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tv   [untitled]    December 19, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EST

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welcome back this is actually the headlines. nine of the eleven bodies recovered from my civil injuries have been identified as did days after an oil rig count size in russia's far east region survives a disaster but rescues a continue a desperate so much to fish choose to missing hoping for a miracle to find mold those unaccounted for and a massive and since a. cloud of uncertainty descends in eastern asia as the death of north korean leader kim jung il leaves neighbors on the edge with growing fears and by a conflict would follow his demise. his robe which is from all settlements announcing over
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a thousand new homes in east jerusalem on the west bank in response to palestine is progress toward state. and our next hour interview show spotlight and host talks to former k.g.b. officer and jim a deputy under a google is wanted by british police on suspicion of the murder of an exam didn't think. and welcome to. the show our take. on. this political season brought. back into this world the british authorities keep claiming and for now iraq is the main suspect in the murder plot has dramatically changed his position. and investigation into the attempted murder
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considering a victim of what's true and how long will this matter keep score. is there any chance that both sides will finally turn to. fix the suspect himself the former security officer turned politician. british citizen i'm sure my k.g.b. operative alexander litvinenko died in london five years ago his death was later attributed to poisoning with rare and expensive polonium two hundred ten which made the case a true story and dre little boy who was the last one to meet with him and then called before he was rushed to hospital is chief suspect but the russian side treats him as a big team to conduct speed solem best to gauge moscow's refusal to extradite lugovoy after the killing has long soured its relations with longer.
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than welcome to the show. over his first of all i'd like to congratulate you on your reelection to the state duma kept a seat in the parliament true we needed and will continue to work for the benefit of russia. trade. to the case you have been involved in russia with i sees as far as i understand russia has never stopped its pro bowl to look for one cold case and you have now been officially found to be a victim why did investigators announce the decision just recently five years says those events took place in london walked into investigators uncover new evidence. something i'd like to point out is during these five years russian investigators have been quite active they questioned a large number of witnesses personally i had to testify several times a year as i understand they managed to get some new information and since we're talking about the radioactive substance called polonium two ten this to gators how to conduct some serious examinations they must have been very complicated because
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it's apparently was the first time law enforcement ran into such a kind of substance use obviously they got some data from these examinations at the same time they were detectives kept working of course i don't know any details of their activities so based on all of that the investigator made the decision he made . russian investigators say that the late listening. to the polonium at that idea with the two to improper handling. one yes they allege that he was attempting to sell its. and they say that it was exactly well made saying with you in your pardon mr colton. that he was handling the polonium improperly even is that true we don't. have to it was my theory it was me three kaufman and myself who suggested that litvinenko may have been poisoned for improper handling off polonium you know much the same way you may have improper handling of
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a firearm for example natural in the course of these five years we conducted our own investigation perhaps we can truly call it in this to give but at least we often pondered trying to figure out what could have been the cause as well the russian investigators i don't know what theories they're looking at because they don't tell. us anything about it but what's important is that they're able to question and conduct examinations involving russian citizens in two thousand and seven when russian investigators went to london they were denied the right to question anyone except for borys it is also anyone with a very soft transcript of the questioning appeared later on the internet and it was called an interview interrogation and there's also give them a budget in contrast to scotland yard who was not limited in its activities during their trip to russia and after they questioned us we were not allowed to cite any of the facts mentioned there because we sign a non-disclosure agreement. they know that the russian investigative committee has arrived at this new conclusion does it intend to go over to london for further
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investigation what is the next step of. you probably won't believe it but the fact is that over these five years russian investigators have received only one a formal request from the british authorities but their request for extradition so suddenly in their turn russian this to gators have filed more than ten requests asking their british counterparts if you conduct certain activities examinations in questioning of some witnesses unfortunately the u.k. never replied to any of their requests submitted by the russian prosecutor general's office which may be the u.k. does not respond because it's extradition request was declined. because here's what i have to say on the issue many countries in the world do not hand over their citizens and it's not true that the u.k. and the u.s. have similar laws in fact every year russian records you hear about three kind would cases were russian citizens are accused of crimes they committed abroad
