tv [untitled] December 19, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EST
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hopes fade of finding more survivors from the oil platform can look cold waters off russia's far east coast with rescuers failing to locate the missing workers. a cloud of uncertainty descends on eastern asia as the death of north korean leader kim jong il leaves neighbors on the edge with growing fears of conflict followed my . israel pushes for more settlements announcing over a thousand new homes in east jerusalem and the west bank in the storms to palestine progress the old state.
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fly from moscow this is. now ten pm here my name is kevin and first eleven bodies have been pulled out of freezing sea off russia's far east coast to an oil rig capsized and sank on sunday crews are working to recover other possible victims in the water or a life raft was spotted which was initially thought to be carrying fifteen people but it turned out to be empty fourteen were rescued from the sea shortly after the rig collapsed but several dozen the still missing jacob greaves is in your skin the coastal region where the disaster happened. is it increasingly unlikely that any war survivors will be found search and rescue teams have made contact with lifeboats and life rafts for out the course of the day but no people so far no survivors crucially have been found as a very similar story to that of sunday and largely this is owing to the fact that this oil rig sank so quickly in bad weather conditions that swept away many of
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these lifeboats before it seems people could board them and we're looking at a very grave picture present if there are any survivors though been in the water for well over twenty four hours now typically given nighttime conditions that means planes can't fly and can't be used to try and search out any signs of life indeed throughout the course of monday we have seen the number of people found dead and mounting as for those who have been found alive for so far fourteen in toto took place on sunday where they're plucked from the water shortly after the sinking of this oil rig for the were immediately flown out to sakhalin here for further treatment a day have been ruled that they're in a fix and good state and that she those four have undergone questioning in it because this case is a criminal case has been opened to try and find out what exactly happened some of
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the theories that have been put forward so far looks of perhaps as this oil rig took on a significant amounts of water which meant it sank very quickly it's all occurred approximately two hundred kilometers off the coast of sakhalin in russia's far east as it already has been towed support by an icebreaker a very bad weather conditions now of course the search and rescue operation is still ongoing there are many more still missing and expecting it continue throughout the course of the evening. well arty's crew is in the region following the developments for you hopefully we're going to show you more of how the rescue is progressing for the coming hours both from the air and in the sea as well as hearing as well from those desperate relatives about information wanting information with another for there's always as well a covering on all website as well are to go home tonight we've got it through the
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eyes of a witness to a tragedy unfolding how he saw the survivor recalling the final minutes before that oil rig so quickly capsized in just twenty minutes is that our dot com. japan is voicing fears of a possible military escalation in the korean peninsula following the death of the north's leader kim jong il the warning follows a state of emergency and military alert declared by south korea china in turn has expressed its condolences but it's also reported to have sent troops to its border with the reclusive state it's all been driven by phase of a possible succession conflict now as the late lead is youngest son kim jong un prepares to assume power the country's declared a period of mourning with state t.v. showing outpourings of emotion from across the country and it is in this in our reports now of the man who personified north korea's communist state. a mystery to the world what now for north korea with its leader kim jong il gone this massive
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military parade was held in two thousand and eight to mark north korea's sixtieth anniversary general kim jong il wasn't there to greet the crowd with word suggested he suffered a stroke in two thousand and three reports claimed kim jong il died of diabetes had been replaced in public by stand ins hired previously as a security measure he never spoke to the media had a profound fear of flying and ate with special chopsticks which could detect poison rumors have surrounded the so-called supreme leader throughout his life beginning with. according to one source he was. born in the soviet union in one thousand nine hundred forty one during his father's exile all kim jong il's official biography claims his birth was heralded by the appearance of a double rainbow. our people take pride in the fact that they are blessed with great leaders from generation to generation. the leader of the democratic people's
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republic of korea since one nine hundred ninety four he succeeded his father kim il sung keeping korea close to the world kim jong il was also named supreme commander of the people's army one of the largest in the world with one million active troops and over four million reservist it's believed enormous funds allocated to its military might ate up north korea's resources needed to fight famine and other social problems but kim jong il and his regime tried to put on a different show when along with a globe a glimpse inside. our top or a big general. thank you so much ours you know after the korean war the demilitarized zone was drawn up sending north and south korea into very different directions decades on the north remains a closed communist state the south a modern democracy an innovative success story north korea has caused global outrage in recent years testing patience by carrying out underground nuclear test
