tv [untitled] December 18, 2011 12:01pm-12:31pm EST
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advantages and some tough competition. it's nine pm here in moscow this sunday night will welcome chief you've just joined this this is the weekly here on r t a round of of the day's news and the week's top stories with me kevin now in on the breaking news i just mentioned first to update you on the oil rig with sixty seven people aboard that capsized earlier on today russia's far eastern coast the latest we know is that four people are known to have died while fourteen others have been rescued the still a lot of people missing when emergency teams are working through the night to try to find more than forty of those missing workers it is not an easy task in the weather conditions there now bringing us up to date he's artie's tom barton. at the moment conditions in the rescue of sites two hundred kilometers off russia's far
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east coast are very difficult indeed it's night time there and there is a huge storm whipping around those that are in the water and there's been four bodies found in the water but such were the the horror of the gale force winds and the and the high waves that those bodies couldn't be recovered there has been life jackets and boats found but nobody has been in them more ships have arrived to the rescue site and they will now provide extra manpower to try and find anyone still alive in the water or to recover any bodies that may be there however with water temperatures only just above freezing and the air temperature of minus ten degrees c. hope is fading that those people in the water but any of those will be found alive the search efforts have had a lot of difficult setbacks mostly because of the weather two helicopters that
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helped pluck fourteen people to safety earlier were forced to turn away ours was an aircraft because of the horrendous weather conditions and a tugboat that was also helping run into difficulties itself it started to take on water in the being battered by those waves the rig was being towed back to port when the storm brewed up around it and the pumps in the rig that usually just just chuck out the bit of water that sloshes in to go into the rig totally normal procedure those pumps were totally overwhelmed by the amount of water that was coming in the rig sank in just twenty minutes and that meant all the people on board had no real time to organize a proper evacuation life jackets were found in the water but it seemed no one had time to put them on as we heard from one of the rescuers earlier. toward newcrest. there are safety suits floating around the area but there are new people in them he
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means the crew was unable to get down to the lifeboats the boats were washed away with the flow of the water some of those that have been rescued are now in a nearby hospital they will be given medical treatment and the also big question to find out just what happened and why this rig sank so fast investigators do say also that it seems safety protocol may well have been broken and that's official language what it really means is that the rig should never have been towed in these weather conditions in the first place it was very dangerous to do so president medvedev has said that all help must be extended to those people that have been rescued and to those that may still be rescued and also that a full investigation must be launched to find out what's has gone on and what caused this for the moment though it's a race against time to try and find those people that may still be alive before it's too late. the report of their the. well it was being towed back to port is
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thomas saying after finishing a drilling expedition in the sea of there's still no threat of an oil spill though unlike previous instance involving all rigs elsewhere in the world think it most notably about the biggest disaster of course so recently last year the gulf of mexico. by p. exploded by b.p. exploded it took months you may recall the capitol not before around five million gallons of oil that leaked into the ocean the russian platform in today's incident though is the country's largest it was built in one thousand nine hundred five was due to set sail for drilling off the vietnamese coast at the end of its current assignment we will keep in touch with developments on this tragedy being stay with us for that. more deaths have been recalled in kazakstan officials now say thirteen people have been killed in independence day clashes striking all workers clashed with police in the west of the central asian country on friday sparking more rallies across the region what is it appears can often stand for us. according to
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the latest reports we're getting from kazakhstan stories the death toll from friday's violence in the town of version i was in in the west of kazakhstan has now risen to thirteen people with eighty others injured and authorities also say that on a sunday afternoon he's managed to stop an attempt to storm the local courthouse angels and panels or attacks various attacks on police the violence there started on friday it was a proto surround the against and beat salaries combined with celebrations of twenty years of stands independence and the entire thing just spiraled out of control it's not clear. what exactly triggered it but at some point the angry crowd began setting buildings on fire including state facilities clashing with police and authorities say that forty six dealings have been burned to the ground and as a result police had to use force including live rounds of thirty say that they have