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requests from abroad you for they committed a crime outside russia the country in question gathers evidence and sends its going over to russia through official channels. the fact that russia's law enforcement has named you a victim in this case it appears as actually a blessing for you you're not facing the calls here you guys if you're not. viewed as a murder suspect in russia any longer in fact i've never been regarded as a suspect i was a witness in the case anyway this is positive news for me personally as well as my lawyers and the prosecutor general's office of cold on scotland yard to send over all of the evidence or for their investigation there are many documents in this case we have never received the results of the examination that we will this is a positive news for you know what we have to remember about the price you had to pay for it you were exposed to radiation were significant was the damage to health it was serious enough to detect the early symptoms over radiation sickness it was a serious as that which we believe. it was last treatment yes i did had to spend
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about a month in a hospital that was moscow clinical hospital number six which is now part of the federal medical biological center employees specialists who previously work its nuclear power stations and so on the treatment involved many intricate procedures we had to do a long list of tests every day and samples were analyzed using some complex math formulas and thanks to prompt intervention by russian doctors the disease was nipped in the bud. as it would just mean you don't have any symptoms now no long term effects on your health. no there's been no effects except for the fact that i have to do medical checkups more often than a regular person would have two or three times a year if that other doctor's advice is to sell it yes sort of pretty used fine russian investigators now say that whole of you of littering go. where victims in this case should be but who do they accuse of. attempted murder. it was
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well i believe it is as follows. with any crime you should look for a person who benefited the most from it i did not have any motive to kill with the nanny and in fact he's family thinks so too. so who could benefit in this case i think it's been. boris berezovsky. for me personally he's among the prime suspects and look let's not forget that it was. very soft to get political asylum in the u.k. . came up with a story about a former soviet citizen who was supposedly assassinated with a poison pen my lawyers told me about that case and they have free access to it's near to the peepers listen in ca was the only witness in a case a very soft getting political asylum it's true i didn't invent this it's true that barry's office he was granted political asylum illegally six months before they left litvinenko without any money it's important to realize that listening to lived
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off the loans provided by berezovsky and stayed together with his family in a house owned by very soft even though there is also often says that he can encode to get an apartment the truth is that the house still belongs to barry's soft skin linton and co so we know does not deny that it is. said that your initial theory was improper handling of radioactive materials is probably just a word now you're saying it was better is off scale benefited the most trouble is an enclosed. to accuse berezovsky of being behind this tragic event do you still think happened by accident. it's not a car show only one theory i can give you two more possible scenarios for example according to littering call himself he was actively involved in what he said was exposing russian mafia and the murder could have been intervened. the reports did mention the name of some spaniard yes also listen in to those widow confirmed that
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he worked for the intelligence service or for the security service i'm not sure which they have subordination so he could not have acted on his own initiative this whole story geopolitical. story it was a huge scandal no doubt about that. i just want to police it on the timeline two thousand and seven the murder of on the scale of the death of lithonia thousand and eight the conflict between south a city in georgia there was a whole chain of high profile events with the latest the which is hillary clinton's statement that the russian parliamentary election was a legitimate also this murder could have clued into the hands of some circles oprah dish and maybe american society. you will have to not society but some political forces. british secret service is a bigger role than all the kawi so you don't accuse anyone you just say you had several theories but anyway the trail first leads to bear results it was various off he could provoke lupin in ca to make nereus kinds of allegations it was
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berezovsky committed luton in co leave russia in i think it was beer is also british secret services approached first which it is just personal and that it was on your part but i do this with business partners or other. we did not have any falling out there was no enmity of prior to this event even after the death of luton income and despite the fact the various office was making those allegations very self skews family members while in london were protected by russian border guards from security agency in moscow the contract was not canceled until two thousand and eight so berezovsky family at the currently at a reason to trust me he didn't really see us will badri patarkatsishvili i last talked to him in two thousand any which was a year and a half since the death of lipman in several days before his own death was at arkansas it was there is also use closest friend and partner through any and he did
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not believe i did it with and stayed in touch with me so personal animates he had nothing to do with it perhaps somebody would like it to be this way but that's not true says a little boy for we were security officers spotlight will be back shortly break so stay with us we'll continue this interview. wealthy british style sign. on. the. market. was really happening to the global economy. the global financial headlines.