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and short range missile launches leading to u.s. and un financial and military sanctions it is now not a matter of the united states and north korea it is really a matter of the region saying to north korea that it has to change its behavior russia has tried to be a mediator for peace on the peninsula by pushing for negotiations. in the asia pacific region this serious potential for conflict and there's no alternative but to set up dialogue and improve understanding between this cycle in twenty ten new cars of the op around the new. forthwith talk of the possible next leader that's when kim john on became a four star general and first moved into line to take over for his father oversaw tensions reached its highest point in decades after the north launched an artillery strike that left four dead south korea continue to hold large scale war games with the u.s. and japan and wants conflict would break out if another attack was launched now kim
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john on a young and inexperienced leader is at the helm and will either open the door or continue to keep it shut this were a way station was built in two thousand and two with hopes of connecting seoul and pyongyang but the north korean regime backed out at the last minute making this the last stop train heading back into the south now with kim jong il knew that perhaps the week would be a train heading in. that it might have the most secretive end of. the world he's now artspeak korea. but with korea preparing to take his first steps on the new leadership now the world's waiting to witness the country's next move to discuss what may may know that list told the director of the center for political military analysis at the hudson institute dr richard bipes dr good to see you thanks very much the program in a recent article you argue that kim jong il's policies are at the root of the
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north's current economic predicament a predicament has begun on a day for many years because. well the regime has been given clearer opportunities to change in the sense that kim jong il traveled around tyner he's probably aware of what progress that south korea and other east asian countries have made in the past few decades in terms of arising there condom experience prosperity and so on but they his regime has chosen not to pursue that route presumably because he was concerned that an economic liberalization would risk political over his asian and weakening of the can have its control so they've chosen political domination saying that tall tall tyrant system even if the cost of prosperity and often the starvation of his people and the majority of them of the majority those sanctions initiated the course of the us
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. not the sanctions problem the problem is the economic policies i mean they don't rely in communism a you they use the kind of system that the soviet union had in the thirty's and china had in the fifty's and sixty's very outmoded economic system which we now know does not work and but it does ensure political control over the peasantry and allows them to extract resources from the people which they can use to pay off the regime supporters in the military and so on all russian really get the message the you know you don't think the system is a very good system but you know should the west have been trying to deal with it in a different way rather than installing these sanctions i was talking about except for except the way that is dealt with north korea should be different game plans. well i think that you could fault the united states and some of the other countries
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for the way they dealt with the incipient nuclear program out of north korea we know they had program for several decades but there was a time early on where it might have been stopped or delayed if the country hadn't felt so threatened but because of the way what happened in the united states and nine eleven and the iraq invasion and so on it was a combination of frightening the regime and not pain such an intentional that's going on in korea that allowed it to become possibly a nuclear weapon arm state and we had a day have and they've exploded a nuclear device it's not clear if they have a nuclear arsenal but still it's now much more dangerous country than it was so should america for instance i've been trying to work closely and better with him from the start regarding the nuclear issue which has been one of the big cruxes of the of the arguments all the way along the line and if you wind the clock by gov a box of ninety four if i remember correctly. a crucial was not
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a for nuclear energy agreement with pyongyang a but was renee gone. the problem of course was that the reason we ended up with that deal was because in one thousand nine hundred two became clear that the north koreans were cheating on their agreement with international energy and were pursuing a nuclear weapons program so we've got to stay where they are the clinton inspirational says during going to war with north korea but sad recall president carter went there and they worked out a deal and it's clear i mean both sides didn't implement everything north korea and our climate and get the economic and other compensation they expected. from the other powers united states claiming that north korea didn't totally stop its nuclear program so perhaps a deal could have been struck down a bit more efficiently but i think most people would have been happy if that deal is stayed and where and how that broke down and we end up with a more unfortunate situation but the pulse let's just quickly look forward to. the
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guy i think will be in charge he's in experiences that are a danger that inexperience might be taken advantage of by the military. yes i think that he's got a big problem if his father had lived maybe another five six more years that would have given him time to ensure that he could have succeeded him again and not thorough enough experience to be looked upon but what we have now is the father is dead he still has some family member supporting him but if you're a sudden dear old general in north korea you know you maybe you fought the americans maybe you've done other things i want to place your country's fate in the hands of a twenty plus something year old youngster is not very appealing so i suspect we're going that what that kind of test of succession and that can either lead the country the country to focus in word or as we saw in two thousand and ten it could happen negative or reacts and counter for all of our say we're all going to be
