tv [untitled] December 19, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EST
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hello again this is see the headline. not only eleven bodies recovered from the icy waters have been identified as two days after an oil rig count signs in russia's far east fourteenth the brunt of the disaster but rescue is a painting in a desperate search for the forty two still missing hoping for a miracle to find more of those unaccounted for and a massive sea said. a cloud of uncertainty descends into eastern asia as the death of korean leader kim jong il needs to neighborhoods on the edge with growing fears of violent conflict with its demise. and pushes for more settlements
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announcing over a thousand new homes in east jerusalem under was to find their response to palestine progress toward statehood. as the headline is now let's go back to all she's a no show for pot. over the past month we reported on police departments from oakland to los angeles which have rated occupy encampments that have previously been allowed to stand evicting people who for months have made makeshift tent cities their homes this past saturday marked the three month anniversary of a very different looking occupy wall street movement and despite the fact that many cities have lost those encampments those who started the demonstrations called on their peers to keep the protests life the action was labeled occupation two point zero and called on demonstrators to reassemble near the originals a park site to continue their public opposition to corporate greed and the growing gap between the one percent and the ninety nine percent so hundreds of protesters showed up and watch a square including a smaller group of demonstrators who are on day fifteen of the hunger strike and
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those who are into art a square attempted to take over a nearby twenty eight wall street church who helped occupy wall street movement in its earlier days when the demonstrators tried to seek sanctuary on the church's property they were met by several police officers who promptly began arresting people was the odd. how to. the eve of the. about fifty people were arrested as they try to scale a fence the restricted the property surrounding trinity church i wasn't the only place that people were assembling in new york city about two hundred people gathered on seventh and avenue to march towards times square and as they continued their peaceful calls for change at least two people were arrested by police while
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the rest remained under close police surveillance. we were all of the limelight oddly. like. my own. now to new york isn't the only place trying to keep movin alive there's still a strong presence at a handful of locations like nashville denver and d.c. that's right here in d.c. the occupiers and macpherson square are still going strong so earlier today we sent producer treason a sente down the street to get their take a what they're doing the movement alive. it's only going to get better and it's only going to get bigger and more people are coming and we're going to do more marches more actions more outreach to the community because you only three months you know it takes a long time to really move but this is a very hard movement with. one of the last ending encampments so people are starting to realize how critical this man is we got elections in one more year to
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get ready for we get ready to sit in. the oppression is happening you know here. i think that's one of reasons why people like to see everybody's working hard to winterize you know everybody is a little bit nervous about it but i think the weather is actually going to. the serious from that i mean if you don't know how to live out here you should be out here a lot of people have left but as they've left you had more people come in so people for example went to occupy miami so you know that's fine and then we got new yorkers and boston nights and tell me we're winterizing we got we our generators we got battery pack solar heating systems were last minute through rain sleet hail snow occupy will never go. now we should know that cities used to have a strong public presence like san francisco los angeles boston and dallas can't technically set up camp anymore they're still carrying on with regular meetings amongst organizers to keep their message of life they've also been participating in
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more targeted actions of cover the occupy our homes action which brocky buyers to foreclosed homes across the city as well as the action along the west coast to shut down ports and frankly there's more focused i might become the norm perhaps the occupation of public parks are just a stepping stone for this movement which is clearly moved on to a new phase and a new form as a third month of occupy the kids. well the entire world is abuzz over the news reported by state news agencies in north korea that king john hill known as the dear leader has died succeeding helen because son kim jong un believed to be in his twenty's and to have studied in switzerland but the truth is very little is really known about him and about the situation within the country but at this point the white house has said that they're open to engaging with north korea and the country must take steps towards denuclearization for that to occur but overall this is one situation where we see u.s. officials at a bit of a loss for words having no concept at all of what to expect joining me to discuss this is robert farley assistant professor at the university of kentucky and blogger
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at lawyers guns and money robert thanks so much for joining me tonight and like i said it's being treated like this is the biggest news story in the world right now has not left the t.v. screens the entire day what do you think that i mean what it what are people supposed to say about this do you think that everyone's a little bit of a loss i think a lot of people are really a little bit before right now because. as you suggest it's really it's really big news and everyone knows that it's really big news but no one quite knows how we're supposed to react to it the north korean regime is so opaque in terms of its own internal mechanisms and its internal workings and who's important so for if you read lots and lots of articles about it you simply find the word uncertainty repeated over and over and over again and that suggests that we don't really know. grasp on how the united states is going to react to this on how south korea or the people for one china are going to react to it and everybody is just sort of flailing around right now so when we look at the white house and we look at the
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statement they released that they would be open to talks that they still favor denuclearization in north korea i mean do you think if they're trying to put a positive spin on this absolutely i think so i think it's the right move at this point the talks over the nuclear or not do over north korea's nuclear program has been stalled for a while because for a while neither side has trust or the other have been serial backing out of the agreements serial betrayals between all of the parties and i think that a good approach in this case for the united states but also for north korea would be to in effect try to wipe the slate clean to use this and as an event which says ok well all that stuff happened before but now we have a new leader of north korea we can potentially restart negotiations with the hope of stopping the granting of enrichment on north korea with the hope of hopefully getting so true to the north korean people and so forth that should be the goal of the united states at this point now in talking about north korea's nuclear program i want to bring up something that ron paul said at the last g.o.p.
