. thank you very much. so that was good news he said that he was willing to talk his cell phone was dying on the battery and he said first thing he said was is my name going to be in the article you're writing so i had to put him at ease and tell him no it's not if you don't want to be in the article it would be in there. that's that's the truth that's why we don't have a lot of whistleblowers the farmers farmers are not interested
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a lot of scientists are scared about it and that's the whole state of the art right now where almost all scientists focused on genetically engineered research are funded directly or indirectly by industry so we're going to very dangerous situation because there's no real there's no real independent science. about ticket destry says all we're doing is adding in. gene into the d.n.a. it's like a lego where they snap into place but there's very untrue when the single process of insertion can change the natural d.n.a. in many ways that are unpredictable and they could lead to toxins and allergens a new diseases an antibiotic resistant diseases a nutritional problems most of the united states is monsanto's around a pretty soybeans where they take the soybeans and they put into the d.n.a.
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a gene allows the plant to be sprayed with those round herbicides and it will kill all of the weeds around the plant but the soybean plant will survive so eighty six percent of the soybeans in united states are genetically engineered to withstand monsanto's. miracle of science frankenstein food how safe is the new ingredient in your diet. pushed that scotland's row it institute one of the leading food research centers in europe scientists here are trying to find out whether long term consumption of g.m. foods may affect health the professor is so concerned about the implications of his discovery he's decided to publicize his findings early as
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a scientist looking at it actively working on the field. i find that. it's very very. fair to use. a citizen get it big. drugs defers experimenting because when we started it and i did ninety five there was not a single publication or the. potential or duty of f.x. of genetically modified. for a t.d. or those with any species rats mice. or humans.
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even though that the humans for all of the eating it. this is the same good idea potato. that we used for genetic engineering get ninety eight ninety five and this is the particular potato variety which is one of the easiest to genetically engineer and the point of the whole genetic modification experiment was to protect the potato a gate stay feeds one of the major pests it scotland of they attack their the potato they grieve parts of the potato and we observed that that particular lect
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did which we used which we take to cross. the snowdrop. did to protect the snowdrop bulbs against or sorts of pests attacks and we had hoped that if we had to take the that particular gene and transferred it educate it into the potatoes that would also be protecting the potato against insect attacks which in fact it did. after the animals were killed at dissected we found out that the compadres with the genetically modified potatoes their internal organs developed
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differently some of the internal hole gets such just for example the got increased in size. even do it. or some of the other issues. were not developing as well as the trolls and the conclusions were this is a poor they found those data thirty six thirty six very significant difference between the fed. at the fed at. philadelphia us physicians criticize that after more than ten years there is still
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no long term studies concerning the consumption of genetic modified food due to the fact that there is no initial experimental data recorded and labeling has not been permitted. so. even though i'm not a scientist i worked with more than thirty scientists over two years to document the known health risks of genetically engineered foods and the first part of the book is the documented health risks and there are sixty five different health risks divided into sections now the first one that i chose to highlight with an evidence of reactions is dr proust ties work and the reason why is that our part pointed out that it was basically the process itself of genetic engineering because the significant damage so only the genetically engineer potatoes caused the problem the rats that were fed the natural potatoes along with the same insecticide did not have the same problems so his brilliant design showed that it wasn't the
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insecticide that caused the problems it was somehow the process of creating the genetically engineered potato and he used the same process it's used to create all the other genetically engineered crops on the market if i had the choice i would certainly don't eat it till i see at least compatible experimental evidence which we producing for genetically modified potatoes those one hundred fifty seconds were boom boom boom and they got everybody got the message everybody got the message they asked me would you eat it i said no certainly not that. we worked on it if i could avoid it i would certainly avoid it . the the other piece of the message was that so what to do we want and i said that what we want is to be more testing more biological testing
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and we should not use that they thought that this is this message already generated from us. that they should use shadows citizens as human guinea pigs when he was asked to speak on television he had enormous pressure he was one of the few people on earth that realized that the g.m. crops on the market might be causing all that damage in the gut in the brain in the organs of the entire population. and so with permission from his director he was interviewed and then he was a hero for about two days at the route institute the director praised his work took over all the press work put out his own press release praising it as world class research and then the two phone calls allegedly place from the u.k. prime minister's office for to the through the receptionist to the director. the next morning our pipe was tie was fired after thirty five years and silenced with
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threats of a lawsuit. if this only when the we think there was political pressure coming from the top that the whole situation changed and then the director to save his own skin decided that the best way to deal with the situation is to destroy me be to make me shut up so they and they invoked a contract to do that whatever they did see on t.v. radio and the routine the newspapers i could not deny it i could not connect it i couldn't see what was the video situation. and then we looked at the submissions of applications by the by a tech company produce products which were already eating and we fanned add that