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the situation in under control deployed a state of emergency for the next three weeks there in accordance with the guys are constitution since then has been in force around sixty people have been detained and also a russian journalists have been detained as well and they are reported to have been released also in the west of kazakhstan a group of protesters blocked our way away station including a passenger train with over three hundred people on board i thought he said that seven passenger trains and three freight trains on i would delete as a result and at around eight pm local time six pm moscow time police came in to disperse the crowd but instead authorities say that a group of around fifty hooligans as we call them showed fierce resistance they said a locomotive on fire threw molotov cocktails balls at the train and police they moved into. setting things on fire there as well breaking shop windows car
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windows and so on and our story see that at some point there actually became a threat to the lives of the locals and of the police so they had to use force there as well including the live rounds also twelve people were hospitalized with gunshot wounds one of them died down a lot also in. more than four hundred protesters gathered for a protest rally but so far fortunately everything should be going quite peacefully but of course we'll be monitoring the situation. in syria at least fifteen civilians and six soldiers are thought to have been killed in weekend clashes the government says it's considering letting in foreign observers after the arab league a very wednesday deadline to do so or it will turn to the u.n. security council russia is pushing for its resolution meantime on syria but the u.s. and its allies want the wording in that changed moscow is calling on both sides to
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end the bloodshed to begin talks with foreign intervention and sanctions western states want to blame the rest soley on the assad regime that's despite thousands of army defectors claiming to be fighting to bring down the government middle east politics professor jeremy salt says the main task now is to persuade both sides to put. the western governments are. in one one way. force was directed toward. me very little reference to the violence of ongoing project our bonnets began almost from the beginning. being ganged. up on the. general police them according to law. recently by the activists in banking it was monitored by pictures now i think. western governments are going to step.
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in it's not just the syrian government has to issue orders for the army. but somehow some way has found or it's raining out of their weapons serial to be very awkward so whatever happens in syria will get really serious regional and global implications not people will construct a really weird. russian position and sort of are russia solidly behind the syrian government. this resolution today is going for a king at the front far from that battle changing position i firstly don't see it like that i think russia is going to count on the way out of. people first of all putting out. because so many charges which are being made it would be almost impossible to get. so. they way it now try to stop the killing. violence in egypt as well continues for
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a third day with at least ten people killed and hundreds injured the protesters want power transferred from the military to a civilian authority more urgently even though elections are currently under way heavy handed or gyptian soldiers have been caught on camera dragging a woman along the pavement by a hair we've got those pictures to show you the minute but let's talk about more of what's happening there with international relations professor feldman. on the line from ankara their home are going to video footage you're just talking about there showing soldiers beating protesters even women who were simply protesting peacefully despite the images we will replace them just a second what why do you think egypt's prime minister is denying the use of force despite what we're seeing now. well history and story of course is trying to calm the situation and always very controversial figure since it wasn't. so that it's not as though since a break with the past. be an occasion many of the protesters who didn't turn into
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terrorists were is that really present. to mumble go or will be not just hanging. that's one of the big sentence of discontent how the protesters going to respond to this carter trait from the authorities well i think . it is a very dangerous situation because in addition to the violence against. security. it's also been severe destruction or. where we see it's too historical research has seen its. interests you know simply you chips tourists. as we march to. and so the economic consequences of those fires are very severe because of course there. are tourist visitors returning to egypt and egypt's economy depends to one who are smiling so when the political crisis is an
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uncertain economic crisis we. are supported while so i think the situation also works and. what would give a great picture from you know unfortunately not not such great sound on skype tonight i just want to ask you what we saw got you on the line there why this impatience now this election is taking place why are the protesters waiting to see how it pans out i think there are two things one is that the ruling military council says of course we're actions are. actually transparent real presidential for many many months and secondly many of the press has. producing mixed results for the. muslim brotherhood and the religious reach of the muslim brotherhood. so. they make the room. between his generals. and. the big cities.