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debate and here this is really the conversation was centered around iran because every other candidate on the stage for the most part wants to bomb iran and was covert actions in operations but i think paul brought up some interesting points that i want to play the clip and then you know i'll talk about it. to be clear. g.o.p. nominee paul would be running left of president obama on the issue of iran but i'd be running with the american people because it would be a much better policy there is no u.n. evidence of that happening klepper at the in our national security department he says there is no evidence it's no different than it was in two zero zero three so the fact that they are surrounded they have a desire and how do we treat people when they have a nuclear weapon with a lot more respect what did we do with libya we talk to them we talk them out of their nuclear weapon and then we kill them so it makes more sense to work with people and the whole thing is it nuclear weapons are loaded over there pakistan
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india israel has three hundred of it we have our ships there we've got to get it in a proper context we don't need another war i understood and you make a point i want to go back to this specific line that he says essentially that when you have a nuclear weapon you get a whole lot more respect how do you think that applies to north korea that's a really interesting question and i think that some people have argued that since we found out the north korea was working on nuclear weapon or we believe that we found out that they were going to go back in ninety three ninety four the united states and south korea and china and everyone around began to treat north korea as a serious problem a major issue which is different than how we treat some other countries in a similar position we don't treat burma in the same why don't we don't treat cuba necessarily an exactly the same way or at least as a major threat and so the idea of cuba north korea having a secret weapon really made them in some ways a major player and there is
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a way i think of interpret in that as respect. at the same time i'm not sure that the respect they've gotten through having a nuclear weapon is exactly the kind of respect you want the kind of fear that you want because i don't think that having a nuclear weapon has really gotten the north koreans anything that they really want . now how do we look to there was a short range missile that was fired right after this announcement was made about kim jong il's death some people think that maybe it had been planned previously is that anything that you think should be raising red flags or should we not read too much into it it's really hard to say at this point probably the best is not to read too much into it because if a missile north korea test missiles all the time if a missile test has been planned then there's probably good reason for them not to cancel or they don't want to suggest that they're going to act in any way that's particularly different. but at the same time there is a possibility that north korea may react a certain factions within north korea may decide to shore up their own positions by reacting aggressively to foreign countries especially the south korean the united
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states that's something we have to look out and something we have to be prepared for but we shouldn't assume that everybody in north korea is doing at this point represent some kind of aggression now we talk about a difference you know factions within north korea to you and the way that the power really works there and now we have another successor about whom very little is known he's very young is not been groomed for a long time then you know how much do we know about whether the military is really ok with this dynasty continuing and whether they want more power without him i mean i think that's an interesting question to. some of the stuff i've read and it makes a lot of sense suggests that the military is pretty happy to have him like figure as a figurehead in the regime they don't want to take over. control of the regime because if the regime collapses at some point then potentially people are going to be strung up by the south korean government and the military at this point would rather be looking at cushy retirement someday somebody else in the docket when
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there are various crimes against humanity trials if indeed the regime does collapse i think it also makes it easier for people in the military but also for other factions in north korean society to have a single figurehead because if you have a single figurehead that means that you don't necessarily have to fight everyone else for control now it may be that kim jong il is simply not up to the job and i don't think we're going to know that for another few years. well i think at this point everyone is a little bit of a loss and just has to sit around and play a waiting game which really is an interesting position especially i think you know for the u.s. because normally they can take a very strong stance on foreign policy and here it's not necessarily the case everyone just has to wait robert thanks so much for joining us tonight are you very much. well the former massachusetts governor flip flops yet again to give you details and time and an unhappy hour in video game takes on a wall street corporate greed and a saudi prince invested social media. brighton
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was the plan that was responsible for causing the world's worst industrial disaster and now it had been abandoned in a condition where it had become a source of pollution of the most recent study that was done shows that this water pollution and spreading. will continue to be more than hundred thousand people. talking of the fact that children see their children to be ten times more likely to be born with birth defects in children in the rest of the country. in the sea as little as five hundred dollars for the