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this was the plan that was responsible for causing the world's worst industrial disaster and now it had been abandoned in a condition where it had become a source of pollution of the most recent study that was done shows that this water pollution and spread of. more than hundred thousand people. walking and. more likely to be born with birth defects in children. in the scene as little as five hundred dollars for lifelong.
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unpunished. welcome back to spotlight i would love and just to remind you that my guest on the show today is. of the i let me quote alexander litvinenko she said among other things i should like you to show some courage and come to london and until your side of the story to the british colt with sugar somewhere let's get a lot of periods in london since litvinenko was murdered what do you intend to go there at some point yes of course old like to tell you that i signed a contract with a major british legal firm this summer my interests in london are now represented by british lawyers league corners scored at its first session on mock case in
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october. who were there by the way they found out about the hearing by accident and then when you were not not to fight about the hearings so if it was not for that consonance either they could have easily accuse me once again of hiding from a justice or my lawyers appearance at the corners court was a shock to them since no one expected me to be represented there at all we made several statements demanding that hearings be conducted in the standard format we also demanded the status of a party in interest in the case so in the corner scored is quite an interesting institution there's nothing like that in the other european countries it was the coroner's court that used to identify the cause of death before the case goes to. the corners court does not convict but it gives all parties involved in the opportunity to state their positions in certain of court documents we called for an expanded hearing what the british government at scotland yard and the crown prosecution service objected because they don't want the documents in the case to
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be made public the gluten in because we'd also called for a wider inquest so now we are waiting for the next hearing which will probably take place early next year when the. case has for years been the main stumbling block in russian british lation spotlight has more on this story. the last ten years have seen moscow's relations with london more of the by mutual aspinall shelagh ations and extradition disputes though it in and case caused russian british relations splines to caldwell levels of the relations have recently improved military men cookies remains part of the gender of the three high profile meeting between the two countries politicians on xander early to an anchor a former russian security officer fled russia in two thousand escaping legal charges of abusing his power at work in two thousand and one he was granted
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political asylum in london where he became a journalist and a writer criticizing the kremlin spall this is in two thousand and six litvinenko fell ill the doctors established he had been poisoned by a rare and expensive radioactive matto pool that one could died three weeks later on the day he fell ill that even then committed to russian businessman andrey lugovoy and me cheek often british investigators can see those who were to be the chief suspect in the case and won him extradited to the u.k. russian law does not allow for russian citizen to be extradited to other countries without a trial at home but british officials have refused to send their evidence to russian investigators the russian investigative committee has meanwhile declared lugovoy was also a victim of poisoning as he was exposed to pull on him and had to undergo serious treatment in moscow. voigt how do you feel about the fact that many
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people consider you personally love with to be the main hurdle that is preventing the russian u.k. relations from improving their rights or certain extent. you know i have thought about it i find it a little strange and it's a disservice difficult to come to terms with the idea that i am now a historical. figure that he so to speak. not in the sense that i have to reform some great deed of course it's strange to be an issue that to be construed as cannot agree on my position is that the british side using entirely to blame for that. let us return to the current us call it. isn't is better typical for the u.k. court system. said the court is to determine the cause of. the current us courts recognize the name was in fact killed doesn't support your version about him and as a result of an accident. the court has yet to look into that the hearing this was
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preliminary its objective was to determine the interested parties in the case these parties have been recognized myself mr litvinenko presented to absolve the u.k. government on the court's own initiative mr kaufman unless i'm mistaken there is no suggestion was made to recognize the russian government as an interested party as well i don't know that for certain people i know is that the coroner's court has submitted some questions to the russian embassy which is i understand. sized the same question he says over and over whether we are him please of the. begin i have to repeat that that we were employees of the k.g.b. during the use a saw a period and then we work for the federal guard service. there the next question is whether if he blew up residential houses in moscow in one thousand nine hundred ninety provoke a war in chechnya this questions have nothing to do with the case. and in the past