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and in practical terms with all the struggle going on how can a fair democratic election big big conducted with all this backdrop of violence what impact for instance saw on the turnout all the results. from the very process of this election is long gone it's not entirely clear that. many. villages would be just an example of a huge city elections or shall we say magical solution. so the difference with returns when you go to. work. and so. many people will actually collection. some of them usually. gather we've got a latest feed through from one of our cameras near tahrir square while you arms the next question i think we can we can play that just to get
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a look at what's actually happening there now we're seeing a lot of the pictures are just coming on screen a they go this is the latest live scene we're told from one of our cameras just near tahrir square it's a bit difficult to make out what's going on we just wanted to bring our viewers a bit of a flavor of it there doesn't look to be too much trouble you can see in the distance there looks like the the army the police or the standing. vastly outnumbered by the amount of people that have turned out in the crowd we haven't got any reports of any trouble at the moment to say it's difficult to see what's happening but does give you an idea of the scale of the turnout me finally the u.s. and its allies supported egypt's revolution back in february by all accounts is. islam is parties making inroads so what about the anxiety over that abroad will loosen and. this is partly the perception or questions in general just moments very dangerous calls ironically the brotherhood for a long time supported by the west on british intelligence in syria as an
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alternative to nationals regime and nurses regime going to see their friend in work . went down to mubarak suppressed muslim group we can see i think you really weren't moment sunni muslim fundamentalist groups being well into the west. from tunisia libya syria and also in egypt these groups are being seen. with regard to the most. part is about the economy and we were struck when he was. the one who wants to do it and. mark those who thought the program our common international relations professor joining us on the line tonight from turkey and. still to come this hour a champion or traitor at the wiki leaks military hearing bradley manning appears in court for the first accused the siphoning sensitive army data base supporters
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rallied behind the singled out soldier we got the latest on that story for making headlines this week and in the american courts everyone and it's supreme leader a judge have given support for al qaeda is nine eleven attack got the details on how to. almost two decades of talks finally came to fruition by the end of the week with russia being accepted into the ranks of the world trade organization being a member should be free of business opportunities and positively impact on prices but there are also those who could find the competition a bit too tough as well as rif an ocean of found out for us. with all my studio cases of hard talks now over it's still not clear exactly what russia's w t o membership is offering the country and with most all the details of the greens to firmly behind closed doors experts and left to try and little crystal ball gazing. their predictions begin with agriculture to enter the w t o russia had to pledge to
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reduce instate support to farming we've already traveled two hundred and fifty kilometers away from moscow and what we see here is a sad picture goes through it is like this one a spread all across russia and with a struggle in agriculture industry their number is only crazing thirty percent of the countries are well and are currently not in use and the raw fear is that cut of foreign subsidies like session will grain will only make things dramatically worse for the russians currently importing forty five percent of all food products it may soon become fifty to seventy percent local producers will be unable to compete with all doubt because. meanwhile those competitive enough will stay afloat and benefit alexander and his family run a small business just outside moscow their one hundred twenty goats skiff enough milk to produce kilos of high quality cheese and a bit back in the crystal ball the future doesn't look bright for wrong the message
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cupboard uses have it on the menu start the w t o obvious critics say russia's making history will be unable to meet the raised competition exception of a tract offering a gloomy prediction that once the country's in bad lines will stop factories will shut and thousands of people will be left out of work and out of la however the predictions continue to glow with foreign investments said to be ready to rocket the cable gains we believe or roughly three point three percent of russian g.d.p. in the. early years after accession. and more like ten years we think russia would gain about eleven percent of g.d.p. but apart from economic achievements the country's political image should benefit north korean part of the global body would have vast be a little strange russia has been the biggest economy not to be integrated into the w t o but after an eighteen year marathon of negotiations all the world's key
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players finally come together under the same umbrella. griffin otieno t. mosco. russia's political priorities were set straight by the country's leaders this week after several rallies against the parliamentary election results promise of lithium a potent promise to make the presidential ballot in march more transparent that is and he will live q. and a session with the public putin dismissed allegations of fraud during the vote but he did say that web cameras are set to be installed on polling stations next year president very verge the ruling united russia party to move with the times and bring in fresh faces saying that people grow tired of the old system he also warned the u.s. about its missile defense shield in europe which moscow says poses a threat to its security says washington still won't give written assurances that it's not a russia the radar system of its own in its western most territories. we need those with means that we must not let ourselves be intimidated or confused we must
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clearly understand the goals we are heading for politics is a concrete think whatever friendly relations we have if we are not being heard we will answer that's what i had to do it wasn't against obama but against the policy that the us has adopted if they continue to be rude we will respond if they hear our concerns we will work together. the military hearing of the soldier accused of passing secret american government data to wiki leaks got underway on friday bradley manning has already spent more than a year and a half in detention the hearing is to determine whether there's enough evidence to put manning on trial if he is found guilty he spend life behind bars robert manning served as an intelligence analyst in iraq it was accused of leaking classified military and diplomatic data to the whistleblower website a former cia officer robert governor says the american people needed to know about the alleged abuses carried out by their army. these charges are
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greatly over rush. gates's term so there has been no indication of serious damage to u.s. personnel or those who cooperate with the united states. what's the damage is is there a revelation of things that the american people should know about and that's what bradley manning was doing by his own players own e-mails he indicated that he wanted this to lead to a discussion and debate and some reconsideration are the kinds of policies that he witnessed the effect so there are gradations of values here there is the promise of the written promise that i and others signed before we became employed and got access to classified information they will not release information that would endangered the national security but the supreme value there is what ethicists call a supervening value and that's what bradley manning saw he saw the torture he saw the other abuses he saw the feckless war and he said i can go back and keep my
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mouth shut like my superiors say or i can follow my conscience at great peril to myself and this is very clear in his e-mails a great peril to myself the american people need to know what's going on so they can make more enlightened decisions. we're online at r.t. dot com but if you want to catch up with what's happening in the world or beyond tonight online. here's a look at you this russian rocket successfully launched from french guyana carrying a bunch of satellites looking for very deep so we'll tell you who's keeping watch if you want to know more. also if you're a dog lover or even a pet found the devoted dog who fused families dead mate in russia's far east but twisted tale of stray destroyed planet only gets on our website.