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hi guys it's time for tonight's top time award and tonight we're giving it to g.o.p. presidential candidate mitt romney and the four a massachusetts governor is polling pretty steadily in republican primaries across the country although there definitely is a little bit of a sense of voters want anybody but him but he is doing quite well in the fund raising to par. so you know what the establishment thinking and in fact he's raised far more than any other g.o.p. presidential hopeful member earlier this year how romney got a million dollar donation to an organization that just suddenly ceased to exist the next day but it's not the only notable donation that the romney camp has gotten
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back in july the washington post reported that a good chunk of his funds came from his buddies on wall street like goldman sachs morgan stanley and bank of america seventy five percent of his donations up until july of this year came from people who gave the max amount possible twenty five hundred dollars and his coffers were also stuff of money thanks in large part to lobbyists in fact sixty one registered lobbyist and five packs contributed almost one hundred forty thousand dollars to his campaign just in the first six months of this here and then check this out romney's donations from lobbyists actually come to more than all of his g.o.p. counterparts combined and though on the topic of pacs romney's got the area covered as we first told you months ago the super pac restore our future was actually created by several former aides to the presidential candidate several of his good buddies who all gave generous contributions through that medium as well and apparently he thinks that his super pac collecting money is from a person just take a look at romney speaking on the campaign trail a few months ago he's really was taking the opportunity to embrace the citizens
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united ruling. gracious your people my friend we can raise taxes and of course they are everything corporations are and also that goes to people so what do you think. are it's about now everybody knows that romney likes to rub elbows with those that can financially prop up his campaign there his people but every also knows that romney is one of the biggest flip floppers to ever grace the g.o.p. stage and his stance on campaign donations is no exception check out this video of romney from back in one thousand nine hundred four when he was running for u.s. senate. to get that kind of money you've got to cozy up as an incumbent to all of the special interest groups who can go out and raise money for you from their members and that that kind of relationship has an influence on the way you're going to vote but these kinds of associations between money and politics in my view are wrong and for that reason i would like to have campaign spending limits but i also would abolish tax you probably have one i don't like and i don't like the influence
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of of money whether it's business labor or any other group i do not like that kind of influence. now you don't need to get your hearing checked at one point romney was actually for limiting campaign donations and he wanted to abolish pac so we can think think progress for finding that little gem today so good thing that he never had a chance to follow through with that because otherwise he might not be where he's at the polls today and that's a real one eighty he goes from wanting to be abolished because money buys too much influence in politics i think even supervisors are of the same rights as people let's add that to the long list of flip flops that mitt's made like climate change abortion taking down osama bin laden and those are just a few of the stances where you've seen him change his stance entirely so for learning to embrace the shadowy influence of money in politics so much that he now thinks that the pacs that he wanted out loud deserve constitutional protections when they're super pacs but romney wins tonight's told time ward.
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ok guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening is r t correspondent christine freeze out and alex sites wall assistant editor at think progress dot org thanks for joining guys to be with you are i'm supposed to do a little shameless self promotion really quick but forbes today decided to put me on their list of thirty under thirty media personalities and i wanted to say thank you to them for that one and no thank you for using that really horrible picture that is my least favorite. so i have i'm still i'm still bitter about it but i had to do some shameless self promoting and. look at you i don't have all the nice messages from the two of you to appreciate it made lucian's thank you. now let's move on to something that is not cool about young americans under thirty turns out that nearly one third of americans are incarcerated by age twenty three i think that maybe there's a lot of reasons for this and we will get into them but sometimes it's just because
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people want to arrest you just for everything take a look at this clip. here's one it was eighteen the rest or seventeen tried what they saw in this you tube video going through the drive through of mcdonald's restaurant in american fork seeking out their order through the intercom and rap star employees like you know understand and truly lead to police being. right i mean you can't do anything stupid these days without getting arrested for it but really that shows you how to normalize it in one third of americans by age twenty three been arrested at some point i believe occupy wall street last year hundreds of people got arrested are people who know i'm just kidding i blame this system that doesn't rest people for the silliest thing that was a great example the marijuana arrests are another good example of how many people get locked up for whatever amount of time for that and it just makes you ask don't believe have anything better to do you know i think the drug war definitely plays
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a big role in it which a lot of people out there would say but how many people do you know that i've been arrested at this point well i was going to say i shot a friend who was arrested because the registration on his car here in d.c. was expired they can they can arrest you for that and you know this is a country where mitt romney the most boring man in america can be arrested because he slid down the hill on a block of ice that's a true story so yeah i mean like there's something clearly wrong with our criminal justice system we have by far the most people incarcerated and you can get arrested for stupid things like you know forgetting to reregister your car the d.m.v. by the way i thinking is very popular in southern california where we don't have snow did you ever do that. because when i was a kid i lived in lake arrowhead in southern california which actually does have snow so this is. no it's you know it's ridiculous and it's lives are ruined lots of money is need to relook at our system now is really on to something even more problematic with young people the season fairly just getting but. grinding dirty dancing freaking whatever you want to call it sometimes