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threatened by missile launches nuclear saber rattling and so on story we're keeping a very close call it's much appreciated senior fellow and director of the center for political military analysis at the hudson institute things. israel says it plans to build over a thousand new homes of these jerusalem in the west bank in spite of a speeding up of settlement construction in response to palestine succession to unesco palestinians say peace negotiations are impossible while settlement expansion continues paul asli is following developments. what we're hearing is that the israeli government has announced it will be building more than a thousand housing units across the green line on palestinian land now the purpose of the housing units is to try and help alleviate the shortage of accommodation particularly among young israeli couples in the jerusalem area but no doubt this announcement will draw the anger of the international community as indeed have similar announcements in the past certainly it does not bode well for any kind of
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resumption of peace talks between the israelis and the palestinians it seems out a strong message that the netanyahu government is not interested in sitting down and talking with the palestinians while at the same time continuing to build settlements on palestinian land while we're talking palestinians in the west bank all celebrating and this is because of the release last night sunday of five hundred and fifty palestinian prisoners from israeli jails this was the second phase of an israeli prisoner exchange swap that was carried out back in october you remember there that the first phase of this prisoner exchange deal started that will ultimately see more than a thousand palestinian prisoners released for one israeli soldier gilad shalit who has already returned to israel now it was a time when clashes broke out shortly before the exchange last night took place these clashes were between israeli soldiers and families waiting for prisoners to come back the soldiers were firing tear gas and rubber bullets the palestinians
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were throwing rocks and burning tires so you do have this policy which seems quite strange to some observers on the one hand is well that hearing to prisoner exchange deal and seemingly one thousand to move forward and create some kind of of negotiations with the palestinians but on the other hand we do have this flare up in violence and we also have this continuation in settlement building by the netanyahu government is rose aggressive policy threatens to split the jewish state from its western allies with no real political goal of view of doctors from the palestinian israeli peace. the whole idea of punishing the palestinians by building another one thousand units in. the west bank is a big mistake for the point of view of the israeli interest. is the direction that this government is taking they were action is to work. against the
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palestinian demands of stopping all settlement buildings but more so i'm afraid that it works also against is the interest. i will. in your. building in united states the move can save you a clue and now the day against you settlement building on a large extent building this is not the time to have a fight with the europeans or with. at r.t. dot com tonight from festivities to fire on our web site is independence day turns deadly in kazakhstan but updating on that story for the last couple of days when angry mall burning thousands of buildings their industrial action goes on the. more about that online tonight. also why doing all the bank is say to get us out of recession is already a tried and failed formula reports on argentina which discovered the hard way a decade ago.
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security forces opened fire on a military protesters in cairo killing at least three egypt's health ministry says the total number of casualties following days of renewed violence now stands at fourteen with seven hundred reported injured let's go live so while there is a local blogger and journalist in cairo for a look at the recent developments there you live on r.t. hope you can hear us thanks for being with us why is kevin zero in egypt two thirds of the way through its long election process to replace the military government we know why on protesters allowing the democratic process to conclude and take its not full course. the demonstrators do not believe that the democratic process as it's called is will really. lead to
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democracy they have no faith that the military will leave any kind of power and they don't believe that everything has been fair so far from from the perspective of the military council at least they been very biased in how they've handled everything and one of one such example is allowing a particle like in ur which is based on religion to exist the law clearly states that such a party should not exist and yet the military has not done anything to uphold the law and so in a. sort of environment where there is no laws there are no laws being upheld how can we be even sure that the democratic process will take place particularly because even the parliament the powers of the parliament are being negotiated by
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the military. so people are demonstrating because they don't believe that the military's control over every aspect will will eventually lead to any sort of democracy and what seems to be the view of a lot of our guests that we've talked of the last couple of days as we bring our viewers the latest on this but the same message seems to come by their view is that it's that the military instigating reacting to the crowd so then the military can turn around and say hey we need to be a long term to control this on really mall but can you see the reasoning there. absolutely in order to see the past events we must really look at the context of these events over the past ten months and the fact of the matter this might be shocking to some that not a single month has passed without the army creating some sort of violence. or some sort of violent act killing people dispersing protests they've been very consistent
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and systematic in their use of violence and instigation and none of the none of the events have been investigated at all at all and so even if they promised investigate these events people have no faith at all that they will particularly because there are so many reports that it's always the army that starts it's always the army that instigates protestors and they've been doing very provocative. things like detaining a lot of women and beating them one of the military personnel. he was doing really horrible like signs with his hand and holding his privates and and doing a lot of the really provocative things and as soon as things would calm down they were really instigate the violence again so i see the reasoning is absolutely correct so even when the result does want the violence to continue even when the results of the election made know what's going to happen then as far as you see it