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an american court ruled that iran supported the nine eleven plotters and hijackers the lawsuit in new york was followed by some of the victims' families and was settled by the fall because the including iran's supreme leader went in court iranian american activist thinks the case is part of a larger smear campaign to prepare for intervention. i don't see any evidence that is particularly compelling that iran had a direct role in nine eleven i know that we have seen. in washington there's been a campaign in new york to link iran very publicly to nine eleven on the anniversary of those attacks earlier this year there was a billboard campaign in times square with. its face and something along the lines of you know the silent partner of al qaeda. there's clearly a campaign right now to try to ratchet up the pressure for yet another u.s.
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attack on a middle eastern country and i just think this is so dangerous if you go back to when those attacks happened immediately afterward iran condemned the attacks there were there were candlelight vigils on the streets of broad in solidarity with the americans who lost their lives. in cooperating with the united states in helping topple the taliban who. is the enemy of iran as was osama bin laden what we're seeing now is this strange self-fulfilling prophecy process and i'm worried that this is exactly what we saw with iraq this is this is a campaign to go to war to bring about. the czech republic's first post communist leader but the. age of seventy five this is the playwright president over translation to democracy as well as the peaceful breakup between the czech republic and slovakia have a. long illness. israel to free five hundred palestinians in the final stage of
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a prisoner swap with hamas the brokered deal agreed the release of over a thousand palestinians for israeli sergeant gilad shalit who was captured in gaza in two thousand and three israel freed the first four hundred prisoners in october including dozens of palestinian militants of life. tax. the final u.s. troops have officially withdrawn from iraq nine years after the invasion that ousted saddam hussein the soldiers crossed into neighboring kuwait during the night many now fear a surge in terror attacks following america's military departure the conflict saw around one hundred thousand iraqi civilians killed and cost the united states almost a trillion dollars. a month rescue operation is now underway in the southern philippines after floods tore through the area killing over six hundred and leaving hundreds missing a typhoon hit on friday night causing a month's worth of rain to fall in twelve hours tens of thousands have been forced
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from their homes by the deluge the rescues currently being hampered by widespread power cuts flooded roads. bringing up to date on that breaking news we've been updating you on throughout the afternoon here about the rescue operation continuing in russia's far east tonight where an oil rig with sixty seven people on board gone down fourteen have been plucked from the icy waters for a confirmed dead forty nine are still missing russia's emergencies ministry's expanding its mission in the sea of a cost by sending more ships to the disaster site operations being hampered by poor weather conditions the rig was called the coal skier capsized while its way back to port sank within just twenty minutes very little time for those men to get off it's believed the rig portals were damaged by ice and waves and then water began pouring inside the sea is a thousand meters deep in parts. party will keep you fully informed of course as we get more details. twenty seven twenty eight pm moscow time
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video on demand. and feeds with the palm of your. christian. broadcasting live around the world from central moscow this is kevin zero in here with you tonight some breaking news rescuers so set to work for the night in russia's far east when oil rig that sixty seven people on board capsized earlier today for another fourteen being saved from the icy waters the rest still missing is a story of a very much of course we'll keep you posted. in other news this week more deadly violence in the wake of the. thirteen striking old work he's killed her.
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