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they were flimsy and they were not scientifically well founded and certainly not the deep work which was deported they did not compare. well at school with out very extensive studies. he said it was a turning point. in my life he said jeffrey what i realized what i was doing and what they were doing was diametrically opposed i was doing safety studies they were doing as little as possible to get their foods on the market as quickly as possible so the turning point in his wife was realizing that there are other scientists in the world who are not taking care of the health of the world we're not treating science properly he is he's on the top level of the world he expects other
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scientists to do so so more than being fired from his job more than than these shocking moments in his life his greatest shock was to discover that there was this whole world of scientists that would basically allow foods on the market for economic purposes. so we have here is sixty thousand pages of documents of internal documents of d.n.a. . in these boxes here. on the what happened when they suppress their science about g m o's you know there's one document here that i think is especially
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important it really shows this history probably better than any other and this had to do with their compliance in looking at the studies and here's what the f.d.a. scientists their own scientists said you know it's on page eighteen thousand seven hundred seventy seven you're right here and they say you know what we need to look at how these crops change how much can aggregate nichols how much pesticides you put in here we need to see how they change want to use how much water they need all long term studies that were needed down here we need to see what about the loss of nutrients in the food what about loss of nutrition none of that was done without loss of diversity in seeds long term studies recommended by the scientists never done here look at this changes in toxin or chemicals in the foods study recommended a long term study never done so the scientists asked for the study said let us do them we think there's a problem here we've taken a preliminary look we there's a problem but the politicians at the f.d.a. and in the administration of that time said no they suppress the science and these
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questions these studies have never been done never been done. the flavor saver tomato was the first genetically engineered food to reach the public cal gene the corporation that produced the tomato had done three voluntary feeding studies on rats and found lesions in some other rat stomachs. the question that you're asking is. about the flavor saver tomato and what went into that curiously enough i was actually one of the outside consultants that was in the last meeting on the flavor saver to me which wasn't terribly successful commercially but the f.d.a. scientist went through a long present taishan about all the analyses they had done and her concluding slide was the flavor saver tomato is a tomato so they had not found any substantial differences except for the addition
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of the one extra gene that actually decreased the rate at which they went soft so they extended the the shelf life and indeed that was the conclusion so they had no reason to regulate it on the basis of safety. no one gets up in the morning saying i want to go buy a genetically engineered food they offer no benefits no more nutrition no more flavor no nothing they only offer risks that's all they offer to the consumer and so the average person of course rational person would say why would i buy a food that offers me no new benefits but only risks so it was critical critical for the industry to get these foods out without anyone knowing because if they knew they were obviously choose not to buy them. i don't know how many years of testing you would feel comfortable with but if i told you it was twenty five years would
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you feel comfortable if i told you it was twelve years would you feel comfortable six years at what point how many years of testing and how many different kinds of tests would make you feel comfortable i will tell you as as i've said before that because these foods are tested more than any others any other new kinds of foods that have come on the market i am more confident about these than i am about picking up a new package of something. that. which i don't know. the
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we were training to train you would have to have a positive control and negative control for the positive control. from the us and from the negative control we thought we should use the local corn which of course is going to be clean and. wonderful. and came when the negative control started coming up. that means we started finding materials where they were not supposed to be for. the reason why our findings were so astounding was because it was thought that there was no corn being planted in mexico at all. and people wanted it that way the
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government the local communities the people who lived in the city they all wanted to have it that way that they would need to mexico. because mexico is the center of origin of corn and mexican government. montagne the integrity of the land racist international. so it was illegal to plant. illegal today. these german phones. it's essentially
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a very very large seed library. see elections. show. there are twenty four thousand samples. unique samples of these seeds. most of this is landry's of rights that were developed by farms for thousands of years this selection. and they're quite diverse. these collections are also a source of useful traits for breeders who are looking for things like insect resistance drought tolerance grain quality all kinds of other characteristics and so sometimes these can these almost land races can be sources of genes and those kinds of those kinds of characteristics these things are slowly disappearing from the countryside is farmers adopt new or prove right these and also as farmers leave the country said because now as you know there is
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a big problem of rural migration people from africa going to try to get people from latin america going to cities right states looking for work so as these farmers leave the countryside varieties that they grow as. well. science technology innovation all the least of the limits around russia we've got the future are very good.
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