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couple of years you have been the owner of a private security firm right. yes yes that's right it's a private security firm but that's just the main business and apart from that we also had stakes in a large number of other companies. let's get back to the courts the easiest way to stop. the cause of death is to started a post. as far as i know to date no one except for those who did the examination he does actually see and of course some of the other papers delivered to the coroner's court know they were not in when the coroner who presided over the course but it's a question to the official from the crown prosecution service explaining that he needed to decide on whether to hold an expensive door closed hearing it was a barrister from scotland yard stood up and requested the courts to put off the hearing for two weeks because they needed together some more documents two months have passed since this court session has not taken place nor his scotland yard provided the peepers. i don't think there could be any new information as far as
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post-mortem papers are concerned whatever they were filled in five years ago but it will contain the same information until their turn to dust up in the archives you will know exactly maybe scotland yard was not prepared for such a situation maybe they expected this first hearing which was a preliminary one take some decision with these it with. their also reports in the lead that the crown prosecution service. in some new evidence on the case which was handed over by scotland yard if you heard anything about that evidence i don't think it's anything serious must be just the media report in the journalist must've misinterpreted the facts at the coroner's court hearing the officers of scotland yard rose up and said they needed two more weeks to hand over the remaining papers to the prosecution service would you maybe there is a certain procedure maybe it's to do something else where you can my lords doubt that there could be new documents what's more likely is that they just need to provide more people or some type of those that they submitted along with the
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extradition request also heard another interesting interpretation russian investigators say you're no longer a suspect a witness say no longer a witness but a victim yes of particulars is it possible that the british authorities move mr cole to be a friend of yours who. from the witnesses latest on to the list of suspects this city. is it possible now has the i read of such an option in the paper of a reporter from the sunday times. because they're always taking an aggressive stand it was apparently were of the same is bathers which you know if that happens i will discontinue that any contact with the british side and i will not comment in any way participate in this case why is it then that it's ok to suspect you but not ok to suspect they weren't suspecting that's all very messed up but when the truth is that there is no new evidence i must tell you that that meeting of ours that was in
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there ever captured by anyone. as to how many people there were and who they were because the location we used was not equipped with surveillance cameras and it's also unclear what foundation there can be for prosecutions to come up with any charges to be merely polonium traces in regards to that i'd like to say once again that is a substance that requires some very serious studies i don't know whether what i'm going to suggest this are possible for legal reasons i just have this idea if there are x. person russian experts in britain why not submit both these reports to some third country with a reliable expertise in nuclear materials so that they could carry out an unbiased chad. because they were you just mentioned that one of the theories is that litvinenko was employed by british secret service has. something you always been saying there was no proof to back it up if this has been proved in the courts and breaking it in that that indeed collaborated with britain's secret services russia
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what does this make your position stronger. i think it does first of all whenever i was seeing previously i was accused of lying and now it turns out that i was right so no it's the other side that's lying that's one thing nothing is and that's something i want to emphasize which is the british secret service. are a very serious secret organisation with strict subordination between employees and different levels and therefore no matter what lieutenant could did he could not have done it on his own initiative and finally this is going to prove all my previous statements to be true that being an undercover british agent and listening to travel to georgia would cross the georgian border and through the gorge would further cross border to chechnya and i think to come barging about cari as well. ok five. thousand which written has charged a number of russian citizens with a spear and there were a series of spies canales. do you think that britons obsessional seeing spies
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everywhere was triggered off the so-called polonium scandal or isn't perhaps true that russia's secret service has a soul fully active in great britain. you know the secret services are a separate room no matter what their relationship is like it's going to states they always do their work a bit i'll give you one example back in the soviet times when russia was france with a warsaw pact states he's sure me for instance that on their secret services still work against each other too quite often that that's why i cannot rule is shot especially if you consider who those ten russian undercover agents arrested in the us were swapped for i see it three out of four worked for m i six strange isn't it these are opportunists were arrested in the us but the swap was with britain going to get that's the game's secret services play it's just about thank you very much for being with us and just the rumor and get it right get publish ok well i'm getting politicians and form of security and that's it for all of us if you want to test yourself out like you could always go. back
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a little bit and comment on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay on our team and take.
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