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it even happens with the youngest and youngest of kids take a look at this kind of disturbing video. kind of an understatement. there's. really not really. there is now this school in needles can you please i don't know if i'm browsing it right they they couldn't stop grinding at their high school dances are they now just decided that they're not going to hold dances and they've canceled the winter ball they tried even renting out a larger gymnasium so the students could spread out and surprise surprise that one didn't work but i mean just gilbert right this is what teenagers do when you have hormones raging let them at least they're large i am going to say that video showed i don't know how of those kids like seven years old radio with a little kid now these words like i schooled kids right i mean and to that high schools credit they also tried teaching them like the waltz and ballroom dancing
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not that any like students in high school are going to want to learn that really. i think it's crazy i think it's unrealistic to expect that they're not going to grind you cancel the dance and instead of going to the dance for their grinding under supervision then you know all the other kids are going to go yeah my kind of somewhere on a street corner right exactly you're just going to and you're going to make even cooler by outlawing it you know which is often the case but it sounds like the great premise for another footloose movie who isn't there when telling our been there wasn't one just come out maybe is about i think. they do your he did footloose i haven't seen it well and of their original. check this out here is a new tom clancy a video game and when you watch it first and then we'll talk about what we think might be going on. just for the. stone. we are the. kids coming. down to our.
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new me to come. kind of sounds like occupy wall street maybe a little bit now they're claiming that this is about right wing extremism. i mean you have the right wingers it was a real thing and they doing route history is of course the real thing but if they get into this kind of issue these kinds of issues too i mean i don't know i'm sympathetic to one hundred six novels and a million games so they need to come up with somebody you know to be the next terrorist threat so they're like. occupy wall street sure i'm the one percent the one percent is the villains it's becoming such a popular movement i guess it's you know picking up steam among so many people around the country maybe they feel like they could sell video games if that's when the videogame a bit a little more exciting if the one percent were the villains rather than the people that said you. can get you oh yeah i guess i would know that you're right i was confused i thought that that guy that they went into his office i thought he was like a big banker and is like gold mines out you know these are the angry extremists right
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or. in order for the good guys to win in this video game you're going to like the one percent is going to reclaim control which is you know obviously you don't want to do you want to crush the terrorists it's make them stupid sorry. ok now we've seen it and we learned today that the saudi prince is going to invest as a three hundred billion dollars or three hundred million three hundred billion dollars i think into twitter now he also has huge stakes in things like apple in code in news corp and now it's twitter but i think that it brings up kind of an interesting dynamic too right because twitter is one of these organizations it's all about free speech and you look at saudi arabia which is a very free place when it comes to expressing yourself but are they supposed to say no to them you know what you think i think it calls for an experiment i think everybody needs to get together and start bringing forth all the human rights violations in saudi arabia and all the things that the rest of the world would be shocked to know goes on there and see what happens and tweet about them bring it
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out into the agreat idea you know it ok on twitter how do you really if you notice it never gets discussed on the media's actually not on fox news we never talk about giving them sixty billion dollars in arms deals or what's going on there don't have a stake in. of course you know it's really interesting especially because you know twitter was such that it had been such an influential role in the arab spring in every remaining arab monarchy or dictatorship including saudi arabia has to be shaking in their boots a little bit right now and now this guy is helping facilitate this tool that could potentially be used against the regime in the future it's kind of an interesting situation let's raise the money the money could corrupt twitter as we know it are you guys that's all the time we have for tonight but thank you so much for joining me that's it for tonight so thanks for tuning in and make sure you come back tomorrow colonel lawrence wilkerson is going back on the program in the meantime don't forget to fan of the a lot of show on facebook you can follow us on twitter if there's anything that you ever missed you can always catch the link you tube dot com slash we want to show
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you're going to find the interview as well as the show in its entirety kept coming up next. if. soon much more frightening. sums from feinstein the question is. whose firm stance on team don't come. down below the official ulti up location until i phone the i pod touch from the queue stops to. lunch all sheesh life on the go. see video on demand on t.v.'s minefield
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