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. things are going to calm down. i don't think that things will calm down for a lot of reasons we don't know what's going to happen after elections already there seems to have been a deal with the mist about the elections. but some people think that confrontation between the islamists and the military is bound to happen so people think that they might have a deal but in in the very end we don't expect that things will calm down because the way things have been running the country is really just like a mob running running the country rather than a real government so people will not allow. criminal activities to govern and they want the rule of law thanks for the program well ask and local blogger and journalist joining us on the line from cairo there appreciate it. tackling
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military violence against civilians has taken a turn elsewhere in the arab world to syria has now signed an agreement letting in our league observers to monitor how the regime is dealing with the unrest in the country the league threatened the u.n. security council to take action unless damascus agreed the arab groups already suspended syria's membership refusing to comply with a peace plan to get president assad withdrawal troops and start a dialogue with the opposition. another new user must burial has been organized from was seven hundred victims of the flash floods in the southern philippines in the city of illegality fifty unidentified bodies already buried there is still a struggle to help survivors caught by the deluge that was triggered by tropical storm and high tides the red cross says to me it's about eight hundred people still missing. thousands of people rallies across italy in protest of hysterics and cuts which include tax and pension changes a bailout package of over thirty billion euros was recently approved by lawmakers headed by mario monti's new technocrat government is expected to be passed by the
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senate by the end of the week but many believe the brunt of the cuts will be borne by the poorest. coming up to twenty four minutes exactly past ten o'clock at night moscow time but about sport for you shortly about twenty minutes with dmitri i'll tell you where the latest achievements of british go for lee westwood let's get across the business now actually. cloned a very warm welcome to the program russia's prime minister vladimir putin is calling for a corruption probe at state and power companies inspections will take place in the next two months that will include forums such as gas from the. bank the milestone announcement was made at the country's largest power plant business. is there with the details. of the government meeting devoted to the power sector surprised many of its started in the routine way with large zimmer putin announcing new investments in the sector but none of that was done the prime minister devoted half
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an hour to naming people in the industry suspected of corruption he highlighted how top managers used offshore a company is and i feel it's still siphoned off madea he called these schemes a legacy of wild mind his and said russia has to make sure to check sectors worked in a transparent way. if we want to good investment climate we do not accept offshore schemes any longer especially in the infrastructure sectors those who want to keep profiteering you welcome it's in compliance with the law but withdrawing money from the country to free companies cannot be accepted we need to pull the plug on the legacy of the arrow capitalism. what's different this time is that it appears to be more than grant awards officials and managers have been put a lot has cleared up your act all software as a consequence is that you're not going to call a business r.t.
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siberia. well it's been called the deal of the here by russian business magazine the contras stock exchanges have completed their merger the r.t.s. and will continue to trade a separate indices but the trading platforms clearing systems and data centers will be integrated the new exchanges expected to go for the public listing in twenty thought maybe to raise at least three hundred million dollars the merger is an essential part of the government's plan to promote moscow as an international financial center. let's have a look now at how the markets stop performing this hour u.s. stocks so low off to comments from the european central bank chief injected a fresh load of pessimism into the markets. and european stocks will lower as your area policymakers discussed additional financial support through the i.m.f. to the last point seven percent while the debts was up point five percent lower. and finally here in russia the markets close in the red to quarter percent while
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the might six finish just a dollar that's now have a look at some of the individual moves on there my six some energy majors are in the rock falling but in a speech produced. more than three percent after russian prime minister says the company should cut its consumer prices by twelve and a half percent next year gas monopoly gas promo also posted losses off to vege mr newspaper reporters it spending may rise to fifty five billion dollars next year russia special monopole the metal company blaster increased production by as much as twenty percent and twenty twelve expect to go to rebound of two thousand dollars an ounce but since. two main factors that affected the day straight. the. new. six largely in the bag or blue to go. to raise taxes on the nature
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of. a looser the crowd who invests in the old shareholders neither spoke second biggest story was the score one three goading the field to his own homes was a performance of the cutest were pretty mixed for the last i would say were the key factors throat incursion market. ok that's it for now i'll be back about fifty five minutes from now for more financial news here on archie and you can find more analysis on our web site archie dot com slash business.
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culture is that so much is it going which of course you write on it comes here it is like a pleasing phoenix rising from the ashes newt gingrich again shows himself to be a major figure in american politics does he represent the republican party. wealthy british style. is not tied to the tires on your car. market why not. come.
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